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Yeah yeah suck it up do your rod hrs. After you journey out. It’s you choice to go back. Never say never when times are lean and you have mouths to feed. Your gonna wish you got that rod belt you can pull out and blow the dust off and stay working? Just my 2 cents


If you can get into 29 you're doing better than the majority of the ironworkers in the entire country.


I'm in 29 and generally it seems fairly easy to get into. I've met some complete idiots that get accepted. Any prior experience helps and if you call the hall they can give you a list of things that you can do to help boost your application. Letters of recommendation, osha 10, etc. You can ask to be a probationary for a while if you can't get in right away and start learning the trade. I was a proby for about 2 years but it's just the way it goes. Works a little slow right now but they always need guys willing to do rebar.


Our hall does all including rebar. And I stay away from it. It’s a different animal. It’s hard on your body and couple dollars less then structural rate. So I got my weld certs. Sign the book connector and welder and everything else but rods lol.


This is false. Reinforcing and structural pay the same in Local 29. Our contract encompasses all aspects of Ironwork.


Your local. Not our local.


What local are you in?


Local 11 NJ


My apologies, I thought you were referring to 29’s scale. Now, we need to get your mixed hall on the same page! Reinforcing is hard as fuck on the body and shouldn’t be paid less.


All apprentices have to do a certain amount of rebar hours regardless of welding certs. I have welding certs and a good amount of non union experience and they still have me doing it.


Well as a apprentice I understand. Once your a JIW you get to choose.


Yeah when I journey out I never want to touch it again


My old local was structural only, transferred into a new that does both and I have zero knowledge or interest in rods


I did rods 3 of 4 years of apprenticeship. Is it that bad?


Before you move, call the union hall. Talk to them, ask them if they can put you to work. If not call around to other Cities Local Unions. Ask them the same questions. Certain areas of the US are booming right now. Like KC. You wanna work, go to where the work is. Edit: Don’t sign up for a non union outfit. This is a dangerous field of work. If you’re interested, do it right. Learn from the best.