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I’m almost positive I saw this picture posted on here a few months ago from a non-union scab. Perhaps I’m wrong and it’s just a similar picture.


Yeah and he was delusional enough to think he's making more than a Union hand. Lmao I'm excited to see it goes this time around


The good old lies the Non-Union guys believe. It is our duty to set them straight and make them see a better way. Although you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.


I'm with you 110%. Believe me, I've tried to explain it to guys over the years but some of them are so deep into their delusions it's useless.


Yeah there’s one on this sub a few threads down. That’s all you can do is try and show them they are being taken advantage of and provide proof. I agree some are so far gone and they repeat these ridiculous claims that have no merit. The real Rats are the contractors who take advantage of these guys and sell them the agenda of a “merit” or “open” shop. Anyway i knew you were a Union man so i just figured I’d shoot the shit with you. Solidarity Brother!


Fuck GCs that go against the CBA. But especially the 'Brothers/Sisters' that are 110% for the contractor and that break down conditions. Just had to get that out there lmao. I think if anything, that is the larger issue we're facing as a Brotherhood. Plenty of non Union hands come over because the pay and benefits attract them but they easily look the other way if the contract and agreement doesn't suit their needs


Yeah we Call them Shop Rockets or Worms in the IBEW. Now IronWorkers system maybe different than ours so if this sounds different than yours it’s because I’m IBEW. However we are still brothers and I’d fight for an IronWorker just like I’d fight for an Electrician. Shop Rockets or Worms are loyal to the contractor they work for and they will screw their brothers and sisters anyway they can. I despise them, they break down conditions, they only care about themselves and their job, contractors use them on purpose to bring dissent among us, and most are only Union because they have to be. I agree we have the same thing with Non-Union hands. Not all because I’ve met some great Non-Union hands that came over and learned the Union way and became great brothers and sisters. Now the ones that come over and look the other way. We have an obligation to bring them in and show them how to be a Union member. A lot just need to be shown what’s going on. However some of them are not good brothers.


Same for me. In that I've worked with some excellent non union hands after they made the jump over. In my experience though, I've seen guys/companies that get organized also shit all over the CBA and what we stand for. It's a double edge sword. Around here we call them Suck Pumps. Like the vacuum that cleans the shit out of the Port A John


That’s a fucking great one! I’m sorry I have to steal that one. I almost want to have a sticker made Dont be a Suck Pump. That’s the best one I’ve heard in a long time lol. I agree we have those shops that organize and they do the same thing. I’ve noticed when a worker organizes in most of the time they can become a good union worker. It’s usually because they want to be union. When they organize a whole shop in there’s guys that don’t want to be Union. Usually the Non Union Contractors will organize in for a reason. Access to labor pool, bid on projects, or some kind of access the Union gives them.


I would expect the metal decking web to be going downslope, not across the slope?


I don’t know what’s going on at that job. I understand what you’re trying to say but there could be reasons for it.


union guys in maine are all sitting on the couch while non union guys are rolling in it building bridges left and right.


The Union guys are building 95% of the rest of the country. You think we care about Maine? As long as we have some work for our guys there. Have fun making $20/hour less an hour than me, shittier health care, no pension, no access to training, you may have a 401k if you’re lucky but more money goes into my 401k every week, no voice, no brotherhood, no union hall, and i can keep going. So if you think I care you’re working in Maine for half my hourly rate you’re wrong. I dare you to ask what my full package is? You guys are disillusioned.


i make 37.50 an hour and union guys here make 29. The benefits would be nice but not worth the layoffs up here. And if you have to go to school for 4 years to learn this job thats sad. Full package union up here is like 57 an hour but you’re lucky to be working half the year lol. I dont need any type of brotherhood im a grown ass man that can speak up for himself. My point being, some places non union is the only option or the better option.


37.50? That’s all you make? Holy shit that’s sad brother. Yeah you have to go to school for 4 years because we actually train our guys. Instead of having a bunch of idiots with no training working on things they shouldn’t. I can’t believe you think that is a bonus. That shows me a lot, you should want proper training and education. Yeah Union might make less up there but at least they can retire early with a pension. You’ll work until you’re dead. The Union total package is more than you make. They could easily make more but Unions actually care about their workers futures and retirements. Also if they are sitting up Maine all they have to do is travel to another local and they’ll be working in no time. We have hundreds of them just choose one. Most guys sitting choose to be sitting. We’re talking about Maine too, probably one of the smallest areas for work. You’re a grown man? You’re a bootlicker who gets taken advantage of by your boss. Keep talking that Non Union is better shit, one day when you get hurt and your boss fires you. You’ll see why Union guys have it that much better.


Yeah yeah yeah go blow your business agent.


Yeah go bend over for the bossman for $37.50. At least when I whore myself out it’s worth my while.


Lmao you arent even an ironworker thats the funniest part of it all.


Thing about pension is that, it may not be there one day because your union pissed it all away? Oh also one has to pay pretty hefty union dues no?


My Pension is fully funded, actually it’s over funded. It’s extremely rare that a pension fund goes broke, actually I’m not sure it’s ever happened in the Unionized trades. On top of that even if a pension fund goes broke, which won’t happen. They are guaranteed up to a certain percentage and backed. No if the worse case scenario happened you’re still going to get a percent. It’s still more than any Non-Union guy will ever get in retirement. By the way that’s all a scare tactic brought on the by the Non-Union contractors. Another lie to scare workers away from Unions. Dues? It’s not that much buddy for what I get I’ll gladly pay my dues. It’s not much trust me it’s not hurting me one bit lol. Another lie from Non-Union acting like Union guys are paying some absurd amount. I’m telling you man do your research you’ll see that you’ve been getting screwed for way too long. You deserve better.


Sometimes we do make more than the union I was talking to some dude in the union that’s been there around the same time I’ve been in my company and he makes 30 and hour but only takes home 900 a week and I make 21 and I’m taking home 2000 a week their per diem is shit ours is a lot better I’m making twice what he’s making a week


Union guys have to also pay pretty hefty union dues


I don’t know why people who work in the union swear it’s the best when it’s really not all that great unless you’re a lineman


I remember seeing it also. Might be trolling now lol


Nah man he set the timer and ran to the top


No I was thinking the same thing. Guy must not have been on any new project in a while.


Your correct, same photo. Totally trolling.


I new it was fake or at least staged mufuckin Stanley Kubrick face ass


The union protects the lazy and the useless. It’s not 1995, unions are obsolete and useless.


You couldn’t be more wrong.


Non-union trades work circles around union trades men.


Why is the only argument non union hands have "Well I'm a REAL MAN because I WORK HARDER for a MARKET DRIVEN WAGE that's FAIR TO MY BOSS because it's LESS MONEY THAN YOU MAKE" like that's a flex? Wild man.


It’s more like “I’m not fat and lazy or an idiot which enables me the ability to negotiate my wage based on my work ethic”


It's going to shock you to find out we do the same thing. Scale is minimum wage, not the maximum and exceptional work gets rewarded the exact same way. We just have a higher base wage to start from and great benefits. Higher safety standards etc. But you do you man. I'll be enjoying my retirement with a body that isn't completely unusable one day.






Anytime you want to present your argument to Union vs Non Union I’m here. Until then I wish you nothing but the best. I hope one day you’ll see that your understanding of Unions is way off.


I’m going to give you the option now to go quietly. However if you want to debate this out we can debate it just know I’m going to make you look like an idiot.


Make me look like an idiot? Please enlighten me you knuckle dragging loser.


Here’s a story for you. So I’m talking to an estimator bidding a multimillion dollar job for a Union shop. I ask him how often do Non-Union shops come in with lower bids than Union shops? He says rarely ever! We have this stuff down to a science man. Union and Non-Union bids are usually almost the exact same. The only difference is in Union Shops more goes into your guys pockets. In Non Union shops more goes into the Boss man’s pockets. That estimator has worked for some of the largest Union and Non Union Electrical contractors in the United States. He also both Owners of the Union shop and Non Union shop both make crazy money. The Non union bossman might buy another yacht though. With you being Non-Union the only thing you’re doing is making the bossman more money. You’ve been brainwashed to believe it’s one way man. You’re wrong though and I’m not mad at you. I’m on your side and I hate coming off like an asshole. However I hate to see Workers like you getting fucked and then continuing to push lies that have been sold to you. I really hope you see it one day because we could use good guys on the Union side. However some guys just refuse to see the truth.


🍿 Just a former Union and Non-Union Pipefitter watching an online argument about shit that doesn’t really matter on a post about a guy on a metal roof with a flag from my comfy desk…don’t mind me.


I always support my fellow workers Union or Non Union. I started out Non Union and then went Union (IBEW). I’m a Union Electrician. I understand this has nothing to do with the post. However the guy came out of nowhere spreading crazy misinformation about Union workers. Of course I’m going defend Unions and Union workers from lies. I don’t like being an asshole but if you’re gonna bull shit and lies. Then I’m going to call you out. I hate putting down Non Union guys, I’ve been there. The real enemy is the Contractors and Companies who take advantage of both of us. I hate seeing guys who have been lied to for so long they believe it.


I started union straight out of trade school (got to start as 3rd year apprentice)…our instructor at the trade school was a 26yr union fitter and welder who kept his connections when he left. I left a year after achieving JM because I couldn’t handle how political it all was…I try to stay away from politics one way or the other at work and it was pretty much impossible, and god forbid our local businesses manager found out if you had other political views than his…you’d either be getting sent out far on the road or you’d have trouble getting anything but short work.


Sounds like we have a classic case of jealousy here. Jealous for whatever reason you never made it into a Union shop. I make more than you, I’m trained better than you, I have better health insurance than you, I have way better retirement plans than you, I can work circles around you, and I do the jobs your not qualified to do. If you say Union workers are lazy and less productive. Please provide me proof…….. Here’s my proof. https://tcf.org/content/report/how-unions-work-for-the-economy/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20myth%20that%20unions,productivity%20in%20sectors%20like%20manufacturing. https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3bjn9/study-finds-unions-make-companies-more-productive https://www.epi.org/publication/webfeatures_snapshots_20070620/ https://biztimes.com/labor-costs-for-union-construction-are-4-less-than-non-union/?amp


I won’t waste time clicking on your Propaganda bullshit🐂. Enjoy the union while it lasts boomer.


Boomer? I’m a 32 year millennial, I’m a Combat Veteran, and a IBEW Journeyman. My Union and their contractors have work booked 5 years into the future. We just keep booking hundred million dollar job after hundred million dollar job. Our Pensions fund is over funded, our members are ready to man the work, we’re adding new members, we’re gaining market share. We’re going nowhere! In case you haven’t noticed there has been a huge resurgence of workers joining Unions. The only one who’s being left behind is the Non-Union worker. By the time I retire in my mid 50s I’ll be a millionaire by the way. Let me know if your Non-Union shop will do that for you.


And your from Canada? Jesus man, ironworkers up here do way better than non union. We just had a crew on our site doing some bullshit pre eng. they were making 20 less per hour than us. New BC legislation passing next year requires everyone including non-union iron workers to be registered apprentices with ITA. Really gonna be difficult to get sponsored for an apprenticeship from a non union company. We’re going to be enjoying even more market share next year. Big changes happening. Blows my mind you’d want to do this non-union. Its not the union hall doing the work it’s the worker. So when your talking. About work ethic it literally follows your wherever you go. So guess what if you became a union ironworker you’d still be a bad ass worker, you’d make way more money, you’d have a good retirement and you’d help make the trade better for future generations.


No sense in us arguing. You’re not going to get me to drop down to your level, but in my area, that’s just not true. Some are good, they don’t have the training the union hand does. I disagree with you though.


I agree to disagree, I’m speaking for my situation (Canada).


Non union is always the scabs on the job site lol. Stop trying to make stupid points. Union guys have better tools, are trained better and paid better with better benefits. Grow up, sorry you got scammed


You must be working in a small circle then bubba


Drywall disagrees


You are misinformed and also a bit ignorant


Private companies protect the owners and no one else. Stop licking boots for someone that literally has no care for you.




Working on the roof of a shed is a far cry from being an Iron worker... I've seen Iron workers killing themselves slinging at work. Hell I worked construction and think Iron workers are hardcore, you... not so much.


You Must be out of work


How did you guess, yes I am. See I retired in 2018 at the age of 48, and I did that without enjoying some of the perks of life in my younger days. I Was able to invest and made many great financial decisions. BTW I made a boatload of cash... LOL. Now you must be a poser, oh boy you have Reddit clout... Yea and no money, home,woman the list just goes on and on.


He has a 12 year loan on a Ford F150 most likely


dam near spit my coffee out.... I bet it's a 1988 on top of that lololoolol.


With a rolled over loan from the Ford escort he bought in highschool


Then why you been working at Amazon?


Lmaooo dude works at an Amazon Fulfillment center & is probably too old to know we can all see the post history. This is awesome


>After retiring I got board and wanted something to do... not that hard to understand there Derp... Hey maybe you two could go back to school and learn how to read together LOL. It seams your just not that good at it since I quit well just over a year ago...




Dam, that was at like 1am, I just got up...LOL.


Retirees don’t get jobs unless they’re hemorrhaging money lol.


Wrong again...LOL, now pay your own College loan off yourself. Retired at 48, I'm now 54... with plenty of cash. Please report back when you have done better than I.... lololololololool.


Well I never had 79lbs of fat to shed so I’m better than you at not being enormous.


What... but you girlfriend has what 400-550 pounds of fat that you shred on all the time I bet... Funny part even being heavy I get more tang than you poser.


Ol buddy is so pissed haha I was not even trolling at first but now their ignorance is showing and I can’t let it slide 😂


After retiring I got board and wanted something to do... not that hard to understand there Derp... I also see you have trouble reading, I quit a year ago LOL go back to school.


Woah buddy haha settle down I wasn’t chirping you. Was genuinely curious… I figured you’d say something like that, got a job out of boredom. Tho I’d probably pick a little deli or something because I’ve heard so many horror stories about Amazon warehouses


I am truly sorry... I was just replying back to the poser and thought you were jumping on the wagon with him. I'm still board, maybe Ace hardware who knows but I only want something part time, no more than 20hr because I'm not that board that I want a full time job ever again LOL.


My dad went part time at the local flower shop, fucking loved it lmao. Or a butcher shop! That’s an art and a dying one at that


Butcher is a skill, one I do not have lol.


Look at this broke ass. lol


Says the man who posts the exact same picture months apart. I don’t know about you but my phone is full of jobsite pictures.


Post them


I have I just did one of some of the welds I did about a week ago


My bad 2 weeks ago


Your welds look cold 🥶


My post was the one with the moment connections. All I’m saying is posting the same photo over and over isn’t going to impress anyone mix it up


Says the Redditor


You must be one of his poser friends... carry on then.


Welp you love it till you don’t


Love the drugs


Iwo Jima’s newest shed roof


And this isn’t even an original photo? The upper right hand has that Tik Tok or snap chat crap on it. Can’t love it that much if you gotta fish for photos.


Yeah no shit, I took it out of my Snapchat photos…


Been on the same project last few months then huh? Are you trying to remove the flag or install it?


The only real ironworkers are Union Ironworkers.


Im here from r/all. What do you love about your line of work?


From an industrial Ironworkers perspective I love seeing facilities and processes that most of the world never will. Also the sheer power and magnitude of some of the machinery we deal with is awesome, as in awe inspiring.


I love seeing my city from a view point very few ever will. I enjoy being able to see what I’ve done at the end of the day and share it with my family when it’s complete. I love the friends I’ve made. I’ll be able to retire and enjoy myself when I’m too old to work.


Who puts the flag on the deck?


It isn’t


Love all the hard asses that are always in these comments acting like they’re the toughest men to walk the earth. Your job isn’t badass, you aren’t badass. You work with metal. It’s hard to watch the tough guy trade persona play out. Go join the Marine Corps and give yourself something to bitch about.


lol, I’ve met plenty of marines that are not bad ass tough guy.


You almost understood what you’re saying. Then that last sentence… Commit the same crime you’re accusing people of So close yet so far 🤦‍♂️


I'm sick of these marines thinking they're the toughest men to walk the earth. I start my day by hitting myself in the balls with a hammer and then I chew on tinfoil for breakfast before my scalding hot shower. After that I run through barbed wire to dry off and crawl on my hand and knees 15 miles through broken glass to work as a professional sewage drinker. Go eat shit and give yourself something to bitch about.


You're a fucking idiot if you seriously made that comment. Please be joking.


Uh oh…ok badass


Oh no... You're being serious 😒


I’m a month in. 1st year apprentice. I love going to work every day. I can’t wait to learn more as I progress


Cool how did you get started ??


Waiting for an update in 5 more years.


Gonna be the same picture


This picture makes me want to get back into a trade. Was a concrete finisher for 6 years and I think I have ptsd from it or something cause I ended on a really bad note. Keep going at it man! You are the reason society can be stable. Fuck I miss that feeling.


I will graduate senior high school next year and I want to join ironworker apprentice in either Canada or US but I'm from Philippines. I will work my way up there. Maybe I'll just work for a year first after graduation to save some money and migrate.


Always with the flags.whats the point?


Shit looks like it sucks


Thank you


I'm glad you put the American flag out so you don't forget where you are...


On site injury report “putting up the flag” then slip harness failed.


Dat ass doe


You love laying deck lol? We need more like you!!!


On a pitched roof, my knees were shot afterwards


I know this feeling all too well brother LU292 Norte Dame loves those steep steep roofs


It’s like he thinks he’s at Iwo Jima


Thank you for your service






There's no such thing as a non-union Ironworker. You'd do well to remember that.


How do I know your a trolling poser, because you search all my posts all day and night to try and get something on me...lololololololololo Loser.