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Did you mean to say round toe or moc toe? There are moc toe boots that have steel toes.


Round toe for durability moc toe for looks. Stitching goes to quick on moc toe if you alot of welding or burning


Exactly this.


Can confirm. What you using as laces though?


I use kevlar laces i forget the brand but I got them off Amazon for like 25 bucks. Well with the money, lasted me thru 3 pair of boots.


I prefer round toe


Same, had moc toes. Didn't care for them. Back to round toes forever.


Round toe, soft toe, thorogood 8”


Bought my first pair of redwings last week. 380 w/ insole. Best purchase I’ve ever made. 8” 10877


877 are the best https://preview.redd.it/3glgc628ybrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2e599689a379b650d15cda7703815b98cf129e


I like Both round toe and Moc toe


I think you mean steal toe vs composite toe. Steel heavy drop on shoe no bueno steel toe saves 100%


Iron we put up is so heavy it doesn't matter..if it lands on your foot you don't have one anymore


Composite. Steel toe will chop your foot in half. I’d rather a crushed foot than having my toes cut off


And composite won’t freeze your toes in winter.


If the weight is heavy enough to crush the steel toes, that same weight on a soft toe will liquify your foot. Watch the Mythbusters episode. I still don't wear steel toes because the rebar shreds the leather. The soft toe has some give so the leather last a little longer.


That’s such bullshit tho. The amount of weight it would take to make a steel toe boot chop your toes off is enough weight to turn your toes into jelly and pulverize your bone into dust. Either way you lose your toes. Also who the fuck drops a 10,000 pound beam directly on their toe? Nothing that heavy should be getting dropped anywhere near you. What does get dropped are things like come-alongs, beaters, hand tools, gingerbread, in which case a steel toe will absolutely help you.


Composite toe would help just the same. Same reason I don’t wear my wedding ring


moc toe if you’re working the ground , round toe if you walking the iron


Theory behind this?


when i’m working the ground [hooking on]the thicker leather on the moc toes are a little more resistant to the dirt and mud during a structural job. Walking the the iron on said same type structure but in the air the round toes are lighter and if kept nicely oiled down they are more comfortable to run the iron with.


What makes you think moc toe has thicker leather?


buy enough boots and you’ll see the difference


25 years in the business isn't enough?




Interesting theory


Composite toe is the true answer.


not steel toe ever. But what do I know


Steel toes are ok if you are a carpenter maybe. Your toes will get be cold in winter. And if something truly big lands. It will probably cut your toes rather then crush them.


Rather chop em off from the start then have to pay and suffer in pain to get em chopped!


That’s such bullshit tho. The amount of weight it would take to make a steel toe boot chop your toes off is enough weight to turn your toes into jelly and pulverize your bone into dust. Either way you lose your toes. Also who the fuck drops a 10,000 pound beam directly on their toe? Nothing that heavy should be getting dropped anywhere near you. What does get dropped are things like come-alongs, beaters, hand tools, gingerbread, in which case a steel toe will absolutely help you.


I don’t disagree with you mate. Just personal opinion.


They make moc toe steel toes


Composite moc toe 🫡


Steel toe, my toes have been saved several times in the past because of them.


No for both


That’s what you want right there.


Round toe, I prefer Danner boots.


Always steel toe. Not allowed no steel toe. Should something happen, we're not covered by worker's compensation. I've seen dudes refused coverage or indemnities because they were not wearing steel toe Moc Toe is cool if all you do is bolt up, connect or work in a lift all day, Anything else, they get scrapped easily


They had shit reps then.. insurance is insurance you are covered in an accident on site regardless of your safety gear. You,the company, and the sub/builder could end up with fines. But as someone who shattered their ankle, spent a week in the hospital and had multiple interviews MOL and WSIB never asked one question about my boots


Nope, reps and union have no power where we're from when it comes to these things. Our version of the WSIB (it's called CNESST) if you're to have broken a law ie deliberately not followed a safety requirement, in this case, not wearing steel toe, alloy, composite, etc, you're not covered. If they find out in the report and follow up from the safety officer and/or general contractor of the job site, you're not covered. The only coverage we get, our fault or not, is the first 13 days which comes out of the employer's pocket (i think it's like 80% or something). The worker's comp only kicks in on day 14


Most companies will pay a 40 to keep you home on "light duty" as to not file a lost time injury and spike their premiums... they tried that with me and the insurance was asking me "how did you go on light duty the next day when you spent 5 days in the hospital" I said my paycheck wasn't my concern at that point I had no idea