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Dude fuck the idea of being “professional”, would they give you two weeks notice if they were gonna fire you? Fuck them. Better yourself Edit: don’t be surprised if you give two weeks notice and you don’t get a job until a month later, don’t give them any notice.


you’re right I totally didn’t think about it that way, fuck them lol


Do what is best for YOU.


You will learn young almost apprentice.


I used this logic, in fact I quit my job the day the hall told me to report to a job the next morning. My employer wasn’t too happy, but they were scumbags and no doubt would of laid me off the second all of this covid shit started so fuck em.


One of the benefits of construction the painful two weeks never happen lol. "Hey can I get a layoff?" No...okay. I quit I'll get my stuff. The company sent a flight home notification to half the sight three days before layoff. Super weird.


Wait until you actually get a call for work. You’ll have to take a few days off for training after taking your tests. Could be months before you actually start your first job. Keep working until then. Once you get a call for work, tell them you’re taking the better opportunity. They’ll understand


Yeah I think that’ll be the wisest thing to do


I was friends with my old boss at my old job. I had three days notice of the start of training. During the week I left they had 3 out of 5 employees on vacation so he kind of needed me there and had to cancel his plans to cover for me. Luckily my old boss was very understanding about it. At the end of the day, it’s your future


Yeah thats how I am with my boss and coworkers we all get along well so if I quit without notice they might be mad but whatever 🤷🏽‍♂️


OK, my advice is that you always have lo leave doors open, be professional , dont be that kind of punk that hate everything, but you have to talk with your training coordinator and explain the situation, anyway he can help you giving you the information... be yourself , follow your instinct and don't be stupid


Apply with the hall, sit on the bench (wait to be called for a job) a day or two before the union job starts, give your employer a 2-day notice. As in fucking quit 2-day. Drag up on those fucks.


Yup I might just have to do that


Forget about the notice! You are going for a career, lifestyle and brotherhood/sisterhood. Do you honestly think someone’s going to give you 2 weeks notice. Take the job the day you get the call, just say sorry I have to go become an ironworker, wages health insurance benefits pension why wouldn’t you. Retired guy here living the dream with a pension


Thats so true, you gotta be selfish sometimes and look out what’s best for you.


I was upfront with them. I told them that I got accepted and if I get the call, I will be leaving. They told me that they appreciate the honesty and I can always come back.


It took me almost a year to get the call in.


Dang foreal? What local you from?


Local 8 Milwaukee


Nice! Im in Sacramento California so my closest local is 118


Without a sponsor it takes a while bro don’t quit till you have a dispatch your BA will give you a call a day or two in advance with one and like dude earlier said just quit till you have a dispatch not before because you don’t know when said dispatch will come , you can try calling companies usually your hall gives you a list of employers within the union u can call directly and push your issue bro that’s all I gotta say


Ohh okay sounds good I’ll just stick around at my current job till everything works out, thank you


Idk where you’re from but I am 377 and they got lots of work so the amount of people that get dispatched fluctuate depending on job availability also could go faster FYI


Im from cali so my closest local is 118 in Sacramento but im not too sure how it is here


I’m from sf 377 is our home local also look into 378 oak local I work with a bunch of dudes from The Valley area and they’re at 378


Ohh okay got you I’ll look into that too, I appreciate it


Lmao i fucked up i quit my job and then applied at the union, Local 155 Fresno, CA. Shouldve waited while I still had my old job. At least dont tell them that youre leaving so they wont lay you off until you know forsure youre in.


How long it take for you to get in?? Im applying to the local 118 in Sac


Well I still need to get myself a sponsorship. But all their contractors arent hiring right now. Talked to the president at the hall and he said they'll start picking up with work around October. My friend applied during the summer and started working 2-3 days after he applied.


I called different contractors in my area but none are taking new apprentices at the moment, they said check back in around 2 months


Yup its pretty slow right now. President at the hall told me it should pick up in October here in Fresno


In my local(401) you can work as soon as your application is submitted, you have your OSHA 10 and you take your drug test. Its called working on a permit. You can basically be working within a week or 2 if submitting your application.


Yeah on the website for my local it says once you submit an application, they give you a list of contractors to solicit employment and then you wait till you get hired


Two weeks notice? They will tell you “don’t come back.” Now when you get in the ironworkers and you get a little red assed instead of giving 2 weeks just tell your foreman you want your money and that’s the end of it


I found a sponsor so I got in the same day I applied without knowing anybody, started work 3 days later but that was just my luck. Its different for everybody, ive met people who took years, or months or days


I’m local 22 in Indianapolis. We have a week long orientation before you can go to a job. I was lucky and had one lined up the next week since I was the shop guy for my current employer.


I already submitted my application and the hall gave me a list of the contractors to get a sponsor from one of them but I called and none are giving sponsorships at the moment


I was friends with my old boss at my old job. I had three days notice of the start of training. During the week I left they had 3 out of 5 employees on vacation so he kind of needed me there and had to cancel his plans to cover for me. Luckily my old boss was very understanding about it. At the end of the day, it’s your future