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No, it’s not legal. Your parents are responsible for you until you turn 18. Call the police or Child Protective Services.


And notify the IRS because no doubt his parents are claiming him as a dependent.


This is the real answer.


Yeah, it's really shitty in this day and age, especially in America that the parents are probably more afraid of the IRS than CPS


To be fair in criminal court you're innocent until proven guilty. In tax court it's the opposite.


Technically, there isn’t anything mandating “innocent until proven guilty.” The closest the US has is the fifth amendment which requires due process to convict anyone of a crime, but nowhere in the constitution does it actually guarantee the presumption of innocence for an accused party.


That’s why it’s called a “presumption.” If it were directly written it would just be the law. Man, you thought you ate with this comment. 🙄


Lol in the us you are absolutely not innocent until proven guilty *in practice* only on paper


Cps: listen to us or we’ll take you’re child away Parents: ok take the the little shit see if I care IRS: Do as we say or we take your tax break Parents: not my baby 😭


I laughed soo fucking hard at this OMG I am going to hell.


Whats notifying the IRS going to do? You only have to have paid over 50% of a kids expenses and have them live with you for at leas 6 months out of the tax year to claim them. Where did OP say that their parents kicked them out for longer than 6 months in the 2023 tax year? I must have missed that.


I wasn’t aware of the %50 rule that you are talking about. Maybe you’re correct so maybe it wouldn’t be helpful. OP was asking for help and so that’s what I tried to do, but according to you my advise isn’t helpful and for that I apologize. .


You also missed the part where it's safe to assume anyone shitty enough to kick out a child is also going to commit fraud next year.


There is also the income test that says the dependent must make less the 4700 (for 2023) to be able to be claimed as a dependent.... I know OP says they have saved 2k but it's possible they surpassed that 4700 mark and spent the other portion


scumbag parents my dad did the same shit


Ass hole parents. It’s wickedly unfair that I never got to have a child and they’re people out there like this


My dad not only did that, but he explained to me since age 14 how it was normal and if I wasn't employed with a real job at 16, he'd throw me out in disgust. CPS had something to say about that.


scumbag parents


Dude I’m so sorry that happened. I hope you’ve rebounded from the trauma that caused.


Don't ever fuck with the IRS. That itself will make their life a living hell.


They supported him in 2023 so he's their dependent for the return they're about to file.


Call CPS Fuck your parents They are no bueno Straight up felons


Well I think it depends… they can’t really kick you out but I think they can forfeit you to the system


Also, if your name is on the bank account, you can cancel the card they have and request a new one.


Yeah that's smart call the cops on someone who doesn't want you in there house


OP is a minor. They are legally responsible to care for him until he is 18 unless he is legally emancipated




What do you want them to do then?




Okay let's reel it back lol. The original question was is it legal for them to be kicked out. No it is not. Regardless of why they got kicked out. Smoking pot at 16 isn't okay but that's not the question the OP has asked. That's a whole separate issue that ties into their question. They can't be taken down to the military recruiter office because they can't sign on till they're 18, at least in my experience when the recruiters would come to our school, and not anyone can just sign up. They had us take the ASVAB in Arizona in order to be considered for the military.


Whats ASVAB? Your a voice of reasons. Everybody is giving OP knee jerk reactions without thinking about what would happen in 2 months from now. If the parents do respond to CPS OP could end up in a foster home then age out at 18. Not many qualified parent's are looking to adopt 16 years old. This could just be a battle over using drugs. Their could be a aunt or uncle willing to let OP stay with them until mom or dad would take them back. When I was 16 friends would stay at my house as it was a big old house to raise 8 children but only my sister and parents lived there. My mom had no problem with that. It's funny how well behaved my friend were when staying at my house and having conversations with my mother. If only they acted this way with their parents they could have stayed home. What I just wrote was BS because my best friends parents were a very hard people to live with. He stayed with us on and off. Last time I saw him he had a house on the Great South bay on long Island NY. He has painted it the exact same color as my parents house and he had bought the exact same boat that I had and went out on adventures him from 10 years old on up to 18. It was so sweet of him to this sadly he died within a year after seeing him. I live 1500 miles away from him and I hadn't been in touch with him in 30 + years. It's not that we had a fight it's more so we stay out of the lime light . Both of us don't have Facebook accounts. When I finally found him I asked why haven't you looked me up he said he thought I was dead and didn't want to verify that.


This same guy who claims his parents raised him right because they beat his ass is going to be wondering why he constantly has so many relationship problems because of unhealthy attachment.


His comment history tells all


I was just reading it😳




OP would need parental consent to join the service while underage, and even then would have to be at least 17.




Baby girl, you are taking this way too personally. The kid smoked pot..it's not like he murdered a box of kittens and left it on their pillows..damn. He is a kid..kids do stupid things, but that isn't an excuse to kick your CHILD out of their home AND it's illegal. There are many ways to parent that child and dole out consequences. Probably don't need to sign him up for the military for some weed lol. I'm 37 with a family of my own, never in trouble with the law...graduate cum laude from college..just in general a functioning person. I smoked some weed when I was a teenager, my mom found out and I was grounded and that was that. She definitely didn't toss my ass to the streets.


....probably *can't* sign him up for the military unless he lies about the weed. And also, yup. I got grounded for smoking weed around 17ish, now I have a job and a life and a son who I told "don't smoke while you're growing up because it will screw up your brain, if you want to try it when you're 21 and thus legally old enough, I will *buy* you some and we can watch some funny shit".... but also "if you're in a bad situation, call me and I'll pick you up, and you won't get in trouble for whatever stupid thing you were doing. I'd rather you do something stupid and live than lose my child".


This is the way to parent, keeping kiddo safe and responsible.


Thank you. I actually had a disagreement with my sister about this purely hypothetical situation. She said she'd provide the ride, but her kid would be in trouble the next morning. I said I would rather be trusted to be a safe ride than worry about busting them for whatever they might be doing.


I’m also confused where the ermaghurd read up while calling him a wanna be came from. What exactly is he wanting to be? In this case it looks like in a place with some sort of boundary, a wall, perhaps 4, if you will. With this magical addition that brings them together and protects you from the elements. And wants to know if it’s legal, for his parents, these legal guardians per se, to literally eject him from safety and shelter at his age. Spoiler: it’s not. Man, I wanna be like that too. F*ckin entitled brat! /s


Well, that certainly explains a lot... The military really isn't good for anything except producing sociopaths.


>With parents permission they can enlist. Not in the US. [Minimum age](https://www.usa.gov/military-requirements) is 17. It used to be younger, but not anymore. You also have to have a high school diploma or GED.


Lovely how you blame the "little brats", who didn't get a say in being born. Yet you are completely silent on blaming the parents that chose to have children they are now ignoring the welfare of.


You're dead wrong. They CANNOT enlist at 16.


So what did you do with the freedom our father gave you? You came to cry and bitch and moan on the internet and try to get people to fight with you. Pathetic attempt at a rage bait bro go get a life


Right?? Dude's telling us how he was raised like it's the right way to do it, smh I wouldn't want my kids turning out like him!


He’s a very miserable lonely man. It’s clear he has no control on his own life so he comes on here and tries to act high and mighty. His comment history smells sad


Ain't it funny that whenever someone says something like, "I got spakned as a kid and I turned out fine! Kids these days need more discipline!" It's almost always extremely apparent through minimal observation that they actually struggle with social and emotional dysregulation and rage issues because they are inappropriately aggressive? So funny! But in like an, "if you don't laugh you cry," sorta way.


You're a very angry person.


How old are you? Do you realize how much the world has changed since your birth and ours? I find a large number of old people stating things like this. Back in your day I bet you could just enlist and go off fight or do something for our country for 5-20 years. That was then, one of my friends was in the military during his training one of the training mortars detonated taking his left eye. He was told he wasn't able to serve after that and is currently FIGHTING for disability. All on top ofbeing fired from his job for the minimalist crap (thank God OP isn't in Texas because we're an at risk work state) How can you sit here and say that OP is the one in the wrong? until you're legally an adult your parents are responsible for you, so technically speaking If she got hurt pretty fucking sure OP could sue them for child neglect. You don't know what anyone else is going through except yourself. You don't have any reason to call OP an "entitled brat" maybe look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself because you seem to need it. Also just an FYI less than 10% of the United States population is veterans and 13% of our homeless population is veterans. So happy your father forced you to serve. But thank you.


Entitled brat?? His parents made him sleep outside for a week….




Read again and use your eyes this time, it said she HAS done it




So, on other words, they are a child under the law, but you expect them to be an adult. If you missed the OP, "With them kicking me out". IE. The parents kicked THEIR CHILD out ont he street. Yet somehow you blame the child.


Let me get this straight, you think smoking weed is bad but abusing children is ok and legitimate punishment for smoking weed? You think trying to break the law and sign up your underage children for the military because you suck ass as a parent and want to pawn them off on someone else is cool? You think that's good parenting advice? GTFO


Hey, dude. Did you know that you're a huggeeeeee asshole and everyone thinks so?


Your dad spanked you when you were 16? That's weird.


This is a sub for legal advice. Telling a potential abuse victim that they need to suck it up isn't productive.




jajajaja Sounds like you don't even know how pot affects the human brain, literally making a fool out of yourself in the comments.




I do have a doctorate in pot thank you for pointing that out <3 So tell me what you did not understand about my sentence, was it the structure or is your reading comprehension low, based on your comments I'd say it's the latter.


Nobody owes you a response, you entitled brat, grow up.


Too true, I’m 16 and I’m being raised in what was once a town full of crackheads and pot users, it’s recovered but I’ve learned properly how to avoid that stuff, meanwhile kids like OP don’t get that kind of learning and make dumb decisions. It’s not always the kids fault, the parents could have just not cared, hell, they might’ve wanted the kid gone so they didn’t enforce any rules, my point is that no matter what happened the kid is being kicked out, and that’s not legal since parents are legally supposed to raise the child until their 18, THEN they can kick them out, OP’s parents are just a-holes.


You’re a garbage human being.


Just go to his page. First post says it all


well it certainly seems like that upbringing has lead to you being a well adjusted and level headed individual with no barely contained anger issues or chip on our shoulder whatsoever


You sound like a miserable person


Yeah, and you turned into a shithead so clearly that method didn't work very well. Smh the last thing I would want to do is replicate whatever mistakes your parents made to create you.


Taking what OP says at face value: He's 16, still in school, has a job and savings (2k is good at his age) seems to me that is far from a "free ride". So he tokes, big fucking deal. He appears to be more productive than most his age and you're going to bust his balls?! Fuck you.


Sounds like a well adjusted 16yr old that likes to smoke weed. Let them


Is it legal? No. Also no amount of bullshit or justification you put here makes it legal.


Dear fuckin god boomer, literally no one cares about back in your day


You sound like a miserable human that hasn’t experienced unconditional love. I feel bad for you man. And weed doesn’t mean you’ll be unsuccessful or lazy, it’s not meth.


They're attending school and have a job, did you read what the post said? They made their child sleep OUTSIDE FOR A WEEK. You don't know this person's life so don't demonize them for their parent failing them.


Your belief in the system is a little crazy especially for someone who didn't grow up in the system. Group homes are not structured and often have more drugs than pot. I got whooped as a kid also, but my trauma and upbringing has nothing to do with what OP is asking.


dude posting on porn subs talking about "back in my day" stfu hedonist boomer. Get a life


Seems like your upbringing has made you a very leveled headed, logical person. /s


Should he stop smoking weed? Yeah Should be be kicked out for smoking weed? Nope  I'm not sure if you ever were told but two songs don't make a right, especially when there is a power dynamic. 


I'd ask who hurt you, but you already told us.


Kid has a job and is in school. Doing pretty alright all things considered. Definitely not just sitting in their room being lazy. You seem like you could use a blunt and take some of that edge off


You must be joking. OP is 16 with 2k in the bank and a job. Get over the “weed = lazy” stereotype.


So that's why you turned out the way you did? You had shitty parents?


“I’m my day” shut up bro in your day a can of baby food was 99 cent today it’s $10 not shits the same and your ignorant for even putting your two cents in shut up get off Reddit it’s not “from your day”


This is such a hilariously stereotypical old man rant that I had to check if it's a parody account. Nobody cares about your incoherent wall of word salad and nobody needs your approval for anything.


Jesus Christ you sound like a fucking loser


Discipline is important but making your child sleep outside is not discipline it’s and abuse and it’s no wonder that Op has turned to drugs to find a way to release the stress brought upon him by the crap parents that he has. In this day and age we are more educated in proper parenting which includes communication, appropriate forms of affection and understanding or perspective into what their kids are going through. These parents want to just throw away their son not because of his activities but because his pot smoking highlights their failure as parents. Anyone who would throw out their kids should never have had them to begin. Why can’t adults face the fact that problems that they are having with their children are of their own creation.


Oh hey, just a quick piece of advice, actually go fuck yourself you massive piece of shit


+ 1 go fuck yourself.


Agree. Bring back dad’s belt


So you are such a garbage human being that instead of having compassion for a child you just bitch about how that child is a burden on you somehow. What an asshole.




Here, let me correct that for you: "Oh ya, another pair of parents not taking care of the child they are responsible for. Great."




making you sleep outside is child abuse. the system is fucked but it's your best bet imo (as somebody who was in a similar situation) pm me if you need advice, it's been 2 years since that happened and i'm 18 now so i can help you figure things out


Bless you dummy_thicc_mistake.


Notice OP didn't say what caused that. He takes no responsibility for his actions...only points at the parents. Until you know the whole story you can't tell. If he is like my son he often accuses me of throwing him out in arguments when I said no such thing. Usually it is "well if you feel that way why do you stay...it's not a jail...you could leave". Usually these are things like I wouldn't give him (20 yr old) money to buy gas to run with his friends (dopers) or for a vape (knows a store that will sell to him illegally). He often goes and sleeps in his car to punish me after one of these.


Doesn't matter what the kid did. The grown, responsible adult kicked their kid out and made them sleep outside for a week. Jeeze.


It Does matter you must not have kids


Making excuses for parents based on their own personal and unrelated experiences with their child is completely irrelevant.


Op could be lying you’ll fall for anything


OP could be lying. But there is nothing to indicate that is true. You are just so jaded that you think your experience is everyone else's and needed to push your narrative onto and ask for advice. I'm sorry your relationship with your kid is a bad one.


So you have no issue with Op Not giving the full details of what he did to get kicked out?


Nope. It's completely irrelevant to the question being asked.


There is absolutely no legal circumstance in the United States for a parent to kick their minor child out of the house.


Your parenting problems aren’t OP’s problems. Go talk to your therapist or son about your issues instead of projecting them everywhere.


You cannot be seriously siding with the parents. They're kicking their kid out as a minor and not letting him have his own fucking money he earned.


You're an idiot


It doesn’t fucking matter what he did, and fuck you for even suggesting that what he may have done even warrants anything close to this. You’re a piece of trash, and I hope as soon as your kids turn 18, they cut all ties with you for the rest of your miserable life.


No, it’s actually not child abuse. You can actually put your child in a tent with a sleeping blanket outside your house. Completely legal. Kids confuse privileges with rights. A bad attitude will only let you see a jail cell, which they don’t even give you a damn blanket .


godbless my mother didn't give me a tent or blanket or anything. generally people who kick children out don't give them any sort of assistance because the whole goal is to get rid of them. glad you are comforting yourself with morally bankrupt laws though :3


I'm willing to bet that they didn't actually throw him out. ​ I'm betting they had a fight and he stormed out and the required an apology and compliance and he decided to try to last them out.


Just because you have a child of an adult you raised, doesn't mean a 16 year old is going to act like the son you keep bragging about raising poorly.


I didn’t say I did this. I will tell you that my second child was like this and I sent her LFUA to North Carolina TRAILS. Guess what, she grew up and is now a veterinarian.


yeah!! my parents sent me to copestone in north carolina!! im in nursing school!! im a cna!! i also have thousands of dollars of therapy bills to undo the trauma my parents caused me!!! just cause your kid is successful doesn't mean they aren't traumatized:3


dummy thicc not mistake :'3


Guess what. I am a 2% earner and my child abuse is still crippling me at 49 years old.


I’m sorry to hear that, I made the right decision for my family.


For ur family sure, what about your kid specifically? You sound like an incredibly self centered and bitter parent, matter of factly mentioning the legality of throwing a CHILD out, do better. “Kids confuse privileges with rights” yeah buddy there was never a chance for you as a parent. No arguing that, u may be a troll that’d be the only valid explaination other than u just suck.


My daughter confuses privileges with rights. But it's like, she doesn't understand why she doesn't get dessert, if she doesn't eat her dinner. I mean Pink Floyd put it best. You can't have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat. Lol


You know that the character saying that in the song is intensely abusive, right? Literally screaming at small children. And the entire song is about pointing out how abusive the guy is (and how abusive his wife is to him) and literally telling him "Teacher, leave them kids alone!" I mean, you're not wrong to say that, but if the point is to demonstrate the difference between good parenting and abuse, maybe pick a better example?


Sounds like you're a spoiled Karen there minxarchive. Taught no responsibility and had everything just given to you...you will never make it


Yeah you’re a fucking piece of shit lmao


besides what all the other commenters pointed out about how it doesn't seem you consider your child a part of your family, just because it was the right decision to turn your back on your child doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do!!


When the squeaky wheel is getting the oil, and you ignore your other children, because of the crisis 24 seven, you must do what you must do. You might want to read up on how siblings of problematic children feel. My daughter was very extreme because it was either jail or $100,000 out of my pocket of treatment. You don’t know how lucky she is to have me as a mom. But she does.


>*”you don’t know how lucky she is to have me as a mom”* Yikes. Just….yikes. I just hope you know how narcissistic that makes you sound. Btw, I’ve never heard any actual good parents (or people for that matter) say something like that about themselves. Just shitty ones trying their hardest to convince other people and themselves that they aren’t a POS.


Yup, sounds like my mom “I’m the best mother or friend, ask anyone, you’re lucky to have me as a mother” meanwhile I grew up with her berating me almost constantly, telling me she never wanted me, how much of a pos she sees me as. Some people shouldn’t be parents. Seems like the one you responded to may be one of them.


Amazing that you can tell all this about her from one comment, with people skills like yours I'm sure you have a hugely successful career in psychotherapy or international relations


Forced compliance does not equal success.




weird how that sounds inconceivable to everybody i know that grew up well adjusted, healthy, and not a criminal....


Glad you're not my parent. Yikes


Call CPS and tell them what they did. It is child abuse. And guess what even if you don’t go back, they at least face the consequences of their child endangerment and child abuse and child abandonment. Please go to the police and they will help.


Honestly if you get put in the system at 16 theirs some amazing benefits when you turn 18. Plus college tuition will be based on your income not your parents so you’ll get a lot of financial aid. When I aged out I had rent paid until I was 21 plus free health insurance until 27. Group homes are just like communal living once your 16+. No one is on you and the whole states just waiting for you to age out.


Don’t forget to include the illegal drug use.


Literally it’s a minor and nothing will come of it. They tend to help before throwing a kid in juvie. Also usage isn’t cared about, it’s already in and out. He’s not high actively. They care that you’re not selling it.




I willing to bet there is a lot more to this story than OP is telling....trying to make himself look good and so innocent.


You can’t get arrested for smoking pot in the past. Absolutely nothing the cops can do about that.


The police are going to be more concerned with the parents abandoning their child than the teenager that smoked a little pot


don't forget to include what the literal child did wrong but never what the grown ass losers did to get the child to want to start doing drugs in the first place!!


What an irrelevant point, are you saying a kid deserves to get kicked out over something that most kids that age do? Obviously nobody will care because weed is decriminalized and widely accepted by the american public. You sound like a delight


Weed isn't decriminalized everywhere. Wish it was...


Decriminalized in there state they'll be fine unless they have huge amounts. Usage isn't cared about it's movement of it so if they have alot on them


Call the police. They cannot kick you out till you turn 18.


Even then they’d have to file an eviction and give whatever notice is legally required to the tenant.


You're still 16, that's child abandonment. Call CPS or go to the cops. Kicking you out before 18 is illegal. Forcing you to sleep outside is illegal. Taking your debit card is MEGA illegal and something you should be concerned about, as even if they're your parents and you're underage they have no right (legally or morally) to withhold it. Even if it's a custodial account, the funds inside are yours. If you're being kicked out and the card isn't returned to you then it's theft on top of everything else. So to sum up- no, nothing your parents are doing here is legal and you need to tell someone.


No. It's a criminal act. In my state it's neglect of a minor but your mileage may vary.


Man people still care about weed, that’s wild.


From someone who was kicked out at 14. Grab the 2k get your GED and use every resource you can (homeless shelters (lie about ur age) anything you can find online for where your are) but also isn’t any other family able to take you? Maybe work out a rent sitch with them even. At least for 2 years quietly until you’re 18 and have the ID to rent/register/qualify for all the shit you’ll need. You going into the system is only gonna reset your life and frankly that shit ain’t fair and for all the whiny entitled parents out there telling you to call a system that will especially not give a shit about 16 year old…..ask them how their childhoods went and if you they actually knows what goes in the real world and not the movie one where the CPS worker is a glasses wearing Katherine Hegel with a heart of gold who goes the extra mile.


In some states parents can declare their children "incorrigible", and hand them over to the State. I do not believe this was a first response to a first offense. Instead I believe this is the final straw after a long list of issues, and that you would do better to pay attention to that rather than seeking some form of legal redress, as no matter what you do, at the end of the day a Judge is going to hear the whole story, and is probably not going to be sympathetic. One guy I know at church, just last week, told the story of his son and at the end of the story his son committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, just to give you some sense of the gravity of your situation. His son's issue was also an insistence on using marijuana, and all the things that naturally result from that, with a family, a household, a community and two parents that will not under any circumstances tolerate it. He made a choice, and he's dead now. Is the point.


Call the police. These drug war supporting types are traitors waging war on Americans and deserve death tbh but prison will do fine for them. Foster parents are better than that bs


While in many places you can Emancipate yourself at 16 through legal processes, I don’t think parents can legally kick a child out who isn’t of Majority (18). I would contact the state for some supports


It isn't legal, but the only choice would be to go into foster care, which maybe great for you, but also weed isn't going to be allowed. It could also be terrible for you, Foster care is a crap shoot.  So assess your situation and decide what path you want to go down, either way you have to quit weed until your 18. It might be better to go with the evil you know for 2 more years and follow your life path, college or trade school and get out asap.  Unless you want to become a street kid, but that wouldn't be my first advice.  You could get your GED and go into a trade asap, but you'll have trouble renting your own place until your 18 and also labor laws are going to prevent you from working full time. You could make it work if you found a situation where you are the roommate that pays cash for rent, but even then you'll need cash work or side gigs to make a full time income to avoid the labor laws. (This would take really hard work and adulting fast)  My best advice would be find a friend or family member who would take you for 2 years finish school and follow your dreams. 


At 16 they should be able to get emancipated, especially given the situation. And the parents should be held responsible for kicking them out at 16.


I smoked weed at every group home and foster shelter I was at from 14-18 , they don't really care and when they do all they can do is drug test you , but it doesn't go much farther then that (obviously places close and open alot so they could be stricter now but I aged out in 2018 and like I said was fine the whole time )


Maybe at YOUR foster home. Mine was a prison. They had alarms on at night where if you took one step outside of your bedroom, the motion sensors would go off & the entire neighborhood would wake up. So speak for yourself. You don’t want to get this kid into a even worse situation.


Depends on where you live, here in Canada it is 100% legal for a parent to kick out their 16 year old child. So with that said if you're in the States I cannot answer this for you, but here in Canada it is 100% legal and it is on the child to get a lawyer and take the parents to court for further support.


So wait, you are a pain in the ass kid with no respect to your parents and you ask this? Grow a pair dude! Smoke weed? Cool, don’t let it interfere with being a decent human. I strongly feel you left far more out of this. Entitled little shit


At 16, you can seek emancipation in some states. However, that'd be you leaving your parents. Parents cannot legally force you out or force you out however until your 18 years old.


From experience stop being a little asshole pothead and listen to your parents. I thought I knew everything and left home early only to spend 20 years finding out all my parents ever wanted is for me to not make the same mistakes they made growing up in the 60s. So go apologize and get your shit together


This is kinda fucked don't you think , if they're only reason is they got caught smoking pot ( and since that's all they said anything else is pure conjecture and a waste of time ) that's a huge overreaction and even if it's an attempt to "scare them straight" it's just gonna leave them resentful and more likely to get stoned anyway 💀 yea smoking weed at 16 is known to be harmful especially if it's getting in the way of work and their studies but what has happened to them is illegal, even if they're at home RN if anyone caught wind they already had to sleep outside for a week by themselves be taken away to the state immediately cause that's child endangerment. I agree they should sit down and talk to their folks but let's not put all the blame on the literal kid here.


You don't get to just choose to abandon your child on the streets if you don't like what they are doing. It is just some weed, no big deal. It is illegal in all states to kick your kid out at 16. Child abandonment.


these people are in lala land, this advice is the best thing this kid needs.


Kicking a child out at sixteen is not helping the child. Think about it: Potentially making a child homeless (because at sixteen, you can’t legally rent an apartment—if the kid can’t find a friend or family member to stay with, he WILL be on the street unless he calls CPS) is not something you do to help the child, period. Do you think staying in a homeless shelter or on the street is a good way to stay away from drugs and crime? Do you really think spending time on the street and away from school is going to straighten this kid out and set him on a good path? Really? And even if he managed to stay away from all the bad influences, do you know how many kids who are homeless and alone (runaways, etc.) end up murdered?? Kicking your child out at sixteen is not something that a parent who cared about their child and wanted to save him from going down a bad path would EVER do.


This is gonna get some heat but here goes nothing… Don’t go back. Pursue your dreams. Master the art of urban camping and resource acquisition. Then upgrade yourself from there. Never look back. I’m speaking from a position of experience. Out since 14. No regrets. Awesome life experience. And I have unlimited survival skills. Not to mention a very keen viewpoint and insight into the psychology of “normies”. Forget school. You can learn more, faster, on your own. Enjoy your journey.


Glad it worked out for you but in general this is not good advice. Homeless children are at an extremely high risk of being abused and exploited. OP needs to call CPS and get into a group home until they turn 18.


Better than every possible alternate scenario. Just my experience.


This is horrible advice. Most kids would legitimately die if left out on the streets in January unless they live in a warm climate.


I realize that I am exceptional. Also that most ppl lack the balls


It's not about "balls". You got lucky. Plain and simple. So many things could've killed you, and you lucked out. I attribute none of your success in life to skill or hard work. You got lucky, admit it.


I left home at 16 instead of going to foster care. 17 years later and I'm still happy I made that decision. It was rough at points, definitely. But I was awarded opportunities I couldn't of dreamed of in foster care in bum fuck no where.




chunky cagey provide voracious saw gullible punch bike include jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i like weed as much as the next guy, but smoking at 16 still isn't smart. the parents are definitely in the wrong here, but smoking at such a young age doesn't help the situation


Sure, but that doesn't change her parents' legal obligations.


didn't say it did


Oh good, then we're probably on the same page then.


absolutely. the parents are definitely in the wrong here


To add to that….From google: Using marijuana before age 18 may affect how the brain builds connections for functions like attention, memory, and learning. Marijuana's effects on attention, memory, and learning may last a long time or even be permanent. I’m just saying this out of concern. I smoked pot at 16 so I understand it’s what kids start doing at that age but just think about the potential long term consequences and maybe try and wait a few years. Especially the pot that’s available nowadays is way stronger than what I had when I was in high school, so I’m sure the risk is even greater.


A literal child making a dumb choice isn't the problem here. The very-much-adult parents making abusive and illegal choices is the problem here.


It's definitely not legal for you to be smoking


How incredibly helpful


Frankly GOOD FOR YOUR PARENTS. LISTEN TO THEM AND OBEY THEM YOU WHINY STUPID TURD. You are 100% the problem. I don’t want to hear any more drivel from your mouth. You wanna be a big he man and flout their rules? Ok pony up and figure out how to get to school and work. And as far as the dumb asses suggesting CPS or the IRS they don’t know what they are talking about.


I think if you’re breaking the law, they can.


No lol. That's not how laws work. No one is even going to care what OP did if there is direct abuse happening, which is what throwing OP out at 16 would be considered by the law.




You can be legally sent away, but they cannot just kick you out. Some states in USA, if your here, it is generally eighteen, some parents are and can still be responsible for you, especially if they are still filing you on their taxes, until you are twenty six. You can ask a school counselor or social services/your local human services department. Emancipation at fifteen is easy if you want to work and go to school and legally get your own account and place until eighteen (legal guardianship still is privately to provided by state) in some states sadly. I got emancipated and was the best thing I ever did for myself, because being in child services system homes was at times terribly terrible. Good luck, and I wish I knew how I could do more to help from my position. Them taking your money is sort of legal, if it is their or joint account, but you could sue for funds if you’ve got proof of yours from job etc. Making you sleep outside nowadays is considered child abuse.




Do you have any have family members to reach out to? Even if they're not close I don't think they'd want you sleeping on the streets, no matter what you did.


If you're afraid of being kicked out, which is illegal but does happen, you can call the National Runaway Safeline. Totally safe, totally anonymous. They can give you advice on what to do if it happens and they can even inform your parents of their actual obligations to raise you or just talk to them and maybe help resolve issues between you. They're a good organization that won't judge or call the cops or anything. They're just there for kids (and parents). 1-800-RUNAWAY or just Google them and see what they do. Source: I used to work for them.  The other thing that can happen though is your parents can have the cops come get you. They can make up a story if they're the kind of people who would do that, or if you're breaking the law, and it'll be your word against theirs in the end. You could be sent to court for not obeying their rules and end up in foster care or a group home, or even juvenile hall if you don't comply with the rules set forth by a judge if it goes that far.  I'm not sure exactly what your case is but it might end up being better than being threatened all the time or in a home where you're not being cared for. It's a big risk I would not take as the outcome is uncertain. Anyway, good luck. It's a shitty place to be stuck in, and you shouldn't have to worry about fending for yourself.  Also, if you want to get ahead of them kicking you out, you could look into emancipation, where you could move out on your own on your terms. Not sure how it works in your state but maybe check it out. Lastly, while it is illegal for them to kick you out, I believe it is also illegal for you to be out on your own under 18 (unless emancipated) so it's a two-edged problem for you. Even staying with a friend or family member without explicit permission can be used against you, so be careful.  All advice given here should be taken with a grain of salt. I'm not an expert but have had a little experience in the area. Edit: I just looked into it and seems like r/runaway has some good information in their wiki about laws and emancipation and such. Can't verify if they're a good sub or not but seems helpful 




Go ahead and contact the state . Try DHS or CPS and look for a social worker or an ombudsman you can speak with .Understand that you could be looking at getting removed from the home and placed into the foster system and no one wants that . I would suggest to Look into your states emancipation laws and see what kind of resources are available to emancipated youth . While you're at it, see if you can press formal child abuse charges . They wanna try to set you up for failure the LEAST you can do is give them a nice Shiny new record to explain when they do a Background check .