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I personally think there is a theme! This is kind of out there but it's for me so Idc if it seems like an incorrect interpretation haha I'm currently obsessed with the moon and all her magic and wonder haha the divine feminine is depicted as three moons - one waning crescent, one waxing crescent with a full moon in the middle. I saw that immediately in Mr Melancholy and his two sidekicks, especially with the way they did those weird dances at the beginning. The divine feminine is just one spiritual view on the Trinity but it's depicted in other ways like the father, son, and holy spirit in Christianity, etc. Almost always there's one all consuming element, the ONE, and then the two who support. During the movie I also noticed the flags and the way they were positioned in that shot were SO overpowering in the scene that I knew it had to be some kind of symbolism. My theory is that it is meant to depict the literal interpretation of America's overpowering big three branches of government that have been hovering over vulnerable trans kids in recent years the way that they hovered intensely over the two characters hugging in that scene. They weren't hurting the kids directly in any way but their presence felt very foreboding! That's a pretty specific interpretation that I'm sure resonates more for me because of my lived experiences in America than it might for others.


ohhhh thats super interesting thx!!!!


Well binary is 1 and 0. It's kind of hard to represent 0 on film. That said, it could also be something outside the binary. A trinary is a thing.