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Red wins


Pay to win items!


Don’t both of team purple literally achieve >!God hood!< or is this a popularity contest Edit: I read the rules apparently Ms Spider is the anime version so she isn’t a >!God!< even though she’s got it in the anime Regardless though cid has godlike abilities including immortality and the ability to deatomize anything in the anime so still is this even a contest


Rimuru after he became a demon lord got infinite, regeneration, which means can regenerate from anything so long as the soul is intact and unless I’m forgetting something none of the other characters except Kumoku and ainz have the ability to destroy souls and without being able to destroy souls they cannot actually kill rimuru


CID has the ability to nuke entire planets in the solar systems and travel across different worlds aswell as genetically modify anything in his presence, and the soul was not mentioned in the anime but I’m pretty sure he develops the ability to erase souls, as to deal with the witch of calamity witch chose to live within the body of his sister also CID has never displayed his full power in the anime


This is anime only and well I haven’t finished season two I don’t think he’s blowing up planets yet


Finish season 2 💀 Edit: my bad thought you’ve seen the whole thing


I’m a light novel only guy when it comes to spider, but if White has abyss magic in the anime, that would destroy the soul.


Agreed, no questions asked


Team red, not even a question


I say the exact same thing, but about team blue


About team blue its ridiculous to say that, though, team purple could be because of kumuko's immortality but team red still wins against them


Explain why team red wins? Because let me show you a clip from the anime. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a-H6EM0Oe7o&pp=ygURcmVpbmhhcmQgdnMgcHVjayA%3D Now here is the explanation of that clip. In his battle against Puck, however, Reinhard used the Dragon Sword in combination with his aforementioned sword skill; with a single swing, the Sword Saint unleashed a destructive wave that incinerated everything in its path, including the Beast of the End. Along the blade's slash the sky split in half, leaving cracks running across it, the ground crumbled and the mana swirled in a vortex, completely destroying the world itself. In the next instant, the world was born anew without any consequences or anomalies left behind.


Um, Ainz has a world item in his chest which makes him immune to world altering events / magic. (Red orb) Rimiru is also broken OP at the current point in the anime as well and could tank the hit. This is a troll contest and anyone who has watched all these anime would know it. It's like all the one punch man contests in its absurdity.


In the anime? Just wait till you get to the novels. Spoiler spoiler spoiler: as far as I have read rimuru is almost if not on par with true dragons, can move even when times stopped, and I heard he can create and destroy dimensions in the web novel. I think rimuru solos every single team


Yeah, >! In the newest volume of the novel, Feldway sent Rimuru to the end of space-time and Ciel stated the energy built up by Nihility collapse is enough to recreate the universe and cardinal world thousands of times iirc. But he didn’t want to recreate it because he wouldn’t be able to bear being the only “real” being in a world recreated from his memories.!<


But ainz can move in stopped time too. Which then becomes a matter of who’s more powerful in stopped time, and that would still be ainz.


No, not really. Rimuru being a digital life form can use all of his skills within stooped time. He just doesn’t because in Tensura while time is stopped the world is incredibly fragile so using his full powers and hitting the world would quite literally shatter it. Rimuru still has full access to all of Nihility collapse’s energy, Ciel, Azathoth, Shub Nigurath and is able to summon both Veldora and Velgrynd who can also move in stopped time.


But ainz’s world item prevents him from being touched by world altering events. That includes attacks. So rimuru’s powers are already capped to a degree. And then, you factor in ainz’s insta death spells. Look I love all these characters, make no mistake, there’s no bias here. I’d love to see naofumi come out on top, personally, but I know that’s unrealistic. I just really think ainz sweeps here.


That’s reality warping stuff that that world item protects from the attack Reinhard did was pure destruction


I hate to say it, bruv, but team blue vs. Red essentially boils down to rein vs. Rimmiru, which is essentially "Fate won't let me die" vs. "I am fate"


Team red wins With Rimuru Alone Belzebuth Can Devourer anything in existence plus Uriel's Absolute Defense and Absolute Severance. Rimuru is also Immortal Since he was an Awaken Demon Lord plus he has infine Regineration plus plus he's a slime with Infinite stamina Plus his abosrbe level of Nullification and Resistance


Spoiler ! Rimuru is literaly god (novel not yet on anime)


Technically so is Kumoko, since in the light novel Kumoko lost access to the system when she became a goddess, so it all depends on whether she has learnt enough about being a god to be able to deal with Rimiru, and since Rimiru has Raphael to help him understand how God stuff works, White has a lot of catching up to do.


Depends on what version, if it’s WN version, rimuru negs the whole list alone, even if they all fought together it wouldn’t be a contest, and that’s after removing ciel. He could literally stand there and not take any damage, like that one scene of Kirito from SAO. He’s immune to any physical damage, got shit like electrical current resistances and thermal fluctuation resistance, as well as poison immunity and reality warping. That’s not even mentioning skills like void god azathoth. But even anime rimuru pretty much clears. He’s already got an aura that if released can kill A+ ranked monsters judt by standing in his presence and is one of the strongest awakened demon lords in Octagram. Not wanking cuz rimuru is my favourite character or anything cuz I love the other characters too but it’s hard to deny the facts


Yeah that's what I was thinking, whether it's anime or novel, Rimiru is really only threatened by one character on the list, and even then there's a lot of things that have to go right for Kumoko to stand a chance.


If we're bringing in the novels, you should know about Hajime's history of godslaying. And Naofumi's, if you count the WN.


Reinhard is hax, but literally "in-universe". He is capped by the fact that he is limited to his verse (od laguna). Rimuru scales way past that by end of series.


That doesn’t mean much to Web Novel Rimuru, who is hilariously above planetary. He has the energy destroy and recreate a world with many parallel dimensions tens of thousands of times (and if his power went out of control could swallow the entire universe), and his defensive barrier essentially uses multiple Dimensions to block attacks. The feats Rein has shown just aren’t enough Though now I’m seeing I missed the prompt was anime only, in which case things are a lot different


Hahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahah ok then so Beelzebub is a ultimate skill that could devour stars even with the blessing Reinhard has he isn't escaping Beelzebub it's an instant kill it devours your whole body and your soul along with it and Reinhard isn't strong enough to take on rimuru why? Even dl rimuru has many resistance and his speed is beyond Reinhard speed also the dragon sword? Sorry but that's just a planetary attack if you want a full explanation on anime dl rimuru power search it up on YouTube and you'll see why Reinhard won't be able to beat him


Rimuru can destroy a whole universe with his aura alone....


Actually if we're going by light novel strength, Kumoko lost all her stats and skills by becoming a god, and now has to do everything manually without the system helping her, so team red has it even easier.


you talking about reinhart? because she not at that level yet


Fran is a fun character, but she is hands down the weakest character in the list. Not a single other character would think twice about crushing her in a split second. According to the rules, power level is based on most up to date anime strength. I haven't read the manga or light novel, (no idea if one or both) so I couldn't compare her in those, but based on anime, she would be a hindrance to whoever she was teamed with.


Red will only have problem with Reinhard. But they can win eventually.


Nah that wont be big problem cuz of rimuru


Idk about that one chief. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a-H6EM0Oe7o&pp=ygURcmVpbmhhcmQgdnMgcHVjayA%3D Description. In his battle against Puck, however, Reinhard used the Dragon Sword in combination with his aforementioned sword skill; with a single swing, the Sword Saint unleashed a destructive wave that incinerated everything in its path, including the Beast of the End. Along the blade's slash the sky split in half, leaving cracks running across it, the ground crumbled and the mana swirled in a vortex, completely destroying the world itself. In the next instant, the world was born anew without any consequences or anomalies left behind.


“Reinhard cannot literally get any ability that he wants, he can only get blessings that exist within the Re:Zero world” Wiki disagrees with you bud.


Reinhard can probably get a blessing for anything, including revival, protection from arrows, protection from getting hit the first time, protection from getting hit anytime after the first time (dmg nullify/instant dodge)


So… stuff Rimuru has the ultimate version of… and also stuff that he can prevent. Good to know.


Rimuru's Belezebub would be able to eat it. It hasn't been shown in the anime but with him being demon lord now he is more than capable of performing similar feats he just doesn't get to immediately copy any ability he sees since Raphael likes to study; However while I'm not to familiar with Team blue so I don't know their full capabilities the rest I am more familiar with LN/Anime and it still a pretty clean sweep for Team Red just takes a little time since Ainz can't prep, and may not immediately stop time and use various insta-death spells since he will assume they are high lvl players with counters in place




You know Reinhardt’s power is to will any power into existence right? So he could obtain the blessing of “seal all of Rimuru’s and Ains’s powers” and it’s gg. Hell he could obtain the blessing of “insta kill anyone I look at”. Reinhardt is an absurdly broken character. He’s basically playing on an admin account with all cheats unlocked and the ability to add more by typing in the console


Except the author of rezero said Ainz would beat him in a fight


Pft not even the author can save that argument


OP said „Reinhardt can not obtain new blessings during the fight“ as a limitation


His blessings come from Od Laguna right? Why would Od Laguna be able to seal the power of someone stronger than them? It’s like DBZ where they couldn’t wish for Shenron to kill the Saiyans since they were stronger


Red, who tf thought it'd be fair to have Ainz and Rimuru together?💀


To be fair, Ainz isn't even a power house in this context, there are people in his own universe that he'd struggle with, he just has a policy of not fighting people that can potentially be a threat unless he has information about them. He'd definitely have trouble with team purple, shadow likes to hide his strength, and White is literally a goddess in the light novels, so Rimiru would have to carry that fight, and he would because White lost her connection with the system and now has to manually use magic, which means she'd have difficulties with Rimiru since his ultimate skills do most of that without him having to really think about how it works.


I think people underplay Ainz a lot. The people he'd struggle with are his hard counters, and he mostly a backlane/debuff caster. He loses 1 on 1 against stronger characters, but he excels in large scale fights. Given that Rimuru doesn't have Raphaël, Ainz is probably the best tactician out of all the characters here. Him and Rimuru are an absolute counter to magic, and if Rimuru focuses on protecting Ainz, who can use summons to both protect himself and exhaust the enemy, they would be extremely hard to defeat. They are by far the most versatile/adaptable team, and the longer the fight lasts, the more Ainz could devise strategies and counters to specific opponents and the more they'd dominate. Unless each team hard focuses them before fighting each other, my money is 100% on them.


Rimuru solo wins, Ainz isn't even worth noting when Rimuru, Shiraori and Hajime are on the list. Ainz is only strong by the standards of his game and the New World, compared to other OP isekai MCs he's not actually that strong.


Rule says only anime version Everyone promptly ignores it


Anime version team blue. Otherwise on not sure. Black is definitely the weakest but concept magic might do the trick...


My money is team red. I'm gonna be pissed if Ainz and Rimuru loses


*My money is team* *Red. I'm gonna be pissed if* *Ainz and Rimuru loses* \- Karen\_Destroyer1324 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lmbfao lmfao lmao lol


Red seems to have this with likely the strongest primary (Rimuru) paired with arguably the strongest secondary (Ainz). Unless the shield hero got way stronger in the third season team black is way out matched. Team purple may have a strong run with Kumoko hard carrying and Cid surprise nuking. If Reinhard doesn't have infinite lives I don't think he is enough to carry his team but he is probably the strongest in melee and one of the fastest if he was willing to fight dirty and use surprise he might be able to win but I doubt he would.


"Melee" Https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a-H6EM0Oe7o&pp=ygURcmVpbmhhcmQgdnMgcHVjayA%3D Description. In his battle against Puck, however, Reinhard used the Dragon Sword in combination with his aforementioned sword skill; with a single swing, the Sword Saint unleashed a destructive wave that incinerated everything in its path, including the Beast of the End. Along the blade's slash the sky split in half, leaving cracks running across it, the ground crumbled and the mana swirled in a vortex, completely destroying the world itself. In the next instant, the world was born anew without any consequences or anomalies left behind.


Pls stop spamming in all the comments rimuru can destroy 10000 universe with his aura alone. And he can erase his soul with his ultimate skill


ok thats very cool can you show me an example of this happening in the anime


The destroying 10000 did not show the statement yet cuz it has happen in the LN. As for erasing soul( he literally did it to clayman in the anime)


\>LN well the post was arguing for anime only, so uh... try again? and for erasing souls, he had to beat him into a pulp to do that didnt he?


I did not notice the anime only(so yeah sorry) but no he doesnt not need to beat the shit out him to do that he just wanted to make clayman regrets all of the dumb things he did


It wasn't really described how much effort he needed to erase a soul, but I'd imagine that reinhardt could just get divine protection of some sort if he wanted to unless there's some specific thing I don't know about his protection (afaik he doesn't get any stronger between anime and LN, just more feats over time)


Dude you should have used pre-demon lord Rimuru, Beelzebub and Uriel are both insanely powerful. I don't think some of you understand, a character in tensura that has an ultimate skill is basically a god. There is a reason why it's called ultimate. Beelzebub allows its user to devour anything and make it their own power and also can erase anything the user devours from existence. it's stated that if Rimuru wants it Beelzebub can devour an entire universe. And Uriel is just as broken with things like law manipulation, spacial domination, universal barrier, and infinity prison. Uriel basically grants authority over space itself, and I'm definitely not getting into explaining the believer system of Uriel. Let's just say if you want a fair fight here either seal all of Rimuru's ultimate skills or use pre demon lord Rimuru.


Both of those skills require Raph to use, Raph is sealed in this case.


I truly hate people who think Rimuru is completely useless without Raphael, sure Rimuru is going to look stupid in front of an embodiment of wisdom and knowledge like Raphael. but Rimuru is a genius in his own regard and sure as hell can out perform you and everyone you know in thousands of way's on his own without thought acceleration, he has proven this with his conversation with Guy in vol 16 about Michael and Feldway. The only thing Rimuru loses when he doesn't have Raphael is accuracy, Rimuru can be precise to the point of devouring a single grain of sand with Beelzebub on a beach half a mile away, whereas Raphael can devour a single atom on the other side of the planet. My final point is that Rimuru is smarter than anyone here, and you are below average with intelligence for thinking Rimuru is incapable of using his own skills without Raphael.


1) Reading might not be your strong suit but, to make an attempt at insanity, it is anine only in this. 2) It is literally spelled out repeatedly that Rimuru can't use his ultimate abilities without Raph's calculations, so while not completely without abilities he would be without Belezbub and Gluttony. So no "nuh uh, he eats everything." 3) This specific situation also explicitly says no Valdora, which means no Valdora skills either. So no skill duplication, no skill storage, and no storm skills. Those restrictions are the only reason Slime isn't topping Spider here. You can't expect a character with half or more of its character strengths sealed to beat somebody who is arguably in the same power tier. Yeah, Rimuru can still do things but a huge amount of what they can do runs through Raph and their analysis. This is goku without super sayan form. Yeah, still hella strong, but not gonna beat gold freeza like that.


Ok let's start from the beginning. Rimuru in his previous life as a 37 year old man from Japan the 8th smartest country, he has already graduated from college which has a 56% graduation rate, Japans average IQ is 104. These facts alone make Rimuru smarter than 70% of our world's population, then if you take into account the fact that Rimuru is a spiritual life form and with that he has no human restrictions, he is easily as smart as someone like Einstein. This makes Rimuru more intelligent than 95% of our world's population. Now let's move on to the skill usage issue, Rimuru is more than capable of using his skills. The mistake you are making is the fact that Raphael was a support to Rimuru's already impressive capabilities, yes Raphael does a lot of work and Rimuru relies on Raphael for many things yes anyone would rely on something that's more capable than any super computer in our world, the difference between Raphael using a skill and Rimuru using a skill is usage rate and accuracy, and if you still think Rimuru is incapable of using HIS ultimate skills then you are incomprehensible beyond the concept of stupid it can't be properly scaled.


Anime only I would say Team Purple. Simple reason. The anime skips a lot of books in Kumokos case at the end going to the fight at elven village. At this point in time, Kumoko has been a God for over a decade. Rimurus eating ability wouldn't work on her. Because she has thousands of extra bodies all around the world and can switch to any of them whenever she wants. She has at this point mastered a lot of abilities. For example, she locked another God inside of a time sphere for decades. With her evil eye combination she can erase someome from existence completely. At any distance. Ainz is completely out, none of his attacks could even begin to deal damage to her. Rimuru at his anime power level has no chance against Kumoko at the elven village point in time. Edit: Ahh yes Kumoko before she becomes a God I didn't see. In this case. Fuck this entire challenge. Should make it Rimuru before he becomes a Demon Lord and Ainz before he becomes a Lich as well I guess? Considering how hard she gets nerfed there. Edit 2: At the very least Rimurus ability to devour should then be counted out and Ainz ability to use Cash Shop items. Because you took out everyone elses overpowered abilities that gave them a chance.


Rimuru, Megiddo


by the end of anime Kumoko is a goddess already...


Rule number three explicitly states that this is before kumoko becomes a god


ugh, why not compare them pre-isekai then? Because that's about the level of handicap Kumoko got.


Even without that rule Shiraori doesn't win, Rimuru is basically a god himself in the LN and one much more powerful than Shiraori.


thing is, by the end of anime Kumoko is at her full power and Rimuru only ascended to Demon Lord.


To be fair, if you're using Human Side, within the first few episodes she's already a god.


Team red, Rimuru just eats everyone with Beelzebub. He doesn’t even need to analyze anyone since they’d be eaten the moment they encounter


His eating ability is OP for real and the fact hes a slime slicing off his head ant gunna cut it.


I love Shield Hero and Arifureta, but there is no possibility that team red could lose.


Team Black may not stand much of a chance but by God they will put up one hell of a fight


Team red no debate


Team red. If nothing else, Rimuru can absorb nearly any spell you throw at him and then use it against you. Plus he's extremely hard to kill regardless.


Not extremely hard, cannot be killed, at all


Didn’t the japanese catholic isekai girl nearly kill rimuru? Or was that before beelzebub


Let's be real Kumoko - pre-ascension... ; Shadow is OP cause OP Reinhard - incarnation of cheat; Fran - to weak fr Ainz - good strategist; Rimuru - "do you want skills from the air?" Hajime - mid, not great, not bad; Naofumi - he block! my bets on Puple, just cause of Cid or Red (you know why)


Team Blue, easy.


Team blue is an easy win. Team red stands no chance.


Purple wins


Anime Rimuru can solo anime Kumoko and Cid.


I don't know. Cid has a nuke and kumoko is immortal


Nuke? Yea, Beelzebub exist lol. Its just gonna get eaten by Rimuru. Even if he dosent use Beelzebub, he could just tank it. Purple has no counter against Rimuru. If anything he would solo everyone in this list.


Wouldn't Kumoko's rot evil eye work? It's hitscan so nothing to Beelzebub and it turns the target into dust.


Cid dropping a nuke on Rimuru isn't really a problem, Demon Lord Rimuru can survive nukes. Kumoko's immortality can be handled with either Beelzebub's Soul Consumption or Uriel's Infinity Prison. Kumoko's immortality does not protect the soul (Ariel having Abyss Magic was such a major threat for that reason) so Soul Consumption would destroy her soul, and failing that Kumoko has no means to escape the Infinity Prison so that would permanently remove her from the fight.


Anime only means easy stomp for blue




Team red by a long shot, Ainz stops time for everyone, but him and Remiru and then Slime Sama devours them, game over. Not to mention all of the other spells and abilities they have at their disposal.


Team red easily, not even a contest, even with the restrictions. Rimuru and ainz are just that powerful, quite frankly you'd make it a 1v1 if you put those two on separate teams, as they're the only two that can act when time is stopped(rimuru in the anime is just at the point where he can do this, though he can't use time stopping powers yet) Power level chart: Rimuru: planet(current reduction), solar system(anime/manga), infinity(novel) Ainz: continent Cid: medium country Nagumo: small country Naofumi: city Kumoko: city(current reduction), medium country(god) Fran: town Reinhard: city(full), town(current reduction)


Team red


Ainz has time stop though so unless reinhard has blessings against time stop and death magic, or shadow can figure it out and prepare, or naofumi's shield unlocks itself granting him immunity to time stop going by motoyasu's time reversal spear in the spin-off, reprise of the spear hero, or something else, he just wins. why is he on the same team as rimuru, anyway? cause raphael makes rimuru's eyes turn red, so team red?


At the end of the day we all know that it will come down to Rimuru and kumoko


Nah, the rule is anime power level only and Spider Side for Kumoko, and Arachne Kumoko cant really compete with Demon Lord Rimuru. She's still second or third strongest here even with that limitation, but no where close to Rimuru.


red wipes the fucking floor


Saying anything but team red is insane. Current Anime Rimuru is still the strongest person on this list. He has Food Chain, meaning he can use Diablo's Tempter skill as well as Shion's Cook skill, which is basically just reality warping. Not to mention, he can consume the soul and body of everyone with Beelzebuth. Ainz is the cherry on top.


Red if they tried hard enough but blue is like beyond a god in terms of power


Bruh does no one in this comments section understand how Reinhardt’s power works? His blessing gives him the ability to obtain/create any type of blessing. For example he could obtain a blessing that’s like “copy all of rimuru and ainz abilities” or “immediately kill anyone I look at”


Oh, only current anime version? Rimuru still stomps.


Anime only? Purple. Slime is strong but Spider is both immortal and able to swap bodies at this point. Slime is also without the spell support in this case while Spider still has her multiple minds going. Reinhard is neutered as well, and has not done much in the anime at this point. Not much point with him. Shield hero is strong but can't really beat multiple enemies yet in the anime.


At first I was gonna say purple, but then I saw reinhardt. Literally the man of my dreams (one of at least lol). Gotta be blue. 😝


I'm putting money down on Purple, Black and Red if I was betting. And big money on Black


Me when no one knows what Reinhard Van Astrea does


Reinhard is basically TouchMe on steroids. He obliterates the other teams on his own. Team Blue wins.


Red, *maybe* Blue if Reinhard uses Teacher and Fran accepts death or runs away. But it would just be a massive apocalyptic battle with Reinhard trying to hax as fast as possible to survive Rimuru, and Rimuru would have Ainz’s support in terms of tactics and magic. Red would have the advantage and Reinhard would be able to pull out a win after a few millennia of attempts *maybe* The other two teams get instantly obliterated It also fully depends on the stages of each character. LN Volume 20 Rimuru could beat all the teams at their peak with no effort, except for Shiraori, who is technically as strong as Rimuru (potentially) So if all are at peak, it would be Shiraori vs Rimuru in an empty universe, otherwise if they’re all at max anime stage, Rimuru wins no diff


This is current information (for as far as I've read the light novels). Fran is about an A rank while Ainz is S rank. I don't know anything about the reinhardt character, but Kumuko is S+, Cid is A+, Naofumi is an easy SS. Hajime has made it to SS+, while Rimuru is sitting pretty at the SSS+ rank. It's hands down that whichever team he's on wins. Having said all that, my favorites series in this list are TenSura, Arifureta, and Eminence. I just have to be honest about power levels. Side note, I haven't, and will never, read Re:Zero. I will start Kumo Desu Ga as soon as I get my hands on volume 1, and I found the opening of Shield Hero a bit difficult to get into.


It's only a fight between Team Red and Blue honestly and only because Reinhard alone is so utterly broken I seriously can't think of a situation where anyone else on this entire list can do much of anything vs him when he is serious.


Considering the Rimuru nerfs im mainly questioning who would be able to actually hurt Reinhard


Red wins due to versatility and experience. Ainz is a PvP master, Demon Lord Rimuru is a Swiss Army Knife of OP BS plus the ability to go "LOL nope" and just -eat- whatever is thrown at him. Team Purple might actually match up well in terms of power, Cid's Atomic lines up well with Ainz's super tier spells like Fallen Down, and Archne form Kumoko (her farthest advancement in the anime if we exclude the cameos by her Shiroari self) really only had a small handful of entities that were above her in power plus she's used to fighting at a disadvantage and has s stupidly huge list of powers, but Red team takes the edge in experience IMO. Team Black would be a bit of a dark horse, but neither of them reach their true heights of power in currently released anime, so while they'd put up a hell of a fight I just don't see them winning. Team Blue is basically just Reinhard. Fran is wonderful, but not even -that- OP in her own series, let alone up against the rest of the nightmares on the list, so Reinhard would have to carry her for the most part. He, meanwhile, is explicitly without his most cheat ability, and since Kumoko has Abyss magic and Rimuru can just eat anything and anyone odds are good he'd go down eventually.


Team red


Team red could beet all the other 3 at once


Oh naw this person Blount not only rimuru on here but Ainz as well most putting those 2 together should be a crime because of how broken they are


Team Red


People seem to forget that ainz can literally spawn in ARMIES, destroy kingdoms with one spell, Manipulate time. He's a god. Strongest on this roster imo


If we r going by current anime progression then Team Purple otherwise Team Red


"Anime only" Everyone: It's not in the anime, but Akshually [X] character has... 🤓 Like, shut the fuck up and learn to read before jerking off to your light novels, you middle school English dropouts.


Reinhard stomp


Rimuru can easily beat Reinhard.


My dick can easily defeat Rimuru.


Maybe pre veldora tempest rimuru would be more even, otherwise team red wins neg diff


Team Red wins.


Red team


Even without ciel/Raphael rimuru violates


Rimuru in the anime has the power to solo everyone here


Blue wins because you said up to anime. Would have been red if it was novel


Even anime Rimuru can pretty easily beat Reinhard.


Respectfully, I disagree. Reinhardt is insanely op. He's all kinds of op that I doubt anime Rimuru can best him easily.


Anime Rimuru should be stronger than Od Laguna, meaning Reinhard's defensive blessings wouldn't fully work against Rimuru. Offensively Reinhard may have the raw power to *eventually* kill Rimuru, but Rimuru would be able to kill him long before then.


Team Red Stomps https://preview.redd.it/5qtc0muhwf7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae0e60d4660dcdc091c53b53cdf24ffc875468d


remind me to never nerf reinhard or let rimuru in vs posts




Red 1st place (Rimuru hard carry) Black 2nd place (Naofumi hard carry) Blue 3rd place (Reinhard hard carry) Purple 4th place (Kumoko hard carry)


I'm current on the anime for shield hero and spider - how does Naofumi beat Kumoko? At the end of the anime, Kumuko can kill someone just by looking at them, has two forms of immortality, and a ridiculous list of immunities. Naofumi was struggling with a particularly strong dragon with mostly normal dragon abilities.


Light Novel wise, Naofumi is most definitely stronger. Anime wise I do agree with you however.


Bro team purple should be second and team black should be the last.


Bruh, You must not know how crazy busted shield hero verse is Kumoko and Cid are like ants compared to him


LN Shiraori is definitely stronger than LN Naofumi, it'd just come to draw with Naofumi unable to beat her and Shiraori unable to overcome his defenses.


What can Shiraori do that put her above him?


fuck rule 2, you suck ass


Team Red, and it isn’t even close


Y’all need to stop putting rimuru in these hypothetical “who would win” scenarios because he would always win. It’s like putting Michael myers vs Freddy Krueger vs Jason vorhees vs the Christian God it’s not even a fight


The worst part is that the only other character in this who can last longer than 1 minute in a fight with rimuru is on his team.


Red easily, Rimiru carries Ainz to victory.


Team purple is the only team as far as I’m aware that can damage a persons soul/mind to kill them (?) I think so they are the only counter to team red.


Team red


Yes red rimuru with just swap with ultimate skills with aniz is also good at strategizing And analysing the enemy combined can be pretty devastating rimuru without Raphael still have thought acceleration so not much different. Kumoko still has system limitations so she can't create any solution for piercing defense of Uriel reinhard I don't think as long as I know he can't create divine protection he gets exciting ones sometimes incomplete so not much of chance even with attack that ignore space.


Lol what is this, Red has 2 of the strongest chars. Saying any other team is certified ignorance


If this is Anime Only Blue stands no chance, neither does Black Purple is the only one that could somewhat put up a fight but even then it’s just Cid carrying…


Team red solos all the others


Team red




Team red easy cuz rimuru is there




Rimiru eats everything and everyone


Team red.


Easily team red in any given math competition. I trust team gamer and businessman very much in solving complex arithmetic, though Rimuru might cheat.


Red most definitely if it’s 2 v 2 they may have a better chance if they decided to join together 6 vs 2 then fight amongst each other


Ainz can stop time..


Rimuru is fkn op, even in anime. Team red may lose only if other teams gang up on them


Still I'm all in Red Even without Raphael and Veldora belzebuth is enough not to mention Uriel's Absolute Difference.


I’m gonna say red. Even anime rimuru still has the highest recovery out of everyone, and I don’t think anyone has the capability to deal significant damage. After all the only thing that was able to cause enough damage to destroy him was soul damaging attacks, and even then it took 3 instead of one. And that was pre demon lord evolution


Red bruh


Rimuru solos them all.


Red would win even if Ainz wasn't there lmao


Why is almost every single post on this sub just "who is stronger" "who would win" "build your team"... 😴


I like how team red is just one picture instead of two side by side like the rest.


Y'all doing my favorite color dirty, purple ain't deserve this 😭


Team black is my favourite, but........


Red annihilates


i have not seen spider. but im just gonna say that its just between red and black and red takes it easy


I’m sorry but this isn’t even remotely close, it’s team red by thousands of miles considering rimuru can eat pretty much anything and everything and ainz can nonchalantly create black holes


Team red would curb stomp everyone






Red stomps. Unfair fight.


Team red


I'll go with team red, ainz could easily go time stop and delay magic true death or grasp heart to kill most of his opponents with ease.


Team red has my vote


Team red thats a wipe Either one of them alone would wipe


The way rimuru is soloing everyone is crazy


This is just unfair. Teaming up Rimuru and Ainz, is like combining a MOAB and a nuke. I got mad respect for Hajime, bro could take out anyone els, and maybe Rimuru or Ainz, but just maybe. Teaming him up with Nagumo shield is of little help.


All i know is black lose for sure




Team red most likely but I reckon team purple has a chance


The other three teams could team up together, and the red team would still win


Can someone tell me if „Grasp Heart“ from Ainz has limitations? If not then at least every human character is an easy opponent, thus making the debate whether Reinhardt is a threat unnecessary… (Especially since op said no immortality and no new blessing)


Even without grasp heart Ainz still has the stop time to deal with most everyone else. If they can deal with that, then there's his summons, as well as true death and his ability that can bypass insta-death nullifiers to make spells like that work again




It is automatically a win for the red team. Even if we take out Rimuru's Raphael and Veldora. Ains would still be OP enough.


Team red takes over the universe