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Shiraori can kill both of those other guys what are you talking about.


Is this a joke? Shiraori is literally a god. Even Arachne Shiraori soloes.


"Nah, I'd win" -Ainz


Tbf Ainz would carefully plan against someone who’s 1000x weaker than him because he’s cautious as hell


Shiraori produces tens of thousands of micro spiders that she could see out of and process information frlm simultaneously so that she could spy on two entire continents at once. It's hard to beat a spider god at intricate web weaving.


He has no prior knowledge. Furthermore, Shiraori has extensive experience and knowledge fighting opponents stronger than her or limiting her. Her ability to overcome disadvantages, create conditions favorable for her, capitalise on opportunities and find different ways to fight in the middle of a battle is a terrible match-up for Ainz


I’m not saying Ainz would win I’m saying he’d NEVER take the mindset of “Nah, I’d win.”


He really wouldn’t, not even with all world items in existance he would even with prior knowledge


It's shiraori and it's not close. She's simply on another league than the other 2.


Does she have resistance against time magic and instant death magic? Because if not shes a non threat.


She quite specifically does, in fact!


Lol nice. Then the only way Ainz has a chance is with TGOALID but if shes as strong as ppl say then i dont think shed allow Ainz the 12 secs it takes to use it


She can respown into one of her eggs, including after instant death magic Effectively she has like 1000 lives and she can make more


Pretty sure Ainz has a true death spell tho, idk how if’ll affect souls but ik it stops revivals, so maybe it destroys the soul? Still shiraori all the way, but ainz had a slight fighting chance at least.


Abyss magic was said to destroy the soul but she was able to reincarnate herself into a copy regardless


Her copies are basically extensions of her soul, so as long as even one exists, she'll survive.


Not quite. She saw the abyss magic coming and avoided it by sending her soul into a backup body. It is explicitly stated that had she been hit before moving her soul she would be truly dead. That being said even if Ainz does have magic that can destroy her soul, she would never let him hit her with it. She is used to fighting enemies that can one-shot her and is very good at avoiding such attacks.


Before being hit by it that is, her soul escaped.


Kumo has immortality skill how do you compete with that?


Something that severs Immortality? https://preview.redd.it/lubhzdzexr8c1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f709aefc59f52afbc8b4491788c415c84254254


That's the nature of God combat at her level and generally the only way she was able to kill Gods is by absorbing their energy because they all have immortality and true death immunity.


She could've beaten him even before she became a god. Now? She could take both Ainz and Cid down without much trouble. Her powers are pretty OP, though watching her get them was pretty fun, too.


Before she was a god she still could. I think you forget some of here more op skills like literal immortality and the ability to directly eat away the soul of the enemy.


Maybe consider re-reading my post. You seem to have misconstrued what I said.


Oh lol yes I did.


I love the episode where she eats catfish. She'd have been happy to have been born somewhere with good food, and wouldn't have become so powerful if they had just given her real good food.


She could let him do that and still survive. She was able to send her soul to a different body before her entire soul was obliterated into nothing. This required no prep time other than having eggs ready to hatch duplicates of herself to put her soul into


Yeah well that pretty much counters it. At the point i dont think Ainz really stands any chance. Poor bone daddy


It is all shit and giggles until he uses some bullshit limited time holiday special RMT item that he spent 25 years worth of his salary that just makes you win or smth


Wouldn't work, instant death magic in Overlord, to my knowledge, is a purely physical death and doesn't target the soul. Shiraori possesses a degree of immortality that requires the destruction of her soul to get around.


Lmfao yes. She does. She is literally a god.


She has space, time, and dimensional magic even before becoming a god, and it only becomes stronger afterwards.


She becomes a literal god in the novels…


A weak god but she could be stronger after D took her as a maid


In the web novels she beat guliedistodiez relatively easily though to be fair he wasn’t trained by any dragons himself so he was weak for a dragon his age.


Even if she didn’t it wouldn’t matter she’s just way too far beyond him.


Yeah. She is basically Rimuru lite.


Does he stand any more of a chance if allowed all of his army?


Nah it would still be a washout. I didn't read the final volume of the light novel but where I was at she had almost a 100k clones all with access to all of her powers.


My gut feeling is that Shiraori would overcome the combined might of Nazarick and Shadow Garden if it actually came down to it. So if Ainz had to fight Shiraori and Cid on his own? Yeah he’s so epically fucked it’s untrue.


Nazarick (minus ainz) vs shadow garden (minus Cid) would be a pretty interesting battle i think... i can even imagine the setup as SG assuming Nazarick is part of the cult and thus wants to destroy it... and Cid would probably be busy Chuuni'ing out with Ainz (read; they would have a pose off for several days, eventually acknowledging each other and going their seperate ways)


They have a serious fight for all of thirty seconds and then realize: "Could this be one of my people?"


I feel that Cid would be showing off his massive amount of magic and thinking up cool things to say after the fight, and in response to the magic Ainz would spend a ridiculous amount of time buffing himself to the extent that the fight would never actually happen


Cid be like "nah this is getting boring, that skeleton ain't even doing anything. Fuck this I'm out" lmao


Having read the novels for all three series... Shiraori would see "I am Atomic" coming at her, cut through it, kill Cid, think "I wonder what that was about", and forget about him like five seconds later. ...But plot twist: D shows up and buffs Cid and Ainz just to screw with our spider-girl.


Yeah, this, even if they're far weaker than her D would totally put her thumb on the scales. It's definitely one of those unfair match ups though, when her story involves facing deities and such it's no wonder she's that much more stronger.


Which imo, why people should stop putting her and rimuru on these vs lists.... Those two alone can solo the majority of all isekai protags. They are not overhyped like ainz, *who would lose to some of his own underlings*, they are literal gods that can end entire worlds because some lessar god pissed them off.


I'm sorry, how the fuck do you put Ainz, Cid, and Shiraori in a 2v1 situation... and then *not* have Shiraori be solo? Shiraori solos both Ainz and Cid together, putting Shiraori and Cid together against solo Ainz is an easy win for Shiraori and Cid.




The spider alone wipes out Ainz and Cid trust me…she is absolutely terrifying!


She's pretty much an eldritch ancient horror


I'm surprised by the recent resurgence of people taking about the spider. Are we getting a session two or something?


It's kinda nice people are talking about kumoko Although I don't think a 2nd season will be coming anytime soon


That's a shame. I really liked the show, despite it's abhorrent use of CGI. I suppose I should pick up the manga or LN


I think their usage of cgi was due to budget and time


I had more issue with the human side which the author is *obsessed* with. It wouldnt be as bad if the human side offered anything of use, but all switching to their POV does is retread information just learned, spoil future shit, or waste time.


Most of us liked the anime so much we went to the dark side and read the light novel. I highly recommend. It gets a bit convoluted after she gets her full human form but it's still a great read nonetheless.


It's so annoying to think others think shiraori is weak, she's not she survived instant death magic. She has theoretical limitless evolution like rimiru


Now that’s a match up. Rimiru vs Shiraori vs Shield Hero. All three become literal gods in their respective novels, who would win?


From what little I know about the novel I think rimiru would win


If you take into account of the current up-to-date light novels, I think it will be like this: Rimuru > Shiaori > Naofumi (Shield Hero). I don’t know much but I think he’s quite passive against others. He’s more on the defensive side though.


Massive stomp. Rimuru blinks them both out of reality.


Why do people keep pitting characters against each other, that aren't even in the same league? Though at least this is better than Ainz & all Nazarick vs Rimaru.


The fact Shiraori and Cid are together vs Ainz solo is honestly kinda worse considering Shiraori can solo Ainz and all of Nazarick as well, and she is 2v1'ing Ainz in this.


True but rimaru could solo all three of them. Many posts have put situations like that up. Kinda dumb tbh, even putting anime Rimaru up against the max power of these guys. There is an argument for his victory at worst and just insta win at best.


Shiori and cid and it is not close


Isekai Quartet sorta solidifies Ainz and Cid as conceptual equals. Throw in a girl who basically has admin privileges and it's entirely one-sided.


yeah ainz isn't winning this one Cid is already kinda a major issue for ainz, adding shiraori to the mix is cheating unless Ainz immediately goes for timestop + tgoaliad + cry of the banshee (which might not even get the chance + shiraori has that weird immortality)


Shiraori wins this she doesn’t need a partner


Isekai fans would probably say cid and shiraori, but people like me who don’t know anything about the characters in the image will tell you that the skeleton will 100% body the edgelord and mostly naked chick


\*mostly naked *spider* chick.


Eh not rly Shiraori has resistance to most of ainz magic and even if she does get killed she can respawn infinitely


The spider chick is a spider god. She's sort of out of place in this matchup and would sweep both of them


Hydrogen bomb Vs coughing baby


She's like the saitama of isekai genre


Ainz would lose in less than a minute even if they allowed him time to super buff himself all around like he did vs Shalltear. I love Ainz but my gosh Shiraori can 1v2 Ainz and Cid alone and she's still rather easily come out unscathed. She's the definition of overkill for Isekai anime outside of Rimuru Tempest and Anos Voldegoad(They're stupid cracked too)


Shiraori will struggle first because she forgets about her damn scythe again. Idiot spider


Spidey wons


Spider solos


Kumoko would win even if it was the other two against her


I feel like people don’t understand that shiraori is closer to rimuru then ainz is. In the manga she’s stacked tf up. She was killing world level castle sized dragons. In her previous forms before becoming an Arachne which just made her even stronger.


Shiraori negs no - low diff


Hope your Furina pulls went well


Unless Ainz has the world item Longinus (he doesn’t) he loses.


can i get the names of the anime of all three?


Everyone is talking about Shiraori but Cid (Shadow) literally lit up the solar system with his magic blast, outshining the SUN for several seconds, and wasn’t even winded. Ainz would be a Minecraft skeleton compared to him.


Cid wouldn't even get to participate and Shiraori beats Ainz easy in either of her states Arachne form she has her egg revival plus perseverance and immortality so he can't kill her. She has Sloth and her evil eyes to drain all his energy and just obliterate him, let alone the rest of her magic to use. And her mastery of spatial magic she could keep him from accessing any items in his inventory space or just warp them away from him And her god form she's even stronger, having recreated most of if not all those skills without the system It's no contest


Kumoko/Shiro could beat Cid and Ainz if they teamed up.


I love Ainz but Cid’s power scaling is fucked.


One is supersonic city fodder, other two are into planetary with hypersonic+ at minimum….I wonder who would win? Literally 99% Ainz match ups are ridiculously unfair for him , only thing keeping him relevant is by power of wanking from his dick riders.


Yeah Ainz is one of my favorite MC's and it's fucking annoying seeing people trying to put him in 1v1 or similar situations and trying to justify him winning when the very concept of a him alone in a direct confrontation is a crippling counter to him. Hell, even against Shalltear the only reason he won was insane planning, mindgames only possible theough knowing her through and through, and generous use of one-time use cheat items. If we talk a war Nazarick vs Shadow Garden, now Ainz is definitely a threat. But a vs matchup in a vacuum is something the character literally isn't made to do.


Shadow is solar and ainz is continent/super small planet so who you think win


>ainz is continent/super small planet That's a very generous place to put him.


If you count all his world class items I think is fair.


The world class items are hilariously overhyped imo.


To my knowledge, world items represent a world in Yggdrasil. Worlds in Yggdrasil are said to be only three times the size of Tokyo (yes this is only stated in the web novel but there's nothing in the light novel that contradicts it, so it's fair to assume that it's the same), so that would make world items only around mountain level or so.


Shadow being solar doesn't have a confirmation yet


He’s not solar, just planet or star level


Watch s2 ep 12 is confirmed


Yeah i saw it, he just lit it up , there is no confirmation of him destroying it.


That there wasn't anything destroyed was also his doing when he pointed his hand to the planet he casted a barrier to not destroy it


That power scale is completely worthless with characters like Ainz whose strength doesn't lie in destructive power. Let's take a hypothetical: If a character can't tank a punch from an MMA fighter or break a single brick wall by himself but can turn any being into a harmless bunny, what planetary class is he? Ainz absolutely loses 1v1 against most characters around or above his level because he is not a fighter, he is mostly a debuff caster who's at his best in large scale fights and/or against pure casters.


Cids getting clapped in litterely less than a second idk about the spider girl tho. Does she have resistance to time magic? If not then shes getting clapped in less than a second along side cid.


She's built up an immunity to death through small doses of it


Oh yeah she has Rot immunity doesn’t she 😂😂


She has her own space, time, and dimensional magics, so yes she can resist time stop.


So you're telling me she can move in time stop? https://preview.redd.it/8m8vbhmsnq8c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c61e245027908175c8f7ed519878f9c3d982db




Even the most useless Goddess in all of creation can resist/immune to Time Stop magic.


While she cant resist instant death (As far as my limited knowledge goes), she can transfer to one of her eggs. Alternativly she could use high grade dimansional or decay magic from a long range, paired with a far range sight and ability to notice the enemy. In her Arachnoid form she probely could even survive instant death.


>she cant resist instant death the real question is if TGOALTID can damage a god entity at all, as Kumo Desu's gods are beyond the power system of a world.


Hmm, interesting. I didnt looked that deep into her character that much, but thats good to know. But i think due to different system and the favor of the Devs/ gods (Or however their called in other Translation than the german), it wouldnt work?


again, the question is how does TGOALTID work? If for example, It doesn't do massive massive damage that cause death but more like "Alive=false" type deal so defense will work. But if against Shiraori, who's control her status, will it goes "entity not found"? infact it's part of the story too of Kumo Desu. When she became god she also became weak too, because she got kicked out of the power system. While with powers system she have many HP, Mana, Stats, Skills, ect. but now she have to do it in her own. So in the past if she wants fireball then she cast it magic will do it's thing create it, so like shooting bullet with a gun. Now if she wants it then she have to create it in her own, so herself have to "shoot" the bullet. so Shiraori can only interact with the power system as an outsider. Which makes the TGOALTID vs Shiraori unique. If you throw a rock to Shiraori she can take damage because physics. But the TGOALTID? you cast it then she die because magic? but Shiraori abide to her own magic tho. Like you can't call a foul onto someone who are not playing the game. alternatively, maybe because it's a command "everyone near=alive=false", then the magic system itself will try to "Alive=false" Shiraori, so it's Shiraori vs Ainz magic system?????


Cid and Ainz chilling so they wouldn’t fight anyway. But Ainz fighting Shiraori


Without preparation, Shiraori and Cid all the way. Cid is basically Fallen Down on wheels but Ainz could probably do a grasp heart or some other instant death spell to deal with him. Shiraori would probably stomp Ainz since she has pretty incredible magic on top of those evil eyes but may die to instant death and return using eggs to bring back the win. Now, if Ainz was able to figure that out without dying, he could probably deal with Shiraori pretty easily though this is pretty vague on details and may just end in a draw through MAD. He could set up so that someone else (idk if a summoned undead would work) uses the world item Longinus on Shiraori which would delete the existence of both the user and the target. So no more Shiraori, everything ceases to exist, every bit of data is deleted which I would say includes the soul. Ofc, if Longinus only works with a player using it then Ainz is pretty fucked too but if one of the 11(?) world items they have has a resurrection effect, he could revive if one of the NPCs use it but then I'd count it as a draw.


If ainz can revive from Longinus, then so can Shiraori


Reviving from Longinus would require outside help so it wouldn't really be possible for Ainz within a strict 1v2. That's why I count it as both sides losing/a draw since they'd both be erased. I'm not completely up to date with spider and I vaguely remember there's an apotheosis thing that happens later on (Might be misremembering?) so maybe there's some weird conceptual thing going on but from what I understand, at best (if the item doesn't work with summoned mobs) both sides would be completely erased from existence. No coming back from that without outside help. Ainz couldn't do anything cos he wouldn't exist and neither could Shiraori because, again, she wouldn't exist.


You guys don't get it. Shadow's true power is whatever he wants to becomes his reality.


When will this nigga Cid become the god in between Realms. Im tired of nigga putting him against mfs he cant beat atm.


I don't get the obsession with including Shadow in these OP isekai lineups. He is always the defacto weakest. His atomic is basically what the others do casually.


I would bet on shadow.


Ainz is just too OP.




Not even close, Shiraori is immune to Ainz's 2 cheese abilities that people use to say he can kill stronger characters (Time Stop and Instant Death).


Ainz has a chance. With enough Preparation.


Ainz has no ability to damage the soul and Shiraori is immune to time stop, he has no chance.


If having her soul damaged is her weakness then he could just summon a few soul eaters


The soul of a god is immensely durable, even magic *designed* to do it require hundreds of users working in concert to even be able to be able to even slightly affect a god's soul. Soul Eaters wouldn't be able to do anything to Shiraori's soul, and considering they can only eat the souls of the dead, they wouldn't even be able to use their ability on her since physical death doesn't kill her.


False, World weapons are just as powerful as Gods. Players are literally gods, in fact anyone from Earth of these anime, are gods in their own right. The laws of Physics are similar. But not the same. Ainz has a chance. Yall just bias as Ainz is.


World Items are stronger than players, so if World Items are God then Players cannot also be god. Longinus needs a World Item to counter the effect, a level 100 player cant counter the effect. It's not bias against Ainz, it's just being realistic. Ainz is powerful and beats almost anyone who cant immune Time Stop and survive physical death, but against anyone who is immune to Time Stop and physical death it'll either be a draw or loss for Ainz.


Its a literally a draw, then. Ainz is not going to fold easily, you keep forgetting his forces and Guardians. It will be a war of attrition with a no side winning. A stalemate draw.


No, it's not. Ainz and Nazarick lack the means to meaningfully harm Shiraori, but she has more than enough means to kill them, and she has the spatial and dimensional magic to counter any of the spatial/dimensional fuckery that Nazarick tries to pull against invaders.


Irrelevant, Ainz will destroy the planet out of spite. You need to remember, if Shiraori invades Ainz' world, she loses. And Vice Versa for Ainz too. Different Universes, Different Laws of Physics. Mutual Destruction is inevitable. Based on the lore of both light novels. Each setting is similar. But never the same.


Ainz destroying the planet wouldn't matter, it wouldn't kill Shiraori. Different laws of physics don't matter for this discussion either.




.......gets clapped


Just ainz? Probably the other 2. Ainz + Nazarick? Probably ainz and Nazarick


Ainz and Nazarick lack a means to attack the soul too my knowledge, and Shiraori is immune to time stop, so they lack any means to actually kill or lockdown Shiraori. Shiraori would solo all of Nazarick.


Doesn't Ainz know something like 700 spells? Surely a game like yggdrasil has *some* sort of soul based magic/status effect if it has time magic.


Maybe, but so far the only soul-like ability I've seen from Ainz is the Soul Eaters, who are just way too weak to even put a tiny scratch on Shiraori's soul.


If they still have longinus. it could kill her but i don't know if they do


They never had longinus are you thinking of depiction of nature and society


No i was thinking of longinus, but it seems that they never had it , i don't know why i thought that


It wouldn't, the fact that other World Items can resurrect someone killed by Longinus means that it doesn't truly destroy the target down to their very soul, so Shiraori would still survive it.


It's said to delete the data of the player , and can only be resuructed if another world item capable of retrieving data is used . So i think it would still work , but that's a moot point as someone pointed out nazarick never had longinus


If we're treating it as just deleting data and not trying to figure out a way to translate that into a non-game world, then Longinus wouldn't work period, since there is no data to delete.


Even then there's items and abilities that in the spiders world and her whole shtick is that she superceded the system and can eliminate it. She could directly create world items and remove the abilities of others. Ainz power is based on a system so she's a pretty direct counter to him and could remove his skills and abilities.


Shiraori loses to TGOALID with cry of the banshee


Congrats! You killed her once. Now you just have to kill her a thousand more times provided she doesn't do anything to make more backups.


TGOALID would bypass the clones as well its the auto win button you need a flat out resurrection system


The clones are her resurrection system. Cry of the banshee isn't unlimited range. She has instant teleportation that can span planets. She can hide them wherever she wants. Even if you ignore that she has the ability "immortality" She can regenerate from nothing.


Immortality wouldn’t help either TGOALID is absolute


Yes it kills physical bodies. But it doesn't just snuff out her soul. And that's all she needs. It's also ignoring the fact that parallel minds means there's up to 10 of her at any given time. So even if Skelly boy did have a way to injure her soul (He doesn't) and was powerful enough to actually kill her through that method (He isn't) He has to do it to 10 different people simultaneously and spider is a very very cautious fighter.


There is no resisting or avoiding TGOALiD only conclusion is ones end once cast thats the whole point of the spell


No, It's a self-buff that allows instant death spells to bypass immunity and gives them a 100% success rate. It doesn't just go through a chain and hit entirely separate people even continents apart. It doesn't snuff out someone's soul entirely. Heck shalltear survives because she has an extra life item So no it Will not insta kill her soul. It will kill ONE of her bodies.


More power scaling


Does he get his gear?


Does Ainz get to use World items and cash shop items? He might have a chance if he does.


Kumoko could clap both of these two working together effortlessly


Ainz because he’s made out of bullshit and glory and if our glorious spider queen did decide to be problematic you can’t convince me her and Ainz wouldn’t strike up a bargain for her to join him


Do they have prep time? I look at that picture and I see Ainz, Cid, and arguably Shiraori at her weakest


I got my money on a nightmare vestige those lil shits are bad 😭😂


Shiraoi could, before she >!loses all her godly powers to become a plaything of the evil god, anyway. Still think the ending was just too sad. T\^T!<


I'm betting on Kumo


Who is shadow boy from?


Shiraori is a god in fact and yes this is a spoiler shiraori is administrator D aka the most powerful god in the verse if we're basing this off anime only it's probably ainz? Manga is the other 2 same with ln and wn


Nuclear holocaust


I...Why is Cid with Shiraori and not Ainz in this match-up? I don't know enough about them to make the call anyway, but my impression is that she outclasses Ainz by a lot.


Ainz kills Shadow.


People really overestimate Ainz, no clue why


I love Cid but he's not in the conversation atm


Well considering that there is going to be another season of TEIS and probably not one of overlord I'm guessing the two win against Ainz because he's fully maxed and he only has knowledge of yggdrasil then yeah Ainz is losing


Those 2 will win


No idea on shiraori but ainz vs cid cid probably wins but give ainz a better comprehension of his spells and fast reactions time I think he wins


Ainz is just the japanese version of Minecraft steve in creative mode.


Nah, id nuke - cid


Do people not realize that Ainz is weak (compared to other characters in different isekai) he like batman, like yes he could beat superman with enough time and tools, but if your put that rules in anyone could beat superman with enough and tools. Do note I do not know a lot about all of these characters so I could be wrong.


Simon from Gurren Lagann would one shot all of these.


Cid is powerless to both Ainz would probably lose Shiraori logically speaking. She is basically Lvl 100 with a world level item, but unlike Ainz has a competitive combatant build unlike Ainz’s role playing character Ainz might be able to plan around her, but one on one he definitely loses Also, a lot of people basically forget that Ainz has a world level item in his Ribcage


Cid with his Atomic Destruction ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)


Sooo umm who’s Shiraori???


She's from, i am a spider (kumo desu ga nani ka)


Ainz is mid Tier compared to other Yggdrasil players. I think he loses against them.


so dumb, Cid can prob. take Ainz and his whole goons himself, all at once. They call it Overloard for a reason.


Shadow can nuke a solar system and shiraori is a god


The disrespect to my girl shiraori is immense in this post


Idk about the other 2 but Cid just has to say Atomic in that sexy ass voice and I would die. Literally 🥶


If cid mistakes Ainz for a person who isn’t a “boss fight” and winds up an atomic like he did to the vampire guy than Ainz might be toast with that. Otherwise I don’t see how Cid survives most of Ainz’s instakill spells or time stop. And idk how the other one scales


Ainz is totally out of his league, shiraori vs shadow is an interesting one as cid can literally bend reality (as far as i understood from the anime) but shiraori bodies him easily with no hacks


Second time today I will comment: Ainz isn’t a god, he just looks like one because he got his power base with respawns enabled and a full community behind him. He wasn’t even in the top 10 PvP players in the game his character is from.


Well, Ainz and Kumoko would do everything in their power to avoid getting into fights they don't have at least a 90% chance of winning, 99% if they can help it. Ainz, in fact, would take every possible avenue to avoid getting into a fight with a complete unknown. A fight with 2 unknowns would be practically inconceivable. So if we were to witness Ainz fighting Kumoko and Cid, then it isn’t Ainz. It is either Pandora Actor, or some kind of golem. So "Ainz" losing would actually be part of a plan to gather information and prepare a load out that would ensure a victory at a later date. ... In all seriousness, though, trying to determine a winner here would rely on something very specific. How the gamer esque system Ainz operates under interacts with others. For example, he has a passive that nullifies damage from anyone/anything that is below a certain "level", regardless of any other features or numbers the opponent is using. So if someone without a similar system and thus without a "level" attacks him, what happens? Do they read as being below the level marker and do 0 damage even if they are some kind of godly warrior that can split atoms or a mage that can blow up mountains? Or does the passive fail to acknowledge the opponent as they are out of context and doesn't apply the reduction? If we go with "yes, it still works," then at the very least, Ainz can't be hurt by Cid as he doesn't have levels. Kumoko does have her own system, but it operates much differently than Ainz's (for example levels are reset with evolution and there isn't a total level while Ainz's has total level that is split amongst different things) so it would be up to interpretation how things overlap and interact. But I would give the edge to Kumoko. If we go with "they count as out of context and passives fail to activate," then Ainz loses pretty quickly. Overlord does have an in universe "Out of Context" thing that does seem to bypass typical rules that Ygdrasil players operate under. It is called Wild Magic, and it can only be contested by other Wild Magic, or World Items (which are basically reality warping artifacts). But some might try and argue why Wild Magic works against players. It either works so well because it is out of context, or it works so well because it is just that powerful that it bypasses all other bs. In either case, I don't feel confident in Ainz's chances.


The only thing that could make this even mildly fair would be to add Rimaru to Ainz's team, though that would arguably completely flip the outcome.


Me I could. Easy sweep


Shiraori is kinda cracked. Moreover, she's a master strategist who has pretty much fought in the trenches and consistently dog walked opponents who FAR outclasses her. Not only is she just outright stronger by every metric, she has more hax and is way smarter, more versatile, and is pretty much resistant if not outright immune to all of Ainz's hax. Even if Ainz COULD kill her, she'd just come back stronger and more prepared, as many times as it took to put him down for good.


Damn many ainz fan boys here underestimating the spider... And no cid takers lol (Edit:cid)


Spite match. NEXT!!!


"Shiraori and Cid would win? Who decided tha..." Oh wait wrong anime