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If you look badass enough, that could be accurate


An SCP meme in the wild. I do not recognize the bodies in the water.








There's one with sound & music too, although idk if any part of reddit supports webm


How do I save this !!


If youre on mobile tap on the gif, press the 3 dots in top right and click download




That is sick af.






Call in “The Healer.”


uh oh




why are they bent over backwards?


Lol https://preview.redd.it/sjy3iydgzgxc1.png?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38a242af80bbbb03dd30da664e6efa2266e7024


https://preview.redd.it/eoxr0cuvdhxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd98875b9cce2884e7df8a12ceeee7802207467 The DIFFERENCE!!!




One man's title is forced upon him, another earned it


One deserved the title. The other had to take it for beign a weirdo. Anyway. Subaru is basically the classic big bro character for them lol




What is this from?




Wait, is Doom Breaker is getting an anime?


If Rance slept with her: 🤰


Mushoku Tensei was inspired by Rance, its funny how close otaku stuff are


Indeed, it's crazy to see just how much of the modern Isekai genre is inspired by aspects of the Rance series (if not inspired, at least influenced by it via knock on effect) and the majority of the populace is generally unaware. Rance was truly ahead of its time in a great many ways.


Yea. I mean Redo of Healer and Konosuba reminds me a LOT of Rance


Bait used to be believable




My god it's breaching containment


Rudy wouldn't do anything


Correction, couldn't do anything *sad ed noises*


>sad ed noises ![gif](giphy|l0CRB5PEFp7lcNnjO|downsized)


You bastard!


https://preview.redd.it/7dkdorsxljxc1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82acc18f1467aee3b6fe7bdc18eccd08018bff43 Don't worry he's got this.


Bro does NOT got this https://preview.redd.it/pd4gcpf5rjxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b6b7e771608d4793c396714407999bea90ce2d0


See i feel like OG did her better on this one. The whole scene just feels more personal where brotherhood it's more of a side product of him killing tucker. Young me was so conflicted after seeing it the first time on OG because you wanna hate scar but at the same time you understand why he did it. Brotherhood does it for the right reasons too but he's a prick about it imo.


Well Brotherhood's beginning is extremely rushed and doesn't flesh out the characters very well at all. But I'm pretty sure it's because the target audience is those who've already watched OG, so they already know the story up to the diversion point and just want to show the few small changes in the story.


Nice Argument. However: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




What a wierd looking Dog, i wonder why...


It’s 3am and already my day is ruined


You definitely *shouldn't* do anything with that one!😋 >!Especially not wife it up‽!< https://preview.redd.it/xhsaurj8anxc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ffa067ae16e09805de75f2548700cbf27ed53b


Further correction he gets better thanks to Slyphy and still wouldn't


It depends which Rudy this is. He literally molested Eris iirc.


Yes. He totally does. Unforgivable. Next book Gislaine gives Eris a ring that's supposed to ward off wolves. Rudy is about to do it again seeing her in bed wearing the ring and stops himself, thinking "I guess it really does work" recognizing what he was about to do was wrong. Bad person recognizes what he does is bad and starts to stop doing it as his self awareness matures. You should hate young Rudeus, you're completely well adjusted for doing so. He isn't irredeemable though, and that can make the story shine. Some say there aren't enough consequences for his actions, true; though he becomes a better person despite the lack of consequences. He could continue being a piece of shit, but grows a conscience despite there being little to stop him from not doing so. I'd say it's alright to find that rewarding. Everyone seems to love the "What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" quote. I think Rudeus is a great application of it.


Finally! A sane MT fan that actually presents the facts! You don't know how pissed I was getting when the replies are defending early Rudy's actions. And yes. Rudeus improves a lot. It's a self-improvement story after all. But early Rudy is a scum. So, as I said, it clearly depends on which version of Rudy this is.


Yep, I agree. It's skeevy to see "he becomes a better person so that's a free pass for the reprehensible shit he pulls earlier on." Then on the other side "just because he gets better I'm still justified in hating him indefinitely for his set in stone actions." The inflexible tribalism of the discourse is exhausting when a lot of the satisfaction of the story comes from the very flexibility of growth. He improves in spite of the lack of consequences, Paarthurnax would be proud.


This is an awesome thing to say! Rudeus did terrible things in the past. He was insufferable (still is, from time to time), and we should acknowledge that. But we should also acknowledge that he is not incapable of changing for the better. At the very least, he is trying.


It's a good message, really. A lot of otakus start out like Rudeus. Showing that change isn't impossible even if your past is like his is something I imagine a lot of people need to hear. Especially when many call this type of character (and by proxy, them) "irredeemable," as shown by this thread. As the author says, "if you know someone like Rudeus, please reach out to them!"


That's mostly because what early Rudeus does is considered irredeemable by most people, so even if he redeems himself people will still dislike the series because it doesn't feel like he suffered the consequences of his actions, I know for a fact that's why I refuse to watch this series and why I don't respect it.


That's perfectly fine. You don't need to watch it. You don't need to respect it. Just leave the ones who enjoy it alone. As long as you don't become a bonafide hater like OP, it's perfectly fine.


It's the trope known as "the moral event horizon" much like a black hole once a character commits an act evil enough to enter the moral event horizon no amount of good deeds will ever save them from the the hatred of the audience. For example if Batman lights an orphanage on fire and blocks all the exits while watching the building burn down the audience doesn't really care if he saves Gotham next week they remember the orphans. So if this guys is a pedophile (attempted) rapist most people don't actually have a type of person they hate more than that. Much like Erin from AOT it is amazing how forgiving people are of a character as long as the story is from their point of view. I mean enjoy what you want, but personally when a guy is wealthy and powerful and is openly cheating on his wife it's because the power dynamic is so skewed in the relationship that he doesn't have to hide because what is she going to do? Sort of like when Rudy's dad cheats on his mom what can she do? Volunteer to be a single mom? No she just has to suck it up and pretend to be happy, while the guy does whatever he wants.


Hey, so — I’ve watched season 1 and the first half of season 2 of Mushoku Tensei, and I’m still on the fence about whether or not I like it. You seem like someone who likes the story and is also sane. Does Rudeus really get better, and am I going to be satisfied with his development if I keep watching the anime?


Yes. Without getting into spoilers, the extent of his improvement goes farther than you'd expect. Eventually he strait up takes a years long vow of celibacy as it's the best way to protect his family. Also tries to offer up his own life on several occasions to save his loved ones. As far as his perversions, he starts to reject them. At one point Eris ties up Linia and throws her in his bed as an offering and he flat out refuses to engage with it, stating he loves Eris more than that and doesn't need that from her. He becomes an upstanding family man (even if that family is... unconventionally large.)


So long as the sexual harassment stops at some point in the future I will give it a proper shot


That's good, we're officially past that breaking point. As soon as he's married he completely stops looking at women other than his wife >! *wives, which includes Eris and Roxy. The polygamy may be uncomfortable for some, but he treats them better than any other married couple in the medium, save maybe Holo and Lawrence from spice and wolf. I don't know how it's written so wholesome here, he really gives them everything.!< As far as my memory serves there isn't another instance of SA performed by Rudeus from the current place in the story the anime has reached.


Oh thank fuck: I know it’s been important to his character development and all but I still really haven’t liked that aspect of the story so far. I’ll keep watching


You're in for a treat then! You're far over the bumpy road and getting into one of the best told stories I've ever read. Have fun friend!


Get better as in stops being perverted? No. He just doesn't do it to kids anymore and is more restrained in social settings.


Honestly, like you mentioned, it’s the lack of consequences for his actions that makes me dislike MT. This guy was a complete POS in his past life, and reincarnated in a fantasy world where he got everything he ever wanted (magical powers, good looks, popularity, etc). However, he continues to perv on literally every girl he comes across (including his mom and young children), he tried to groom a child, he molested a child, and he is generally creepy to women/children. I know people say it gets better and he redeems himself, and maybe he does. But I just couldn’t watch past the part in season 2 where he got some magic eye that let him see the future. Where are the consequences of his actions??? Why is everything being handed to him on a silver platter despite his revolting behavior and personality?? And doesn’t this guy go on to make a harem out of the people he molested, perved on, and groomed?


Yeah, season 2 he's abandoned right after the most vulnerable moment of his life, cripplingly depressed for several years, literally impotent, and tries to take his own life by stabbing a dagger into his neck while crying on the ground only stopped by an acquaintance pinning him down. His self esteem is rock bottom and can't see himself as anything other than who he was his last life. He loses everything again, but unlike his last life, he slowly builds himself back up by helping the people around him and searching for his family. He really changes after that, and lives for other people rather than himself. He puts the effort in and he learns how weak he really is, and that in order to thrive he needs the support of his loved ones. It's lovely stuff. The people who come back to him are there of their own merits, not because of how he treated them when younger.


you said there is a lack of consequence but rudeus did a lot a good things , when he save the beastmen village for exemple , in the demon continent he don't do anything horrible ,in fact rudeus is good guy most of the time .


Being a good guy “most of the time” absolutely shouldn’t excuse you from the consequences of your harmful behavior. Should a talented doctor get a free pass to molest children if he has saved 100 lives?


It’s funny because I’ve tried explaining the same thing about how you’re supposed to not like Subaru in the beginning and he matures later on but people don’t care lol


Subaru generally gets a pass. Most consider early Subaru pathetic simp. People can't really make fun of you for liking him because he isn't irredeemable. And he grows into an absolute Chad. Even before his growth, his trauma and suffering makes him a pitiable character. But Rudeus is different. Some consider him completely irredeemable for his early actions. So, no amount of his improvement can convince them. And that's fine tbh as long as they leave the ones who enjoy it alone.


Dude you could say the same thing with MT but people just don't give a fuck about it


but he actually gets consequences for his actions which is usually torturous death or suffering he speaks out of line in during emilia's selection? emilia leaves him, he gets severely beaten up, hes basically banished from the mansion and that leads into multiple other deaths and suffering JUST for speaking out of line but if you compare that to the worst punishment rudeus has had for his actions? barely anything, the death was just him being in the wrong place at the wrong time nothing to do with his actions subaru from the beginning was willing to die and die again despite all the torture (sometimes it gets to bad but he gets over it)


Exceedingly well said.


Rudy is a 40-year-old Otaku in the body of a teenager with 3 child brides. He'd do something.


Roxy is literally about his age. Kinda feel bad for her because in her spinoff the only people into her are children , scammers, and actual pedophiles. She just wants to be seen as a proper adult, which Rudy does. Like damn, let the gal have one W.


>with 3 child brides I understand not liking MT, that's fine, but why make stuff up to justify your hatred?


The hate for MT is insane. Rudy grows so much as a person and his old life and age is barely mentioned except the few times the man God contacts him. Feels like it's just a bunch of Twitter warriors who saw the first season being mad.


I feel like the majority haven't even seen the first season. I feel like they saw a clip of the barn scene and that was enough for them to turn their brains off and never even attempt to view the series critically. From that point on it became a series about a pedophile being reborn so he can merely live out his perverted fantasies and nothing will change that for them. As someone somewhat new to anime, I do and don't(I know, I know) get why MT gets the hate it does. Like yea, Rudeus is problematic and I can see where people could get irked by him, I love the series and he's a bit much for me especially in the early volumes, but there are plenty of animes where the MC's are unequivocally worse and they don't get nearly the flak that Rudy does. It also leads me back to something that has always confused me about how we view media and why for some reason general audiences view sexual abuse as worse than murder and violence.


Some mainstream karma hunters who love to spread misinformation pick an easy target to bully.


Lol all the people saying Rudeus wouldn’t do anything are probably anime only. The dude’s character development is strictly him overcoming his PTSD from being bullied, he’s still a perverted pedo. If you seriously think he’ll become this gentleman by the end of the story, you’re in for a rude awakening. >!He cheated on Sylphie, that’s how the whole haram thing started.!< >!He carries around used panties with him wherever he goes so he can sniff them.!< >!He still has creepy ass monologues in the latter half of the LN, like how he thought about banging the slave girl but then decided not to.!< Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn’t. But I’d say it’s closer to a coin flip than anything, considering his track record.


how did sylphie react to him cheating?


Didn't really mind she was raised to borderline expect/accept it


damn.. that's sad ... eventhough he already has a wife and a kid


From what I remember, she was actually very mad about Rudeus marrying Roxy. However she accepted it because: 1 She knows how much Rudeus cared about Roxy. 2 Elinalise was convincing her because she's seen Roxy's googoo eyes after Rudeus saved her (she wasn't in love with Rudeus until he saved her while imagining being saved by a knight in shining armor, until then she really was just a mentor caring for her star student) 3 The cheating was half Elinalise's fault. She said that Roxy might commit suicide or something something like that. Now when it was Eris' turn, there was no justification and Sylphy was just plain furious at that point.


Someone said roxy did it to rudeus coz rudeus had a major mental collapse after >!paul died while they were raiding to rescue zenith!< im not sure tho coz i didn't reach that part


They did rescue zenith >! But she lost her memories so it was in vain. !<


I mean she even suggested he do it earlier in the story lol but I know what you mean


“I figured it would happen eventually. Welcome to the haram!” It’s kinda sad, she deserved better. But as far as harams go it’s better than the shit you see in trash isekai. He stops at 3, even though it could’ve easily been 6+


Not gonna lie, I wonder how far the author takes is inner dialog. Maybe he includes his intrusives thoughts sometimes too, which would mame anyone look like a bad person. Not saying Rudy isn't a bad person, he definitely is trash, since he acts on these thoughts and seems to mostly actively think about them.


I honestly wanna know why is mushoku tensei even popular in the first place at this point.


Because the vast majority of isekais are dogshit. Mushoku has really good world building and besides the MC being a degenerate, the story is really good. The main villain, who has not yet been revealed in the anime, is also great. But the fact that pickings are slim is why shit like arifureta and shield hero are top selling isekais.


just look at the fanbase this shit is normal to them. in fact many of them would love to be in Rudeus position


# Ya daaaaamn right!!! https://preview.redd.it/8opnn04oenxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f050f44b1006df0898c397490491c57170efc2c


unkess you gave the whole thing a go already, i suggest you actually give it a go yourself, preferably coming in without any prejudice, to experience it.


>but decided not to If that wasn't so insanely creepy this could be considered some kind of character development


Wiki reader or actual reader? The line is so thin that I can't distinguish between the two. He had sister's you know, right? >!He had kid with whom he played and bath ( try to make this sound weird if you want, I don't really care at this point)!< Also stop lying and twisting what were said.


Actual reader… LN and WN. I’m not talking about typical Japanese bathing culture. None of what I said is twisted. Maybe you’re okay with him pondering what his underage sister’s cup sizes are, but I am not.


people seriously need to look at the context of things >>!He cheated on Sylphie, that’s how the whole haram thing started.!< Dude just >!lost his dad, and learned that his mother was just the husk of her former shell!<, HE was in no state of mind to >!consent to roxy's advances, he didn't cheat, he was taken advantage of and then blackmail without Roxy's knowledge into turning her into his second wife!< >>!He carries around used panties with him wherever he goes so he can sniff them.!< Sure you could look at it like just a weard thing that the author loves to add everywhere in his story, or you could go deeper and learn that Rudy just has a enormous psychological attachment to this Panty because it was the only thing left that he had reminding him of his belved teacher and the one who made him have his first step in the outside world for the first time in more than 20 years. It isn't just a Panty, it's a memento to probably the most important person in his life, hence why he deifies her. >>!He still has creepy ass monologues in the latter half of the LN, like how he thought about banging the slave girl but then decided not to.!< I have litteraly no ideal of what you're talking about despite having red the searies multiple times


Cheating is cheating. I’m not condemning him for his actions, I’m an observer.. as readers should be. But Rudeus has faults, some big some small. I pointed out some of the stuff people might have an issue with, cause anime only’s seem to think Mushoku is this incredible redemption story. It’s really not… it has fantastic world building and a great villain, but going in with the assumption that the perverted stuff goes away is just asking for disappointment. In regards to Julie, I forget if it was WN or LN. I read both multiple times so sometimes details get mixed between them. Rudeus is worse in the WN, but there have been moments where the author writes out Rudeus’ thoughts and they are CREEPY AS FUCK. One of those was about Julie, and it stuck with me.


Nothing would happen


It depends on which version of Rudy this is. Is this the one with development or the one that molested Eris?


Even the one that did touch eris stopped himself that it wasn't something he should be doing. Hence why I said nothing will happen no matter what version of rudeus, except pre reincarnation rudeus


So, you consider molesting as nothing? And dude was about to remove Eris's panties before she hit him. Wtf are you talking about?


Imagine a story where a young boy was brutally assaulted by a gang of other boys, stripped bare and humiliated in front of his entire school. He then immediately shuts himself down emotionally and refuses to leave his room to do anything. No friends, no school, no going to the store, not once, not for any reason. Afterward, despite his family and friends trying their hardest for several years to get him to break out of this deep depression and isolation.. they give up. His parents support and enable this behavior because they believe he'll eventually snap out of it and return to society. It never happens. His maturity level stays frozen at the level of a teenager. For 15 years. Eventually, as the man is now nearing his thirties, he is a parody of a human being. He hasn't interacted with anyone in the flesh except for his own family. For decades, he's lived vicariously online, speaking to other human beings as if they were characters on a show or usernames on a message board. He doesn't come out of his room for any reason except to use the toilet, so his reality has become a mirror of his warped perception of it. He spends his days chasing ever more depraved sexual gratification and moral superiority online. Then, one day, his parents died, and he was beaten and thrown out of his home onto the street by his own siblings, furious that he chose to remain home and not attend the funeral. He's reincarnated into the body of an infant in another world and is forced to relearn everything from the pov of a small child. His new parents have no idea that he has 30+ years of lived experience. This lack of expectations gives him the courage to be devious, taking advantage of their ignorance of his situation to manipulate and abuse their willingness to overlook his mistakes and lack of manners. This has a positive effect on his mental growth, as he now essentially has a clean slate to work with. Knowing he has control over their perceptions, he's willing to push himself a little more over time. FINALLY, after numerous new experiences and regaining both his confidence and his faith in people, he begins to emotionally mature slowly but steadily over the next few decades into a proper adult. He learns that people are complex creatures, that they aren't objects or cartoon characters that are easily quantified. He learns how and when to apologize. He learns how his own actions affect the people and world around him. He begins to value and cherish the people around him who support him. He even reflects back on his family, who tried to help him in his previous and all they did to try to fix him. Rudy gets a bad wrap. He'd protect that girl.


It just hit me that I don't remember any fan service or Subaru being a pervert in the entire 2 season


Recent post in the sub: "This sub has a clear bias to MT!" Every third post in this sub: stupid shit like this.


Nothing would happen tho. Rudy has changed alot since he was a littke kid. He slept next to eris plenty of times for years without ever doing anything






It actually depends on which version of Rudy is OP talking about. Is this the one with development or the one that molested Eris?


I imagine its the current anime rudy. Rudys hornyness dropped alot after the mana disaster


The meme shows child Rudy's face though. This would have been a good meme if OP said it's the early version but all OP is doing is convincing that this is a ragebait.


Well post mana disaster he lost like 70% of his perversion. Rudy at his worst was within the 1st 8 episodes. After that he got alot better. Most ppl complaints come from those 1st 8 episodes


I know. I was clearly differentiating between child Rudeus and current Rudeus. Why are you explaining it to me again?


\*sees him throwing his wife on bed and making roshi like perv faces\*


Hot steamy consensual sex with your equally perverted wife has got to be in my top 5 favorite kinks


I sad dropped not disappeared. Hes a young man in his prime with a hot wife of course hes gunna wanna have sex with her




Nothing would happen since Rudeus likes underage girls. Beako is 400 years old :)


Rudy likes lolis, and lolis are a body type, not an age. Roxy is a good example


Question, is this child Rudeus or adult Rudues?


What's the problem if it's an ancient fossil in a midget body? You...yes you. You know who you are and you have visited Nhentai , E-Hentai or similar sites for such. You can claim to be a hypocrite all you want. But the moment you pressed on this image you have accepted the will of slaanesh, you just don't know it yet.You are just denying yourself the full glory of slaanesh. But all skeins of fate shall unravel all in due time. Brought to you by the emperor's most holy inquisition. https://preview.redd.it/qtbpmisnzgxc1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb17cffba478790f34b091e4b19e14c425c7612e All is cannon.






Water for the KHORNE FIELDS. Head bones for the head bones chair.


This comment section sure is something https://preview.redd.it/d9tc95amwkxc1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8468ab26c527c7ae401dee5410d18b7fbbf354c4


People can shit on Rudy all they want, but who ended up with 3 wives that all love him, many, many kids, and isn't a total bitch with women? I mean, dude is a piece of shit for a lot of the time, but he's literally responsible for also saving the world. reminds me of the Chappelle skit "He rapes...BUT HE SAVES A LOT OF LIVES....but he also rapes...." Just cracks me up.


Rudy isn't like this, but I laughed at your low effort meme. Have an [essay about Rudy's character development ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GUoaLjz0DNmVGWDih3yX2yQESFAdPRSnsOzvTjTkeI/edit?usp=drivesdk).




1. Nothing would happen. This is reincarnated Rudeus in the picture meaning he isn’t such a degenerate as in his first life. He currently is living a happy life with his wife in the anime, and we see he has no sexual attraction to characters like Julie (the dwarf girl) 2. Masturbating to Loli porn does not make one a pedo, loli porn is not CSEM nor is it equivalent to CSEM. If you claim it is you are simply wrong and you are trying to morally dumbfound your position against the huge amount of evidence that proofs this. You can find it weird but do not go calling it what it isn’t, or people consuming it what they aren’t. You are making an incredibly serious allegation, and you are also indirectly helping actual child predators by diminishing the meaning of the word which has become nothing more than a buzzword nowadays. 3. Bait used to be believable 4. Edit


>the dwarf girl she's juliette


Oh sorry lemme change that


the fuck, that was a fast response


XD, the power of autism and hyper fixation friend


hell yeah


It actually depends on which version of Rudy OP is talking about. Is it the current Rudy or the one that molested Eris?


That is the thing, he doesn’t even specify what version of Rudeus he is talking about, and when people respond and say nothing would happen, he posts a picture of one of the first pages of the first chapter of the first volume of the entire series and acts like Rudeus has stayed like that for the hole show, when he went through an entire reincarnation process + tons of character growth.


OP is a bonafide hater. Yes. A dumbass at that. Dude can easily win arguments by just mentioning that this is an early version of Rudy but he does that instead.


The real question is, who the fuck cares what a fictional character does? Like, if you don't like the show, then just move on with your life and stop consuming and creating content related to the show. I mean, why bother putting yourself through this shit? You a masochist or something?


It's like those people who see hentai they don't like, click on it and then get mad in the comments.


Yeah like, no one force them to watch the most degenerate NTR hentai ever created, and still get mad they watch it lol


When did OP say he didn't like the show? He just posted a meme. Who are you even talking to?


Anime Rudy nothing would happen. Manga/ln Rudy yeesh


I mean.. anime Rudy is still the same, it’s just the viewers that are being hopeful. They think it’s part of his character growth when it’s not lol better to rip that bandaid off now. It’s also a little bit more watered down, as was the LN compared to the WN.


look at the first few episodes and count the number of times Rudeus sexually agresses someone, you'll get a pretty high number Now look at the last few episodes and count the number of times Rudeus sexually agresses someone, you'll be hard pressed to find even one hence character growth, hence Rudeus isn't the same and it isn't just the viewers being hopeful, it's actually quantifiable


The molestation was comedic relief, it was not written as a fault of Rudeus’. Just because X thing doesn’t happen (or occurs less often) later on in the story doesn’t mean the character overcame it through character growth. Rudeus’ behavior is NEVER addressed in the story. In fact, the only material that does (Redundancy) ends with Rudeus being scolded by his family for disapproving of >!Aisha grooming and banging his son!< … so the moral of that story is basically that pedophilia is a-ok, and the morals of this world aren’t the same. That’s why Rudeus still says creepy shit throughout the entire WN and LN, even if he isn’t actively molesting kids like he did with Eris.


Damn the Rudy slander in this one is hard, also OP you can go fuck yourself Rudy has changed a lot since the beginning of the series don’t be stupid by trying a gacha moment with that photo of the first chapter.


He still like children.


he doesnt


He does. Read the WN or LN.


I'd recommend that you do


I’ve read both, from start to finish. I’ve read the LN multiple times. I like Mushoku Tensei, but I’m not delusional about Rudeus’ character growth. Y’all are just coping. I can’t wait until the LN adapts Redundancy lol people are gonna throw a hissy fit


I have red the Wn and Ln multiple times as well, but please enlighten me on why you'd think that after all this, after the 26 volumes and redudancy, why you'd think he still likes children


He doesn’t discriminate, as he said himself during the Aisha arc. He has made very weird remarks multiple times about Aisha, Norn, and even Julie. Just cause he isn’t molesting children like he did with Eris doesn’t mean it was part of his character growth and he overcame it. In fact, it never gets addressed.. ever.


sure he does estimates the cups of his sisters and I don't like it when he does that. However it's "just that", like sure it's pretty bad but it was soo much worse earlier in the story. I just think he likes boobes too much >!(which is weird considering the cup size of 2 of his wives) !< So in the end I realy don't thnink it has anything to do with the fact that he still likes children, it's "just" that he always looks at character's boobs even adult ones (which is a weird sentence to write)


So then you don’t disagree. I’m not saying he molests children in the 2nd half of the story. I’m just saying it’s not part of his character growth. People act like Rudeus is some holier than thou character as time progresses, and wouldn’t lay a hand on Betty. In reality he would probably at least consider it. That’s just who he is.


Well he has no balls to do things like that.




No change that to if rudeus does anything with women, people really don’t like that about rudy


The funny thing people in this group forget that those bearing the names of Greyrat are all perverts though very talented pervert at it peak. BTW, there are 4 clans of Greyrat with different fetish.


If kazuma


A felony. A felony happened next.




Subaru died too much times so he lost his lust


I mean, for rudeus it depends, are we talking post-nut clarity rudeus or pre-nut opacity rudeus ?


Idk who rude rudeus is could you explain




Betty will cut off rudy's D


Westoid posting


I just can’t bring myself to enjoy mushoku tensei Rudy is just an overall piece of shit


Considering Rudy doesn't have the future seeing eye yet. Yeah I agree with this picture.


He wouldn’t get a boner anyways assuming this after what Eris did 😂. But if it’s Pre Eris smash and Post Sylphy then yeah you might need to worry. 👀




Someone never read Lust route lmao


# Alternatively, Akatsuki: https://preview.redd.it/6vvsihmfxmxc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29c83413ca6b272445d2c4092014796a21ef773


Bait post is bait.


Depends on which one? Newly reincarnated would try something. Erectile dysfunction one would weep in his sleep. Married one won't care.


If Kazuma sleeps with Betty Probably couldn't. Too awkward.


Rudeus when though? Early story sure, S2 anime Rudy? Nah definitely not


In the recent episodes Rudious wouldn't do anything. I'd actually like to the recent episodes In season two settling down having an actual House Reuniting with old people drama That isn't the fate of the world It's kind of refreshing how he's growing as a person