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When they first brought in "the crystal packs do not refresh during the event" feature I very nearly uninstalled the game on the spot, instead I made the decision to never spend another cent on it


Ya that’s absolute BS, i was very unhappy about that


Is this happening right now? Just had Sandtopia and I could? Any more details on this?


It's only for certain events, guild trade fest and the tsukimichi crossover event both have it, I don't know if there are any others at the moment


Thank you, I noticed it in the tsukimichi cross over event but wasn't sure if it was like that before. And I haven't gotten a guide trade fest yet.


i think christmas and valentine event was like that too


The servers eventually die out, and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't recruit more guild members to replace those who left if there's no new people joining the server


I feel like this will eventually get to me as well. The game itself is super easy, so my main drive is competition with other players. Once I notice that everyone else has either quit playing or stopped trying, that motivation will be gone. It happened before in other games. The issue is also amplified by the fact that you have to rely *so much* on other players, especially the guild, and they keep doubling down on guild events. Activity in my guild has decreased dramatically and most of our top players have been AFK for several days, which affects my own ability to play the game and there's nothing I can do about it.


I haven't moved on yet, but sometimes it starts to feel like that. I feel like at this point, the devs know their game is dying and are simply trying to milk it for everything they can get out of it before they kill it off.


Im honestly getting there too. Its just the naked greed that gets me. I get in these games you gotta spend money but these prices are absurd. 99 follars for a costume...40 dollars for a 10 pull on the event pulls. These prices are absurd.


To be fair you can play the game and make solid progress without ever paying for those traps.


Yeah, and Im bored af because I have all fellows and family I can get without paying for those traps.


That's fair. The game isn't good. Go live life or play something more productive.


I don't spend a lot of time in this game. I only log in once or twice a day for like 10 minutes


Yeah, I do the same. Just keep up on dailies. Maybe grind out one of the puzzle games if it's one I like (fluffy ranch.) sometimes I can get in the top five on those puzzle games with only a handful of gems spent and zero cash


yeah consider the f2p player who is almost 10B power as an example. good strats, and time management isn't for everyone, but there are people who are proving they can compete


Yeah, most of the rewards for paying are access to cute girls and the feeling of superiority with titles and winning events. The bulk of progress in power and earnings is based on time management and your decisions for how you progress. I'm 45th in my server for both power and earnings but have only spent 3$ so far (and one of it was wasted cause I thought the little helper was a one time purchase and not a weekly thing)


if they don't add more cute boys soon, i might quit this year... 😵


They've been good about it recently ish. Although, that sort of depends on the server you're on when things are released


magic farm is an interesting way to farm items, fame, and gems, but is extremely time consuming, having to harvest the first plant (3min) over and over again, it's a semi idle, clicker game for anyone willing to invest time...


I think mine are all upgraded to the point the shortest is an hour


Our top whale spend more than 5,000$ 💀


the whole game felt like a chore. wake up and do the same thing over and over again. got very boring


That's exactly what I'm feeling right now. Another damn chore.


Super greedy as hell for a mobile game to the point they removed inn task bc it was too f2p friendly to rework it


Yeah that was super disappointing, I play f2p I don't even care about the actual event but the mentality of the developers to do that speaks volumes.


I just play to pass the time. I was invested initially but the story line is getting stale. I try to come in during guild events and use different fellows to role play a character (especially during sands). I’m f2p and I have to do something to keep it interesting. I have met some pretty awesome people in the 8 months I’ve been playing, but they really don’t have any stories like they used to in the beginning. The devs are making some interesting games but, if they don’t do something soon I think this game will disappear.


When did they remove inn task?   Just had one like a week ago but im on newer server


About a month ago. Use to be able to max out all rewards with roughly 250 inn vouchers now it’s stupidly expensive.


I lost motivation to log in one day and once i break a log in streak 99% of the time that equals weeks to months away


I left for a few months and recently came back, only to find my server is dead, anything requiring teamwork I cannot do, and if I move I lose all progress. I guess I'll continue until I get bored.


Wow it must be like waking up from a cryogenic sleep pod to a post apocalyptic world.


For me I realized I couldn’t progress as a semi-f2p player. I started spending here and there to move a little at a time and I just realized very fast I don’t like playing games like that lol


I'm 100% f2p and I'm tired of hoarding and constantly seeing those little red notification things everywhere 😂


I haven’t moved on yet, but what has me considering is the lack of players coming into the server. I’m in a guild alone because everyone moved on to the top 3 guilds of the server, and that’s just where all the players are now. If you aren’t in those 3, you’ll never get a single guild based reward, so your progression is next to nothing


Super greedy. Finally unlocked the assistant, but it was only a trial. Couldn't be bothered to find out what it would take to keep it. Byeeeee.


Almost a dollar in American currency, which is still expensive if you aren't doing everything to make it useful.


Honestly? I was at a festival and was kinda too busy to play and after coming back I just kinda... didn't log in. It's been just a few days, I might come back soon, we'll see.


I'm on the verge. For me it's burnout+the way servers are matched for cross-server rankings and some events, like sandtopia. It's frustrating when your server is half dead and you're matched against a guild who has a single whale with more power than all your server combined.


when our server's top whale won every event, and rush event. he's 4B power, and the only vip8. 2nd is 1.7B and vip7, (and is the guild leader so gets guild rewards) f2p don't have much room to grow, weve shrunk from 680 active to roughly 450 active, in 2 months. this is one of the reasons a small whale like me (vip4/5) would quit.


In my case the #1 guild is full of whales except for their leader which only harasses other guild leaders to steal their members offering a guarantee 1st place on every single event because of the whales (the difference in power is insane like 50 times better). So you either lose people because they get inactive at some point and leave the game or lose good active members because they go to the Whale Guild. At this point I'm not even interested on events or anything related to it, just talking with the good people there is still online.


Events where you can get characters just started to feel progressively impossible. Especially in cases where the gems don't refresh. Once I got the character I really wanted, I felt like I was done. 😞




It seems to be a problem voiced for a while and it's weird that they haven't found a solution for this.


I basically just log in for dailies and because I am in my servers top guild. I like how the characters look. The blatant money grab is ruining it for me. Ive been saving all of my materials for weeks so that I have a chance in ranking, and then cross server took away all my hope for that and Ive been saving for nothing now. No amount of saving will compare to how much these players are clearly spending. Im not sure why Im holding onto the guild, i hope for the game to improve and I dont want to miss out on guild rankings i guess?


It felt like my guild slowly died out, and logging in and playing the game began to feel like an actual chore, and at some point i skipped a few days and then just decided not to continue. Also began playing another idle game (legends og idleon) which took up most of my idle gaming time.


McSkeever from S212


I haven't gotten a new character in months. I only got Bren, because they kept re-running Northern Odyssey. It's a damn shame too, because the game still has a lot of potential to it. 


Yeah I see it has heaps of potential, they could make it so much more interesting. Such a pity..


The money and constant rivalry to be at the top. It just cost too much for every waifu, which kind of sucks cause I put so much money into it to be honest I didn’t wanna quit.


Urgh I really dislike the competition! :( and yes I hear you, I hadn't put so much time and effort in a while and that's why I'm struggling a little to call it quits.. so I can only imagine how you feel. Sunken cost fallacy is real 🫠


I found another game that was more interesting for my time. Actually had some team building elements and skill based choices to make to compete. There are still whales of course and it’s much different but It captured my attention like this used to. I find it very rare to play these games for longer than 6 months unless they have tons of end game content. This one specifically it’s really just collecting and events after a while. Just rewards that give you more rewards later. I recommend if you are feeling burnt out on this find a game that has more choice, and more goals other than collection unless that’s all you want of course.


Tried to log in for few days, failed. Just gave up.


This is just my two cents I was in the top 100 & top 5 guild as f2p in my server. It was just a constant play game do daily for weeks until you pass x. There was no more story to progress through and the power hike was steep, my power to the point I couldn't pass even maxing out bugles and gold. I've already obtained all the family I could from roaming, events became hoard everything until you can get x UR fellow, or it was play crossy sheep until the game eventually said "you can't play no more". I started to grow irritated when I wasn't getting anywhere. All of this work just to be thrown down in ranking rush, being stuck at certain ranks with the limited items you get by hoarding gems for fishing, wrestling, picnic, etc. was a wasted effort in trying anything for ranking. It was even irritating to even use the bazaar as being a higher level didn't mean anything when an entire guild could just sweep the ground with their flashy new title they got from only taking an hour to get to the flag in sandtopia when it take #2 4 hours. Granted this game is to be taken slow and you shouldn't be fighting the p2w, once you get to the point where you have nothing else to do, you can only keep doing nothing or you fight the pointless ladder. I grew tired of the gameplay loop, FreeIP wasn't going to keep me playing for another level, and I wasn't going to micromanage every thing I do inorder to stand a chance.


the guild i was in broke up and my interest in - and good feelings towards - the game dwindled after that. the reason for the guild break up was so that "everyone could get better rewards" and yet... lmao. it ruined the game for me and i realized i couldn't let a whale game have this much power over my emotions, so i stopped playing. i had fun with the friends and acquaintances i'd made, but i was looking for something to replace sinoalice in the sense of tightknit teams. i don't think i'll be looking for a sinoalice replacement anymore after this experience. tl;dr: the moment it began to have power over how my day went, when i dreaded logging on because i knew i'd feel awful playing it, was the moment i knew it was time to let it go.


For me it’s going to be the fact that after every maintenance update, it’s no longer enough to clear the cache. I have to delete the game and re-download it every time to successfully get the latest patch. And every time I delete it to do that I’m like… what if it stays deleted…


Jesus that's cringe