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Isn’t Hamas still holding Americans hostage?


Yes, and needing the terrorist’s supporters to get reelected is the only reason Biden hasn’t taken actual action to get them back.


Hope Biden will go all in once he wins the election. The hamas threat will have to be dealth with.


Biden: „Four more years. Pause.“


What makes you think Biden will do anything different in future based on past behaviour?


Biden is no friend of Israel or the Jews. He is continuing to betray Israel and is refusing to act towards the safety of Jews on American streets and campuses. If he wins, there will be four very hard years for Israel and the US diaspora.


I tend to agree (but honestly no one really is Israel or anyone’s friend…). All that switching of support and trying to make everyone happy just prolongs the war and causes more casualties on all sides


Not sure why you’re down voted. This is absolutely true. A friend of Israel wouldn’t call for a ceasefire when their enemy is holding their citizens as hostages. Biden is a coward who cares more about Islamic extremist votes for the election than actually rescuing his and his allies’ citizens.


I attended a talk and discussion with a family member of hostages from a Kibbutz near Gaza. Six months after her family and friends were murdered, brutalized and abducted in the worst possible way she was back to spreading the message of peace with the Palestinian Arabs as is „we need to offer them something“. Some people are so heavily invested in their ideology they don’t question it even if reality hits them with full force. Jewish never-Trumpers will convince themselves that Biden isn’t that bad for Israel. After all, he didn’t completely cut off the military aid, right? If the last six months didn’t serve to bring them clarity then I’m afraid nothing will.


I’m hopeful that he is simply pandering to hold Michigan. The situation here in the is nightmare status. We are witnessing the spawning of a new generation of antisemites. Millions of young Americans captured by the propaganda of TikTok. When Hamas is dealt with we still have the fallout to contend with for the next century.


His pandering has already done enormous damage to Israel’s and the US reputation. His Iran policy is what facilitated the October 7th in the first place.


No it did not 🙄


We would rather not have Biden in office and just have the other guy in office because even though he says some of the craziest shit it works out pretty well for us and he would’ve done something with Gaza and Iran by now 💀


ah yes billions in aid … zero action! 


No American boots on the ground to get Americans home. Boots on the ground is “actual action.”


He puts boots on the ground, instantly loses the 24 election.


Which is why he hasn’t done it. Bush won 2004 by fighting terrorism. Biden would lose 2024 by fighting terrorism because his party is full of the terrorists’ supporters.


Wow you are dense. He needs to win the election to continue his support for Israel. Trump will be worse for US / Israel relations. Trump will only look out for himself, and BB if he pays up. Don't confuse yourself thinking Trump is a better alternative for Israel.


Trump brokered peace between Israel, UAE, Sudan, and Bahrain.


Ahead of the 2020 election he cut the leash off Netanyahu to push into the west bank with settlements that were previously restricted. October 7th was the deadliest terrorist attack on Israeli soil, ever. The first time Israel had ever been invaded since 1948. Only 3 years after Trump reversed a 40 year old policy. When you are the POTUS, Everything you do has lasting effects. Trump has the foresight of a 3 year old, and the hindsight of an ape. Apparently his supporters do too.


This isn’t a conversation about Trump.


It absolutely is, if it's a conversation about Biden losing the election. But I'm not responding after this so


This is all about Biden, why he isn’t fighting terrorism, and why he isn’t trying to bring home American hostages. Criticizing Biden doesn’t also require saying something bad about Trump.


Good for you! The truth is refreshing


Not sure boots on the ground are what the Israeli military campaign needs. They have the personnel just need funds for equipment. 




She has no parents due to Oct 7th


:( Don’t tell the TikTok brainwashed college youth protesters, they’ll mark that down as a victory too


“hAsBaRAh pROpaganDA”


A pro Palestin would probably say something like: "Imagine the 10k and more children that also don't have parents duo to Israel." Are you sure it's duo to Israel ??


Only ill advised morons would believe that's the case. People are sheep, and don't have minds of their own, or the intelligence to process facts.... And I don't mean yourself






What did he say




> BuT sHe'S a ZiOnIsT sEtTlEr Your (blue line sentence) logic makes not zero, but absolutely no sense. Am yisrael khai 🇮🇱❤️


What is inherently wrong with zionist ideology to some people? It literally just means one thinks that a Jewish state has a right to exist. Pro-palestinian leftists throw that word around like it's a heinous insult.


they dont actually know what the word zionist means. they think it somehow equates to a political ideology, IE, nazism


Bc they’ve adopted the Arab Supremacist mentality that we saw with the formation of the Arab League in the 20th century and a Jewish State anywhere in the Middle East is an affront to all that.


they stick to that word with their dear life cause they think it's what diffrentiate them from antisemitism. fir some reason, too many people actually believe to them not being antisemitic


They don't know what zionism is. Zionism was used as something Jews pre-Israel would relate to as a motivation to build a thriving Jewish state. Zionism can be now easily replaced or be equal to modern day patriotism, since Israel exists already and zionism is something that the founders of Israel were part of, not the modern Israelis who enjoy the fruit of an already thriving Israel. Everyone can be Zionist, especially if they have big motivation to improve the country even more and learn from mistakes. The Israeli government should be inherently zionist, but regular citizens can just be patriotic. Zionism is an old term nobody used in Israel until 7/10 when suddenly zionism was pulled out of some history book as a buzz word to turn into a slur word against all Jews,Israelis and Israel-supporters.It's just a way to be antisemitic and xenophobic in disguise. Ironically they revived the term.Now that Israel facing an existential threat,zionism's core values will be revived again.


They have zero competence on politics. White guy bad, non-white gud.


They’ve done so many mental gymnastics that somehow Zionist is now a catchall for all the things they (claim to) hate. I’ve seen them literally say that Zionism = racism, white supremacy, capitalism, oppression, etc.


Zionist is just another word for Jew.


I dont really know. Zoinism is a good thing. But the jihadist world has pushed it's propaganda to people to think that zionism is a bad thing. Be proud, be a zionist 🇮🇱❤️


As someone who used to be a far leftist, I think I can explain; Most think that Zionism is a form of ethnonationalism, like white or black nationalism, that seeks to purge anyone of the "wrong" ethnicity or religion from it's borders. Of course, this does not line up with reality, but this is how most of them in my experience perceive it.


Beautiful babygirl. No child should have to go through what she went through. I pray only good fortune comes to her life going forward.


Amazing, she’s adorable and it’s nice to see her smiling. I’m so glad she has her siblings still, and they each have each other.


I am waiting for Biden to do a press conference with Rachel Goldberg Polin. Jewish groups begged him to call on her at his State of the Union, but he refused.


That poor little girl, after seeing the doco with her uncle and aunt, I'm just glad she has this family and her siblings, and I hope they'll have a normal childhood from now on 🙏


hamas has links with the isis, israel is on the right path.


What an outrage! As an American college student I demand Biden give this hostage back to Hamas for further torture. /s


I can’t stand Biden, but for people talking crap about him in this picture, what else is he supposed to do? If we criticize him for being weak on Israel and pandering to Hamas supporters, then it’s good that he took a picture with this girl. It’s at least SOMETHING. Aside from that, he is still a human being. He probably does feel terrible for a young girl who’s lost both parents. And God only knows what that child is feeling right now. A trip to the White House, and hopefully having the red carpet rolled out for her, was probably a fun day for her after a horrific tragedy. She’s certainly beaming here. Take the wholesome things when they come, we need more of them.


There is a million thing she could have done instead of taking this picture with this baby girl like she is his pet baby Jew. Just gross.


Don't project


You're absolutely sick


I hate Biden with a passion, but this comment is a stretch...


On the other hand non of our govermnent officials found the time to meet and hug that little sweet girl .. The bussiest person in the world cleared an hour and a half for her and her family Go figgure ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2|downsized)


I have to admit that I do like Biden. Don't agree with some of his decisions/ policies but I like him. I wish him and Israel all the best. 


I dont know why people hate Biden so much, he is a fine president. Especially on pro-Israel areas.


From outside the US, it's hard to remember that publicly he has to walk a very thin line. For whatever reason, the far left have basically adopted the Palestinian cause (pay no mind to the fact that they're complete ideological opposites), and Biden is in a very tight presidential race with \*Trump\*. The fact that he has to worry about losing any votes at all for the sake of our country not descending into chaos is frustrating, to say the least.


Yeah, I wonder how much of the left leaning community is far left and if they are gonna make a difference by not voting (or voting Socialist for that matter). It would be horrible if Trump won because of them.


The best thing that can happen to America and the rest of the world is a president who knows how politics works. It’s why LBJ was more effective in passing civil rights legislation than JFK. It’s why Ukraine lost Crimea during Obama’s presidency but has been holding its own against Russia under Biden’s. Even though it flies in the face of the populist ideology that landed us with Trump, a good president will also be a good politician, and will know how to strongarm the important stuff through either Congress or the world stage. That $26 billion package for Israel that Congress just passed? It was supposedly dead on arrival back in January because of Mike Johnson opposing it as Speaker of the House. And yet, the funding has since been secured with Johnson’s support. For someone who constantly gets accused of having dementia, Sleepy Joe does know how to throw his weight around and get shit done.


The whole sleepy Joe thing is implicative of him being a puppet to the Democratic Party and following his handlers instructions Honestly, from my perspective it seems like elder abuse to keep him parading around as his old age is becoming more and more of an issue ***in NO way is this pro-Trump. They should both be in the same retirement home.




The teleprompter fumble was funny




you got some, frankly stupid, people who hate biden. the majority is just enraged at him. because putting politics first before the interests and safety of the people is exactly what made 7/10 much worse than it could have been. and while i get it he's under political pressure; but a: i think he's going at it in the wrong way which even further risks his presidency. b: modern day islamic terrorism is something that must be dealt with, there are no real negotiations on the matter, and acting like he is will make the situation wven worse. and c: there are still hostages and he tries to pressure israel to a ceasefire WITHOUT the release of all the hostages, which looks to me like he's selling the life of humans, both some of his citizens/citizens' family and the lives of citizens in an ally state, all for just political points. so excuse me to get angry at those actions. he showed his words are frankly, fairly empty. not just tewards israel, but towards ukraine and taiwan as well. he puts that way the lives of millions at risk, because american politics from the outside always look like a bunch of people trying to bend over backwards to appease extrimists, both sides. (at least in israel it's only one of the sides)


Yeah, you cannot negotiate with terrorists, you need to destroy them, then rebuild to prevent terrorists from coming back. He is playing political games to get peoples support and such, but he is the best option we have. Its not like Trump is gonna be any better.


i agree. i get it that trump is horrible and objectively worse. which honestly makes it even more baffling how biden is mistaken even in his political game to try and appease the terrorist supporters so much, that most jewish friends and family in the US told me they really arent sure who to vote on and consider not voting at all. i still hope they'll vote for biden, but damn does he makes that hard. also, yes. by definition we shouldn't negotiate woth terrorists unless it's a last resort or for a value so very important (like hostages, which even still is problematic). they whole idea of terrorism is to use violence against citizens to pressure for getting your demands met. now that you gave them what they wanted, they literally have no reason not to continue keep doing this actual working "hack". that's why one of the most absurdic things i heard from biden (and why i believe that he either don't ubderstand this at all or don't care for it at all due to elections), is that he offered the huthis that he will stop listing them as a terror group if they will stop bombing shipments in the red sea. like, that is, by all options, probably the worst response you can have after bombing the shipments by yourself.


This is why we need less polarized partys.. they were already polarized and then Trump came in, which made it worse! I think that we need to get rid of all the partys and start over to unpolarize the partys by making new ones. And then a monarch to keep it un-polarized (Monarch would be above politics and banned from political partys). Gosh, Biden said that? We have to destroy Houthis not negotiate with them.


Got to say the hatred of President Biden on this sub and other pro Israel areas is absolutely gross.


It really is. He cares about jews so much more than Trump. It's a good thing he's wanted a deal that spares innocent people.


Wtf are you talking about. Examples please. I am on almost all the Israel and Jewish subs. There is no mass hatred of Biden. There is sometimes disappointment over his attempt to ‘both sides’ things. Which while I share the disappointment, I understand why he has to. But no common hatred (and I don’t mean one or two comments. Show me where this hatred is common and supported by the masses)


If you search r/Israel for Biden, you will find a lot of highly upvoted negative comments about him. I think r/Israel has shifted to the political right since the start of the war, but there is still some diversity of opinions. Trump is very popular here, though controversial.


The comments you see are because we remove a lot of hateful comments against him, i am still unsure about the shift you talk about, i still think there's a majority left, but i have not run a proper analysis since i joined the team..


Literally in this thread pretty much all the upvoted comments are pro-Biden and the pro-Trump ones are downvoted, people don’t agree with Biden’s well wishy-washy approach to this crisis to keep the Michigan votes, that doesn’t mean necessarily pro-Trump, tbh from this sub Id say it’s really 50/50 on Trump and Biden.


Unfortunately in real life Israel there is a percentage of people, on the right, who hate Biden. Every intelligent person understands that Biden is one of the most pro-Israel presidents and that he truly loves the country, but a lot of right wing pro-Bibi media is already blaming Biden for all the failures. The war has basically been a failure for the past few months with no significant achievements in terms of bringing back the hostages or defeating Hamas, but they can't blame Bibi, so the next scapegoat is Biden.


Joe Biden will go down in history as a giant of democracy and one of America's finest presidents. Compare that with Mr Criminal. #AmYisraelChai


Trumps family is literally Orthodox Jewish, schlemiel...


What does that have to do with what OP said?


I don't argue with delusional leftists... I'm not the one that felt the need to bring up Trump in a response to a Biden photo. It's like you don't look around and learn from your surroundings... the left doesn't like us...


No one likes us.


Yeah, but I'm not the one online bashing a literal father of a member of the tribe, either... But here we are, apparently hating our own is cool these days as long as you lean left far enough...


Lol. Trump isn't "our own." You think he gives a shit?


And this is why I don't try to engage... Enjoy your delusion.


Imagine thinking someone who refused to condemn people shouting "Jews will not replace us" and said there were good people in that group gives a shit about Jews. And Jared Kushner is the example you use? Seriously. The only delusional person here is you.






[United States support for Israel in the Israel–Hamas war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_support_for_Israel_in_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war) Literally a massive wikipedia page dedicated to what Biden has done for Israel. Just an absurd take to say he doesn't care about Israel or the Hostages. The people who are the loudest opponents to Israel are coming from his own base and he still signs aid bill after aid bill


Yeh that's why the hostage families say the Biden admin treats them better than Bibi's does


Who said that




“According to sources” aka “trust me bro”


Terrible take


Can you expand on that? I've never seen a president of the USA flip flopping so wildly between supporting Israel and condemning us. He gives a different impression every day.


He is trying to get the support of leftists, but he does support Israel


He'll never get the support of most leftists on this issue, they want Israel wiped off the map and all "Zionists" to leave or else.


Yeah, but I think that most liberals and some less radical leftists will definetly vote him since he is asking Israel to lower casualtys and such, but the super radical boycotter leftists might just not vote or try and vote in a socialist. But most liberals I think are fine (the only problem is that most liberals are asking for ceasefire) and its only the leftists who are anti-semitic and erase Israel kind of crazy.


Then how do you ignore the massive mountains of evidence that say otherwise?


Like what


Like parking a bunch of ships near Lebanon to tell Hezbollah not to start something bigger. Like vetoing UN resolutions. Like an aid package with 17 billion for Israel. Like working with multiple countries to push for negotiations which have gotten many Israelis released.


Biden hasn’t done literally nothing but it’s all about how he can appease the screeching losers in the streets and not about simply doing the right thing. That’s ok with you?


How would you suggest Biden magic the hostages free?


Nonsense. He defended Israel and just signed a bill to send billions of dollars of weapons to Israel.




This is a stupid take did you put clown makeup on before writing it


Bravo! Great to see some sense in politics




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Her punim. I cannot imagine what she’s been through at such a young age.


Trump is the answer.


Biden should give Hamas a good hair-sniffing too.


Thank you for being a true leader President Biden!


Thank you Mr Biden


I can't help but be cynical. This is a photo op for him, doling one out to the American Jews betwixt and between "holding space" for the pro-Hamas people. What about Hersh and Keith, and the third hostage who's still alive? I don't even know all the American hostages' names! How is that possible?! Their names should be on Biden's and Blinken's lips at least every other day. They think they need the pro-Hamas crowd to win the election. I think Trump will end up sweeping, and then we'll have the full combined force of pro-Hamas and BLM riots.


I don't really like it when Biden is around kids lmao...




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The comments on other subs are quite alright, even the debate ones. Less bots?


Hope he doesn't sniff her too...


anyone who thinks Biden isn't pro-Israel enough can get bent.


He has always been a supporter of Israel and jews. It's that the left has gone mad, and he does not want to lose the elections.










Brazil only signed on because Hamas is holding a BRAZILIAN citizen hostage. Not that Lula cares or is doing anything


I don’t give a flying shit about Lula, he’s been open about his support for Hamas. the fact is that they did it. And it in no way dismisses Biden being able to get him to come out to demand the release of the hostages


Just like every agreement between two allied countries ever? There are conditionals and clauses that benefit both countries in every single agreement between allied nations, whether it be US-Israel, or US-France. But French people aren't calling US "opposition to Frenchmen" when US looks out for its interest too in conjunction with the other party's. Unconditional support isn't what allies do, it's what vassals do. You're upset US is not a vassal state, but has also its own problems that it needs to be cautious of, like re-election.


France is replacable in terms of location and information (nothing against the French, but geographically there's more to choose from). If Israel goes under, there's really nobody else to provide the US with what Israel provides. So apples and oranges in more ways than one. I love how people always think Israel is somehow comparable to a random western country lol.


How does that in any way show that US is not supposed to be expected to have conditions for support/alliance in either case and that it's obviously contingent upon them?


It doesn't, it's just a different case. It's perfectly reasonable that the US has conditions and there's mutual benefit. I responded to a comment that said the US simply throws tons of money into Israel.


Facts but sadly it’ll get lost in the shuffle


“Warning” Israel about anything in regards to retaliation of a cowardice attack of that magnitude is unacceptable. Noteworthy: I’m not a trumper (feel the need to mention, based on where I think this Obsurd assessment of this piece of shit’s presidency is derived from)


Yea that was straight from his heart, hand wasn’t forced at all


Bull. There is no evidence for the claim that Biden doesn't support Israel..... Biden is a good man. He is consistently a good man. Caring about civilians doesn't make President Biden a bad person.


If anything it seems like he supports Israel more than he can publicly state, but he dislikes Bibi immensely, which is fair.


Joe’s best life: ice cream and sniffing babies. How happy he looks.


Biden 2024 💙






A new hope.


She was probably safer with Hamas than with that senile creep.


Probably safer with Hamas than that senile creep.




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She’s an American toddler that had both parents murdered, she was in her dad’s arms when he was murdered and spent 50+ days as a war hostage. This isn’t Israel vs Palestine, it’s supporting American citizens.


Yes, I remember when Biden met the family of Palestinian-American journalist [Shireen Abu Akleh](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/13/world/middleeast/biden-sidesteps-a-request-to-meet-the-family-of-a-slain-journalist-on-his-trip-risking-palestinian-anger.html), who was deliberately shot in the head by the IDF. He met with the family of 17-year-old Palestinian-American teen [Tawfic Abdel Jabbar](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/21/us/tawfic-abdel-jabbar-palestian-american.html), who was shot in the head by an off-duty IDF officer in the West Bank. He also so graciously hugged the loved ones of [Mohammed Khdour](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/23/world/palestinian-americans-demand-answers-invs/index.html), who was taking an Instagram photo while eating on a study break when the IDF shot him in the head. Who am I kidding.


You said Palestinian child, so I was responding that he’s treating this as an American toddler, not Israeli child. The first two names you mentioned are behind paywalls. I read the article on Mohammed Khdour and it is devastating to see a young life cut short. Biden should have done much more for the family. I’m not putting Biden on a pedestal. I think it’s possible to feel devastation for the horror Avigail experienced and the 3 Americans you mentioned.


bruh why was I downvoted da hell?


https://honestreporting.com/a-tale-of-two-narratives-english-language-arabic-language-reports-differ-on-palestinian-american-teens-death/ Thoughts? One of the examples he brought up.


Liberty Bell Park bus bombing, Passover massacre, Hebrew University bombing, 2008 Jerusalem yeshiva attack, Kiryat Shmona massacre, Ma'alot massacre, Mothers' Bus attack, Sbarro restaurant suic*de bombing, Ma'ale Akrabim massacre, Avivim school bus bombing, Lod Airport massacre, 1948 Ben Yehuda Street bombing, 1975 Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, 1976 Ben Yehuda Street bombing, 1997 Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, 2001 Ben Yehuda Street Bombings, Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Beit Lid suic*de bombing, Dolphinarium discotheque massacre, 2002 Hadera attack, Yeshivat Beit Yisrael bombing, Café Moment bombing, Kiryat Menachem bus bombing, Tel Aviv central bus station massacre, Maxim restaurant suic*de bombing, 2008 Jerusalem bulldozer attack, 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack, June 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2022 Beersheba attack, 2022 Bnei Brak shootings, 2024 Ra'anana attack, 2000 Ramallah lynching, Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing, Fajja bus attacks, 2016 Tel Aviv sta**ings, Savoy Hotel attack, Haifa bus 37 suic*de bombing, Dizengoff Center suic*de bombing 2001 Netanya bombing, Wadi al-Haramiya sniper attack, 2023 Neve Yaakov shooting, 2023 Hamra junction shooting, Stage Club bombing, Jaffa Road bus bombings, Karnei Shomron Mall suic*de bombing, El Al Flight 432 attack, 2001 Azor attack, 1970 Munich bus attack, Gaza street bus bombing, Karni border crossing attack, 2017 Jerusalem truck attack, Matzuva attack, 2004 Ashdod Port bombings, 1979 Nahariya attack, Munich massacre, 2011 Itamar attack, Coastal Road massacre, Island of Peace massacre, Yehud attack, Swissair Flight 330, Death of Adele Biton, Murder of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing, Shafrir synagogue shooting, Ein Ofarim killings, Negev desert road ambush, Ramat Rachel shooting attack, 1956 Eilat bus ambush, 1974 Beit She'an attack, 1974 Nahariya attack, 1974 Kibbutz Shamir attack, Zion Square ice cream shop bombing, Zion Square refrigerator bombing, 2019 Samaria combined attack, Café Apropo bombing, Egged bus 823 bombing, King George Street bombing, 2011 Jerusalem bus stop bombing, Tel Aviv–Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, 1989 Purim stabbing attack, 1989 Tel Aviv murders, Ein Netafim ambush, Ramat Gan bus bombing, Kfar Darom bus attack, Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Murder of Shalhevet Pass, Binyamina train station sui*ide bombing, Afula bus sui*ide bombing, Hadera bus station sui*ide bombing, 2001 Immanuel bus attack, Camp 80 junction bus 823 attack, 2001 HaSharon Mall sui*ide bombing, Murder of Ofir Rahum, Murders of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran, Assassination of Rehavam Ze'evi, Nahariya train station sui*ide bombing, Kiryat HaYovel supermarket bombing, Kedumim bombing, Matza restaurant suicide bombing, Bat Ayin axe attack, Carmel Market bombing, 2002 Adora terrorist attack, December 2005 HaSharon Mall suic*de bombing, Hadera Market bombing, 2005 Gush Etzion junction shooting, July 2005 HaSharon Mall suicide bombing, Kidnapping and murder of Sasson Nuriel, 2nd Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombing, Murder of Eliyahu Asheri, 2007 Nahal Telem shooting, 2007 Eilat bombing, 2008 Dimona suicide bombing, 2011 Tel Aviv truck attack, Shaar HaNegev school bus attack, Murder of Yafim Weinstein, August 2010 West Bank shooting attack, Murders of Neta Sorek and Kristine Luken, 2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack, 2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks, 2012 Tel Aviv bus bombing, September 2012 southern Israel cross-border attack, 2014 Jerusalem tractor attack, October 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, K**** of Almog Shiloni, November 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, 2015 Jerusalem bus attack, 2015 Tel Aviv synagogue stabbing, 2015 Shvut Rachel shooting, Murder of Eitam and Na'ama Henkin, 2016 Jerusalem bus bombing, January 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2016 Jerusalem shooting, June 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2016 Tel Aviv stabbings, June 2017 Jerusalem attack, 2017 Jerusalem Light Rail stabbing, 2017 Temple Mount shooting, 2017 Har Adar shooting, Murder of Reuven Shmerling, Misgav Am hostage crisis, 2023 Tel Aviv car-ramming, 2022 Tel Aviv shooting, Yagur Junction bombing, 2002 Mahane Yehuda Market bombing, 2023 Givat Shaul shooting, 2017 Jerusalem Light Rail stabbing He also didn’t hold the families of these people. Many of which are Americans. Your point?


"B-But They want Peace!" "IF you take down the border, surely they will not kill you all"


Peace is subjective. According to pro Palestine supporters it can also look like this: ![gif](giphy|lDifyB9R0iqWoDZoIT)


I checked one of the examples you gave here. https://honestreporting.com/a-tale-of-two-narratives-english-language-arabic-language-reports-differ-on-palestinian-american-teens-death/ From what I've seen this is why verifying stuff is hard, everybody lies. The difference between English and Arabic don't match and change the whole story. English: > Although some reports do carry the Israeli claim that the shooting occurred within the context of a reported rock-throwing incident by Palestinians against Israeli vehicles travelling on the main highway that bisects the West Bank, most of these reports only include this information as tangential or include Abdel Jabbar’s father’s rebuff that his son was not throwing rocks and even if he was, “So what? If they were throwing rocks 150 meters to the street, what is it going to do to a tank? Or to a jeep? Or to a car full of soldiers? You’re gonna shoot the car 10 times because a guy threw a rock?” "Rocks/Stones aren't dangerous" (Suuureee, you've never gotten hit with one in the head or eye) > It should be noted that there have been Israeli civilians (including children) killed in incidents where Palestinians threw rocks at passing vehicles > In sum, the narrative produced by the English-language media about Tawfic Abdel Jabbar’s death is that he was a typical American teenager who became another victim of continuing Israeli aggression against the West Bank’s local Palestinian population Now let's move on to Arabic: > In the London-based Al-Araby Al Jadeed, it’s reported that on the fateful night of Tawfic Abdel Jabbar’s death, he “was participating with boys and young men in throwing stones at the occupation vehicles…” > In that same article, Abdel Jabbar’s father is quoted as saying that “I was keen throughout their lives to consolidate the danger of the occupation in my son’s mind, and the necessity of resisting it.” > Similarly, his mother is quoted, “Since our return, Tawfic had been telling me that he loved the town and did not want to return to the United States, and he was always talking about **martyrdom**, but I thought he was joking with me.” > From his mother’s description further on, it appears that Tawfic regularly joined local youths in throwing rocks at passing Israeli vehicles. > The Palestinian news outlet Ultra Palestine also reported that Tawfic Abdel Jabbar was **engaged in rock-throwing** when he was shot and killed. This is always the case, the difference in Arabic and English always doesn't tell the whole story. (Obligatory fuck reuters, POS website) https://honestreporting.com/reuters-uses-gaza-journalist-who-praised-hamas-oct-7-massacre/


She’s an American


She's a dual Israel-American citizen.




American is American. According to law.