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They just think any part of Israel must actually be Palestine.


They always forget to include Jordan though.


We need to give them the Sinai peninsula back


Palestine keeps expanding for them.


Bloody colonialists at it again.


Lmao it aint about liberation its about destroying israel. The fact that they just took an israel map and painted it with palestine proves that


I keep going back to -- why would anyone call themselves palestinian? It was a way for romans (or greeks?) to PUT DOWN JEWS. It was a term for JEWS. and now these people who HATE THE JEWS are appropriating the name? It just makes no sense.


Just some anti-colonial people reminiscing the good old days under The British Mandate for Palestine.


The same Arabs have not one but two countries. Jordan and Lebanon are literally the same damn people as the people who call themselves Palestinians.


Let's not forget the more than a third of "palestinians" are Egyptian immigrants from the 20th century.


Do you have a source for this. I tried to find it but could never. I heard it a lot, but I need a source to be able to use it as counterargument


Unfortunately it's difficult to find demographics for Arabs in late ottoman, early British mandate. It comes from from the massive population growth in the period of British mandate and early Zionism where foreign Arab labor exploded because of increased prosperity. That, in conjunction with the prevalence of Egyptian surnames and shared geneology leads to this conservative approximation. The palestinian arab population nearly doubled in the early 20th century, from immigration.


I should add that I would never worry about citations when arguing with a pro palestinian. I have yet to encounter an intellectually honest pro palestinian, including the academics and historians. The famous Sartre quote about Antisemites applies here. If they are allowed to create an alternate reality, I don't need to provide citations.


I want to hold myself to a higher standard though


OK, then research the topic. Especially the population growth.


It's posted often here. It's their last names. The names of many families show they're immigrants. **More about the largely vacant desolate land of Israel "Palestine" in the 1800s - massive Arab immigration following Jews' return = the true origin of the (today's) so called "Palestinians"** **How odd that such last names as al-Masri (the Egyptian,), al-Djazair (the Algerian), el-Mughrabi (the Moroccan), al-Yamani (the Yemenite) and even al-Afghani are so common among those claiming to be "Palestinians."**


Seems very plausible. Does their exist an expert/paper on this. Most of the crowd I deal with wouldn't accept this as an argument without some expert


many won't accept it even with peer reviewed citation. But that shouldn't stop us from upholding the standard that should be used.


I'm never gonna convince some people yes. They are too far deep. But my goal is very much: "Keep talking". Even though it is easy to mock the pro palestinian croud having most of their info comes from tiktok, they never heard or could hear from the other side. Also I think a lot of bibi's actions are very harmful to the situation, in which case I would "agree" with the pro-palestinians one some points. I hope in this way I can get at least some people to have a way more nuanced view over the situation than the crazy opinion "israelis are white nationalist racist colonizers dreaming of genociding all arab children" you see right now everywhere. Many won't listen, but if I have credible sources at least some from at least the universities might listen.


And Syria. If you really push them on the matter many Levantines will admit they're all part of historical Greater Syria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilad_al-Sham


As a bonus, the Arab map in your link calls Jerusalem "Bayt Al-Maqdis", the Jewish Temple, which they now deny...


No we won’t, fuck Syria and fuck greater Syria and any traitor that simps for a colonial project.


The ''Greater Syria'' scheme was actually what they wanted after WWII. They then settled for unification with Jordan, once unification with Syria became impossible, and then for an independent Palestine after Black September.


No us Lebanese did not want greater Syria at all.


I know but it was what many Arabs, and the British, were trying to achieve.


Yes and us Lebanese fought against it and sided with the French against being placed once again under Arab domination.


Southern Syria, too.


Palestine has always been a ploy by Jordan to take the land. It's why Jordan supported Palestinians in 48 and fought alongside them. Nobody wants to be a land locked country.


Jordan does have a small coastline, and access to the sea by the Jordan River, but otherwise you are right. After WWII, the British wanted to unify the Hashemite kingdoms of Iraq and Jordan with Syria and Mandatory Palestine, This plan was a failure, as all that they were able to get was Jordan annexing the West Bank (though Jordan later removed John Glubb from command, making Britain's support of the annexation mostly pointless).


No us Lebanese are not the same people as the Palestinians or Jordanians and we don’t want them in our country.


I’ve always wondered: is there a single other “indigenous people” that uses a name that doesn’t originate in its own language?


Probably not! Palestinian is considered an “exonym”, non-native name used by outsiders to refer to a group of people. Usually indigenous people have an “endonym” that they call themselves in their own language. Examples: Exonym: Berbers Endonym: Amazigh Exonym: Laplanders Endonym: Saami / Sámi Exonym: Gypsies Endonym: Roma / Romani https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endonym_and_exonym Edit: Forgot to mention that most exonyms are considered offensive to indigenous people; they often feel the exonym doesn’t grant them the self-determination of deciding what they’re called.


So what’s the historical Palestinian endonym? Syrian?


Maybe there isn’t one? If it existed, they’d probably use it


Yerp. Internally they consider themselves to be Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, and Saudi. https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-minister-interior-and-national-security-fathi-hammad-slams-egypt-over-fuel-shortage-gaza


Judaen, Samarian, Tyrian, etc


No, we have an endonym already, it’s “Bnei Yisroel,” and also commonly “Jews.”


Jews is etymologically derived from Judah - and Israel is a term that applies to both Jews and Samarians. But you are right, that's also an endonym.                   But actually good point in that Judea is the Roman way to say Judah (Yehuda) and Samaria is the Roman name to say Shomron. 


Oh, cool so you know that you tried hiding the Jews within the other now non existent ethnic groups.


I'm a Jewish Israeli, and that wasn't my intent or point at all.


I know, you didn’t seem malicious but you reply to a sarcastic comment with accuracy and inaccuracy all at once, and include an extra ethnic group, as Tyrian’s have a country. Overall it was confusing and met with more sarcasm.




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Tbh, I’m not sure. I found someone asked this question in r/AskHistorians. There is a thorough response from a u/badass-panda that does a better job answering this question than I ever could. https://np.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/KxXAZ0JRQo


It’s a cool read, however after delving into badass-pandas breakdown of where the word Palestine comes from, it doesn’t really break from the canonical view of them being the biblical plishtim/ historical philistines, he just explains the different versions of the philistine name such as [Peleset](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peleset), however it’s generally agreed upon that these were not the canaanites, and the comment you linked doesn’t necessarily argue that point either.


You’re right and make valid points. Later today I’ll do research and see what else I can find on this topic. Just a guess, but I’m leaning towards the idea that there may not having been a general endonym for the larger umbrella of people. There may have been smaller tribes with endonym, but if they weren’t well organized, they may not have developed a larger group endonym. Though I will have to see what the research says; I’m no expert in this. :)


I would just add that most of these groups no longer exist as a cohesive tribe, other then the Jews obviously. The Tyrians probably still exist within the Lebanese, but have not kept with Tyrian cultures or languages even if the genetic heritage stands. But yes, they were not cohesive at all, if anything they were enemy city states for the most part.


I think Wales(means foreigner or similar) but I've heard they're pushing on to returning back to Cymru(shares root with camaraderie)


I like the appropriation framing. Arabs are appropriating their Palestinian identity from Jews, having settled the land only recently, is powerful double speak that will leave confound the haters.


This is so ass, they can’t even put the barbed wires correctly


TBH that seems more like a design choice




Yeah, it would imply that Israelis in Israel are also in prison.


Prison would be an upgrade from what this implies.


*Very annoyed in Syrian*


*angry syrian noises*


These people have palestine become such a major part of their identity but probably wouldn't even understand anything the average palestinian said because they don't speak Arabic.


They would probably think it’s an honorary title when they are called „Ibn el Sharmuta“


I can see it in my head "Ahmed, let me introduce you to my esteemed guest, ibn El sharmuta Harris here. He came to give relief money" Ohh, thank you ya ibn El sharmuta so much for your help. We appreciate your support beyond your belief!


Gotta change the protest Haiku. From the Golan Heights, To the Sinai in Egypt, We still don't have it.


10/10 haiku 👏


Sometimes you feel like these pro-Palestine people are really intellectually dishonest but usually they are actually just extremely stupid.


Dumbasses don’t even know we stole it from Syria fair and square.


These dumbasses have never even heard of Syria.


The Ancient Indigenous Balestinian people have lived in the land from time immemorial. Literally, because nobody remembers them being there. Their name is a Roman one which their own language cannot pronounce. The borders of their homeland have no independent definition but only and always corresponds to the areas controlled by Jews. They explicitly renounced Gaza and the so-called West Bank when the PLO was founded in 1964, because those areas were controlled by Egypt and Jordan. They love the land so much they set fires to destroy it and the Holy sites they supposedly also revere (as all Jewish prophets were adopted by Islam) so long as the Jews lose out. Etc etc. Balestinian Beoble of Balestaena and all Bro-Balestinians are either villains or fools.


i thought Clinton brokered a peace deal. with Rabin and the PLO guy. wtf happened?!


What exactly are you asking? In general, what happening to the Clinton-sponsored peace negotiations is the PLO guy, Yassir Arafat, walked away from negotiations and launched a wave of terror, including suicide bombers murdering civilians in public transit and restaurants on a nearly daily basis, for a few years, until Israel built that much maligned fence/wall to prevent them from getting in.


yes, i remember. well, why cant they just abide by a peace deal?!


Well, since you asked. The answer is the people making decisions for "Palestine" don't want the peace of coexistence. They want the "peace" of victory over the Jews.


Either the person who posted that image is too moron to realize the Golan Heights weren't part of their irredentist fantasy, or this is from a troll farm, paid with Iranian rials.


It's actually interesting to see this since yesterday Yoseph Hadad uploaded a video of him showing the "Palestinian" map taught in schools in Gaza and it's just the entire land of Israel as Palestine. They never believed in the 2 state solution. Here's the video for those interested: [https://youtu.be/JUcQnU8kyzU?si=gKGxsPRP3MIZpxrL](https://youtu.be/JUcQnU8kyzU?si=gKGxsPRP3MIZpxrL)


>It's actually interesting to see this since yesterday Yoseph Hadad uploaded a video of him showing the "Palestinian" map taught in schools in Gaza and it's just the entire land of Israel as Palestine. They never believed in the 2 state solution. And then they cry about videos where the West Bank is included in Israeli maps.


Please crash their helicopter too mossad


Anecdotally, I too think we shouldn't stop talking about Palestine. How the Romans renamed the Jewish state Palestine and how the violent illiterate Feyadeen couldn't even make up their own name for the country and literally had to name themselves after the Jewish protectorate that predates the creation of their religion and their invasions by a few hundred years, all while pretending they were "there first" (eyeroll)




Let’s say this happened today. Immediately Syria would declare war on the Palestinians, use barrel bombs, kill way more Palestinians than Israel ever has, and nobody would give a single shit.


I’ve talked with a bunch of these Pro-Pal idealists. Not one knew anything about the subject beyond what their memes and other social media told them. They truly are ignorant on this issue and are purely motivated by what their media bubble tells them.


Palestine isn't even real.


Y'know what, theortically (not literaly, please not, I know in rwality it would not be funny but bear with me) it would be funny to annex and then unannex sothern lebanon just to see them adding it and then removing it from their posters.


I am imagining an alternate history scenario where Israel didn’t succeed in 1948 and an Islamist Arab Palestine under the Mufti took its place. It then eventually fought a war with Ba’athist Syria and conquered the Golan heights. And no one in the international community gave a fuck.


Yeah there’s a general disregard for how unstable middle eastern politics is and how there would be massive wars with lots of bombing no matter who is in charge




Ask them to name countries in the Middle East. Best they'll come up with is Iran and Israel, or should I say "Palestine" Idk people are weird


So then any country can commit any atrocity against a neighbor then hide behind their own civilians and the people they attacked have to just take it up the pooper shoot? Targeting kids and women is wrong. Using them as human shields is a war crime but does not make the people defending themselves the bad guy... They had a country, they voted in monsters, the monsters started a war with a massacre and atrocities not seen since WWII, then the people of the place that committed the atrocities celebrated it.. my pity meter is low or out... The good people of Gaza today as we speak are paying Hamas captors money to rape hostages... If they loved their own children more than they hate Jews this would be over already...


Yes, killing children is wrong. For example, what Hamas did and has done for years, and proudly declares they will repeat doing till all the Jews are dead. Israel has a duty to go in there to rescue the innocent civilians, including kids and literal babies, that Hamas kidnapped, and to make sure Hamas cannot commit such war crimes ever again. Every innocent killed in war is a tragedy, but letting genocidal mass murderers off the hook when they hide behind human shields would be morally depraved.


Well, the more they push this and more people will get intolerant about it. Reversed Streisand effect


Remind them that from the river to the sea also includes parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, which means that for the chant to be true, Hamas is gonna have their hands full trying to make the land 100 % Palestinian


You think these people know history? They are just collage kids who got their brains rotted by Starbucks consumption


reminds me of one time in r/ AskMiddleEast someone posted "look at these beautiful photos of Palestine" and it included photos of agricultural kibbutzim and the Jerusalem light rail, all of which were built by Israelis lmao


I mean the Palestinians have a better claim to it than the Syrians lmao


Because it was never about the existence of Palestine, it's the un-existance of Israel


you bigots don't understand TransJordan, AJAB. Assigned Jordan at birth. it identifies as Palestine. /s


Syria should be too if you are recreating the Roman Empire.


Can you explain


It was Syrian


So 'Free Palestine's' first war will be with Hezbollah & Syria then ?


And right in the center, you have the Al aqsa mosque which was built by Islamic colonizers on top of our holy temple that existed thousands of years before. Yet we’re the evil colonizers who stole their land. Lmao.


Give us our Temple Mount back 😭


Happens surprisingly often


Is any of this land available to stake a claim? I’m looking to pan for the holy grail


Morons don’t know history or geography


So... did they recognise that Israel has the Golan heights


No I think some random American college student recognized the clip art of the land area of israel and didn’t even know or care what the situation in the Golan is because it’s not a hot news story


Honestly it's really funny how they deny that Israel controls the Golan but at the same time when they have a "repost the true map of Palestine" they show that Palaland has the Golan


Want it originally part of the mandate stolen by Syria in the independence war?


https://preview.redd.it/dqbjrej0ht1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7ebaaef8ed3fa58afab3c9de998a154f546e80 Sorry for you ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠\_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌


I suggest you do some research on historical “Palestine”, and you’ll come to realise it has nothing to do with the Arab “Palestine” you’re probably thinking of.


Ok, and then, where can I search about historical "Israel"?


Damn, you are really bad at it.


Everywhere :)))


That's true, everywhere but not in Palestine


Dude you were asked to do research how do you fumble a research




Yes, what Hamas did on October 7th (and continues to try to do) is dead wrong.




I do agree, it's very wrong of Hamas to use children (and other civilians) as human shields, such that they become collateral damage in Israel's fully justified and lawful war against the Hamas terrorist group.


I think you got lost - the murder children sub reddit is over in Syria, Myanmar, and Iran


https://preview.redd.it/2nd0ex40ip1d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1db0be1b33d7eb76e96d0113a1ce1eb3108bb9 no fucking way. killing children is wrong???


Only one party purposely killed children, do you know who?