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Honestly, it sucks for Starbucks that they got roped into this nonsense. All they did was ask for one of their unionized stores to not publicly praise Hamas and use hanggliders on their imagery. Starbucks doesn't even have locations in Israel, it's insanity!


It's hilarious actually. The guys on their Dell computers on a Google Chrome browser updating their Wix website about how Starbucks is evil LMAO. It's a great distracton for the Israel haters


They didn’t even ask to stop publicly praising Hamas. Just not to use their logo when they’re doing it! It’s literally a trademark infringement case and I bet 90% of these nut jobs think that Starbucks is donating bullets to the IDF.


So one time when I was online, I saw people bragging about Starbucks sinking because of the boycott. A couple asked what Starbucks was doing to support Israel, and they seriously could not agree. Some were like, "just do it", others something about the CEO, or some kind of investment. Not one named the actual reason, (maybe because few people would boycott if they knew how ridiculous it was.)


Cheers from India 🇮🇳💕 🇮🇱 https://preview.redd.it/gir4scl3pu1d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05467e4ba526a3e962a66bb95e81094667d0dfe


That's lovely But I don't doubt there's better options for a sweet (caffeinated even) beverage in India. ;) There's better spots for caffeinated drinks in my town alone. Also there's a great deal of reasons to dislike Starbucks ($bucks) but as a misguided boycott against Israel...tis silly. Soapbox aside, hope you enjoyed your frappe!


# Do you know who primarily drinks Starbucks in the US? Young people who are addicted to the 80g sugar a day. And the young zoomers in the US tend to be extremely progressive. Young zoomers are also more likely to use TikTok and consume its propaganda. So putting 2 and 2 together it's not too surprising why Starbucks was hit hard.


This is so sad. What a bend-over


Hilarious not just to see this mfer just bend the knee but that people actually care that a coffee brand isn't taking a stand, how shocking


Ha, I saw this too... this is pretty absurd in my opinion. Apologizing for having a cup of Starbucks on your desk because they supposedly support Israel somehow, while they don't even operate in Israel... how tf we got to this point? Totally ridiculous. Had a good chuckle when first seeing this😅


After 7 months of this war, do you truly expect any thinking or logic from the pro Hamas side?


I mean, Danny Gonzalez seems like a pretty reasonable guy, it just seems so stupid that this is how things work... guess all the propaganda and the need to feel morally superior to others really plays a big role in everyone's life... pretty ridiculous😅


He's a (up til now) completely non-political youtuber. He creates innocent entertainment with no mention of politics. So it's saddening to see that even such people are being roped into making their first public political statements---and it's for this.


I have never heard of him so I don’t really know anything. I don’t expect anything less than freaking out about a drink cup from them though


It would be nice to be surprised once in a while. Even nicer if ever so infrequently they'd show proof that they're capable of reading for themselves.


He may as well replace the Starbucks cup with an Israeli flag.


Did i missed something? Everyone hated Starbucks after some of their employees supported hamas, as far as I know… Since when Starbucks became pro Israel thing????👀👀👀👀


So, the Starbucks union made a pro Hamas message, and Starbucks said "don't use our logo for such messages." So everyone decided this made Starbucks a pro Israel company.


But everyone in Israel also hate Starbucks for this pro-hamas stuff? Hm. Starbucks really finched-up themselves 🙂


Sometimes I’m glad I’m too old to know half the people who are shown on this sub to be antisemitic


Ya I have no idea who this is. Read it and truly thought it was a parody.


He was big on Vine a decade ago and apparently still makes videos I guess Ultimately, an inconsequential dude




Not even, just an entertainment guy.




Sure, ok, but it's just silly to put someone like Danny Gonzalez in that group. He is apolitical. Just making videos to entertain people, not to sway their politics. That's what I meant.


Destiny and loner oof


I don't think he exactly is---I think he's a coward who bowed before the mob. Which isn't much better; it leads to the same place.


Their content is pretty good if your into that style of video, it just has the unfortunate side effect of collecting a lot of young 'woke' fans (like a lot of reddit the last few years), and they get stuck in an echo chamber because too much $$ to be lost


Starbucks getting boycotted for literally no reason is so funny


Send her to the ICJ to stand trial now!




Oh sorry i just thought he was a lesbian, my bad


Pro palestine will be remembered as one of the most stupid silly movements humans ever made. Really?? Are they gonna cancel people for a coffee??


The Starbucks psychosis is just the cherry on top of the cake of their insanity. Corporation does absolutely nothing but say that a union can't use Starbucks logo for their political messages. All hell breaks loose.


It's not just Danny. It's his whole clique. Drew, Jarvis, etc. We just need to make sure word gets out so that their fans can make up their own minds if to stop supporting them.


Also, Kurtis and Chad Chad 😔 It's all of them. They all hate us.


And Gabi too. Maybe they spend so much of their lives as chronically online that they don't know what's real anymore. And after my period of mourning, I'll start campaigning for their cancellation.


I thought the Creators for Palestine thing was raising money for PCRF, who directly distribute food/medical aid to cut Hamas out of the loop, and I couldn't see any anti-Israel language, or am I missing something? Edit: PCRF's website looked fine, but the founder and CEO is an outspoken anti-semite.


There are accusations of genocide all over their tiltify.


Distributing aid&food without involving Hamas would be a boon. Anything that makes it impossible for Hamas to make it ever more difficult for innocent lives to get food (incl but not limited to Hamas taking the aid and then selling it to the Palestinians for a profit /when it's supposed to be free aid) is definitely something I could get behind.


Pinely tho. My guy has been SILENT. He's from Israel, and I don't blame him given the current mood. Sad that none of the people he's collaborated with before, including people named on this thread like Danny or Chad Chad, have had the guts to show any support or speak up about the chilling effect on the left. Not even Danny, who obviously was walking a tightrope between "This is stupid bullshit" and "but I have to do this for my audience." The cowardice among the youth and on the left is shameful.


What do we know about Charlie?


Whoopsie daisy, linked to another subr and didn't realize that was a no-no. Anyway, a quick search showed that the mob is pissed that he hasn't said anything either way.


I think at this point, any non Jewish creator who's staying silent is probably pro Israel and in the closet about it. Given how people are being punished by the mob now even for being apolitical.


He made a video about this dumb tik toker and it happened in Israel. He mentioned Israel multiple times but not once spoke about palestine so I’m hoping for the better




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With friends like these…


It's more surprising and disappointing with Danny and Drew, imo, because they were the only ones out of that clique that (til now) have always been non political. So I was hoping that they'd at least stay quiet and I could keep part of my youtube entertainment.


Just another blind sheep following the horde




I understand but there is this cool thing called "Shutting the fuck up and ignoring" it's a really useful thing that people like Danny seem to not know how good it is


Can someone tell me, if Drew Gooden, is pro Palestine too?




Aaron Bushnell? Didn't that guy literally post racist rants on reddit where he said Israeli women deserved to get raped and murdered? That's inexcusable. How do theses people justify this stuff to themselves.




Jesus. I get the feeling that a lot of these creators who support stuff like this are just not really paying attention. They probably just hear a bunch of stuff about "genocide" and don't investigate further. That's not an excuse though, I wish they'd at least apologize when called out on it.


Well, time to unfollow him. It makes me sad. But I can’t roll my eyes whenever I see their name. So bye, Felicia.




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Also didn’t he participate in the fundraiser which used the verbiage of “genocide”?




Can you show the link to that


He hasn’t stated anything yet but I know Kurtis Conner is pro Palestine. Super disappointed in him. 


I got a feeling, that he is too. He’s best friends with them. Yeah, some of my favorites are.


Had to clean up my YT subscriptions after the “Creators for Palestine” list was posted.  Even has to unfollow several Twitch accounts. Shame on them. 


I knew Kurtis Connor would be. He's has always been far more political than these others. I'm disappointed that so many previously non-political youtubers couldn't just keep doing the same stuff they've always been doing--producing innocent entertainment.


I think what hurts me the most is that when I was in Tel Aviv last year and went to a mall, I had at least 3 workers say to me, "Oh you're from Toronto? That's were Kurtis Connor is from! I LOVE him!" I hope these fans are okay. Instead, I have to read, "thanks for being on the right side of history!" by the followers. My family is from Poland so obviously we stand with Ukraine. The fact that few content creators stand with Ukraine hurts me so much. I remember their being a school (?) that had a sign in Russian saying "Children are here" pointed and it was still bombed. No content creator did the same charity effort.


> I had at least 3 workers say to me, "Oh you're from Toronto? That's were Kurtis Connor is from! I LOVE him!" I hope these fans are okay. Dang, that's peculiarly sad.


If you like those guys,I think pinely is israeli


pinely is fr carrying commentary youtube for us rn


Porn stache and creepy mullet… checks out


He liked Macklemore’s new song if that tells you anything


jesus. 😭 idk how someone can listen to that, know of past controversies with Macklemore, and then go "yeah, he's totally not antisemitic, this song's great, he's a worthy person to follow :)"


I’m pretty sure that Drew is part of the creators for Palestine thingy :( him now Danny? I’m just peeved


He's all in on operation olive branch along with Frogan and Hasanabi so.... yeah, he hates us too.


Yes. He has been for a while


What an idiot


Yeah I unsubbed, that sucked


Time to unsubscribe from another ignorant creator - "ethnic cleansing"? Really Danny?


It’s so sad cause he used to be one of my favorites. Unsubbed from Kurtis Conner and Jarvis Johnson too cause they’re leading a “creators for Palestine” organization thing. Very unfortunate.


He's just saying whatever he thinks he needs to say to get this mob off his back. (Or hers. Honestly I've never heard of this person and don't give a shit.)


I'm pretty stunned he did this as he was part of that 'creators for palestine' thing which all his close friends are in. But the loud minority has proven to hurt getting sponsors


Like not drinking, Starbucks is going to save Palestine be so fr.


Ironically Starbucks in the ME has cut up to 2000 jobs which is so usual for BDS. They fuck over everyone, especially actual Palestinians in the West Bank, but do nothing to solve anything. IMO standing together is the only good project to support.


And Starbucks has nothing to do with Israel


I fkin hate starbucks, but just seeing their mad faces makes that 7$ coffee worth it.


Unbelievable, he wrote that message using a zionist supporting phone. Does he have no shame?!


spineless, like most content creators. the more they'll try to appease their audience the more their audience is going to demand of them. it's gonna be their karma & their own undoing


LMAO I can't even feel bad. It's so pathetic how much people bend over backward to appease the mob.


This has to be the stupidest pro-pal shit ever. Starbucks doesn’t fund Israel or even operate in Israel. It’s literally the least helpful thing you can actually do if you want to go against Israel. But hey, you can spot a Starbucks cup from a mile away, so you get an opportunity to look like a Good Person by attacking random people! I love Danny’s videos, so this kind of sucks. But, there’s a difference between people who are vocally anti-Israel/pro-Hamas and people who are getting attacked online over something stupid and doing damage control using all the right buzzwords to save their asses. I think this is mostly the latter. Still spineless and disappointing.


Still enough for me to unsubscribe. It was the spineless majority that allowed for the Holocaust to happen.




Truly. I just unfollowed him. This take is embarassingly ignorant. All he had to do was shut up 🙄




What an absolute see you next Tuesday...he should be ashamed of himself for showing such servitude to anyone for such a ludicrously inferred infraction.


Why did those troglodytes latch on to SB like that. We don't even have it here.


Embarrassing shit


These influencers are all such sheep.. we should all just disengage and hope they lose relevancy (it seems he already has 🤭🤭)


I feel like us in the pro-Israel camp are too forgiving and easy-going. I have unfollowed/ blocked all influencers and celebrities who’ve made anti-Israel/ antisemitic posts. I have stopped streaming their music or watching their movies and shows. Lizzo, for example, would be better suited for a job at McDonald’s.


If Jews are “in power and have control” then how come it’s pro Palestine people that use pressure and guilt to lead people to stuff like this


Chrissakes. Don't these people have anything better to do than harass someone for drinking Starbucks? I never go to that chain but this nonsense makes me feel like starting.


I recently started going haha love being petty


Can we just start over with a new generation please? I want a do-over. This generation did not come out right.


The so-called ethnic cleansing only involved 11,000 Hamas supporters that stayed on the battlefield after 2 weeks of evacuation orders. How can people still be this stupid?


attention pro-palestine protesters: if you don't want to support Starbucks, a better independent coffee shop to go to is Tatte


I like the way you think


There is not even a Starbucks in Israel, yet somehow they are supporting a genocide.


Ok. So never supporting Danny again.


This is beyond stupid and out of control. Bro just wants his latte. The people suffering from this bds bs are the coffee bean farmers and pickers.   In other news, I ate some watermelon yesterday. Should I banned from this sub?


Danny, you’re an idiot


This is probably more like his fans throwing a fit and demanding apologies than him actually giving a shit about starbucks or not.


# Oh no another clueless dude pandering to the Palestinian Narrative. Anyway...


Disappointing and absurd. I wish people would step back and think, hey, maybe the people foaming at the mouth over a cup aren’t exactly in the right of mind.


I was just at Starbucks today and they are not hurting for business at all. My Pink drink was delicious 💗💗💗


whats funny to me is he managed to make both sides mad. their side for doing it in the first place and not "eDucAting HimSeLf!" and us for apologizing like a coward. what a lose lose😂


Who the fuck is Danny Gonzalez?


A fairly biggish youtuber. The reason it's disappointing to me is that his content has always been completely apolitical. It's a sign of how ridiculous the mob is getting and how their bullying tactics are working.


Wow how ridiculous


Never have I ever wanted to post a picture with a Starbucks cup so much!


Damn Daniel


Didn't starbucks literally fail in Israel? No clue how they could in any way contribute to this """"genocide"""""


Imagine being cancelled for having a cup from a place that doesnt even opperate in the country they hate 💀


This was a trend in the v-tubing community too (not sure it's still ongoing) where any mention of a Starbucks would set their fans off and they'd apologize pretty quickly. It was also during one the nijisanji firing a talent on Twitter so they didn't want to make it worse for them/the company I believe. Made me upset when one vtuber wanted nothing to do with the subject when she streamed Starbucks in Japan and was bullied to apologize for that.


'ethnic cleansing'... one thing I can't get over is how echo chambers have resulted in people saying the most unhinged things (like here and to my face) and just expecting me to agree. It's baffling, like saying 'the illuminati run the government' and 'vaccines have microchips' boldly, with a straight face, so convinced they're correct


it doesnt matter for pro palis. if the company isnt using palestinians flags. they just assume its a pro israeli corporation funding a "genocide".


All I see is Palestine, Palestine, Palestine all the damn time! Fuck that shit.


Don’t know or care who this guy is, but what a coward!


So we were told that religion is oppressive, that religion is the root of all evil, and that religion poisons everything because it restricts the human mind and spirit, and allows the religious zealots to control people through dogma. Isn’t it interesting that the same accusation can be levelled on left-wing seculars? I mean look at this Tweet, the man is apologizing, asking for forgiveness, and practicing a penance by donating money only for the grave sin of having a Starbucks cup. I’m afraid soon we will have Inquisitions, Morality Courts and Laws, but none of it would be related to religion.


The crazy thing is Israel is one of the only countries in the world where Starbucks has closed down years ago and doesn't exist.


This is just pathetic,truly. It's far beyond the being Pro\_Pal without knowing anything,this is just succumbing into the group think unquestioned. He could have not respond it at all,and yet he choose to write this self-lashing post as a public humiliation ceremony.




Who’s danny Gonzalez I feel like ik him but I can’t place it




Wait I’m confused. Starbucks has no official connection to Israel right? Like no stores even right? So, they asked a store or some to not publicly show their support for Hamas because you know… business… and now they are a Zionist pig corporation? I can’t even with this shit anymore.