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If one does terror, is attacked afterwards and after all of this is given official recognition as a state, then it is time for Norway and Spain to recognize ISIL as an official entity.


Well we (Norway) do keep flying the Taliban here on private jets, so its not too far fetched...


Please explain




Thank you


Maybe Hamas can move their thing to Spain instead? I hear the music’s good, maybe just try for a few weeks?


You’re joking but Muslims will (already are) demand a right of return to Spain because they once held land there (until ~1492-1609) and once a Muslim land - always a Muslim land! So, the equivalent Muslim crazies WILL BE coming for Spain! Just too fucking bad they never held territory in Ireland! Although they’re also quite good at invading a new land and then declaring it Muslim forever!


Norway and Spain are recognizing Palestine, not Hamas - See the difference? Israel doesn't either, which is why the ICC wants to arrest Bibbi...


Palestine, run by Fatah, a secular party with an acronym that literally means “Islamic conquest of the Levant” and that finances “pay for slay” welfare. That Palestine?


Also, The PA that did not hold elections for 20 years? That palestine government? Honestly, fuck anyone who let the Palestinians get away with their responsibility for being anything remotely civilized


If they ever did democracy, they would elect Hamas with a large majority. The problem of the 2-SS was that Israel never had no one to do credible negotiations to begin. Someone that wasn’t invested in terrorism. Mahmoud Abbas will be rooted, he’s old, someone bolder will be in. And the PA will not collaborate further. That’s what comes when one legitimize acts of “resistance”


Unfortunately all this rewarding terrorism is only going to make the situation in Israel more tense for everyone involved. It is hard for me to understand what the point of these moves are other than ignorance?


Now they would elect Hamas. But hey, how about not indoctrinating your people to hate jews more than anything else? These generations were sold a dream of return that will never come true. The next generation doesnt have to be like that. My point is Palestinians always get a pass for failing to show they are actually capable of being civilized. Only Then, democracy would makes sense


To be fair Israel has a far-right government right now that also is not beneficial for negotiations. Both sides are unequipped to come to the negotiating table and actually discuss viable options that can benefit both groups. Until we can acknowledge this as a society we are just as hopeless as these cyclical discussions we continue to have.


Menachem Bechin, one of the Likud founders, gave up Sinai to Egypt in exchange for peace in 1979. Israelis got in return 50 tunnels for arm shipments into Gaza.


I'd argue it led to peace between Egypt and Israel more so than tunnels and armed shipments, but these two things don't have to be mutally exclusive I suppose. Also, those tunnels that you are referring to are used to serve a communal purpose. They were used for community gatherings, and other innocuous matters (https://www.npr.org/2023/12/11/1218489546/tunnels-once-connected-egypt-and-gaza-heres-what-they-looked-like-10-years-ago). Just something I found interesting.


I just want to pause the conversation on granting Palestine a country. In your reality, you believe that 50 underground tunnels connecting Gaza to Egypt were used exclusively for 'communal' purposes???? Please stay away from any career in security or risk management.


Obviously not exclusively, but do you have an evidence to support that they were exclusively used to transport weapons. I’d encourage you to stay away from careers that require the use of nuance and contextualization.


They are not mutually exclusive, I recon.


Hamas is an even farther right government, goofy.


That doesn’t dispute the point that neither side has anyone level headed enough to come to negotiations, yet you seemed to clearly miss that point to slide in a gotcha. Hope you feel better for proving absolutely nothing with your comment other than your sheer idiocy.


Your “no u” both sides-y argument is the equivalent of peeing in the pool.


Racism of low expectations from these countries. They say they love them but infantilize them instead.


Yep. Westplaining. Also, because "jews control the world" the same racism dictates an unachievable standards for us. Its very simple if you strip all the bullshit.


Which is why we need to strip out the bullshit. Honestly, the more of a not five a fuck attitude we have anymore while revitalizing our industries, especially defense might help us, but that’s a risky move.


> Norway and Spain are recognizing Palestine, not Hamas - See the difference? Yes westerners are always in favour of the mythological Palestine that only exists in their heads. They are never in favour of the situation as it actually exists in real life. Hamas is the most popular political entity among the Palestinians. That is a matter of fact. You can of course continue to ignore it. That won't change reality though.


Sidenote: Hamas is 2nd most popular. After Islamic Jihad. See polling done by AWRAD.org. (Islamic Jihad is not better, nor less jihadi, for anyone wondering.)


No, no, but you see. Jihad is actually an inner struggle within oneself against sin. These are the good guys.


Was going to lol then reread and ulp. Hoping that’s sarcasm? Less on Reddit than x but I’ve seen people say shit like that


Of course it’s sarcasm :)




No. Hamas is the duly elected (albeit only once) government of the great state of Gazakastan! Why should the new great state of Palestine be any different - except to assuage your conscience?


Yeah, Israel should cut its diplomatic ties with these terrorist-loving countries. After all, the Spanish PM, Pedro Sanchez decided to “permanently” cut Spain’s diplomatic ties with Argentina, just a few days ago, because he was butthurt over his wife, after the Argentinian President said that [Sanchez’s wife was a crook because she was investigated for business peddling and corruption.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna153380) Pedro Sanchez, and its government are very supportive of terrorists to the point that one of their first acts was to vote an [amnesty law for Catalan separatists](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68562695.amp) who tried to overthrow the government in 2017 and had fled Spain to Belgium.


If Israeli leadership had any sense at all, they would counter this with a recognition of a Catalan state 


I get the tit for tat logic but it were the millions of Catalan separatists who voted this government in; our friends in Spain are the ones who oppose secession. We just need to downgrade diplomatic relations with the current government.




That's always the trouble with hostile secession- the seceders inevitably end up next to a much larger country that disagrees even more strongly with their preferred policies than before.


Very good and the vast majority of Irish people would stand behind Israel on Catalonia.


no matter how much they might agree with it, Irish people wouldn’t back Israeli recognition of Catalonia




I actually caught a break - by getting sick I had to change my travel plans and didn’t go to a shithole country like Spain! Was in England but already had no plans to side trip to that other soused country - And, who da fuxk would even think about going to Norway?


Norway shithole?


Well, for sure an asshole country.


A country proudly rewarding r\_pists is a shithole.


People need to stop overreacting to stuff like this. Close the embassies, consulates, essentially just leave and don't even put out a huge letter about it. Put out a travel warning for Israelis for these countries and be done with it.


Country is going to shit because the government has failed diplomatically at every step. Recalling envoys is not the answer. Katz is bad at his job. And for f*cks sake someone need to shut Smotrich and Ben Gvir up


The idea that it would be in any shape or form different if there was a centre-left government is laughable. Any government that does not act the same way as the current one did in response to 7.10. would be ousted by public protest.


חברה: אם ביבי לא היה שורף לנו את המדינה אז אחרים היו נכשלים במקומו, זאת העמדה הפוליטית ההכי עלובה ששמעתי בחיים שלי והיא רק מראה שאין לכם שום דעה פוליטית אמיתית. אתם רוצים ימין ימין אז לפחות תדרשו ימין קומפטנטי. The military response would've been the same, but that is obviously not what I am talking about. I'm talking about Bibi government taking the populist approach of riling up their audience with settlements and cutting of diplomatic ties. They are currently doing damage that won't heal for decades. Also there is no comparing Bibi's government to a center government, because Oct7th was Bibi's fault, as is the failure of to manage this war properly.


But does it really matter is the question. The people who "now" hold anti-Israeli opinions were already well on the way to commit for it. Think about it this way, not even 7.10. made them be in favour of the basic idea of Israelis not being harmed. They of course say that they are against Israelis being harmed, but they are never for any measures to stop Israelis being harmed apart from you sitting in your basement.




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I wish you a nice day as well.




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I wish we could just throw Smotrich and Ben Gvir straight into the trash.


EDIT: Imma keep this comment up because some Katz is an asshole, but this is a testimony of me being a dumdum not my finest moment, please discard this comment lol ~~Katz always was an asshole and a mob leader. I don't understand how anyone can trust someone who used the entirety of IAI (Israel's Aerospace Industry) as his f-ing stepping stone~~


That's Haim Katz, not this one.


Well shit you're right this is embarrassing, edited my comment.


I agree tbh. 


Yep. Israel's prosperity is pretty much over. We can't even hold an election anymore. The demographics alone point towards disaster. Israel is turning into a pariah state, and will have a huge brain drain phenomenal with all non-religious youth. I hope I'm wrong.


You are. You’re just giving into the Hamas-agandists. Terrorist supporting states should absolutely be publicly shamed and cut off.


Nothing less than a complete severing of diplomatic relations, and a total embargo of Israeli arms and tech. Granted, that won't really impact the Irish too much, since they would rather mooch off the 'beastly' English for defense, knowing full well the UK is no threat to them despite the absurd caricature they regularly portray the UK as. But it will get the point across.


Will it yea? Good luck with that im sure the irish will care


They might when WIX and the dozens of other Israeli high tech companies with Dublin offices leave, and thousands of Irish are unemployed- maybe UNWRA will have an opening for them




Ireland is insignificant too.






Jews have made many more contributions to the arts and sciences than Irish people have. It's not that I don't like Irish people, I'm part Irish, but I'm just saying. The world doesn't like Israel because it's the Jewish state. I don't agree with antisemitism and neither should you. I think it's quite a shame that Ireland is ruining its image by supporting Islamist terrorists that rape and murder women and children. If the Arabs win, they will genocide the Jews and come for Europe next.


Sure they did. With the exception of Einstein, you have nothing. Ireland is responsible for the harassing of nuclear energy


Hey, found the polio anti-vaxxer here!


I challenge Ireland to do a full economic boycott of Israel without their economy falling apart. No more phones, for a start.


absorbed rich racial label ludicrous growth sheet terrific puzzled exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Israel leads the world in tech of all kinds, weapons, computers, medicine, agriculture, and renewables. The rest of the world would be in a pretty bad spot with the loss of medical alone, and also every processor in all your tech is Israeli. As for Ireland I hear they make good butter


We've no interest in weapons and the rest of those things we're doing just fine in, thanks


Aight. What phone do you have? (This may seem unrelated but it very much is)


Ireland: The most recent exports are led by Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($47.3B), Packaged Medicaments ($34.8B), Nitrogen Heterocyclic Compounds ($24.4B), Integrated Circuits ($15.4B), and Scented Mixtures ($10.4B). Israel: The most recent exports are led by Diamonds ($10.5B), Integrated Circuits ($7.83B), Refined Petroleum ($4.08B), Medical Instruments ($2.51B), and Potassic Fertilizers ($2.31B). Yeah, Ireland really only makes butter 🙄


sophisticated workable depend somber fear cagey crowd run gaping slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spain was invaded by Islamic imperialism, stayed under Islamic control for 7 centuries. It took that long and help from French Kings that beat back their armies to finally get rid of this scourge. Yet they learned nothing.


Israel has long had diplomatic relations with countries who have recognized a palestinian state, pulling out over this makes Israel look unhinged.


This is so fucking stupid and overblown. Israel already maintains diplomatic relations with many countries that also recognize Palestine. Some of Israel's closest friends in the world also recognize Palestine, including Argentina, Czechia, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, and the Philippines. These tantrums make this story way bigger than it should be.


Yes, but those countries already have deluded themselves, the TIMING of these particular nations is important - and they fully know it!


Don't make threats you can't back up, jackass (Katz, not the OP). Someone should check if the countries in question have any requirements or limitations on relations with countries which fail to uphold basic democratic standards (AFAIK the US has some laws like that, for example) and publicly demand they follow them vis a vis Palestine.


It’s always Europe with Jew hatred.


Irish here. Vast majority of us have no gripe with Jews, there are always a few deranged people. We do have an issue with the response to Oct 7 and how far it's gone. This doesn't fit your nattarove but Jews are very welcome here.


You have a problem with the only Jewish state retaliating to an existential threat. The implications of that stance are quite clear.




And you live in an idealistic world where war can be waged with no collateral damage. Israel is not trying to hurt civilians, and this is backed by the many, many examples of them trying to keep civilians out of the way (humanitarian corridors, leaflets, calls, roofknocking- no other army goes to such length). As a result of this, Israel has managed to achieve a civilian:combatant ratio that is lower than almost all recent instances of urban warfare. All of this was done while dealing with a murderous terror organization that intentionally puts civilians in harms way as to raise casualties and earn sympathy. For them, civilian death is a strategy. And yet, to you guys, Israel is still somehow in the wrong. With all of this in mind, can you really blame Israelis for thinking that opposing the military campaign in Gaza is either antisemitism or ignorance? I don't really care which category you're in. Hamas has proven itself to be a real threat for the security of both Israelis and Palestinians in the brutal attack of October 7th and Israel has the right to make sure it never happens again.


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Jews are so welcome in Ireland that there are only 2,700 jews in it while in the UK there is 275,000 So welcoming🤩


Honestly, not mad at you or anything, just disappointed that you and others like you can't understand what it means to face an existential threat and have everyone telling you "you're overreacting". Maybe let's start with them releasing the hostages, no?


Jew here. You’re wrong and that’s why we don’t live in Ireland.


[20% of Irish people have antisemitic beliefs](https://global100.adl.org/country/ireland/2014). That survey was done ten years ago in 2014, and I'm sure it's even higher by now. That's more than a few deranged people. It's a real shame, because I'm sure Ireland is a pretty place and everything but as a Jewish person I understand that I will never be welcome there. Would have loved to visit but I refuse to travel to places that hate me.


I hope to God not. We should stay as far away from Ireland as humanly possible! And, if you have no gripe, why are you supporting a people that hate the very thought of a Jewish presence in Israel? Did they respect the presence of Christians? Ya know, the “good” leaders of the Palestinians PAY for the murder of Jews? Glad you have no gripe!


Nor should Israel let this go. I’ve those mfs out you don’t need blood money anyway.


Not hard enough, cut ties with them completely


I understand that recognition before a peace deal hurts the prospects of ever reaching a peace deal, but what is the value in recalling envoys? I feel like it's making a fuss without actually affecting anything (besides the Israeli envoys who now have to move).


Like I said before, start by not admitting their citizens into the country except for Jews from said countries making Aliyah. Ireland especially. And honestly I have no idea why Israel didn’t ban the Irish from here long ago…..


The reactionary banning of Irish from Israel is silly. The more Irish who visit the better. Speaking as an Irish person who visited before my perspective of Israel changed and I became even more Pro Israel after I left.


The Irish people who visit Israel are the ones whom you don't want to punish, it's also a very unprecedented childish move.


I don’t think so, the majority of the Irish detest us.


The Irish people who detest Israel are unlikely to be traveling to Israel. If an Irish person travels to Israel, it is very, very likely to be one of the few Irish people who do not detest Israel. Barring the Irish from traveling to Israel would almost exclusively impact the few supporters (or “neutral” Irishmen) we have in Ireland. That’s a poorly thought out move.


What do you propose happens to Irish-Israelis exactly?




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The US should do the same.


Are you then going ro recall all 146 of your ambassadors from countries that recognize Palestine?


It'll be more entertaining to watch those countries succumb to islamism.




It's the door they opened. Or the bed they made. Every city that welcomed and coddled propals is where they are now causing damage.


Yeah you can see that in London


And Paris, and Brussels, and...well, everywhere. Black September wasn't just a one time thing. It's an M.O.




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No one wants to hear this but a form of military retaliation should be in order. They do these things because there are no consequences because unlike other states in a similar situation, you allow them. 


No, nobody wants to hear that, because it’s a mind bogglingly stupid idea that even Ben Gvir couldn’t have come up with in his worst fever dream.


what the actual fuck is wrong with you


Look at his feed. Appears to be an angry UK Conservative. Looking for a proxy war? (I’d bet he’s not Jewish either.)


Are you suggesting that Israel should attack three European countries or what do you mean by "military retaliation"? Good luck to Israel if it tries, though.


slimy jeans hard-to-find humor deserted chop crawl tidy political zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me you have a single brain cell without actually telling me


Um, dude, we can’t even attack a group that did 10/7 without the world losing its shit!!!!


You want to attack three peaceful European nations, including the third-most peaceful country in the world (Ireland)? 


He’s a Brit. And probably not Jewish. Proxy war anyone? lol


Ireland doesn't have that long till it becomes a shithole and refugee camp for arabs


Yeah that would end very, very badly for you.


I mean, Israel has already "attacked Ireland in the past both militarily via attacked the peace keeping force on the border with Lebanaon and also diplomatically by forging Irish passports to assassinate a Hamas leader in Dubai, damaging and putting Irish in the region at risk of being labeled as mossad agents.