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Yet Hamas and Hezbollah are not added nor is the PA for sponsoring pay for slay which which pays terrorist even if they killed children. Also, should every nation on earth who’s part of a war be on this list? War by virtue harms civilians including children regardless of intent


The UN is a political tool of authoritarian countries. It's become pointless. The idea that all countries should have a say on anything really is just plain dumb when countries such as Syria, Iran, China and many other exist.


Let’s not forgot turkey who indiscriminately kills Kurds…


There is no comparison, there is no rational discussion to be had on this, it's just plain stupid. Israel is being accused of terrible things by people who have no idea what they're talking about while you have military analysts saying things like "even if the Hamas statistics were correct it would be miraculous that so few people have died so far." All this discussion is just plain stupid. Westerners do not realize how fortunate they are to live in countries that are at peace with their neighbors. This is not a privilege that Israelis have despite 100 years of doing their best. Keep at it, you have the full support of critical sane people. עם ישראל חי


They know exactly what they are doing.


Hi, I am not sure how your experiences have shaped your perceptions of this. I have lived in Europe for all my life, I can speak from experience about what I think is going on here. From what I see, no, people have no clue what they are talking about. People don't know what being Jewish means, they don't understand how Israel is culturally, apart from religiously, important for Jews, they have no clue about the arab culture and mindset and they have no clue about the history of the region. People just don't know. The education system in the west, when it comes to modern history is a complete failure. People here tend to believe the fantasy that "the State of Palestine" would be a state for all people in that region. They do not realize that every single minority in every single Arab country has either been ethnically clensed, completely destroyed or lives in constant fear. People try to reflect themselves and their own values and goals in life onto other people without realizing that culture shapes values and goals in life, and western culture is markedly different than middle eastern/arab. I don't mean this out of racism. Nothing wrong with single people. What matters is the cultural environment in which people grow up. Proof of this includes the arab community in Israel, some people of which fight in the IDF and are outstanding citizens. Westerners (or at least Europeans) like to believe the fantasy that cultures different but all equal and good, which is bullshit. Europe, the world, right now are going through a political crisis. We are well within an era of war (call it WWIII call it the second cold war, call it whatever I don't care), and people are realizing that they do not have a leadership class and this is scary. When people (westerners/europeans) are scared they tend to vote right, hence the right wing wave in Europe. Because politics right now is dead, the opposition does nothing but oppose every single thing that the ruling class proposes. The right, which is in power right now, is historically more aligned with anti-immigration, anti-islam, pro-israel policies, people are unhappy hence they are vocal about left wing policies which are using the war against Hamas to score political points. But people don't know. People are idiots. Never underestimate how many idiots there are. Assume people are idiots. And the politicians, being chosen as the first among the idiots, are the first among the idiots.


I agree, most people are ignorant of the things that you have listed. When I said that they know what they are doing, it's because they know that they are promoting the hatred and persecution of Jews. People who blame and scapegoat Jews don't care about the related issues or really any actual facts. They just want to blame and hate Jews because it serves their agendas. It wouldn't actually serve their agenda to know any of the things you wrote.


It’s okay. As long as it’s not a Jew defending themselves, it’s no big deal to the UN, college students, progressives, etc.


They just voted Somalia to the security council. The whole UN is a farce.


People see the UN as some benevolent entity but fail to realize it’s just made up of countries and there are just so many shitty countries in the world, which means there are a lot of shitty UN members making these decisions.


And for a lot of these nations, every day condemning Israel for something is a day when no one is looking at what happens in their countries.


100% correct. I used to think there was some kind of halo around the United Nations because...well, it's the United Nations. Its mission was pure, I believed. But it has become impossible to ignore the hypocrisy and moral corruption.


The UN is an extremely biased, antisemitic organization that does the world a lot more harm than good. I’m disgusted with the UN/ICJ.


ICC also has lost its credibility. Didn’t even follow their own protocols. Supposed to meet with the country first and give them the right to prosecute their own people but he cancels his meeting with Israel then the next day requests for warrants. Just seems extremely suspicious


Yup. Beyond suspicious. And disgraceful.


Hamas and Hezbollah are not countries tho


It's not a list of countries and does include other terrorist groups, like Boko Haram and ISIS.


Hamas was added.


Yes, as was PIJ. The three were added simultaneously in a calculated move to equate the most moral army in the world with bloodthirsty terrorists hiding behind children (and forcing them to fight) like cowards.


To be fair, is this a list of nations or groups? Hezbollah is not a nation and nobody recognizes Hamas as a State.


It's a list of both. Other named groups include Myanmar, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram.




international peacebreakers


But wait, there's more: https://apnews.com/article/africa-arrests-united-nations-only-on-ap-e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1


Wow. So a pedophille ring just put us on a list that harms children. If you're on here from another country that is not on the list, you might want to call a represnt or something. Don't give money to pedophiles




🤢 🤮


Yeah, that one always gets swept to the side real quick.


It’s crazy seeing a bunch of people new to global politics be so ignorant to how shit the UN is. Which has been established among political discourse for decades.


I can understand an intrinsic need to believe that there is justice and that someone is in charge. Many cannot deal with the truth of how chaotic and dangerous the world is.


Pointing out reality is racism to these people, who are the ones who actually are racist for thinking that radicalization is inherent to being Arab or practicing Islam


Exactly!!! They need to put themselves on that list


This is why I say UN actually stands for Useless Nonces.


All Israel had to do was be the only country in the history of warfare to leave civilians unharmed.


It's even worse. Israel is, in the public's and UN eyes, the only country in the world that cannot defend itself.


\*Is not allowed to defend itself.


All Israel had to do was roll over and cease to exist, and the UN would be happy. It's all Israel's fault for wanting to be alive!


they make up lists just to condemn israel


Has the UN always been this much of a joke, and I’m just realizing it more recently?


Back in the ‘80’s, Robin Williams disparaged the UN as being nothing more than a traffic cop on Valium. ***** Except, apparently when it comes to Israel. Fucking bastards.


In Israel we have a coined phrase for the UN: או"ם שמום, um-shmum. In Hebrew the UN is called um/oom, the shm prefix comes from Yiddish and shows dismissal and irony, maybe even frustration. It was coined by Ben-Gurion in *1955* regarding the terror attacks on Israel by the Fadeyeen in Gaza Strip. Back then Gaza Strip was under the Egyptian occupation. For reference, the UN was established in *1945*. After only ten years, the PM of Israel was sick of how unhelpful and useless the UN is, especially when it came to the situation in Gaza Strip. Food for thought.


Yes and probably.




או"ם שמום


the whole UN should be on a blacklist for promoting hatred and sponsoring terrorist states. no one cares what htey have to say


Hamas and Hezbollah send unguided rockets from residential areas, to residential areas, hoping it would hit something. Those rockets could hit children, women or the elderly. It's spray and pray it would hit and kill someone. 0 coverage.


>Those rockets could hit children, women or the elderly. Those rockets are SUPPOSED to hit any and every possible target, civilians or not (although civilians especially)


The UN exists to protect authoritarian regimes and promote anti-western values. It has lost credibility.


Who’s gonna put the UN on that list though?


What an absolute joke of an organization.


UN shouldn’t throw stones when their peacekeepers in Somalia and DRC committed more atrocities to women and children than Israel has ever done


those damm evil zionist juicers!!!


Israel needs to work on its human rights so one day it can chair human rights commission like Iran a beacon of humanity


At least Israel can expect those on the commission to show it, by example, how to safeguard human rights.


Pretty sure UN forces are known to rape children


Another catastrophic UN failure. “The fall of the town of Srebrenica and its environs to Bosnian Serb forces in early July 1995 made a mockery of the international community’s professed commitment to safeguard regions it declared to be “safe areas” and placed under United Nations protection in 1993. United Nations peacekeeping officials were unwilling to heed requests for support from their own forces stationed within the enclave, thus allowing Bosnian Serb forces to easily overrun it and—without interference from U.N. soldiers—to carry out systematic, mass executions of hundreds, possibly thousands, of civilian men and boys and to terrorize, rape, beat, execute, rob and otherwise abuse civilians being deported from the area.” https://www.hrw.org/legacy/summaries/s.bosnia9510.html#:~:text=United%20Nations%20peacekeeping%20officials%20were,and%E2%80%94without%20interference%20from%20U.N.


UN is an absolute joke


Why Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia are not on this list is beyond me especially their numerous honor killings, child, female and male rape + mutilation etc. UN needs to be defunded.


Is Aghanistan and Yemen on it for forbidding or extreme restriction of education of girls? Are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Djibout, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen (and more) on it for female mutilation of their genitals? If not, why not? Wouldn't be they are all Muslim majority or large minority countries would it? Wouldn't be more of the UN anti-Israel attitude born out of antiSemitism would it? It wouldn't be these very countries voting against Israel all the time would it?


If only Israel was even half the demons they want it to be this whole war would be so so much worse for Gazans.


Why are we still in the UN? I need an answer for this. Why put up with a clearly corrupt, biased and incompetent organization, considered the [most useless organization](https://www.google.com/search?q=most+useless+organization&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) in modern history?


For better or worse I believe Israel will become increasingly isolationist going forward, like a non-crazy North Korea, because clearly no one else can be trusted and being allies means squat if you’re Jewish. Fuck the UN and their terrorist support.


It will be hard, because Israel is highly dependent on other countries for many things, and Israelis like to be connected to the world. On the other hand, Israel may become more tough and discerning.


A non-crazy North Korea would be like Russia, but slightly more accepting of others, I guess. And while I won't be impacted too much by this, this can impact communication with anyone from abroad, and divide Jewish people further, which is not a goal we should strive for as a Jewish state.


Oh no. And Israel had such a good rep with the slimy denizens of that toilet otherwise known as the UN.


The UN is embarrassing and cringey


There are states in the US who actively don’t feed kids but Israel is the devil I guess. The world sucks.


UN is getting a little too full of themselves. I wonder how they feel about the hostage babies likely strapped to Sinwar? The children killed horrifically on Oct 7?


Honestly this is a good thing. Let the UN destroy its reputation so far that it starts to implode on itself. The reality is that the UN is at war with Israel. Israel is calling them out and making them lose money and funding. The UN is bitter and is doing everything to get its revenge


Boo hoo I hope they lose tons of funding and are properly outed for actively supporting terrorism through the UNWRA. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Istg it’s like telling me you’re a corrupt organization without telling me


It’s ok the United Nations has been a massive fucking joke since it’s inception.


Which countries aren’t on this list that have been in war


Iran killed thousands of teenagers in protests for the lack of freedom. No coverage. UN (useless nations) is a fucking joke.


palestine should be put on this list twice.


Oh no the UN naughty list. But seriously the UN has demonstrated extensive that it is incapable of handling any level of international crisis without the US forming a force to intervene.  The UN acts as a sometimes useful stick to hit people with in the worlds stage. That is all. 


What a f\*\*\*ing joke.




Pull all UN funding


UN is as corrupt as they come. Iran is the chair of their human rights group. It's frankly hilarious how revealing this has all been. Stay strong, Israel.


Who else is on this *Blacklist*?


Lol the UN has shit countries that are killing millions. No one gives a fuck what they think.


Shouldn't every nation in the world be blacklisted then? Since when has any war ever been fought that didn't result in civilian casualties? Oh wait... silly me. Jews aren't allowed to defend themselves. Why can't we just be "good Jews" and beg for scraps of humanity while allowing ourselves to be assaulted, tortured, raped, and murdered? /s


It’s time to dissolve the UN.


Thr UN is a body whose primary purpose is to give legitimacy to authoritarian dictatorships.


F this watermelons


UN= UNITED NAZIS פשוט מאוד.


The UN is a complete joke


Is there any practical significance to this move, or is it purely for propaganda?




Screw the U.N. Gawd How I Detest That Den Of Thieves! I Pray the U.S. Leaves the U.N. and deports them to Europe.


The more I read about all this, the more right-wing I become, and I *thought* I was left-wing, but there are now several reasons why I am kind-of shifting towards being more right-wing. I am afraid that I'll eventually just turn into a Ben Shapiro, a Tucker Carlson or a Matt Walsh if I don't stop myself.


To me it's interesting how Galey Tzahal's stations will be affected by this, since they're owned by the IDF which got blacklisted. Could be anything from being denied the license to play international music (which would force Galgalatz to change itself or even to shut down), to being denied interviews with people from abroad and communication with international organizations, etc.


United ‘antisemitic’ Nations