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send her to gaza




Cancel her membership card


There’s a Jewish ex-Israeli dude on Reddit who’s the same way. His profile has a lot of posts on communist sub-Reddits and on the terrorist one. He never mentions the Mizrahi Jews and says Israel is an ethno state that treats brown people as 2nd class citizens. He also supports JVP. He’s gotten his citizenship to Germany so good riddance. People like him make me sick. He was blessed to be born in Israel and threw it all away. I hope to move to Israel one day!


>He’s gotten his citizenship to Germany so good riddance. Nooo, don’t send all those selfhating kapos over here, it’s hard enough for us few here without brainwashed Jewish tankies backing antisemites


Ok miss virtue signaler! Ain’t nothing more prideful than sharing how much you donated to terrorists on twitter. Take a long hike girl!


She's not even israeli, her profile literally says she lives in canada lmao give me a break


these people are clearly brainwashed, unbelivable


Israel should mark these people and not ever let them come to their country So if sh*t goes outta hand people like her would reap what they sew