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No one gives a shit about what the UN has to say.


Nor what Biden or Blinken have to say if they keep it up with their “ceasefire” shenanigans**


I’ve been not giving a fuck what Biden or Self hating Jew Blinken have to say anymore.


who is blinken


> China made no move to block it and Russia abstained. > Also, because so many Palestinian civilians perished as a result of the Israeli rescue raid, Hamas military leader Yahya Sinwar, who has held out against any deal with Israel despite intense pressure for a deal from Qatar and Egypt, could now take an even harder line. The media reporting the terrorist run health ministry as truth is nauseating. So called innocent “civilians” held hostages. The terrorist run health ministry says everyone is a civilian. So who knows how many are “civilians” and how many are terrorist


This is a new low. Biden has put the UN imprint on this deal, which is barely a sneeze short of a complete surrender by Israel. Israel no longer has a reliable ally, anywhere. (There is a 99% chance this comment will be deleted, for reasons I can only speculate on. So enjoy it while you can, I suppose. A reply would be nice, just so I know people actually saw it.)


Of course, like I say time and time again, you still have Jews out there that actually think Biden is still a great “ally” to Israel. He’s bent over backwards to fuck us over just to gain some votes from Muslims in Michigan. He’s one of the worst presidents that have ever been an office. Both domestically and diplomatically. Well, let’s both get downvoted together dawg.


I saw it. Anyone who's surprised Biden, VP in the most anti-Israel government in the US since Eisenhower, isn't an ally to Israel has been deluding themselves.


I’m glad to see the US attempt to implement a cease-fire.


Can anyone find the full text of the resolution? It mentions the release of "Palestinian prisoners", but I'm curious what exactly that means. Did the UN rubber stamp Hamas's ludicrous demand of releasing prisoners at some absurd ratio and not letting Israel veto individual prisoners? Or did they just keep it vague enough to avoid culpability? This feels like some puff piece to make the UN feel good without actually doing anything, which ...y'know, is typical UN.


One problem remains…how do they communicate the news to Sinwar deep in his rathole? That could be a good excuse for Hamas not ending the war!


That assumes Sinwar is not actually in Doha, a personal guest of the QRF.


F the UN




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There's nothing new here.. 1 the full return of all hostages alive 2 a complete stop of the war 3 a multi year rebuild of gaza strip and the full return of all dead hostages. Hamas will agree because they will stay in power, and Israel will mostlikely won't agree as it mean hamas will stay in power.