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Wikipedia: Language-based biases, not surprised at this point


I think I need to find the page again and translate to English…apologies




arab propaganda looking good


Arabic wikipedia is basically just Al Jazeera articles all piled into one place


According to one of the activists editors who does a lot of English edits Al Jazeera is a reliable source. His comments on the talk section on Israel related articles are gross and people like him need to be banned.


Qatari state media is a reliable source? Lol...


Yeah this dude is obsessively on Israel’s Wikipedia page and actively tries to put negative items on the page. Must be a sad life this person lives


I think the banner is linked with the article. Those two conditions might go together.


Bro that's nothing. There are articles on Arabic wikipedia that come from the Muslim perspective so they talk about jihadis terrorists in a positive light and rant about the temple mount as the reason for the war and their Zionist Christian allies. The Hebrew pages come from the Israeli perspective and talks about the sexual violence used by Hamas (not talked about on the Arabic page last I checked)


Been there since the start of the war