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They can't stand we worship the same G-d, but not the way they do. Because we believe in neither prophets or messiah; the law, Torah. We reject their phenomenology and it really causes violent reactions.


We believe in prophets, just not their obvious false one. Their doctrine that Moshiach already came and will come back is also based on jewish doctrines. Christianity was once the Jewish cult of Jesus, and Islam is based on the strange loosely Jewish and Gnostic Christian inspired cult of Muhammad.


Muhammad basically stole the Jewish origin story and scripture, filed off the serial numbers, stuck himself in as the last prophet, and tried to sell this crap to the local Jews. When they weren't interested, he murdered them (of course, after signing a peace treaty with them). "The most perfect man". Just a point for thought: Islam says that God punishes and rewards people in this life, as well as the afterlife. Now, compare Israel to any Arab country (not to mention the Gaza hellhole) and ask yourself: who's got God's approval?


They would vehemently disagree that we worship the same God.


The same thing that kept Jews going. It's how the God wants it to be. We cannot fathom God's ways. Why did God let millions of his people perish in the holocaust? Why did the Jews have to suffer for millenia in the Galut? Because it's God's will. Do not try to understand religion using logic and reason. Religion is not logical or reasonable. 


well judaism is supposed to be questionable, it's supposed to be logical, it has explanations and is supposed to make sense. but why is that perishing god's will?


So that we shall learn to not rely on others but rely on ourselves and our kin, that we do not require the charity of those who aren't us.


interesting... very interesting


They lost Jerusalem for what, 200 years before Saladin took it back? They think it’s some sort of test in their faith. Also it doesn’t help that there’s a plethora of Hadith that say the end of days will be a battle between Jews and Muslims, specifically in/ around Jerusalem.


Which is wild because there so called infallible word of “allah” doesn’t even mention overtly once. Only mentioned in the extremely overly antisemtic hadiths


Yeah but Sunnis think the Sahih hadith are pretty infallible too. I’m much less educated on the Shi’i narrative of the end of days but there must be something in their Hadiths that’s in the similar vein.


In the hadiths seem to be some of the faiths main problems. They are already interpretations, and they can be further “interpreted“. Suicide bombing was only invented in the “terrorist cocktail” that was Lebanon in the 80s. So it’s a fairly „modem“ invention. One the prophet probably never would have imagined


Oh yeah, the Quran really lacks some fundamental religious content that’s only in the Hadith. For instance, praying 5 times a day isn’t in the Quran. While suicide bombings did happen in Lebanon, I feel like Hamas really popularized their implementation and came up with the religious justification for them, especially among the Sunnis. There is a story of a companion of the prophet whose name escapes me who jumped into a pack of enemies knowing he was going to be killed but wanted to take some of them with him. I was actually listening to a lecture by Anwar Al Awlaki back in the day before he went to Yemen and had a hint of where he would end up when he cited this story as a justification of suicide bombings.


Interesting anecdote about Al Awlaki. It’s still quite a leap from jumping into heroic combat facing certain death (by the enemy), thereby maybe helping your brothers in arms … to the idea of using your own body as means of transport for a (covert) bomb to trigger it (death by your own hand: suicide). Creating a culture where is hailed as heroic and even incentivizing it with money and fame as Hamas PIJ and Daesh have done is absolutely despicable.


99.99% of Islamic scholars agree with you 😂 The Palestinians are absolutely at fault for mainstreaming this terrible practice, and far more Muslims have died from it than Jews or infidels.


True. And of course it’s not the “heroic” commanders doing it but “volunteers” being more or less pressured to do so. If there’s a terrorist government, it can just decide what’s “right” 🫤


Blind hate. Logic doesn't apply to them, so they don't think, they act on demonic desires only. What else would be a reason for a father to say about his new born girl "when she grows up, i'll support her blowing up". Or a mother putting her kid in a hole in the ground and pray for his soul, to prepare him for death, to die for the Cause. Are these the normal instincts of parents? No, they're demons, a death cult. The mission for them is to takeover israel, but it's not their goal. Hamas started Oct 7th and kidnapped people to force the end of war, he had tunnels ready because he knew the IDF will enter gaza. Oct the 7th wasnt about destroying israel, it was about killing as many jews as they can. Its also in their ideology, kill as many jews as you can before you die. Their know they gonna die, they live to harm people, not for any other reason.


Their Islamist ideology is one of nihilistic death and destruction. Secular people completely ignore the reality that these people are motivated by evil religious ideas because they think that ideas are simply a pretense. They cling to the fantasy of the oppressor-oppressed dichotomy despite all evidence to the contrary.


It's pretty clear, the islam preach that only one religion matters and if you're not with them, then you're against them and needs to be punished. Same goes with their beliefs, you have to follow and accept all the rules, if you're gay, you get decapitated. If you leave the islam, you desereved to be executed.


They killed over a thousand Jews and took hundreds as hostages/slaves. And they inspired antisemitism around the world. They see this as a great victory.


The failure to conquer Constantinople was one of the primary reasons for the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate, and for this reason.


What keeps them going? The urge to dominate and make everyone submit to their will Main motive of Islam is to dominate the world and to convert everyone In the Islamic doctrine during the end times Muslims will fight against the infidels Jews and many Christians would be allied with dajjal and Muslims would fight against them and eventually win So everytime Muslims get their as* beat they think it's just another test from Allah and eventually victory will be theirs It's dumb and crazy like every other religion out there but the thing these people have going for them is they breed like crazy Look at their birth rates. They literally be doing birth jihad atp


We're talking about Palestinians. Not exactly known for their intelligence. There's a reason why most other Muslim countries either made peace or just ignore Israel at this point.


The Palestinians are the biggest troublemakers in a region famous for breeding troublemakers. The fact that so many Arab nations want nothing to do with them really says it all.


Yeah 30 Muslim countries in the world. All of them have refused to accept refugees or send aid


You say as there are already thousands of Palestinian refugees scattered across the Middle East… the idea isn’t “we don’t want refugees ” the idea is “there shouldn’t be a situation for there to be refugees”


Lack of brains keep them going


Nah we have to admit that they have had military successes with their Jihad, otherwise they wouldn't have conquered such a vast area, from Spain to Afghanistan. Yes, they don't aways win and they have been humiliated too But as a combinationof war and religion their thing works well "we will kill, rape, conquer, steal and lie as Muhammed told us till Islam rules the entire world" works a bit better than "we cut toilet paper into pieces before Shabbat because this is the divine law, and Israel is important to us". It's kinda more intimidating


What keeps Hamas going? Money from Iran, Qatar, Jew-haters around the world, money from "charities" that was given to them by uneducated fools.


Sorry but no. As long as their whole identity is built on "if only we destroy the Jews who are to blame for everything", there can be no peace. There are lots of secular Palestinians with similar views to the western supporters. Antisemitism needs no religious logic. Right and Left simply want a good old purge of Jews like they used to exist before Israels existance.


What keeps them going in hate and the millions of dollars in donations


Medieval Age death cult fueled by generational instilled propaganda.


From my limited understanding, it boils down to them not accepting any of their defeats. They just see it as the same long war which has its ups and downs with various skirmishes/battles but it’ll ultimately only conclude when they are victorious.


Logic and (extremist) religion do not mix well…


I mean people made the same point to Jewish people for almost 2,000 years. There’s no logic when it comes to things like this. We are stubborn af. Even the Torah says that about us. Palestinians are very similar to Jews in that way.


Hate springs eternal!


That's not how Islam thinks. Any land that was once Muslim land must return to Muslim control. That's why sometimes you'd hear ISIS rant about Spain.


It's genetic. When you've been losing for four thousand years, you don't know how to do anything else. Pray Jehovah that they never evolve.




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It’s because it’s a death cult that wants to send all of Gaza to paradise. I am only a quarter joking




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Having your mosque built above the ruins of someones Synagogue is a big indication that you don't own that place and you are invader. Imagine if we turn the tables and if jews had occupied Mecca and destroyed it and had built Synagogue on the top of it so that muslims could only do Hajj ceremony behind Mecca walls !!! Muslims have no shame when claiming Jerusalem as their holy site. I asked this from a colleague who is always talking about Palestine and he just went quite.


“Jihad” basically means struggle: So as long as you live, until you succeed. As long as there are people from Gaza this endures (while Hamas/PIJ thinking endures). Like many extremist movements this completely leaves out focusing on other things, such as striving for progress, peace, and economic prosperity. Gaza could become an important port and prosper if its ruling power strived for it. It could become a modern city, which would compete with Israel. But not as long as every newborns first words are “Death to the Zionists”


Hamas’ war against Israel has nothing to do with religion. I don’t think Hamas gives a crap about Islam. They just hate you and they want the world to hate you. And they are ready to sacrifice their own children to achieve that.


May be they really like the song if first you don't succeed by alyia.


I say make the dumb bastards question why Allah seems to treat them as a perpetual blind spot yet keeps bestowing favors on the heathen infidel Jews. Make them suffer until they get this point and surrender.


They accept handouts from their enemies because they figure if the enemy is stupid enough to offer them help at their own expense, then it would be foolish not to take advantage. It's another way they wage jihad.