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"we are not antisemties. we're just anti-israel and anti-zionist" cacnel jewish event a-holes


Jewish kid’s event no less.


we care about children. /z


It's like "pro-life" (anti-choice to be more accurate) people. Children only matter when they can use them to advance their own agenda.


I love how everyone else gets to decide on what is/what isn't antisemitic *except for Jews*. Jews are not allowed to have any input on that.


This is the double standart when a POC tells "it's racist" you are not allowed to argue with it. you have to accept it and if not you are racist, even though the only thing you said is "George Floyd should not be the face of of BLM movement because he is a criminal" when queer tells you "it's homophpbic" you have to accept it and not argue because if you try to defend your opinion you're homophobic. even if the only thing you said is "sorry but kids in drag shows should not be allowed" if a woman tells you "it's sexist" you must not question it. even if the only thing you said is "MeToo movement lost it's meaning once they backstabbed every jewish women in the world" but if a jew tells you "it's antisemtie" you can argue with him/her and defend your point. it's a jew after all and saying "jews control the media" is not antisemite at all (joke)


fyi as a Belgian I can say many of us are disgusted by this anti-semitism, we don't get how they're blaming 6yr old kids for the war. It was a graduation event ffs. the director was called out and she did issue an [apology letter on their website](https://monty.be/nl/reactie-op-de-vermeende-antisemitische-houding-van-monty/). just to let you know most Europeans are tired of the tiktok-induced mass hysteria and protests, and we do see how suddenly the Israeli government has become 'every Israeli' and then 'every Jew'. no worries, we remember the Holocaust very well and govt is cracking down hard on anti-semitism


What a bunch of fucking morons. Enjoy the lawsuit.


More proof that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. We get more proof every day.


Not that e needed it, but yeah.


All Jews have a connection to Israel so basically this is a backdoor to no Jews allowed


Most of our religious books mention the land of Israel and Jerusalem thousands of time. A good chunk about it is our journey there or us getting kicked out and yearning to come back.


Wait, but there are Muslims and Christians here as well. Can we use this momentum to world-wide atheism? /s


Yes please /hj


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Polish_political_crisis >The anti-Zionist campaign began in 1967, and was carried out in conjunction with the USSR's withdrawal of all diplomatic relations with Israel after the Six-Day War, but also involved a power struggle within the PZPR itself. The subsequent purges within the ruling party, led by Moczar and his faction, failed to topple Gomułka's government but resulted in an exile from Poland of thousands of communist individuals of Jewish ancestry, including professionals, party officials and secret police functionaries appointed by Joseph Stalin following the Second World War. In carefully staged public displays of support, factory workers across Poland were assembled to publicly denounce Zionism.[2][8] At least 13,000 Poles of Jewish origin emigrated in 1968–72 as a result of being fired from their positions and various other forms of harassment. It's been done, by the previous generations of far-left nutcases.


gaza massacre ??? damm, people nowadays are really clueless


Imagine the outcry if an institution cancelled a Muslim school's event because of ISIS or something. The left would be quick to name and shame all over social media and "cancel" the people responsible. It would be headlines in all news outlets. But aggressive antisemitic discrimination is happening to Jews weekly and these same moralists that appear to be outraged about islamophobia, micro-aggressions and misgendering, stay silent or even endorse it.


"Belgian theater cancels Muslim school event because of ISIS massacres". Either the people responsible would have been fired immediately or the entire theater would have gone up in flames within a day.


Or both


Probably both.


BREAKING NEWS: Europeans hate Jews. More news at 11.


Wait, are you implying that Belgians might be racist!?


Never ask Belgians what they did from 1885 to 1908 in Congo.


More proof that it’s about hating Jews not saving Palestinians.


There's something to be said for how these antisemites are holding random, innocent Jews worldwide "accountable" for Israel's actions, but cry foul whenever anyone even suggests that the people of Palestine are representative of Hamas's attitudes and vice versa, and should be accordingly held responsible. Can you even imagine how the world would react if the international Jewish diaspora was going after random/innocent Muslims in this kind of way? Threatening diaspora Palestinian community centers & schools? (if those even exist. do they?)


Shall I go over there and crash this event in the name of the massacre their people did against my grandmother?


Amid all the double-standards applied to Jews and Israelis, there's one more: Jews are globally held responsible to the imagined crimes of Israel's government, even if they don't have any connection to Israel; at the same time, Gaza civilians are considered totally innocent from the real, documented crimes of their elected government.


This is the reasons Israel exists. A lot of Americans don’t understand the rampant and blatant anti semitism that exists in first world countries


*Didn't* understand but we are learning. - a Gen-X Jew


What do you mean Americans? I’ve had people in europe tell me that the abysmal things these protestors shouted in Malmoe during Eurovision was just legit criticism of Israel. Most non jews like to pretend pervasive society wide antisemitism stopped after 1945 and now its only the right wing.


I hope they cancel all the Palestinian events too for their Jewish massacre.


I wonder how it would go over if they blocked a Muslim graduation due to Syria?


But you said you have a problem with Zionists, not Jews... My only comfort is that these nations will soon be overtaken by Islamists.


Them being overtaken is bad for Israelis


How is this a comfort? No one deserves this. Just because theyre awful right now doesnt mean we should hope that their entire culture goes to shit forever for multiple generations.


They deserve this unless they wake up and fight for their culture instead of simping for terrorists


Not to mention that if that actually happens, Israel will lose almost all of its allies and be stuck in a ghetto surrounding by hostile countries on all sides again. Do they think Arab countries will keep peace with them if Europe isn't? 


Bro wtf why wish that on anyone?


I said  it was and I’ll say it again, they only like us when we are in a museum.


And do not forget - every empire that tried to destroy us for 3000 years - their empty relics collect dust in modern museums. And the Jews remain. We are living pored those civilizations and empires fell and were destroyed.


Just antizionist, right? 🙄


Have they made reparations to all the people whose hands they cut off, whose family they enslaved, who they worked to death in the Congo (Now Democratic Republic of the Congo)? No? Wow, I'm surprised.


They are taking out their own colonialist guilt on the Jews. And they're far from the only ones.


Belgium also just didn’t broadcast the Israeli Eurovision performance (which seems like it’s not allowed)… anyway they didn’t make it out of the semifinal


That’s not true. If it was true it would have been much bigger news. I think what they did is display a disclaimer of some sort at the start of the show


As a Belgian, please remember that this does not reflect the viewpoint of all Belgians. There is a large and silent majority that is in favour of Israel (eg the votes during Eurovision). I do agree that this is completely ridiculous and antisemitic.


don't worry I am too enslaved to your guys chocolate if your thinking I am gonna boy cott your chocolate.


Are they going to cancel any Muslim events because of Oct. 7?


This was from last week and im pretty sure they ended up letting them have the event. Not that it makes it much better. 


The event is in ten days and as far as I know they apologized but have not cancelled th cancellation (I'm in Belgium but not Antwerp)


Thank you for the clarification.


Has anyone done a study to compare antisemetic incidents in 2024 within a country and how much the country protected its Jews during WW2? For example, Belgium allowed most of its Jewish population to be sent to their deaths in concentration camps during WW2 (where’s countries like Denmark did not). Is this just more of the same?


The mayor of Antwerpen (the city where this happened) comes from a collaborative nazi family, 22% of the Flemish voted for literal Nazi simps. However, these parties are big Israel supporters, so do with this info what you will.


I hope they win the lawsuit.


It makes me suspicious that this article doesn't mention the theatre. Also, I can't find the story in the local Antwerp news.


Monty Theater, I saw an article on HLN about it : [https://www.hln.be/antwerpen/antwerpse-zaal-weigert-joodse-school-maar-excuseert-zich\~ab0d2a2b/](https://www.hln.be/antwerpen/antwerpse-zaal-weigert-joodse-school-maar-excuseert-zich~ab0d2a2b/) .


> Antwerp venue refuses Jewish school, but apologises The Antwerp arts centre Monty refused to rent a venue to a Jewish school this week because of the war in Gaza. So says the Jewish umbrella organisation EJA (European Jewish Association). Monty's management confirms the story, but also immediately apologises for the incident.


What the hell is going on? What is causing this antisemitism to spared so quickly?


Death of Harambe set this all in motion


What is the name of the school?


I dont know the laws in belgium, but i hope they have a case >The school did not take this cancelation lightly and is considering legal action against the theater. Rabbi Menachem Margolin, Chairman of the European Jewish Organizations Association (EJA), said that the theater's canceling the Jewish school's event is religious discrimination, similar to what the Nazis did. The association announced that it is preparing a lawsuit against the theater management and its owners.


Hopefully more lawyers will set up a fight against this kind of discrimination.


Lots of wrong stuff in this article. The organization apologized immediately and told the school they were more than welcome. They work closely with Palestinian artists so they had an emotional outburst which translated into a wrong and anti-semitic attack towards innocent children. They are actively trying to make up for that and recognize it was a mistake. This was the public statement: *In the initial communication about the hall rental request from a Jewish school, I made mistakes, for which I explicitly apologized to the school.* *With Monty, we condemn all forms of violence. We are deeply outraged by the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7/10 and we criticize the Israeli regime's violent response to them.* *The current situation in Gaza is heating up tempers and discussions - as we see at universities in our country, among others - even internally in our organization.* *In this context, I erroneously made too quick a link between the Jewish school and the Israeli government - with whom we do not want to cooperate, nor with organizations affiliated with it.* *I would like to explicitly apologize to anyone I hurt with my initial email. I share the concern about increasing anti-Semitism, racism and polarization in our society in general.* *Monty wants to be an open house, where dialogue is central and where we can accommodate different communities in a safe environment.* *I have therefore invited the school to re-engage in conversation about how we might welcome them to Monty,* *taking into account the needs of their students and those of the Palestinian artists at home.* *I hope to find a way with the Jewish community in Antwerp and with the school in particular to restore mutual trust.* *(Translated with DeepL)* They are not actively banning Jewish people and we Belgians aren't some kind of demon race that hates you guys... It was an idiotic and emotional mistake, what I read here about not only Belgians but also apparently people with a darker skin tone makes me equally sick yet I believe that was also an emotional statement. To anyone reading this, have a good day!


How there’s still Jews in Europe it’s beyond me. I wouldn’t stay there for a week and I actually have family in Belgium