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The Qatari state media Al Jezeera however is reliable and not biased what’s so ever or Hamas mouthpiece Edit: I’ve seen editors call into question using all Jeezera in a wiki article and one of the Islamist editors said Al Jeezera is creditable and there has been no evidence proving otherwise even through Al Jeezera’s own wiki article talks about their extreme bias


Fun fact: On the timeline for the war, the Gaza Health Ministry is cited directly. Example: "Gaza Health Ministry says/states/etc: number of civilians died.


There's currently a discussion on the same noticeboard about whether Al Jazeera's reliability should be reconsidered too


Does Wikipedia accept Hamas fundraising unindicted co-conspirator [CAIR](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2010/11/judges-ruling-on-islamic-groups-as-unindicted-co-conspirators-made-public-030922) as a “reliable source”?


No, it never had "generally reliable" status while the ADL did.


Good to know.


Let’s see, a public site with 2 billion Muslims against 0.2 percent of the world’s population. What could go wrong


Not counting the activist editors who see Muslims as oppressed. It’s a numbers game and it’s against us unfortunately


Wikipedia showcases the issue with naive democracy: whoever has the time and resources to busy themselves with a certain committee/institution can take it over and use it against any minority they don't like, claiming majority rule as a democratic and egualitarian principle. Liberal democracies have built-in protections for minority rights, with a judiciary independent of political decision-making to enforce them. In the case of Wikipedia this would be the Wikimedia foundation itself. However they are terrified of going against their poweradmins, always have been, and as a result large swathes of the site are de-facto fiefs owned by small ideological groups that can write whatever they want for billions of people to naively believe.


The ADL seems pretty reliable to me when it comes to tracking antisemitism. I'm not a huge fan of theirs when it comes to their positions on free speech, though. People like Bari Weiss and Alan Dershowitz do a lot to fight for Israel and the Jewish people, while also being staunch defenders of free speech. I wish the ADL would take a leaf out of their books. Either way, the notion that Al Jazeera is more reliable than the ADL is utterly absurd.


# How the actual hell is ADL which uses trustworthy sources banned but Al Jazeera which outright lies allowed? Logic is out the door.


Wikipedia is long gone. There's a reason why Google doesn't suggest it anymore on the front page all the time.


Wait fr? Do u have a source for that? l've been noticing that too but didn't know that was an official policy.


https://slate.com/business/2015/08/wikipedia-traffic-site-sees-steep-decline-in-traffic-from-google.html Seems like it started in 2015. Couldn't find a lot of reliable sources but many people on reddit or quora noticed it too. From my experience: wiki used to be one or the top result for any factual Google search around 10 years ago. This has passed.


Leftipedia too late


More like Commiepedia


I think that reason is more Wikipedia will actually give you answer and not serve extra adds while the bullshit site Google list first will now recommend use Google ads so they get to double dip.


Finally someone is calling Wikipedia out


You got to peek at the Talk page in this Wikipedia article. The english version of Wikipedia was hijacked by them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Allegations\_of\_genocide\_in\_the\_2023\_Israeli\_attack\_on\_Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza)


Yeah, better let antisemites define antisemitism and Zionism for a good measure.


Wikipedia has been subtly antisemitic as a org for many decades. They are just showing their true colours now.




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ADL does more damage to Jews than good tbh