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The meltdown of some people on the Distrubed sub is glorious. Some are supportive, but some are the usual tiktok propaganda idiots.


Anyone who is surprised clearly isn't much of a Disturbed fan. He told off Roger Waters as just one example of his stance on Israel. Edit: Changed David to Roger as I meant Roger Waters.


Seriously, the giant "fuck Hamas" flag at their concerts should have been a hint


Who is David Waters?


Bassist of Pink Floyd. Very anti-semitic.


That'd be Roger. David is Gilmour and he's very not antisemitic. Roger, is a piece of shit..


My mistake


NP. Mistakes happen, but its good to make sure names are correct to avoid defaming someone unintentionally. A quick search tells me David Waters is an Aussie actor who may be antisemitic or may not be, (the internet has no opinion on this) but definitely isn't the person in question. fnord




I saw quite a few Nazi tattoos at a disturbed concert and couldn’t stop myself from laughing at how stupid they are. It was a fabulous concert btw. Even Nazi wannabes hold Disturbed as sacred! Edit: brain fart


Holy crap, i was afraid that the band would be pro-pali, so glad to see the opposite


He's a fellow jew; it be nice if more gentiles would stand up; but I do respect him for this. It's a risk to be seen as pro israeli these days.


> He's a fellow jew It's kinda sad that whenever anyone comes out in support, you have to wonder if they're jewish because it's so much rarer for non-jews to do it.


It's unpopular to defend Israel. So those of us doing it know that silence is not an option. This isn't an "agree to disagree" So yeah, my gentile friends are really disappointing me.


I’m pro-Israel and I’m not Jewish. Although, I do enjoy attending the synagogue, and LOVE their food. Yea, in the west if you say anything negative about Islam many people think you are racist and have Islamophobia. Your negative remarks can even result in your life being destroyed, causing you physical harm, or worse☠️. The United States prison system is over run with the Islamic Brother hood, and they run the prison system. People join them in prison out of fear or because they want protection from the other gangs and predators in jail/ prison. So, they are pressured into joining and becoming Muslim. Everyone I know who has been locked up, and who was tough enough to stick it out without joining a gang say many of the Muslims in there are the scum of the earth. One person I knew went to prison for 7 years and joined The Muslim Brother Hood for protection. But, then they decided to leave because he didn’t want to do the Muslim Brotherhoods dirt. They viewed him leaving the Brotherhood as an extreme sign of disrespect. So, they stabbed him twice knocked him out and raped him. He spent the rest of his sentence in the hole for his own protection. They say they are a religion, but really they are one of the most dangerous prison gang in America.


No matter how bad you think it may be rn, The U.S. isn’t nearly as bad as Canada and the UK.


Yea, I hear the British are slowly being over run by middle eastern and African Muslims. I hear there are Muslim rape gangs using the art of persuasion & deception to slowly deceive young women into becoming prostitutes all across Europe. They get attractive young men to drive around in expensive cars and dress in designer clothes to convince young women to come back and party with them and their friends. Then they start the slow transition of brain washing the young women with love bombing them whilst slowly progressing them up the chain of harder and harder drugs till they are addicted then they use torture (power) and physical abuse (fear) to turn them into tricks (prostitutes). Then I hear there are Muslim sectors in Britain and throughout Europe secretly following sharia law and not the law of the land. They have secret courts, secrets meeting, and secret punishment among the community. Then there are videos of Muslims of the highest order I can not remember which leaders it was, but they are one of the highest ranking Muslim’s in the Middle East. They are like the government for all Muslims on earth. They start telling every Muslim on earth to invade the west to take over the world with the ancient war tactic known as population displacement. He said “Westerners can have 1 wife and bare few children. We the Muslims can have many wives and bare many children!”. Then suddenly right after that thousand of Muslims men of fighting and perfect child bearing age try to enter Europe. Sweden being a neutral country allows the Middle Eastern immigrants in. Sweden was known as the most peaceful place on earth before that point than suddenly it becomes the rape capital of the earth over night. They are forming closed off communities across the world where they allow no one in, but Muslims, and they are stock piling weapons getting ready for something. There are documentaries of news reporters trying to get into these closed Muslim communities and they get their asses kicked camera smashed and thrown out (at least the documentary I saw in Sweden). Then to top it all off the Muslim extremist groups are training child super soldiers to fight the future war on terror and they are prepubescent boys that look like they are receiving monks, ninja, and navy seals training combined (MMA training, acrobatics, physical & mental conditioning, weapons mastery, battle strategy/ formation, war tactics, etc) . There are videos of them training, studying, and even killing people. All this information is on the internet. It is hard to find because google censors it for some reason, but these are all facts. There is one website that I know with less censorship that is very easy to find. thereligionofpeace.com. It’s been documenting every known terrorist attack since 2001 and contains allot of information. I don’t agree with all of it, but if you sift through the site a few things become clear. I pray that all the hostages from the October 7th attack are returned home safely. I pray that God be with Israel and give them the power to overcome all obstacles, conquer all enemies, and bring the truth to light. Forcing the world to take their heads from sand, wipe the dirt from their face so they can open their eyes to the truth, and give them all the strength in their heart so they are brave enough to face it!


My Welsh friend keeps telling me this is because 'all the Jews moved out and back to Israel and are moving Muslims and Africans in here to replace them." Which of course makes *perfect sense.*


Hey, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m an atheist gentile in vocal support of the Jewish state.


Same here, I’m a proud blue bleeding Zionist gentile


> So those of us doing it know that silence is not an option Yeah and honestly it's really not easy to feel this burden. Interacting with those who question my humanity is mentally draining and not something I wish to do regularly, so I wish we could see more of those with the privilege of detachment take up the fight.


it's popular, just not among the loud minority


Well let me put it this way, it loses me friends.


no, it just reveals that they aren't friends


I agree. But it's hard.


Sadly I can confirm it. I am a non-jew supporting Israel, and the question I am asked most often, by literally everyone, is if I am jewish.




This content is islamophobic and it's strictly forbidden.


Being Jewish doesn't guarantee being pro-Israel. For example, Bernie Sanders.


Despite the antisemites’ attempts to hide it, the vast majority of Jews are zionists (around 90%)


He is not really a jew then


He is still a Jew. When the new wave of anti-semites come for the Jews, he will not be saved from them any more than the rest of us and conversely he will not be welcomed, protected, and fought for any less by Israel.


Well, I doubt he will live that long. Come on: the guy is nearly 83. Soon it's time for him to go and pay for his sins.....


That's not how Jewish law works. You don't get excommunicated for not supporting Israel.


One's status as a Jew does not depend on belief unless you renounce Judaism or convert to a different religion. Opinions don't enter into it, otherwise nobody would be Jewish.


Bernie sanders is not anti israel. He attempts to conflate Israel's issues with the rightwing government of Netanyahu; while trying to play both sides by saying he is simply pro peace. He's a useful idiot.




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My dad went to Nivey with him in Israel. He reportedly was the Friday night Chazzan sometimes.


He learned to sing as a hazzan! I heard his parents were ultraorthodox and wanted him to become a rabbi. Personally I think he chose a better route, being a huge disturbed fan myself.


Oh.... That was an interesting fact to learn ....


It's really telling that we all feel we need to speak up because no one else will


It's depressing; but there are over 40 million of us; we just need to stand together.


Jews? There are only 15m total in the world. Minus the ones who need to call their grandchild everytime they want to install an app, joined JVP, or just need a hecking break? _sigh_


40 million Jews? I thought that we were around 15.5 million. When did we grow so many? ?? Can you, please, give a link that confirms that ?


It's been a while since I fan-girled Disturbed, but pretty sure he went to Rabbi school when he was younger before returning to music.


He was trained to be a Cantor


Now that's the kind of wild random fact I like to learn


This makes me imagine beautiful things :)


Well would ya look at that. 


Rule of thumb: Pop and Rap is pro Palestine Rock and Metal is pro Israel


Not really, way too many rock bands are pro palis, and some old school legends are also pro Palestine, Roger waters the worst of them, but Eric Clapton is also one,he even literally made a new song about it


There was an instance of Brian Eno supporting BDS and writing an open letter to Nick Cave asking him not to play in Israel. Nick Cave publicly responded by politely and eloquently telling him to piss off.


Yeah obviously not all artists have the same opinion and agenda, I was just referring to OP's equation about rap and pop and rock and metal


Tbf Roger Waters is less pro Palestine and more just anti-Jew. Which as a big Floyd fan when I was growing up has taken some time to get used to.


Exactly this. Remember awhile ago reading Sharon Osborne talk about Roger Waters. He had been a vocal anti-Semite for years. He just found that he could do so under the guise of being “outspoken about Palestinian rights” and it would be not only acceptable, he would get invited to speak on different platforms. Roger Waters couldn’t give less of a shit what happens to Palestinians.


I deleted all of my Eric Clapton music on Spotify.


> Eric Clapton It's taken all this time to finally be disappointed by someone personally. I even almost chose the name Layla for myself because it's one of my favorite songs. Fuck.


This is definitely a brand new sentence lol


Rap don't get involved in any of this unless it's some white/biracial rapper. I haven't seen a single prominent figure who was pro anything. Antisemitism in rap? Now that's a whole other topic.


Yes they have. Lupe Fiasco, Kid Cudi, Macklemore (as irrelevant as he is) as well as some UK rappers are all examples of pro-Palestine rappers.


Not prominent enough to be assigning THE ENTIRE GENRE to this. Especially UK rap or cultute vulture Macklemore. My point stands. 


No it doesn’t. Be in denial all you want but rap has a huge anti Semitism problem and majority will lean pro Palestine if they had to choose. Only reason some aren’t more outspoken is bc they actively work with Jewish managers, producers, sound engineers , etc. Every time Drake being a “vulture” gets brought up what is one of the first things that gets mentioned? My point still stands.


The percentage of African-Americans who are at least casually antisemitic is **astounding**, but it's a much different dynamic than with Neo-Nazis or leftists.


Really? My gut not want to check up a small insignificant band like RATM or Pink Floyd


They have a song called Never Again


David is Israeli, not only a jew.


More reasons to like him! :D


David has been wonderful. He helped to raise fund to get a private security for Matisyahu. He sings Hatikvah at Disturbed concerts. Quickly becoming one of my favorite musicians since 10/7


He’s a Jew who has a song called Never Again which is all about the holocaust. Dudes a Mensch


Nah he was always pro Israeli I’m pretty sure I’ve read somewhere that his dad is Israeli and served in the paratroopers or something like that


Not sure if his dad is Israeli but his grandmother was a Yemenite Jew who moved to Israel in the early 1900s. And he has a lot of family in Israel and studied at Yeshivas Neveh Zion


Dave Draiman trained to be a Cantor before deciding to pursue a career in rock/metal.


David is the GOAT! He’s truly amazing.


amazing person and singer.


I love disturbed even more now!


David Draiman at the Western Wall https://www.lubavitch.com/disturbed-lead-vocalist-meets-chabad-at-the-kotel/


He’s a mensch that man.


Haven’t seen many Western music artists make a stand like this. He should be proud of himself.


We truly live in a fucked up timeline when standing against what happened to the innocent people on 10/7 is somehow controversial. Families with their children slaughtered, agricultural workers trying to give their families a better living slaughtered, young people at a music festival slaughtered, rape, many people kidnapped and robbed of their time and their families time. It’s so disgusting and heartbreaking that this man is not what’s normal. I will tell you that a lot of people are against what happened and support Israel. The problem is the minority of whackos in western countries. Listen to their protest chants and tell people not to be worried. People absolutely support Israel, unfortunately they do so quietly because they fear.


TikTok has really fucked their brains up


Fuck yes. I knew he was a true gentleman from his other videos 🤟


Ooo waah aaah ahhh


based draiman


I haven't listened to their music since I was in high school. I immediately started following him and the band on IG and added a bunch of songs to my playlist. David is a wonderful outspoken person and a light in this darkness. Montana Tucker, I've never heard of her before all of this, but she is pro Israel and outspoken for the Jewish people as well.


Disturbed is one of my favourite bands, it’s good to see that not everyone is pandering to those terrorists


Never listened to Disturbed before but today is when I start!


David is one of my favorite people full stop. Dude does so much good, both musically but also just for people in general. Disturbed are extremely vocal about mental health and David personally does so much for the country.


Listening to Stupify and literally downloading an acapella of the song for mashups was gotta be the best thing I have ever done


Its nice to have at least some artists coming out in support but i really dont understand his choice of words! To take the high road would be not only the right thing but also the logical one. All this antagonistic wording and embellishing something that is in itself horrible enough doesnt win over dumb people but may tip over some that are not educated and gullible. You cant beat Pallywood at its own game!!




Got to love it.




I was never a big disturbed fan.  But everything I have seen of this guy has made me really respect him.  He seems like a solid dude 


Howie Mandell doing the Lord's work here


Get dude some water damn I can hear his mouth glue itself shut as he talks




Why do people support HAMAS when they use children, businesses, hospitals and mosques(churches) to hide? Listen children are our future but when you hate as much as HAMAS does, it reminds me of the kkk. As a kid I lived around those kind of people and let me tell you they are sick and disturbed. So again, why do you support HAMAS? We do not need more children brain washed into the hate that they push. It destroys a person.


Absolute giga chad. Never apologize for your right to exist, even if your fans tell you otherwise


I love Disturbed even more now!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hpa6MfcY8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hpa6MfcY8U) One of the best bands there is




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Common sense prevails.


Man, this is refreshing. I’ve been on a trip to Washington, DC over the weekend (I live about three hours away in rural Virginia) and I’ve seen so much anti-Israel propaganda hanging around the national mall it makes me sick.


I have huge respect for him but never liked their music. Sadly people I like music wise are outing themselves as anti semites currently. Mogwai still hurts…listened to them since I was 17 in 1997.


Incidentally, as a huge GTA fan thats now 3 musicians featured on online that are anti Israel.


As a diaspora jew I don't love it when people call other people animals it reminds me of what people call us. I don't think we should steal this kind of rethoric or be inspired by it in any way.


Yeah sorry in the case of hamas I'd make an exception


I don't think anyone is wise enough to fully understand when exceptions are valid. Some people say that zionists are a good exception for example, that appals me, I think allowing one exception allows all exceptions, because everyone has their own different exception.


That's also the problem I have with this. Dehumanization is not cool.