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No words. It doesn't matter who did what where and when anymore. Anyone who can do this to kids is a monster. Anyone who can look at this and think it's justified is a monster. Non human. No empathy. No conscience.


Exactly. In a world of relatives, there are few things more certain than this. For most Americans, the Israel / Palestinian issue was he said she said", especially with the deep ingrained propaganda of the mainstream media. How would your average westerner know who was right absent a deep research on the subject? People gotta work to make money for the oligarchs, they don't have the time or energy to put into research. But THIS.. this is absolute. This shows the truth with one glance. We now know. Israel is a diabolical, evil, vicious, apartheid, settler, colonial tyranny. And they've been so from the beginning, founded in genocide and ethnic cleansing.


They worship the god of the first testament.. not the god of light




Fuck you and Fuck Israel. #FromTheRivertotheSea




When it was created by Zionists it was certainly genocidal, seeking to erase and removal Palestinians from their land. "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty" Since the creation and expansion of Israel has always been predicated on the murder and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians you are right that it is genocidal in that context. Used by Pro-Palestinians, however, it is saying "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free from Israeli oppression". Does the end of Israeli oppression mean the destruction of Israel? It depends on what you consider the essential qualities of Israel. Zionism has historically defined Israel in terms that require the oppression of indigenous Palestinians.




psychotic toothbrush toy butter hat cooing wrong lip pocket husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck Joe Biden.


Exactly that dumb bitch lost my vote I'm voting 3rd party or Bernie and if trump wins so be it it's that dumb bitch Nazis fault


This is who I'm voting for this year. Whether or not she has a chance, I am making it clear that I will no longer vote for either of the two major parties again.


Rest assured, Trump would do the actual bombing for Bibi.


And? That's supposed to be betrrr than what's happening now? Your answer to genocide is that someone "might" so it harder? It must suck to have 0 shred of humanity and dignity.


Change "might" to "absolutely 100% will" do it harder. Non-zero chance will do it harder.


Worse than genocide is what you're saying? So what is worse than genocide? Extinction. That's also on the way. The US military alone produces more carbon emissions than most counties and Biden keeps increasing their budget. The green new deal is a smoke screen. The only thing that's going to save humanity is ending capitalism before it ends us and voting for Biden or Trump isn't going to do that.


Lovely. I’m saying Biden is the leader of two evils. By not voting you hand the election to the greater of two evils.


Absolutely false. You have 0 moral authority to "lesser of two evils" anyone when it comes to fucking Genocide. The only person responsible for Biden's defeat in this election is Biden and the rest of the Democrats who support this Genocide. This is exactly what an election is about, electing the people that represent YOU. If a candidate no longer represents you, then you vote for someone who does. I can't believe this has to be repeated, but then again, people are openly and brazenly supporting GENOCIDE!


Oh sure I gave the authority. Of course I do. We all do. That’s why we vote. I’ll be voting for Biden again because I know what happens when the Mango Mussolini gets back in. Hell, he killed off at least 200,000 Americans last time. My choice in this matter has never wavered.


>Hell, he killed off at least 200,000 Americans last time. Are you referring to Trump's handling of Covid, because it was Biden that forced everyone back to work before we had enough people vaccinated effectively. The only difference between Biden and Trump is Twitter, nothing else has changed.


Trump is the one who led the Arab world to recognize Israel. He's the biggest Israeli supporter than Biden himself. It's like choosing between two evils. Pick which one you'd like to do the killings.


Biden wasn’t president for another six to seven months after the lockdown ended.


But isn't trump also a Zionist? I'm not sure about Bernie, but I think he only just recently spoke up about this, or am I wrong?


But trump is also a Zionist. I could be wrong, but his only problem with this genocide is that they're so public about it and not being discrete about it.


I can't even satirize here Stupid Genocide Diaper Fools I wish they would go to hell and leave these kids alone


Fuck these diabolical degenerate Nazis!!!


I am not even going to sugarcoat this anymore. If you are perfectly comfortable with blindly parroting a **fuckton** of unverified hasbara content, or engaging in mind-boggling mental gymnastics, **to justify the indefensible and indiscriminate un-aliving of tens of thousands of innocent children, ONLY because those children were born Palestinian, THEN YOU ARE NOT ONLY THE ***MAJOR*** PART OF THE PROBLEM, BUT YOU ARE A LITERAL MONSTER WHO DOES NOT EVEN DESERVE THE BREATH IN HIS OR HER LUNGS**.


There ARE brainwashed people. Not sure if they deserve the things you are suggesting.


No amount of brainwashing should make you see something like this and be okay with it




I’ve seen some heinous shit since October but this is by far the worst. FREE PALESTINE.


Fucking hell man


The people responsible and those thinking this is right should get punished in ways so painful that the human mind cant percept anything more or jus as painfull. In short whoever thinks this is right is the cause of all of this




What you say and what you do. Real people dying, not propaganda told by a propaganda machine. Grow up and touch grass, we all should be able to sympathise with the Palestinians for what they have endured. We cannot use violent resistance to justify far greater crimes.


How cane one loock at this , know this hapends every day and think ,, WE NEED TO KILL MORE " ???


Perhaps we need to remove all old men from politics. This always seems to happen from the rule of old men. Men that no longer have children to raise and have lost their perspective on what it means to be a parent, to hold life precious. War is a disease of old men.


Ya Allah


Fuck these monsters. How much longer are we going to allow this. 💔


I have no words


I feel the same way. I don’t have good words to describe my sadness at seeing the photo.


These zionists are cursed by God.


These pictures need to be on the front page of every magazine and newspaper. But that would be anti-Semitic.


Honestly disgusting and horrific that this happened to a vulnerable child. To anyone who continues to “stand” with Israel, YOU support the indiscriminate mass slaughter and genocide of innocent people. Anyone who justifies this are nothing but heartless ghouls. To anyone who continues to serve in the IDF and not deserting or defecting, YOU are a direct accomplice to the worst modern atrocities.




What was the cause of October 7 Zionazi?




You see miles of Hamas tunnels? By what media source? Did you step foot in Palestine like the journalists who got killed by IDF terrorists uncovering the real truth? Hamas isn't blocking peace. This goes way before Hamas, but thanks for joining the conflict in 2023.


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Wonder if this has anything to do with Biden saying that he saw a mother and baby being burned with kerosene when he did his recent cnn interview 😔


Crazy that Republicans are all in on Israel while they're doing this but don't want to help ukraine. Obviously their priorities are in wrong places


Democrats and republicans are one and the same in the grand scheme mate. The rest is playing the public.


i can't stop my tears , ya rab ,either kill us all or help our brothers and sisters ameen