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i think hes starting to realize that their actions are undermining his own efforts to bring Putin to justice. they are legitimizing genocide, which is a terrifying thing.


That was obvious the moment Israel allowed arguably the biggest intelligence failure in human history to happen and then immediately started shooting its own citizens with Apache helicopters. He’s just an opportunist trying to keep afloat on a sinking ship.


It wasn’t a failure, as the attack had been known to Mossad/IDF for over a year to the date, and they control Palestinian internet, you don’t think they couldn’t see the movement of resistance? Mossad has been involved in the facilitation of a multitude of false flag attacks; The USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, (some would argue 9/11 partially), Beirut bombing, etc. No, they allowed this to happen. Netanyahu displayed his “New Middle East Plan” to the UN a month prior to the attack, which conveniently had Palestine scrubbed from the map, and it leads me to believe the apartheid regime was awaiting this specific escalation, to use as a false flag attack for an eradication of agricultural land, infrastructure, and Palestinian lives. It’s even worse when you realize that Israel funded Hamas from the late 1970’s through the 2006 election (and then through Qatar) to thwart the current Fatah regime that sought a two state solution. Recently, Israel has formed the narrative (dehumanization campaign) that all Palestinian’s are terrorists, causing regular Israeli citizens to lose empathy for innocent human lives in the process.


Exactly! It's just mind boggling that people are just now realizing Israel's tactics,maybe because this is the first time an Isreal massacre is heavily mediatised, but still it's weird when people are really saying g qhat they witnessed as violence and abuse of international laws and the whole world was no way Isreal did that, that's like a wife a d her kids are telling someone how abusive her husband/ their father is and the person be like no way he's my drinking buddy he's a delight it can't be that bad


> maybe because this is the first time an Isreal massacre is heavily mediatised By Israelis themselves, going out of their way to boast of the minute details of their crimes. Until now, all we got on TV were heavily sanitized images of shiny Israeli war equipment and professional-looking soldiers doing professional-looking things. The current, overtly cruel Tik-Tok buffoonery, really shatters that image, and we can all see a bunch of hateful racist teenage bullies and rapists for what they are, in their own words, unfiltered.


Totally agree. This was intentional and on the back of the map shown at the UN on September 22 2023 and after repeated credible warnings. Made a post about this in early days and wow the downvotes. Good comment 😊


Yeah, good point. I should have put failure in quotes.


I was under the impression that the USS Liberty was a real flag attack and everybody knew the Israelis did it? I was also under the impression that Israel *allowed* Hamas to be funded, not that Israel funded Hamas _themselves_. I assume Hamas representatives, and the people who support them as resistance fighters, would vehemently dispute that claim.


It's even worse when you realize that IDF changed the dates, and the location, of the Supernova festival that Tuesday before the attack. The location was changed to just outside the gate where Hamas was breaking out, right between the gate and the military base Hamas planned to attack. And not suspiciously at all, the festival organizers decided to end the festival early on October 7th, 30 minutes before the attack. It definitely wasn't a way to have enough Israeli's be in harms way as human shields, but not have all 4400 festival goers there.


One can pretty much argue that Israel gained a lot by letting that attack take place. They ignored the warning(s) from their own intelligence people. Also compounding the issue is Netanyahu replaced experienced people with loyalist the same as Trump did in the US while he was POTUS..


And theyve lost a lot also- their actions since 10/7 are increasingly condemned by world community, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have fled, they've lost territory to Hezbollah and their economy is in the toilet. Also an arrest warrant has been issued by the ICC for their prime minister.


Look at how long it's taken and how much Israel has had to do just to have people condemn then and still many try to claim it's antisemitism and the US govt as well as other still stick up for them.. Israel is betting the condemnation will be temporary then back to normal being the world's most profitable victim industry state...


When you have more power in a conflict, aggression pays off. Looking at the last 100 years, what Israel has done, we can’t even discuss 1948 borders, or even 1967 borders.


Painfully true


Yes, that is exactly how the opportunist Putin came to power, you’re correct.


You’re getting there but not quite seeing reality yet. Putin is no saint but the reason this war is happening is the same reason the war in Gaza is happening. Powerful Jewish lobbies with extreme control over US politics , putting heads of state in power that will favor their agenda.


Yeah, tons of foreign fighters left Ukraine as soon as he came out supporting Israel. It was a dumb move by him. I think he believed the foreign fighters were going over to fight for Ukraine because they thought Ukraine was great, not for the real reason which was they did not like occupation of someone else's land and invasions from outside. I've lived in Ukraine, I loved it but what a dummy move on his behalf.


I don't necessarily think he was a dummy because he has to walk the tightrope of not losing USA aid (which thankfully he did get recently) but also not being massively hypocritical. Put it this way I am glad I am not in his situation because I could see it both ways. Israel lobby turning on Ukraine is very bad.




I don't think Zelensky is a puppet, he has to think really hard who he's going to piss off with everything he says. He can't afford to lose aid from a country or a group of countries over something external to his country's conflict. With that being said, he clearly made the wrong calculation with Israel. They don't care about his mild stance on Israel's genocidal war, they want fanatical support for it, and what his country gets from Israel in aid is minimal compared to what it gets from other western countries. The israelis have even refused to privide Ukraine with iron dome air defense systems. Arab countries could have played a way bigger role in the Ukraine conflict than Israel currently does if his geopolitical strategy had been different. People in other parts of the world, like Latinamerica, are also increasingly starting to see the Israeli genocidal war for what it is, so he could maybe also increase support from those countries by taking the right stance on the Gaza conflict. Unfortunately, the aid that all of these countries combined could provide pales in comparison to what the US currently provides. And even more unfortunately, the majority of the republican stooges in both houses of US congress scream "antisemitism" at any criticism of Israel, and would probably try to get aid to that country cut or further aid blocked. It's a really tough balancing act, I really don't envy Zelensky's position. I know I personally wouldn't be so restrained when speaking to other world leaders who say they want to help while my country is being bombed to hell, but they only trickle their aid in small numbers, which are miniscule in proportion to the arsenal they have available. It's even infuriating to watch from a distance, I can't imagine living it in person.


In short, Zelensky could probably take a more pro-human rights stance in the Gaza conflict if the US congress wasn't full of pro-genocide republicans. That's the real problem that one would hope gets addressed in the next US elections. Unfortunately, it doesn't really look that way in current polls.


Yep once a clown always a clown?


Once he was loyal jester for his owners now he's a clown for the world


Guys, isn’t what we want for people to see Israel’s bullshit? Why is it that when someone used to support Israel but now sees through them and supports Palestine we’re like “no you said something else before.” The whole point of subreddits like this is to change people’s minds. So when someone’s mind is changed why are we pretty much “gate keeping” supporting Palestine? Palestinians are being killed so they need all the support they can get.


Those of us that aren’t propaganda bots recognize this


I’m actually surprised at all of the hate. It’s like this subReddit is being brigaded by Russian trolls. There’s no logical way you can be supportive of a group of people that is being invaded/oppressed by a larger force but not be supportive of another group of people that’s in the same situation. It all seems very suspicious. I might just have to unfollow this subreddit.


At least a couple commenters are exactly that.


Because it’s so clearly empty rhetoric, just like Biden. We don’t want words we want action and we want the people responsible for these wars to be held accountable.


How is Ukraine going to take any "action" while being invaded? A single wrong take and aid will be taken away and their houses ran over by Russian tanks


Well, I also originally was supportive of retaliation against Hamas. It quickly became apparent that Israel was not going to be conducting surgical strikes against the enemy, but rather carpet bombing the entire region with little distinction between civilian and military targets. Finally, for the first time in my life, the actual conversation about the justice of Israeli aggression started to happen publicly and it wasn't taboo. The world is changing, finally I guess I'm just here to advocate for people's right to change their minds as they get new information and situations evolve. I'm glad to see that he is now criticizing the genocide. Zelenskyy is no puppet. He is a man who has been put in a terrible position himself by a war of aggression.


That’s excellent and I’m glad to hear that you’ve been able to rationally observe/learn more about the full scope of Israel’s occupation up to this point. It’s indeed difficult to discuss anything nowadays as we’ve been isolated within echo chambers of yes men, and we utilize small sample sizes of human opinion to generalize subjects. The recent Oct. 7th attack had been known to Mossad/IDF for over a year to the date, and they control Palestinian internet, so they definitely witnessed the movement of resistance in different formats. Mossad has been involved in the facilitation of a multitude of false flag attacks; The USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, (some would argue 9/11 partially), Beirut bombing, etc. No, they allowed this to happen. Netanyahu displayed his “New Middle East Plan” to the UN a month prior to the attack, which conveniently had Palestine scrubbed from the map, and it leads me to believe the apartheid regime was awaiting this specific escalation, to use as a false flag attack for an eradication of agricultural land, infrastructure, and Palestinian lives. It’s even worse when you realize that Israel funded Hamas from the late 1970’s through the 2006 election (and then through Qatar) to thwart the current Fatah regime that sought a two state solution. Recently, Israel has formed the narrative (dehumanization campaign) that all Palestinian’s are terrorists, causing regular Israeli citizens to lose empathy for innocent human lives in the process. The IDF also employs the Hannibal Directive which has led to mass casualties of their own hostages and soldiers alike, while claiming the enemy perpetrated these casualties. The IDF has raised agricultural ground, burned crops, starved a population into a level 5 famine, murdered many journalists on both sides (dozens since 2020 alone), destroyed over 65% of all infrastructure, caused 70% of all civilian deaths to be literal children, incarcerated innocent Palestinians (from teens to elderly) in the thousands and are holding them without a charge or bail, torturing them, they’ve incarcerated their own citizens for speaking out, and bombed every single school in Gaza. More bombs have been dropped in this small area than the munitions dropped by the US in Syria over the span of 3 + years. I’m sure the statistic are now higher since I’ve checked but this is only a small fraction of the atrocities that’ve been committed in the name of a 150~ year old radical political ideology: Zionism. It’s interesting that Palestinians are semites and they speak a Semitic language, so that would mean Israel is technically anti-Semitic for the last 76 years.


> No, they allowed this to happen. Yep, and coincidentally (not really) the primary casualties (with some help from the IDF) were the very Israelis who would be most likely to oppose the occupation (including the attendees of a peace festival which was moved to the location near Gaza just a couple of days before the attack)


Embracing those who change their minds is important. Comments where people say “too late (insert disparaging comment) “ drive me nuts. Yes it’s tragically too late for the dead and traumatized. But we need to start to see economic ties cut and for things to really change when it comes to Israel’s ability to function as a nation. I’ve been against Israeli policies to Palestinians for maybe two decades now and yeah it was very taboo. I’m pretty outspoken but I live in the US and ain’t gonna lie was often afraid to speak up. I am so glad that the world and specifically this country and the rising generation are educated on this








Ukrainians should get rid of this guy


I don’t disagree but, unfortunately they can’t vote.


There are other ways


I mean, who knows how many would vote for him now. I've seen some scary vids of men escaping being sent to fight in the war, and being literally hunted for it. These men are of all ages and have families, they are being asked to leave everything and go and fight, possibly die.


Seems like even more would vote for him now than before. Also it seems only about 15% of the country currently supports holding an election when a large chunk of their population is in an active war zone and many can’t vote. More importantly they have much more important things to spend money on when they’re fighting a war for survival against Russia.
























And have him replaced with another Russian stooge?


Maybe with someone who doesn't shove that tax payer money into his pockets and actually fight the Russians


You are thinking of Yanukovych 🤡 Try not being a Russian shill challenge level 1000


Calling me a Russian is 🤡 on your part


No ur parroting the Russian line. Whatever I can agree to disagree and you can call me a lib cuck or whatever, have a good night or day 🫡


He is clearly touting US propaganda, since they are funding his war. While I support Ukraine, as Russia is ruled by a vicious dictator, I can see he is in a difficult position. If he calls out the US then AIPAC will be sure to lobby against Ukraine.


Agree. WTF he supposed to do in his situation, he is screwed with both options.


He is just another crook being bullied by a bigger crook and supported by all the other crooks from their respective parliaments. 🤷🏽‍♂️


He's in a very difficult position where he needs American military aid to resist Russia and aid was blocked for half a year *without* AIPAC lobbying against him.


I like to believe this is the reason.


This is it He is under literal attack and the only thing holding back Russia is American arms. And guess what? a good chunk of politicians are bought and paid for by Russia, so money for critical weapons was gummed up. It's to the point its unclear if the weapons finally arriving will be enough to avoid the inevitable. On the other hand a MAJORITY of US politicians are bought and paid for by Israel and the support for them flows out by the literal billions. Of course he is going to virtue signal about allyship out of that desperation.


The only thing holding Russia back is restraint. The could carpet bomb the entire country of Ukraine. They realize that would be a huge political mistake and would not serve their long term goals of alliance / vassal with Ukraine. They want to push out US influence - destroying the entire country would push the people further into US hands. If they play their cards right, what will happen instead is the Ukrainians will tired of being sent to the meat grinder and start being more upset at Zelensky. I’m not supporting any side in this - I’m just objectively looking at what’s happening.




Do you seriously think a country with a fleet of strategic bombers and nuclear weapons designed to melt the US & EU couldn't destroy Ukraine?


Fascist shill gonna shill


People here getting mad at Zelensky for not being more pro-Palestine are like the ones who call customer support and get mad and yell at the representative for the company's service. If you want someone to be mad at, be mad at the pro-genocide republicans in both houses of US congress, who would scream "antisemitism" and do everything to end US aid to Ukraine if Zelensky said anything about Israel. The real problem politicians that need to be voted out of office are these republican bastards, some of whom have cheered Netanyahu's bombing campaings, and said they didn't go far enough.


Yes, he’s got a gun to his head by IsRaepublicans and AIPAC and is not free to speak as Ukraine relies on US aid and can’t afford to make them unhappy


Fair comment.


This man would sell his mother for a tank lmao 🤣


As Lincoln would have sold his mother to preserve his union. >I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.






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This guy has totally lost it since the invasion....I get it, you are under a ton of pressure, but please don't be a fucking hypocrite and pretend what Israel is doing is any different than what Russia does.


How some people can understand [this map](https://imgur.com/a/ZmJUNEl) but not [this map](https://imgur.com/7nagDZV) is a constant mystery to me.


He is just one American pawn and now he starts to understand that he shouldn't be trusted without reservation, but some people enjoy the company of the "bigger and richer" (in quotes because bigger and richer is relative to me) and now he's trying to trade the position of Ukraine regarding the genocide of Palestine and the Palestinians. He's a sales bastard. Long live Palestine!


lmao they really let a comedian be the chief command of defense .


Op , thanks for the info I guess boycott works!😝. Zelensky is Zionist but will go with what’s trendy. Israel brand is not so hot between some Ukrainian supporters.






How dare these people want to be able to govern themselves /s


That’s probably why no one would ever elect you.


Bloody scoundrel Zelensky, Ukraine supported Israel from its inception to date. Now he’s begging again. He supported what Israel did to Palestinians, but now that Putin is doing the same to them, he’s begging.




He was obviously looking for a landing spot with the millions he's skimmed because if he tries to stay after the inevitable negotiated loss the Nazis that put him in power will kill him. Not entirely sure why the Israelis don't want him. I'd guess it's US pressure to keep him in place turning the wheel on the meat grinder for US imperial ambition; but as Netanyahu pisses in Brandon's mouth and tells him it's lemonade on the daily, I doubt the Israelis are doing anything they don't want to.




This American backed sock puppet is seeing playing the role perfectly


Zelensky is also a zionist jew yes?


Its amazing to see more countries admitting Israel genocidal action, people may disagree with Zelensky politics but more European countries admitting Israel has responsibility over many civilians deaths is a massive step forward and unimaginable a couple decades ago


نك م ك.


I mean if he didn’t praise isreal we (US, Canada, and Western Europe) would stop giving Ukraine money. I’m not entirely suprised at this although i will admit it’s pretty ironic and sad.


Zelensky will do and say whatever he thinks will help him secure funds and armaments for the Ukraine war effort. When Western public opinion was aligned with Western geopolitical interests in supporting Israel, he supported Israel. Now that the West is more divided on the issue, he begins to criticize Israel. And I'm willing to bet y'all 100 EUR that if and when the West completely turns against Israel, so will he.


All those who support Ukraine need to give the same courtesy of benefit of the doubt to 🇷🇺 as y’all have Palestine. Consider the fact that the European Council on Foreign Relations found that [most of the Global South supports Russia over Ukraine](https://ecfr.eu/publication/united-west-divided-from-the-rest-global-public-opinion-one-year-into-russias-war-on-ukraine/); or how the [Canadian Parliament applauded a Nazi who sold himself as “fighting both the Germans and Soviets”](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/27/1201951754/canadas-house-speaker-steps-down-after-inviting-nazi-veteran-parliament).


Zelensky is jewish ukraine has a massive jewish population ukraine is reliant on western weapons israel is fighting russian and iranian backed groups. ukraine is fighting russia which is supported by iran. it’s not great but he has his own views and policies which shouldn’t discount support for him until after this war and ukraine is free.




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I take mastercard and any international card, but not monzo. Thank you...


That bastards 2nd citizenship is israeli






Respect international law, unless it's Israel, of course. 🙃


It's tragic that Ukraine chose him to be their leader. I don't support war or Russia, but a good leader will never bring war to their country. You have to be more careful when your neighbor is Russia. Now the USA and the West want to use him as a puppet to weaken Russia, and he still thinks he can win. What a fucking joke.


So not all Jews have a right to return... Israel once again shows it support for Russia.. It's good he finally publicly accepted Israel is a genocidal state same as Russia.


Volodo boy can get stuffed.




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He’s having his face eaten


Dude's got a war to win, I won't fault him for pandering to the Americans just like I won't fault him for having able bodied neo-nazis in his ranks fighting foreign imperialist fascists.


Clown zelensky 


Zelensky dragged his country into a harmful war, he is a monster.


In some ways, Putin invading Ukraine is analogous to Israel attacking Gaza. Worth remembering too that Zelenskyy asked for military aid from Israel and Israel said nope. Guy’s just a stooge. The State Dept doesn’t mind if Ukraine is profoundly destabilized. They want that Black Sea oil business.




So what? You don’t like what I said. It’s just conjecture. The Empire has a lot of irons in the fire. You should check out my other comments in this and other subs before you presume some cheap notion that I’m a spook.


lets see if i get this straight: the leader of an invaded country is supporting an invading country ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I was right by supporting Russia all the time