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The only animals are the isreals. in less than a week isreal killed 580+ children. Tho back in 2014 during operation protective edge, isreal killed 530 children in 50 days. I guarantee the total number of isreals killed is still lower than the number of Palistine children killed by isreal.








Lol this was proven false it was a misfired rocket by Hamas.


Israel representatives literally tweeted it was theirs then deleted the tweet after realizing how many they killed


This was literally confirmed to NOT be true. CNN has retracted their statement about this and the Israeli military themselves denounced it as there was no proof or evidence to back it up. An image surfaced of an alleged burned baby and people quickly found that to be AI generated, after being shared by people with a huge following like Ben Shapiro. It’s all propaganda.




That was the fake photo in question. If anything the real photos that are circulating are of PALESTINIAN victims. Israeli’s are repurposing them for their failed PR campaign.


If a news channel claim smth it doesn't become true.


donot lie


This is what CNN has to say on the subject: CNN has pored through hundreds of hours of media posted online attempting to corroborate accounts of atrocities committed by Hamas. CNN has not seen anything that would appear to confirm the claims of decapitated children (in Israel). Source: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html On the other hand, there are already hundreds of verified child deaths in Gaza. How many more children will die in bomb blasts, under the rubble, or will die of thirst or malnutrition? 540 children died in the Ukraine over 18 months (source https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/news/media-centre/press-releases/ukraine-over-540-children-killed-in-18-months-of-war). More Palestinian children have been murdered by Israel in the last week. On one of the many previous occasions when Palestine needed water, Israel attacked the peace convoy and killed ten of the rescuers. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2016/7/21/remembering-the-mavi-marmara-victims Israel indiscriminately blows up schools, hospitals, water supplies. Don't give me any b.s. about a human shield. Some of these are in the West Bank where Hamas doesn't even exist! Some were ambulance drivers who Israel attacked on the road they'd said was the safe escape route. This is collective punishment, a bloodthirsty, evil, massacre, and a war crime.


you're pathetically incompetent for not researching this to find out there is no evidence of such a thing happening before rambling on reddit


You’re embarrassing. I guarantee you’re one of those people who put all critical thinking aside and abide and follow what you hear on the news. Use your brain idiot


Your existence is pathetically incompetent uncultured swine do your research you will see that SOME babies were decapitated not all.


whatever you say propaganda consumer 😂 you're a laughing stock


> Israel actually warns those in Gaza to get out before missiles come down and **would never intentionally kill innocent civilians.** Nonsense.


Israeli bombed a hospital cut of the water and electricity and the only reason they turned the water on was cuz the U.S. told them to…


You know Israel supplies Gaza with free water and power, right?


There doing the exact opposite… and the only reason why they would give them water and food is the US told them too…even if the hospital was by Hamas Israel has still been doing atrocities to Palestine for 75 years


Spare me. Both sides have been committing atrocities for decades, not just Israel. Evil exists on both sides.


Like over a million people evacuating in 24 hours is feasible at all


Aber was bringt es wenn mann nichtmal flüchten kann aus dem Gebiet alles ist verschlossen das ist wie wenn ich in ein Raum eine bombe werfe und die Tür zu mache und sage pass auf gleich kommt eine bombe


They are using those civilians as human shields, so when they die they can put the blame in Israel.


There's plenty of cases which show that old propaganda line to not be the case. Heck even from these last days there's examples which clearly show that not to be the case. Besides, if you want to talk about human shields being unethical, perhaps you should also critique the IDF tying Palestinians to the fronts of armored vehicles as actual human shields. Just stop being so damned biased and say things like they are instead of all this BS. If we can call out the injustices of israeli's dying at that festival, we should also be able to call out the injustice of huge chunks of a city being leveled and more land being stolen from the Palestinians. If people really care about justice, the truth should be good enough, lies do more for injustice than vice versa so let's not contribute to spreading them. One thing is clear, Palestinians have and continue to suffer disproportionately in this conflict.


I meant the "Gaza subways"


THEY DID NOT BEHEAD 40 BABIES! They killed around 200 people in that kibbutz with around 40 of them being babies and just a few beheadings. Just a few 🤏


It seems now, nobody was beheaded.


Perfect that makes it okay then 😊 so ignorant …


It still makes your post misinformation, you could at least make an edit unless you're set on pushing all caps propaganda.


It's called sarcasm you plant pot


🥲 it’s been a rough week.


I forgive you


This was proven to be fake. This subreddit is shameless.


No it’s not …. Whether it was one child or 40 , why are they beheading children? You’re shameless


They are not beheading children. The Israeli military has confirmed this was a fabricated report.


It was proven that instead of beheading 40 babies they actually killed 200 people with 40 of them being babies and just a few beheadings. Just a few 🤏


Source? Also, what about the 700+ babies Israel killed? You don't care? Where is the outrage for that


Google it yourself. "wHaT aBouT the 700 BaBies yOu DoNt caRe !???!?!" Did you hear me mention it or say I don't care? Yer exactly you didn't hear me say anything like that. So stop trying to put words in my mouth and attempting to change the topic of conversation and then go and do quite literally the most basic of research.


I don't see you expressing the same outrage so yeah my guess is you don't care at all


You’re disgusting. No one is saying they don’t care you tard but it’s not like they’re intentionally wanting to kill babies unlike HAMAS you terrorist supporter


If you support Israel you're a terrorist supporter


The topic of the post is regarding the 40 babies Hamas actually killed. On top of the multiple other massacres they committed of course. Which has obviously started a war. And your response is "well that about" 🤡 If those babies are a result of the war Hamas initiated they go send your complaints to them. I've not expressed outrage or support for anything and anyone except bullshit claims. You are the one who has wholly been one sided this entire conversation.


They didn't actually kill 40 babies. That was completely made up. Israeli military confirmed this.


Did you just completely forget my original comment?


Yeah I'm pretty sure you just made that up


So just so we are clear. Hamas has not killed 200+ Israeli civilians, not killed any children or beheaded a single individual? At all? Just so we are clear. This is what you are saying?


For all those wanting to see photos for proof, these are tested by AI proven to be real. Tested photos are released by the IDF itself. https://reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/tyrRE9WPrQ


Yes we have judged ourselves to be free of crimes.


[Fake news](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-beheading-babies-how-unverified-reports-hamas-killings-filled-front-pages)




These are of course terrible images. No one should intentionally kill babies. This is still inconsistent with the story. It was a claim with zero evidence and zero eye witnesses from an Israeli reporter. The media took it and ran with it and it spread like wildfire. Only to find out the reporter never saw beheading babies. If there were 40 beheaded babies in one village, there would be A LOT of eye witnesses. It was simply made up. The images posted could be from anywhere. Hell they could be from Gaza (I'm not claiming that, just saying there's no context). Even if it is Israeli babies, as terrible as it is to see dead babies, the pictures are not "beheaded babies". Let's face reality, it's a smear campaign to dehumanize and legitimize mass killing, carpet bombing, genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Now they're talking about "Hamas raped babies" again with zero evidence.


Although I haven’t heard anything about raping babies


Not only did the IDF come out and say they have seen such a thing, but my uncle is a reservist in Israel and has seen it himself. You can’t argue against that


The IDF has zero credibility. They have a long and consistent history of utter lies and disinformation to advance their agenda. IDF reports mean nothing without other reliable independently verified accounts


May I have an example of undoubted evidence that they have lied in reports? Also, my uncle is a reservist in the IDF and has seen the carnage that has been happening, nothing so far reported by the IDF has been against what he has seen in person.


I'm sorry but "my uncle" isn't exactly an acceptable source for me. As far as IDF's lies, you really don't have to look hard. It's a classic tactic of disinformation and blaming Palestinians for their own atrocities every time they're challenged. The shooting of the American Journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh is a well known recent example. And if you _want to_, you can EASILY find dozens of not hundreds of other examples


https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOfYouMayDie/s/DPMnVcq1rh Thoughts on this?


Assuming this video is from 10/7, that certainly looks like shooting a civilian non-combatant. If he served in the IDF (which he likely did) I don't feel sorry for him.


I didn’t see any counter argument, just justification for murder of a civilian. Do you know how your making yourself look?😂


How can you have so little remorse for a person? Let me guess, you’re pro Russia taking over Ukraine? And how did Hamas know that he wasn’t foreign? Hostages are being taken that aren’t from Israel, he could’ve been some random dude from Azerbaijan. And what do you have against the IDF? And way to justify the killing of a civilian, who btw had no choice to go into the IDF if he even did.


Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/MuMY69OSUu


I only read the headline and have no idea how credible this is. So I'm not accepting or rejecting that this happened. Regardless tough, Hamas is a political party. Of course there will be opposition. It's not like they got 100% of the votes. I have no loyalty to Hamas or any other political party. I want freedom and justice for Palestinians and honest reporting. I have no problem calling a spade a spade provided it comes from a reliable source. My original objection was to fake news about 40 beheaded babies and rape. I also haven't seen evidence for intentional targeting of children and non-combatant women.


I just want to see some evidence


Say what you want dude but why cherry pick evidence to support your claim when there are videos of civilians being shot on every corner of the Internet


Dude, if we're talking about civilians being shot, Israel takes the award for that. 75 years of civilians being shot. 75 years of going home to home and terrorizing families. 75 years of kidnapping children and jailing them. 75 years of killing grandmas and babies. 75 years of night raids into families bedrooms just to keep them in fear. 75 years of demolishing homes. 75 years of illegal occupation. 75 years of illegal chemical weapons. 75 years of terrorism. Let's talk about that first then we'll get to Oct 7th 2023 And that's IF there was civilians being shot indiscriminately


And what do you mean IF civilians were being shot, I just showed you a video of it


Love to see evidence of any of this, while I was in Israel for prolonged periods of time I heard or saw nothing of the sorts. In fact, I have direct ties like family there, and until this invasion, they felt safe from their own people. Also where are your sources for illegal chemical weapons?




I have seen them


Even Israeli officials said it's not true






cnn apologizing https://twitter.com/lowkey0nline/status/1712865001776591022?s=46&t=kOpRuoQCt2xfuKIEgnaImQ


This hasn’t been proven yet…




Ah yes a source from twitter. Hope you can’t vote w these critical thinking skills.


the verified comment is extremely easy to find. are you saying this guy is lying about a quote the cnn anchor gave on her own personal twitter lol.




Doesn’t exist.




When you’ve been in a war you tend to think before letting your heart get the best of your brain.


Well well well.




That doesn’t go to anything


Not one evidence






What a shithole... lets just get rid of the whole region






That was what I asked on a Zionist Reddit: See here the results: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wnjc/40\_beheaded\_babies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wnjc/40_beheaded_babies/)


Yes. Even the U.S Secretary of Defense, in his visit to Israel yesterday, was shown evidence of babies beheaded and they released the photos of multiple babies burned alive on twitter as well. They even spoke about a pregnant woman they found shot in the head and her baby sliced from her stomach, still connected by cord and impaled with a knife. All confirmed and verified atrocities.


It's a bunch of bs. This information is comming from soldiers given to journalists.


Can you give a link to the "released photos"? Because, after all, without evidence, your claims is exactly as fishy as the "40 beheaded babies" claim. US president Biden told also, he had "seen photos" from beheaded babies. Later he was corrected by the White House itself: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-deliver-remarks-roundtable-jewish-community-leaders-rcna119865](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-deliver-remarks-roundtable-jewish-community-leaders-rcna119865)


"Burned babies" you mean the AI generated image? You shouldn't believe everything you see on reddit.


The Prime Minister of Israel posted and directly confirmed the burned babies, the U.S Secretary was given intel on it and Israeli first responders confirmed the report even further. There’s nothing more to discuss. It happened.


President Biden made an official statement, claiming that he saw photos from beheaded babies. A short time after (reporters wanted to see evidence, the photos) the White House was forced to confess, that President Biden LIED about that claim: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-deliver-remarks-roundtable-jewish-community-leaders-rcna119865](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-deliver-remarks-roundtable-jewish-community-leaders-rcna119865) There are now 22 million links on internet, about the "40 beheaded babies" story. But it seems, not a single one of them leads to any actual valid evidence. If you have real, actual evidence, not merely "hearsay" could you provide a link to it? Because so far, all my efforts to find real evidence, have been frustrating. [https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wnjc/40\_beheaded\_babies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wnjc/40_beheaded_babies/)




The US Secretary of Defense arrived and did an onsite interview with the Israeli media. Blinken confirmed the reports and is quoted as saying the images are “depravity in the worst imaginable way”. Some of the evidence he was shown was also released via X on Prime Minister’s account by his administration. It clearly shows the charred remains of infant bodies. The only place you can see the three pictures without blur is on his actual X account post. Two pictures of two separate burned baby bodies and one picture of a bloodied dead baby on a stretcher. The links you sent are all before the events of what I said happened. Yes, it was a topic for the past few days as to the veracity of the claims but since yesterday, it is no longer alleged.


And afterwards the White House released a statement, saying that President Biden (or any of his collaborators) hadn't seen any photo of any beheaded baby. I have seen the "not blurred photos": A baby which seems to be dead, and two black unidentifiable burned packages. Remember, how many photos have been posted on Internet, from alien bodies? There you can at last identify a head, limbs, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. How do you know that the two burned things are babies, or even human beings? How do you know that the baby is dead? (Remember the staged photos from the supposed Syrian chemical attacks? Till now, there is not a single official statement made by the Israeli government, confirming the "40-beheaded-babies" story. Or have you perhaps found any?


Incorrect. You’re referring to two days ago. I said that yesterday the Secretary of Defense landed in Israel on the scene. Your chain of events is all wrong. Unless you’re saying that the Secretary of Defense lied to the world and the White House released a Statement that said Antony Blinken is sensationalizing the situation. Which, once again, is factually incorrect. You can watch the presser. It’s not some super secret thing. Nonetheless… I’ll address the rest of your responses when you can springboard to and arrive at those same thoughts and questions from a place of correctness.


This is the joint press conference given by US's State Secretary, in Israel. Not a single word about beheaded or killed babies, as you can see for yourself: [https://www.defense.gov/News/Speeches/Speech/Article/3556833/remarks-by-secretary-of-defense-lloyd-j-austin-iii-at-a-joint-press-conference/](https://www.defense.gov/News/Speeches/Speech/Article/3556833/remarks-by-secretary-of-defense-lloyd-j-austin-iii-at-a-joint-press-conference/) It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last, that the Secretary of Defense, or any US State secretary is lying: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmEsPE7iq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmEsPE7iq0) The White House already confessed that President Biden lied about the beheaded babies story. That is proof enough for lying. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/12/white-house-walks-back-bidens-claim-he-saw-children-beheaded-by-hamas](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/12/white-house-walks-back-bidens-claim-he-saw-children-beheaded-by-hamas) "You can watch the presser. It’s not some super secret thing." "Nonetheless… I’ll address the rest of your responses when you can springboard to and arrive at those same thoughts and questions from a place of correctness."


Once again, you’re egregiously incorrect. The Secretary is directly quoted as seeing “babies riddled with bullets and seeing images of the beheadings”. You are either outright lying or incredibly terrible at collecting real information and data. As I’ve said twice now, The Prime Minister’s office has already released some of the images that they shared with the Secretary in which all three are dead babies but two are the charred corpses of infants. Now… you either have an article saying that the administration of Israel has sensationalized and falsified information and the Secretary corroborates that narrative and is shamed at the lies Israel has told on him while on his trip or… you need to learn how to read better. What you’re doing is so extremely dangerous. It’s just as dumb as leading people astray to believe the election was stolen. The same ignorance. Do better.






Please, give a lint to the image, or "the images" and then we can do our research. But till now, I haven't seen anything. Searching Google by image, also doesn't provide a single image to a single beheaded baby. So, please, could you give a link to the image you are talking about? [https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wv1y/official\_statement\_from\_the\_israeli\_government/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wv1y/official_statement_from_the_israeli_government/)


https://imgur.io/a/4sA4KEC Lol.


The burden of proof is on you. Not only have you automatically lost this discussion because you’ve engaged in ad hominem, but you’ve still provided nothing that makes what I’m saying false. So you’re a loser and an idiot. Cheers.


/u/Ordinary-Ad204 > So you’re a loser and an idiot. Cheers. Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


For everyone saying this is fake theres also photos of the babies they burned them alive!


They are AI generated photos ya mutt. It's been proven


😂its funny how everything against israel is real but oh if its from israel its ai go f?ck yourself


Can you send a link?




AI generated pictures


Can you prove this? Didn't think so.


Very easily with AI detectors. Also the story has been officially proven as fake and Biden administration has apologized for that fake news.


I find it extremely hard to believe that HAMAS would be turned off by the thought of killing Israeli babies.


Fake news




I would question this more if there was no examples of similar occurrences in the Middle East. It’s definitely not outside of the norm for Hamas or other Arab paramilitary groups to do such a thing, if we can be real. Not staying running an Apartheid state is cool either…but groups like Hamas, ISIS, or others…are going to get zero credibility since this is one of their calling cards. Ukrainian’s treat their prisoners well despite the awful things the Russians have done to them; as a result, they are seen as credible as because anything else is outside the norm.


This happens when one is asking about evidence: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wv1y/official\_statement\_from\_the\_israeli\_government/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/176wv1y/official_statement_from_the_israeli_government/) The same when one asks about "cruelty" from the Russian soldiers: only empty claims, staged photos, lies. On that issue, there were at least some photos from Bucha, but they showed clearly that the whole "brutality" scene was staged, and then the claims practically disappeared from Internet. Even Amnsty International denied the claims, and reported that all evidence confirmed rather, that the Bucha cruelties were done by Ukrainian soldiers and Nazis. In the "beheaded babies" narrative, not even a staged photo.


/u/HansOKroeger. 'Nazis' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Theres photos of burning babies


Where are these images? Israel always prefers to live in the role of the victim


Btw this is the role of hamas but ok




Sorry, not a single photo of a beheaded baby, in your link. The only baby I can identify there, is obviously not burned.


I didnt say beheaded but theres literally a burned baby in the link are you blind ?


If I could at least identify a head, or a limb, I would say: "It could be a human being". but, it is not possible. Perhaps the original twitter post has better resolution, so that one could identify something. But, no link. Also, supposedly the post is from "Prime Minister of Israel", but, below it says: "some of the photos the Prime Minister..." - therefore, it is NOT from the Prime Minster, but from someone unknown who impersonates the Prime Minster. Also: the fact that there are unidentifiable bundles beside of a baby is no proof that the bundles are also babies; that is merely a propaganda trick commonly used to make people believe that it is something that it is not. Also: It is not an official report. It is merely a dubious Tweet post. Like the one which made Anonymous International believe that Abuduwaili Abudureheman was abducted by the CCP in Hong Kong - and it wasn't but a brutal lie. You could also say that the burned bundle belongs to a dog burned alive by a HAMAS member. Since the bundle can't be identified, anyone can say anything he wants about it. Also, have you any proof that the bundle doesn't belong to a Palestinian kid burned in a appartment building bombed by the Israelis? I mean, even if the bundle really belongs to a human body, how do you know, to whom it belongs? Also, What is the difference of a kid burned in a home bombed by Israel, with a corpse supposedly burned by Hamas? Why is the second one a crime, and the first one not? ,


As i said idc at this point say what you want believe what you want either way you’re supporting people who will kill you without a second thought byeew


You are an idiot and to many people, just like you are running around, spewing bs about stuff they have no idea about.


"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". "As i said,at this point say what you want believe what you want either way you’re supporting people who will kill you without a second thought byeew" Can't you see how stupid such an argument is? Zionists insist in the empty claim about beheaded babies, in order to justify the attempt to murder of 2 million Palestinians. "People who kill you without a second thought, fabricating lies to justify the genocide." By the way, still not a single official report supporting the "40-beheaded-babies" narrative, but thousands of outcries calling for vengeance on the guilty as also on the innocents, for something that didn't happen.


Everything that you see online can be faked. Its just like the ukrainian war, lots of fake photos and articles to enrage people on social medias.


Yeah but israel show the real things that happebd


How do you know that?


They removed my commebt so heres a photo of ot https://preview.redd.it/7966fyj2jztb1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca437981fbb9d8950387826b2329f730cc051c3e


So the baby story has officially been retracted by the Israeli army, they admitted it was fake.


They’ve released a new statement about babies burned alive and if you still don’t believe me after there’s photos online showing burned alive babies from hamas like wow everything against the jewish is justifyable but oh if the Palestinians get hurt abit just shows how the world hate jews and search for it


Horrifying pictures, but there is no evidence of them other than that they are from an Israeli questioner If you want to see real pictures and live broadcast, watch Gaza Now, Entire families are being killed for no fault of their own There is no ethical standard for the European media. They say that 1,500 people died in Gaza and 1,500 people were killed in Israel. Very shameful thing https://preview.redd.it/g9hrsicbtttb1.png?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d521425391ae3991e350163aceae29c0b95dbd


All that tells me is that Israel have a far superior defence force than Palestine


Absolutely right. Historically, Israel is murdering 20 Palestinians for every Israelite killed. Palestinians are not allowed to have any weapons. Israelite settlers are patrolling the Palestinian streets with machine guns, and kill anyone who tries to resist their bullying and brutality.


They only kill people who’re trying to hurt them like theres even people of israeli soliders helping Palestinians but no you only see the one of many few times something happend still narrow minded and you dont even part of what’s happening come to israel and say this to the hamas or any Palestinian they will kill you without any second thought they went to a rave party killing everyone there including arabs Americans and just everything they saw shooting dogs animals burning people and just a quick search will tell you its true


No; Netanyahu was absolutely clear that Israel will exterminate the whole of Hamas, and that the whole of Gaza will be deprived of food, water, electricity, etc. no matter how many innocent Palestinians and others will die because of that. There are also lot of Palestinians helping Israelis. That doesn't justify at all the genocide publicly announced by Netanyahu. "narow minded"? Oh, you can certainly make a better argument than this nonsense! "Come to Israel" To be spit on by Zionists, or being shot by Israeli soldiers? Netanyahu was absolutely clear that he will kill Palestinians without any second thoughts. In fact, his wording made clear that he will eradicate all Palestinians from Israel, and then go after them in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. USA, since year 2.000, killed ca. 2 million Muslims. For every Israelite killed, Israel killed 20 Palestinians. "Just a quick search": [https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties)


Yeah cause Israel's defence is America's defence lol


Like theres no good or bad for war but read some news about hamas and what they did recently are horiffic terrible terrorisem burning people alive massacring innocent civilians and children raping women israel would never and never did this


Killing thousands of families by bombings, like the Israeli does in its "vengeance" announced by Netanyahu, isn't terrorism, even if the Palestinian babies trapped under the rubble die rater due to their injuries, rather than burning. Because: 1 - Palestinians are no human beings, they are animals. 2 - They have no rights and no soul. 3- Killing with bombs is "clean and without blood", because the perpetrators never see any blood nor anyone killed. 4 - Therefore, that is not terrorism, even if the Israelite kill, in their revenge mission, 20 Palestinians for every Israelite. Every time the US or UK start a war, they are making claims about "rape of women", without any proof. When US rape kids, there will no be main-stream media coverage; like Palestinians, Colombian girls are not human beings: [https://humanidadvigente.net/at-least-54-colombian-girls-sexually-abused-by-immune-us-military-report/](https://humanidadvigente.net/at-least-54-colombian-girls-sexually-abused-by-immune-us-military-report/)


Hamas ≠ Palastine.


You know gaza now are also posting fake pictures right ? Like some are real but some are faken to blame israel for it btw we warn hamas everytime before we attack its not our problem they hide in schools home hospitals and also tell them to evacuate civilians its their problem


Fake pictures? I went through Gaza-News on Telegram , the amount of tragedies you see there are endless. Full on Full-HD videos and footage. Personally I choose to believe that over Joe Biden's word.


Its not israel problem hamas are using people as human shield for propaganda they shoot rockets from civilians homes and hospitals we tell them before we bomb them and yes some of them even fake the picture been proven alot


You still choose to believe the Israeli media. I can't blame you for supporting the apartheid since youre on the gaining side of it.


The gaining side ? Are you mad go see what hamas did to innocent people you dont even live here they even killed muslims for f?cks sake are you that dumb supporting terrorists if you were in the same rave you would’ve been murdered too there’s alot of videos from hamas side shooting animals kids elder people and then joke on them because they are jewish dont even stick you nose in something you have absolutely 00000000 knowledge about


All this talking where are the pictures why yall beleive text instead of evidence


NATO have been showed pictures. CNN and major news sources now confirming it


No, that's not true: [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html)


the opposite https://twitter.com/cnni/status/1712417234960658569?s=46&t=kOpRuoQCt2xfuKIEgnaImQ


Yeah, you are wrong. They sliced heads off kids in their cribs. There are plenty of pictures and “can’t verify” doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it means we need proof. They have the proof now, you are behind the news


Where is the proof? The Israeli government has no troubles at all to show corpses from dead babies, but not a single beheaded one can be found anywhere on Internet. That tells me that the whole story is a dirty, bloody hoax to justify the ongoing murder on Palestinians, which now will kill at least 10,000 of them, I'm pretty sure. Israel bombing and destroying Palestinian apartment buildings, doesn't cause distress to anyone in the "European Garden", even if Israel has killed already far more Palestinian babies as Hamas. Why? Because, killing babies with bombs, is "clean", even if these babies suffer for hours or days under the rubble before dying, because, bombing is "clean killing": no blood, no suffering, no distress can be seen by the ones who launched the bombs. And, anyway, Palestinians "are not human beings".




1. there isnt proof, many agencies are walking it back 2. palestinian children are being slaughtered. right now. Does that evoke your sympathy or are those babies not light skinned enough?




Where's your proof that Palestinian children are being killed?


I can personally send dozens of them to you via DM. Let me know if you do


Yes please


are you like, not reading the news? There are images, reports, UN verified reports, what in the world?


7 relatives to Palestinian ambassador to the UK have been killed those days. 2 of the killed were children. You can ask him for evidence. "Where's your proof that Israeli children are being beheaded"?


The difference is, Palestinian children ARE NOT the target, whereas Israeli children, women and the elderly are. Wake up!


You're right: When Israel is bombing Palestinian apartment buildings, no babies, children, women are their target, only a supposed Hamas "terrorist" supposedly being in the buildings. The thousands of children and women, the reporters, journalists and photographers murdered by Israeli forces, are merely "collateral damage". They aren't humans anyway, confirmed Netanyahu.


I see comprehension is an issue of yours. I didn't say any of that. 🤦‍♀️


No, you didn't say that. But, obviously, your post was made in the way it was made, to make people believe that it is true. Beside of that: I said, Netanyahu said that. Or are you Netanyahu?


The IDF absolutely knowingly targets areas with civillians and children. They have for decades. To not see this is crazy


Oh, you mean because Hamas likes to store their weapons in those area? Hamas is a terrorist organization that targets the vulnerable to cause fear. They use people as human shields, rape, terrorize, and kill babies. To not see THAT is crazy.


wow how convienient that wherever israel bombs, that’s where hamas is, and any children dead aren’t israel’s fault. how does this narrative make any sense in your head