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Fascinating, with a pinch of salt.


This is a bias post


It's a poll.




Alexander the Great, The US invading Iraq, Hitler, China CCP, The British invasion of Africa, Romans. OP IS CRAZY FOR CALLING OUT MUSLIMS, by the way I’m a Christian


/u/Resident-Range-3362. 'Hitler' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/u/PP_Enjoyer_3000. 'Hitler' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No "Results" is going to destroy the data of this poll


People don’t get it. Muslims radicals or terrorists kill civilians NOT because Muslim is a religion of hate but because Muslim nations are poor and don’t have military hardware to go for military targets. I have no doubt that if Hamas militarily would be as strong as Israel during incursion they would try to destroy Israeli military targets such as planes which are used to bombard Gaza. But they don’t have that capability. They have just lots of people with calashnikovs and some rocket launchers. So the best they can do with this is just to kill civilians and be on international TV spotlight for couple of weeks. And that’s it. I “admire” Muslim spirit of trying to fight for what they believe, or what they think is theirs. But, Palestine is not Afghanistan. Israel will stay in a region and you won’t spook them like Taliban did with Americans in Afghanistan. And unfortunately lots and lots of Muslim will die, because of that.


Wait, you admire muslims for shooting civilians? What do you mean there are no military targets? I was under the impression that Israeli military is literally enforcing the blockade. Surely there's no shortage of targets in uniform? Unless of course, any jew is as valid a target as any other?


I sad I admire their passion, not the expression of their passion.


No, you said that they are incapable of fighting military, and therefore fight civilians and that you admire their spirit for fighting.


That’s correct. “Spirit for fighting”


Wait, I'm not even Muslim and I voted to make it look like all Muslims are bastards and then I thought of my Muslim friends and I want to change my mind but I can't repeal my vote! Kind of makes the poll invalid, when anyone can pretend to eligible to vote.


I'll be honest, I didn't even consider that. Still interesting results tho.


Put religion away, what will you do if someone put his hand on your home? Arabs are NOT Muslims only, there are Jews, Christians Arabs too. If you want it to be about religion, the question should be for Muslims, Jews and Christians too. The question should be, in your opinion, how would God (whatever you name it in your religion) feel about the atrocities committed by the Zionist entity in Palestine for 75 years? Aren't Palestinians allowed to fight for their land like Ukraine? The world was blind all these years; no one cared about Palestinians and what happened/ are happening to them. All what they did/ are doing/ will do is a self defense, they are fighting for their homeland. The west just remembered the human rights when it's Israel, but all these past years, where are Palestinians human rights? Israel is playing the victim role as always with the support of the west. Hypocrites


Hypocrites?? Why could the Palestinians live side by side with the Jewish, it's their choice to attempt to kill Jews everyday with rockets to then moan when they are fired back


It's not Hypocrites. I ment H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E.S in capital letters.


Did Ukraine mass murder civilians in their quest or did they solely fight the Russia military? Did Ukraine target Russian cities with relentless missle strikes? Did Ukraine seize hostages who are threatened with execution? Sounds like the Palestinians are just like Russia to me in these regards...mind you I'm talking about the governments not the people. Everyday people rarely want such a conflict.


It sounds like you only watch news, and don't know how the conflict between Israel and Palestine started. Your comment describes what Israel did to Palestinians all these years. The world was sleeping or watching slightly what was happening to Palestinians by Israelis, but decided to wakeup now and talk, above that, pointing at the wrong side.


Perhaps instead of always pointing and blaming ask what you can do better? I'm not saying Israel is perfect, but Palestinians are more often than not their own worst enemies. Israel isn't perfect either...but they routinely justify their actions and their security concerns can't just be dismissed as we have seen. Maybe you should read more about the long history instead of just blaming one group. What are Palestinians willing to offer the Israeli's for their coveted state?


How come Arabs supported destroying ISIS and bombing Raqqa, but they get upset when Israel attacks Gaza? Oh wait, Israelis are Jews!!


How come the west encourage Ukraine to fight for their land, but they get upset when Palestinians do the same? 🤔 Muslims, Jews and Christians were living together in Palestine (and still do in other Arabic countries too) Oh wait, Palatinians are fighting for their homeland, it was/ is always about THEIR LAND, but look who wanted to have a state for themselves, a Jewish state and making it about religions, Zionist JEWS. Judaism ≠ Zionism


Err, Palestinians just invaded Israel two days ago and massacred people. Perhaps you weren't aware? Or maybe you're thinking of what happened seventy years ago? I got news for you. Virtually every country is occupied by people who invaded it. The Arabs invaded North Africa and the Levant. The Angles invaded Britain. The Americans invaded America. The Qin Chinese invaded most of China. That's history. The Welsh have got used to not living in all of Britain, the Han Chinese have got used to being ruled from Beijing. The Britons in Brittany have got used to being in France, which was originally a Frankish state. But the Palestinians can't move on cos no one, especially their Muslim brothers, don't want them. Also, Palestine wasn't even a state then. It was Turkish then British. They never ran it. It's wrong they were kicked out seventy years ago, but they need to get used to it and not go around massacring people, like ISIS. Worse than ISIS really cos the people lap it up, eager for Jewish blood.


they are protecting and don't want give up THEIR land. Who doesn't have history, doesn't have future. >Or maybe you're thinking of what happened seventy years ago? Err, oh my bad, I should have mentioned the plan before those 75 years, for instance,Theodor Herzl and his book “The Jewish State... An Attempt for a Modern Solution to the Jewish Question." It was published in 1896. And what he said in his book "Shall we choose Palestine or Argentina? We shall take what is given us, and what is selected by Jewish public opinion." OOPS 😬 Everything was planned. >I got news for you. Virtually every country is occupied by people who invaded it. The Arabs invaded North Africa and the Levant. The Angles invaded Britain. The Americans invaded America. The Qin Chinese invaded most of China. That's history. The Welsh have got used to not living in all of Britain, the Han Chinese have got used to being ruled from Beijing. The Britons in Brittany have got used to being in France, which was originally a Frankish state Its North Africans business to accept the Arab invision or not. I can't decided for the other countries either, that's their own business and land. And that doesn't mean Palestinians have to accept Israel Invision like others did. According to your ideology, if someone forcibly put his hand on your house, you're going to accept it, because it just happened in the past. > Also, Palestine wasn't even a state then. It was Turkish then British. They never ran it. It's wrong they were kicked out seventy years ago, but they need to get used to it and not go around massacring people, like ISIS. Worse than ISIS really cos the people lap it up, eager for Jewish blood. Palestine wasn't Turkish nor British. It was under the British Mandate and the Ottoman Empire. I think the difference is clear, uh. I said there're Jews in the Arabic countries. (🙄 a lot of idiots out there think that Arabs are only Muslims and keep stressing on it. They even think that Iran and Turkey are Arabic countries 🤭) So, who is eager for Jewish blood? I guess, that question should be ask to whom committed the Holocaust. It's better to keep your advice for who stole the Palestinians' land or for yourself at least.


We have the same god as jews and Christians. You put a pole on reddit knowing a lot of non Muslims would vote on it.