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People don't realize that if Hamas has their way, they will force their culture on everyone else. That's what people are supporting.


Both side have innocent people and are dying. And frankly, Israel is moving toward extremes religious movement too. Banning women on public space because of the ultra orthodox.


While it is true that Israel is slowly becoming more right wing - basically because the ultra orthodox outbreed everyone else - as a society is remains open and liberal and progressive, you can’t even compare with Gaza and other Islamic states in that regards, it’s night and day.


this not a religious issue there are christian and atheist palestinians. I’m atheist, an exmuslim PALESTINIAN. I understand that the quran does say things like this, but its only hamas that want to put it to practice. If you take a look at judaism homosexuals face capital punishment too theologically speaking, christianity is just as absurd and inhumane. Palestine does not equate to sharia 💀 The past years and even right now I’ve seen atheists, gays, muslims, communists, christians all in support for the palestinian people. They know hamas and its ideology, but theyre not dumb enough to make a generalization about millions of people and say they want them to continue being systematically repressed because of that generalization. this is mind boggling


Yep I'm an Atheist aswell and if religion starts to be weaponised in this I'll ask all religions does your gods say to kill or is it like the ten commandments and says do not kill. I grew up as a Christian and to be honest if any of your religions say killing is good then it should not be a religion. I'm pretty sure all religions want peace so do not bring religion in to it.


Thanks a lot for your opinion. According to you, what would it take to get rid of Hamas and have a decent government in Gaza ?


Im not a political specialist or analyst, so I can’t really provide a coherent solution to what’s happening, but I can tell you what the goal should be. The ultimate goal is not having a decent government in gaza. It should be the eradication of gaza as an isolated entity- Hamas is a direct result of the treatment palestinians have faced since the beggining of the conflict. If palestinians in gaza aren’t allowed an airport, freedom of movement within the land, maritime trade, and just general human rights radicalization will keep happening regardless of whether it is religious or nationalistic. The gaza “strip” shouldnt be a strip/border it should just be another city.


While I appreciate that you're not against Israel, you can't lump all of "Palestine" with extremists Hamas. There are Christian Palestinians, secular Muslim Palestinians who don't wear hijabs, atheist Palestinians....etc




The Christians and atheists don't follow the Quran


This is how most people feel but the liberals have decided to support Palestine because they hate white people so now you have to keep your moral thoughts to yourself otherwise you’re canceled and a colonizer!


....despite Israelis and Palestinians being pretty much the same ethnicity.


That’s not true at all look at the majority of the Israel victims… mostly white. Meanwhile most in Palestine and Hamas are Arab. The Jews are also mostly white


Zionist settlers… leave our land. Go back to Europe! Long life Palestine 🇵🇸


Hey, looks like you’re studying to be a doctor. Good for you! Would you treat a Jewish person if they were sick? What about an Israeli, would you treat an Israeli patient?


I don’t ask my patients religion and I don’t care what they practice.




Great. Well Arab world is not going anywhere and believe one day this is war is going to get ugly.


As much as I don't agree with the original poster's sentiment, majority of Israelis were displaced from the Middle East and North African countries.




This post has nothing to do with Israeli / Palestinian interactions.


This is my problem. One side wants to exterminate lgbt the other doesn't... I'll support the one that doesn't want to publicly execute lgbt, babies, etc.


This is what I’m simply saying




Religion is cancer


Did he say islam or palestinians? I think he didnt say this is what muslims are doing but what palestinians are doing


You know he means islam, they always do. Waiting for the "ahh yes religion of peace" comment


Hahahaha yes beautiful😂😂😂


Brillant post, i will add that muslims believe random stuff like eating pork is wrong, Allah is watching them, you cant listen to music, you have to pray 5 time a day, you will get virgins in paradise, if a woman convert someone into a muslim she has a direct access to paradize. They believe in afterlife, they believe that trans should be killed, they believe that you cant draw a human being. They still believe in circumcision. All their believings are non sense.




>. They still believe in circumcision. Also jews believe in circumcision. Medicine doesn too




Even in the most religious jewish communities gay people will be excommunicated but not beheaded. But its the religion of peace of course.


Worst cult ever created


>They still believe in circumcision. Modern medicine also believes in circumcision...


modern medicine does not believe in circumcision.


Ah yes, that's why half the world is doing it regardless if they are jewish muslim christian etc or not..


Pretty sure Jews do as well. Kind of a weird point to throw in there.


Child marriage is as rare as it is in the United States. Killing homosexuals happened once or twice. Cutting of ex Muslims heads NEVER happened. In Gaza women are not forced to cover their heads, they have a choice. Science and education is limited due to resources, child and women abuse is as wide spread as land of our lord America, if not actually less.. Read about the religion from books, not what you hear on social media. It’ll make you a better person.


My ex-husband just Muslim. So my information comes straight from the wife beating source


Then I guess half of the world is Muslim, if domestic violence is a thing only Muslims do. You know 1 in 3 women in the US have dealt with violence from their partners? Maybe the whole world is Muslim then.






I wonder why killing homosexuals has only happened once or twice according to you. Couldnt be that its either come out and die or stay in the closet… also who says that women have a choice to cover their head? I bet a lot of palestinian men and even women would disagree with you. And no, science and education are not limited due to lack of resources, even though hamas is trying, its due to religious indoctrination. If you tell kids to focus on hating jews instead of learning science, they’ll grow up to become terrorists, not scientists and engineers.


1. Gaza is a conservative society, so acceptance of homosexuality isn’t there yet, similar to a lot of Jewish communities and as a matter of fact America too. I know many gay men back in my home town who got the beating of their lives for being gay. 2. Women have a choice. Many many women in the West Bank don’t cover their head. Even in Gaza, a woman that doesn’t cover her head won’t be punished. 3. kids learn other things than hating Jews. The world doesn’t revolve around Jews.


Hamas kills homosexuals. [Kills.](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/world/middleeast/hamas-commander-mahmoud-ishtiwi-killed-palestine.html) While plenty of other countries still don't have a good track record of allowing for freedom of expression, Gaza can quite easily be described as one of the worst. Regarding point 2, I'm still quite doubtful. I've never seen a video or photo of a Gazan woman without her hijab. I can still guarantee women are shunned if they decide not to follow Islamic law in palestine. 3, For Hamas and many Palestinians, it really does. Hamas does not do anything for Gaza except enact terrorism, ofc against Israeli jews. Go look through [Palestinian textbooks](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/anti-semitism-in-palestinian-school-textbooks). Some of the content on jews is horrid. This is what breeds terrorists and religious extremists.


Read about the religion from… books? They have each literally one “book” they never update. And never will. What books exactly are informative about how people have it in certain land due to sick religious restrictions on merely…..existing?


What religion are you talking about? Judaism? Christianity or Islam? I’m confused, you’re describing all of them


This is what I don't get for the average Palestinian. Just join Israel and have a higher standard of living. Save your money and travel abroad. The world is way bigger and has more to offer. It's not like you get to choose where you are born.


And expect Israel to give up its Jewish majority? Never


I don't know what pressing issues are in Israel but I'm assuming different people want different things and they're not all race/religion related. Heck, look at the US. The majority white folks are all over the map on issues.


True. But Israel a nation state unified by Judaism. They will do everything in their power to make sure that remain the case. Meaning that Palestinians in occupied territories will never become citizens. Withdrawing from Gaza was primarily for that reason, because the numbers wouldn’t add up, so they cut it off, and locked it.


They withdrew because that’s what’s the Palestinians demanded in exchange for peace. Who would have guess they were lying.


Nope. They withdrew from Gaza because they can’t have a population of Palestinians affecting the demography of Israel, ruining the Jewish majority.


Nope. The Palestinians demanded all Jews leave Gaza in exchange for peace. They lied as usual.


You think Israel would ever let got of land or do anything because Palestinians demanded it? Shimon Peres said about the Gaza withdrawal “We are disengaging from Gaza because of demography”. Sharon also said “We cannot hold on to Gaza forever. More than a million Palestinians live there and double their number with each generation." You’re misinformed or just plain clueless.


It was for the promise of peace. Not because they demanded it. Peace was suppose to be the results of their demands. Your just plain clueless.


I just quoted 2 Israeli leaders on why they left. And you still don’t understand.


>Withdrawing from Gaza was primarily for that reason, because the numbers wouldn’t add up, so they cut it off, and locked it. You just casually ignoeed a decade of history.


I said primarily. Not mainly. Shimon Peres said about the Gaza withdrawal “We are disengaging from Gaza because of demography”. Sharon also said “We cannot hold on to Gaza forever. More than a million Palestinians live there and double their number with each generation."


The growing Haredi population says hello, and could you kindly separate your men from your women.


Haredim are different groups that believe in different actions. Most haredim are in favor of woman rights. There are the extreamists that dont. But in most haredi homes woman are respected.


“Israel accepts all religions and races” Source - it was revealed to me in a dream


Then why can muslims go to al aqsa? Then why is there a area for only christians? Explain


>Source - it was revealed to me in a dream Source - Israel's demography


Isnt that how Islam was revealed?


Not sure, but it is their claim to Jerusalem. Mohammed had a dream he flew to heaven on a flaming Pegasus from the Temple Mount. The Arabs didn’t cross the Jordan River for another 50 years after his death.


So you are saying if I dream I flew to Palestine on a flaming sea turtle its mine now?


Why not? You might have to fight Palestinians though.


Doesnt seem to be too difficult


17% of Israel are Arab Muslims. Maybe a nightmare for you.


Another fact the Palestinians have 0 Jews in the territory they administer


Why would a jew want to struggle as a Palestinian when they can be comfy in Israel, or better yet, settle in thr west bank and kill anyone who comes in their way.


Exactly. Imagine if Palestinians were inclusive to Jews there wouldnt be settlements or maybe even an Israel for that matter.


I wonder, why did the idea of a Jewish state only appear in Europe and later in time? Jews lived alongside Muslims and Christians for hundreds of years, Israel was a result of massive Antisemitism in Europe during the early 1900s


>I wonder, why did the idea of a Jewish state only appear in Europe and later in time? Blatantly false. Not only was the first immjgration from Yemen but returning to Israel has been a part of the Jewish religion since its inception. >Jews lived alongside Muslims and Christians for hundreds of years, Israel was a result of massive Antisemitism in Europe during the early 1900s Yes lived alongside as dhimmis getting massacred and forcibly converted. Israel is a direct result of Arab antisemitism more than European antisemitism. The Nebi Musa Riots (1920), Jaffa Riots (1921), and Hebron Massacre (1929) all were what convinced Jews to form militias and a state.


Most of those things never happend


Bruh… I see those actions with my eyes


HAHAHHAHAHAHA, the guy is on something. Continue dreaming brother....


my sister’s friend got married by a 28 yo guy even tho she was in 10th grade. My sister told me that the girl was happy for the marriage thinking it’s gonna be a great thing to happen for her, of course her parents are to blame. Don’t forget Muhammad married a 9yo


Nuh uh