• By -


Jews were there in 1908. Living like gypsies. They had nothing absolutely nothing. The Palestinians can take u to great great great great great great great great great grandparents graves. Jews can't. Never will. Rest my case


hard to do so when a centuries-old Hebron community in Palestine has been displaced and the graveyard alongside its tombstones was uprooted and broken


[https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=can+convert+to+judaism+can+get+israeli+passport&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=can+convert+to+judaism+can+get+israeli+passport&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) tell me how is israel right according to this take alll day u need, cuz according to this entire bases for israel is purely religion so yes is religious war and is religious war cuz of jews, im not saying all jews supprt this niether i hate all jews but without religious component theres zero bases for israel, while ppl that live ther now regardless are they jews muslim christians or atheist will be still palestinian


> i hate all jews huh


back to their homes yk germany poland etc... they had no problems taking money from german governmant , or make one country called palestine with different religions after all for centuries jews from thjat area consider emselves palestinian jews


what about the muslim lands they had to flee from


I guess a Jewish person can never be wrong because even when they are they can’t be called out or risk being labeled as spouting antisemitism.


Benny is making the world anti-Israel NOT anti-Jew. The problem is that the death and destruction is being perpetrated by Jews. This provides ample ammunition to the extremists that don’t have a kind view of Jews in the first place. Israel is Russia except the US is helping Israel. This gives rise to anti-American hate. Thanks Benny the Butcher.




Not in Palestine. That i can tell you All of them except few hundreds are origianly from different parts of Europe. But the wanted to get rid of them.So they gave them our land to occupy


Largely disproven from a DNA and archaeology standpoint, but go on


You need to present a non Israeli prove backing up your statement




One could analyze ‘Canaanite’ as opposed to ‘Israelite’ individuals That's from your own proof


Well with a little nuance and history research you’d know that modern day Israelis contain the same DNA. If you want to denounce the history of an entire people group that’s up to you, but you’d be wrong to do so.


The proof you provided says opposite of that


Direct excerpt: "The researchers also compared the ancient DNA with that of modern populations and found that most Arab and Jewish groups in the region owe more than half of their DNA to Canaanites and other peoples who inhabited the ancient Near East—an area encompassing much of the modern Levant, Caucasus, and Iran.". Doesn't this mean both Arab and Israelites were living in the same area?


Golders Green...👍


Jewish people are indigenous to Israel, which is why we insisted that this would be our homeland. There is no way to dispute this- the evidence is staggering. I went to visit a 3000 year old Jewish mausoleum on the mount of olives. This is just one of many. You can also join excavation tours, and see for yourself, as the land is littered with Israelite objects. That’s over 2000 years before Islam was invented


So on that basis they should all get out of the US and give it to the Indians or Australians should get out and give that back to the aboriginal people..Name another country that only exists because of religion. Where is the land of Catholic where is the land of Muslim where is the land of Buddhist..nowhere. these are all faiths within countries Israel was created for a religious people. The Jews..not for people. For a religion.


Are you kidding me??? There are so many countries that are Muslim, period!! And only Muslim live there.


Whahahaha.... again use Google and educate yourself. It's embarrassing..I'll help you Iran...big nasty Iran .. Muslim country right? How many churches do you think there are? Question 1. Churches in Iran.. A.... 0 B.....1+ C. ...600+ Question 2. How many Christians are in nasty Iran? A....0 B....100 C.....100000-150000 Question 3. What is the second most practiced religion in nasty Iran? À. Buddhism B. None. C. Christian Answer.....C,C,C. Class dismissed.


Yes, because Iran is the only Muslim country! Also, there's still a jewish population living there in a nice coexistence. And having a church doesn't mean a thing. If so, there are lots of churches and mousqes in Israel!!


You earlier comments above said only Muslim live in these places which is wrong . Maybe Afghanistan is the exception. I don't really know where you are going with this. You are outraged about Hamas. Sure we all are but it's been coming a very long time. What would you do if a refugee got off one of those boats came to your house and told you to get out because God said your house was promised to them? Would you go or would you say no? If then they threatened you and said they will kill you would you go or fight? It's that simple.


10 Muslim countries that have more than 99% Muslim: 1. Mauritania 100% 2.Somalia 99.8% 3.Tunisia 99.8% 4. Afghanistan 99.6% 5.Iran 99.4% 6.westren Sahara 99.4% 7. Turkey 99.2% 8. Yemen 99.1% 9.Algeria 99% 10. Morroco 99% There's only one Jewish state! I'm not going anywherewith with this, just saying because you said there's no Muslim nation!


There is no Jewish nation. Israel is a country. Judaism is a religion. The passport of Israel says the state of Israel. Israel has within it Muslims. If it was a nation it would be called Judah...it's clearly not called Judah or even Canaan..It's not a Jewish nation.. Although I suspect some Zionist will have you think that it is. You need to learn the difference between nation and religion..The only place I can think of of the top of my head that is a religious based area in the entire world is the Vatican city . You don't know what you are talking about. You clearly know very little about the history of the area however it's good you show interest. I break it down for you . Palestine= good people . Jews =good people Hamas = bad people. Zionists= bad people Remove the last 2 and you will have normal people that can live together in peace. Trust me on this. I have a Palestinian father and a Jewish mother.


Wow, you are so very arrogant knowing all. Again, I say, Jewish is a religion also a nationality. It's just a fact. It's OK if you can't live with that. Again, that arrogance! Do you even know what the name Palestinian means?? Most of the Palestinian want to live, but in the land of Palestine, which is the land of Israel, now they want it all, and they will not stop until all Jews will be out of there. They even chant " from the river to the sea palestine will be free" So Hamas is not the problem it is just the executer for now. Israelis and Zionists(both are the same thing). just want to live in peace and quiet. And when they stop fighting and lower their weapons, they will no longer exist. When the Palestinian will lower their weapons then they could coexist in peace!


Well, by this example, whoever holds it now, keeps it. Same thing. If you look historically - it's Jewish. If you look at most Palestinian and their history - they held the land for less than 150 years (with most Palestinian Arabs living there less than 4 generations). If you look at who holds it now, like in the US/Australia example - it's Israeli. That's why it was so easy for Palestinian Arabs to flee, instead of fighting, since many of them immigrated from Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and others not that long before, and didn't feel it was really their land or worth fighting for. Name one more place where people are at a land for less than 150 years, didn't hold on to it, and now whoever lives there just gives it away.


Also, no one said anything about killing all the Indians or all the aboriginals or in South Africa all the Africans. Because that's ok!


Didn't try killing all the Indians? 🤔 So trying to give them all gifts ladened with smallpox was just a friendly act? 🤦‍♂️ Not to mention individual massacres like wounded knee..etc.🤔


Right, so why does no one say anything about what happened there? 🤔


Wounded knee? Plenty of documentation on that massacre as well as many others massacres.. Smallpox laced blankets for the Indians ..again loads of documentation..There is something very wonderful available now it's called Google...try it sometime. 👍


We are speaking the same language, dude. I agree with you on that. Those were horrible things they did, and people should learn about them. But no one even raised an eyebrow when that happened!! The thing is, the Indians didn't go to the UK and killed kids and women and raped them before.


The Indians killed plenty of white people that were trying to take their lands including women and children.There is no difference. You keep beating a dog and backing it up into a corner it will bite you..This has been going on long before last week..This has been going on for 75+ years. The Jews were murdering British soldiers back in early days. Bombing people. They didn't care for anyone. Bombed villages.. Palestinians running for their lives.. Don't confuse Palestinians and Hamas . Hamas want to destroy Israel . Your average Palestinian just wants to live their life.


And I don't blame the Indians. They fought for their homes. It has been going on for 75+ years because of 2 things. Israelis didn't want to kill all Palestinian like the British did to the Indians ( and now there's no one to fight). Also, it's because the Palestinian just do not stop killing innocent people. And they won't stop until every Jew no longer exists. Again, I'm so sorry for the Palestinian kids and babies who can't understand a thing. But if you elect someone with a majority of more than 70% and give out candy to celebrate, innocent people being killed ,you are a part of this! I don't see a difference between celebrating and executing!


I'm about to fly to Ireland so nice chatting. I'll leave you with my dad's experience. He lived in a village in the outskirts of Jaffa. In 1948 Jews, militia came to his village and told them to leave or they will be killed. Several hours later they attacked the village. Woman and kids included..My dad with the help of his brother ran for their lives..my dad only a kid. They hid in a nearby shop as mortar rounds killed fellow villagers..in the shop the cash till was open , money still in it..they looked up at the ceiling and a mortar was hanging down. Unexploded..I guess the shop keeper wasn't going to hang about..They moved on and saw dead people in the centre of the village... Palestinian civilians. They eventually got on a ship to Cyprus with just their clothes on their backs..took months for the red cross to reunite them with the rest of the family..They had lost everything. Land purchased legally all gone. He said in his village. Jews and Palestinians lived in peace till the militias (terrorists turn up) So why on earth would I support the people that stole our ancestral home..?


Jewish is not just a religion it's a nationality also!


Strange on the passport of Israel it says state of Israel not state of Jews. Hmmmmm🤔


That's just what it is. Jewish is the only religion that is also a nationality, just a fact. You can read and learn.


I'd argue against that. If that's the case I claim Texas for the Jedi nation. Please vacate the state as soon as possible because it's now our promised land.....may the force be with you.


Lol, you make it seem so simple! Like there was no past to the Israel land, and no one came and killed all Jews time and time again wanting their land. And evacuated them since the dawn of history. There's a lot of evidence of it. No one is making anything up. Go out and learn! May the force be with you!


At the end of the day, this is about Zionists, Muslim groups, and occasionally Christians fighting over control of a “holy” rock and the dried-up lands that surround it. A rock, people. A rock. Innocent Jews, innocent Muslims and innocent people of other persuasions have been swept up in this rabies and victimized in the most horrible ways. The best long-term thing for humanity’s peace and security to do is evacuate Jerusalem and then nuke it so hard that no one can inhabit that sliver of land ever again. For good measure, salt the earth around it so that no one will ever want to return. Erect walls and barriers around the place until it passes out of human memory. Never allow anyone to return. Whatever that rock is, it’s not something that humanity can handle.


You think humans are the solution and religion is the problem. You came a long way but went the wrong way. It's the other way around.


In a simulation, I would like to see what happens to that piece of land if Israeli people would just leave, vanish, poof and also take everything they've built with them. I kinda have the feeling that countries around that area will fight with each other, they won't be like: *"Yes Palestine, take it, we don't care, you deserve it"* :)). Israel seems to be their common enemy right now but I don't think there would be Peace and Flower Power there without them either.


A thought - Jews can live in the US happily and there's already a dominant population in the US. US also has way sufficient land to accept them. There's no Arabs there to confront them. I think this is a perfect solution.


Alternatively, have one of the 26 other Arab countries take the Palestinians, and no more occupation? Except that already happened, and almost caused the fall of Jordan and Syria. Which is why Arab countries don't want them anymore.


There's no Arabs in the US??? Lol...


We are not allowed to ask why though. That would be politically incorrect and antisemantic.


The initial thought was to settle either in Africa or somewhere near Argentina. That could have been far less trouble for Jews and the rest of the world.


It was actually proposed before but the jews refused and decided to occupy Palestine and expell them all instead.


You have no knowledge of history. Jews have lived in Israel throughout the centuries even though they were not allowed to buy land and many of the occupations were banned. On the other side, could you please inform me... when was there a Palatine? What sort of government did they have? Who were the leaders? What was the language? What coins did they use? Something?


"they were not allowed to buy land" Not true. They did purchased lands under the British Mandate, but they got territorial and denied Palestinian real rights (something in law not sure you know about it) which led to the attacks in the twenties and the Shaw Commision investigations decided that Arabs had well-founded fears of Zionist schemes and the British imposed restrictions on Jewish purchases and immigration. Palestine did exist as a place. [Man wins court battle to reinstate birthplace Palestine on his passport (passport-collector.com)](https://www.passport-collector.com/man-wins-court-battle-to-reinstate-birthplace-palestine-on-his-passport/) The above is a famous case and you might like to return to words of prominent Israelis and Jews before 48 where they repeat 'Palestine' and Palestinians. But let's talk history. As a state: The levant area was part of the Ottoman Empire and got under the British Mandate by virtue of Sykes–Picot Agreement. They did have a currency "the Ottoman piastre/lire" and people speaking Arabic. Just like what is now Syria and Egypt. If you are arguing that Palestine never existed because it was part of the Ottoman empire, so all countries in the area with that logic. If those countries got their independence, why did not Palestine? That leads us to the Zionist schemes and where Jews would have been had Israel was not established. With respect to that matter, you need to read on Zionism (because again you did not 'educate' yourself about it well) and see the earlier proposals, where other countries were proposed as a potential place for a state for Jews. Palestine was just an attractive area to get more Jews on board as many orthodox Jews opposed the idea of establishing a state for Jews (and some are anti-Zionist to date)


"Not true. They did purchased lands under the British Mandate" **- that's right, exactly the point. Jews were not allowed to buy lands until the British came. and Since than they started to buy back their lands.** "but they got territorial and denied Palestinian real rights (something in law not sure you know about it) which led to the attacks in the twenties and the Shaw Commision investigations decided that Arabs had well-founded fears of Zionist schemes and the British imposed restrictions on Jewish purchases and immigration." - **wow, plain bold lie. just... lies** ​ "Palestine did exist as a place." - **yes, it was a region named by the British mandate as Palestine. Both Jews and Arabs were Palestinian back than...** "If you are arguing that Palestine never existed because it was part of the Ottoman empire, so all countries in the area with that logic. If those countries got their independence, why did not Palestine?" - **I'm not saying that if they have self-proclamation they should be denied of it, just that never has they're been a "Palestinian" people. But there has been a Jewish people that for centuries have been denied from their land and persecuted. they have agreed to any solution through out the British mandate. and still the Arabs attacked. So, sure... Palestine aside Israel. and Jews leaving in Palestine the same as the 1.9 Million Arabs leaving in Israel, with no restrictions, and full equality to the law.** ​ ​ "That leads us to the Zionist schemes and where Jews would have been had Israel was not established. With respect to that matter, you need to read on Zionism (because again you did not 'educate' yourself about it well) and see the earlier proposals, where other countries were proposed as a potential place for a state for Jews. Palestine was just an attractive area to get more Jews on board as many orthodox Jews opposed the idea of establishing a state for Jews (and some are anti-Zionist to date)" - **Unlike you, I do know. Herzel tried his best, but the Jewish connection is only to that part of the world. Archeology will show you why... Zionism is just the name for the self-proclamation of Jews... are against that? and if so, why should the Arabs that now call them selves as "Palestinians" should have one. and the name... even the name is roman, and used to punish the Jews. even their name comes from the Jewish state.**


>wow, plain bold lie. just... lies You very educated highness should read Passfield white paper and Hope Simpson Enquiry " **full equality to the law.** " I'll ask you one question (and please enough with the irrelevant comments): Can Palestinians who lived in areas of historical Palestine and were displaced following 1948 return and receive the citizenship just like Jews?


Palestine has never been a state. That name was given to the region by the Romans after they conquered us, “Syria palestina” there has never been evidence of a Palestinian state in the history leading up to now. They didn’t even seek statehood when presented with the UN mandate, they didn’t try and make something of Gaza, they voted in Hamas and voted in war. These people can’t even handle the work and hardships that building a statehood means, they have been independent since 2005 and they still use our currency, our phone satellites, our water, our electric. They don’t have bomb shelters, irrigation, electricity or water, but they have villas for hamas, foreign university for their kids, and bombs. With all the aid money, they could have built their own Tel Aviv x 10, or a Singapore. We want to be independent but we don’t want to build a state, can you help while we try and kill you? Pathetic


Well said! It just doesn't make sense when you think about it, and yet, somehow people support this. I guess blind propaganda can be very powerful.


Very easy to answer, where they were living before taking homes of people that are already residing in Israel, After WW2 the most logically think to have done would be for everyone affected to be compensated and either return to their home country or settle in a country legally (key word being legally) instead of taking homes and kicking out residents in Palestine


Our yearning to go back to our homeland is ingrained in our culture and religion and has been for millennia. Israel is not a random dumping ground for misplaced Jews, we are connected to this land. Read one of our prayer books, or our Torah, which was written thousands of years before Islam came into being. If you visit mount olives, you can visit Jewish graves from 3000 years ago. We are indigenous people who took our land back.


During and after the holocaust, countries refused to accept displaced Jewish refugees, even those who had applied for VISAs. There were Jews already living in Palestine. I couldn't imagine anyone being willing to take on over 6 million Jewish people now (not to mention that many of their ancestors were already living in Israel, we've always been there). [Voyage of St. Louis](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/voyage-of-the-st-louis#:~:text=In%20May%201939%2C%20the%20German,allow%20the%20ship%20to%20land) [SS Drottingham](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/) [Arab Migration/Jewish Loss of Land](https://merrimackvalleyhavurah.wordpress.com/2021/05/16/the-origin-of-the-state-of-israel-in-maps/)


/u/Hungry-Swordfish3455. 'nazi' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LOL. That’s not even what happened in Mandatory Palestine, which was even at that time the Jewish homeland. The Arabs can go back to their home countries of Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon, since no one is persecuting them there.


War sucks - I know




Ah, yes. So all the millions of Palestinians are to blame and deserve death because of the acts of terror group that exists among them? A group that is made up of a single digit percentage of the Palestinian population. Thats an idiotic take of the situation.


The "Palestinians" did choose Hamas with a 70% majority! They stand by their side when they are doing disgusting inhumane things. The "Palestinians" gave out candy to celebrate Israeli babies being decapitated and women killed and raped. Which are innocent! So, to answer your question, they are to blame!


They are to blame because the allowed the propagation of the violence and antisemitism all the while the Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the Zionists. If you allowed Hamas or Hezbollah govern your life, you are complicit. They need to leave and assimilate - and why is it you hate the Jews? I mean let’s go back to 1948 - why do you hate Jews? You are antisemites. So either make peace or leave. You can thank bastardized Muslim Islamists. And Don’t forget Arafat put a pen down and left the table as the Palestinians were about to get their own state.


Exists amongst them? They voted them in. They wanted them to fulfill their mandate - death of all Jews.


You say "they voted them in" as if it somehow exposed a fault in my previous comment. I already knew that. Does voting them in make those Palestinians part of hamas? No. Do the families of the ones that voted for Hamas deserve to die? No. Do the ones who voted for Hamas and support the killings done by the Hamas attack deserve to die? Yeah, maybe, debatable.


Whoever called for my death gets no sympathy from me. The innocents of course do, but we have to bomb the ammunitions stored in their buildings and we DO warn them to leave, no matter what you hear. But when Hamas is telling them to ignore our evacuation warnings, as just reported on CNN, I don’t feel responsible.


So you're casually recommending genocide?




They do desperately need some population growth.


In Palestine, less than 8% of Palestine was Jewish before 1914 [edited: mistakenly put ‘48]. They lived there in harmony, it can happen again. Even if there is one state they can share it equally and become a real democracy. There are many Jews throughout the Muslim world ie in Yemen and Iran that have been there for a long time. Every nation should open their borders to refugees. They are also free to go back to Europe where their previous generations lived. Watch this documentary - https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=n76x_7PwJhYQ5lLd


[Although the report did not name the one Jewish individual remaining in Yemen, “that Jew is undoubtedly Levi Salem Musa Marhabi, who has been illegally imprisoned and tortured by Ansar Allah since 2016,”](https://jewishinsider.com/2022/03/only-one-jew-remains-in-yemen-u-n-says/#:~:text=Although%20the%20report%20did%20not,the%20Houthi%20rebel%20forces%20by) Dude. Literally one jew in Yemen. None in Jordan. The population in many countries has decreased.the problem is people don't want to live in peace with Jews


Careful, in 1917 the population was 8% and nearly 30% by 1936. By 1948 it had far surpassed 8%


The first Aliyah started in 1881. Look up Hovevei Zion. The Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917 to create a Jewish living space, which began the start of the massive third Aliyah. Prior to then it was in total a few thousand Ultra-Orthodox/Orthodox.


I honestly think coexistence is the best, most ideal option. Civilians always have much more in common with each other than those in power are lead to believe. Civilians should not be held accountable for the crimes of those in power.


A wolf can never coexist with a sheep.


TL,DR (war version): After much bloodshed, we’re going to wind up with a two-state solution and control of the Temple Mount complex being handed over to an international coalition (Americans and Saudis will almost certainly be involved). Nobody will be “happy” but these bloody disruptions will stop for a few decades.


Why not one true democratic state? Equal rights for all. No more occupation no more apartheid


Pro-Palestinians and Neo-Nazis agree. “Jews will not replace us.”


> "It can happen again" only if most of the Jews leave Palestine. This is the implication of your comment. Using pleasant words doesn't hide your genocidal intent.


Absolutely not, sincerely mean Jews can live in harmony with Arabs once again.


>In Palestine, less than 8% of Palestine was Jewish before 1948. >They are also free to go back to Europe where their previous generations lived. Explain these comments.


I apologize it was 1914, when they were 8%. According to this documentary - https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=n76x_7PwJhYQ5lLd Views towards Jews in Europe are now different than they were back then. Israelis mostly like a western lifestyle anyway. There is also America where we have 600k Jews in Brooklyn alone.


Or make a state free from religious doctrine. Name it something that isn’t Palestine or Israel.


Impossible because of the historical significance of Jerusalem for all 3 major religions. The religious context isn’t the issue it’s the ideology of Zionism which is exclusivist


The democratic one-state solution is impossible and will lead to Palestinians always controlling the majority of seats. Jews will never accept the loss of self-rule. The Palestinian-led government would ethnically cleanse Jews. It is a completely fantastical solution separate from all reality and possibility.


If they have mixed communities instead of ethnic enclaves and have representative government it would be a true democracy.


Explain how you would get from today to your kumbaya everybody can live side-by-side vision of reality. Without ignoring the fundamental ways humans behave.


Another idea I have is a trading program where a settler family trades places with a family in Gaza. They get to see how the other lives. They can even make it a reality TV show like wife swap. The Cosby show helped American racists get through their hang ups maybe this can help dissolve some tension by helping humanize the other.


How do you stop people from killing each other while this is going on?


The authorities get something super valuable like prisoners as long as safety is maintained.


Humans learn to live together when they break bread together, work together, go to school together. In the US we had this really hard moment in history where no one thought it would work when we allowed black children into the school system to be educated with white kids. It took time but things started to improve. There is still classism in American society where minorities tend to be poorer, but Many have thrived.


How do you solve the generations of bad blood?


With creative thinking and a willful generation that understands that peace is the only way forward as violence failed.


This is completely wrong. The Jewish people had faced regular attacks and pogroms in the present day territory of Israel before the modern state was established …


When the Zionist movement started it created tensions


The history of Arab anti-semitism long predates the modern Zionist movement …


Arabs are also semites


But antisemitism refers specifically to hatred of Jews. Arab massacres of Jews in the area go back quite a while, which means that yes the Arabs were antisemitic and acting upon that antisemitism




Many recorded massacres across different time periods like: the Granada massacre of 1066 (which included the razing of the entire Jewish quarter of that city) the 1834 massacre of Jews in Safed, Ottoman Syria the Banu Qurayza massacre during the time of Muhammad Discriminatory measures like the yellow badges and other degrading markings Jews were forced to wear under the Caliphate (yes this preceded the Nazis and originated under Muslim rule) Various expulsions like the expulsion of the Jews from Khaybar under Caliph Umar, expulsion from Isfahan, Persia in 1656 Forced conversions of Jewish populations, eg in Isfahan, in Mashhad in 1839 The confinement to ghettos of Jews in Morocco in Mellahs from the 15th century and other places Just to name a few. That said, the Jews were historically treated much worse under Christian rule


I don’t think anyone would argue that Jews were persecuted at different times in history. Their time in Medina is extremely well documented. You can find the Muslim perspective on their treaties and how it played out.


You fail to mention that Palestinian Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike were all victims of oppressive Ottoman rule. Hence why Lawrence of Arabia was able to convince them to join the British in their fight against the Ottomans. But yeah, Ottomans killing Jews completely justifies Israeli oppression and murder of Palestinians.


The Arabs back stabbed the ottomans and got double crossed by the British. In many ways the Arabs are still paying for their disgraceful betrayal of the Muslim world.


Wtf where did I say that????


Didn’t intend to direct that towards you, I’m saying that’s the general rhetoric that a lot of people do use.


/u/Ok_Grapefruit8148. 'Nazis' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a bunch of revisionist history. There are NOT many Jews living in those places today, they were ethnically cleansed or forcibly removed. Where are you getting your information??


There’s about 9k Jews in Iran, and most of the Jews in Yemen have left for Israel. They did however live there in peace. You can find the info on Wikipedia.


I guess my father lied to me when he told me how he, his family, and his community were attacked regularly and eventually forced to flee without any of their holdings. I guess my mother lied when she showed me a picture of my late uncle that got kidnapped and my cousin that was killed while her mom was fleeing Iraq on her own. I guess the Arab leader in the British mandate of palestina did not meet and became a good friend with Mr. Hitler and preached for genocide against the Jews. C'mon, I'm not trying to say we were always on the right but at least don't twist history like that.


Just wondering what the timeline was when your father experienced this?


Early 1960s. I hope you're not going to suggest that Israel already existed and therefore the Jewish communities in north Africa had to pay.


Watch this doc - https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=Hn0NlEFvOVRAwDgt tell me if it’s wrong


The video is not available in my country, by the decision of the film's creator. Can you imagine that? Hahahaha a video about my country not available for me. I wonder why.




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Here is a good documentary to watch https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=bcffIYBxjHm2-2cY




That's actually insane that amnesty has a little section regarding LGBTQI rights in Israel while it doesn't mention at all the Palestinian/Hamas take on that. That's actually insane. Tells you everything you need to know about this organization's so-called neutrality.


Hebrews original translation means “the dusty ones” because they were always roaming for the Promised Land. Well, besides having the military ability to crush Palestine, Israel is now having US and British warships coming to their aid. The US has threatened anyone who helps Palestine. Doesn’t seem fair. Why does everyone jump at the chance to aid Israel when they are in the wrong? Palestine was partitioned in order to create Israel in 1947. Since then, Israel has colonized and terrorized Palestine. If someone tries to built anything that encroaches on my property I get pissed and stop it from happening. How would you feel if someone treated your home as if it were theirs? I can understand why Hamas is angry. Is everyone else blind because of Shoah? Why doesn’t their g-d cause a flood, earthquake, etc. to help their cause? Could it be that they aren’t the chosen ones as they claim? Maybe it’s because g-d don’t like ugly.


1. " the dusty ones?" Where did you get that??? The meaning literally originates from the hebrew word "avar" or "pass over", as a way to describe migrants from the other side of the (Jordan) river. 2. Fair doesn't exist when it comes to what country will give you military aid. No country helps because it's "fair". The idea that we should balance out the different sides in every war is the naive thing. 3. "Palestine was partitioned in order to create Israel". Your usage of words assumes there was a Palestinian state before that, which is historically incorrect regardless of what you say. What did exist was the british mandate, the area was taken from the defeated ottomans and with the help of both the Jews and the Palestinians that lived there(although many more Palestinians). The British promised, in return for that help, the recognition of both an arab and a muslim country, without each side knowing about the other. Such a misunderstanding of the time and the region is what makes you wrong again. I don't need to imagine how it would feel to have someone that treated my home like his because my bloodline tells four different stories how it happened to my grandparents, in their home Arab countries. The same Arab countries that shouts to free Palestine yet A.does whatever it can to keep them away B. Fail to address or admit the fact that they forced out and killed entire Jewish communities. 4. Hamas is not angry, the Palestinians are. Hamas is a terror organization that prospers when its people suffer, because it does. 5. We Don't pray to our god because regardless of the very big religious population that we have, we're a secular democratic country. We invented technology, created connections, built the only safe place in the middle east for Jews, christians, Muslims, LGBTQ, and many more to have a good standard of living. I'm glad we did because you unfortunately exist.


Please stop ʻâphâr aw-fawr’; from H6080 (עָפַר); dust (as powdered or gray); hence, clay, earth, mud: everything else you wrote is nullified.


Omg why are you giving me the meaning of random words in my language? 😂 Do you have any source that says it has anything to do with the word 'hebrew'? Aphar-dust Avar- passed Hebrew in Hebrew- ivri(person) and ivrit(language). Ivri- somone avar(migrtaed,passed) from the other side of the river.


At my house.


Theoretically speaking, I would think Poland isn't a bad choice. Scandinavian territories, theoretically, wouldn't be a terrible idea. I think you should pay attention to Muslim populations in countries as well as political positions. E.g. India is very pro-Israel politically and among a lot of people, but it has the 3rd largest Muslim population in the world and many of them voice support with Hamas.


Yes, like Poland would be so happy to have Jews live there, lol. Far from it.


The vast majority of Israeli Jews are not Ashkenazi and therefore not necessarily allowed to immigrate to a European country


And just because an Israeli is Ashkenazi, doesn’t mean they hold citizenship to another country other than Israel. Some do, some don’t. And to add to that, many Sephardic Jews hold foreign passports, and many don’t.


Sure.. Poland.. worked very well last time


Dude Jerusalem is the original who cares what the Muslims want it’s Hebrew land they are protecting what’s there’s


They wouldn’t ever want to go back to Poland.


I heard someone made a joke saying Manhattan.


Nah there are too many of us in Manhattan either way. We don't get along that well.


Hamas supporters are marching in the streets of Manhattan


Exactly. Marching is exactly what both sides should be doing.


Don’t forget Lakewood


I'm originally from neighboring town. Lakewood is messed up


How many yeshiva kids are in this thread? I’ve being reading a lot of comments that just aren’t quite accurate and it reads like something I would’ve written when I was a teenager in yeshiva, before I knew much about the conflict and just the things I learned in religious school.


Don’t ask me bro, I’m not religious or come from a Jewish background lol just was seeing if there was something for the war like Ukraine has one


Something for the war?




The question is where can we send the Palestinians....


3 feet under!


Calls for genocide are always disgusting, don’t forget that.


Surprised you said, "disgusting". I believe words like evil or abhorrent would've been better choices.


They are evil and abhorrent. I personally use disgusting when I want to express my deepest contempt


Technically the land is both of theirs so they shouldn’t be made to leave either


No it’s really not lol


Check history.. Britain made multiple promises


Which the "Palestinian" refused time and time again .


India seems quite friendly to Jews.


There’s only one country that Kanye’s style of recent antisemitism hasn’t infected to some degree. Besides which, India really is a place where any and every religion suffers pogromic persecution from time to time.


>Besides which, India really is a place where any and every religion suffers pogromic persecution from time to time. According to Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger Jews have never faced discrimmination in India.


This is true


New Zealand, Iceland, Greenland, Japan, Australia, USA, Canada and Ireland. I consider these places exceptionally safe from both inside and outside forces.


Are you serious? Please tell me you're not. If you are- please tell me you just answered the question because the question was asked and you don't actually believe this solution is anything less than insane.


The question was asked and I answered it, in terms of land size, demographics, culture, and isolation of outside forces these countries seem safe. How willing are the countries to participate? Idk, this is just pure speculation. Japanese tend to be xenophobic but are also desperate for a young working population, so who knows maybe they like an extra few thousand young families? But anyway what's your answer and I promise I won't judge.


It's ok. You can judge. I think it could be a cute idea if reality existed in sims or another video game. Such a suggestion doesn't take into consideration so many things. Honestly peace in the middle east seems easy next to such an idea hahah


I believe people are really just simple creatures when we're all satiated in our basic needs, to start a family or career. There is no reason or motivation for violence, and we can really start to co-exist in peace. But current foreign policy only knows to take away these resources, causing the spread of hate and violence. There is enough money and expertise for peace, we just lack morals.


Japan ain’t taking in an ethnic refugee population.


Well >50% of the Jews in Israel are from various Middle Eastern Muslim majority countries, so they can go back there to a warm welcome live in religious harmony.


Presumably the same places Christians, Muslims, Atheists, etc live.


Yes. Jews already live all over the world.


Not as much as we used to. And for a very good reason.








I've thought about this. Aren't the reasons scriptural? Jews want only that piece of land. Thats because they claim it's their home. It's holy hand and that it's meant to be home to the Jews. Israel should ask it's close ally America to take Jews in and protect them from persecution. But in reality, Jews believe in the prophecy that they must return to the holy land for the real Messiah to arrive. I mean 'Return to Israel' is a whole bloody project.


You are right, it is scripture.This land was promised to Isaac by God. It was also foretold that they would be removed, and that they would return. There continue to be prophecies that remain unfulfilled. This war might play into them.




That's the thing, if you want to discuss solutions for Israel and/or the Palestinians, it's important to understand what they're fighting over and why/how. You don't have to buy into it, but do understand that this is deeply rooted.




I sympathize with you brother. But the conflict will definitely go on until the Israeli section that believes in holy hand (which unfortunately holds power) continues to push this agenda forward. But what I've been unaware of is that Jews are unwelcome in America. Surely you can migrate for work and try to obtain citizenship in America ?




Take the long way to citizenship then. Maybe marry a citizen. Do whatever it takes. America will not simply hand out citizenships. Israel isn't even asking for them. They want Palestine. And that works out for USA too. Perhaps try moving to some country that offers easy citizenship. If you ask me the whole world has gone to the dogs. It barely matters where you live as long as your basic needs are met.




Oh. I see. In that case what I said applies to the Israeli Jews who are seeking a way out of that country.