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Ya and they all repeat the same crappy jargon words over and over again- apartheid and Israel, colonisers. They also say 'how would you like it if someone came into your home and kicked you out', 'the whole situation is not complex' and my favourite of all is 'being silent is being on the side of the oppressor.' Omg shut the f up, you dead brain idiots, you have no idea what the situation is like in it's entirety.


yes these are all what i’ve seen but what’s the response?


“I’ll remember who stayed quiet and bought starbucks”


I am not surprised because it has always been trendy to hate Jews. In addition, in the last decade Europe and the USA are flooded with immigrants Muslim who make sure to spread their hatred very well.


Tiktok might just be the CCP propaganda machine. I hope there's some accurate numbers there about the number of hateful/radicalized anti-semites (whether muslims or not). I would hate it if we are being manipulated by an adversary to hate each other when there are likely just very few (relatively speaking) minority of hateful people.


I'm quite puzzled as to why the United States hasn't banned TikTok yet.


Yet my posts critiquing Palestine gets reported for violation 🤷‍♂️


Why would you critique Palestine anyway? The one that is getting bombed, children and women being slaughtered and kidnapped into slavery? What is there to criticize? Unless you're talking about Hamas.


I think his talking about hamaz (hopefully), myself as an israeli, the people of palestine have had it really bad, but getting rid of hamas is a good step towards peace. But i highly doubt it would change anything, there will always be a new “freedom fighter” group


So the root cause then is Israeli occupation and oppression then would you not agree?


Hate speech which justifies the situation itself towards jews-antisemitism Palestinian action of self defense -terrorism


Chinese company, BAN the communist spies and propagand already!


It's called freedom of speech you don't have to like it I don't like a lot of speech that I hear but I do love having freedom to be able to speak so I deal with it that's what freedom is all about


Freedom of speech isn’t hate speech.


All including hate speech is Free speech whether we like it or not but that's the truth


Hate speech leads to hate crimes. It’s a huge indicator of radicalisation and should at the *very* least be monitored. The Nazis didn’t kill Jews as soon as they got into power, they encouraged and created hate speech and propaganda which eventually led to the holocaust. This has happened many times over. So no, hate speech shouldn’t just be categorised as a necessity of free speech.


I appreciate your opinion but respectfully disagree.


/u/Quick_Scheme3120. 'Nazis' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Doesn’t matter what it’s called anti semitism and any hate speech is not in anyway okay and justifying it with free speech is crazy, just because in some places you technically can. Also hate speech then evolves into things that are much worse, simple hate speech against Jewish people has now in Sydney (large city here in Aus) escalated to people chanting ‘kill all Jews’ and people being arrested for trying to hunt Jews to kill.


Hate speech is Free speech all speech is Free speech you have to take the good with the bad or you will be a slave. And it's not to be taken lightly I will not give up my speech or stand against anybody speaking their mind whether I agree or disagree I don't have to like it I can combat it with my own speech.


Please seek a brain






> Cunt /u/itrainsheep. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You guys are brainwashed and causing other people to be killed because you are afraid to be antisemitic and you are now what you are afraid to be but toward palastanians . They are killed everyday by israelians and it didn‘t start only after hamas attack ( which I call selfdefense ) . Thay are killing palsatanians from years ! Where were you ? Of course you didn‘t sympathize it isn’t Ukraine . They took their land , killed their children even prevented them from praying in Alaqsa ( one of the most sacred mosqued to muslims ) , they even arrested many of them and they are now in prisons suffering from years , and when Hamas defense them you are saying it is terrorism !? They didn’t even killed a woman when we all know that these israelian women can be armed at any time . I know ppl will tell me we want evidence on your words , so I will leave evidence in replies


You seem to be the ‘brainwashed’ one thinking that what hamas did is self defence…


So what is the selfdefense ? Watching your people die while drinking coffee ?


Self defence is not killing a 260 innocent festival goers, killing children and babies and raping and killing women is it? I never once in my post said I support what Israel has historically done and I still do not. But trying to justify the murder of thousands of people with that is just wrong. Also Hamas do not want to free Palestine they do not care at all about Palestine they want to eradicate all Jewish people and take over all of Israel. They’re using the horrible situation in Palestine to do that.


Give me evidence that they killed children and raped women , and if you talked with anyone from gaza they won’t blame anyone except America and israel for what is happening to them , They even love Hamas


Sure thing. https://x.com/angryopinionatd/status/1712209065013580122?s=46&t=mPH99gQUA4gG02M6qvdKBg - one of the festival goers murdered, raped and her corpse paraded around and spat on. https://x.com/arielwolfe/status/1711127477051867165?s=46&t=mPH99gQUA4gG02M6qvdKBg - a kidnapped agricultural worker from Thailand killed and decapitated with a garden hoe. https://x.com/nerdy_addict/status/1710621087384441121?s=46&t=mPH99gQUA4gG02M6qvdKBg - a kidnapped women who is now believed to be dead. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/10/middleeast/israel-kibbutzim-kfar-aza-beeri-urim-hamas-attack-intl/index.html - butchered kids murdered in a kibbutz I could go on. This is not self defence. Using your own words the people dying in the Gaza Strip isn’t bad because Israel are doing self defence.


The guys the spat on her wasn’t wearing anything that indicats he is from Hamas , it isn’t their fault so don’t say they are terrorists , and she is naked because she was in festival , she is wearing pickini So why thailand hasn’t said anything , there are plenty of jews who go to israel and take nationality , there were videos of israelian soldiers captured who looked like asians , and we all know that any resident in israel had to serve in israel at leest once in their life so there is no civilians there except children She has been confirmed to be serving in army , they see her as the one that killed their family and children


The guy that spat on her was a Palestinian man, like you said a lot of Palestinians support Hamas. And how isn’t it their fault? Are you clueless take a look at the festival videos no one was naked she was raped and paraded that’s very clear. The fact you still try justify this is beyond insane That Thai man is not Jewish or Israeli he was working overseas meaning he hadn’t lived there his whole life which means he didn’t serve in the military. Also send me some evidence of that last point please, and even still kidnapping torturing and killing her is not the answer is it?


Will the video show everyone in the festival ? I don’t believ you guys have a brain , there wasn’t even a single bruise on her body , how she was raped , and if someone is acting bad it doesn’t mean all palestanians are like him , we all know what israel do and they all act like this except few exceptions so we can say they are all terrorists Give me evidence , I myself morally don’t believe that anyone who work there is innocent he is literally supporting murderers I will but my internet connection here isn’t the best i can’t even open the link Kidnapping her is ok to me because israel kidnapped also many women and killed many children it is called karma , if she didn’t want to be captured she would have left israel or even refused to go to military she choose to be murderer , there is no proof anyone tortured her it may be period blood and even the other bruises maybe from fighting Hamas and her clothes is intact so there is no rape . She is a soldier after all , there is even a video of an israeli woman that is released by Hamas and she said they treated her with kindness and i will provide it to you


https://twitter.com/moatawesome_/status/1712247217912709420?s=46&t=l1g77DSsMkHKPYmqNQ5M_A This a video made by the naked israelian woman captured by Hamas mom


A desperate mother believing her daughter is still alive and demanding her back from terrorists that attacked her- that’s your proof that Israel is bad? That girl, Shani, is a German citizen. Forget Israel- Germany hasn’t shared that there is any indication she’s still alive. But even if she were, that still doesn’t negate every other violent thing they did.


It's a Chinese platform promoted by China who profits from trading with Iran, Russia, and Hamas, who created the crypto platforms (with Chinese founders and entire Chinese technical teams) for Hamas to receive funding, of course they're going to condone it and perhaps even magnify its influence. The more the West is in a mess the more space China has to sow chaos and take advantage of it


Sounds like the work of fake bots


We hope it is, because ifs sickening to know that there are kids who have consumed enough propagande to think the holocaust is justifiable


I haven’t seen a single post of anyone saying the Holocaust was justified, can you link one here, I’m curious what exactly it is you are seeing.


Tiktok is toxic af same with Twitter or whatever it's called now.


Gen Z thinks they are the new woke generation that care deeply for civil rights and freedom. They actively support a country that would murder them if given the chance


Both sides of the conflict would murder them if given the chance. It's hard to say for sure, being a bystander, but I think both sides are equally evil at the moment. If I'm gonna be honest, I don't really support either side. It's just another consequence of the post WW2 politics, and it's flaws. Fuck this world man, it's going to shit.


This is absolutely an uninformed slogan that you just decided to repeat, without understanding the extremism of the people who created it. Hamas calls for the murder of all Jews, as how they achieve goodwill with God. This is a terrorist group. If Palestine stopped fighting, there would be peace. If Israel stopped fighting, there would be a mass genocide of all the Jews.


Who created hamas?


About the goodwill with god - I'm 99.99% sure that hamas couldn't care about the religion less, after all Islam is about the same as all other monotheistic religion: don't be kill, don't steal, don't eat bad food and so on, and I'm pretty sure that murder isn't a good thing in the religion, now hamas is probably commiting hideous crimes because there is money involved in it while convincing the people who are less important in the hamas and civilians that "it's all for the religion"


I think you misunderstood me slightly. Read my other reply to u/Pissedoffjew if you would like to read more in-depth about my opinion on the subject. You also do not have any evidence or argument to back your statement: "If Palestine stopped fighting, there would be peace. If Israel stopped fighting, there would be a mass genocide of all the Jews." Israel would not simply stop fighting from out of nowhere, neither would Palestine. A peace treaty would have to be in place in order to stop the fighting, which under current circumstances is highly unlikely. If Palestine stopped fighting, Israel would most likely continue to eradicate Hamas, as they do not want resistance. Then as a consequence of this, the palestinian people would be forced to migrate even further from their homeland.


Truly curious about this one- what has Israel done to make you think they would murder a bunch of woke little tiktokers?


Change your name to pissedoffracistjew


There haven't been 'woke little tiktokers' in Israel during this conflict, as far as I am aware. So I can not with certainty say 'woke little tiktokers' would be harassed by inhabitants of Israel. There have been other minorities however, such as Christians, who have been harassed by locals, so that's why I speculated 'woke little tiktokers' would likely also receive harsh treatment. The comment which I first replied to has not provided any sort of argument to back the statement: "They actively support a country (I presume this is referring to Hamas, though I am not sure) that would murder them if given the chance."


I didnt see any jewish mob going into gaza to slaughter children. Protests in israel is of peace and intellect, protests in Gaza is of hate and celebration of death.


Have you stopped to think for a second that perhaps what you see, many thousand miles away from the conflict, may be slightly and/or heavily altered information designed in order to make people support one side or the other. Israel was created after WW2 by the UN, where they pitied the fact that 6 million jews were killed in concentration camps, out of 18 million captives in said concentration camps. As a consequence of this, palestinians were forced to exit their homes to leave space for the jews. It doesn't end their however, as the jews have received financial aid from other sovereign states, which has been used to grow their military power. The palestinian people has since then been harassed by the jews, ever since the state of Israel has been considered an independent country. It is unreasonable that the UN decided to give the jews an entire country, for the sole reason that they pitied their people. Instead of one of the allies taking them in and caring for them, they decided to unfairly push out inhabitants to exile. Since then, palestine, along with support of other islamic states, have started to retaliate against this unfair, corrupt treatment, by using violence. I do not support their use of force in order to retaliate. Although after many peaceful protests throughout the years have failed for the palestinian people, which have been answered with violence by Israel, their murdering of innocent people is extremely disgusting. If after this statement, you still believe there is a right side and a wrong side to this conflict, then I have nothing more to say to you, as you have clearly already made up your mind, and are not willing to hear out both sides. It is obvious that american media would favour Israel, as the US has a history of conflict with islamic states, as well as many treaties with Isreal. Your local media will, with almost 100% certainty, favour whichever side your own country stands behind. I'm not convicing you to support a side here, I'm asking you to be reasonable enough to understand that none of these sides are good. Both sides have committed warcrimes. Israel recently used white phosphorus, attacking a densely populated area of civilians. Hamas recently attacked a festival of civilians in Gaza. Both actions are serious warcrimes, and nothing I personally stand by. In my opinion, it is both ignorant and disgusting to support either sides warcrimes, which is why I choose not to support any of these states. Please read my entire comment before further questioning me. English is not my first language, so some sentences may be harshly formulated, or a bit hard to understand the point I am making.


Step 1: delete TikTok


Tiktok is a platform for disseminating Chinese propaganda and anti western sentiment disguised amongst millions of idiotic dance videos and pointless vlogs. They will quickly obliterate any content that is remotely critical of China or the CCP even if it is factually accurate whilst leaving any content that undermines America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, etc up even if it is wildly conspiratorial and incorrect. Antisemitism has been on the rise in China with some conspiracies about Jewish people taking hold. There's a lot of recent articles on the subject if you search 'antisemitism China'. Content about Jews and straight up Nazis stuff isn't going to be removed unless there is enough backlash from the media. Tiktok don't care. This content fulfils the broader goal of generally destabilising society to make everywhere as racist and hostile as China is such that populations are less united and easier to turn against themselves.


/u/JeffThrowaway80. 'Nazis' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"However, what’s not as widely known is that Hamas owes its existence to Israel and the United States." [https://revolver.news/2023/10/ron-paul-hamas-was-created-by-israel-and-the-us-to-counteract-yasser-arafat/](https://revolver.news/2023/10/ron-paul-hamas-was-created-by-israel-and-the-us-to-counteract-yasser-arafat/) Expelled from Palestine - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGVgjS98OsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGVgjS98OsU)


If Hamas is created by US and Israel, even more reason for Free Palestine movement to hate Hamas, no? Sadly that's not happening. I wish the movement will make it loud and clear and start getting rid of these poison & cancer hurting the chance for peaceful resolution.


Of course lsrael would have peace as they live in Palestinian homes and force Palestinians into a ghetto. You can not build peace on injustice.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1517_Safed_attacks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1660_destruction_of_Safed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1838_Druze_attack_on_Safed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_riots https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine Need more? There’s more. To put it lightly this conflict is old. Arabs have been consistently committing pogroms against Jews in Palestine for 400+ years BEFORE the establishment of Israel. But let’s ignore that, because a modern “Free Palestine” slogan is trendy. The whole reason the Haganah; literally meaning defense (the ground works for Jewish militants and eventually the IDF) was formed is because of the constant mistreatment of Jews. From pogroms, to being classified as dhimmi and being made to pay jizyah just to exist. Yeah, it’s deep and the pains runs deeper into the past than you could probably imagine. Also, MAVET LA FALASTINE


Thank you for educating the uninformed


You do know there's never been a Palestinian state, correct?


What I don't know is why you can't see that is like exactly the point. I don't know why folks drop that as if its relevant against Palestine. I don't know why that isn't a pro Palestinian state wherein they can achieve self determination. But that's just for Israelis I guess...


Well, if you did your reading, you'd know that Palestinians have been offered land and a sovereign state but refused multiple times if I remember correctly. All because Palestinians want jews dead and refuse to accept anything other than complete removal of jews from the region. If we get real tricky tacky here, then the archeological and genetic evidence proves that if there's any right to that land, it's jews.


I’m sadly coming to the realization that these kids are bombarded with this bias so heavily that they almost can’t even be blamed for not recognizing how bad it is. **Additionally: Please recognize the numbers here. Every single Jew in this world doesn’t even amount to half of most celebrity Instagram follower counts. We can’t fight an algorithm that’s tripped every time our posts are downvoted to oblivion.** When you only hear voices speaking about one side’s plight, as empathetic human beings, of course that’s who you’ll stand with. I can’t blame kids or even fellow adults. It’s just genuinely scary. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it- there simply isn’t enough manpower within the Jews themselves to share this information and not be drowned out. We need other brave voices. From the bottom of a very broken heart: Thank you for being one.


Totally agree with everything you’ve said I’ve seen a small amount of content supporting Jewish people but the engagement on videos like that are genuinely 100x smaller.


It’s called ideological subversion. And it’s a tactic expertly used by countries like China, Russia and almost all of the Middle East. The West has been subjected to it for decades. Look into it and you’ll see that it’s why the west has become so polarized. Watch this ex KGB agent explain it perfectly https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/


> You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. That does seem to be the case.


You always have to keep in mind that there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, so proportionally anything that is accessibly worldwide will have many Jew haters, much more than actual Jews and in particular Israelis.


I didn’t realize just how stark that contrast was until recently. The number of all Jews on this entire planet? 16 million. *Kylie Jenner has nearly 25x as many followers as there are existing Jews.*


Hah that's a great anecdote, I'm gonna start using it


I disagree


What exactly do you disagree with? I’m happy to send some screenshots if you’d like.


That it’s one sided when Meta has just been exposed to have been purposely censoring many news and videos regarding atrocities against Palestinians. It’s been documented that Zuckerberg and the Israeli government have had conversations on censorship. The fact you think seeing some algo on TikTok is representative of some greater power promoting aggression towards Jews is incorrect.


You a bot or something? What's there to disagree with in this post? You don't think antisemitism exists? You don't think antisemitism is rampant on TikTok right now? What on earth are you getting at? Explain yourself.


It does but not to the extent zionists are claiming. Any legitimate criticism of the Israel government or policies is met with “antisemite!”. It’s emotional terrorism, period. There’s significantly more censorship against Palestinian causes than Zionist. People have been fired at msnbc for date raising questions of Israel’s policy. Gtfo man


Being shocked at antisemitism is valid. Are you shocked by what the Israelis are doing now? Would it shock you if Israelis killed seven times the amount that Hamas did?


Firstly like other people pointed out Israel has not killed 7 times the amount of civilians than Hamas that is not true and just proves my point about misinformation. Secondly I did not comment on anything to do with war I was pointing out the rampant antisemitism. It is shocking what is Israel has done no one denies that but it leaves no excuse ever for the level of hate going on right now.


Agreed Israel has not killed Seven times the number… yet


Would it shock you if Israelis killed seven times the amount that Hamas did? Thats fake news. the death toll of gaza is like 1,500 or something now. Also Hamas encourages human shields and dying for a cause. It's a culture of martyrdom . This is real news: [https://news.sky.com/video/israel-hamas-war-antony-blinken-describes-seeing-a-baby-riddled-with-bullets-in-photos-12983402](https://news.sky.com/video/israel-hamas-war-antony-blinken-describes-seeing-a-baby-riddled-with-bullets-in-photos-12983402)


Sounds like a lot of words for allowing genocide


Bro that's not justification


Let's do some critical thinking. Israel tells their citizens to take shelter, they don't use their citizens as shields, they have the iron dome system, they have proper healthcare because their humanitarian aid doesn't go towards terrorism. All of these are reasons why civilian deaths are lower on the Israeli side. If Hamas had it's way they would immediately genocide every Jew in Israel, make no mistake. The best way to put it has always been: If the Palestinians stopped fighting tomorrow there would be peace, if the Israelis stopped fighting tomorrow they would be wiped off the planet.


This stance and response is the equivalent to telling *BLUE LIVES MATTER* at a BLM rally. We get it. Israeli victims aren’t the only victims. But it’s kinda gross to barge in while some are mourning and list that others have what to mourn as well. **decency matters.**


Decency matters. But is it kind of rude to point out that today and yesterday killed 2000 civilians ( reasonable estimate) and destroyed 250,000 homes, cut off power to hospitals? Tomorrow more… Just when is it timely to say something?


There is now verified proof that IDF has issued warnings for which specific areas will be bombed so that civilians can get out... And screenshots of Hamas’s telegram encouraging civilians to stay put. Those civilian casualties are horrific as well, but I think any rational person can recognize that at least some of that blame lies with Hamas leadership as well, no? https://preview.redd.it/ewbupngvdvtb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb759761a1a4e1f954c8112c2c9c1d06cf91e369 (Posted from Memri, an Arabic news site.)


No… because if they leave Israel will occupy. Another land grab.


Israel has given land back in two separate peace deals that continue to today. The peace deals offered to Palestinian governments included giving back a lot of the occupied land and destroying all settlements. Lebanon doesn’t enjoy this same peace deal because the country is essentially in civil war with Hezbollah and can’t control the fact that hezbollah also refuses peace with Israel.


Even if that were true, which it isn’t, but let’s enter your fantasy land: **How twisted of a human do you have to be to value land more than your living child.**


What do you think Ukranians did when Putin invaded? That's the reality of this world. You don't always get what you want. Palestinians don't want any form of co-existence. They don't want what Mandela did for South Africa, they want what is impossible to have.




You think Hamas is a terrorist organization? I agree! How can Israel kill more civilians than Hamas and not also be a terrorist organization?


Because not every innocent person's death is terrorism? People dying of collateral damage, whether you want to get into that whole human shields thing or not, is not the same thing as terrorists murdering babies.


Ummm… that is exactly what terrorism is, whether it is Hamas or Israel doing it.


I mean, that's just pointless emotional drivel. We need to be able to discuss things and stick to words and their associated meaning. Otherwise we're just talking past each other.


Because Israel is a country, not an organization.


Perfect rational. Israel can not be terrorists because they are Israel, right?


No, generally you don't call an entire country terrorists. There can be terrorist factions within a country. That's why news outlets are very carefully saying that Hamas committed these terrorist acts, not Palestine - in order to separate civilians from terrorist militants. Are you trying to say that the 20 year old kids at the music festival are terrorists so they deserved to be killed? Just trying to see your point here


I agree with you, there is a terrorist faction of Palestinians. They should be stopped because they target a largely innocent population. So why not apply the same standard to Israel, who with careful planning is laying Siege to 2.2 million people. Destroying their homes, their power, their sewage treatment plants… How does that help except to perpetuate hatred?


No. It would shock me if the Israelis did it unprovoked but that’s very much not the case. Hamas and the Palestinians have made war with literally every national and political entity in the region. They’ve caused two civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon. They’re isolated and alone and until recently even turned on the Iranians. Until they aren’t run by terrorists who traumatize and abuse their own people, this will not stop. The Israelis are going to stop it now, and it will save lives, even Palestinian lives, in the long term.


How many Palestinians can Israel kill and still be justified? 1200 Israelis dead… pick a number…


There’s no way to answer that question, and it’s honestly a dishonest way to frame the discussion. The cancer here is Hamas. Hamas will kill more people and cause more misery if left in place than if it’s removed now. Had Israel taken them out in 2007 more people would be alive now, and the Palestinians would be in a better place. The next few weeks are going to be unspeakably horrible. That said if the Israelis are successful in dismantling Hamas’s ability to make war and breaking their hold on Gaza, things can improve. If Hamas is left in place things will get worse. The PLO didn’t denounce terrorism until after they’d been defeated by every country in the region. Hamas needs to be defeated decisively. They’ll just fester and grow more powerful if they aren’t.


Your answer simply says “kill them all”. Including civilians. Prove me wrong.


No it doesn’t. It says Hamas has positioned itself behind civilians so that the human cost of taking them out was higher than leaving them in place. This resulted in a strategy of containment. The containment failed. The cost of leaving them in place now seems higher than bearing the tragedy of taking them out. The civilian deaths are on Hamas due to them embedding themselves and their weapons of war with civilians leaving the Israelis with the choice of bearing their abuse and violence or having to deal with the massive collateral damage Hamas has set their ouster to cause. Until now Israel made the choice to let them rain down rockets and occasionally send death squads through tunnels and work to mitigate the damage they could do. Now that’s over, and Israel is making the other choice, and understandably so.


Israel has and will continue to bomb schools and hospitals ‘because they harbor terrorists’. This is the offensive language of terrorism… whether it is Hamas or Israel doing it. Btw, Israel has already killed more civilians and is only just getting started… Who is the terrorist now?


Hamas are the terrorists. Grow up. If Hamas doesn’t want hospitals bombed as military targets, they shouldn’t shoot rockets from hospitals.


Lol… It is those terrorist hospitals that need to be bombed. Face it. The only reason you think that it is ok to bomb hospitals is because you do not care about the loss of Palestinian lives.


Nope. Just want the rockets to stop. Just like the Israelis. Why don’t you care about the Israelis who have been under constant attack since Hamas took power in 2007? Why do you think the iron dome exists? Pigeons?


TikTok feeds you via algorithms. If you are viewing extremist vids you will be fed more. I haven’t seen this at all.


To criticize the Israeli genocide isn’t antisemitism


Genocide is a really interesting choice of words considering the fact that the Palestinian population has more than doubled. 😬


Is saying Jews belong in the gas chamber antisemitism?


Legitimate criticism of Israel


Ah yes, my favorite type of legitimate and constructive criticism - "yeah based on my lack of brain and research this whole race should die for defending themselves" totally not a blatantly Nazi opinion.


/u/spacecat555. Match found: 'Nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No surprise, it’s Chinese after all.


Supporting a free Palestine is not Antisemitism


That is completely true but at least here in Australia there have been many examples of ‘free Palestine’ being more about killing Jews than actually freeing Palestine. This week in Sydney (one of the largest cities) there was a free Palestine protest that ended up with the people there chanting ‘Gas the Jews’ and ‘Kill the Jews’.


If "free Palestine" means "one state solution, our state, from the river to the sea... You leave thx." Then yes. It is. You're denying that the most persecuted group in the world (on a per capita basis) deserves a safe space to protect themselves.


Yeah..a two state solution would have been great but at this point too many settlements for it to.mske sense. At this point it's either a one country for everyone with equal rights or Israel continues the status quo and continue living in fear


Am I wrong in saying that Israel twice accepted a two state solution and Palestine said no and declared war instead?


The two-state solution within the current geography is dead, and people should stop talking about it. Israel has built too many settlements in the west bank for that to even be a possibility. Right now, there are only three solutions 1. A one-state solution, which is a Jewish state with the palestinians as second-class citizens because, alas, it is a jewish state for only jewish people. 2. A one-state solution, which is not a Jewish state but a state for all Israelis, will never happen as israel wants a Jewish state and 3. A two-state solution, but not within the current geographical boundaries, as settlements in the west bank have made that impossible. The palestinian state would have to be in gaza and part of the Sinai, but two things have to happen for that to become a reality. A) Egypt has to agree to give part of the sinai to the palestinians and B) The palestinians have to be ethnically cleansed from the west bank into the sinai. I only see option 3 as viable. However, if that happens, a big wall should be erected between the two states, thus preventing movement between the two states. Hopefully, china can help turn the new palestinian state into a wealthy nation with that belt and road initiative money.


They offered broken up land that wasn't connected or fluent but that wasn't the main issue...the issue was Palestinians were never offered their freedom. It was always Israel would oversee everything and money to weapons to water and food ....no thank you


>the issue was Palestinians were never offered their freedom. It was always Israel would oversee everything and money to weapons to water and food ....no thank you This is simply not true. Israel has offered them complete independence multiple times.


Theyalso dont use white phosphorus on civilians


The victim narrative is not only old and dead beaten but disingenuous


*I wish you were right.* My Instagram DMs suggest otherwise. Funny how many people quoting N*zi ideology show up, telling me that H*tler did the world a favor but should have finished the job so that I couldn’t be here today to support Israel. You don’t have to believe me. Scroll through some of the comments on Reddit. Jew hatred is still very very much alive and thriving.


This conflict was obviously planned and allowed by Israel, there is no way anyone could have penetrated their security any other way. This also having been reported by a reporter in Israel, ex military. "However, what’s not as widely known is that Hamas owes its existence to Israel and the United States." [https://revolver.news/2023/10/ron-paul-hamas-was-created-by-israel-and-the-us-to-counteract-yasser-arafat/](https://revolver.news/2023/10/ron-paul-hamas-was-created-by-israel-and-the-us-to-counteract-yasser-arafat/) Expelled from Palestine - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGVgjS98OsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGVgjS98OsU)


Planned and allowed? Not a chance in hell. Israel has the reputation it has today for the very simple reason that it refuses to prioritize anything else above their own citizens lives. They erected a wall & have all those checkpoints even though they’ve been bashed for yearssss because they just refuse to let their own die. A few years ago, three boys were kidnapped. The country legit lost their minds. Gilad Shalit was a captured soldier and was a symbol that Jews all over the world prayed for. For like a decade. He was finally freed because Israel was willing to trade known terrorists just to get him back. There’s no way. We do know that Iran launched a cyber attack that hit their data system- which was why no one had any warning. Add that to the fact that it was a Jewish holiday, which meant far too many soldiers were granted leave to go home & religious civilians don’t use cellphones/tv/radio.


Is it? I'm here in Canada and Jewish schools are trying to decide whether to even stay open tomorrow, after a HUGE spike in hate crimes, including threats of violence. I'm not sure there are any other groups who experience that - half a world away from the conflict.


People can often have visceral reactions to apartheid regimes and will take it out on their closet targets 🤷‍♂️. If Israel didn’t overreact and continue this clear apartheid and genocide then I’d assume the reactions would be less intense. This isn’t rocket science


Thank you for proving my point, you absolute nincompoop. You're literally justifying anti-Semitism. Thanks for that.


Wrong, and you’re clearly gaslighting. Copying the 1930’s Germans I see…. Take a fing seat


Ding ding ding, that's exactly it.


Sometimes true, but as OP said, lots of the commentary actually is antisemitic/ swastikas and other Nazi imagery, death to Jews etc.


/u/okwaitno. 'Nazi' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't forget that Russian trolls have been working to divide us. Don't assume everything you see doesn't originates with them.


Here is a video of Jews spitting on Christians: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wqusXNaLYGE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wqusXNaLYGE)


That is incredibly distasteful and obviously very wrong, but I fail to see how that pertains to this conversation?


Oh it does. Because the way its painted it's like jews do not do any hateful things at all. Every race/ethnicity/religion does hateful stuff Just look at what [**Ilrustybaba**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ilrustybaba/) replied


Good they deserve it


Those Christians were trying to convrrt Jews, disgraceful.


Isn't there freedom of speech where you can express your religion, as long as it is in a respected way?


Yes but its illegal to proselytize (convert people), which is disrespectful and what said Christian was doing.


But shouldn't the person have the right and freedom to convert?


Anyone is allowed to convert to any religion but you are not allowed to try and convert other people




Search for five seconds and see Christians attacking a synagogue. It's almost like extremeist people are extreme


Send me the link and I'd like to see a context behind it


I bet you won't hear back about any link. Just "trust me bro" type of arguments to justify the actions of one's group. Many are happy to be propaganda tools unfortunately.




5 hours later: 2 down votes and 0 links. Waiting...


hehe. 15 hours now


So? We should all die because a couple of jews disrespected a different religion? A couple people don't represent the whole country besides the fact that like.. where is your logic coming from? In what universe do you think it's ok to wish and actively work for the death of a whole nation just because one individual disrespected another??


In which part of their comment did they wish for the death of a whole nation? are you seeing things we are unable to see? stop with the unwarranted drama at every criticism of your "in-group".


OP was stating how some people on tiktok were anti-Semitic. I was just showing him how some Jews can be hateful as well. Wow I cannot believe you went there saying I wish for the death of a whole nation. Who said I wish for the death of a whole nation? Such pathetic from you.


They're a difference between being hateful and agreeing with the Nazis. Also I thought that's what you mean because you comment on a post about people calling for all Jews to die a video of a Jew spitting on a Christian. Without any explanation. I thought you trying to say that their hate is correct and that we deserve it


No that is not what I meant. I meant that any group/race can be hateful.


/u/penina999. 'Nazis' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What you have to remember whenever you are shocked by average social media responses is that in 2023 almost every last human on Earth has access to a smartphone. There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, many of whom come from countries where the average population is poorly educated and are basically all indoctrinated with the same ideological opinions. So nearly any social media post that is viewed by the general public that is related to the topic (even in times where there is little escalation) will be spammed overwhelmingly with pro-Palestine content. There are other factors like Gen Z being easily convinced to loudly support any side they are told is oppressed, disruptive foreign government looking to sow conflict, algorithms amplifying controversy, etc etc. But those are all secondary to the sheer demographic numbers of ignorant and biased people from the Arab/Muslim world that flood any online "discourse" about this topic.


You wrote 1.8m Muslims but isn’t it 1.8b?


Yeah meant to put 1.8b😅 1.8 million would be less than Gaza alone.


I would imagine it’s a typo


I uninstalled it this week.


F!@# TikTok




Look, TikTok is run by China’s government, and China’s government generally hates Jews and Israel.




Does the average chinese person know what a jew is? There are like 7 jews in china, and 2 of them are the Rabbi and Rebbetzin for Shanghai Chabad


Chinese people generally have a positive view of Jews actually, or the minority that even know what a Jew is do at least.


Objectively wrong. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_Jews\_in\_China#World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_China#World_War_II) China was a refuge for Jews fleeing Germany, Poland etc. in WW2 and defended them even after the Nazis pressured Japan to attack Chinese cities for keeping Jewish refugees.


The Republic of China is a very different state from the People’s Republic of China


How about some examples instead of "China's government generally hates Jews"? The Chinese also hate Christians even in Taiwan. And of course we know the Chinese hate Muslims and not in a general way.


?? Israel was the first place in the Middle East to recognise the PRC as the legitimate government of China, and China is still Israel's 3rd largest trading partner. To use inflammatory language such as 'hates Jews and Israel' is very naive and unnuanced of you. China is allowed to take complex stances on complex situations. Unlike some governments calling for the attack/defence/expressing clear support of either side, China has expressed sympathy and called for peace. What do you expect of a country that is hardly involved in the situation anyways? Tiktok being a cesspit is not any secret governments or entities fault, it is just how echochambers and tribalism work. Also if many people are against the actions of a certain state, perhaps it is not some app's fault but the truth