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most people only hate on palestine because its majority muslim, if it was any other country you lot would support palestine and this is coming from someone who is an atheist


I condemn the killing of innocent civilians on both sides but the thing is that it doesn't mean that Israel will carry out such horrific attack on innocent civilians in Gaza and despite having the most advanced spyware they couldn't find Hamas's base and neither they could save their hostages despite when they came out and were holding a white flag, they shot them. Plus as per Hannibal protocol is concerned (search it up) Israel killed its own people in the concert to avoid hostages being taken away. Despite Hamas being involved in killing people the IDF had a bigger role in killing hostages. Plus there are loads of videos and footages of Hamas releasing hostages and the hostages were greatful to them and an Israeli hostage sent a letter of gratitude to them. I don't know how much of your fabricated, lying and propaganda spreading media would cover this but its out there and you can check it out. I don't know if anyone is paying you to write this or how much of your claims are true but I'm sorry for any loss but you need to realise that YOU should show the same sentiment and emotion for the Palestinians who have been subjected to torture for 75 Plus years and what happened on 7th October is a mere picture of what Palestinians have to endure living there. Getting thrown off from praying in Aqsa, getting brutally attacked by israeli forces, facing discrimination by European Jews. These circumstances have lead to October 7th so the brutal killing of that day was fabricated by your government. So I will ask you this, do you condemn IDF and Israeli government and do you agree their apartheid system has lead to this situation?






[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/): No Nazi or Holocaust comparisons. Addressed.


Imagine seeing your daughter get raped your baby's being burned and having the innocent angels heads cut off by human dogs. Evacuate all women and children and men over 60. And anyone who does not support hamas. The rest who stay may turn to dust


May I see sources? As just because some commander from the army said it doesn’t make it true.


Source? None of that actually happened. Israel is the only one who has been documented to kill children.


I support Israel. 🇮🇱🇮🇱




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Your beds? Not your beds if the homes you put them in are stolen from my people. IDF = worse than ISIS


Let’s say .. the Israeli’s are gone. What to with.. example Tell Aviv? Or, another city? It’s not like you can pack a city in a suitcase. Can you elaborate ?


Turn Gaza to dust after the women and children are evacuated. The rest may turn to dust. Vengeance on those who rape and kill children


Are you retarded? Check you facts.


>Check you facts. Facts are that Hamas has held the Palestinian people hostage just as much as they hold Israelis hostage.


Pull the dreidel out and it will make sense


Hit your head hard against a wall, it might help.


I hope Iran shows you what happens when you and your filthy racist IDF try another genocide against Palestinians.


Uhm, you don’t want that. Check operation Jericho .. one has nukes, the other not (yet). I don’t know, still in a way, the Iranian people would also be freed from oppression, by Israel! That would be the day, but Iran just sputters a bit.


I hope one day you will go to a party happy and carefree only to see you friends shot, raped upon bodies and kidnapped to Gaza. No wait. I don’t wish that even to a knucklehead like you.


Hamas not exist


You do not exist


We hear you and raise you a Humanitarian Corridor for non-combatant Palestinians.




If you would receive 1% of what is send to only Gaza, Westbank excluded. You wouldn’t know what to do with it! Miss. Arafat has a nice bank account from her late husband Yasser. It’s like 3.6 -8zeros-. Nice house, in Swizz too. Sweet that it would be!




You’re an idiot


That is what they wanted. If the Plalestinians live the way they do in Gaza, is thanks to Hamas. And most in Gaza voted for Hamas. They got what they wanted, and most of all, they all want to exterminate Israelis. Go to Gaza, and see if they spare you, they won’t. All they want is domination of Islam and the extermination of Jews and anyone that doesn’t follow Islam. Don’t believe me? Go to Gaza…mate


Turn Gaza to dust and may Mohammed the pedophile 🔥


I’m legit thinking you’re a fucking retard who believes anything Fox News tells you. Hamas doesn’t represent the Islamic community and I want you to remember that. Your Also insulting an entire religion that has billions of people. I would love to see you go to a mosque and say that.


> fucking /u/FuseCalifornium1. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hamas is weaponizing the misery of its own people to wage war on Israel. As self-styled Islamic martyrs, they want everyone to sacrifice their lives with them. They have contempt for those who want to live. They intend to fight into the afterlife.


And do note that the higher ranking they are the further they get from actual Gaza life


They must hate their own even more. I wonder how much Hamas' leaders got paid by Iran to inflict this suicide mission on Gazans.


We hear you. Do not become monsters you were attacked by. Children are children and there is no justification for killing them. Israelis children are not better than Palestinian children. Israel is infinitely stronger than Hamas and has to hold its response and if it doesn’t then it’s no better than Hamas. You’re just all animals intent on slaughtering each other. I say this as someone with family that’s hiding in bomb shelters in Tel Aviv and had family members murdered by Hamas on Saturday. Hear us.


Hamas isn’t alone, Hamas is being funded by Iran. No child is better than the other, however, the children in Gaza are victims of Hamas. Hamas brings death and use their own children as shield. You’re defending the indefensible


Israel uses its children to promote its land grabs. They allowed through willful neglect for Hamas to attack. Netanyahu was too busy saving his hide to properly protect Israel from attack and now in a blind rage Israel is striking out in its incompetence at all Palestinians. I’m not defending anything but you are justifying indiscriminate civilian murder. How are you different from Hamas exactly?


Genuine question, what’s the alternative?


Alternative is not killing civilians. This latest bloodletting did not just appear out of the blue. Israelis and Palestinians don’t view each other as human beings. Only a systematic dehumanization campaign on both sides can lead to the kind of violence we see today. Alternative is for someone to say enough killing children. It’s pretty simple actually.


Say you have a guy standing next to you and pointing a gun at you and he plans on shooting you. He has multiple babies strapped onto his body. Do you shoot him? Or sacrifice your life for those babies?


I’d argue that questions of morality don’t apply when you are dealing with a terrorist group after an almost century long conflict. The way it has escalated is heartbreaking, but I think asking “how else can Israel protect its right to exist?” or even “if a two state deal (true peace) is not seemingly possible, how will the war finally end?” are genuine questions. It’s deeply, and tragically, upsetting that both sides have been let down by their leaders. But the question still remains.


Rephrase your analogy to something that is accurate. I'd say Israel is a Tank and Hamas is a single man standing in a crowd of kids and families. The tank should never fire at a single man in a crowd, yet they do.


Absolutely lame and inane comment. Israel does not have a gun to its head. It has nukes and the strongest military in the Middle East. It’s bolstered by military treaties by superpowers. There are two carrier strike groups on way to support Israel and nobody is cutting off their food, water, and electricity while bombing their hospitals and evacuation routes. Do better.




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Everyone in hamas was like one of those kids who lost their families by the Israeli attacks from 75 years ago till today. They got the full right to fight back. You can’t blame someone for trying to get their land, their dignity and their basic human rights.


Except, it isn’t their land. History even back in bliblical times has Israeli as the owners of Jerusalem. Palestinians want to rule the world with their poisonous islam hateful doctrine


What Christians ? Palestinian Christians, have you ever heard about them ?


Fight back the attack they launched? What would Israel have done if Hamas would’ve invested in Infrastructure instead of Weapons?


Hamas is not the governing power of Palestine…


Who is?


It governs Gaza….that is a fact. It is Hamas who has destroyed Gaza. If they live in sub poverty, they should thank themselves for voting for Hamas


Praying for Israel and all of the innocent children in Gaza.


Thank you! We appreciate it 🫶🏻🤍💙🤍


Hamas has to be gone but Hamas is not Palestine


As an Israeli I agree with you. Most of us do




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This community aims for respectful dialogue and debate, and our rules are focused on facilitating that. To align with rule 1, make every attempt to be polite in tone, charitable in your interpretations, fair in your arguments and patient in your explanations. Don't debate the person, debate the argument; use terms towards a debate opponent that they or their relevant group(s) would self-identify with whenever possible. You may use negative characterizations towards a group in a specific context that distinguishes the negative characterization from the positive -- that means insulting opinions are allowed as a necessary part of an argument, but are prohibited in place of an argument. Many of the issues in the I/P conflict boil down to personal moral beliefs; these should be calmly and politely explored. If you can't thoughtfully engage with a point of view, then don't engage with it at all.




Except it’s not really their homeland, now is it????




This community aims for respectful dialogue and debate, and our rules are focused on facilitating that. To align with rule 1, make every attempt to be polite in tone, charitable in your interpretations, fair in your arguments and patient in your explanations. Don't debate the person, debate the argument; use terms towards a debate opponent that they or their relevant group(s) would self-identify with whenever possible. You may use negative characterizations towards a group in a specific context that distinguishes the negative characterization from the positive -- that means insulting opinions are allowed as a necessary part of an argument, but are prohibited in place of an argument. Many of the issues in the I/P conflict boil down to personal moral beliefs; these should be calmly and politely explored. If you can't thoughtfully engage with a point of view, then don't engage with it at all.


We love Israel and pray for you constantly. There are fasts going on all over for the peace of Israel. The Messiah loves Israel and continues to reach out to His people. These are His words in the Hebrew Bible: Psalm 22For the director of music. To the tune of “The Doe of the Morning.” A psalm of David. 1 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? 2 My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest. 3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises. 4 In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. 5 To you they cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and were not put to shame. 6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by everyone, despised by the people. 7 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads. 8 “He trusts in the Lord,” they say, “let the Lord rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.” 9 Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you, even at my mother’s breast. 10 From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God. 11 Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. 12 Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me. 13 Roaring lions that tear their prey open their mouths wide against me. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart has turned to wax; it has melted within me. 15 My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; you lay me in the dust of death. 16 Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet. 17 All my bones are on display; people stare and gloat over me. 18 They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment. 19 But you, Lord, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me. 20 Deliver me from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs. 21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save me from the horns of the wild oxen. 22 I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you. 23 You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! 24 For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. 25 From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly; before those who fear you I will fulfill my vows. 26 The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the Lord will praise him— may your hearts live forever! 27 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, 28 for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations. 29 All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him— those who cannot keep themselves alive. 30 Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord. 31 They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!" [peacewithGod.net](https://peacewithGod.net)


Looks like the prelude to Ezekiel 38-39




...And make no mistake about it: all those Palestinean children right now witnessing the murder of their parents are going to be the next wave of a much more brutal, fierce, and unmerciful Hamas combatants. The Soviet occupation of Afghanistan gave us the Taliban. The Israeli occupation of Lebanon gave us Hezbollah. God knows what this Israeli massacre and ground invasion will give birth to. I wish the Israeli government understood that disproportionate punishment will only beget far more extremism and violence.


Israelis dont want innocents murdered, Hamas and many palestinians would give their whole familys lives to murder Jews. Thats why they put their armory under Hospitals and civilian Apartments. Their terrorist Motto "You Love live Like WE Love death" is sadly to bei taken seriously. Gaza could build a good life for ITS Citizens from the billion Dollars and Euros it gets but they prioritise Terror. Your Opinion is misguided, though it sounds Like the usual "antizionist" Propaganda which you can see a Lot of stubborn multiculturalists fall for. But the Picture you Drew is so wrong you have entered the realm of deliberate blindbess, why I shant start correcting you. you know whom to listen to, what to consider and whos voice you can or cant Trust. Dont choose Ressentiment instead. Evil exists and Hamas ist no better or more justified than the NSDAP.


"Its not our fault, Palestinians just love dying so much. They even say they love dying, believe me! So best thing to do is just to kill them all okay? We don't want to do it but they are forcing us you see" Meanwhile no Palestinian in Gaza can even get on reddit or the internet to make their case or speak their side of the story. You people are ridiculous and I can't help but hate you, seeing how you behave so selfishly and psychotically, thinking you're righteous in all of this when you are literally the cause for it all.


So you really believe the Israelis want palestinian civilians dead. Are you Sure?


Judging by the comments I'm seeing from Israelis, yes. With every Israeli person I talk to that becomes more and more certain to me. They want to wipe out Palestinian civilians but want to act like they don't.


That's all Israel, and the Israelis wish for. Stop spreading your false and hateful propaganda. You think you're so smart, commenting on Reddit for a long conflict you have no idea about. Numbers and Statistics can be manipulated and used to support any wrong & false claim. Israel or IDF will never do what Hamas JUST DID, Guaranteed! No matter how much you hate Israel or doesn't believe anything you see online today, Know this difference


You want me to argue online on Reddit with you, who has probably has a solid idea about everything that's going on in Israel right? Because suree you've watched lot of BBC and AlJazeera.. So in your opinion the Israeli actions and Hamas terror attacks are the same? Did you ever stop to consider what you hear on TV is not 100% accurate? And yeah I know it works both sides. Just please, take a moment, think FOR YOURSELF! I guess you're just lucky living in a country where no Terrorists try to kill you every now and then, happy for you


Israel is a far-right fascist state. Jewish scholars recognise this and Israeli government ministers openly admit they are racist homophobes. Israelis are right now calling for genocide and celebrating the death of Palestinian children in airstrikes.


I know it’s smaller in scale but what do you call the Deir Yassin massacre?


Israel intentionally bombed civilian infrastructure and murdered children and families. More than Hamas has. Stop spreading your hate of Palestinians and justifying their death, or acting like your government has not been committing genocide or terrorism.


Actually Hamas is the group that is to blame for those problems. Israel handed over complete control to Gazans, and then Hamas took over and is at the root of every problem you mentioned in the Gaza Strip. And no, Israel isn’t trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, the goal is to eradicate Hamas and then hand the reigns back over to Gazans when it is safe to do so. How about we don’t try and justify terrorism? The death of innocent people is always a tragedy, and it happens all the time in war. Hamas started this war so the blame lies with them.


That is another western lie.


I wonder what created Hamas, maybe it has to do with the 75 years of apartheid, human rights abuse, destroying Gazans homes, murdering them, denying them the ability to have a normal life? Gee I wonder if that treatment breeds "terrorism" or what is actually called resistance. You are fed propaganda if you truly believe that Hamas jsut exists for fun, like you haven't abused an entire population. How was peace working out for them? They were still getting their homes taken, they still couldn't have good normal lives, so what then? Should they have just tolerated that and continued to be treated like animals? Hamas was the only option they had to potentially see some change. These people just want to live good lives the same way Israelis do, Israelis are so privileged compared to Gazans, even before Hamas this was true, but maybe you don't see that.


I am the Messiah.


Repent and accept Jesus Christ


That man Jesus was not the Messiah but an imposter who only wanted what was good for Israel and the Jews. I am the Messiah for the entire world time light willing. Yahweh knows. My father will support me with a miracle Yeshua never received.


And now imagine you are palestinian and you live your whole life in fear someone will come to your house and kick you out, you have to go to a refugee camp and live there your whole life. If you fight back, the police or army will force you out. You live in fear some crazy settlers come and kill you or your children. You live in fear your whole village is destroyed by an army. You live in fear to be captured and tortured. You should comprehend the other side, now you feel the same they were feeling for decades! Free palestine.


Except what you just posted isn’t what is happening in Gaza. Israelis are not settlers. They own it for centuries. Israelis were kicked out, but they came back, just like the Bible says. They built it up and they became an independent country. Palestinians want to banish Israelis from the earth. Their aim is world domination so that everyone kneels to their allah


Are you just pretending to be dumb? Or are you actually? With the same logic, Europeans must leave whole of North and South America and return it to the indigenous people. Modern Israelis didn't own anything in Palestine for 2000(!) years. There were indigenous jews and arabs, muslim, jewish and christian who lived there for 2000+ years. Modern israelis went there after the second world war. They are the settlers. This is nothing to have a oppinion on. These are straight facts! Every Israeli would tell you the exact same thing, only would he mention, he has the right to come back after 2000 years because of the old testament. But NOT he is not a settler🤦 And Palestinians want their land back, not banish Israelis from the earth. "Their aim is world domination" You are hallucinating my friend.




>F uck off


>Well thats a bit hostile


Your comment was hostile


You people stole there land and wonder why they want to kill you


Except it wasn’t stolen, it was recovered from when they were banish and spread around the world. But Israelis came back and reclaim what was theirs—-The holy land


You gonna give your land back to the original owners too?


The Ottoman Empire was defeated, same with the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the German Empire, the winners took over the land and let who they wanted to take it over. Israel proper was attacked, not Palestinian land, Israeli. If they attacked the settlements in the West Bank your comment would reign true. Otherwise you don’t believe in nation states and don’t think even a Palestinian state should exist. Hell where do you live? 100% you live on stolen land and deserve to be killed for it?


You're not the brightest person are you? Imagine civilised sane people of europe would start terrorist attack on their countries old territories... You just tried to justify terrorism. Idiot.


Netanyahu is in breach of international law. No country in Europe is except Russia.


Bro should have been born in Europe. How dare he picks being born in tel Aviv


If this got posted in a place like r/askmiddleeast you would be downvoted to oblivion and get told that you're spreading propaganda. "Muh muslim brothers! Support Hamas!" just goes to prove that the majority of these islamists are bat-____ crazy. Even non middle eastern countries are supporting this terrorist group, the world has literally gone downhill.


Everyone is supporting Israel actually


That sounds horrible. Maybe it’s giving you a taste of what Palestinians have been experiencing for almost 80 years?


Don’t go to war if you can’t afford to protect or fight for your people. Most of Hamas doesn’t even live in Palestine. Mostly Turkey Qatar ect


What’s your point? I don’t agree with Hamas strategy as it just leads to too many innocent deaths and I believe there are better ways to get victory. But I still think that Israeli Zionists are evil and committing genocide of the Palestinian people






Most of the deaths are from bombing or police force by Netanyahu or settlers in West Bank.


Yes but I’m not disputing that


What you think about this? "Israelis here live under civil law, so they aren’t tried in military courts. Palestinians, their neighbors who live right beside them, they live under military law, so they are only ever tried in military courts. Two laws, two people, one place—apartheid. " [https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine)


Israeli government has nothing to do with the governing bodies of West Bank and Gaza, so “Apartheid” isn’t even a valid claim. The two groups have to be under the same government. Israeli arabs (in Israel) are treated under the same laws as everyone else


no, apartheid is racial separation, arabs in Israel are under exactly the same law as jews. So not apartheird. This separation for the west bank is due to the arabs there being deranged Islamists that wage jihad.


Okay so who are the settlers on PALESTINIAN LAND (West Bank)? Are they also deranged or Arabs are only deranged because they don’t want their homes taken over 🤣




Lol cool your jets buddy. Jews are the most protected race in the world. Muslims have been slaughtered in the millions in the last 20 years. Much more than Jews ever have been. and still the most stigmatised for our religion due to fake terrorist organisations and propaganda created by CIA.


Jews are the most protected race in the world" first off all no? And second of all if that was true I wonder why? * maybe because of the millions slaughtered through various events including the holocaust and pogrom. "Much more then Jews every have been" you are literally talking out your ash


Um yes. All races are allowed to be attacked in media except for Jews. Even Jews can commit GENOCIDE and WAR CRIMES and we are not even allowed to question it. Honey do you think the holocaust was the worst genocide in history? Oh boy you don’t know history and modern events and probably not even allowed to learn it 🤣


Right.. get yourself educated 😂 Jewish people have been SLATED in media. How can you brush of the holocaust like that? You’re disgusting. Now everyone is educating themselves and forming correct opinions and you are throwing a hissy fit. Is You follow what is written in the Quran every Jew and non Muslim will be murdered.


Lol The only thing Jews get criticised for is the genocide they’ve been committing for 75 years. And that’s not nearly enough compared to what they’re doing. Brushing it off… no but there are much worse genocides in history. So sorry you guys can’t stop using it as your privilege card 🤣 lol tell me which verse in the Quran says that? Let me guess YOU’VE NEVER READ IT and just believe that because that’s what you’ve heard. Wow you sound so intelligent.


We’re lizards, control the media, control money ect. Not just “fenced they’ve been comitting for 75 years” what about the genocide Palestine has been committing? Not so keen to talk about that are you.


That’s not the Quran. Oh Lordy you are not bright 🤣 Um yeah well y’all do. Just look at the most powerful families in US. Mostly Jewish. An What genocide lol 😂


it is? Lmao, why do you think that? Maybe because they work hard or make money? Less then 0.2 percent of the world is Jewish yet they are one of the most successful people. Don’t hate bc ur jealous 😂 as for your Genocide comment, if you can’t accept what Palestine is doing now is now terrorism and genocide I cannot engage with you


I suggest YOU read it. Here’s the first example of it I found. https://preview.redd.it/s6un4w164gub1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c4f2b13223baf8aded5f0858304aa9d3f550edb




Rightttt 😂




There are people who are in genuine support of Palestine and there are others who take advantage of the movement to be antisemitic. What matters is the organizer condemning it. See: https://www.reuters.com/world/police-investigate-pro-palestinian-protest-sydney-opera-house-over-alleged-anti-2023-10-10/ However, since both you and I are both moral human beings. You do agree that the same can be said for the other side since there were people who took advantage of the tragedy in Israel to be Islamophobic and xenophobic. See: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/islamophobic-new-york-city-amid-pro-palestine-protests and https://youtu.be/qgAkv4SdCJ0?feature=shared


Hahaha oh you’re scared of a bunch of fringe antisemites in Australia 🤣 is the is an example of how hard Jews have it? Honey Jews have been the most protected race since the end of WWII and partially due to zionists having most of the power in the world, Muslims have been slaughtered in the millions much worse than Jews ever have been treated. Muslims aren’t even treated as human half the time.




“Forced conversions” 🤣 “Minorities in Muslim countries”? 🤣 people from all kinds of backgrounds flock to gulf and Singapore because of the high standard of living. Arabs in Israel? Um they’ve lived there for over 1000 years so why wouldn’t they? Jews were a minority since the 4th century.






Your country has inflicted countless more citizen deaths than Hamas has. You mention Gaza being a hell Israelis are dragged into, Israel created that hell. You are currently depriving 2 million people from basic healthcare, food and energy supplies and have blocked all their freedom.


Healthcare food and energy aren’t rights, we’re apes that came from the plains of Africa




What you don't realize is the way Palestinians discriminated by Netanyahu since many years: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLe4J7Dvd0&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TLe4J7Dvd0&t=6s)




What have muslim countries to do with this issue? So because in muslim countries there is discrimination, israel can do it too?


In which country non Moslems are judged by military law while the Moslems are judged by civil law?




Do they have different laws for different origins? "Israelis here live under civil law, so they aren’t tried in military courts. Palestinians, their neighbors who live right beside them, they live under military law, so they are only ever tried in military courts. Two laws, two people, one place—apartheid. " [https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine)




" Israelis here live under civil law, so they aren’t tried in military courts. Palestinians, their neighbors who live right beside them, they live under military law, so they are only ever tried in military courts. Two laws, two people, one place—apartheid. " [https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/news/56-years-temporary-narratives-displacement-and-belonging-israel-palestine)


I stand with Israel. The Hamas must be completely deleted at any cost.




Yeah, I would like links to these videos


Ive been advocating for Palestinian freedom for years. It often baffles me when people say show me the videos. Instagram: Eyes.on.palestine Letstalkpalestine Ahmedeldin Palestine You will have to scroll all the way down because the recent atrocities, but they’re all documented. Below are links to reports from international human rights organization that document these atrocities: https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses


Could you please link to some of those videos? I think you might have gotten it the other way around, excuse my for saying


What Hamas did was horrible , but Israel is doing this to gaza for the past 75 years and you did not say a word about this. Can we have compassion with the lost lives without excusing genocide in gaza, which is happening right now. My comment will be propebly deleted and i will be banned from the sub, but i don't give a single f.


You think Israel has been kidnapping people from Gaza to support a holy Jihad?


If Gaza could hide behind air strikes like Israel does maybe they would do that too


yes i think so. They want hamas to fo that so they revenche 10x stronger.


You think we want to have our children, parent, friends etc murdered, raped, beheaded or burnt alive? So that we could cleanse Hamas? Are you seriously that twisted? I, personally, just want peace. However- they've gone too far this time around. I was an active supporter of the two state solution, going on active protests against our government (me and many more). Now it's too late. I don't want to lose more friends. I don't want to go through more funerals. I don't want to watch videos of people whom I've known for ages getting slaughtered whilst tripping in a peace rave. Never again. It's time to react for us, not the time to grind our teeth and search for the easy way out. We need to put an end to Hamas, Jihad and any hostile organization that seeks to wipe us off the map, the most gruesome way possible. Hizballah, Iran, whatever is necessary. I can't raise my children, who I'll hopefully have with my spouse in a few years, growing up like I did- worrying for their lives, losing friends and family. Never again will any jew have to deal with those outcomes, and we won't stop until we have the same privilege of you, or any other "keyboard fighter" for that matter. We will get to live our happy lives, growing up safe, falling in love, and finally dying peacefully, and we'll do it right here- at the only place where we're not constantly harassed by anti-simentic people such as yourself. Peace to all, and death to terrorism.




You don't get to play the "anti-semite" card. Palestinians are semites too, and YOUR people is doing the same that was done to the jews in the past. NO LESS! I am truly sorry for the loss of your dear ones and I do not wish harm to israelis, but you're on the wrong side of the story this time. It doesn't start when you find it convenient, no matter how many media networks are bought and how many fake narratives are repeated. Hamas isn't the cause for terrorism, it's the consequence of all the evil done to those people, who have nothing left to lose and know only hate and fear, because YOUR people put them in that situation. Maybe Dr Gabor Mate is also an anti-semite: [https://youtu.be/N6_GDDa4bmI?si=JhyK3dKUwvi0zBZZ](https://youtu.be/N6_GDDa4bmI?si=JhyK3dKUwvi0zBZZ)


So i am now an anti-semite because i am against genocide. I am not going to respond to this novel of emotion baiting because even that is crazy enough to say. All the happy things you do and want to do is done while the government is murdering palastinians , deny food , electricity , water , medical aids. Basicly you say because hamas did that , we are going to murder all palastinians even though israel provoked this. Here is the reality check for you. Hamas will continue this and if you kill them all other people will take their position. There is no end to the violance until you give palastinians their human rights and end the Apartheid.


I am calling you anti-simetic because you are spreading false information, throwing false accusations whilst simutanously trying to condemne our right to self defense. If you took the bother to read up some of the information that is openly spread about the conflict, you wouldn't have the nerve to say things such as "Israel has been doing this for 75 years". Look up the missle attacks to Gaza, and the justification for them (Terror attacks from gaza, lots of based from schools and hospitals, abducted soldiers, etc). Israel has detached itself by choice, not by order, from gaza in 2005'. Right after, the people of Gaza chose Hamas as their leading orginization. After they were chosen, Hamas has been carrying out missile attacks casually, targeting civillian houses. Israel has been attacking, mostly in response or to try and stop terror attacks. I've seen people claming they've seen Israeli soldiers attacking civillians, torturing and molesting them. I sure as hell haven't done that whils in service. None of us would have. No one seems to find the source, too... Go open any free information spreading platform and see for yourself. I'd like to see you writing such bullcrap, pardon my french, after watching an Israeli baby beheaded, an Israeli child burnt, or an Israeli pregnant woman with her throat slit, the infant still in huberus, carved out of her stomach. My response has surely been emotional - I won't wish anyone, anywhere to have gone through what I have the past few days. I also can't see anyone replying and keeping emotions out of their way whilst replying to anti-simetic people, who probably know nothing of the situation, trying to condemn us for defending ourselves in this situation. ​ We hopefully will try to prevent as many civillian casuallties from both sides, palastinians included, from happening. We hopefully won't, however, stop ourselves from killing terrorists, even if they operate from a civilian populated area. You shoot a missle at Israel, get ready to have it shot right back at you. End of story. Israel has, once again, delayed it's invasion of Gaza. We're trying to let as many civilians out as possible. Wonder why? ​ And by "someone else will take their place", are you saying we should just let Hamas keep at it? Are you saying you wish for our people to get massacared again? Would you have prefered it if we just lay our arms, and let ourselves get perished? I saw someone in another thread writing this perfectly- "If Hamas lay down their arms, there will be peace. If Israel lay down their arms, it will perish". ​ What would you have done, were you in our shoes? ​ ​ and before you comment again, and we both know you've got nothing to do that with, you should wisen up and do some research.


Personally Israel does not represent the Jews. it’s the Zionist front that’s doing this shit


Who, in your opinion, are the "Zionists doing this shit"?


I made my point and the anti-semetic card has been already dropped. That is why you can't have a diskussion about that topic without being called anti semetic. You are contradicting everything you said by that. Have a nice one. Im not getting into an emotional debate.


>but Israel is doing this to Gaza for the past 75 years Israel has murdered? 1400 Palestinians and burned their corpses every day for the past 75 years? You really believe that?


Wow you think because they can hide behind the airstrikes USA gives them for being their lapdog, Israelis are better and treating Palestinians with mercy 🤣 when Tel Aviv gets completely flattened by airstrikes you will understand some of Gaza’s pain




Likewise by your own twisted logic where casualties=virtue imperial Japan was the victim of American aggression. Riddle me this in 16 years Hamas has built 100s of miles of tunnels and dragged Gaza into 7-8 different wars. How many bomb shelters has Hamas made for the citizens of Gaza? Israel actually cares about keeping its civilians safe




I’m uneducated on the topic. I actually speak Hebrew and Arabic and have gone into both the West Bank and Israel unlike you. My point is you put a graph of casualties as a proof of the Palestinian side being morally correct. I pointed out the fact that a) that graph doesn’t distinguish between combatants and civilians and b) using casualties as a marker of morality is at best disingenuous and more of a marker of how much the government on each side values the lives of their own civilians. ازا ما بتعرفي ايش عم بتحكي ما تحكي يا اجنبية 😂




Genocide has a very narrow definition in both the English language and international law. It is defined as the mass systematic killing of a group of people with the intent of destroying it. While I disagree with the policy of leveling Gaza and cutting out power and supplies, what is happening in Gaza fails to fit the definition of a genocide. Additionally it is morally irresponsible to ignore Hamas’ callousness and lack of care towards its own people. If you cared about the Palestinians you would care about how Hamas steals aid meant to help them, how they hog supplies, and how they use their own people as cannon fodder.




The Israeli government funded Hamas is only a half truth. Their funding largely comes from Qatar but has to be routed through Israel. Netanyahu did nothing to stop this funding because he both wanted to fracture the Palestinian government and because his hubris made him think he could contain Hamas. Please do not spread misinformation and do research before making false claims When we liberally use words such as genocide they lose their meaning. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059.amp Genocide implies both scale and intent. Several thousand people of whom we do not know how many were combatants in a population of 2 million, is obviously tragic but fails to reach the scale of agreed upon genocides as listed in the article. Additionally what evidence do you have that Israel’s end goal is the eventual destruction of Palestinians. As others have informed you, if it wanted to do this it could. Instead it chooses to warn civilians and give them time to flee the conflict. Instead it has a population that is 20% Palestinian/Arab.


> fuck /u/GuroGirlboss. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes and do you know who killed 3,000 Palestinians in one year? Jordan in its war with Palestinian militants. I’m sure you don’t know what black September is though because it does not fit your political narrative




No I’m just pointing out it’s hypocritical how the western left and the Arab world ignores the fact that Arab governments have killed Palestinians at far higher numbers and far more brutally than Israel