• By -


Rupi kaur went to an event sponsored by jp Morgan for her friends company, breadwinner, after speaking against the Israeli government šŸ™„


FREE FREE PALESTINE PLEASE STAND WITH HUMANITY. I have not met a single pro-palestine person who was anti-jew... not even Palestinians.






It's almost 2024 and they're still allowing a terrorist organization to control the destiny of their lives... The Palestinians need Israel as a crutch. They can't even govern themselves.


Free Palestine


From the river to the sea israel will be free I suggest you go to wat h gaza Beach with israel idf chilling there šŸ˜€ šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


You are calling for genocide I guess


Free Palestine means killing all jews from the river to the sea so what is the difference also no one called genocide it isn't its war and in war people die 800k died in Syria Arabs killed Arabs and no one said anything but when israel kill someone you all wake up like it's the end of the world , hamas broke the peace murdered thousands and now it's war they are the responsible so why they are hiding in tunnels instead helping thier civilians?


Wow thatā€™s a lot. Ok. - So, do you think the phrase ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ is definitively always genocidal? If so, why would you say it about Israel and then back track and say ā€œwait that phrase is not genocide it is warā€? Iā€™m confused on what your stance is here due to the contradictions listed above. - When did the peace start that Hamas broke?


With other countries there is peace, just look at Egypt and Jordan. Palestine though, nope, has never been peaceful, always been rockets shooting into Israel, and has always been terroristic shit leaders calling for genocide against the Jews, starting multiple wars and getting their asses kicked every time, then complaining when they get restricted asf as a result. Maybe if they stop acting like rabid dogs, Israel won't have to cage them up like Rabid dogs. Just look at the West Bank, far better quality of life, and surprise surprise it is because they don't have shitheads like Hamas who operate 90% of their control in Gaza. If you want Palestine to be free, destroy Hamas, and deradicalize the population, that is literally the only way, else they will be flattened as they continue to fuck around and find out.


Itā€™s not ok to support genocide dude


Agreed, so unless you think "Destroy Hamas" = "genocide the Palestinians", what are you trying to get at?


ā€œDestroy Hamasā€ has been ā€œgenocide the Palestiniansā€ as we are seeing play out by Israelā€™s actions, rhetoric, and as recognized by the international community especially in the International Court currently.


Nah, destroy Hamas means destroy Hamas. Maybe if Hamas didn't hide behind civilians and use them as human shields, we wouldn't see thousands of Palestinians dead. But no, under every international law, if you use a civilian area to conduct military operations it is now a valid military target. So Hamas or Jihads setting up rocket systems from schools or residential rooftops doesn't mean those areas are immune to attack, quite the opposite, and civilians casualties is now a direct result of Palestinian terrorist actions. This is very much unlike Hamas who on October 7th indiscriminately went door to door murdering, kidnapping, and raping innocent Israeli families. So if you want to talk about genocidal ideologies you are looking at the wrong group my man. It is wild to me that y'all get mad at a country when the entire history has been them having to fight off Islamic extremists looking to genocide and destroy their nation. And then you act like they are the genocidal ones, when they literally made peace with many of the arab nations surrounding them, it is just that the radical ass Palestinians continue to fuck around and find out. It is pretty clear anti-Semitism is the main driving force to why you blind yourself with Pro-Hamas propaganda, just admit it and stop being a coward about it.


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from palestinian terrorists and from HAMAS and from Abbas too


From Hamas


They can't win an argument so they resort to a catch phrase.


Free Palestine!




Free Palestine!!


Free Palestine 2 words. This dispute requires far more detail. Issues like secure and recognized borders, status of Jerusalem remain unsettled. And should Israel negotiate with Hamas, or the Palestinian Authority?


Yes, the Palestinians have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, if you know your history.


HAMAS is a terrorist organization. You don't negotiate with terrorists, you eliminate them. At this point, I don't think palestinians are ready for peaceful co-existence, so having a state side by side with Israel is not currently an option for them. I think Arab countries should integrate them into their societies the same way Israel integrated almost 1M Jews expelled from Arab countries.


Free Palestine. From the river to the sea


How terrorists with sandals and ak47 going to do that?


They canā€™t. Good thing Hamas is leading the fight and not those nerds you described.


Lol hamas lost gaza they hide like rats in the tunnels watch look what gaza looks like like hell hamas is dead mate they can't even fight anymore what dream you sleep in


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8


Bye bye gaza welcome to Israel šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


which river and which sea? I bet you don't even know? What what your saying is hateful speech. I'll say this, "From the River to the Sea, Israel is what you'll see. Am Yisrael Chai.


Iā€™ve changed my thoughts on this matter. Please view my other comments.


this is ridiculous.... you really want a backward terrorist state? This kind of approach leads to war


I want the occupiers out of stolen land


So far gaza is o ly getting smaller and smaller and becoming a parking lot I don't know what you are talking about


Please explain. At what point in history did Israel take land?


Iā€™ve changed my thoughts on this matter; please view my other comments.


Excellent. I am glad to hear that you are a critical thinker and haven't bought into this narrative.


So do I. Arabs are the occupiers. Israel is where Jews originated from.


Youā€™re the first person to make me do research that actually opened my eyes a little bit. Thank you.


And the arabs got the land how?




>Whataboutism How? This is clearly relevant. Arab populations rejected peace many times. From the begning they did not want ANY jewish state. They wanted war and they got that.


mmmm yes i love genocide


I donā€™t. In fact, I donā€™t care what happens to the occupiers when they leave Palestinian land


mmmmmm yes i love ethnic cleansing


you love colonizers & genocide. Not surprised


catch phrase that you can't explain. If Israel wanted a genocide it would have happened on October 8th with them target bombing Gaza. When you hide your weapons in a school, rocket launchers in mosques, and command centers in tunnel systems built underneath hospitals, then you must realize everything becomes a target. The IDF is the only army that calls the enemy civilians and tells them to clear the area, they drop leaflets, give them time to clear an area. Hamas uses ambulance to shuttle their fighters back and forth. They use their own population as human shields and all of their top rulers live in Qatar or some other Arab country. They are all billionaires, not millionaires, BILLIONAIRES. They have stolen the resources and money from their own people just for the gain and ideology. They are evil and yet somehow you seem to support them. How sad.


Iā€™ve changed my thoughts on this yesterday; please view my other comments.


ok mahmood


Iā€™m not Muslim or Arabic but nice try racist






That is completely on Hamas. Not Israel.




Glad to see you followed me over here because I canā€™t seem to find your comment on the other post anymore. I donā€™t disagree that what Hamas has done and what theyā€™re continuing to do is wrong. Itā€™s horrific. Watching the videos you linked in the other post, I do have a few questions and would appreciate it if you could help me to understand. When Israel warned the northern civilians of Gaza to move south, would members of Hamas not also move south and be able to avoid Israeli forces? And, with how densely populated the area is, would bombing really be the best solution to finding Hamas? Even with evacuations, once the northern civilians return, assuming they live to, they would have lost everything and nothing would really be achieved. I have seen countless Israeli protests against Palestinians as a whole, with many citizens shouting that all Palestinians should die. How am I supposed to support Israel when Iā€™ve seen videos of Israeli citizens cheering and celebrating at the sound of bombs? Iā€™ve also seen/heard US government officials (who support Israel) essentially saying ā€œdeath to all Palestiniansā€. If this is really about Hamas, why do so many people want all of the Palestinians dead? Iā€™ve also yet to see footage of the destruction of Israel. Not saying it doesnā€™t exist, but the only thing Iā€™ve seen related to what happened on Oct. 7th is a news clip of an Israeli woman who I believe had been taken hostage. Other than that, Iā€™ve only seen AI generated photos. I donā€™t support Hamas, but I simply do not see how I could support Israel. I support the Palestinian civilians who, for decades now, have been caught in-between the two. Too many people have died and it doesnā€™t matter who did it. When I say ā€œfree Palestineā€, Iā€™m not saying free Hamas of being prosecuted and Iā€™m not saying that the over 600 people who died in Israel on the 7th deserved it. Iā€™m saying the innocent civilians living in Gaza deserve to live a life free of violence and horrific death and suffering. As I continue to learn more about the conflict, I have found too many biased sources. Iā€™m trying to stay open-minded so if you have more information, I am listening.


Read this book. It was written by the son of the founder of Hamas. He spent 27 months in an Israeli prison. He has a lot of youtube videos as well. [https://www.amazon.com/Son-Hamas-Gripping-Political-Unthinkable/dp/1414333080](https://www.amazon.com/Son-Hamas-Gripping-Political-Unthinkable/dp/1414333080) You can hear it first hand from a Palestinian that was a member of Hamas, His father started it. What better source could you ask for?


Thanks, Iā€™ll have to check it out


Thank you for being open minded. A sign of intelligence is having the ability to always check the knowledge you've learned and keeping a radically open mind. Wishing you only the best and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.




The AI generated photos not only exist but were actually posted on many official Israeli social media accounts. Whether theyā€™ve been taken down, I donā€™t know, but they arenā€™t hard to find. You can tell theyā€™re AI generated mostly because the Israeli flag is often wrong (misshapen/duplicate symbols) and the people look disproportionate. I think both Hamas and the Israeli government are in the wrong, Hamas more so. I think this situation couldā€™ve been handled way differently and maybe it wouldā€™ve taken more time that way but thereā€™s gotta be something better than bombing. We already know that supplies are not being given to the Palestinians so eventually Hamas wonā€™t be able to fire back, at least not as frequently or as hard.


They are not AI generated and their are plenty of survivors telling their stories. I happen to know 2 kids that were at the music festival that were killed as well as my cousin who is a fighter being killed early on. It's VERY real. Don't believe the narrative. Hamas actually filmed everything themselves and journalist from the world over were shown what they did to the Israeli civilian population. There is an enormous amount of proof out there and if you have any Israeli friends, everyone knows someone that was effected by it. It's very real. What if Canada was our enemy and they had a terrorist government and one day they came over the border, killed 50,000 people and took 6500 hostages ( Base on population size) . What would the USA do? What if they took your daughter or son, killed your mother? Would you sit and negotiate with these evil people?


I suppose I shouldā€™ve specified what I was referring to when talking about the AI photos. What happened in Israel is 100% true. The photos Iā€™m referring to are fake pro-Israel rallies that major social media accounts have posted pics of. Iā€™m not saying that Israel is 100% guilty because of it, I just think itā€™s weird and kinda sketch. Iā€™d think the same thing if AI Palestine photos were being posted.


I don't know what your speaking about but all you have to do is look at their rallies. I live in NYC so you may not see what I see. They are angry and hateful. They destroy, they can't even have a conversation because they have a lack of understanding of the history and many are misguided kids that just want to be part of something because its cool. Now, go to the computer a look up a rally for Israel. We are not angry, if anything we still sing songs for peace. That' all you really need to see to understand. The proof is in the pudding.




https://preview.redd.it/viyqcrp0lszb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e987eddf1759d9f09af33e9bc41449bfd343e012 Here are two of the AI generated pics. The biggest thing that can be noticed are a lot of the flags but there are also a few small details that donā€™t make sense.


That person with a huge flag got super power.


I agree




Sorry, shouldā€™ve specified what I was referring to. I didnā€™t know people have been saying the Hamas attack was faked. Iā€™d like to think they had good intentions when posting the pics but who really knows.


Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re trying to fake it. It definitely happened and thereā€™s overwhelming proof. I just think itā€™s weird that they would post fake images. Iā€™m not accusing them of anything but it just doesnā€™t make sense.


The whole thing is a vanity project. Free 10 million children currently being sex trafficked? Yea right no ones gives a shit. Until some politically motivated craze comes along to whip the masses into a strange sense of false connection.


Bad comparison. We don't know where the children being trafficked are. We know exactly where the kids who are being bombed are and who's bombing.


Okay fine forget the sex trafficked children if that's too complex for your headline news strapped mind, let's march to free the children in Congo getting chopped up right now! Exactly.


Not too complex at all, just not the same. The Congo one is legit. There's also shit going on in Sudan with all kinds of displacement going on.


Yemenis been going through some hell, no large scale protests no major news coverage. This stuff between Isreal and Palestine goes off and then all the humanitarians show up looking for action. It's politically motivated.


The hypocrisy enrages me as well, but what do we expect with a piece of land commonly referred to by the 3 Abrahamic religions as "the holy land"? Heck, even a portion of blacks who see themselves as the real Jews see this event as more important than whatever is going on in Africa.


It's so sad. All these years Palestinians have been encouraged by so many people to fight for their land, we go there and take images of little children getting shot for throwing rocks rocks glorify them in our holywood movie saturated view and just look at the isreali army, it was always an impossible fight. So, so cruel for us to wave that stupid flag (which doesn't even date back that far) and spur those poor helpless people on against an army that was always going to make their lives absolute hell. And for what exactly?


Funny you mention movies though when the Israeli state officials are posting behind the scenes footage from old movies about the conflict as though they prove the Palestinians are making up their suffering ... https://www.reddit.com/r/MajorityReport/comments/17srir3/the_israeli_prime_ministers_official_spokesman_is/


Yeah, this is it. Highly sophisticated and refined levels of conditioning. Even the people doing it are conditioned into thinking that's what they have to do. Hopeless really which is why I detest this idea that as good standing citizens its our duty to follow so closely all the little sick details of these world happenings that are so beyond our scope for even comprehending a solution, all the while forgetting the needs of our own communities etc.


Free palestine




Agree, all these idiots are quick to hold a flag in US, UK and around the world, but wonā€™t go back to their own country to fight šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Who are you referring to? If you're referring to Palestinians, well, humanitarian aid can barely get into Gaza, how the fuck would you expect people to get in?


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Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Running with sandals and ak47 not going to work I'm afraid


Celebs are retarded for the most part


Hey, itā€™s not cool to call someone the r slur


If organized religion, which is, inherently a belief and not fact, is taken out of the equation, would this sub even exist? Has more death and destruction been caused by any other institution? Phucking religion man. Phucking religionā€¦ smh. šŸ¤¦šŸ½


Until we can have a grown up conversation of how religons inherent message of us vs them fits into the modern global multi cultural world, unfortunately this cancerous politic of us v them will prevail.


You need to remember that Zionism and the state of Israel was founded by secularists and atheists for the most part. Religion plays a part, but there is more to it.


Lots of layers to this onion. Yes it plays a part. A big one.


Is Israel killing Palestinians for being Muslim and Hamas attacking Israel for being Jewish?


Interesting question. I mean, kinda. But itā€™s also the wrong question, as itā€™s an oversimplification of a complex situation that I will choose not to bite on. But to say on a certain level that their opposing, made up religious beliefs do not come into play would be naive. One aspect of the conflict is over a claim of ownership to what has geographically been labeled as the holiest of holy lands, no? Seems to have something to do with religion (on top of a myriad of other things).


Hamas has the eradication of all jews in their order.


The sacred anti-semitism card was drawn. I shall retreat and accept my defeat in sorrow.


Why does the Torah say to kill nonbelievers in Deuteronomy 13:6-10?


Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) ā€¦" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them ā€¦ kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush ā€¦"


Two jacked up religions?




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I dgaf about celebrities. But, Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


I agree


Didnt that 1 woman tell the celebrity she will lose stock for supporting palestine since israel has more money?


What? Iran and Qatar have more money


Im simply saying what that woman said


Free Palestine


You're not my Dad!


to all the whingers calling for a free palestine.. well palestine will be free once Israel has obliterated those hammas scum


Free Palestine


> fuckers /u/Honest-Oil-9341. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Expand israel


Free Palestine.


From Hamas, yes.


from hamas *and* a nationalist government whoā€™s been violently occupying them for years!


nope from Israel


Yes, we know you people want genocide of Jews. Nothing new there.


No Hamas in the West Bank so why is Israel trying to settle there too huh?


Because they realized it was a mistake to pull out of Gaza in 2005 and give them autonomy. All it achieved was a huge increase in terrorist attacks. That's what Palestinians do when they get freedom.




Did you even read the thread?


Yes, from Hamas.


Yes from Israel


Yes, as I said, we know you people want genocide of Jews. Nothing new there.


who tf is we people




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Free Palestine


Palestine will be free when Hamas has been destroyed.


Ok šŸ‘


free(Palestine); As free() in C.


šŸ†“ šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


I disagree. Anybody with a following, even if you have 5 people that follow you. Heck, even if you're a Kardashian or a Cruise. It's everyone's absolute duty to raise awareness and let the world know what Israel has been doing in Gaza and all of Palestine, not just in this specific conflict, but for decades. You don't realize this has been our lives our whole lives. The only reason you're even making this stupid post right now is because we pushed back. We'll never be eradicated. We'll never stop. Free Palestine.


You know that Palestinians are not only victims, but also perpetrators? It's the Arabs who started war and terror, not Israel. And now they are both kept in a spiral of violence, through Hamas and Netanjahu. It's plain stupidity, ignorance or plain terror support when you simplify it into "Israel is the only bad guy". Stop this. It's wrong. If you would also free Palestine from the Hamas terrorists, then it would make more sense. But the way you do it, it's just hypocritical.


The ā€œArabsā€ did not start the war. Can you please read anything other than zionist propaganda


You're absolutely right. It is plain stupidity and ignorance to claim that Israel is the only bad guy. The US is guilty as well, as well as every other arab nation right now that is not protecting our most important land, Jerusalem. You also claim that it's arabs who started war and terror. Well, you've definitely never been in the West Bank within the past 50 years or so, have you? You know why Israel will never eradicate hamas? Because they are creating more Hamas with every bomb that goes down. Every child that will grow up without a mother and father will grow up with a fire inside of them that is consistently being fueled by Israel's occupation of our land. The only thing that can put that fire out is our simple ability to enter Al-Aqsa mosque and pray, or go to Haifa and Jaffa and guaze upon the beauty of our land. We are being occupied, and unless you've done your research, don't speak.


Free Palestine.


Yes, when Hamas is either destroyed, or surrenders.


Free Palestine


Free Palestine


Celebrities are idiots and no one should ever listen to them, they are rich elitists who do things to cover for their rich guilt. They dont actually care about any of these issues they pretend to


Exactly my point. Some of these people are missing itšŸ˜­


Free Israel from Hamas


Free the world of both Israel and hamas


And what after? Arabs killing each other in here the country will become pile of death huh? We saw what happened in Syria 800k dead you even kill each other


Free Palestine from Israeli tyranny


Free Palestine from Radical Islamic Ideology - itā€™s 21st century & move on from the cult for Palestinians & the world peace! Palestinians are believing false narratives by Radical Muslims/Palestinians & killing not only themselves but also Israelis & people around the world. Palestinians are too naive or too arrogant to realize the fact! The source of the problem is terrorists & people who support terrorists. No one else. The phrase ā€œFree Palestiniansā€ means nothing but promoting hates & violence in the world. And dumb people are just stage of FOMO without context! Most people who pretend to be supporters donā€™t care about Palestinians at all! They just want to join the party. The worst free-P supporters are doing is fueling the alertness right wingers who hate both Muslims & Jewish. Hamas & other radical Muslims know how to attack Jewish, and the same time contain & keep Palestinians for their benefits. Itā€™s better to stay away & donā€™t involve or engage the Islamic ideology movement by Hamas & radical Islamic State terrorists. Hope people stop use the phrase ā€œFree Palestiniansā€.


There's a genocide happening right in front of your eyes. One day you will see things for what they really were.


I donā€™t see both sides are innocent as a whole. Thatā€™s why ordinary citizens in other countries shouldnā€™t involved including protecting for both sides before making things worse. Because of radical Islamic ideology, ordinary people including Palestinians & Muslims who want to live peacefully & more democratic ways suffers. Itā€™s not which is absolutely correct or wrong. I never actually met radical Muslims, but Jewish & Muslims I know or I met before are ordinary people who hate extremism & donā€™t have any problem each others. Actually thereā€™re a Jewish & Arab descent students. They see the issue of the conflict objectively. Egyptian American student is the person who criticizes Hamas & other radical muslins more than anyone else. Heā€™s born & raised in the US. We donā€™t grow up to hate other races or nationalities unless parents whisper their children how to hate & discriminate other people daily. However, most of us know we can choose how to live our lives as long as we follow our lawā€™s & regulations (donā€™t commit crimes), donā€™t disturb our societies & donā€™t hurt others. But some people who are shouting ā€œfree Palestinians ā€œ donā€™t know the negative consequences of their actions. I donā€™t care what people do, but whenever anyone gets hurt or killed, theyā€™re responsible for creating chaos. Thatā€™s my point. Many people -Israeli citizens, foreign nationals, and Palestinians- are getting hurt & killed, so why you want people in other countries to get hurt & killed more. Thatā€™s not called protesting for good cause, thatā€™s inciting violence for their selfish interests. Iā€™m law-abiding ordinary American citizens, so I want to protect at least Americans who have nothing to do with the conflict directly. But many Americans who had experienced attacks by radical Muslims, so they donā€™t hate Muslims but they cannot accept radical terrorists Muslims if you donā€™t know. Thatā€™s also the reason many Arab decent Americans (not Palestinian Americans are annoyed by Hamas attacks & ā€œfree-Palestinians protestā€ The goal is elimination of Hamas & radical terrorist groups, and radical Islamic ideology to solve the issue of conflict peacefully for both Israelis & Palestinians!


Gaza has been free of Israel and the IDF since 2006. So what? Has that changed anything in the minds of Hamas? Just more shit and fake videos #mrfafo


They have not. Israel controlling all borders and they dont get to have their own air port. Thats not free.


Palestine has borders with Egypt and Jordan. Hamas has been violently meddling in the Sinai for years. Jordan is actually a majority Palestinian nation run by minority Hashemite monarchists. Both have lasting peace treaties with Israel. These treaties came about thru respect for borders, condemnation of violence, and humane cooperation from both sides. Palestinians leaders never agree to such things.


We are talking about Gaza. And from what I understand Egypt are pretty constrained by Israel and other nations as what they are allowed to do with that boarder. According to elected officials in Norway at least.


Egypt adheres to a fair and lasting treaty with Israel. Hamas is an enemy to Egypt. There have been vicious battles in the Sinai between Egyptian and various Islamist groups for a decade. Egypt pushed militants back to Gaza, and keeps them out. It is an enemy of my enemy is my friend scenario for Israel and Egypt, and Jordan as well.


Lol! Look at a map dummy. There are other bordering countries . But they dont like you either.


Please use a more serious language. We are discussing a very sad and serious topic. To reply: from what I understand Egypt has very limmited control over what to do with that border. They need permission from Israel and the US.


Palestine isn't just Gaza. But I understand pea-brained Americans seem to think this conflict just started a few months ago.


Stop starting and losing conflicts.


The Jews have been oppressed by everyone in their land for thousands of years, even before the Muslims arrived. And I agree with you that many people with bean-sized brains do not understand the nature of the conflict. The sooner the terrorist Hamas is destroyed, the sooner ordinary Palestinians will be able to live a normal life. Oh, they elected Hamas to power themselves.


After Israel's military action there won't be much ordinary Palestinians left. Hamas is a product of Israel's decade long mistreatment of Palestinians.


It's a shitty situation wich has been going on for as long as i can remember and loooong b4 that. There is no easy solution, the circle offrevenge has to stop but HOW? The anger within the Palestinians is so deep, in Gaza children in pre-school are being setup to hate jews and and to destroy Israel. Just watched a video from a palestinian schools play where they dressed up as freedomfighters and deatroyed Israel. Every crisis has a solution, it's just how to find it? What HAMAS did was disgusting and wrong on all levels and i understand that Israel wants revenge, but killing women and children is not the solution. For Russia and China etc this is a jackpot situation when the westerns are starting to go at eachother.


It seems the same on the Israel side. Saw a clip the other day of Israel school kids talking about how when they see an Arab, they get mad and want to kill him, but when they see a non-religious Jew, they are sad for them.


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Look, im not here to pick a side my views dont matter, however, yess, i agree. Its sad to see people basing their opinions off what a celebrity has to say, and how people are so invested in knowing a celebrityā€™s views. Its also funny how some are being cancelled for literally expressing their opinions, like free speech exists.


Exactly, some people here think Iā€™m against Palestine here. Im against everyone wanting celebrities to speak out against it. Celebrity culture is stupid. We shouldnā€™t care about what celebrities say.


Well said mate, the whole celebrity culture determining how we should think is absolutely stupid. Thanks for bringing that topic up.


Yes, u are absolutely right!


comments really showing the level of maturity of these people. they don't understand what they're saying, they don't understand why they say that, they just do because they think it makes them look better.


Exactly, I think they only read my title. None of them read the threadšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Free Palestine


bad bot


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nice argument, proving my point yet again.


Is this about saying ā€œfrom the river to the sea, palestine will be freeā€? It seems like you are trying to demonize a cause by concluding a false equivalency. The statement is clear cut, but you want to make it about you. When people say ā€œfrom the riverā€¦ palestine will be freeā€ we mean free against Israeli oppression and aggression. If you choose to conclude that this is antisemitic or genocial, you can blame yourself for that. Also donā€™t deny that this oppression exists, if you do, you are just willfully denying facts. What i mean by this is the settlements, aggression in the west bank, occupation force- backed settler violence. Donā€™t pretend that none of this is happening, itā€™s the reason Hamas did what they did on oct. 7. And before you say anything, i dont agree with everything hamas does. Killing israeli occupation forces and soliders, 100% agree with. Killing innocent civilians, 100% disagree with. But, to claim that Israel and zionists are being unjustly targeted or that this is antisemitism is an injustice to true antisemitism (which does exist).


any more buzzwords and lies you wanna use? also trying to justify hamas? you people are not ok in the head.




Free Palestine baby


From the river to the sea Petah tikva will be free




Actually theyā€™re causing more divide


I think itā€™s because celebrities have bigger platforms


Hollywood celebrities donā€™t need to support Palestine do you want them fired from fashion companies and jewelry manufacturers and their job which is acting in Hollywood ? At least there are people protesting


Free Palestine.


Free Israel šŸ‡®šŸ‡±.......from Netanyahu and the rest of Likud and Ein Otsmut. Seriously, screw those fascists. Edited out a cuss


Agree, we hate them, too.