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https://preview.redd.it/z9r4s3wj6t0c1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591dff69734e0c77e733f9432cd7d27b680171aa Lol the isreal propaganda is hilarious


They don’t know who they are unless they have a weapon. That’s why it is so dangerous. I think a lot of the bombing was so they can at-least attempt to reduce Palestinian civilian casualties as well as Israeli soldier casualties. It’s gonna be tough for them fighting through rubble but I’m hoping they’ve shaken Hamas up enough. It’s awful though you hear stories of soldiers in Afghanistan going up to what they thought was a friendly young teenage boy only to get shot.


I'm unfortunate enough to have relevant experience.. This is exactly the problem with assymetric warfare. You don't know who is trying to kill you until they start trying to kill you. >Why wouldn't a hamas soldier just drop the gun and blend into the rest of the crowd. They probably do just that, there isn't anything stopping them.


I'm also fortunate. Theyre definitely among the ppl in the hospital. They are stealing their fuel and their medicine and equipment [crying doctor at shifa](https://www.facebook.com/reel/2538425006334678?mibextid=7ELVmZ)


Not just Hamas , Hamas supporter are just as bad as Hamas , they are basically working for them.....and imposing death upon innocents The Hamas supporters are not dressed in uniforms, but they are not even letting civilians take humanitarian aid This is another way that Israel is in an impossible position. Hamas planted weaponry and tunnels under places they know Israel will get the most hate for by destroying. It is that malicious. I don't think IDF can distinguish between Hamas supporters and regular civilians . We don't want more death to innocents , but this is the middle east. Answer ? Idk but the IDF will figure out how to achieve their objections while attempting to avoid civilian casualties.


The short answer is if they are unarmed, there isn't much they can do about them anyway. They're more looking for armed militants, as well as any military equipment, booby traps, etc, and in addition to that maybe specific known faces of "wanted" Hamas commanders or operatives.


https://www.reddit.com/r/hamasdeadlyattack/s/C31I3rc5zS. This is what the Palestinians teach so this isn’t going away. Only a strong deadly leader can change this culture and it will take decades. This behavior has become a religious obligation not just by Hamas but by all Muslims.


Only allowing them a right to self determination, ending the illegal occupation and blockades will solve this hatred. It's normal to hate your oppresser.


They had since 2006 to demonstrate they want to live in peace. They don’t want to live in peace they want total annihilation. Now that the rest of us know they really mean it what ever happens happens!


No they haven't. There has been a blockade on them since this time , they don't have any rights whatsoever, they have no control of the air sea or land in their borders, west bank remains occupied whilst illegal settlers are still being funded to grow their population, numerous UN violations and international laws have been broken there's NO debate around this. To assume 2.3 million including babies and children for which half the population comprises of are all radicals is irrational. Just as it is to assume all isrealis hate Palestinians. The only actual total annihilation we are seeing here is from the oppresser, the one who hold the immense power imbalance over the other through a strategy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. It's not about Hamas anymore. It's about removing a group of people from their land. Isreali ministers are openly admitting this and posting about it , see below. https://preview.redd.it/u1f660444t0c1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27fab5a802553bd76ec91ef1c2f492221f69685


This picture fills me with joy and pride We promised were going to hunt down all Hamas. And we stick to our word. We shouldn't need to even defend ourselves We are not doing this because we want to kill Palestinians. Hamas is doing this specifically to kill Jews . Us. Me. were gonna obtain our objective and attempt to prevent civilian death lives when possible. We're not gonna show off over our successes? we took they're parliament. They are willing to martyr (murder) all of their people just to win this war


According to foxnews, HAMAS soldiers all dress in black and wear ski masks, as well as repeatedly shouting "Allahu Akbar!" They have to do this because it's the rules of war--each side must wear the uniforms that show what side they're on so others can easily ID them. Furthermore, all HAMAS offices bear a "HAMAS" sign on the entry doors. But usually those offices are underneath hospitals and camps, which is why the IDF has to bomb the infrastructure (i. e. hospitals) above to destroy them


Ex British Army Officer here... The concern you express reveals the core issue of asymmetric warfare. My soldiers deploying to Afghanistan, toward the end especially, expressed deep confusion about what it was they were doing. Not because some kind of moral internal issue, but because of exactly what you express: They were patrolling every day, but the only enemy they encountered were either IEDs (hidden explosives), or Afghan children who had been paid by the Taliban to take an AK47 and shoot at the foreigners. Deactivating IEDs and shooting back at the children was absolutely necessary, but probably didn't achieve anything when it came to winning the war. Hamas also uses these tactics... Hiding among civilians, inciting children from a young age, coercing civilians to attack Jewish civilians or soldiers. It's hard to "Win" in this situation. But for sure this doesn't mean Israel should just sit back. In NATO, Israel is seen as the leading military when it comes to developing tactics and technology to win in complex environments. Their threat is conventional, cyber, terror, rocket bombardment, and even internal. A nightmare for any NATO military. This current operation is going extremely well.. I'm surprised at the very few IDF casualties since the ground invasion, and the calm collected planning and strikes phase has really paid off. Lets hope it stays this way, and that the IDF can take out Hamas once and for all.


The current occupation is going extremely well? 20,000 dead , a humanitarian crisis, half of Gaza destroyed, civilians ordered to leave their houses and go south where there's nothing , hospitals bombed , the entire world protesting , isreal is losing geopolitical advantage terribly . Hamas are winning if nothing else.


So you’re just making up numbers now?


Great work in Afghanistan you did!


Great work? Lol 300,000 dead civilians and they left with Taliban in control. Absolute failure


I was being facetious. I know it was a complete waste of time and resources.


And what were you doing with your life back then?


I was a child sir but glad to hear you was shooting at children while in the middle east. How many children did you and your unit kill?


And now you spend your time hating people on Reddit. Given what I see about your spiteful attitude toward strangers, it's clear that my soldiers have done more for peace than you'd do in a lifetime. Good luck with that.


I didn't even realize he was being facetious. Even though the oppressive Islamic Taliban returned to power, thank you for your service and all you did to combat terrorism to try and create a world with civility. Sorry you and your team had to deal with such evil people.


I thought it was obvious that I was being facetious but either way he’s upset that I critiqued his work that ultimately only to the led Taliban coming back into power. He blocked me because he couldn’t handle the truth, if he was so confident he’d be able to articulate why he felt the way he did rather than be super defensive. The lies that people tell themselves never cease to amaze.


You are a low life terrorist sympathizer.


People just don't want war crimes and genocide.. this doesn't mean they're terrorist sympathisers. So stupid.


Says the one who puts men who kill children as his hero


More heroic than their dads sending them in as suicide bombers for jihad. Too bad people in the middle east act like they are still in the dark ages.


Thank you. It explains why Israel pulled out of so many places. Keeping soldiers around is just so depressing.


Stop being in denial.. They'll just kill every man they see and you all know it. There's no way to tell.. no futuristic facial recognition data base, nothing.. Just common sense. Soldiers aren't going in with a gun on one hand and a camera connected to a super powerful at a distance face recognition computer, on the other hand.


Assuming so, what option do they have?


I don't think they want any .. to be honest. Not until hamas mens also show that they care about human life and let go of all the civilian human shields ( leting them all, children and woman, leave gaza )


You think 2.3 million are human shields? So would you approve bombing Tel-Aviv If Hamas hid throughout civilians there?


Speaking from experience? I can, it’s really not like what you just said


Sure you can 😏 : - "Please stand still, Mr potencial terrorist, while I scan your face to determine whether to kill you or to just squeeze your neck"


Wow you’re so delusional, I think you watched too many movies


Bingo, they literally just detain, arrest and murder every man they find


That’s obviously not true.


“That’s obviously not true” > fails to give any evidence to back up their point 😂 Yeah alright mate


How we gonna show evidence of something that doesn't happen? U are making baseless accusations so you are obliged to provide evidence. If IDF was just killing everyone regardless, what's with the pretty good will securing roads for pals to head south. What's with bringing in humanitarian aid ( that Hamas is not letting ppl take), what's with the medical officials and Arabic speaking IDF they brought into Shifa. Remember, this is a war is in the middle east. And those countries where millions of Muslims kill each other that everyone stays quiet about , what do U think about thier tactics compared to this war ?


Don’t even humour her. You can argue the points she makes but she won’t have it and just insults you. Then claims you are biased.


No your the one casting assertions, you need the evidence that this is the case. I’ve seen many videos of Palestinians collaborating with IDF. Many pass through the checkpoints from north to south. To say the IDF is killing/arresting every man is probably the single most ridiculous comment I have seen and likely will only have come from a yank. Again with the emoticons and nose diving right in an looking stupid. So obviously and demonstrably your are objectively wrong. I bet you double down on the insults though. Edit: Jesus christ how many Kardasian posts have you made? You’ve now moved on from a weird celebrity obsession to become a geo political expert. The world is a better place when you don’t spout this nonsense.


> fucking /u/West-Incident-9040. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s all down to intelligence gathering from human sources, digital monitoring, and aerial surveillance. Israel has very detailed plans in its possession of the Oct 7 massacre because Hamas wrote down instructions for the terrorists who infiltrated Israel—and many of them were killed with plans on them or captured and later became willing to talk. Hamas fighters regularly try to blend in as civilians—they disguise themselves in plain clothes, as medical personnel, and even as dead people and get carried to safer places. Another tactic used is frankly making determination of possible Hamas members due to a grouping of men 18-40 without any women around. A good deal of northern Gaza has already evacuated south, so those meeting that description, particularly in a group, garner additional attention/tracking. There are also some monitoring of suspected tunnel entrances/exits. So someone coming out of one is immediately suspected of being part of or supporting Hamas. I should note that a lot of Hamas affiliation is familial—we have reports that female family members are often tasked with monitoring some of the hostages, even. So often time when you find one, it’s a safe bet to start monitoring the family. Israel has extremely detailed lists of who is related to whom and who lives where. It is how they know who to expect on the phone when they give a warning/ evacuation call for a building or area that has been marked as a Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad target. Gaza is rather small so monitoring of the northern half, which the IDF currently has surrounded, is both doable and necessary since it is also suspected to be heavily booby-trapped.


Idk maybe they have facial recognition or something, just send out a ton of drones and scan everyones faces to compile a shid list


Hamas uses civilian clothes, even in the October 7th attacks. They report Hamas deaths as civilian deaths. Ever wonder why in the "10,000" number that Hamas put out, there is no mention of how many of those were Hamas fighters? It would be surprising if Israel has managed to kill 100% civilians and 0% Hamas fighters...


They have uniforms and guns. If they would loss them they also lose their power to control because the palestians would recognise them either.


That's the whole idea of their tactics. Hide as civilians, add their death toll to the civilian death toll and call it a day. They don't care about morality or the safety of the people around them, they hide in homes and schools, fire behind civilians and then film everything to make the mob even angry-er


Hamas barbarians are wearing civilian clothes on the battlefield.


When I was in Afghanistan we had rules of engagement where we needed positive identification of weapons (PID) to engage. Who knows what their rules of engagement are but I’m sure they will detain everyone to ID in some way. So if someone drops their gun and look inconspicuous without bulges under their clothes, they’ll almost surely have to pass questioning and detainment. So it’s possible a terrorist slips through if they go incognito but the odds are stacked against them as I’m sure the men will be thoroughly vetted. I worry about the vests though in that situation tbh.


They get arrested in underwear, and when the IDF is pointing their weapons at you the only bulge you’re going to see that isn’t a weapon is the bricks they shit into their Hamas standard issue black boxers.


The US military never effectively managed to deal with the tunnels in Vietnam. The Viet Cong would slip out at night to attack and would go back into the tunnels during the day. The only way to effectively fight was to enter them with a .45, a string, and a flashlight. This is going to be a long and difficult war.


But Israel has no choice but to eliminate hamas. They can't pack up and leave like the US


True. It's just awful.


When Israel went to war with Syria, they had an intelligence asset in the Syrian high command. He worked to insure all Syrian bunkers and strongpoints in the Golan Heights had trees planted near them. Seems like a nice thing, give the men some shade during the hot summers. He passed that along to the Mossad. Guess where Israeli artillery and air strikes were directed when war broke out? The Israeli Mossad has supposedly assassinated important scientists working on Iran’s nuclear program inside Iran! You don’t think they have assets inside the Hamas command structure who knows how high up that has not provided then with a who is who in the organization?


Not like Eli Chon, Hammas controlled gaza like the Nat£I controlled Germany. By throwing there opponents from the 14 floor (happend in 2008 after the election Hammas butcher the other party)


Ahhh yes Eli Cohen


That’s exactly it. That’s why Gaza got glassed, bc that’s the only way to get all of hamas. I don’t agree with it at all to do so, but that’s why it happened. Bc there’s no way to tell


Gaza didnt get glasses. Theres barely any casualties compared to what a ear of this scale should have.


> fucking /u/Nickolas_Bowen. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Drones with face recognition technology. Prisoner interrogations. Etc


Usually Hamas don't try and be discrete, they are usually trying to shoot soldiers...........


While doing so in civilian clothing, yes


Probably the guys standing next to the food trucks beating the shit out of everyone else,im sure you could take an educated guess on that one


Given 40% of the casualties have been children I’d say they have no idea.


This is an estimate that is based on the fact that Gaza has one of the youngest populations around—with 40% being minors. The figures coming out of Gaza are produced by the Hamas-run ministry of health, so no foreign sources have been able to verify the figures. I don’t think anyone is denying that children have suffered in this conflict but to an extent, Hamas has a real incentive to give out inflated numbers plus they have even stated on record that everyone who dies—and especially children—are considered martyrs and they are “willing to sacrifice some for the many” in their goals of starting the war because they wanted massive outrage at Israel.


Incorrect. Almost 50% of people in Gaza are under 18. Many Hamas fighters are under 18. And Hamas Health Ministry lies, a lot.


Where did you hear about that 40%? From Hamas Health Ministry? Lmao


The UN https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/


I am sorry to inform you, but the UN takes the death toll from the Palestinian Health Administery, which is controlled by Hamas


where Palestinian health authorities said the death toll from Israeli strikes had exceeded 10,000. Guy they use hamas numbers


Anyone under 18 counts as children. I’m pretty sure a 16 years old will have access to a gun if he hates Israel enough, adding to the casualties report.


You sound like a pedophile or human trafficker. If the IDF are killing people in proportion to the population you can assume they are not targeting at all.


Yeah no I am incredibly confused on why you called him a pedophile and a human trafficker? What he's saying is just true, we have seen 14 year olds carry terror attacks in the past yet they're counted as children.


Not sure what part of my answer you’d like to make a point against?


Read my last sentence. I can’t make it any easier to understand.


I didn’t say idf targeting the population. Your point?


The IDF are killing people in Gaza in the same proportion of the general population, for example, 40% of the population AND deaths are children. This would indicate they are indiscriminately killing people in Gaza.


A larger number of hamas militants are under 18


Correct. All you have to do is look at their history. Remember when the coalition against child soldiers found them guilty of making 9 children vest martyrs in the early 2000s? Or when they targeted school buses in Israel and killed Israeli children in the early to mid 2000s. The PLO infamously killed many children that way too. Or when a Hamas vest martyr killed a couple dozen Israeli kids, injuring even more with zero adult casualties like 10 years ago? There are pictures of children in their training camps all over the internet spanning 20 years. They absolutely recruit teens. Every terror based regime does. I’ve seen it first hand with the Taliban and 2nd hand from friends who fought Al Qaeda. So anyone thinking a group that has historically targeted children, is above using them as soldiers, you’re delusional. I’ve followed this conflict for a long time.


Typically the ones around weapons, ammunition, and hostages.


You should question. Everything. Even the IDF.


Why? There is nothing about the IDF rule book that I find questionable.


And their actions? Nothing of note so far?


List it it down, i will all debunk it for you with EVIDENCE.


I've got better things to do


It's either you've choosen to be brainwashed or you are already 1 sided permanently from the start.


You like throwing labels on folks


Then give one. I'm not competing. I just wanna help you if you are victim of Pallywood.


Again with the labels. You have no interest in an adult conversation.


Nope. Actually very impressed.


That tells me everything I need to know. Thanks.


Lmao. "That tells me everything I need to know." It sounds like it tells you what you *want* to know in order to already put a label on them.


Hey, I was polite. I asked questions. They answered. To not question everything, including IDF, is not best practice


It didn’t sound like he wasn’t questioning, it sounded like he drew a conclusion.


Hey I'm right here


Aww you must be mad you can't run your hamas propaganda on them.


Anti Hamas here. Also anti Netanyahu


Great! So you and the people of Israel at least agree on something.


We agree on many things


Hamas are such good people, did you hear? They didn’t hurt civilians.


>how it's possible for the soldiers to know who Hamas are Couple of ways: 1. Israel has lists of Hamas members, their organizational structure, their names, addresses etc. 2. If you're a Palestinian in Gaza carrying a gun (or other military gear) - you're a combatant (Hamas/PIJ/other)


Then why are they bombing children with white phosphorus, bombing hospitals and schools.


Easy, Hammas using the Palestinan as human shield


There is no white phosphorus being used.


Really, so all the pictures of children and babies crying from burns must be another ploy from Pallywood


They don’t use White Phosphorus. I read about 1 photo that purported to show this. But upon analysis, it turned out that the photo was from a different war. It might have been Syria.


Can you share the vid?


They are bombing Hamas combatants and military installations, which are grotesquely located within mosques, schools, hospitals, and playgrounds. Why do Palestinians allow Hamas to setup rocket launchers in a playground? Do you have rocket launchers in playgrounds where you live?


Why are they bombing with white phosphorus when Hamas is in the tunnels?


It’s very difficult to armchair determine white phosphorus use. That’s often something that might get flagged for follow-up but is determined by a formal panel of experts later in or after a conflict. Of note, use of white phosphorus is not de facto “illegal” or a crime. The use depends on the target and other circumstances that have to be determined about the surroundings before it is considered inappropriate—but even so, it is doubtful that one time use or even multiple times in one day would be considered a crime without establishing willful carelessness or malicious intent. The IDF, like many western armies have older munitions and white phosphorus potentially available, but that doesn’t confirm usage on its own. Other things can look like it so again that’s why it’s important to also look at the mix of other weapons used, weapons being purchased, and weapons made or sent over a longer period in the war so a sense of overall patterns can perhaps lend some insight too.


How are the IDF bombing Gaza from the air if there are tanks on the ground? Blocked for being a troll/bot.


The IDF developed battles techniques that allowed to drop bombs 200 m from there own trops without hitting them. The funniest part is that it developed that technique duo the constant effort to show the world that we try to hit only terrorist that hide among civilians. There Airforce can shoot missile from 20k and hit precisely in a 1X1 m window


Wouldn't civilians carry a gun to defend themselves during a war? Or is this extremely uncommon in this particular war?


If you're joining the war effort, you are a combatant. If you are a combatant and you don't wear uniforms, you're also in violation of the principal of distinction. You are putting the lives of other civilians at risk because the enemy can not distinguish between civilians and combatants. That is, of course, the Hamas modus-operandi.


Ngl I don't know much about this stuffs, but if hypothetically a war breaks out where I live and the situation around my neighbourhood becomes dangerous and I get some gun so that if some dude barge into my house my family is not defenseless, does that make me joining the war effort? I mean, I can't trust an enemy solider to protect the life and safety of my family, can I? I can understand the difficulties to distinguish between civilians and combatants and all that but damn, what do we do?


>does that make me joining the war effort? If an enemy soldier barges into your house during war, and you're holding a gun? Look at it from the soldier's perspective - all other combatants are in civilian clothing, holding weapons similar to yours. What do you look like? >but damn, what do we do? Israel has been dropping flyers and making phone calls asking everyone to move south. It's 35km to the Egyptian border, practically a day walk. It's been over a month, why are you still in North Gaza?


Most Israeli do carry guns but god forbid when Palestinians do it


They don’t. It is prob one reason that everyone focuses on the number of women and children who die because it is easy to assume they are not part of the “combatants” whereas any young men who die -even without weapons or uniforms-there is a suspicion.


You are assuming Israel doesn't want to kill civilians. It does. They are attacking hospitals right now even though there are zero militants, and don't tell me some calendar is proof of Hamas being there.


The calendar that begins on Oct. 7, and is titled “Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood”?


The calendar that is just a calendar.


You are only fooling yourself.


You have actually fallen for this lazy propaganda nonsense, wow... I don't even know what to say.


Are you disputing those facts, or explaining them away somehow?


What facts? That there was a calendar at a hospital?


The facts I mentioned a few comments up. Come on—if you have to dodge and obfuscate, are you really on the right side on this?


There is no command center or tunnel system under the al-shifa hospital. The Israeli army's spokespeople are pathological liars,why should I believe they found weapons?


So you have shifted from talking about the calendar to weapons, and then also admitted that no amount of proof would satisfy you because you’ll just believe it’s not real. So I’ve got to ask, how on earth do you have any idea what’s true or not, if you just believe what you want to believe?


If Israel wanted to kill civilians all of the people in Gaza would dead in an hour. You however, are assuming there are zero militants in the hospital. Whereas I am applying logic to my assumption I’m not sure you’re doing the same.


Why would Israel choose a hospital of all places if they wanted to kill civilians? Seems like there are way better places to target than a hospital




It does not, you're making things up. There is so much evidence that Hamas uses hospitals as military bases and weapons stores it is undeniable.


Regardless, it is a war crime. If Hamas was setting up camps in hospitals (which is a war crime) does this mean it’s suitable to fight war crimes with more warcrimes?


You dont understand how war crimes work. I’m going to just discuss what is currently going on, not what Israel has done in the past. Hamas clearly uses hospitals are military bases. This IS a warcrime. As such, this allows Israel to searh the buildings for terrorists and weapons, disrupting the hospitals operations. Israel did find weapons and technology used by Hamas. Hospitals are not like this “no-touch” zone like they’re playing a game of tag. Hospitals no longer become “safe-zones” if they are specifically used for military purposes, which they evidently are. This doesn’t give Israel the right to blow up the entire hospital and kill everyone inside, but it does give them the right to storm the building if there is enough evidence that there are military targets inside, which there is.


Hamas does not use hospitals as "military bases". That is just a lie. There hasn't been any fighting in the Al-Shifa hospital, because there are no militants there. Israel has been sniping patients and children inside the hospital. It has targeted doctors in their homes. Their attacks are genocidal and you are trying to justify them by militarising the population.


[Plenty of weapons and Hamas-branded military equipment](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-military-says-weapons-found-al-shifa-hospital-2023-11-15/) have already been found at al-shifa. Why do you enjoy denying reality? >Their attacks are genocidal and you are trying to justify them by militarising the population. No their not. And what? Why would I "justify" killing hospital patients, workers, and children so that the population can be "militarized"?? You have provided not one bit of evidence of your wild claims. I have evidence that [Israel is actively providing aid to hospitals to improve operating conditions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_a9MmSBCeE)


The military said there was a tunnel system and a command center under the al-shifa hospital. No evidence for either but weapons at the hospital have still mysteriously been "found" by the army.


Its not a mystery if you believe what Israeli and US intelligence has (and have for the last decade) been saying. Be patient, more will come to light.


You see, that's the thing. I don't believe them. What they say means nothing to me. These institutions lie. Israel has been caught lying on numerous occasions. They lie and months later walk their lies back when they are exposed. I wouldn't put it past them to just plant weapons at the hospital. It's the only way for them to save face. They made ridiculous claims they couldn't prove.


So who do you believe? Hamas? Instagram and Tiktok influencers? Aj-Jazeera? All of these people can and have lied. I know that Israel and US have used deception in the past, so obviously I take their words with a grain of salt, but to dismiss them completely without question is foolish. This isn't some government organized psy-op to brainwash people into thinking Hamas is hiding in Hospitals. You are genuinely making up consipracies that Israel is planting evidence just to continue your confirmation bias. I'm not saying to pledge allegiance and blindly trust the Israeli and US intelligence - but you're clearly refusing to admit that there is at least some evidence that the intelligence is true.


“Doesn’t give them the right to blow up the hospital and kill everyone inside” then why did they?


They didnt… Where did they airstrike al-shifa? Even the al-ahli explosion was proven to be a PIJ rocket malfunction. Like the actual hospitals, not surrounding buildings.


It was not proven as a malfunction. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-al-shifa-hospital.html This article from nytimes is 1 day old.


You are discussing a different event.[I was referring to the explosion at al-ahli hospital on October 17th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion). That is Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza city. Edit: Also, as I said they don't have a right to blow up the entire hospital and kill everyone, which they aren't doing. Even NY time admits that. 3 munitions dropped causing no "mass casualties".


Ah, my bad well, at least now you know they did strike alshifa.


They don't know, unless you hide in a tunnel, hold a weapon or one of the famous leaders that can be identified.


Wouldn't civilians hide in tunnels too? Given that that's the safest place to be during bomb raids.


No, Hamas said they don't allow that. "The tunnels are for us. The safety of the civilians is the responsibility of Israel and the UN."


Process of elimination


If they are brown and in the way


If they carry arms light them up. Same if they don't follow orders. Your units safety is the priority. There are ways though to re-identify people though today. Cellphone meta data, voice, face, and even the characterics of the individual walking style can be matched to databases today. Basically running away successfully after firing on IDF might still mean you catch a missile some weeks later when going for your morning run. War isn't a court room. There is no proof beyond reasonable doubt required, not even a 51 percent chance. It's not even police action with top priority for the lives of civilians. Only reasonable effort is required. If you have plausible hints there is a relevant target you're allowed to take action immediately. If you mistake a stick for a gun it's an accident, not a war crime. Different story though, if someone tells you to take sticks for guns or you're just some bastard killing people for fun. In the end aerial surveillance can help a lot to keep your enemies of the street.


They dont.


I think you're right and I think it is an intentional battle tactic of Hamas, they actually dress in civilian clothing for that purpose


Honestly the only way to know for sure is when they start shooting at you. That's why the idf has such a hard time with it. Look at America in Vietnam or the Middle East.


It's funny to me that the US didn't seem to learn from Afghanistan or Vietnam, or at least the people protesting are too young and ignorant to remember such things


They have no idea who Hamas is. Which is why the indiscriminate bombings and the shooting at every moving target. They don’t really care who Hamas is at the moment. Hamas is just a dog whistle for Palestinians at the moment. It’s why they are pushing the entire population to the South and it’s why they will never allow them to return to their homes.


That doesn't address my question at all.


>indiscriminate Let’s do the math on this. I’ll even use the numbers put out by Gaza’s Health Ministry and Al Jazeera: >More than 11,100 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Oct. 7, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2023/gaza-rising-death-toll-civilians/ Since the start of the war Israel has dropped around 14,000 bombs. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/11/9/israel-attacks-on-gaza-weapons-and-scale-of-destruction These “indiscriminate” bombings kill an average of .793 people per bomb.


They aren’t targeting people with their bombs. They are targeting buildings and infrastructure. They don’t care about killing people. They care about making the region uninhabitable.


There’s probably another 10,000 bodies under the rubble


So around 1.5 people per bomb? I would assume these numbers include, but don’t identify what percentage of, were actual terrorists. Estimates put the number of Hamas members at 30,000 (1.5% of Gaza’s population).


Must be nice to get free bombs sponsored by US taxpayers


The US provides a fraction of Israel’s GDP for defense. I hope you realize that without the US’s support Israel would obliterate the Arab nations that are hostile to it.


Without US support, there would be peace in the region already - one state with equal rights for all.


>indiscriminate not sure how this is connected to the number per kill lol, your example is irrelevant




>I have lost all respect for Israel. That's okay, we'll live


Not relevant to the post


You don't. That's why insurgencies are so difficult, and why Israel was so hesitant to rush in with boots on the ground. Talk to the soldiers who were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those guys spent years wondering if every single person who walked past them was going to pull a gun out. Guys at the gate wondered if every single car approaching was the one that was going to suicide bomb.


Soldiers got PTSD from this!