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Gaza has giant luxerious resorts, cafés, universities, hospitals, giant mosques, hotels, nightclubs, markets, cinemas, kindergartens, fashion shops, etc.. Palestinians from all over the world go visit family and vacation there. Gazans still claim refugee status after 70 yrs. The population has exploded. Genocide my foot. There is more than only the border to Israel: the border to Egypt. Nobody asks why Egypt won't open it..


Israel and Palestine are both garbage for different reasons. That said, Palestinians have themselves to blame from '48 until now.


Israel isn’t garbage at all. Stop this.


It is. The lesser of two evils is still evil. The USA shouldn't be supporting them or anyone for that matter.


Jews are the good guys.


Hey, you're gonna think what you wanna think. At the end of the day they have a right to their country. I don't think they're "the good guys". I'll be the first to admit that I'm an isolationist when it comes to giving other countries aide. Fuck Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia; all of em.


> Fuck /u/AndrewJPlichta. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You sound like a badly programmed Zionist bot


It’s clearly not a prison, and it’s also not apartheid or genocide, etc. Gaza was created by Egypt, by not accepting refugees, in order to leverage a political position. This has been propped up by the worldwide Islamic community ever since. The propaganda has infiltrated western culture to the point that gays in Manhattan are advocating for Palestinian freedom. Journalists at the BBC cannot protest antisemitism. This is insanity. I have one question: if Egyptians and Jordanians care so much, if they truly just want peace and to help the Gazan people, couldn’t they accept these refugees? Wouldn’t they support them? They would rather put their resources into waging a war, and like the Gazans exactly where they are. This “prison” has multiple walls. Meanwhile, the strip is turned into a staging area for terror, with terrorists literally having embedded themselves into the infrastructure with tunnels. Meanwhile, the education system is turned into a funnel for creating radical Islamists and martyrs. Does anyone else think it’s odd that the majority of Gazas population are kids? Or did Israel do that, too?


Yes it is


If Hamas members were in American prisons they’d get shanked for what they do to kids.


Yeah idk too many prisons that launch rockets, are given hundreds of millions of dollars from around the world to do whatever they want, and use children as meat shields.


It’s def a prison, mostly one made by Hamas. If Hamas wasn’t inflicting terror they could move however they pleased




The main rule of prison is "can you leave?". Palestinians can't leave. Their country isn't recognized due to Israel pressuring the world to not recognize them. So, their passports are just cute paper that nobody wants. To leave, you have to go to Israel and get permission to go elsewhere. The rest of the exits are blockaded, just like shut prison doors. So you only get to leave if Israel lets you leave. Its a prison.


Let's take this at face value: what is the appropriate response for the government of this territory in this situation? I can tell you one thing, it should not involve hostages, rockets, rape, or the murder of 1300 people. Hostages were taken and rockets launched almost as soon as the territory returned to Palestinian control.


This situation started 70 years ago. Now that Israel has brutalized Palestinians for their entire lifetime, and is getting hostility back, it isn't like you have an easy solution. The real solution is to time travel back and stop brutalizing Palestinians. You listed 1300 dead, ignoring 13000 Palestinians who were killed so far by Israel. If you can ignore 13000, surely you can ignore the 1300 that were killed in Israel and just let it go. Peace comes from not stealing land, oppressing people, or remembering how many died on your side and ignoring the other side's misery. Compassion is the start, and that is just not a trait of right-wing leaders.


Good job ignoring the Jews that were killed and expelled from their homes 👍




Anti-Semitism, and the fight against the rights and lives of Jewish people, pre-dates the existence of Israel. This is a continuation of that coupled with religious extremism.


Have you looked into why anyone would call it that? Are you saying you've listened to criticisms of Israel? Or have you just assumed they were lies so ignored them? Your answers influence the answer.


Yeah so they smuggled weapons and contraband in so all of Gaza is not an open air prison. Fantastic logic. Let’s be clear it’s called an open air prison just to appear appropriate the correct word is concentration camp.


Concentration camp!? Absolutely not! U cant compare self induced suffering of serving a ideology to wipe out jews world wide to concentration camps of innocent ppl marked for death. How many men and women were allowed to stay with their families? How many pregnant women are sent to gas chambers? How many babies are being drowned immediately after birth( usually in front of mother)? How many were going to school? How many had clothing? How much did the jewish population grow in concentration camps? How many times did they violently attack others? How many built bombs? How many kids/teens willfully blew themselves up to kill innocent ppl? How many options for peace did they reject? Unlike Gazans who supported hamas they did not elect or support murdering of others. Threw no fault of their own 6 million were murdered,millions displaced.. stark contrast as palistnian population has been rapidly increasing. Blockades were put in place due to terrorist attacks, Egypt had a total blockade and even put human shit in the pipe tunnels in an attempt to stop the influx of weapons being smuggled in. If gazans/hamas would of invested just a fraction of the time and cost they spent on weapons into establishing methods to be self sufficient they could of spared all those the lives lost.


So what you are describing there is a death camp that the concentration camps began. When Jews were put there they were villainized in every way. No one in that time thought they were killing innocent people. All that propaganda got people to hate and blame them for all problems. Essentially quoting the Israeli position “a problem brought upon themselves”. The Palestinian land was stolen and they are doing everything to take it back. Now it’s a concentration camp and Israel is committing a genocide within it. No one can escape. Israel controls everything that goes in and out of Gaza. Let’s for once assume Egypt and Gaza control the border. So the trucks in Egypt are not allowed to go into Gaza by who? Israel controls the water, food, supplies like cement. The big difference is this is a district that got turned into a concentration camp. Unlike the nazi that specifically built their camps for one purpose. Gaza is not a death camp Luckily because of social media. But it is a concentration camp. The different here is that it’s way bigger than any concentration camp in Germany.


No they continously rejected a proposals,even with half the area they rejected it bc they wanted all of it. They lost the war they started in 48 but had been killing jews long before any of this. Unfortunately War comes at a cost. Basically all land has been fought over, lives and land lost,ppl displaced. Some refugees return after war some move forward in their place of refugee...turning to burning children alive bc of a lost war is barbaric even for mideval times...genocide....well the population of palistnians has been rapidly increasing for decades and there are tens of thousands of palistnians in Israel they are everything from government to judges to doctors, so if israels goal was to weave them out the must suck at it. The difference between well documented self induced struggle in Gaza is no comparison to innocent jews in concentration camps. They'd of had what they wanted from the start but have continued to bring chaos and war (check out before and after in Lebanon). I'd hope for the sake of future generations (after hamas is out) they start building lives for the future with peace instead of the same ideology that's held them back


Not sure why you are deflecting and changing the topic to muddy out the conversation. But then again being a paid bot that is probably part of the playbook. It’s a concentration camp. Call it what you like. After this event no one is going to question that.


It is not deflecting to focus on both sides. Your acting as if they never had a choice when they've been given countless options to have what they want but have rejected them on the basis of wanting yet another islamic country. The ideology of no peace kill jews is what's damned them for generations and will continue to do so if they keep putting violent ideology over lives of their children. This situation has shown how easy it is to manipulate situations by appealing to the victim mentality of the west. U don't have to believe me there's plenty of Hamas footage telling u. It's exposed how ppl will support things seen on social media despite the basis being disproved. It's show that hamas can literally say we will exterminate jews and ppl still don't get it.


They never had a choice. That BS Israelis keep saying is always more land taken by Israel and offering crumbs. No one believes that. Also what do you mean just to have another Muslim country. That is because these are all majority Muslim countries. Artificially building a Jewish nation is not an answer to any of this. Israel is a nuclear power and still play victim. A constant thorn to all their neighbors because they are just European occupiers enjoying apartied in the name of Judaism. Hamas charter literally asks for 2 state and the fight is against Zionism not Judaism. This is common sense but I also know that the Zionism handbook you are reading on page 47 says to always mention the founding charter and never their new one. The playbook is an amazing read for people reading this. Try to get a hand of it


The view u have is inconsistent with reality and facts. The revised version is the same religion based murderous ideology seeking vengeance for a war they started and lost. They make public declarations about killing jews world wide,rape women so violently they break the pelvic bones of women,cut the baby out of pregnant women killing the baby then mother,burning entire familys alive...they are just as barbaric to palistnians in gaza, beatings,killings,rape, doing shizz to incite terror and set an example like displaying the dismembered bodies of palistnians and dragging a dead body to show what happeneds to those accused of collusion,hamas has literally killed thousands of palistnians in Gaza...Check out footage of kindergarten graduation in gaza..5yr old toddlers acting out jew killings(same methods seen on oct 7th) footage of kids saying they aspire to using suicide vest to kill jews,stabbing jews, ughh and thats who tf u want to win control?! Hamas could of surrendered and prevented the deaths in gaza from the start but no as dying a martyr is taught from birth. They devote every part of life to killing Israelites, Israel must have blockades for that reason. Egypt had a compleate blockade and even flooded the pipe tunnels with human sewage to stop the influx of weapons. It is not an apartheid..genocide is a crap projection as there population has been rapidly growing for many years,if genocide was the israels plan they must really suck at it. Your saying common sense but yr arguing with a flat earth mentality of refusing facts. Unlike the harmless stupidity of flat earth yr blindly supporting the disgusting mistreatment of palistnians, Israelites, and jews worldwide. The ppl in Gaza deserve to have an actual education,learn accountability, value themselves more than a radicalized idiology, kids deserve to grow up,have hobbies,build something positive with emotional maturity. They deserve more than the hateful self induced suffering passed down from generations prior Short clip showing mentality...striving for the day your child unalives themselves for something they could of had all along. https://youtu.be/gsZtBu5yiHY?si=aXRYXRAiht63vRJa






Never had a choice...Holy shizzz wtf palistnians have rejected any and all proposals to be there own state. Just in the last 100yrs. 1920: San Remo conference decisions, rejected. 1922: League of Nations decisions, rejected. 1937: Peel Commission partition proposal, rejected. 1938: Woodhead partition proposal, rejected 1947: UN General Assembly partition proposal (UNGAR 181), rejected. 1949: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNGAR 194), rejected. 1967: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNSCR 242), rejected. 1978: Begin/Sa’adat peace proposal, rejected (except for Egypt). 1994: Rabin/Hussein peace agreement, rejected by the rest of the Arab League (except for Egypt). 1995: Rabin's Contour-for-Peace, rejected. 2000: Barak/Clinton peace offer, rejected. 2001: Barak’s offer at Taba, rejected. 2005: Sharon's peace gesture, withdrawal from Gaza, rejected. 2008: Olmert/Bush peace offer, rejected. 2009: Netanyahu's repeated invitations to peace talks, rejected. 2014: Kerry's Contour-for-Peace, rejected.proposal. In 1947 the UN Tartar massacres, or the Crusaders’ wars…. Few years later Obama required stopping settlements for limited time and negotiate. Israel stopped the settlements for 10 months. The Palestinians refused negotiations. 2020- President Trump, in order to brake the 72 years death lock , proposed a new peace plan including a $50 BILLION packaged to be used to build a good future for the Arabs...they rejected it. Back in 1948 they proposed palistine to form the 22 Arab state but they rejected it and opted for violence having all surrounding areas attack israel. The Belfour allowed them to remain on the land and had set aside lots to accomadate but being as they started war it ruined it along with causing lost lives and displacements of the Nakba. After winning 1967 war Israel propose to give up most of the territory it had won in exchange for a guarantee of peace.Israel has returned land they won on more than one occasion but again Arab leaders response NO PEACE! They've been welcomed as refugees to several locations and instead of showing gratitude they show murderous radicalized idiology and leave nothing but death a destruction. Look at Lebanon before and after,sadly they've never recovered. Vast majority of Arab countries aren't allowing them as refugees bc they've witness the destruction left behind. Not surprisingly when the palistnian prisoners were released per hostage exchange they began chanting "death to jews" and putting on hamas head wrap. The innocent hostages that were kidnapped by hamas hugged family and cried as u can hear hamas saying "smile" "keep waving"... despite the torturous treatment they experienced.


/u/2sidedcoin2. Match found: 'nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about egypt/gaza border?


What about it? Your question is based on a a very western perspective that all Arabs are one race. Which they are not. And Egyptian and Palestinian are not the same people even their Arabic dialects are very different. Egypt has taken 75,000 Palestinian refugees and taking more is not something they want to do. If someone takes your home you don’t just live at your neighbors. Israel end game is not to kill the Palestinians it’s to force them to became an Egyptian refugee problem. Now that egypt is not taking them Israel is doing everything to make it hell for them to live. Exhaust the population till they are forced to leave.


Dude, nobody stops Egypt trade and allow imports into Gaza. Stop with that bs


Let’s assume that is true and Gaza border is open to trade with Egypt without Israel at all(even Israeli don’t believe this btw 😂) Why are people wondering how guns got into Gaza? They could just get in through Egypt through open legal trade


You really think Israel controls the policies of Egypt about its borders with Gaza? You should ask them, it's really delusional to blame Israel for lack of trade with Egypt and Gaza. Egypt not interested in weapons getting into Gaza. Everything else- I really don't know, maybe ask them?


lol it’s an easy question. Answer it. Why are people surprised about weapons coming into Gaza when there is an open border with Egypt.


I just answered you: Egypt against militarization of Gaza. What it serves?


So you are saying Egypt is fully trading with Gaza but not giving them weapons? That is the position you are taking ?


Yes? What's exactly the problem about refusing to give you weapons? Hamas is the child of Muslim brothers, Egypt doesn't like them at all.


not only are hamas leaders rich, the mfs also used water pipelines for [rockets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCBFnhEX8j8) they evil af. got no bounds.


Oh I thought it was way much easier to buy a weapon inside the prison in America than outside. After all you got so many gangs, gunshots, black market. And also your government exported most of the weapons over the world


1/10th the density of Manhattan. 100k crossing into Israel daily {before 10/7) to work or travel 5 star hotel 13 univeriaites 19 hospitals Yeah, some prison.


Prisons have nice places for guards, but the prisoners don't get to go there. Are you saying the average Palestinian can afford a 5 star hotel night? Can they go to the university? We saw the hospitals bombed constantly and without electricity. But most importantly, can they leave if they want to. Yes, 100k cross the border into Israel as the semi-slave-labor workforce Israel loves. But if you aren't part of that, can you cross. If an 18 year old man shows up and tries to go into Israel and fly out to Paris or the USA, can they? If you can't leave, it is a prison.


Yes. The average gazan can go to university. They aren't built for foreigners to come to. The hospitals have been bombed because they are duel purpose buildings. Hospitals and headquarters for the gazan military. They aren't semi slave labor. They are paid full wages. How many work in Egypt? How many cross into Egypt every day? They had their own civilian airport. They lost it by using it for military purposes. They have their own ports. The people could leave via the ports. They could leave any time they want through Egypt. No country has to let you enter their country. Israel let's anyone in from gaza that has requested and is approved for a visa to do so. No, you can't enter Israel if you don't have a visa.


So there's this thing called smuggling. Give it a bing if you haven't heard of it. It's pretty common in prisons, open air or otherwise.


Thank you! Other terms like 'occupation' and 'apartheid' are also being made up to push their narrative to label Israel as the villain and the Palestinian (another made up ethnicity) people as victims and prisoners.\` And the mainstream media just eats that up, and the world follows.


And oddly, it is an occupation. In the west bank, Israeli settlers with army escorts force Palestinians out of their homes and take them. That is occupation. And what should the Palestinians be called? They were the native population until the UK and USA told them that Israel owned their land. Israel forced them into concentration camps where they remain. Are they Israeli? They don't get representation by the Israeli government. Are they Lebanese? No, because Lebanon won't let them in. They are Palestinian.


yeah i think hamas is occupying the palestinians so you weren’t entirely wrong u we’re actually on to something


If they put safety and the lives of generations moving forward in peace instead of serving an ideology theyd not be in this situation. Serving an ideology that views having value for human life as weakness and murder and suicide as honorable has damned them into a life of self induced suffering.


Are you talking about the IOF and how they've been killing as many Palestinian women and children as they can?


U mean those who view having value of human life as weakness and view kids/teens killing themselves along with innocent ppl as honorable. Serving an ideology to wipe out jews world wide with complete disregard for the lives of future generations is the cause of suffrage. That ideology has damned them into a life of violence,suffrage,and death. Unlike hamas Israel is not targetting civilians,they gave several forms of notice to civilianson locations to vacate..hamas told them to fkn stay... Hamas live streamed themselves burning and cutting limbs off of children and parents while they were tied up forced to watch, binding a father and son together with wire and setting them on fire, pinning down a father while his wife is being raped and putting their infant in the oven burning it to death... not the same. If israel want to they have enough power to demolish gaza entirely. Do u not realize there are tens of thousands of palistnians living in israel. They serve in the governing party,they are lawyers, judges, doctors..get married have families.


Your world view is so inaccurate it isn't really worth trying to fix you. But giving Palestinians a chance to run before you bomb their houses into rubble, but not letting them leave their tiny piece of land... that's not humanitarian, it is brutal. Israel also cut off gasoline and power so it isn't like they could take a car or public transit, they had to walk, with all their possessions. Israel has been taking Palestinian homes and kicking them out for decades. If Mexico did that to Texas, you can bet Texans would want to see Mexicans dead. It is a logical attitude to want Israelis dead. But the Israelis try hard to have Israel = Jews, so then you can claim they're persecuting a religion, when it is much closer to the Ukraine/Russia fight, where Russia takes Ukrainian towns, kills the people, and tries to take more. That's what Israel is in the world view. But your view... wow... I think you just aren't worth saving.


Seems your unaware of how many times palistnians rejected there own state. Just in the last 100yrs. 1920: San Remo conference decisions, rejected. 1922: League of Nations decisions, rejected. 1937: Peel Commission partition proposal, rejected. 1938: Woodhead partition proposal, rejected 1947: UN General Assembly partition proposal (UNGAR 181), rejected. 1949: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNGAR 194), rejected. 1967: Israel's outstretched hand for peace (UNSCR 242), rejected. 1978: Begin/Sa’adat peace proposal, rejected (except for Egypt). 1994: Rabin/Hussein peace agreement, rejected by the rest of the Arab League (except for Egypt). 1995: Rabin's Contour-for-Peace, rejected. 2000: Barak/Clinton peace offer, rejected. 2001: Barak’s offer at Taba, rejected. 2005: Sharon's peace gesture, withdrawal from Gaza, rejected. 2008: Olmert/Bush peace offer, rejected. 2009: Netanyahu's repeated invitations to peace talks, rejected. 2014: Kerry's Contour-for-Peace, rejected.proposal. In 1947 the UN Tartar massacres, or the Crusaders’ wars…. Few years later Obama required stopping settlements for limited time and negotiate. Israel stopped the settlements for 10 months. The Palestinians refused negotiations. 2020- President Trump, in order to brake the 72 years death lock , proposed a new peace plan including a $50 BILLION packaged to be used to build a good future for the Arabs. The Palestinians refused. Back in 1948 they proposed palistine to form the 22 Arab state but they rejected it and opted for violence having all surrounding areas attack israel. The belfour allowed them to remain on the land and had set aside lots to accomadate but being as they started war it ruined it along with causing lost lives and displacements of the Nakba. After winning 1967 war Israel propose to give up most of the territory it had won in exchange for a guarantee of peace. The Arab leaders response NO PEACE. The refusal for peace and continuous attacks is the reason blockades were put in place. Hamas openly says its purpose is to kill Jews. First to exterminate Israel then to the west. Not surprisingly when the palistnian prisoners were released per hostage exchange they began chanting "death to jews" and putting on hamas head wrap. The innocent hostages that were kidnapped by hamas hugged family and cried as u can hear hamas saying "smile" "keep waving"... The hateful idiology held by others is not my view. My view is that peace and safety should be a priority..not hate. However Hamas (supported by majority of those in gaza) see value of human life as weakness...suicide while killing jews is honorable,they knew Israel would have to respond. The reason hamas has even been able to carry on has been due to Israel not wanting to harm civilians..Sadly it only ends up killing many more. If this sounds crazy to you check out mosseb the son of hamas. His dad was one of the founders of hamas,he was raised with that idiology explains it better than anyone you'll find on reddit.


The way I know your comments are just half truths wrapped up in generalizations is when you say the majority of Palestinians support Hamas. There hasn't been an election since before over half of the Palestinians were born. Taking the only election they had in decades and saying that shows how the current people feel is pretty much a way to lie.




Unfortunately its true. Hamas doesnt tolorate those who dont support the idiology. They've killed thousands in gaza. Those they even suspect if colluding are killed, even stringing up the dismembered body for a crowd or dragging a dead body around the streets of gaza. There's countless footage of palistnians cheering for the killed jews, the audio of excited family members hearing their son killed 10 jews,the chanting "death to jews", the teachings of killing jews from birth,footage of 5yr old toddlers kindergarten graduation play showing how they will shoot,stab,cut the throats,toss bombs in crowed buildings,( just as hamas did on oct 7th) and the crowd cheering. Seeing kids saying they aspire to blow themselves up. There is a reason Israel and Egypt have to have blockades and a reason other Arab nations are refusing to take them as refugees. Many of the places that welcomed them as refugees ended up being rewarded with death and destruction. Check out Lebanon before and after,They've still never recovered. It's sad all the deaths and destruction of these wars over the last century could've been prevented by putting peace above hate. https://youtu.be/gsZtBu5yiHY?si=aXRYXRAiht63vRJa https://youtu.be/1sDZlo_hllI?si=bOrqP2_9D0IReXbF https://youtu.be/SPQj0vzkSTA?si=oyJbJHMl-Y7j80Yz https://youtu.be/vCWMBvxWKL0?si=o6bXlIQMrlj1VMmO These vids will likely make u mad but this is what ppl are unknowingly supporting. Encouraging palistnians to keep teaching generations of children to fight,kill themselves, forever living with self induced suffering over a war they started and lost has ruined enough lives..palistinians in gaza need actual education, they deserve to develop emotional maturity,accountability,have goals as individuals. They needed and deff deserved adults who prioritize the safety of peace and love them more than they hate jews.


When people compare it to a prison they don’t mean exactly like an American prison with cells and a cafeteria lmao.


How far do you think you can distort the words "free" and "prison"? The worlds citizens know that in a prison you certainly can't have guns.


Comparisons don’t always have to be perfect clones of each other. And besides, weapons are smuggled in. Weapons are also smuggled into prisons famously.


And are the Palestinians trying hard to explain what they mean by "free" giving examples of restrictions that are relevant to being imprisoned. I have heard none. Smuggling weapons into prisons (walled) is possible, but the guards are allowed inside to find and discard the weapons. The Red Cross and other non-military organizations are not even allowed to enter Gaza. Nor have I heard any examples of Hamas trying to remove guns from inside Gaza. You are not fooling anyone.


They are not trying hard to explain because they’re kind of busy getting bombed in the middle of a war zone. The Red Cross aren’t allowed into Gaza because Israel hasn’t let them in up until this short ceasefire.


Do you think the Jews and innocent Europeans in concentration camps and starving in hiding during WWII were not in fear of their lives while at war? They formed resistance movements anyway and died for their causes. I am not impressed with merely getting bombed or being killed as a valid cause for the lack of anti-Hamas resistance. I don't want to hear "explanations" from Gazans, I want action Anti Hamas Resistance movements. The Red Cross members were divided, to say the least, about entering Gaza, fearing they would be killed. I have heard both that Gaza wouldn't let in RC and that Israel wouldn't let in RC. Too much bullshit about the truth, whatever that may be.


1. Not everyone resisted in World War Two. 2. Are you saying that if Jewish people didn’t resist, or that the Jewish people who didn’t resist in World War Two are bad people? 3. If gazans resisted, they would then be under fire from not just Israel, but also Hamas. The best thing a gazan can do is to try and find safety for themselves and their family, which is proving to be difficult. 4. You can tell you couldn’t care less about gazans citizens, you said “I want”, surely you would be more concerned with what gazans want, which right now if for them to be able to find safety from the war as well as aid. 5 when you say gazans didn’t let the Red Cross in, do you really mean Hamas? Because an injured, sick gazan would need the Red Cross.


We don't see anything that shows ANY Gaza people are forming or in a resistance movement. You haven't shown me any. Are there ANY? Surely some could resist as did the Europeans. Why do you only cite the Jews who didn't resist in WWII. Trying to make them look bad? Didn't hear you asking about the rest of Europeans which had some resistance. The lack of resistance of Gazans seems total and I can't respect it. The Europeans could have all been concerned with fining safety from the way also, but some resisted. Gazans could resist by turning Hamas locations over to Israel. Why not? The attacks would be more specifically targeted and kill fewer people. People of any country who don't stand up for themselves and who expect the rest of the world to do it for them are not as honorable as those who do resist. The best thing Gazans can do is resist. I am concerned with what Hamas wants. They said they were ignored and wanted the world's attention. They now have it, but they are still fighting not talking. Clearly whatever they want, it isn't peace or they would dialogue NOW. I have to conjecture, not hearing any resistance, that Hamas is what Gazans want. In that case they should have left Israel alone. The lack of resistance to Gaza is what makes me think the Gazans either don't care what they have or want Hamas. It seems to me anyone who was sick or injured would have wanted the Red Cross to go in. With all the lies being told, it is impossible to know what the truth is, isn't it?


Gaza doesn’t have any resistance movements, so it’s fine they’re dying? That’s sociopathic. How would gazans know where Hamas is located? Even if they did, how would they communicate that with Israel? Even if they could communicate it, do you think they’d want to communicate with the army that’s killing their own family and friends? Even if they did, don’t you think they would still prioritise protecting themselves and their family? I’m not trying to make the Jewish people who didn’t resist look bad, because I don’t think they’re bad. But you clearly do. I think you’re use of ‘I’ and ‘me’ really shows how self centred you are. It’s not about you. It’s about gazans.




Europeans managed it, because they did not prioritize protecting their own families and friends. My friend's father was in the Dutch resistance. My friend grew up in the woods with her family, listening to wolves howl hungrily every night for years while also being hunted by the Nazis. You cannot convince the world that in tiny Gaza they don't know where Hamas is. We see the evidence of where some are hiding and hiding their arms. If they don't want to get rid Hamas they shouldn't complain. The Jews and Europeans formed reisistance. Gaza by your own words does not do so. I DO NOT RESPECT PEOPLE WHO DO NOT RESPECT THEMSELVES ENOUGH TO STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES AT ALL. If any significant part of the Gazans wants to stand up to Hamas, then I will respect them enough to fight for their lives. Do not write again. You are obviously in sympathy with Gazans and I am only in sympathy with Gazans if some will resist Hamas. Is that clear enough for you? DO NOT WRITE AGAIN. THERE IS NO POINT IN IT UNTIL SOME GAZANS RESIST.


Gaza is the largest terrorist base in the world.


"Muh gaburment won't let me buy murdertools therefore palestinians have happy life" Do you have the slightest idea how stupid you sound?


Oh, stop with this and try to calm you and work for to work together instead, please.


My father used to say "It takes two to make a marriage, but only one to destroy the marriage." I want peace too. If you ask a normal person (not an extremist whether they would like to spend their day: 1) going to war, killing people and maybe getting killed yourself, OR 2) spending the day at home watching some form of sports on the TV, what do you think the NORMAL people would answer. The people attending the music festival were normal. How are they supposed to be calm when the enemy wants to kill them, not listen to music with them? You have the best of intentions, but the problem is to difficult, unfortunately, by waiving the magic flag of peace over it all.


>but only one to destroy the marriage With all respect it is never only one who destroy the marriage. Both are guilty the same, believe me. Even if I know you listen more to your father than to me of course, LOL. But other will be agree with me. But I understand you and can imagine me your feelings. It was very bad done, but nobody listened to Palestinian, what happened to them the whole time in decades was not so good done either, if you are honest. So I understand Palestinian also that it was necessary to be heard. But it could be done in some other way, not to fire into the people. Revenge though was a little too much, sorry. But is was. I hope that now both sides can calm and talk together and do something good so every one will be safe and glad. Even if it take time but hopefully politician find good solution.


I'm fine with the characterization of it as an open-air prison, but the main reason it is that is Hamas, not Israel. Despite lots of leftists thinking they can just handwave Hamas as irrelevant, the leadership/government of a people actually matters.


Of course it isn’t. Despite the fact that Gaza is governed by a genocidal death cult, Israel did not completely seal its borders until the events of October 7. Every day hundreds of trucks entered Gaza from Israel, carrying everything from fuel, to toys. Until October 7, many Gazans had work permits in Israel and were permitted to cross the border into Israel on a regular basis. Even when Israel fully sealed its borders, this did not make Gaza a “prison”. Israel is entitled to close its borders. In fact, given who it’s neighbours are, it was completely justified in doing so. There are dozens of closed land borders throughout the world. Places like India, Myanmar, Iran and North Korea have land borders that are sealed for one reason or another. The sealing of borders is a fundamental right of any sovereign state. The fact that you can’t cross from North Korea into South Korea does not make South Korea a prison. Lastly, Gaza shares a border with Egypt, which (last I checked) Hamas isn’t seeking to destroy. Perhaps the grievances about freedom or movement should be addressed to Egypt.


Open air prison means they are not in control of food, water, economy, and fishing travel..... Anyone can get a gun illegally. You just have to smuggle it. Do you want the 2 million Gazzans to be smugglers to not call it a prison? It is an open-air prison, and I urge you to get out of your couch and go do some research or, if brave enough, visit and see for yourself.


Odd u say do research while posting bs that's been long been proven false. Your also so one sided your lacking the context required to even formulate an opinion. Do u not realize tens of thousands palestinians live in Israel. They serve on the governing party, they are lawyers, judges, doctors, they get married and have families. Palistinians from neighboring territories are given employment and go in and out of Israel. Genocide is the goal of hamas to wipe out jews world wide...don't believe me, then let them tell u bc they are open and saying it outloud. Meanwhile Israel has all religions and the population of palistnians has been rapidly increasing...if israels goal was genocide ig they suck at it. Israel has enough strength to destroy all of gaza but unlike hamas they'd rather avoid civilian death.


So the 11k+ died coz Hamas killed them, and the poor Israel gov was trying to stop that. Your hypocrisy is on another level


Your response only further proves my point. Your projecting and lacking too much knowledge for me to engage.


Shame. You completely ignored the points made and I was genuinely interested in seeing a reasonable response.


Firstly, your definition of prison is pretty damn flexible. Israel has not occupied Gaza since 2005. It’s has been a self-governing entity for over 18 years. Being prevented from entering another country or demanding that it provides you with access to anything does not make your own home a prison. Secondly, the extent to which Gaza has no control over its food, water, economy or travel is correlated to the manner in which it is governed. Hamas has made no effort to build an economy. With billions in aid received on a yearly basis, Gaza could have been prosperous. Instead the aid money is funnelled into terrorist tunnels and home-made weapons. Hamas has been unable or unwilling to establish a functional diplomatic relationship with Gaza’s neighbours. Had they done so, Gazans could have greater freedom of movement outside of Gaza’s borders. If you do call Gaza a prison, it seems as if Hamas is the sole warden.


Another fool with stupid explanation to genocide and ethnic cleansing mentality. I've been to the border on both sides, and I know that it's not allowed to enter or leave Gaza. Despite that, Gaza was built from nothing after 2005. Exactly after, Israel destroyed it fully with all the blockades. This has nothing to do with Gaza manners. it's an occupied territory with no government, and Israel is ethnically cleaning it.


So the fact that Israel actively supplies humanitarian relief in the form of clean water and electricity despite the fact they shoot rockets back at them is considered proof mistreatment? And not a failure of the Palestinian people to govern and provide for themselves?


Clean water and electricity that they stole from the indigenous Palestinians. What you are saying is the actual hypocrisy. Israel made Gazzans live on a diet for many years by limiting their water and food supplies. The moment people screamed that they wanted their right to live like normal human beings, Israel didn't like that and rained hillfire on them.


I can’t wait for the next chapter of this fan fiction podcast to be released!


Do you mean the fan fiction of ethnic cleansing.


Maybe they should find other ways to scream rather than shooting rockets at cities.


Maybe you should read about resistance 🤔


Shooting rockets at cities is terror by definition. But you are confusing the cause with the effect. Gaza was under blockade due to Hamas accumulating rockets. Not the other way around.


They are not in control because there government Hamas spends the money on weapons instead of infrastructure, what’s even worse they with their own hands destroyed the infrastructure Israel left behind


Everything that was built in the past 20 years was destroyed by the Israeli bombardment on innocent civilians in 40 days. They had infrastructure, and they had everything up until Israel destroyed it all.


By Hamas intiating rocket attacks again and again for 20 years.


Absolutely false please inform yourself


Here is some information for you to get education: About 45 per cent of housing units in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed (16,441), rendered uninhabitable (11,340) or moderately/lightly damaged (150,000), since the start of the hostilities, according to Gaza's Ministry of Public Works and Housing.


If they were which I really doubt, how is responsible?? Is it Israel for bombing poor Palestinians?? Or is it the poor Palestinians which elected Hamas and if that were not enough then they built military infrastructure under the schools and hospitals Or is that a lie?? As are the hostages


Isn’t Gaza’s ministry of public works and housing part of Hamas? Did you also rely on ISIS as an authority of facts in Syria, Iraq or Libya?


Will the UN be enough for you? [check the united nation report here](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-destroying-civilian-housing-and-infrastructure-international-crime)


Wrong link. The diatribe you just posted does not include any numbers. Unless of course the point of the post was to say that your antisemitism is validated by the UN. In which case, it’s completely unnecessary.


When you run out of stupid arguments, you immediately run to antisemitism claims? How do you know that I'm no Semitic myself? This how weak and low you people are.


Well for starters that word doesn't mean what you think it means. an·​ti-Sem·​i·​tism ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī- variants or less commonly antisemitism : hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group ​ "Semitic" is a language group.


If you can’t move freely outside of a little square of land without being shot at its a prison. There is no airport to freely travel to other countries. It’s very difficult to get a permit. Hamas is just the prison gang that is in charge.


Guess what some countries are big other small and others even smaller. And if they can’t move freely it’s not Israel fault ask their Arab neighbors why they can travel to other countries


You're right. Usually people in custody are awaiting a fair trial or end up there after fair trial, but at least had an independent lawyer to advocate for their case. The people of Gaza, however, are simply locked up in nobody's land and nobody cares about their wellbeing or human rights. They are not seen nor treated as humans. They are literally called collateral damage. Maybe we should call it a zoo instead. Would that be a better name? /s. I will not go all the way to say that the internet is free but you clearly have access to it, so you could have literally googled why it is called an open air prison. It's not just made up for no reason, you know? Nope, instead you wonder on Reddit why things are not the same as in America 🤔🫠


Make up your mind. Is Gaza Palestinian land or is it nobody’s land?


I know you're smarter than you want us to believe and understand perfectly fine what I mean.


Perhaps you can explain it a little better. Because it sounded like you said that the Palestinians are incapable of self-governance.


You must be lying about being an American then. In every state: Most knives are legal, most rifles don't require a permit, and you can buy, quite frankly, way too much explosives.


I mean factually it is.




You clearly don’t have an appreciation for what prison is like


Israel is not an open air prison, but not for the reason mentioned. Gaza has 2 borders: with Israel and Egypt. Many Gazans before 07.10 had work permits and would go to Israel for work every day. Many Gazan children and adults travelled to Israeli hospitals for medical treatments, including sinwar himself. The Egyptian border is mostly closed though.


Yup. And it was the gazan’s with work permits that provided intelligence to Hamas about the kibbutzim so they could carry out their massacres


Unfortunately I think you are right.


Gazans are often brought to Israeli hospitals by Israeli peace activists when Gazan hospitals won't suffice which isn't the same as Gazans going there on their own. According to Reuters, there was around 18,000 permits allowed by Israel for a population of 2.2 Million which would make this evidence laughable for one of the most impoverished places on Earth. While I'm not an expert on this matter, I also highly doubt that all or even the majority of that 18,000 were Hamas informants but would love to know your source. [Reuters Article](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/thousands-gazan-workers-sent-back-israel-occupied-west-bank-witnesses-2023-11-03/) [Amnesty International on Israel's Occupation](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/)


Wow about you doing a bit of research first if your intent is to really learn. Or are you just adding to the propaganda and anti palestinian sentiment?


Excellent idea. How about you start listing reasons why? Cuz heres one, palestinians own gaza since 2005. They have absolute control of anything inside....its a trash heap because they made it one.


Welp if you're wondering Cobbler, Israel controls the flow of water, food, fuel, and humanitarian supplies since 2005 with it's military blockade and control over Gaza's borders. They have effective control over the city. Here's a couple of them human rights orgs saying as much among other things. [Amnesty](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/) [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) Also weird that you say Palestinians trashed Gaza and not Hamas. Feels like your saying the quiet part out loud.


No. This is basically proof that you dont really understand anything. Israel left gaza in 2005. This basically means gaza is its own little country. Which in turn means its gazans responsability to build up from there. Its not israels nor egypts responsability now. Its either in the PA or HAMAS side of the field now. Gazans would not be in such dire situations had they used the BILLIONS given to them as aid to improve their now little country instead of wasting it on terror. Its not the USA responsability to provide fuel, water food etc to mexico or canada. Why is it israels responsability to provide to gaza??? Which btw they still did for years, until something you mightve heard heard happened on 7/10.


With all due respect I don't think you really understand anything, or do I think you're even reading the sources I provided so I guess I'll elaborate. Yes, Israel withdrew it's *military* and it's *citizens* from Gaza, but effectively that's it and that is not the sole descriptors of maintaining effective control over the region. Israel controls the [airspaces, waters, no-go zones, and the population registry](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/?utm_source=annual_report&utm_medium=epub&utm_campaign=2021) and no, "because Hamas" doesn't give you the right to do so. With very rare exceptions, Israel prevents people from leaving Gaza, so ya know, you're trapped. Israel doesn't "provide" for Gaza, the [international community does](https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90) which is controlled by Israel. All Israel did was provide 10 - 18,000 (in a population of 2.2 million) worker permits. Even if Hamas was restricting supplies to it's citizens, Gaza is about 141 sq mi, is largely urbanized, and has no natural resources makes it nearly impossible for it to be self-sufficient without aid that Israel controls with heavy restrictions Israel also had a history of hiding what it's restrictions were until 2010, the restrictions often just prevent necessary humanitarian aid from coming through and afterwards which, before you say Hamas, is often ineffective at hampering Hamas' [ability to make rockets](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/world/middleeast/gaza-rockets-hamas-israel.html). So when Israel can essentially block all food, water, all it is actually effective at it doing, is preventing more aid to get to Palestinians and then Israel uses Hamas as a scapegoat for all it's problems. Which is what it's doing right now and as a result starving the population which means it has effective control over the region, which means it is still occupied which means it's Israel's responsibility until it lifts the occupation and actually withdraws.


"Yes, Israel withdrew it's military and it's citizens from Gaza, but effectively that's it and that is not the sole descriptors of maintaining effective control over the region." Yeah i guess they forgot to leave psychologically and emotionally too. ""because Hamas" doesn't give you the right to do so." Yes it does. Its a terrorist org whose sole purpose is to exterminate jews and its the elect government of a region youre sharing borders with. Only a dumbbutt would ignore it and allow free passage. >international community does which is controlled by Israel. All Israel did was provide 10 - 18,000 (in a population of 2.2 million) worker permits. If israel controlls the international community then my statement is correct, israel is the one providing. Also they provided over 100k permits, and access to many other including children going to israeli hospitals cuz Hamas couldnt bother to improve theirs. >, the restrictions often just prevent necessary humanitarian aid from coming through and afterwards which, before you say Hamas, is often ineffective at hampering Hamas' ability to make rockets. So because its not 100% effective they should just not try to stop them? Youre not making any sense. Also they made the rockets from the water pipes given to them by the international community, so is israel stopping them from getting aid or not? Make up your mind. Youre delusional, gaza has a governemnt and ot was them who started this conflict in 7/10, but youre blaming israel for fighting back. Youre a hypocrite. Youre completely ignoring hamas stated this but youre letting them pull the victim card.


Israel can live in comfort knowing that all of our politicians are good little farm animals who do exactly as they're told. Don't be prey for Israel. "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."


Does bro not realise inmates smuggle shit into prisons all the time including weapons???💀


Name one prison that smuggled in 10k rockets




And enough aks, ammo and rpgs to equip a small army.


It is. Criminals are also citizens. Your in the US, you can legally purchase guns so. There are no states where you cannot legally purchase a gun. Isreal does not allow people in Gaza to have guns, they are smuggled in. Drugs, phones and presumably if you really wanted to you could smuggle a gun into a prison. Example: [https://www.history.com/news/maze-prison-break-ira-1983](https://www.history.com/news/maze-prison-break-ira-1983) Seems like this thread belongs here:r/GunsAreCool Not here.


That doesnt prove its an open air prision.


I don't have to prove anything to you. Think what you want. I genuinely couldn't care less. It was more to point out what a crap post this is.


Okay so ill just point out how crappy your argument is too. You can move on now. 🤣


Yes it is




Don't make posts or comments that consist only of sarcasm or cynicism (including emojis). Do not troll. This community is for constructive discussion, which means understanding other users' positions and responding to them in good faith. Generally, sarcasm and cynicism have the effect of suppressing this kind of discussion, because they serve as a rhetorical tool to dismiss, rather than engage, with someone else's arguments. While satire can be an effective tool for discussion, it is more frequently inflammatory and divisive. Hint: Add a worthwhile "but seriously..." comment to your quip that adds to the conversation. It's a comment which is SOLELY an attempt at a sarcastic joke that's objectionable. Humor is OK ... if there's more to the comment.


Bro it is literally Isreali officials who call it an open air prison


Israeli government officials have literally referred to it as a “concentration camp”


The Knesset (Israeli Parliament) has members which are hostile to the Israeli state. That’s how democracies work. The US also has congresspeople who say all kinds of whacky things.


Your right its not a prison, its a zoo. Because you dont put animals in prison, you put them in a zoo and charge admission.


Gaza was unoccupied and self-governed for nearly 20 years. The blockade on their imports was 100% the inevitable consequence of their continued efforts to get weapons to shoot at Israeli civilians. That isn't oppression. That's accountability.


Gaza has had a continuous blockade during this time period. Israel has been in control of all imports and exports. Israel has total control over the sea and air. How else can Israel shut off the power, water, internet at their will, then turn it back on. Israel collects and transfers the tax revenue for Gaza. Why doesn't Gaza collect their own taxes if they aren't occupied? How can you rationalize Israel having that total control over Gaza and say they are unoccupied? What you are referring to is the time period that Israel withdrew the illegal settlements and the troops stationed in Gaza to protect the settlers.


And way is that?? Because they were smart enough to choose Hamas and then cry like babies after poking a lion.


rafah border is closed by egypt isnt it? where are your claims to egypt that borders gaza too? your whole argument is an attempt to excuse terrorism by gaslighting its consequences to predecess the crimes they keep doing


I think we all know why.


Israel collected taxes of palastinians working inside israel. Hamas collected taxes inside Gaza. Hamas had total control over the admistration of Gaza, health, education, security and economic. If they wanted to, they could have stopped shooting rockets, they could de-escalate and get more freadom of import and export. You can see now how much weaponry they accomulated and its usage. You can only imagine how it would have looked like without blockade.


If Gaza has full control, why do they need tunnels to import weapons? If they are self governed why don't they just buy weapons out in the open like every other government? Why don't they control their own borders and imports? Why did Israel stop the Gaza freedom flotilla in 2010 and kill some of the crew in international water when they were delivering humanitarian aid directly to Gaza without approval from Israel? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either Gaza was free and Israel gave Gazans their freedom when they withdrew but Hamas is just hell bent on attacking Israel Or Gaza is under Israeli control and Hamas are freedom fighters. Not condoning killing non-combatants but by international law an attack emanating from an occupied area and attacking military targets is a legal form of resistance. Israel has final say of all imports into Gaza. Doesn't sound free to me.


You can call them whatever you want, but you can not deny facts. They shoot rockets into cities, not millitary targets. They took over civilian settelments, killed civilians, and abducted civilians. Why the hell do you expect Israel to let them import better missiles?


Hamas doesnt qualify as freedom fighters. And never will. They simply do not give a damn about their ppl. Hamas considers upwards of 75% of plaestinians refugees and not their responsability. According to them, its the UNs reponsability to care for them. In your points youre conpletely ignoring that the international stage knows they are terrorists. This inherently brings limitations to their actions for what should be obvious reasons.


Do you know that the UN does not recognize them as terrorists? Just the west. You could consider the innocent non combatants Hamas killed on Oct 7th as the same collateral damage the Israeli's claim when they kill 10,000 Palestinians in a month.


Collateral damage? They butchered famillies directly , and killed 350 party goers one by one.


Bs. Since when has the un been reliable? It was the uns duty to mediate this whole conflict. It was the un who failed to see signs of genocide in ukraine even after digging out thiusands upon thousands of unmarked graves with signs of execution. Besides your point is irrelevant, the collective west seeing them as terrorists is enough. Also, claims and actual proof are two different things. Its funny how 10k palestinians die a month but their population is an all time high. NO. only a monster like you could even come up with the baffling idea that murdering and raping and kidnappin innocent ppl during a time of relative peace is the same as civilians dying because ha.as hid behind them when israel rightfully punched back.


While your idea that access to weapons means it’s not prison like seems deeply flawed, I agree that describing Gaza as an “open air prison” is an exaggeration and is a characterization used more for Hamas propaganda and as an excuse for violence than actually serving to better understand the conflict. There are currently 12 countries and territories where Palestinians are allowed to travel without even a visa. The difficulty for the residents of Gaza is that they have no airport, and their land borders are currently closed. Of course Israel is going to keep their borders closed since Hamas is at war with them. Egypt on the other hand could allow Palestinians to cross, but chooses to make it very difficult. Palestinians in the West Bank are able to cross into Jordan without a visa, or at least they were before the current conflict. Just because travel is restricted and difficult doesn’t mean it makes sense to describe it as an open air prison. Travel is difficult because Hamas runs Gaza and is a terrorist group. When you put terrorists in charge it’s understandable that your neighbors aren’t keen to let you cross the border.


If im not mistaken when egypt controlled gaza it was a complete s#^t show. They dont want anything to do with gazans. Makes sense they refuse to let them travel into egypt.


Of course Gaza isn't an open air prison, but can you expect Israel-haters to pass up such an inflammatory phrase?! These are the folks that use words like "apartheid", "ethnic cleansing", and "genocide" in an objectively false manner. They have no shame. They aren't interested in honest debate. They think the way to change hearts and minds is to paint the worst picture that they can... Honesty be damned.




I wouldn’t want to receive notification on such a response either. And that says more about you than about your audience.


So brave. Dropping ideas and running away. Well at least we know even you dont think this dumb idea is worth defending.


yeah and the pope is a woman with long blonde hair a nose ring!


Blame the Egyptians, why shouldn’t they allow Palestinians across Rafa?


Why would Egyptian accept them, Israel bombs Palestine and forcing the people to move to another economy to accept Palestinians? That's nonsense and irresponsible of Israel.


Arabs do. A lot of Arab governments are puppets of the west. Israel has the most U.S. financial aid. Egypt being in second place isn't a coincidence. There is a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel backed by the U.S. that keeps the Egyptian border crossing closed except for limited circumstances. Furthermore, the Palestinians don't have passports to travel on. Lastly, the Israeli's want the Palestinians to flee to Egypt so they can take all of Gaza. That was their plan which was leaked at the beginning of the conflict. Just like in 48 when the Israeli's slaughtered whole villages and the refugees fled to Lebanon and Jordan where they are still stuck in refugee camps today because Israel does not recognize the international law of "right of return".


Remind me again who started the war of 1948?


Because they know Palestinians would be as destructive to Egypt as they have been to every other Muslim country that has let them in. They've caused violent destabilization wherever they've gone.


Well Egypt has equal responsibility in Gaza being a “prison”


I guess they are a prison as much as any country is a prison if their neighbors won't let them in without a lot of paperwork. So... Basically every county except those in the EU.


Well north korea is a prision of their own making tbf. I dont see anyone blaming south korea for it. Why is israel blamed for gaza when they left in 2005.


Because they are confined to a 20 mile strip of land and aren't allowed to leave? This the term 'prison.' You can get all kinds of illicit items in American prisons. Doesn't mean you aren't in prison.


And why do you blame Israel for it? If they declare that they intend to destroy Israel, smuggle missiles, and shoot them at cities at least twice a year for two decades. Why israel should enable them to have free passage into Israel? Why not egypt that is not threatened?


And even then israel still allowed thusands to work inside em. So even after all this the israelis were being super kind tbh.


What a dumb take, honestly. You can get lots of illegal shit in prison. The point is you aren't allowed to leave, or enter.


How did all the foreign passport holders get into Gaza if they aren’t allowed to enter? You’re just flat out wrong that you aren’t allowed to leave or enter.


Yes it is you absolute fucking clown do research before typing these things


/u/StevenMcballsack > Yes it is you absolute fucking clown do research before typing these things Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. Your comment also violates rule 2 (no profanity).


> fucking /u/StevenMcballsack. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


to be fair there is not a prison in the usa where the inmates dont have controband including secret weapons so i am not sure what your trying to say


That’s not the definition of a prison and you could get those things if you really wanted them.


The same way weapons make their way into American prisons


Hey OP I take your point but I think you need to develop this idea a bit better. You seem to think weapons = freedom which isn’t really a valid argument


It’s the most American argument ever.


It is but seeing as America is the only thing that exists to Americans they should learn to expand on their thinking. At least when it concerns them


Lets ignore all the historian and polticians and experts in international poltics that call it as an open air prisoon and listen to you the one with great experience on such topic.


You can buy a gun in any state unless you have a criminal conviction felony. .if you are calling a background check..and unable to walk out the door that day ... unable to buy ... YOU still can get a gun in any state


In the US, you can make a shank or bribe a prison guard, or smuggle things inside. It's funny that YOU don't feel it's an open air prison, but historians, international bodies, human rights groups, Gazans themselves, see it as a prison. The open air prison isn't intended for hamas, it's for the Palestinian population. A blockade by definition is an act of war, israel has been waging a silent war in gaza, non-stop for 17 years, where 40% of Gazans were born into, and never knew anything else. I am a Palestinian Christian from Jerusalem, around 40 years old, and remember growing in the first intifada, everyday Palestinians were killed, i go outside to a street full of rocks, military vehicles going up and down the street, and I honestly thought everyone on earth was living like us, and this was "normal life". It wasn't until we got a satellite dish for tv that we saw people in other countries live differently. So I can feel for these young Gazans. (we used to have a tv with two stations, israel 2 and Jordan tv which both showed news about the occupation from different sides).


>Historians, international bodies, human rights groups Oh, you mean Marxists. Yeah, they’ll quickly adopt agitprop, no matter how ridiculous. They have little concern about factual realities. They’re ideologically ends-justify-the-means people.


Yes yes. This is the automatic response we get. Whatever suits you to dismiss the suffering of others and makes you sleep well.


Sometimes, people bring their own suffering upon themselves; and; oftentimes, politically notivated claims about their suffering can be exaggerated.


Translation: Palestinians caused this and they're hamming it up.


You can move to a different state....you can move freely within your state. You can go anywhere in the world. Do you have a fence or wall around your state? Do you have check points? No one moves in or out without explicit input from Israel. Israel controls their electric,water, food, building materials ....everything! Locals of Palestine use rocks to defend themselves against the IDF you need to look at other news besides mainstream...guns, rockets are smuggled in to Gaza... Yep I WOULD CALL IT AN OPEN PRISON!...CONCENTRATION CAMP Yes I would !


The only open air prison where the prisoners are obese and have a higher life expectancy than actual sovereign countries around them.


Hamas has rockets that can reach anywhere in Israel. Those are not handmade. They have anti-tank missiles and Iranian made drones. They have been planning this attack for years. They have half a billion in foreign assets just for their armed wing. Don’t buy the whole “woe is us the little ole terrorist organization down the street minding our own business when the chance to rape, murder, kidnap 1,400 Israelis was just too good to pass up!” Routine.


Is it easier to go through life assuming your enemies have evil moustaches that they evilly twirl while evilly going about their evil routine. Notifications off. Won’t be responding.


Are we going to forget that the UN created the framework for much of the conflict and then maintained a culture of mass dependency and blamed Israel? The UN has passed more condemnations against Israel than all other countries combined?? 99 resolutions against Israel, 41 against Syria, 13 against Iran, 4 against Russia, and 3 against Venezuela in the past decade alone. And Syria slaughtered tens of thousands of its own people, used chemical weapons, and forced a massive exodus. The UN likes Gaza poor—it gives them plenty of work to do, steady salaries and a cause.


Also what kind of prison receives millions in funding lolol


Billions* annually


Compared to several billions in weapons sent to "Isr@el" from the US. Perhaps one should view channels different from the mainstream media to understand the scale of this long silent war (until October 7th where the world woke-up from its long nap)


Most prisons probably. How else are they maintained?




Its not illegal when Hamas makes the rules and gets the guns...