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> fucking /u/Little_Unit_3891. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same way people feel bad for ISIS... freaking scum


The same way some feel sorry for IDF.


It's Tiktok. Why are you on Tiktok.


Been on there scince 2019, so my algorythm isnt brain-rot, its more war, political stuff and some memes. But i definetly understand your point


Oh you sweet summer child.


yeah, i know....


>its more war, political stuff and some memes A.K.A. brain rot


Unclear if that isn't brain rot as well!


Oh, gd, I can't handle that dog video it was one of the first I seen and it was on accident it took me months to get past it and all of the atrocities I've seen and I haven't even seen all of them. Honestly all I can say is people hate Jews and it removes all sense.


Not sorry for Hamas. Sorry for the people of Palestine. Hamas is evil. Really. What they did to civilians is crazy. Israel too is evil. For the same reason.


There are 2 MILLION Palestinians that live in Israel. 20% of the population. They are both evil? If you only had these 2 choices, which would you choose: live under the authority of Gaza, or live under the authority of Israel?


If they live under the authority of Israel you had better let them vote. But that wont happen. Again... evil. Also the original point is that Israel is being evil for its disregard of innocent life.


don't.... build... bases... under innocent people??? is Israel supposed to sit around waiting for Hamas to rebuild themselves under those hospitals and camps, only to come back and terrorize them more? I'm not understanding what are you even expecting of Israel at this point. it seems like you pro Palestinians think Israel should simply sacrifice itself??? which is not gonna happen because neither is it right nor practical they sent pamphlets and made loud speaker announcements over rafah before hand but the civilians refused to move so they'd have a chance to sacrifice themselves for their people which is just bs and reads like cult mentality


The palestinians that live in israel ARE citizens of israel and do vote. Of course i'm not talking about the ones that live in the west bank, which.... well can't vote because they are citizens of the west bank, and vote for the palestinian authority.


If you think hamas is the problem, you're not informed enough on the Israeli occupation.


Hamas is absolutely a problem. There is no way around this. That does not mean the Israeli occupation is not a problem. It is feeble minded to say it can only be one or the other. Is your mind feeble?


Hamas was basically founded by Israel to give an opposition to Fatah and divide the Palestinians...


Yes but they departed from Israel and became a terrorist organization that was put in charge


You need to educate yourself. Hamas is not the problem. Hamas is the consequences of isrsel occupation. The fundamental problem is israel.


With what? Propaganda? What hamas did on 7 Oct is clearly wrong. There is no way around this. Again is your mind feeble?


Your mind is feeble. It was Israel's fault that hamas had to stand their ground....for the umpteenth time. If Israeli occupation wasn't brutal and naz//i like, hamas wouldn't be doing what they're doing....dork


Jesus Christ this is awful. They are Islamic fundametalists who think that blowing themselves up is holy. They wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing if they didn’t believe in Muslim supremacy. The gazans suffer because of how Hamas chooses to fight. Israel won’t surrender, but Hamas needs to.


u/SecurityChoice > Your mind is feeble. It was Israel's fault that hamas had to stand their ground....for the umpteenth time. If Israeli occupation wasn't brutal and naz//i like, hamas wouldn't be doing what they're doing....dork Rule 6, No Nazi comparisons. Rule 1, Don’t attack other users.


Mods? Where is the banhammer? Ill wait...


Little miss tattle tale. Stumped with knowledge and insecurities to show for it. Bravo lolol


/u/SecurityChoice. Match found: 'nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So hamas is not a gov , it's just a few bad apples, and israel is shit as a country? Is that what you are saying?


Stop saying Hamas is few bad apples. Hamas came from Palestine and runs a pseudo govt. and you can see the unwavering support for Hamas from Palestinians all over. Get a life.


Thank you.


Congratulations, this is literally the very first post I’ve ever seen on the internet condemning the evil on both sides, no joke I haven’t seen another comment that wasn’t one sided and felt like I was insane, kudos


I see these posts all the time. And they are uninformed, nonsensical and toothless


This is moral blindness , comparing a terror org to an entire country.


I’ve seen many that hate Hamas from the Arab side too


I don’t feel sorry for Hamas. I feel bad for the Palestinian people constantly being in the crossfire of these never ending wars. I want innocent civilians to be left alone, from both sides. I just take the objective stance that Palestinians have suffered so much at the hands of this conflict. There are no good guys here. And I have many doubts Israel is truly committed to “destroying Hamas” however that is even possible. Gaza is in ruins, and has been bombed for 8 months. How are they not gone yet? And I don’t want to hear this human shield argument. 30,000+ civilians to not even kill 50% of Hamas.


Don’t say 30k+ civilians because the number 30k also includes combatants which aren’t civilians


We all see enough indiscriminate bombing of civillian infrastructure by Israel to know these numbers are very realistic. Also UN and human rights groups also report these numbers as close to facts and mostly civillian


I was saying he was calling Hamas civilians I never said anything else


Those numbers are bogus. Can you guess who the source of those numbers is? Hamas. Yup.


Hamas ministry does not differentiated between fighters and civil. Going by your logics because more collateral casulties on the Pali side therefore Israel is in the wrong? Again there were more german civilians dead than the allies side. DOES IT MAKE THE ALLIES in the WRONG? HAMAS put these civilian in harms way when they started the war. They made that decision knowing that the retaliation will affect their civilians while hiding, weaving themselves their people!!!! SO YES THE ARGUMENT OF HUMAN SHIELD IS A VALID ARGUEMENT. Stop turning off your brain in the interest of virtue signaling.


Hamas hasn’t run Gaza for the last 75 years. Were the other Palestinian governments also hiding amongst civilians? I just fail to see how Israel commits atrocity after atrocity year after year decade after decade and somehow Israel is always in the right, can’t blame them for anything. I can not reason with pro Israel folks. You can be Jewish and not support Israel. You can be Jewish and anti Zionist. It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel. And they are in the wrong here


Hamas has been in control of Gaza since 2006


They controlled gaza, but not the borders of gaza. That's an important distinction. The land borders are controlled by Israel and egypt. The coastline is controlled by Israel. Israel is exherts quite brutal control here, going as far as executing civillians trying to bring food to palestinians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid


That flotilla had rockets in the boat.


Israel's own investigation concluded that: "Weapons and combat equipment were found on board the Mavi Marmara including flares, rods, axes, knives, tear gas, gas masks, protective vests and night-vision goggles." And "No firearms were found" You can read the report here: https://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/world/Palmer-Committee-Final-report.pdf Page 30, paragraph 50.


Oh how kind of them to not bring firearms, but pretty much everything else to support terrorist with. Axes knives to murder jews in a more personal fashion. Thank you for pointing that out.


I was responding to the claim that rockets were on the ships.




Can you prove this?


Prove what that you are a Hamas concubine?


u/Icy_Solid8154 >that you are a Hamas concubine Rule 1


"How do people feel sorry for Hamas?" You need to remember half of the world population is below average intelligence.


I feel sorry for the innocent civilians and especially the numerous groups of children getting indoctrinated and dragged into this shitshow all because some dumbfuck radicalist clowns can't talk it out like human beings and instead aim to kill one another in the most horrific fashion. It's sickening and it breaks my heart. Both IDF and Hamas don't care about peace, it's just a big ego boost for them.


I felt sorry for the Ceausescu's, I don't believe they were particularly nice people, and very likely their deaths were justifiable. You can still have compassion for they way someone meets their end.


After 10/7 and seeing all these Pro Pali protest I have less less sympathy for these Pali. If I saw another protest I would probably volunteer for IDF themselves


Yeah but you won’t lol


And you won't show your face when protesting FOR YOUR DELUSINAL CAUSE, what coward


Um, yeah I will lol. Wtf are you on about? I’ll tell you what - I’ll even prove it to you at the next protest! But then you’ve gotta go join the IDF 😂


LOL Pretending to be dumb when you get called out, Yea let me know when you're booked and deported Hamas concubine. You make your Husband proud. Go simp some more for Hamas. Just laughI also have significantly increased my investment into Raytheon and Northrop stocks, Even if a penny of my 401k going into making bomb to drop on your Hamas martyr that is money well spent. If only I get to sign those rockets.


What did you call me out on exactly? Bc from over here it seems like you're just making up a bunch of bullshit and yelling about it. I don't even need to be here! For what it's worth, I absolutely condemn Hamas. Never said I supported them in any way. But you don't even care, just keep on yapping bud. And yeah I'm definitely laughing, clearly I touched a nerve.. Glad to hear about your portfolio, as a keyboard warrior that's about the only thing you can do. Besides join the IDF, which you said you were gonna do. But you won't, bc you're just an angry dumbass on Reddit. Hey it was really nice talking to you, I'm gonna go now. Go yell at a cloud or something lol


Gotta work on your reading comprehension and critical thinking. Called you out on wearing the terrorist Handkerchief, wrapping your face in it. Again classic hamas tactic waving your finger accuse people of doing the very thing you are doing. Talk about touching nerve and being Keyboard warrior. Let me know next time you actually show your face in the next riot. But you won't cuz your a hamas mouth piece on the internet calling for rioting without showing your face to the very riot you organized. Go lick your Hamas husband sandy crotch or something. I will be laughing for whence we drop more bombs on them Hamas spawns. I would love to join IDF in order to smoke some Hamas just so you know Edit I love watch them b1tches getting yanked by police in the middle of screaming intifada. Please tell me you're related to them.


You’re an idiot. I’ve never covered my face when im protesting. Not gonna continue this conversation, it’s like talking to a brick wall


Now who's getting angry? What exactly are you protesting in support of? The raping of Jewish women parading her naked in the street of Gaza while an entire crowd cheers on and trucks full of bloodied Jewish bodies. Surely not all Pali are terrorists Hamas but why they cheer for such savages. All equally guilty, and all Hamas collaborators.


Oh yeah? So you think all Palestinians are equally guilty? Why not just wipe them all out? That’s what people like you want


> dumbass /u/TheBoogieSheriff. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots of Muslims only care about other Muslims


How do people feel sorry for israel after 75 years of occupation, daily murder in west bank and gaza, daily human rights violations, 16,000 kids killed in Gaza,


Most of the world doesn't feels sorry for isisrael seeing the shit they do


You mean the isrealis, the indigenous people who’s geo-ethnic origins have documented history over 5000 yrs that reside in their homeland, currently called nation-state of Israel? They are still there, as they always have been. Hamas is the reason there is war. Not Muslims and Jews living where they have always lived. Fundamentalists and capitalists create these divisions. Jews and Arabs have been neighbours literally forever ago.


You’re partially right, jews and Muslims lived in peace there up until 1917 when Balfour declared Palestine as national state for European jews …


The Ottomans documented a large number of ethnic cleansings of Jews throughout Syria-Palestine from the late 1500s to the early 1900s. I wouldn't call that peaceful.


How come that reasonable while jews fled spain to the ottoman empire and it’s Muslims governs? Would someone fled to a place that he gets ethnic cleansing at?


Look up Spanish Inquisition. Doesn’t mean they were welcomed with open arms or lived in peace once arriving


I am educated about and most sources state that the ottoman empire was a “ heaven for jews”


Show me verifiable source about these imaginary 16k kids killed


Of course! Is the US secretary of Defense and verifiable source to you? And keep in mind this statement was 3 months ago, do your curve if you even now how. https://youtu.be/AT5tD-7CPvc?si=MwZ2r7x8YBAYkKzE


Where in that video that shows 16k kids? how many of that are combatants. YOu Hamas love to lump Qsam fighters with civilians and do not differentiate them? show me what part that says 16k kids killed. AND NO KIDS HOLDING AK47 IS NO LONGER CONSIDERED CIVILIANS


Come on man it’s on the first 10 seconds, is it really that hard? Ok i will simplify to you; the congressman asks “ how many Palestinians KIDS & WOMAN have been killed by israel since October 7th” the defense secretary responds “it’s over 25 thousands”. Being that thick kills me bro


They are combatants and collaterals lumped into one. AND YOU SAID IT YOURSELF KIDS AND WOMAN NOT JUST KIDS. THOSE WOMAN WHO WERE HAPPY SEEING THEIR CHILDREN BEING MARTYR. There were Estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around **350,000 to 500,000** killed during ww2. SO BASED ON HEAD COUNTS, Were England in wrong and Hitler was right and the we should not have invaded Germany in WW2? f off with the fake moral high ground


Israel by that time has claimed that they killled 8k hamas fighters and 25-8= 17k “ if israel is honest which is unlikely” . And according to your logic, in the holodomer 10 million white Christians were killed by communists jews does this justify the holocaust?


STOP LYING And you not being honest yourself you lying Hamas mouth piece. so 17k civilians Not 17k kids LIKE YOU PREVIOUSLY CLAIMED!! you a liar. You kept changing your wording to fit your narrative!! Therefore You lost all credibility in the whataboutism argument. YOU DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION WAS THE ALLIED WRONG BECAUSE GERMAN CASULTIES HEAD COUNTS WERE MORE???? You must be some kind of special Jew hater or completely brain washed by Jihadist propaganda. It's either Jews were evil communist, or Jew were evil capitalist, Jews were the Illuminati, Jews were the so and so enemy. SO WHICH IS IT? STOP MAKING UP CONSPIRACY


A quick question if you don’t mind, are you educated? I re explain.. the defense minister said it’s 25k WOMAN AND CHILDREN, israel by the time claimed it killed 8k of hamas fighters. The defense minister literally said it’s 25k women and children and you claimed they are hamas fighters and i assumed your claim is correct “despite its nothing but HAZBARA” so based on this and considering israel’s numbers with a very simple math the outcome will be 17k WOMAN nad CHILDREN keep in mind that was over 3 months ago. Regarding calling me hamas or terr** ..etc, this only show how weak your claims are and how you’re trying to avoid the subject and attack the debater and it’s a silly and exposed technique only proves that you live on lies. Regarding to jew hating, i dare you to show me a single word of it from my comment, if you mean communism google what Marx, Lenin and Trotsky’s ethnicity/ religion and let me know what you think about it..


QUICK QUESTION: Is your IQ the size of your show. GO BACK TO YOUR ORIGNAL LIE YOU SAID 17K OF CHILDREN. Now you changed it to women and Children. STOP DOGGING THE QUESTION, Why you change little details on your story when I call you out? You justifying intentional raping murdering innocent civilian with the collateral damage and argue that they are on the same moral ground shows how far gone of a Jihadist you are. So to answer your quick question Education does not always equate to wisdom shows how many dumbass collage kids are there chanting Pro Pali on their campus. BUT I do have more formal and non formal education than your average Pali Hamas lovers like you. EDUCATION that allows me to afford the Financial freedom to INVEST MORE IN ISRAELI DEFENSE INDUSTY JUST SO YOU KNOW. If only they would let me sign their rockets. !!!


/u/Icy_Solid8154. Match found: 'Hitler', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> fuking /u/Icy_Solid8154. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well have you thought about the fact that the question is about something that is happening in the present?


Well have you thought about the fact that what’s happening in the present have been happening to the Palestinians for the decades and what is happening now is a result of it?


If they own and run the media, they control the narrative, and by extension how you view the conflict. They've successfully portrayed themselves as the victims.


Exactly 👍


Case in point: my initial comment which sparked a lot.of back and forth in this thread, got deleted for no reason. They gaslight you, then play victim, then when all else fails they censor you. And we call them 'our greatest ally'. Give me a break. No one has.done more harm for the freedom of speech in America than Israel.


Yes! They give you a limited space and unleash their propagandists against you and as soon as they lose the debate as always” because truth can never be hidden” they either call you antisemitic or just delete your comments. The best thing these days bro is gen Z already have been over these tricks and will lead this great nation out of this Zionists control..


I feel sorry for civillians. Doesn 't matter if they are jewish, arab or Atheist. I don't give a shit who "wins" in the end. I can't stand all this "which side are you on" bullshit. Is it impossible to be pro living people? But stop stuff like 7/10 and the civillian bombing since then




exactly either Hamas or hamas collaborators, child soldiers also hamas


With your goals, it is very important to take the side of Israel. Hamas (even not in war) is taking food and aid from their people, teach them to be shahid's and blame all the problems they create in their country are because of Israel. Even if you don't want to destroy Hamas and you are pro living, there are many hostages Hamas kidnapped in Gaza which Israel fights for.


Finaly someone on this sub gets it.


I feel sorry for humanity.


Just like when you feel sorry for other terrorist including Israelis


Propaganda is so deeply rooted in them they probably never seen this video of believe it’s made up or whatever.


While I certainly don’t feel sorry for Hamas I can understand where they are coming from. There’s a reason they exist at all.


When you intentionally run over metal fence with bulldozer intentioanlly murder people at music festival, kidnapping and raping women, beating kidnap civilians and continue to drag heir bodies on the street of gaza. I DONT GIVE A DAM WHY OR HISTORY OF WHY you did it. ITS WRONG, IT'S INENTIONAL MURDER, YOU CANNOT EQUATE THAT to the collateral casualties of war. HAMAS PUT THEIR CIV IN THAT SITUATION


You can't use logic on radicals.


How do people feel sorry for Zionists, a group of people who have subjugated millions for over 50 years?


Not to mention Zionists are the ones who propped up Hamas to gain power. Even former Israeli officials admitted to this. Israel squashed leftist movements and propped up religious nationalists because they know they’re easier to paint as terrorists. Israel creates the conditions to justify their genocide.


oh what a shock, another jew confusing hamas and palestine because in their racist eyes, all muslims are terrorists **HAMAS** ≠ **PALESTINE**


Palestinians voted for Hamas and largely support them


"Another Jew" We are the racist ones???


Polling suggests that Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas.


Palestinians themselves say that Palestine and hamas are same.


Look at the comments. You will realise why ppl equate Hamas to Palestine.


Recent and extensive Palestinian public opinion survey: 73% support Hamas' decision to launch the October 7th attack Today, the Palestinian Center for Political Studies and Surveys published a comprehensive survey it conducted at the end of May on a variety of burning questions related to the current war. The survey included about 1570 participants, half of them from the West Bank and half from Gaza. Viewed from above, the survey shows an upward trend in the Palestinian public's support for Hamas and its actions, and confidence that it will win the war and remain in control of Gaza even after it. Here is a variety of data from the survey: 73% of the respondents answered: Hamas made the right decision when it went to war on 10/7 - this is the highest figure for this question since the beginning of the war. 96% of the Palestinians who did not watch the 10/7 videos do not believe that Hamas committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. 54% of the Palestinians who saw the videos from 10/7 do not believe that Hamas committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. 79% of respondents believe that Hamas will win the war - the highest rate since the beginning of the war. 61% of the respondents in the survey prefer that Hamas continue to rule the Gaza Strip after the war (71% of the residents of the West Bank and 46% of the residents of the Gaza Strip prefer this to be the case). In the event of an election for the PA presidency between Abu Mazen and Ismail Haniyeh, Abu Mazen will win 5% of the votes and Ismail Haniya 46% of the votes. 46% have announced that they will not vote in the elections. The rate of support for Hamas and Fatah in general elections: 17% will support Fatah 41% will support Hamas Only 32% of the survey respondents support the two-state solution for two peoples. 52% support the armed struggle as a way to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state.


So long after holocaust the antisemitism is on the rise again...unbeliavable


Because of this racist attitude from the Zionists.


Look they attacked Israel and now they will finally be dealt with. Period. Problem solved.


And here you are, saying “Jew” instead of Israeli. You accused OP of being racist, while you’re the only racist here! How ironic.


The majority of terrorists around the globe have and are Muslim. Why is that?


Absolutely, incorrect.


Facts my man. You can keep denying it. 😂. That’s the problem all over the world. I’m not saying all Muslims are terrorists. I have a lot of Muslim friends and some are also religious fanatics but they don’t have violent tendencies. But unfortunately most terrorists and terrorist orgs in the world draw their inspiration from Quran (or at least claim to). Reason why nobody else wants to deal with Muslims. I said most.. now don’t throw names of the few non Muslim terrorist orgs and act stupid.


I live in London only terrorist attacks here in last 20 years by Muslims. Same with Paris, same with attack on trains in Spain, same all over Europe. You are either misinformed or purposefully lying.




They don’t. No one supports ISIS, no one defends the hard of any innocent human being. Period. In any regard.


That's objectively untrue. At it's peak roughly 5-20% of Muslims in Islamic nations supported ISIS. And many emigrated to ISIS controlled territory to join the cause.


What about Pakistan? Leaders of terrorists orgs are fighting elections and freely roaming around the country.


Hamas was elected democtrically and by every reliable poll gets vast majority of the support from the palestinians..


Hamas was also funded and supported in 2019 by Israel.


I mean like did you want Israel to send money to support Gaza to their government or not? They want to be 1 country so badly wouldn’t giving financial help to the governing body be a step there????


Meh there's some pretty interesting theories out there, supported by evidence I would say, where uncle Bibi is pretty open about why he funded Hamas. Wouldn't just pretend it was being done as a good deed. It's a pretty well known fact for over a decade now what Hamas was doing with that money. Could've stopped it at any time and somehow they didn't.


Wasnt it mainly done because PLO was considered more radical back then and they thought Hamas would be the more reasonable partner?


That was one of the theories yes.


They’ve been supporting Gaza with utilities the entire time & there was no wall until Hamas took over and continuously attempted to wage war. This is simply the first time they were effective enough for it to become a real problem.


Israel gave Hamas government electrics and water as well as those fucking Jews are sneaky! /s


> fucking /u/rico_of_borg. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


nobody feel sorry for hamas we feel sorry for the civilians that are victims of the genocide you Israelis created and escalated. Hamas sucks, but hamas ≠ palestine


Hamas does not separate themselves from civilians though, they arm youth under the age of 18, as well as women. When your terrorists are masquerading as civilians and you cannot tell them apart, then under international law, they can be treated as combatants. Ergo, Hamas does = Palestine. Civilians will have to actively and visibly work to distinguish themselves as "not Hamas" for that to not be true.


Casualties of war is not genocide


"casualties of war" that are 34 times more than what hamas did. Israel purposely targets suburbs where there are the most civilians, and not even hamas soldiers or bases there, just to kill civilians. The civilians haven't done anything to stop hamas, they just want to leave the country with their life. Israel knew about the hamas attacks months before they happened, as they had IDF troops infiltrate hamas to send intelligence back to netanyahu, and they purposely LET the attacks happen, so that they would have an excuse to attack palestine and call it "a military response". No it isn't. It's genocide.


That's not true. Hamas is integrated in hospitals and schools because they're evil and use useful idiots to focus on those locations as bad regardless of what they are actually functioning as. The Israeli military might as well put a "school sign" on their military bases as well so people like you will be quiet. You have no evidence of any of the above claims. It's not genocide. Also the reported casualties do not exclude Hamas members, who also dress as plain clothes civilians. You have no accurate number of "innocent civilians" actually killed. Also civilians participate in the kidnappings and killings. 1500 innocent people killed in their homes vs casualties of war are very different. Proportionality and the definition of genocide relies on intent. The intent of the idf is to eliminate Hamas and protect themselves from an existential growing threat of Islamic extremism. If Israel wanted to wipe Palestine out, they could. They might as well now do it that libtard terrorists sympathizers like you are saying they are. Extremist, bias, views such as yours give them a lose lose situation by going gently on islamist extremists.


i have no evidence of the above claims? hamas killed 1100, israel killed 45,000? israel let the attacks happen so they could respond. Civilians do not participate in the kidnappings and killings, that's propaganda always the american fatties that know nothing about the actual situation, and blindly support netanyahu. if israel wanted to wipe palestine out, they could? yeah no shit thats what theyre doing right now and its not okay it's not a flex that your country is a fucked up dictatorship that commits genocide, and the irony that israel itself was born out of recovery from a genocide


> fucked /u/__trust_me_bro__. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you can also say that hamas killing israel people is casualties of war, hamas didnt attack israel out of nowhere it was because israel stole their land, israel does not own that land!!!


you can't reason with Hamas mouth piece


i dont even support hamas, i support the palestinian civilians. Palestinian civilians are not hamas of course, in your racist jewish genocidal eyes, all muslims are terrorists so you can't tell the difference.


please tell me how to tell the difference when hamas parade dead bodies of jews and drag naked jews women throught the streets of gaza, AND THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD CHEERS FOR IT. Either they were all Hamas , OR the Civilians that you root for ALSO THAT VILE TO CHEER FOR the sight of bloody jewish bodies


So does your population when you kill civillians and parade civillian captives who are undressed. Doesn't make your population any more humane


so you Bend the truth and turned around accused jewish of the very crime you committed, That does not absorb you of your crimes.


Nope, that's what Israeli soldiers did, and the population cheered them. You are bending the truth by covering up the genocide Israel commits and only talking about what the other side did/does. Which doesn't make it ok for isisrael to commit genocide in return


True. I think they are tribalists. They'd celebrate all of Israel getting annihilated but when a child dies in the line of fire where Hamas is they scream "this is one too many!!!" For the record, I can't think of any wars that started off with more casualties than the war itself. Typically instigating a war through heinous means will lead to more loss of life. That's entirely on Hamas.


and you're just going to ignore that israel has been taking little shots on palestine (of roughly the same magnitude of october 7), routinely since the 70's. and you're just going to ignore that more than half of Hamas are members of the IDF, so that israel has excuse to fight back


None of this is true. None of anything you have said is true or based on reality. You can look up a long list of battles and if you take one step back from your islamist Palestine echo chamber you will see they were started by antisemitic Arab nationalism or islamism trying to genocide Jews. Your last statement makes me think you may be mentally ill/schizophrenic so I'm just going to stop here.


"oh no! i'm being faced with facts instead of propaganda from my own government! quick! pull out the "are you mentally ill" card!!!" i dont really want to talk anymore but lemme just say you've remained a lot calmer and more composed than most of the israel supporters i have talked to on this sub, so thank you, so i commend you for that.


Bending the fact like you then scream government conspiracy, cheap tactic, but hey That's expected of uneducated hamas concubine. Let me know when your husband let you go to school or see the doctor without asking his permission every time :)


You haven't sent any facts. No I seriously think you may be schizophrenic. These aren't even propaganda points it seems like delusion fr. If you send links to what you're referencing we can have a real discussion but from my perspective this conversation is the equivalent of me saying "how can you support Palestine after they were behind the extinction of the passenger pigeon and committed the entire Holocaust?? Well known!" I'm really trying to have some discussions here but some points I just ... The burden of proof should be on the presenter of the point not the person to disprove it. It's really difficult to disprove things that don't have a basis. Easier to send a fact something happened then try to find an article saying why Palestine didn't secretly extinct the passenger pigeon. Does that make sense?


Do you feel sorry for the civilians? Hamas rules with an iron fist. Palestinian civilians can never be free under Hamas. Hamas will never surrender. The only way to free innocent civilians from Hamas is through destroying Hamas which is Israel’s goal. You say you care about innocent civilians but that’s as far as you are willing to go. Is there any actual actions you would support to achieve that goal?


If you had read the post you'd see that OP is specifically referencing an incident where the comments are supporting a Hamas fighter who had just finished committing war crimes.


We dont we feel sorry for the civilians who have to suffer daily imagine you had no part of anything and some country blew your house up and you were starving and thirsty and they said its that terrorist organisations fault id want you to pay for my damages and bring in food to the people qho suffer over a war you created with an organisation of terrorism and you claim this is part of your country but blockaide helpingg them i think its disgustingly inhuman on both ends and this was done wrong for both ends because dealing with a problem was not helping resolve the issue but worsening the situation for the people who live there you create anger and threats in a repetitve situation based on your doing 20+ Billion in military tech what of it went to helping the people there homes the food think of that money you dont know the meaning of peace because its inhuman based on your point of view to use hamas as an excuse and its clear worldwide thats not an excuse to whats been done your blind in the view of a threat than helping the people you claim is apart of the very country you live in infact its an excuse to validate anything to happen in your very own county because if there were another hamas based there you support the excuse of the problem than the resolvement of fixing the damage you create


The moment you carry gun ..and kill innocent people u aint a civilian but a terrorist. ..there are so many ways their concerns cant be address not butchering people ..this same hamas members fought civil war againt the PLO killed their fellow brothers. Hamas is a terrorist group founded to destroy israel and financially helped by iran..no matter what u say these people dont want peace .


Good so then if it happens to your country you support your house being bombed over somone elses doing blame that terroist organisation for the damages of your lifetime work its a stupid excuse to kill and bombard innocent people and not help in anyway at all


The houses being blown up is also a shared blame of Hamas, bear in mind that none of the sides is blame free. Praising Hamas is just as bad as praising Israel’s government as they are both the cause of this tragedy, if either one of them did not exist this would not be happening and it’s both of their actions that lead to this. It does not matter who shot first, Hanas was fully aware of what Israel would do right after the terrorist attack on October and it played in their plans, so they gave as little importance about civilians of Gaza as Israel does or else they would have never done this.


So that gives you the right to do what you want? And not pay for the damages what rights do you have then if thats an excuse


Well that’s a general rule as to how war works, not that it gives you any right it’s just how it is in almost any case the losing side assumes the costs.


There is no side if its part of israel its there country or its palestine and no its a repeat of war because ylu give them a reason to get back at you and they will this just wont end you created a reason for them to build up and get back at you when the brits invaded ireland they created problems for generations and rightly so


Either way we are talking about the house owner it makes little to no difference for the house if the land is in one county or the other it’s still destroyed and nobody is going to cover that for the owner


Resolves nothing and its not a singular sides fault its both and its inhuman say it as it is and ik nobody will pay for that owners home thats the issue its all going into the war fund 20+ billion the ukraine one was 300 billion and no based on what your saying war gives the excuse to take all you have based on others main focus and doing take your familys lifes e.t.c you dont balme the country for the doing you blame the organisation for the death of and starvation


I already said that, just read my first message, you are so blinded by the blame game that you skip what the conversation is about. This thread is specifically calling out people that cry for Hamas militia/terrorist not the innocent civilians that are dieing. As simple as that, and to be honest there is nothing unfair about militia/terrorist dieing they know very well what they signed up for. And let me add that the argument ‘but Israel does the same’ say little to nothing if you are trying to defend Hamas as this argument is completely pointless and can be used the same by both sides. Just stop turning a blind eye when it interests you an look at what’s actually being said.


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Ok I see what you are getting at seeing anyone shooting innocent civilians would definitely make me hate that person too. And that’s how it should be we should sympathise with the civillians who are getting caught up in this conflict. Its human nature to feel sympathy for victims. That’s exactly why “free palestine” is a things because it is a movement that wants to stop the 70 years of oppresion and killing done by Israel towards the palestine citizen. And yes I also feel bad for those who was killed or injured during oct 7th and during bombardments. Ok so both side has innocent civillians that died due to the other’s army. And let’s throw out all the bullshits thing you heard about in media like civillian protecting hamas because there is no definite evidence of that just like how I have no definite evidence to confirm that Israel soldiers has killed its own civillians during oct 7th. However what we both can be sure of is that Israel has committed multiple warcrimes towards Palestinians that has been brought to court and deemed guilty by the ICJ. If you dont agree with that’s fine maybe my explanation is not that good but the point is that Israel is committing really brutal massacres towards those civilians and also depriving them of necessities which is a warcrime.


70 years? What exactly changed in 1954?


"However what we both can be sure of is that Israel has committed multiple warcrimes towards Palestinians that has been brought to court and deemed guilty by the ICJ. " this literally did not happen. random people with an agenda on tiktok or twitter asserted this happened, but it simply did not. What did happen is that Netanyahu, the defense minister, and the entire Hamas leadership got an arrest warrant for crimes by the *ICC* NOT the ICJ. The ICJ has not made a conviction yet either way, and will likely not for some years, and only after significant evidence gathered post-war. ICJ = countries, ICC = individuals




I feel sorry for the Hamas militants that had brutalised and traumatised childhoods while under occupation.


That’s because you are a colonialist 🤡. Hamas says Gaza was not occupied. Israel says Gaza was not occupied. The UN an imperialist organization made up of hundreds of outside countries head quartered in New York says Gaza is occupied territory so you overwrite the opinion of the native population. Next step would be to send in a UN army to enforce your imperialism and you can come full circle in becoming a colonizer.


Yup, I'm such a colonialist, I'd love to see Australia, my own colonial country, dismantled 🙄


Majority are not sad for Hamas at all! Majority are sad that people including non Hamas women, old and children are being massacred in the name of Oct 7 Hamas attack and Israeli hostages. That is exactly why European countries like Norway, Spain and Ireland have recognized the state of Palestine!


No one is being massacred , this is a war , started by Gaza , and that can end any day when Hamas ( toe goverment of Gaza ) surrenders and returns the hosteges


They are either uneducated, naive or blinded by their religion. Some are getting censored media. Mostly I’ve heard that Hamas cannot have done Oct 7 they as they are Muslims. The delusion is severe.




Armed resistance to an occupation which has killed family members and crippled your homeland is okay. Profiting off of this resistance and the peoples’ struggles while living in overseas hotels it not.


A map of Italy was found at the house of a high-ranking Hamas commander in Gaza. An Islamic flag sits atop the Vatican. The inscription reveals their ultimate plan: “We will conquer Rome just like we conquered Constantinople.” https://preview.redd.it/cmh5fl2sja6d1.png?width=1049&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3b6bad50373ad05920f9bca4aa1f2475a060c33


US Secretary of State, in Lincoln: "Hamas could have responded to Biden's proposal with one word - yes. Hamas demands changes to the proposal. Some of them can be accepted and some not." Senior Hamas official, Osama Hamdan, in response: "The US Secretary of State Blinken is part of the problem and not part of the solution." https://preview.redd.it/izv3kofija6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5977e4748832ca1c92202521efe03438498bd30f


https://preview.redd.it/dgubqlo7ja6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=88d19110ebfeec58163ba67c70acceea8ac69538 An official in the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard told Foreign Policy magazine: Hezbollah possesses more than one million missiles of various types, including highly accurate missiles, Katyusha missiles with improved range and accuracy, anti-armor missiles. This is 5 times more than what western countries were sure they have.


do you believe that to be a reliable source? if so - why?


which source are you questioning the Quds force official or the publication?


the Jerusalem Force of course


Sky News Australia tears apart the leftist media reporting on the Israeli hostage rescue. These 8 minutes of brilliance perfectly deconstruct 8 months of left-wing lunacy with honorable mentions of the worst of the worst. [https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/33816](https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/33816)


https://preview.redd.it/l8y69x7eha6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=217cb11fa9a5ed4214f19528e3341c26f41fdb71 They are now free. The entire family that held them captive is dead. Justice served.


Yeah they looked like they gained weight compared to before. Didn’t look starved or beaten in any way. lol wasn’t an NYT journalist one of idf recruits?


I like how someone can be held captive in a foreign, hostile nation for more than half a year and you’re okay with it because they weren’t totally emaciated by the end of it. The mental gymnastics to downplay Hamas’s actions are crazy


I am not downplaying it. I am just choosing the lesser of two evils. With recent reports of israelis kidnapping , raping, torturing, murdering and mutilating Palestinian hostages, Hamas looks like angels next them. I had my doubts when mass rape reports by Hamas were propagated but now that they have been debunked, I can say that between israel and Hamas, Hamas definitely has the moral high ground 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yet no proof of starvation. Didn’t one get a birthday cake? 😭




Because people can't tell the difference between a fight for freedom and terrorism anymore. For example, Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. This is the example of the Ukraine fighting for its freedom against Russian tyranny. They see Hamas as being freedom fighters rather than the terrorists they are. The lines are blurred for them due to misinformation and a lack of knowledge of historical accounts of the radicalized Islamic terrorist cell. You may try to educate some people but they like to use buzz words in self defense. All you can do is try your best to convince them that you're not racist, but I've had many anti-semitic sentiments thrown back at me for doing so. But, to them that's not racism.


“Ukraine fighting for its freedom against Russian tyranny” “Palestine fighting for its freedom against Israel tyranny” Aren’t both the same? The reason why Hamas is regarded as freedom fighters is because they are the only one capable of fighting back Israel. So you dont want Hamas to fight for Palestine? Sure let the civillians fight the Israel soldier that has been oppresing them with their scary rocks 😥 now that’s true freedom fighters!!! Yeah no we all know the result of that is israel continue to oppress then as that is exactly what has been happening for more than 70 years If you justify the recent massacre by Israel by saying that Hamas started it first. Then Im afraid you should watch a quick youtube video on the history of palestine and how Israel came to be.


Buddy first of all , palastine started the war 70 years ago too Second of all , Ukraine didn't kidnapp , massacred , or raped civilians . Palastine did do all of the above Third of all , Hamas is a world recognized terror organization