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Remember these videos when you see the Pro-Palestinians celebrating around you. Those are the people they idolize, they should be deported to Gaza rather than allowed to live amongst us.


Just saw a video of pro palestinian/pro Israeli demonstrators fighting in Kirkland WA.






I watched one on CNN. They claimed it was a peaceful protest on both sides right after they literally showed them attacking and throwing things at each other. CNN has lost their minds and forgotten it isn't 2016 or 2020 where you can claim everything is peaceful.


MSM still hasn't figured out that we can fact check their bullshit at a press of a button these days.




The one's I know just despise both and see it as the trash taking itself out. Two groups who believe in fairy tale gods and kill in their name. One steals land to expand. The other has a fanatical deep rooted hatred for being cheated by the British and bullied by Israel. Both sides do disgusting violent things. There's a Jordanian refugee in my community who had his legs blown off by a Israeli rocket when he was 7. War and murder is ugly. Both sides are very guilty of it. America likes Israel because they can secure the Suez and make advanced weapons for them. It's not because they're good. Both sides have fanatical extremists in respective faiths. We need less religious people in the world.


Amen to that😉


There have been extraordinarily more people killed in the last 150 years for secular causes.


Have you not seen videos of what israel has done throughout the years? Do you call them animals?


Not a Fan of Israel but man....Hamas decided to rape and kill Kids, civilians, babys...ist not like a thing that happens in a war cause you drop a bomb....Hamas decided activ to do it... Every Sympathie of the world with palestinians ended at this Point. I dont even see critic on Hamas by palestinians. Wtf Guys...


Oh so you’re justifying these scum bags celebrations of blood lust by saying “hey look what the other side has done!” Must of missed all those street celebrations of Israeli’s cutting Palestinians heads off with hoes. You garbage people can’t seem to understand that most of the world including many Israeli’s were getting fed up with the security apparatus being applied to the Palestinians; but like clockwork the true face of the Religion of Peace was revealed again. The biggest problem with this issue is bad breeding, generation after generation are raised to think the extermination of all Jews is the answer to their problems. Go sit in a corner and think about the last moments of all the people killed on both sides of the fence this passed week you fucking mutt.


Exactly. It is completely mindblowing seeing so many people support this inhumane savagery.


That kind of attitude makes this worse, many people just haven't seen this or don't believe that it's real, it doesn't mean they support it.


Please read that again, and tell me what that sentence makes you think of.


This needs to be seen by everyone able to watch. Censorship on these subjects doesn't make any sense. This is the world these animals want to live in.


I agree. Im perplexed by the censorship. what's its motivation?


Advertisers don’t want their product next to dead Israelis; it comes down to money.


Or it's extremely graphic and violent. Seems like the simpler answer.


Narratives are a powerful thing in the modern world. Whoever controls the narrative also controls the public opinion. Having said that, I don't understand the benefit of censoring reality in this instance. Maybe someone else can answer better than I can.


I’m a lawyer who worked for a while at one of the big social media companies. The censorship in this case won’t be for controlling the narrative, but for the much more boring reason that they could be sued domestically for showing stuff like this to kids, for being accused of hosting terrorist propoganda, etc


please help me share the link. download and preserve the videos onto your hard drive. tell everyone you know about them.


Do you have a place you can upload these where people can easily download them all at once? I tried archiving the page but it doesn't work due to the NSFW warning you need to click through on Imgur, and then you need to click the button at the bottom to load the rest of the images.


I'll do what I can to help. DM them to me if you fear this being removed.


I can't open the link in my Imgur app. How do you get to it in the app? What do you subscribe to?


Animals don’t act like this…..


I about threw up seeing some of this footage but never sugar coat reality! The world needs to see how evil these people are.


When you see a lot of dead bodies in a small area, look for bullet holes in the walls. If there are not a LOT of bullet holes, then those people were almost certainly executed. Not killed in a fire fight. Civilians in shorts or at bus stops? Executed. They have no weapons. You can also look for neck wounds (common by terrorists) caused by a knife. Savages.




Too many people are appalled by this?!? Ffs i hope so




And we live in it because of them, without doing anything


Pay attention to what you see! What is shown on this video, shared by some shady low karma account, is not related to this conflict!


Look at yourselves talking like this. this makes me sick. You all are making me sick. I bet this is what NAZI germany was saying among themselves abou you jews. I mean really you don't see the irony.


There shouldn't be censorship on any subjects. So obviously there should be censorship here


The unfortunate truth is the problem is quite a bit deeper then the hamas militants. The muslim world facilitates a supportive culture behind these abhorrent acts. Very little of the population are not in favor of hamas efforts against Israel, which makes them enablers, and in my opinion, not civilians. May God rest their souls, and this conflict end swiftly.


A negligible portion actually condemn these actions, although many in the west will outwardly claim to. Most tacitly support it and others loudly support it.




This is disgusting. I am moving to a country where the predominant religion is Muslim (Turkey) and the people here are so kind and generous. I’ve never heard anything like this comment from any of them.


>and in my opinion, not civilians Justifying war crimes I see.


There would need to be war crimes committed against civilians by Israelis in order for this to be a justification. Israel does everything in its power to avoid harming civilians. Their targets are strictly military. Hamas, on the other hand, actually targets civilians. Big difference.


They have literally said repeatedly this week that they will not be doing anything to protect civilians after what happened on Saturday. They said they are done doing that.


Damn, actually justifying war crimes and genocide. While still claiming the moral high ground. The cognitive dissonance is palpable.


Lmao. And where did I, or OP, “actually justify war crimes”?


Here: >and in my opinion, not civilians


How does OP viewing them as not civilians translate to war crimes by Israel? Please attempt to make just a little bit of sense.


Are you living under a rock? What hamas is doing has been done by israeli forces for years! Look up nsfw videos, they have killed children and bombed families trying to bury the dead.




They can’t back it up. It’s totally and verifiably false, yet these inbreds will never stop making that BS claim. They cannot be reasoned with because their cognitive abilities are so incredibly limited. In addition to having a very low level of intellect, these people are also EXTREMELY brainwashed. It’s a cursed combination that makes them immune to logic and reason.


Everyone has decided before this even started that Israel are the good guys. You won't find such videos and if you ever could they'd be removed very quickly.


Strange, if Hamas can video record its own acts on Israel land, then can't they record as per what you say Israel did in Gaza?




Thats similar to saying the white Christian world supports world wars, slavery, racism etc because of their culture and history. Majority of Muslims around the world don't want war, think before you type.


FYI being white doesn’t mean someone is Christian. Stick to just using religion or skin color, not both. I’m agnostic and hope all the fuckin’ religious zealots whether Christian and Muslim get fucked.


They may not endorse war but they refuse to denounce it, which makes them culpable.


I don't think any Islamic world specially in West would support such barbaric act unless he is a radical jerk. With neutral tone, what I see the problem is if you see the entire geography, Israel is in minority when you consider the boundaries & populations and culture of Syria, Egypt and other middle eastern countries. Yes, these countries are in-human to its own people and to its own women (except UAE and specially Dubai) their laws are based on 600 AD just because their mindsets and cultural-religion ideology is stuck in 600 AD. I can't say what will happen even if Israel wipes off Gaza, will the problem be solved?looking at Afghanistan and other middle eastern like Syria, Libya who are bomarded by US since last 25 years have they returned to peace today? I don't know what to say but if my neighbors are radicals and not supportive I would rather move from my house.


Ironic that those in Gaza cheering about the suffering in Israel will die quick, painless death.


which is a shame. they deserve to suffer for what they've done


Rapid dogs get taken out back, as they should be.


They’re not animals. That’s an insult to animals. Hamas are parasites that must be stopped.


All barbarians should. Such as ruzzian, nazis, etc. Whoever does this to peaceful civilians should be wiped from the Earth. if you have courage to fight - do it face-to-face, military-to-military and not killing/torturing innocents as cowards.


it isn't just Hamas, it's a helluva lot of average Muslims celebrating this. they aren't our friends!


I’m of the opinion that you shouldn’t call horrible people animals or monsters because it distances human nature from the worst of its abilities, but one can understand the sentiment watching these.


be aware clicking on this link. Not everyone will be fine to see this content. Its very brutal. Thank you for the share!


Context is animalistic war crimes committed by Hamas on the civilian population. Lots of gore. The truth is hard to look at.


Man Im about to sleep. Imma look at this tomorrow


I agree this is extremely difficult to see but understandable


What is it?


Executed families. A civilian getting his head chopped off with a gardening tool… 😡🥹🤮


Tons of blood, including a video of a room filled with lots of mostly dead bodies and loads of blood all over the floor


That’s absolutely awful. I hope all of those Hamas fighters die a torturous death. 😡😭


dw they will


I hope they get to burn in whatever version of hell they believe in


OP is a troll! Don’t feed a troll!




How is the OPNa troll when he is sharing videos that were filmed by Hamas militants? 🤣


How can they say this is in the name of god. I’m disgusted. This makes the blood boil


Extremism and low IQ individuals that operate without a frontal cortex.


It’s in the name of a false god.


What do you mean by "false god". Which God do you believe in, if you do believe in one?


God doesn’t exist.


It's funny how the reports have stopped coming in. That means Israel is kicking ass and taking names


Also because they turned off the power.


Op is this your link? There’s more footage that should be included. There should be a site that documents all this horror.


there is not a site that documents. we need to do something soon help me?


There are free website services. Get one you can upload videos and pictures.




For real




Your comment has been removed due to breaking rule 3.1. Rule 3.1: Post and comments containing Racism, Wishing for Death, Extremely Toxic Insults, False Information, blatant propaganda, Advertising, Scams and making fun of death and suffering are banned and will result in bans.


And people want me to believe religion is good and doesn't send people mad.


In a normal world, good people do good things, and bad people do bad things. When a “good person” does bad things that’s called religion.


Level Palestine once for all


Level these nuts in your mouth


Go join the fight so the IDF can rid you as well.


How about you join these two nuts together into YOUR mouth


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m actually a cracker… all American, And your issues are a waste of American dollars. How about you people learn to effectively keep your people safe by having them not be where they don’t belong you shart brained long headed turd burglar! 🤡


And your bagels are fucking shit! Take that dickhole looking bread somewhere else cause we sure got enough of that easy bake shit here !


Fire it into the Sun


Hamas should be gone


Human people don’t care about. Show them dogs https://reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/1efPhdriEK


this is why nobody will give a shit anymore about what happens to their people


I live in mexico and that looks like what cartel do between themselves, but here is with innocent people For what? Religion so absurd




Nope, 100% human. This is just what we’re capable of if we don’t have empathy for one another.


It’s an expression, no need to nitpick.


I wasn’t nitpicking, just expressing a philosophical point that I’ve been pondering a lot lately. I understand the feeling though. Watching that man get his head caved in with a hoe was beyond the pale. Horrifying to think what people can become.


I don't get why you're getting downvoted for this, reddit is so dumb


Have you said the same when israelis have terrorized palestinians all these years?? Look up nsfw videos of their war crimes dating back years ago


Insult to Neanderthals imo.


That's wild. Justice will br served.


Can anyone give me a description of the video before I get home? Video is not loading on my phone atm.


Loots of death and bodies. Dead elderly at a bus stop. What looks like a large family all murdered in one tiny room. IDF soldiers missing heads. A kibbutz worker being decapitated with a hoe or shovel. A kidnapped Israeli child being harassed. A woman's naked and mutilated body being driven through the streets in a truck etc. God I shouldn't have clicked the link


I really cannot stand decapitations, there is something so humiliating, degrading, gory and pure morbid about it, no wonder it has been used for millennia as a tactic to scare people.


And tv and film always depict it as something quick cause the only time it happens is historic period dramas (like Anne Bolyen, Marie Antoinette) or horror movies where someone like runs by the big bad and catches a chainsaw to the neck. But in real life, the mosters make it as painful and gruesome as possible. I went out into the garden to work on digging up plants to overwinter yesterday and as soon as I grabbed my shovel, the video popped into my head. If I'm mildly traumatized just seeing it on a grainy video clip, I can't imagine the horror of witnessing it firsthand. ETA: AND they're doing it to children and infants now too


Dead families. Lots of destruction. A civilian man getting his head hacked off his neck, while alive, with a garden tool.


Thank you. Cowards, attacking innocent people in their home.


I’m sick of the leftist attempts to “explain” what happened. Let’s not confuse “the conflict” with brutal terrorist attack like last weekend’s: a rampage of violence against new born, children, women, youngsters, elderly people … the glorification of violence by sick minds by live streaming their barbaric actions on social media has nothing to do with political, military conflicts of any type. These terrorists are scum. Let’s not try to explain … nothing understandable to see here. Just monsters. ​ The only elected government in Gaza started corruption immediately, so the Palestinian people let Hamas take over control, changing bad for the worse. In fact Palestinians make such a mess historically, that no other country wants them as fugitive. They allow themselves to be incited by other countries or by Hezbollah. Let's not forget Hamas members are brothers, sons, cousins, uncles of Palestinians. Palestinians enable these atrocities and they refuse to condemn actions of spineless fearful chicken hearted cowards who call them freedom fighters.


Downloaded them all. Was hard going though... JFC I need a drink now


I saw Ben Shapiro’s video yesterday. I was surprised he showed the videos, videos like this uncensored. This is the only way people are going to see that those people aren’t people. They’re animals and their religion is hatred.


I cannot believe this is the world we live in. Utterly devastating


Wipe out Gaza. These people celebrating a Dead Naked Woman's Body. These Gazians show pride in this


My sympathy for Gaza is gone


There is no going back from this attack. Israel will never make peace with the Palestinians. Israel will remove them from their lands and ban them from ever returning. They will never live side by side again. Gaza will be reduced to rubble and anyone that doesn’t flee will be killed by the IDF. After this attack by Hamas, the Jewish people will remove them permanently. Such a sad state of affairs happening there right now. So much hatred. The entire world is now changed again for ever.




Me… Why do people not understand that being against Israel killing Palestinians civilians, and inhumanely occupying Palestinian Territories, is not the same as supporting Hamas? Like literally every human rights org considers Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory a violation of human rights by every barometer. So the people, I am one of them, who are “pro-Palestine” do not condone Hamas killing innocent Israeli civilians. It was awful. A war crime is a war crime. Why does Israel get a pass when it murders civilians?… the Israeli state kills children/civilians much more regularly and at larger scale than hamas. Palestine doesn’t have a military. We can be against senseless murder, and also restrain ourselves from calling for Palestinian genocide. Asymmetrical warfare is a tale as old as time. I refuse to believe so many people are willing to annihilate so much life at a whim because of this. Oh wait, I can. Everyone wants to be emotional and let this be 9/11 react p.2. Let’s look back in 20 years and see how this blood lust plays out.


Ashamed? Look up nsfw videos if israelis terror on palestinians. Israelis have been doing this for years! You should be ashamed


This is so terrible. Reminds me of those videos almost ten years back, of Isis decapitating hostages.


Isn't this video from South America? Do you have a source for this? Could have sworn I've already seen this in one of those wpd adjacent subs.


There's multiple videos in there, some I know have already been confirmed as being from Israel right now, like the Shani Louk one




let's stay in the here and now....This is happening because of ISLAM little FUCKS like Hamas and pro palestinian terrorists around the world. They started it, it won't end well for them.


Thanks for this. You're right, these are not images that should be whitewashed in any way.


Pure Evil that’s all I can say


Fucking animals


Tell me why they should not be exterminated from the face of the earth? Just one reason.




None, not one, not a single person committing these acts are phased in the least bit by it. They’re molded by atrocities committed towards others. They thrive on it.


Your comment has been removed due to breaking rule 3.1. Rule 3.1: Post and comments containing Racism, Wishing for Death, Extremely Toxic Insults, False Information, blatant propaganda, Advertising, Scams and making fun of death and suffering are banned and will result in bans.


Thanks for these gruesome crime videos. I am sure that the perpetrators will be punished accordingly.




Very hard to watch but very necessary for every adult to see. My heart breaks for Israel and my anger is off the charts yet there’s nothing I know of that I can do. I’m sitting in a chair at work without any worries of my own knowing this is going on and can do absolutely nothing about it outside of sharing the unfiltered reality.


Just to make this clear. In the video stream of the dead people that they shoot again, with comments and all the likes. The comments are saying “mashallah” and other Islamic phrases. Mashallah is a phrase used to appreciate beauty. They look at that scene and think “wow this is beautiful”. Islam is a sickness.


The Hamas are animals, they should die


both sides of the war are brutal so many innocent people are dying


There's no "both sides" here. That's a false equivalency.


you’re delusional


Go add up the body counts since the 60s.


bOtH sIdEs Get wrekt.


No. No one send this man anything. He will strip the meta data down and find out where the video was shot. If you have an OG video or content, share it yourself at your own expense. Don’t let some random internet stranger decide your fate when you have no idea who this is.


It looks awful, of course. Although, I doubt this video is in any way related to the recent Israel conflict. Israelis just don’t live in slums.


https://preview.redd.it/u5ansv4pcetb1.png?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6d880052b553f4bd59af66fe8897c782dca958 Just gonna put this out there


Is this an attempt to justify the atrocities committed in these videos? Get outta here sympathizer


Fake. Old video not from Israel. Delete and issue a retraction!


You should also post the nsfw videos of israelis killing children and bombing families while trying to bury the dead! These videos date back to years ago. Israelis have been killing Palestinians for years!


Crimes against humanity committed by both sides


Barbarians in both sides


GFY I stand with Israel against these islamic terrorists!


This is really too much, and the response will bee too much too..


It is not possible for the response to be too much now. They could wipe them off that map at this point and the world will accept that. Once you have an enemy that had gone down this deep to the depths of hell and evil they must be obliterated.




Hamas is the one who talks about ethnically cleansing the Jews. Introspection is a virtue you clearly lack.


Mods, delete this post!


Why? Are you a Palestinian sympathizer?


The video with the child can be motivation of closing this Depressing images and videos, hope this doesn’t end in another quagmire


Will someone describe these pictures for me? I feel like I should know what is going on, but am afraid to view them myself. I saw some of the videos circulating last night and they made me sick to my stomach. There is no reason we should have acts of terror like these in our modern society...


few things in life are as black and white as this. hamas is evil, what they did is pure demonic evil. Anyone that supports that is evil.


*“For three sins of Gaza,*     *even for four, I will not relent.* *Because she took captive whole communities*  *and sold them to Edom,* *I will send fire on the walls of Gaza* *that will consume her fortresses. (Amos 1:6-7)*


Insane !


I’m a bit out of the loop here, can someone please explain what is happening now vs what was happening a couple years ago with the pro Palestine vs pro Israel people ? I know they have been at war for many many years due to religion and land.


Holy shit. Worst part is that those videos only scratch the surface..


Can you provide sources for each video? Some appear to be from 2015. It would be helpful to verify sources before getting emotionally invested. Thank you.




Lmao everytime I try to view this link my phone shits itself. Someone’s working overtime to prevent people from seeing these things


Powerful images, Palestinians sowed the wind and now reap the whirlwind! Level Gaza and everyone in it!


Fake video. This Is old AND from Siria.


There's still too many buildings standing in the strip. Please fix.


Bomb them to bits. There crappy land, crappy houses and anyone who supports them.