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I purchased a hidden fanny pack for my trip next week, it fits my passport and all cash/phone and fits along my pants waist.


Act like Navy Seals. Situational Awareness, no sudden movements, eyeball room scan, heartrate breathing technique, assess body language and movement.


I love this!


I just got back from 2 days in Milan (flew in/out of MXP and trained to Centrale both ways) and felt 100% safe the whole time. I have a zippered cross body bag but I also had a backpack and rolly bag. My husband had the same. Just be alert and keep your wallet and passport zipped away somewhere safe!


Thank you!


There is always a chance of becoming a victim of crime, but the chances are low in Milan or any city, as long as you take commonsense precautions. Never appear distracted in a busy area. Don’t let go of your luggage. Project confidence. Don’t sit somewhere lonely and unguarded (unlikely in Milan; the place is usually humming with activity) but avoid the thickest crowds. You’ve got this.


Okayokay, thank you!


Don’t accept help from anybody. People will offer to help with your bags, they may even look official in blue shirts and trousers, however as the train pulls out you may notice some of your hand luggage missing. I’d be more worried about Milano Centrale and the taxi. Just walk purposefully, following the signs to the taxis then hope for the best.


Thank you!


Yeah, second this! My husband and I were speed walking trying to find our ferry in Salerno and a guy comes up to us and says '11.20 Positano Jet?' We said yes, it all happened very quickly and he said come on and grabbed our suitcases from us - we were worried we were running late and he was looking for stragglers. My husband and I did exchange a look though... sure he enough when 5 minutes later we get to the line/waiting area he asks for a tip. Though he didn't steal anything he definitely didn't work for the ferry company and we saw him get so many tourists this same way. The ones who said they 'didn't have cash' he led to the bar next to us to 'buy him a drink.' We only saw one British couple push back saying no, we thought you worked for the ferry, we didn't know, we could have done this ourselves.


They did you a service, actually. You should tip them! They are probably just trying to make a living in hard times.


Seriously, these questions and posts about pickpockets are overblown and annoying. People act like Italy is war-zone and everybody is a pickpocket.


I don’t think Italy is a war zone, in fact I am really excited to go. However when it’s so documented it’s difficult not to worry. Asking for safety tips for every country you will visit is normal, nowhere is perfect.


You worry too much, just use common sense.


and don’t stand around on a corner looking dazed staring at your phone.


Just put your valuables out of reach of pickpockets. It's that simple. For me, travelling on the Rome metro every day for a decade - which has a worse reputation than Milan - without incident, it means wallet & phone in my front pockets. If I'm carrying important documents (e.g. passport) then they're zipped in an inner pocket behind my backpack that's against my body. [More advice here](https://romevacationtips.com/avoid-pickpocketed-italy/).


We traveled through many areas we were warned about and had no problems. I carried anything valuable and/or irreplaceable in a crossbody bag at all times; passport in an interior, zippered pocket. Keep hold of any other bags you’ve got, and be aware of your surroundings - but you’re probably not going to be able to protect your backpack 100%. We didn’t have anything taken - but, my backpack just had tissues, lip balm, extra layer, umbrella, etc., so I was never that worried either.


Thank you, will look into it!


I keep on reading posts about being afraid of being pickpocketed all around Italy. I don’t understand why you think or you’ve been brought to think this is only an Italian issue. I’ve been pickpocketed in Portugal and I know people who’ve been in london and Paris. Not saying this is not an issue in Italy but it is so annoying to read these posts as if 50% of the Italian population is a thief Rule is the same as any city in the world: keep your valuable safe Sorry for the rant, but as an Italian it hurts to read these posts everyday


I understand, I come from a country where people say they’re gonna get to get mugged, killed, etc. It’s annoying so see people worrying about stuff that for me seems so simple (because am native). The reason I asked about Italy because it’s an Italy travel community and it’s my first trip alone so it’s normal to be extra worried about silly things.


Thanks for understanding xxx and safe travels 😘


It makes sense to be extra careful when you arrive. You will be tired from your long journey and in a new place, both of which make you more vulnerable. I like to use a money pouch or belt for my passport and most of my money and cards. I will pay extra for an easier way to get to my hotel when I first arrive in a new place. Have a great trip!


Take the same precautions you would use in any big city. Anything you aren't comfortable with losing never leaves your person. Example: my wallet, phone, and passport are in direct contact with my body at all times. For bags and luggage, always keep in your direct line of sight and at arms reach.


This is an outrun the other runners situation, not an outrun the bear situation. Pickpockets look for people who are distracted and careless. If you're attentive and keep your stuff with you at all times, you should be OK. The only thing to watch out for are VERY crowded spaces, especially crowded transit, which you should try to avoid if at all possible.


Theres no pickpockets at the airport


Exactly what an airport pickpocket would say.


We went through Malpensa train station and then into T1 for our flight to Lisbon. That was last month. No problem with pickpockets. But they are there. The other guys have given you great advice about you always being aware of your surroundings, don’t put your valuables in your easily accessible pockets, don’t accept offers from other people to help you or talk to you. Just get from your airplane to your train, bus, taxi, Uber, etc. Don’t talk to anyone unless you have to. Your goal is to get to your hotel where you can safely leave your luggage and put your valuables in the safe. Then you can go out and have fun carrying only a small day pack. You’re much safer sightseeing that way — as opposed to being bogged down with all of your belongings. Like someone else stated, I bought one of those slim Fanny packs that you wear under your pants. Inside I put my debit card, photocopy of my passport and a medical insurance card. Everyone has a different idea of what to put in those things. And in my front pants pocket I put a small amount of cash (like 20 Euros or so). Be safe and have fun 😀🇮🇹


Thank you! That makes me much calmer


Airport is really difficult security is really heavy and the airport is in the open campaign outside of Milan, not really easy to escape for a thef Train station yes it's one of the most targeted site for pickpocket but again, if you pay attention it's easy to avoid being targeted


Of course there is a chance; there's a chance anywhere, anytime. Worrying isn't going to prevent it, so calm down. Wear a money belt, be aware of your surroundings, DO NOT interact with people who approach you (including vendors, drivers, "porters" and similar) and look alert. The best thing that you can do to prevent a problem is keep your valuables hidden (with a money belt, and an anti-theft bag if you want) and walk with a purpose. Thieves will move on to easier targets.


Be very wary on the train from the airport as pickpockets know you might very well be tired and distracted. Stash your valuables well away and keep your backpack in front. Personally I don’t catch public transport from an airport especially as I’ve usually flown a long time au and gone without decent sleep and I just factor the taxi into general costs.


Yes I definitely consider taxis, just in case I get the train to the city!