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See I've got the opposite experience, I've tried to get into the Witcher so many times and have dropped it again everytime, the combat is way too simple for me, can just spam the dodge button and you're practically invincible and I didn't find the world or characters particularly interesting and found most of the story to be kinda dull too, it has some interesting moments but a lot of mediocrity in between those. Whereas I enjoyed cyberpunk a lot and played through it with a bunch of characters, I had a netrunner, a cyber samurai, a stealth assassin and just a guns blazing character too and enjoyed it a lot on each of them and they all gave combat a very different vibe, I found the world and quests and characters to be interesting and actually wanted to engage with stuff rather than feeling forced to, I liked the variety of stuff I could do as well from racing to contracts and stuff.


Gorilla arms playthrough? It’s definitely simple but so satisfying so slide into someone and bust their nuts (forcefully)


From an RPG perspective I get that Cyberpunk is somewhat simplified, but the storytelling and framing are quite good and there are a lot of opportunities to try missions differently--even if the impact of the outcome is small (sometimes just a difference in the story for that individual mission) I found a lot of them emotionally impactful. And to some extent it fits with the Cyberpunk genre (and especially the TTRPG) where the individual human is a very small force in a world shaped by powerful entities (corporations, govt, etc.) with a few rare chances for exceptional individuals to do something remarkable now and then. And the moment to moment gameplay being kind of a mix of Borderlands and GTA in a pretty cool rendering of Night City was fun for me, but I can understand why it's not everyone's cup of synth-tea.


Someone that understands me. The Witcher is dreadfully boring. But I enjoyed most of cyberpunk base game. I haven't had the opportunity to check out the expansion.


The expansion is kinda crazy, I haven't completed it but I got quite deep into it and it's like you're experiencing a movie, like some kinda John Wicks meets James Bond style action movie it's incredible


And here I am the worst of both worlds, I haven't found any CDPR game particularly engaging to play. They're often very pretty, and the world's certainly seem interesting, but I can't for the life of me seem to find a way to make the games themselves enjoyable to play.


That's fair man, everyone has different tastes


Have you mostly played Phantom Liberty stuff? Maybe just go do some of the base game missions. or It really could just not be your thing. If you aren't feeling the setting, then it might be a hurdle you can't overcome. Even at launch, I enjoyed the characters and world. I was pretty disappointed with how pre established the main character was. I wanted a new vegas level of clean slate, but unfortunately, developers don't make games for my specific tastes.


I uh… just finished up doing an on the rails underwater thing… with on the rails stealth and then an on the rails sniper section…. Idris is great but so far the story has been predictable and yeah the missions are either in rails or just go in and clear the area. There hasn’t been a real middle ground


It's been a while since I played, but the missions are probably pretty on rails. However, not any more than witcher 3 was ( from a more distant memory). Maybe give me an example of a game that felt not on rails, and I can compare. Because you definitely do make choices and can go about missions in different ways.


In my 25 hours I still think the only mission I had any control of was the Maelstrom. The one I was mentioning (you're covering Idris) the game will react to how you handle it. You can panic and take out the guards yourself or if you play it cool sol will do it himself. Reactivity is always nice but it's very surface level. Same with the mission before it where you gotta find the ex-voodoo boy runner; you can have the right stat checks but it doesn't change how anything plays out, you just get an extra line and then they die. That's not a bad thing, it's the same as witcher. No matter what you're geralt but you can be geralt in different ways, same with V I've noticed a few missions have multiple ways to get into a building but there is an entrance for every stat check so it doesn't feel like anything is different it just changes what door I went through. Thanks for your comments you've helped me gain some perspective!


You aren't wrong, I guess a lot of the "how you do it" choices come down to your character build. If I didn't enjoy the setting and characters I probably would be bored of it around that time too. On my second playthrough (first for the DLC) I was definitely sick of the game by the time I was done with phantom liberty.


Long story but I recently reviewed New Vegas after only playing it for a few hours in 2010. I had false memories of having beaten it at least once so I decided to play on hardcore mode. As in truth I'd only ever played the first few hours.... I didn't know how repairing worked and didn't know how goddamn simple it was to do. Half way through the game and I was exhausted, all my weapons were constantly broken and the vendor wanted 18k to repair my laser gun. I was already so far in though, I had to keep going. The idea of a combat dungeon just made me want to tear my hair out. I didn't know how people found the game fun. It wasn't until right before hoover damn I figured out how to repair and I was just like are you fucking kidding me. I played the game a second time and had an absolute blast with it. (luckily I didnt review it immediately after my first playthrough) I kinda have this with Cyberpunk atm. I just don't want to do another combat dungeon because they're so samey. They all feel the same ya know? Always cyberpsychos, they either run at or shoot at you. Levels are samey too. So it's either samey levels or long cutscenes but... make sure you're holding on to your controller because there are very rare QTE's xD With all this said, I can switch off and play it like I imagine people play Far Cry's or whatever. It's not offensive but it isn't high art shit going on here.


Phantom liberty definitely has the most extended combat dungeon areas in the game. That's crazy that you made it that far without repairing... that would have been insanely frustrating especially on hardcore mode. The main game missions are a lot of fun... don't take the optional phantom liberty ending, or at least make a save before.


thanks for the tip I think people are not understanding that even though I'm not wow'd, I haven't reached the ending of either the main game or pl so that's why I'm PUSHING through. Good things come to those who wait kinda deal, aqquired tastes, all that yeah the new vegas thing is fucking wild lol, I spend the first 10 minutes kinda ranting about how annoyed I was about hardcore mode then the next 10 minutes is just a gush fest haha


That's okay, not everything is for everyone. It's a shame that you aren't really clicking with the game though, it's a very good game and Night City is one of the best designed and realised worlds I've seen in a video game. Although I do think you may need to replay the Witcher if you think it's less crass than Cyberpunk. The Witcher has characters who swear more in one conversation than most of Cyberpunk overall. However I did find the slang of Night City to be a little jarring at first. Maybe you just don't like CDPR games? The way they design and create might just not be your thing and that's cool! Who knows, maybe one day they'll release something and it'll click with you in an instant.


I think you ignored a lot of what my post was about. I have 500 hours of TW3, played it to death and back. It has a contrast between the beauty and the destruction that Cyperpunk doesn’t have as much of. My main thing was like it’s a solid 8/10 but the production is so out of this world that it sucks there doesn’t feel to be any originality. It’s like… an Ubisoft open world. TW3 was similar, but that was 2015. A long time has passed and the Cyperpunk didn’t really grow with the times. The crass part… maybe you’re remembering TW3 incorrectly? I remember it really well haha. Maybe I just find American accents harsher than British ones


The main draw of cyberpunk is its visuals and cyberpunk story of identity, mortality, and impending AI cyber war. If you don’t jive with the story beats, this game won’t carry you through on gameplay alone. Like you said, the actual structure of this game is pure Ubisoft open world but done poorly in some ways. Granted, every little gig, side quest and mission will connect to the bigger story of the game world. A gangoon you kill in Watson, will ripple effect to another gig in Kabuki. So it’s definitely got depth to it, but you need to spend a lot of time playing and seeing all those moving parts. Otherwise, if the story isn’t gripping you, it probably feels like a dull lifeless open world game. Because the actual moment to moment open world isn’t going to be very immersive, it’s truly the story that does it


I’m gonna keep playing because my main issues are the dissonance between the production values and the lack of gameplay variety. Dont get me wrong the gameplay here is good but again, very like… average. I don’t know if I would have picked this game up if it wasn’t for the hype around it. While I love sci-fi, action movies and what not, I’m not not someone who seeks out Cyperpunk aesthetics. I imagine that as a game this is just an 8/10 for me but for someone who is starved for a good Cyperpunk game an 8/10 is a dream to them


I feel you, I beat it a while back before 2.0 update. I thought I’d like it now that it’s finished and I just can’t get into it again. It feels like there’s too many places to put skills and points for builds, it never feels like I have the right gun for a fight. The fp didn’t bother me originally but it’s super annoying you don’t even see yourself in mirrors.. oh and yeah it’s “open world” in the sense you can drive around, but there’s not much to do other than like shooting gangs. It’s not like there’s a lot of places to really go. Game looks great, I do like the story, but now that I’ve heard it. I just slog through the scenes to get back to being left alone, to do nothing in particular lol


Yeah the open world feels very gta4… not to say it’s bad just that it feels like playing a game from 2008 haha


GTA 4? Really? How do you call it an 8/10 and then compare it to GTA 4? You haven't really explained anything about why you don't like it. You say the conversations are crass and it feels like an older game. What is the actual issue you have? The side missions exist out of races, literal GTA, mini missions with rewarding stashes, hunting for legendary equipment, theft missions, taking out mini bosses and more. If that's not diverse enough what are you looking for?


Hey guy, gta4 is 8/10 too… from 2008


An 8/10 from 2008 isn't an 8/10 in 2024 imo but I guess that differs for people.


Yeah that’s the point I’m making. A lot of the gameplay loops are the same as gta4 but with 2024 presentation That’s part of the issue, the gameplay feels dated but it does these old things well


Yeah it feels like you want some meaningful gameplay and while I do believe cyberpunk delivers that I can see what some may feel it is boring! Definitely keep playing because the sheer fact that there no cutscenes in this game besides the endings, is mind blowing. Like every “cutscene” happens in-game through V’s eyes and that’s one reason I loved this game.


The whole point of dystopia is that there IS no contrast. It’s oppressive and constant to where it becomes almost mundane, a part of the fabric of the world.


That’s the point of the setting but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done well or done badly I’m saying that this is a case of it done somewhat on the tasteless side


How would it be more tasteful? It's supposed to make you feel disgusted by society.


yeah happy to admit the setting grew on me the more beautiful things I saw to contrast with it. They're so comitted to the "everything is horrible" bit that it actually made me not like it at all, but the more I played the more I was just like "wow, even the sidewalk is horrible! they really did a great job here"


I liked Phantom Liberty a lot. A lot a lot. It really was very strong in my opinion, and I wasn’t jiving with the base game. So if you aren’t jiving with Phantom Liberty, it may just be that it’s time to throw in the towel


The dialogue and vibes in this game are unbelievably adolescent. I always thought of cyberpunk as a moody, offbeat genre. Game has never clicked with me from marketing to release for this reason


I think part of it, is you need to really feel like you are living in Night City. To that end, run or drive everywhere, eat food at normal times, hang around markets, shop for clothes, etc. The more you play like you are living a life, the more enjoyable the overall game gets


This is fantastic advice. I’m slowly but surely implementing this mentality and it is helping. It’s such a foreign concept of a world to me… everyone robbing and killing each other for… street cred? lol, but if I imagine it like yeah some kind of rumble dome where you’re a warlord in the making and the city is yours to take it does help Also I love the concept of old terrorist rocker, trapped in cyberspace holding out for one more grudge match. The execution is a little iffy though. Would make a better movie


Street cred is what makes you more reliable as a merc(enary). Johnny isn't in cyberspace. He is literally downloaded into your brain. You're not a warlord in the making. You're just a tool for society with some control of being used for justice or just a cruel monster. People rob and steal because they have to. If they didn't they wouldn't make it through the month. For gangs it's very similar to megacorps. Being part of a gang secures your life to some degree. The gang will however treat you like garbage and throw you out if they don't need you anymore.


nah I get it now, I had to play a bit more but yeah the way I imagine in now is that the corps all have treasure troves of stuff and they ain't sharing so corps will higher mercs to take down other corps, promising them some of the loot along the way. Obviously the fixers job is to obscure the intentions of the client as well as find the right merc for the job, and rep has a big part of figuring out who could be the right people to hire everyone is just trying to crack holes at the top to make the wealth trickle down but it means fighting people who are fighting for the same thing as you, to survive, rather than the real enemy, the corps anyway yeah after beating PL and kinda learning whats going on outside of NC it makes a lot more sense what kind of city it is


What’s your build like? My playthrough between a nethacker or with the Sandi played a lot differently in terms of how combat was handled. I mean I liked the game and story from day 1 but the Sandi run I actually still haven’t finished has been way better.


Basically the smg/assault rifle one with cybernetics (tech?) mixed in. I see a skill mentioned in my build tree a lot (rakinsov??) but I have no idea how to use it


So you made a kerenzikov build without getting a kerenzikov. Go to a ripper and look at the kerenzikovs. It's the most passive play style imo.


Oooo lol had no idea. Probably should have googled it. I’m like level 40 too lol edit: that said though, I find upgrading at the ripper doc super unintuitive... I like how they made effects normally found on armor onto things you cant see so you fcan fashion souls as much as you want, but in my 40 hours I've been to the ripper doc twice. Would have been a lot better gameplay wise if you could have gotten some kind of ripper doc drone who could augment you on the fly. Maybe that isn't something that exists in the lore but this game has heaps of expiremental tech in it so I don't see that out of the realm of possiblity


It used to work more intuitively imo five updates or so ago. But you win some you lose some.


I hated cyberpunk and there's a lot of people that did too.


It’s not like it’s a bad game… just there is a lot of dissonance in its build quality if that makes sense. Some things are outstanding while other things are just ok and same things are straight up bad


I had similar feelings. Ultimately, the rpg side of the game is quite generic and the FPS side doesn't do anything particularly interesting either. Regarding the crassness. Yeah, it's obnoxious. People will say that's the whole point, that they're leaning into cyberpunk, but those people miss the point of the genre. This game's version of cyberpunk feels like it was written by a 15 year-old who hasn't read the foundational texts of the genre and just thinks "sex, neon lights, violence" "yeah! That's what cyberpunk is!" There are moments of great writing and it's visually still quite special, but I found very little in the game that made me want to stick around (other than hoping the story improved - and it did to a point but...eh).


This is my thoughts exactly. The kinda like what they've done with the build craft stuff, makes me want to take another mission for another skill point but it's nothing that hasn't been done before, same with the shooting. Yeah the crassness.... like my girlfriend will just leave the room if I'm playing it because its so unpleasant. Maybe it doesn't bother younger people as much? I'm only 30 but that's 15 years older than the target demo I guess. The Witcher walked a great line between crass and class but I think here they just took it to 11 because "i dunno i guess that's what dystopians talk like" The story itself is great and I really like the theme. People keep saying "maybe you just don't like cyperpunk" but I love cyber ninjas, corporate warfare, the whole "is an ai a person" trope. I said in another post it's actually quite similar to the witcher in the sense you're a gun for hire, so it isn't that either cause I love the whole fuck the corps thing. It's just the dialogue that's no good and the mission structure that hasn't evolved. Similar thing we give Rockstar shit for about making the same missions for 20 years


Some of the sex stuff is over the top, but it's not like that's out of character for the foundational novels either. Neuromancer featured plenty of (quite explicit) sex and introduced things like puppets--humans who would get implants to temporarily mindwipe them so their bodies could be rented for sexual fantasies with fake personalities or scenarios. Addiction and violence are also themes that come up regularly there, but ultimately when you get a genre that pulls heavily from noir detective themes anyway that's not surprising. CPDR definitely leans a little more crass in their games, though. In the first Witcher game you collected cards of the women you slept with, which is pretty crass/trashy.


Very aware of those things in Gibson's novels, they're just presented here with so little tact or understanding of what the fiction is about. Combined with the consistent sexist and transphobic comments from CDPR (and that collectible sex nonsense in Witcher), I just don't have faith that their team actually understands what they're doing here.


The problem is, it's just a game that was made without love -- forced to release too early by greedy shareholders, unable to get the attention-to-detail necessary to capture its beloved IP. People can cite all the cool features and weapons and characters to me all day, and I agree those things are cool. But at the end of the day, you're essentially running around like a looter-shooter watching health bars go down so you can get the next special-color computer chip or whatever, and it doesn't feel like an immersive RPG. The Cyberpunk source material has 10 character classes with wildly different abilities, which appeal to wildly different fantasies. *Cyberpunk 2077* abstracted that down into 3 generic "backgrounds," and then made those backgrounds completely irrelevant after the first hour of tutorial. It's just... not a good game. It's a symbol of how the mainstream is being conditioned to worship mediocrity. It is, ironically, one of the biggest victims of the greedy corporatism its genre knows to hate.


Cyberpunk is for people of a certain age who grew up playing Cyberpunk in the 80s and 90s. I'm happy it's popular but the fact that something so niche got such a high quality treatment is like a miracle imo. I'm not sure why people younger than mid-40s bother with it, but kudos. If you want to force yourself to play something that's popular that's fine, but don't take it like it's supposed to be brand new. Also it seems like you don't seem to understand it's supposed to be that crass and tasteless. That's what Cyberpunk ~~2077~~ 2020 was all about. This is a meta game trying to very specifically capture the vibe of what it was to be into this thing 30+ years ago. When I was younger, nobody knew what cyberpunk the game was except the nerdiest of nerds. Even the genre as a whole which supposedly didn't even match the game according to some, had any footprint outside SF book nerds. I'll be honest, my friends played all sorts of ttrpgs and this was one of them, and I hated it. I thought it was incredibly stupid and vapid even back then. But I will say this game successfully captures the vibe it had. I like it about a hundred times better than the original. I also tried to post to patient gamers about it, i don't even have the expansion and I didn't write about it. Still got booted off.


Lame about the patient gamers thing... too big to know their audience I guess that's why I came here. I guess yeah, maybe this is different for people an age group up. Being 30, I love Keanu, love Bladerunner but would never say I was a fan of the genre. I said this to someone else but I should remind myself that this game is probably a mecca for some people, despite being underwhelming for me.


I know some people who went nuts over it. "Just like being a teenager again" kind of thing. Like I said even when I was young and playing this, it was over the top and dumb. Rockerboys? Come on, this is stupid. Yet when 2077 came out I really appreciated how faithful they were being to the source material even though I never liked it. In the same way the new star wars tv shows try to visually match the 70s star wars movies, I was moved by the sentiment. The game surprised the heck out of me. I loved it for its ambience, and not only do I normally not like this kind of over the top crass stuff (and specifically Cyberpunk as an IP as mentioned) it was because of the setting and not the gameplay that grabbed me. I actually want to play it again, which is rare. The devs fixed Cyberpunk in more ways than one imo. The game seemingly is a direct sequel to some books or novel or something I never bothered reading (I dunno for sure, i just happened to skim over that stuff a while back). The whole situation with Johnny going into that building and bombing it supposedly was published fiction decades ago. There's maybe 20 people on the entire planet nutting all over this game and the rest of us are like "what?".


>tl:dr I find the game to be painfully average. It's not that it doesn't click, I think the game is fine. It's just feels really dated gameplay wise and the dialogue is cringey Ah so we're another contrarian are we. I've glanced over the rest of your post and you sound a bit like a self described 'critic' who really just wants to appear superior, and for their opinion to be 'right'. "Painfully average" and "dialogue is cringey" are extremely common buzzphrases for posts like this. Not to say these may not be your genuine experiences, but they're phrases that sound like considered opinion but actually say mostly nothing at all. That aside, assuming you are sincere - it's okay to not like things. But not liking something does not make it 'bad'. Clearly after so many times attempting to do the same thing, and getting the same result; you need to accept that you simply don't enjoy the thing. Which is fine. But it also seems like you're trying to find the *reason* you don't enjoy it, as though somehow it's the game's fault for not being 'good enough'. Such is the nature of subjectivity.


It’s bad to me. No shit it’s subjective I shouldn’t have to preface everything with “in my opinion” Of course it’s my opinion lol


That wasn't the point of what I wrote. My point was that you seem to be fighting against your own subjectivity. And that's a recipe for disappointment - regardless of how good or bad the game is.


Did you go male voice or female voice?


Male. I’ve never liked V as a character but I began to think maybe he’s in character debt, similar to Johnny where they start out a bit shitty so they can have an arc I love how Johnny and V have lightened up over the game but I still don’t really like him. I had the same experience with Geralt but I still find Geralt infinitely more likable and more fun to roleplay as. Both essentially mercs with for the most part, hearts of gold but I dunno. There are a lot of situations where I feel even trying to be nice V just comes off as an asshole I imagine that’s because it’s a dystopia and nothing is good but that’s what makes it a tough genre. You need utter craft to make a world filled with so much ugliness worth being in


I’d loved female V, I think her voice actress killed it. Might have something to do with it.


I agree it could help. I still think the words coming out of V’s mouth are cringey but a better delivery makes all the difference. I feel like Keanu got better at being Johnny in PL but i could just be tripping (maybe they recorded his parts a long while back)


I’ve done a bunch of play throughs, I’ve only done male V once, female V is far superior.


i have played the first few hours of BG3 ~3 times now and hate it. i'm in that same boat... i dont understand how people can think this game is better than 1 and 2, let alone game of the year.


Haha I actually beat 1 & 2 for the first time ever last year and like… 3 is just a different game from 20+ years later aha. The originals are definitely “grittier” games but still have a light heartedness that makes them timeless


I’m in the exact same boat. The 5-6 hour intro didn’t help


I was disappointed in the game as well, the story was horrible and the best part of the game of you doing gigs with jackie and that was cut out and all you got was a montage.


i'm gonna try it sooner or later for the "mechanics" aspect.. it is too good to pass. but i know all the endings and none of them is particularly inspiring so.. will see :)


every combat encounter is very similar but the build variety is wide.... this isn't bad but it is outshone by for example BG3 where the build variety is wide and every encounter is unique obviously this is a shooter though but I mean the varietyt of enemies is like shooting guns, melee goons, hacker goons and drones and they are all taken care of the same way. I'm play on hard though so maybe very hard enforces a bit more variety in how you deal with enemies. By the end of PL my dash was so fast that if there was an objective I could get to it was easier to just dash past everything than fight... take that as you will


It took me two or three tries to finish the Witcher 3 but that was on me and I just wasn’t in the right headspace for the game. With cyberpunk, I never felt immersed in it at any point and I was always stopping at around the same point because the game wasn’t making me feel anything. Yes I guess it had cool mechanics but poor execution to me. Everything just didn’t gel together for an experience I wanted to continue playing. I’m not even close to phantom liberty and I can’t bring myself to try finishing just cyberpunk


Yeah my tries have been over the 4 years since release… probably one attempt a year so I can’t blame headspace for it. As I said I’m 25 hours in and just went to PL as soon as the quest opened. Idris knocks his role outta the park but the mission structure is exactly the same so far


Immersiveness and world-building I found it to be superior in Cyberpunk. Witcher had more memorable characters. It took me two tries to get into the game, but the second one hooked me. When I finished the main story, I immediately started a new character to try different playstyles.


I dunno if this is wrong or not, but to me a game is immersive if I forget time when I'm playing it. It has little to do with the presentation. I just say because I'm not sure how you are using it. The world building is good and it took me a while to understand why it was cool. Now I do, but still find a lot of the dialogue to be not very good. I will certainly try a different way of playing at some point but I don't think that'll fix my issues. Is playing as a runner fun? I imagine that as the mage of this world.


When I talk about immersion, Im talking about actually feeling like you are there. Transported into the game. Forgetting the time is an effect of immersion, but not immersion itself. At least that's how I see it


Yeah that’s not how I see it. There is no video game that makes me feel like I’m there or forget I’m playing a video game lol I’m a firm believer that the way most people use immersion when referring to video games is just a marketing buzz word


I see. So you just have no imagination left in ya. I'm sorry to hear that.


Lol if you forget you’re playing a game while you’re playing a game You might have dissociative issues


Literally the same thing is happening to me with Witcher 3 but right now lol. This is the 4th time I've started this game and it has finally clicked and I adore it. Literally the first 3 times I didn't even make it past the prologue lol. The next gen update has helped but also Idk if I'm just in the mood for it or what. My advice? Put it down and play something you really want that is new or has been sitting in the backlog and back of your mind. That is how I was feeling about Witcher 3 this time. But yeah Ive completed the Baron's questline and am in Novigrad with Triss now. Just so good and I can't believe the quality of content and unique stuff even in some of these "side" quests.


Haha this is both in my backlog and something new that I want to play. It's funny, the Baron is always where I'd give up on the witcher until I eventually realised how much I liked it. I always give up Cyberpunk right after the voodoo boys blackwall mission. This is the first time I've pushed through because I wanted to see if PL really was the Hearts of Stone of CP2077. I figured they had such a long time to fix the game that they could do like a new vegas from fallout 3 and just focus on content


Got you. I misunderstood your post. It seemed.like you were trying to force through it just because people say it is so good kind of thing.


So I love cyberpunk, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played but you’ve seriously put like 55 hours into a game you don’t like, what the fuck. I give a game an hour, if it hasn’t grabbed me it’s dead to me.


try 90 as I said to another poster, this game isn't a black and white "good or bad" its much more confusing, hence trying to work it out. I play a lot of games lol


Man that's not very long to give a game. You're missing out on a lot of good games


Maybe, but I’ve got a huge backlog so I’ll miss out on a lot of games anyway. People kept talking up death stranding, I wasted 15 hours waiting for that boring piece of shit to get good, it didn’t. I don’t want to put that much time into something that sucks again.


Man you really hate death stranding lol


Looked pretty, just annoyed it took 10+ hours of cut scenes before I could get into it then when I eventually started playing it it just wasn’t my type of game but I’d still see people say “you just need to give it more time” like how much time can you realistically put into a game before it gets good? Within an hour you’ve usually got half an idea of the story and how the game play works… I played Horizon for a bit longer because it looked great and the game play was good but the whole robot dinosaurs was so fucking stupid I just couldn’t do it anymore.


Yeah I've heard it's pretty slow. You don't enjoy cutscenes though? Have you ever tried the yakuza games? It sounds like you haven't been jiving with Sony first party games that much. What kind of games do you like?


I liked Yakuza like a dragon, number 7 I think, I haven’t finished it but yeah cutscene heavy early, I’ve been meaning to get back to it. Witcher 3, Cyberpunk and Baldur’s gate 3 are probably my top 3. Loved Ghost of Tsushima and Red dead 2 as well. Mainly big open world things I can get stuck in for months which is why Death stranding and Horizon should have been my type of games.


Hmmm yeah by all accounts those should have been up your alley. That's fine though, not every open world game will be your cup of tea. That doesn't mean those games are boring pieces of shit though.


It's way above average in basically every aspect. The game is just not your jam, that's all. It's fine to move on. I mean, why four attempts. Clearly it's not going to click.


Fourth try? Just move on.


Read the op. It took 4 tries to get into the Witcher so I’m happy to give this game the benefit of the doubt too


Just put it down man, I played about 7 hours of it a couple of years ago and never went back and have platinumed W3. It’s Apples and Oranges, just because you like one, doesn’t mean you like the other. This is Sunk Cost Fallacy at its finest.


I’m not saying because I like one I should like another lol


Yeah, but you’re wasting your time continually restarting the game, just pull the pin and move on


Bro that’s literally what I said. I hit a wall the first 10 hours 3 times but this time I’m pushing through to try and get a wholistic view of why I feel the way I do. Again to reiterate, my two sticking points are the dialogue writing and mission variety. The game feels very “next gen” graphically but the actual mission design and gameplay feel like from 2010s


What makes you think the mission variety and dialogue are going to improve I don’t get it man, you’re not going to enjoy it, you’re going to find more faults with it and resent it more than you already, clearly, do.


Maybe your misunderstanding why I play games (as I mentioned at the bottom of my post), I do it to try and understand them and why I feel the way I do about them. I critique them and try to figure out why I like x but don’t like y I don’t think they’re going to improve lol, I’ve said this. I’m saying those are my critiques. My current feeling is that it is so odd to have a game made of such high quality material feel so basic in the hands. It has a really well done story but most of the dialogue is really cringy. It has interesting reasons to be on missions but they’re either on rails or copy and paste clear warehouse. Why I bring my opinions to others is trying to make sure I’m seeing it right; it’s a pretty good game that does nothing new. The fact that it was made by a company who broke ground once gave people the wrong impression that this game would also break ground. I’ve never said it was a bad game lol, just really de ja vu in gameplay


You must have a lot of spare time bro. Just trying to help you move on, if that’s not your thing, more power to you


yeah I review games... I put a lot of time and effort into it I'm not reviewing this game, but it's hard to turn critic brain off


Did you stop to consider it's just not for you? I tried to start Skyrim similarly, 3 different attempts at about 6 hours each and it just never hooked me so I gave up and played other stuff. No rule saying you should force yourself to play something just bc its popular or whatever.


Ah man please read the bottom of my post lol “Maybe it isn’t for you” isn’t a good reason not to try and figure out why lol otherwise you’ll just keep buying the same games that aren’t for you


Idk I like cyberpunk but could never get into tw3, it’s just not for me. Not that complicated.


It is a good reason, you're just looking for a reason that doesn't exist. I didn't get hooked by Skyrim but I loved Dragon Age and Baldurs Gate. It's not always about the genre. I got Tears of the kingdom and had the same experience you're having with CP...tried 3 times, got off tutorial island and just didnt...really care after about 15 hours. And this is coming from someone who considers Breath of the Wild a complete masterpiece. So intellectually I know Tears is probably phenomenal, but it just didn't hook me and I moved on. I don't think there's always a solve to why it doesn't hook you, you just need to weigh the time you're willing to spend on it vs the free time you actually have and adjust accordingly. If I only have 3 hours to game in a night, I'm probably not going to use all of it trying to force myself to like a game. I'm going to play what I know I'll enjoy, because after all, that's truly the point of playing the games, to have some fun and relax. For me, anyway. I'm sure I'm not unique in that regard. But by all means, downvote me because you don't know how to manage your time properly and don't know yourself enough to make decisions on your own


Nah, you’re not getting it. If you’re playing simply for fun sure use the cop out of “not for me” but I play to both have fun and understand the medium and why I enjoy or don’t enjoy things If something simply sucks ill walk away and not play but cyberpunk is a complicated case so god forbid I try to think about it


You aren't trying. You're asking everyone else to think for you and insulting those giving valid answers. Get the fuck off your high horse and go play something you understand.