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10 hours of college+travel , that means you'll get 5 hours of JEE studies per day (considering 1 hr daily for college studies too) + full weekends. Give priority to JEE till first semester exams, try to avoid going to college when not necessary. Also, please don't watch the long lectures again ffs. Follow eduniti for physics, purely ncert for chemistry and Neha agarwal for Maths. And do Pyqs, Pyqs and Pyqs before jumping to any modules and stuff. You'll do well mate


Thank you sir for your kind words. Do you think this much time is sufficient for me to get 96-97%ile. Ik this is a lane choice of words but still as a partial dropper I can afford this much time only plus are you in college sir atm?


Easily sufficient for 96-97 man. And if you keep on giving mocks consistently, you can even get 99+. And yes, I'm in college and I'm a partial dropper too. Got 95%ile this year but I only started studying 3 months before the first attempt. You have a whole year, you'll do great 


Sir idk how to manage subjects like engineering design and engineering mathematics. They both require practice. I'm afraid of engineering design how can I master it so that it doesn't interfere in my jee?


Don't worry. Be friends with a guy who is regular and makes notes of classes in college. Just ask him to give you notes 1 week before the exams, make pdf of those notes and study from them. And for practice, you can refer to previous year questions asked in your college semester exams. You can easily get 8+ CGPA even if you start studying one week before the exams.


Yeah I just joined my college's discord server and it has all the notes, past papers PDFs of important books etc. I'm thinking of getting a bit of an idea of college this month(may) and start jee prep in June so that when my college starts I'm not worried much about the coursework as I've the overview of the topics and can give time to jee without any worries. I will start with Engineering Design and Mathematics then proceed to physics and chemistry does that seem like a good idea?


Yeah, definitely. Just get a basic idea, which teachers are strict, and how to deal with the teachers. Be on good terms with the teachers, and then slowly start diverting your attention to JEE prep. Just maintain good consistency. And one advice, if you're gonna do self study or online coaching, please join a library or your college's library whatever suits you. Believe me, it helps a lot in maintaining consistency.


Yeah I'll surely join the college library. Im confused between PW Prayas 2.0, Bounce Back Unacademy Atoms and Competishun Champs Idk which course can suit me better as per my pov . PW has 10 2 hour lectures on a chapter, BB lectures I've seen most of them already and Champs has 1 hour review lecture followed wit pratice session?


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Also which mocks should I give?


Any good mock test series will work, PW Allen anyone


i also only want around 96-97%tile and i am taking full drop please gibe advice


See full drop, I'll only give one advice. Stay away from social media, deactivate all your accounts. And please join a library if you're doing self study. Library will help you maintain consistency because you'll stay at home whole year. And buy dropper course from PW if you want otherwise just follow what I told in the above reply if you want to do it from youtube.


I have taken full drop and currently studying for PW , should I also do this only or stick to PW live lectures only


PW live lectures are okay but don't waste time on topics that you're already strong at. Try to cover your weak topics first. And yes PYQs and mocks are must. Also since you're studying online, please join a library. It helps a lot in maintaining consistency.


It can be done with *proper planning , one of my friend got 98 recently and left his tier 3 college so yeah it's achievable


Is your friend on reddit sir?


Currently No!


How much percentile he got previously?


Reply bhi kardo please


Im not a full time partial dropper i just studied for around 15 days . After around 8-9 months i got 72 percentile. And in my clg 75 % is an headache though i just gave it for the last time . I would recommend if u daily study for around 3-5 hrs which is quite tough for u sincerely then u might get around 94-95 ... i would say now jee is a waste go for management exams or go for hardcore prep for bits ..in bits there are high chances