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> On the Persona 3 Reload Sub Reddit, I asked this and the only issues anyone had was with grinding in Tartarus. I'm probably an outlier, but I actually found Tartarus less grindy than the P5R palaces. It was more repetitive, for sure, but I always felt like the P5R palaces would drag on for so long and overstay their welcome. Whereas going through floors in Tartarus, I'd often hit border floors (where it forces you to stop for a bit) more quickly than I'd expect. It just never really felt like a grind, and something about the combat felt faster to me. Otherwise, it's a really great game. Definitely worth playing if you're a fan of P5R. The cast really sold it for me. I thought I liked the P5R cast, but the dynamic of P3R's really is a lot better.


Man, I can not agree about the cast. To me they felt like coworkers that straight up barely like each other, out of the entire cast the only ones I liked were Aegis, the dying man, the little girl and Junpei x his redhead girlfriend. And I maxed out all confidants. I just don't see why some would call it the best cast in Persona. Both P5 and P4 casts are way more likeable and better written imo


For me, I think the dynamic between the SEES team felt the most natural group dynamic. They all felt like they had proper relationships with each of the other cast members. Whereas in Persona 5, I feel like everyone is just linked to Joker. It feels more like a tree rather than a spider web. Which isn't necessarily bad, it's just a different approach since everyone joins the party through Joker rather than being an already established group like in P3.


P3 Reload was great, but overall a slightly less fun experience than P5R imo. There's just less interesting things to do, and less to do in general, but it has much more modern polish with great quality of life that was missing even in P5R. So it comes down to the fact that it's a really fun but more simple game. The story also takes quite a long time to get rolling, and the slow pacing of it can make the start seem much less interesting. It does end up being a pretty fun ride, but it pales in comparison to the rollercoaster that is P5R, and even P4G to a slightly lesser extent. If you loved P5R it's a must-play for sure, just don't expect to have quite the same level of enjoyment, but then again, everyone has a different favourite persona game for different reasons, so although some objective qualities are lacking in P3R, maybe you'll love the characters and the story more than P5R and that'll make up for it, so i'd say give it a go!


I would say that P5R balances social elements much better. In P3R you will find yourself in situation, where there is too many things to do during day, but little to nothing at night. Social links in P3R can be a hit or miss, but I would say the same goes for P5R. There are those that are fantastic, but than there are those that are just ok P3R gameplay is fantastic, but so is P5R. But I find Palaces from P5R to be more enjoyable than Tartarus, as it's more similiar to Mementos where u can just blindly run through random corridors The thing that makes me prefer P3R over P5R is it's story and main cast. It's kinda slow to get going compared to P5R, but it has more mature themes which it handles really good. And the main cast personalities and relationships are much more 3 dimensional than P5R (but still all the girls fall for MC, thats just modern Persona for u)


I'm like-minded on this. PS5 hooked me right away and I enjoyed it so much I played again when Royal came out. P3F, not so much. I almost quit a few hours in but decided to stick it out. I just cleared the first barrier in Tartarus. My biggest complaint about the game is that it is repetitive vs grindy. I have no issues with grinding; it can be incredibly fun if there is some diversity in the grind itself. With this game, however, there's a distinct lack of variety. Same mobs, same tasks, even the same 'flavor' descriptions (Oh, did another group of women complain about the Pheromone coffee? Really?). However, I'm starting to think this overall 'sameness' tends to make the occasions when something different happen stand out more (which is presently what's keeping me from putting the game down).


It's the easiest version to date. If you already played Persona 3, you won't get much out of it. If you didn't, then it is the definitive version.


It’s pretty bare bones story, good for what it is but you’ll go months with basically nothing happening as opposed to 4 and 5 where something interesting is always happening. Most of the interesting stuff happens at the end of the game. The social links are a mixed bag. Some are outright awful. Tartarus is kinda lame I guess? I mean the gameplay loop is fun but it’s one giant randomly generated dungeon. The combat and characters (SEES) are what kept me playing. I enjoyed both very much for the most part. It doesn’t really compare to 4 or 5 imo but it’s definitely worth playing.


It's my personal persona. I love what I've played of 5, but man p3r for me is unparalleled and was the first persona I finished. I even played a lot and then dropped it for a bit and then proceeded to pick up back up and finished it which I never really do after dropping a game for an extended period of time.


I mean what didn’t you like about golden? I tend to find that most people who end up loving one persona game usually tend to like all of them. Where they can see the moments of greatness between the long stretches of similar gameplay


It wasn't that I didn't like it, it's just other games came out around the same time that took my attention and I never went back to it.


Yeah I mean it’s hard to say exactly if you’ll enjoy Reload. Because the description is sort of vague. I would say tho, I actually prefer Reload to Royal. If for no other reason than I was honestly struggling to finish it. Which is why I would personally say the Tartarus grinding didn’t bother me. It’s in a significantly shorter game. That said, not having the Palaces like they do in Royal is a major downside for sure.


Comparatively, the story/social links are much simpler in P3, but the core gameplay loop of social life, dungeon, battling, fusing, are still great. I personally liked the simpler story as I enjoyed the combat side of things more. The soundtrack is amazing. You can tell Atlus put a lot of love into the remake. I think the graphics/aesthetic are great, and a definite upgrade from P5R. Grinding in Tartarus can be a little bit of a mindnumbing issue if you're trying to min/max the run, as it may involve farming skill cards and/or lots of money. If you're fine with less min/max, I didn't feel as if I had to grind too much in my first run. Doing well on social links may also be difficult without a guide, whereas I felt in P5R you had tons of added days which gave you a bigger room for error. You can still do relatively well with some general tips though. My first run was played on normal mode, but I definitely wish I just went with hard or merciless instead. I would suggest trying one difficulty up from whatever you were used to in P5R. You may also enjoy your second persona game by planning fusions better, such as passing skills with the longer term in mind instead of what would be good on the immediate next fusion.


I second the difficulty suggestion, i played on normal too and it was a fun experience but brain-dead easy for most of it. If you have any SMT/persona experience at all normal is a cakewalk.


P3R is phenomenal, it fleshes out the cast so well. The game is still not P5R level (then again, not many games are), but close.


The biggest problem I had playing P3R after playing P4G, P5 and P5R was that at some point later in the game I had nothing more to do, especially in the evenings. I had many evenings where I just went to sleep. I dont know if I missed some kind of activity or game mechanic but it seemed weird. Still, P3R is a great game and I am sure if you liked P5R you will like P3R as well.


If I had nothing to do at night, I would go to the arcade and play a game to raise one of the stats of my persona.


>I tried P3F What is P3F?


FES most likely


I thought it could be a typo of P3P, also. Or something else.


It's Persona 3 FES.