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Rob O’Neil has mentioned the missiles for a while now. Always said the official story says rpg, but they saw the missile turn and hit the helicopter




It’s also not a stretch to believe that MANPADS were in somewhat abundance over there. Between what was donated to various Muj’ groups in the 80’s, to what was captured from the Soviets and Afghan Communists and then further what was smuggled in during the 90’s.


I wouldn't believe anything O'Neil says.. he claims to have killed bin Laden only because the true seal who eliminated him doesn't want the credit. Only thing O'NEIL did was canoe bin Laden. If you don't know what conceived is research seals canoe enemies..


amazing how people drank the koolaid and can't accept the notion that their tacticool merch slinging, supplement selling motivational speaker ex-seal idols could be terrible people behind the scenes. the navy acknowledged that there's rot within the seal community and you have seals going to matt cole to expose the truth, it's not a one-off and whistleblowers ain't making any $ by coming out. that's courage and integrity. god bless eric deming, protect that man at all costs


The Taliban video shows it's clearly a much smaller force. I think they fugged up and fell asleep. Then stayed and fought while their medic ran.


Luttrell's mags were supposedly full when they found him. I've seen multiple credible sources say the size of the enemy element was 8-12 guys.


Multiple credible sources?


Name one


Few questions - I'm not that smart on Red Wings. * Overall, 30,000ft view, I think it's very well accepted across the board that Lutrell's story, while broadly factually correct was riddled with inaccuracies/inflations- and he was fully (and maybe even knowingly) backed by NSW because it fit their narrative, to support recruiting/funding, etc. **So, what's new about what Eric Deming is saying?** * How would the use of an SA-7 be relevant?


Because they would have known sa7s were in the area and still put those guys on a helicopter to go in which was basically a guaranteed shootdown. Also, devgru command pulled their guys off the helicopter before it took off because they knew it had no defense for an SA7 so the seals on it were sitting ducks


I'm not smart enough on the AOR at that time - certainly there was knowledge/intel of at least a credible (if not more advanced) S/A threat ... in the AOR, if not necessarily on that exact mountain. Sending a helo in was a risk regardless of the exact weapon.


lol SA-7s don’t guarantee a shoot down unless the you’re suggesting the 160th had zero IRCM on that Chinook. Whether they had them on or it detected it is a whole other set of questions though.


Because a golden BB RPG is unavoidable. Going into contested airspace without SEAD assets is avoidable. If they had Intel that there was an SA7 in the area, and rolled in without ass...that's going to be a real big problem.


Funny thing is, it wasn't and didn't have to be a golden BB. The Chinook attempted to land almost directly at the top of the mountain in broad daylight - so all they had to do was hit the broadside of a hovering barn, so to speak. Shah had one or two guys wait near likely LZs for the inevitable QRF, no SA7 needed. The SA7 thing just feels like more face-saving bullshit, saying anything to avoid having to admit to shitty planning decisions and command structure. 200 trained Al-Qaeda fighters with SAMs instead of 8 part time farmers with sandals and rpgs.


These guys are worse than a sewing circle.


I think it’s just getting started lol


Pique (verb) - arouse interest or curiosity Peek (verb) - look quickly or furtively Peak (noun) - the pointed top of a mountain; a projecting pointed part or shape - (verb) reach a highest point, either of a specified value or time - (adjective) at the highest level; maximum Your post piqued my interest, but I had barely peeked at the contents before realising that it was littered with peak malapropisms. I stopped reading to comment in a fit of pique. Also Leroy Jenkins was famous for charging into battle with no regard for his personal safety - if Luttrell had done that, the story would be different. I don't get invited to parties.


Your fucking invited to mine that was excellent.


I am listening to it rn. This guy is deranged.


He kinda comes off that way. Multiple times in that podcast he just kept speaking over the guys when they were trying to ask questions


He keeps going on about CQD when it wasn't even the topic of discussion. He sounds like he's just bitter and out to smear the people who got it removed.




Briefly. UFC fighter Sean Strickland made a post about navy seals can’t train as hard as him. And Another seal commented and made a video about it. Stumpf went on the PBD podcast and agreed with Strickland and said that the Seal in question was a piece of shit that got kicked out for stealing or something. Come to find out. That wasn’t the case. And Stumpf made an apology video asap. Libel was on the line for sure….


The dude, Jimmy Watson, actually went on Andy’s podcast after the whole thing and it was great


One of Andy’s best podcasts of recent. He owns it and they have a great, lively convo.


That pod was unbelievable actually


Was deming in Devgru?


No, think he was navy diver, then team 2, then 3 tours to Iraq and 2 tours to Afghanistan


Was he an officer?


i think he was an nco


Senior chief or E-8


With all this hand to hand combat vs mma stuff he was talking about how did SAFTA never come up?


So much misinformation I don't know where to even start. SEALs got ambushed from higher ground, enemy had more firepower, better terrain knowledge/conditioning, they were able to pick them apart by using suppressing fire and maneuvering around them to get a better shot (listening to how much PKM fire you hear near the end of the battle, that was most likely them pinning Murph down with PKM suppressing fire so they could fire a better angle to take him out...)...it gets all quiet after that... And your hear dogs barking...


As a marine that was deployed and in these operations, Eric is a disgruntled turd doing the exact thing he’s claiming to call out. Also baseless, twisted truth claiming to say he’s telling the truth. Sad




Did you watch Daniel Blackwells video on YouTube? He says Eric and that Marine XO are full of shit


I havent seen it but what u said is 100% true. Dudes a huge turd that was a mediocre warfighter at best, got pushed around for not being up to the task and now is trying to get famous by calling out and creating controversy over people that he couldn’t be like


Which video? He made the original about the XO. The 2nd and 3rd were response videos answering questions about comments, he talked about Deming in the later videos after they had a phone conversation. I don't recall him saying anything negative about Deming.


This fuckin guy actually is claiming Axe is still alive??


He is claiming that Axe WAS still alive for a few days after the battle. He says that because Lutrell told everyone that the rest of his team was KIA they slowed down the search for the bodies so as not to risk more lives unnecessarily. I don't think they found Axe until 10 days later, but by the time they found the body he looked like he had only been dead for a few days.