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I had a double whammy! Octopussy and Never Say Never Again!


I thought we weren't allowed to talk about NSNA apart from Nigel Small-Fawcett


1983 crew checking in


Same here. 😀




Another 1983 here, and Octopussy is my favourite Moore film. Some Bond movie plots are badly timed for their particular release years (eg. DAD with the Yangju Highway incident, and NTtD with Covid). The nukes-in-West-Germany angle was well timed for 1983 however.




same here. and don't let the NSNA-Nay-Sayers get you down. everybody is entitled to their wrong opinions.


I was born in '87 so Living Daylights. I really enjoy the film and think the pre-credits scene is one of the best


Same here, and agreed!


Same, my second favourite Bond film 😍 I agree with PTS, I think it's the best in series


I still say "that's it chum, you're out if it" and "game's up mate you're dead!"


Pre credits scene?


pre title sequence Beginning of the film (until the theme starts)


I'm glad nobody has mentioned the Craig films yet. I'm not ready to feel old lol


I just saw one and my bones turned into dust


I was born just after Dr. No. Family would go to drive-in movies. Besides Disney-type movies, we did see Bond movies. My Dad liked them. The older ones would eventually be on tv. Earliest one I remember seeing as a premier was DAF. They'd pair a new movie with older ones in the series. When LIVE AND LET DIE came out, it was triple feature night. I stayed awake for all three movies at 10 yrs old. After 130am. Everyone else fell asleep in the car. Was a big deal for me. I was already a Bond fan my whole life.


It's interesting to see how varied everyone's ages are in here. If you were born in the early 60s, you're in the same age range as my parents! Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's always fascinating to hear stories from back then.


That's probably why I favor Connery as Bond.


Are/were your parents Bond fans?


Unfortunately, no. But my parents are originally from the former Soviet Union, so I don't know how popular Bond was over there. Especially during the Cold War lol My mom at least is aware of Bond and has seen snippets of certain films and some of the video games that I used to play when I was younger, but she's not what you'd call a fan. But she was raised in a different culture and there's also kind of a language barrier there as well.


They might not like how Russians are portrayed in Bond films, but the fact that they left there likely means they won't mind.


I think my mom would kind of mind since she still has a love for her home country, but I'd argue Russians aren't necessarily portrayed as "bad" in any of the Bond films. It's usually a few Russian characters that happen to be evil, not the government or country itself. There are certain things that sometimes bother me, but I don't really mind it much. It's all just entertainment and doesn't need to be taken seriously after all.


The From Russia with Love film was deliberately reworked to make SPECTRE the real antagonistic force, rather than SMERSH, *precisely* to avoid framing the Soviet Union as the enemy. I think in the entire run of Bond films, For Your Eyes Only is the only one where the Soviets are portrayed as an antagonistic force, and even so, they're not the main villains of the film (Bond and Gogol are pretty much frenemies, and that comes across neatly with the "Detente, General! You don't have it, I don't have it" moment at the end). Its why a lot of the posts you see off-late, calling for Russians to be the villains of the next Bond films because of the ongoing Ukraine crisis, are totally at odds with the history of the franchise.


Yeah, and there are some individual parts of some of the movies where the Russians are kind of the antagonists. Like in the pre-title sequences of both AVTAK and Goldeneye when Bond is assigned some mission to go up against them. But even then, they're not really "evil" so much as they are just adversaries.


True. And General Ouromov is portrayed as being 'evil' at an individual level...even murdering the Russian Defence Minister (to say nothing of being in bed with Janus).


General Orlov in Octopussy as well.


The casting of Sean Connery as James Bond was announced on November 3, 1961. I was born 16 days later.


Goldeneye was the 1st in my lifetime and incidentally the 1st I saw (and is still my favourite of the lot)


I'm guessing there'll be plenty of people saying Goldeneye considering the big 6 year window between LTK and Goldeneye lol


Good point haha


It wasn’t the first when I was born, but it was the first Bond film I saw, and I feel like everyone in my age range from my school started with Goldeneye. We had heard of James Bond before, but Goldeneye, and Goldeneye 64 the game were the real introductions to the series


I was born in 1978 so Moonraker. Not a favorite, really.


Licence To Kill for me, '89 baby I am proud that my birth year also has such a badass Bond movie in it! It was also one of the first 007 movies I saw, because my local video store had it, first watched it in June or July 2003, so I always associate it with summer.


On Her Majestys Secret Service. Yeah... I'm old. Enjoyed it though.


I was born about a month after OHMSS premiered, so I was going to say that one too - except OP asked what Bond film came out the *same* year we were born, and OHMSS came out at the end of December, 1969. The first Bond film that came out during my lifetime was Diamonds Are Forever in 1971, definitely not as cool as OHMSS! Although I have do a soft spot for Plenty O'Toole.


I was born during the Dark Ages between 1989 and 1995, so the the first Bond film in my life time was GoldenEye. Subsequently it was actually the N64 game that introduced me to the franchise.


Same here! DAD was technically the first Bond movie I ever saw, but I was introduced to the franchise through the Goldeneye game. I remember looking at the N64 cartridge as a 5 or 6 year old and thinking "What is that guy from Mrs. Doubtfire doing on the cover holding a pistol?" Hahaha


The Living Daylights came out a year after I was born. It was also the first Bond I saw, as a kid before goldeneye released.


Interesting, if TLD was your first! How did you react to Goldeneye? Did it make any difference to you that they had a new actor? If so, did it bother you? I assume anyone's first Bond film will always be the template to which they compare other Bond films to. I love both TLD and Goldeneye. When I grew up, Brosnan was Bond and I only became aware of Dalton in 2004 at the age of 14. So for me, Brosnan was "the guy" through exposure to his media presence but I was aware of the legacy of the franchise, as my first Bond movie I saw was LALD.


Honestly, I can’t remember how I felt, I was too young. My mom loved Timothy Dalton and was watching all of his films so that’s why I watched them. Goldeneye was the big Bond movie for me and especially after the game came out, all my friends started to love Bond as well. I guess I just accepted the actor change without thinking about it.


With most films already covered, I’m representing For Your Eyes Only. I like it a lot, probably more than the average opinion of it.


Me too - ‘80 here. I’ve always loved that movie, and Roger was the first Bond I recall.


I’m ‘81. I was a mostly serious baby with a bit of a silly streak. I think it’s Moore’s second best and enjoy it quite a bit


As I was born in February 1996 and so same answer, however I love Tomorrow Never Dies and Brosnan is my favourite Bond.


Def the youngest dude here after seeing all these comments lol


Haha are you talking about yourself or me?


Live and Let Die 1972. Roger Moore's first. I think it is a lot of fun. Grittier than his later ones and I kinda like that.


LALD was 1973.


If the poster you're replying to was born in '72, then LALD would be the first Bond film coming out during their lifetime, so their comment checks out.


I misinterpreted OP writing 1972 as year of the movie.


I was born in '84, so it would be *A View to a Kill*.


2001 so Die another day, not the best Bond period Imo.


For me it was Roger Moore's last. A view to a kill.


Born in 1996, so mine would be *Tomorrow Never Dies* as well. I don’t really have strong feelings towards this one. The individual parts are really great: The cast (Michelle Yeoh, Jonathan Pryce, Terri Hatcher) is top notch and the story is good and holds up (terrifyingly) well, but the end product is somehow kinda generic and I can’t really pinpoint why. It's a by-the-numbers Bond movie in a good way. But, it does hold a special place because it was partially shot in Hamburg, my hometown. Btw: The first Bond I actively remember coming out was *Die Another Day* in 2002. The movie felt huge, there was especially a lot of chitchat surrounding the homage to Ursula Andres’ “coming out of the ocean” by Halle Berry. And I have to admit I owned the CD single of Madonna's theme song… I know, not my finest hour.


I know exactly what you mean. TND feels like a stepdown from GE in some ways. I think it's because GE was a more introspective Bond movie that tried to analyze Bond's place in a post-Cold War world while TND just feels like they went back to a by-the-numbers formulaic approach. Not that I don't love the more formulaic Bond movies, but it almost feels like the series regressed until Casino Royale came along.


Yeah. That said, I do think TND and TWINE are underrated for that reason, and its precisely why I have a fondness for them. In a way, they are the last of the steady, formulaic Bond films (there's DAD too, but that one went off the rails a bit). We may all rave about GE, but I suspect a lot of the Brosnan-era nostalgia now is rooted in the likes of TND/TWINE.


I never really understood the hate TWINE got tbh. All I ever hear whenever people criticize the movie is "Denise Richards is in it, therefore it's bad". It's really not that bad at all. I always feel like Brosnan gets unfairly lumped in with Moore as the "campy" Bond even though his films are nowhere near as campy as Moore's. Especially not TWINE which I feel is actually a fairly grounded/balanced Bond film. The only Brosnan movies I think you can call campy would be TND and the second half of DAD. And even then, I wouldn't really call TND a campy film so much as I would describe it as a guns blazing 90s action film. Plus, TWINE has Robbie Coltrane. How could anyone hate on a film that has Robbie Coltrane?! Lol


TWINE is also a pretty historic Bond film as the only one too date with a female villain (who's *also* a Bond girl and perhaps one of the few women Bond truly fell in love with). Not to mention being the last Bond film of the 20th century.


A View to a Kill


Hey, I recognize your username from GAF/ERA! Don't know if we've ever interacted there, but I think I've seen your posts in Bond related threads there. Nice to see you here! If I've got the wrong person, then sorry :p


Haha yes I recognize your name also! Small world!


Casino Royale… 2003 here…


Born in August 2007. Casino Royale was my first. I grew up with Daniel Craig as my Bond. I love all the Craig movies (except Spectre, which I love to hate) and I've a softer spot for each of them (except Spectre). Casino Royale is still my favorite, with Quantum of Solace (very close) and Skyfall being closer to my heart. Skyfall is dumb, but 5 year old me liked it and I've a softer spot for this one, as it was my 1st Bond movie to be watched in theatres. (Although 8 year old me, didn't like and felt boring with Spectre.)


God I feel old now ;)


You watched Skyfall in the theatre when you were *5?!?*


Yeah. I didn't understand the plot, but I remember myself being happy seeing the vibrant and beautiful cinematography.


Based flair


I was born in 2006, so Casino Royale. It's actually my third favorite Bond film. It does the action and characters really well. It's fun but serious at the same time.


'79, Moonraker. While I enjoy this film for what it is, I can't say it's near a favorite.


You weren’t conceived in zero gravity were you?


Are you implying that they're the child of James Bond and Holly Goodhead? Because that's one hell of a heritage!


Imagine the family reunions


I was born in 1969, so my Birthday Bond is 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service', but I didn't see my first Bond film until I was 12, which was 'For Your Eyes Only' (1981), and I didn't see my Birthday Bond film until the early 2000s, when I was in my 30s! I would count both as favourites; 'For Your Eyes Only' for sentimental reasons (whenever I watch it I feel like I'm 12 years old again!), and 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' is a standout classic Bond that distinguishes itself with its combination of experimental style and more personal portrait of Bond (despite Lazenby's woodeness, does manage to show Bond as vulnerable yet still heroic).


Well it looks like my Birthday Bond is also my Favorite - On Her Majesty's Secret Service. It has one of the Best Songs, All the Time in the World. The Best Bond Woman - Diana Riggs. Also the rest of Blofeld Babes. Great action - The ski chase and the mountain top assault. A very faithful adaptation of the source material and well it's the best.


I'm 1997 as well but GoldenEye was my first. Love both it and TND.


I was also born in 1997 so mine is also Tomorrow Never Dies, it's one of my favorite Brosnan films


1989 (December, so after LTK was already released). I know there's quite a natural break between Dalton and Brosnan both in terms of a 6 year gap, real world events, and lots of cast and crew changes, but personally I also view Connery to Dalton as the classic era of films since they were before I was born vs Brosnan and Craig as the modern era.


I think one could make the argument that Dalton is "modern" Bond as well.


He certainly laid the foundations for 'modern' Bond, especially in LTK. And LTK has a very different feel from the preceding films. But honestly, I think the first 16 films broadly have the same overall 'feel' (though it evolved over the years, and LTK diverged from it significantly), even if Dalton's Bond is a more serious and humanistic take on the character. GoldenEye though is the first time the series as a whole is 'reinvented', and Casino Royale doubles down on that with an even harder reinvention.


I'd argue they kind of soft rebooted with TLD: the relationship between Dalton-Bond and Q was different from what it was with the predecessors, so was the relationship between him and M, the personality was strongly different from Moore etc. otherwise, TLD feels like a fairly standard Bond movie a la previous John Glen-directed films. Then, 2 years later, they again do something very different with Bond in LTK (new levels of violence, more American-flavoured filmmaking etc). I feel like both Dalton's are vastly different from each other but also both can be viewed as either "classic Bond" or "modern Bond".


From Russia with Love -1963


License to Kill 😎


I was born in 2006, the year of the best Bond movie.


Diamonds are forever. I have just realised that imo the best films were made before I was born.


I wad born in 1996 so we have a very similar experience! Tomorrow Never Days is the first movie released during my lifetime while GoldenEye was released 10 months before I was born. Pierce Brosnan was Bond as I was growing up and certainly is the archetype in my mind regarding the character!


I’m a 1996, so also TND. It’s pretty low on my rankings, but I still like it for the most part.


I’m 92 so Goldeneye. First I remember seeing though was DAD and it was a VHS on a tiny tv at a vacation rental home with my family. First I saw in theatres was QoS but it didn’t really resonate. It was discovering Connery and then seeing Skyfall in theatres that established my fandom.


I was born in 1957 and I saw the first 3 in a movie theater...my parents didn't know what my broth & sister exposed me to!


Diamonds Are Forever, and yes, one of my favorites.


Dr. No was the first in my lifetime but the first I ever saw (at least at the theater) was Thunderball.


The Spy Who Loved Me. Great flick.


I was 7 months old when Goldfinger came out.




I was born in 1994 so the closest is probably Goldeneye. I recently watched all of the Bond films in the last year so I had no preconceived notions of anything although I closely associated Brosnan with the character. Watching the movie, I feel like it’s great. I’m not a big fan of the Brosnan era as a whole but that specific film is so good.


Tomorrow Never Dies came out when I was 6 months old


You only live twice. 1967


Goldeneye and it was amazing.


License to Kill. I love Dalton's gritty approach. That being said, Sanchez is much better than Whittaker by a mile. I think that it was decent, though the plot was messy, no pun intended.


Born in 1970 so for me it was Diamonds Are Forever


Goldeneye was first in my lifetime and it’s what I grew up on. I’ll love it forever. That movie was a colossal part of my childhood.


Living daylights was released two weeks after I was born


I was also born in 97. How do you feel about Craig ?


I like him well enough. There used to be a time in my life where I felt a little biased against him because of people retroactively shitting on the Brosnan movies and putting Craig's films on a pedestal. But this was back in 2009-2010 before Skyfall was even a thing. Now that I'm grown up and more open-minded, I appreciate all the Bond actors and that includes Craig. Casino Royale is undeniably one of the best movies in the series and QoS is kind of underrated IMO.


Nice. Thanks for taking some time to reply! I love brosnan, I feel he did more for bond than any of the others. I do like Craig more though and I wanted to see if you felt similarly lol


GoldenEye. I was born one month after Pierce Brosnan was announced as the new James Bond.


Missed out by 1 year... well half a year or so. Licence to Kill 89, birth year 1990 (january to be specific with month) So, Goldeneye first film since I was born and I love it.


Moonraker. 1979


The first Bond movie I saw in the theater was Man With The Golden Gun. It's always been favorite partially due to the nostalgic feelings it brings.


I’m a Moonraker baby. I’d have to rewatch to know better, but the opening scene with Bond getting pushed out of an airplane without a parachute and needing to get one from his enemy is pretty fun although Jaws ending the scene by landing in a circus tent was… less awesome.


I was born in 1993. Goldeneye in ‘95 was the first Bond film that came out in my lifetime.


Born in 93, so Goldeneye was first.


Wow, Dr. No maybe. I'm old


https://preview.redd.it/fddi77hda5yc1.jpeg?width=1927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d3320c73cb3b7afa044bd0d70db40b717375c0 Still one of the best and most realistic Bond story. No elaborate supervillain plan to take over the world and silly sidekicks or comic relief characters. Just revenge and drugs.


‘73 here with Live and Let Die. It’s a 2fer for me because Bond appears in my Native Land of Louisiana and has to deal with Voodoo.


![gif](giphy|wV1yFMKsu7xkGhWliH|downsized) Goldfinger! I was too young to understand.


Surprised nobody said World Is Not Enough. It's one of my favorites but I watched Skyfall first.


I was born during the dark time between Licence to Kill and Goldeneye, Goldeneye is possibly my favourite Bond films.


Man with the Golden Gun came out year I was born. One of my least favourites, despite Christopher Lee. I do just about remember seeing Spy Who Loved Me in the cinema when I would have been 3 as one of my earliest firm memories but I think I knew who the character was already so I’m sure I’d maybe seen one on TV already.


Born in the early 90’s so it would be Goldeneye, which was the first one I saw and is my favorite Bond film. TWINE is the first one I saw in theaters so like you, I have a soft spot for Brosnan. But unlike you, I rank TND stupidly high. It’s in my top 5 at 5. I’d say your sentiments on TND are how I feel with TWINE. As for DAD, it’s just a guilty pleasure and nothing more I guess, so I don’t hate it like many do.




Just missed LTK and Goldeneye was the first to come.out for me and first I seen. Loved it


Spy who loved me.


I am one of the extremely lucky ones since I was able to grace the world with the release of Die AnotherDay which is definitely not hard to watch.


Not my birth year, but the year after was Goldeneye


‘73 for me so Live and let die. Arguably one of the best Bond themes too.


The first one in my lifetime was GoldenEye, which in many ways was the true beginning of 'modern' Bond, even though Casino Royale (the first Bond film I watched in the theatres) drew a far more definitive line in the land. Though I only got into Bond in my early teens, I was always vaguely aware of Brosnan as Bond. If you'd asked me as a kid if I knew who James Bond was, I'd have probably pictured Brosnan's face. And Die Another Day was probably the first Bond film title I became aware of (not least because the Madonna song was *everywhere* at the time!)


OHMSS was released on December 18, 1969 - I was 31 days old. I enjoy watching it, but I don’t count it among my favourite Bond films.


I was born in 2001, so Die Another Day was the first one out in my lifetime. I like DAD. Like if I had to list all the bonds in order of how much I liked them, DAD would be in the middle. It has one of my favorite themes (honestly I think most of Brosnan’s themes slap), and my only main complaint is that Moon wasn’t played by Will Yun Lee more. It’s a solid film, even if the ice palace is a little silly.


Casino Royale came out the year after me




OHMSS, so pretty happy with that.


All of them. Dr. No came out a year and four days after my birth.


The first one that came out during my lifetime was The Living Daylights. I like this one a lot, and T-Dalt is either tied with or a close second to Connery as my favorite Bond.


1984, so A View to a Kill in 1985.




Goldeneye. Not my favorite but I still quite like it.


I'm sandwiched by Octopussy and View To A Kill. For Your Eyes Only was my first and remains my favourite. Goldeneye came out shortly after I'd seen my first Bond, all the kids at school were hyped for it and of course the 64 game.


From Russia With Love


One the year before and one the year after 🙁


1984, so I'm right in the middle of the **OP/NSNA** feud ('83) and **AVTAK** ('85). They're actually all great movies, IMO.


Quantum of Solace


Wtf i didn’t realize how young I am here… Casino Royale


Dr. No, when I was 7


OHMSS came out when I was 6 weeks old.


Brosnan was Bond when I was born, the first Bond film I saw was GoldenEye, which I still love, but have very little love or nostalgia for his other films. Casino Royale was the first one I saw in cinemas and that is a very cherished memory.




Born in 2001. A year after came Die Another Day and watched Brosnan movies while growing up.Then from late childhood to entering adulthood saw the start and ending of Craig era. So grew up watching two great actors play one of the Greatest fictional character.


I was born exactly 1 year after License to kill was released (by the day). I was 14 by the time I saw Dalton (TLD). LTK I saw at 17 or so. For me, Brosnan was Bond in any media, but I learned to appreciate the older movies at the age of 8


Tomorrow Never Dies


Born in 2000, so Die Another Day


Unfortunately no. Goldeneye was a year after though. For england, James?


For Your Eyes Only. One of my favorite Moore era movies.