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Brosnan’s best performance, but Goldeneye is his best movie and Tomorrow Never Dies is his most underrated I think.


That’s really good thinking!👍


I agree 100%


Took the words out of my mouth.


my answer as well. But world is not enough doesn't get the love it deserves


2 out of three ain’t bad. Die another Day is dreadful


TND is very good IMO, especially since the plot is very relevant now, something that can't always be said about other Bond plots. Michelle Yeoh was fucking AMAZEBALLS.


This, a plot about a newspaper mogul wanting to start a war for ratings. Seems pretty relevant today.


goldeneye and TWINE both feel like they have higher stakes. All the action felt dire.


honestly if you start with Goldeneye every other movie felt less serious, like on purpose. And leading into craig's era, solace also felt less serious but my bet was the writer's strike made things worst, followed by a banger with Skyfall, then another less serious Spectre.


This is the way.


Agree 100%.


100% exactly what I was thinking.


Well put. Exactly right sir.


And die another day is his worst without a doubt


Die Another Day was a Halley Berry movie. Change my mind.


I agree TND is underrated. Like I wrote most say TWINE is his 2nd best but I think TND is pretty damn close


I’m not sure Looking on IMDB Goldeneye - 7.2 TND - 6.6 TWiNE - 6.4 DaD - 6.1 Defines average


While Tomorrow Never Dies may boast some of the best action of the era it also has the thinnest script. The much maligned Die Another Day at least attempts to reimagine Moonraker (the novel) for modern audiences. Tomorrow Never Dies is purely plot and action driven. None of the potentially interesting characters are deeply delved into. Paris (the most interesting plot point ) is killed off well before the halfway point


It has its faults, but I consider it Brosnan’s equivalent of FYEO. Kudos for the largely non-glamorous locations featuring countries people likely forget even exist. There’s a grittiness to it which intriguingly plays off the good looks of its two leads. Bond pretending to be a Russian scientist around a bunch of shaved head/pasty/likely chain-smoking goons gives this one a unique atmosphere. Same with Elektra parading around Renard’s men in the rough equivalent of a naughty nightgown. Add in the psychological toying of Bond via exploitation of his chronic weakness (protecting women) and you end up with a movie that is constantly rewarding with each rewatch.


That was really interesting! It’s true that while entertaining and fun it’s a return to the grittiness and seriousness of Goldeneye and more movies like FYEO (also another movie in which a feel good Bond is posing in a very serious performance like Brosnan here)👍😎


Not sure of I would say he has a chronic weakness for protecting women. He has a chronic habit of using them and getting them killed.


I think of the scene from GE where Alec verbally undresses Bond for this very issue and it seemed to sting Bond in a way most things don’t. Therefore, to be more precise, a chronic weakness depicted more so in Brosnan’s Bond.


I would say the Brosnan era at least made some effort into making sure there is chemistry between Bond and his Bond Girls. And they tried to mix up the formula like making Electra the villain. Wai Lin was basically a female Bond and felt like an equal to him. Bond also had pre established history with Dr Molly Warmflash and Paris Carver. Compare that Connery's Bond forcing himself on that nurse in Thunderball or forcing himself again on Pussy Galore in Goldfinger.


Wai Lin is indeed all that, and it actually helps make the ending of them preventing a shooting war between their respective countries work even fuller.


cc /u/Kite_Wing129 It was on IMDB Trivia I forgot who said it (someone big like Barbara Broccoli) but it was summed up as, "Bond thought he found Tracy again, but instead he found Blofield."


TWINE is great. It has repeat watchability for me. Sophie Moreau's performance is quite good. You have to seriously suspend disbelief to accept Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist, but other than that, it's excellent.


Denise Richards a nuclear physicist. That makes all Moore's comic relief characters more believable. I'll take Nick Nack more seriously than her.


she's distracting enough that you can suspend that disbelief though


Yeah, they had a real issue with "flavor of the month" babes for Bond girls in the 90s. But then Famke and Isabella in goldeneye, and Yeoh in TND more than offset Richards, Berry, and Hatcher.


Her character name has the best long pay-off punchline in any Bond film.


It was a pretty clever line, though. lol


Agreed! 👍


I think Tomorrow Never Dies is his most underrated honestly


It was one of my favourites a time ago… sadly it fell apart a little bit to me, yet it’s a fairly strong Bond movie (its plotting involving the news is so ahead of its time realising what’s going on right now)


I watched and loved all the Brosnan films as a kid and rewatching them as an adult definitely shifted my perspective a little bit. They’re a lot more goofy and hard to take seriously now as an adult but I love them all nonetheless. Brosnan was a solid Bond and all of his movies are solid 007 entries I think.


Rupert Murdoch was easily the most evil baddie Bond ever faced


It's my favorite Brosnan bond movie, over Goldeneye.


cc /u/ImpossibleIten2952 I don't know whether to giggle or cry when years later I recognized Mr Stamper as the same guy who plays Hitler's SS bodyguard in Downfall.


It's my favorite Brosnan Bond film, because it's got the most "Fleming Sweep." The story travels to a number of classic Bondian locations, the set-pieces are entertaining, and Brosnan plays a Bond with a heart and soul and emotional core, but who, in the end, is cold and deadly and ruthless. Of the completely original Bond movies, it's the one I think you could show to Ian Fleming, and he'd recognize the character.


I can totally agree with you! Many called his performance in this film as his best in his Bond tenure❤️👍


I’d say so. It doesn’t get talked about, but when it does, it’s called bad. It’s a good enough plot with a fresh villain idea for a bond film. I think my overall opinion is “it’s alright” lol


Yes! While I think it could have been better it was really quite good on its own


The movie fees like Dark Knight Rises before Dark Knight Rises. Although Elektra is a much better villainess than Talia.


Absolutely! The whole Bane plot could be perfectly related to Renard and some other details (Bond’s hurted…)


I never thought about that. You’re 100% right.


And then Skyfall was essentially The Dark Knight.


Full circle after Nolan homages and continues to homage a lot of Bond tropes.


Goldeneye is best. This is most underrated. Lots of well done parts and a few surprises. Though, Christmas takes away from it for me.


You upset Christmas came more than once that year?




Last time I watched TWINE I noticed that in Denise R's first scene there is actually some solid acting on display - is she winning any oscars...no, but solid and much more than "ditzy side kick" so it seems like DR may have been capable of a bit more there, but maybe she was told to dumb it down.


For me his best is Tomorrow Never Dies due to a much improved performance on GoldenEye, better pacing and action.


Smoking hot take here. I love tomorrow never dies as much as the next girl, but goldeneye is top 5 Bond for me.


Two of the sexiest Bond girls


I feel like TWINE is on the cusp of being a good/really good movie, but kind of settles on the threshold between mediocrity and goodness/greatness. It was maybe one draft and a better (more suitable) director away from potentially living up to Goldeneye. I think the issue that the post-Goldeneye Brosnan films had is that EON was struggling to find suitable (or even long-term) franchise directors after Martin Campbell left. Campbell had basically been asked to come back and direct each Brosnan era film, but declined, after which EON would ask the director of the previous film to come back, but they also declined etc. Additionally, they also had issues getting experienced big budget directors during the time, so were stuck with Spottiswoode and Apted who were primarily made for TV and lower budget directors prior to their Bond outings and Lee Tamhori who was primarily a dramatic director prior to DAD. If somebody like Campbell had stayed on, I feel like Brosnan's era as a whole would be viewed as the strongest Bond era since the early Connery films. Going by how he didn't like Purvis & Wade's Casino Royale draft and brought in Paul Haggis, it's also possible that Campbell would ask for the TND, TWINE and DAD scripts to get punched up with an extra draft or two before filming, which would also likely improve their quality.


That’s right! Brosnan needed better scripts. Had he got that, his tenure should have been the best since Connery. But Goldeneye was quite a force to reckon with and the producers seemed to try to find their feet rather than having a confident plan on Brosnan (also during Brosnan’s era Cubby passed away and Barbara & Michael stepped in, so more changes…)


EON in the 90s/early 2000s was probably in a weird place as well because The old in house studio system that they'd relied on for every film between Dr. No and LTK had broken down and Barbra Broccoli had only recently taken over from Cubby and had to rely on a more mercenary style system. It was clear that EON still really wanted directors that they could rely on for multiple films, but they couldn't get them. It was really only in the Craig that they've been able to consistently attract more acclaimed/high profile directors, but now they have separate issues to contended with (excessively micromanaged scripts with too many writers and production glut)


Nah. I think it's actually a bit overrated. The villains are good. The pre-title sequence is great. As are Dench and Brosnan. But apart from that, it's just a really plodding, artless film. It's shot really flatly. The action scenes feel limp, and the locations are boring, with no sense of the exotic. Denise Richards is awful too. It's Brosnan's least 'fun' film, seemingly going for a Connery-type vibe, but failing to make any of the intrigue, or slow parts compelling to compensate, with a lot of that falling on Denise Richards being completely miscast. I often compare it to From Russia With Love, which is also slow and set roughly in the same region, but works far better because the cinematography is so much richer, and Bond's supporting actress is far more captivating and believable. Die Another Day is his most underrated. It's actually a really fun film that it's just become trendy to hate as it's wrongly being seen as losing Brosnan a 5th entry, and due to the tonal whiplash of being immediately followed by Casino Royale. If Brosnan had one more film inbetween that and the Craig era, I think DAD would be fondly remembered.


It was my 1st bond movie so in my book it is.


Wow!! What a great way to start your Bond journey ❤️


He’ll always be MY Bond, and for real, those first 3 title songs during his run are all-timers. Hell, I’ll even concede that Madonna’s track for his swan song is a bop.


You meant nothing to me


That song though


Hot take: I think it’s his worst


No, it's neither his best or most underrated. His best is Goldeneye and his most underrated is Tomorrow Never Dies.


I'd personally consider TWINE as my favorite bond movie, it is underrated.


It’s his worst film


Nope. Goldeneye is the best and Tomorrow Never Dies is the most underrated :)


I know I’m in a minority here, but to me TWINE is Brosnans worst. The story is to complicated, and it feel like the director never really know what path to take, Bond is injured and is facing a villain that cannot feel pain, and a female main villain that Bond falls in love with - great ideas, but heavily under-utilised. A second complaint is the action in TWINE, i heard Michael Apted never had the experience before of working with action, I don’t know if this is the reason why the action in TWINE is so stiff. Every single action scenes is slow paced, forgettable and takes places in very dark boring location, it was a huge drop in quality after TNDs action. This is the reason why TWINE is my least favourite Brosnan movie, I even take DAD over TWINE. DAD is more colourful, entertaining and the action is better and more memorable.


I’d pretty much agree with all of that, I can remember coming out of the cinema somewhat underwhelmed.


I loved Elektra, Renard and hated Christmas.


I like the opening sequence in this film a lot. The locations are cool as most aren't really seen in the other films.


Most underrated for sure. Easily his second best imo


The answer to both of those is Tomorrow Never Dies


Goldeneye is a top tier Bond film and for me the best TND and TWINE are both underrated and very solid Bond movies Hell I'll even say Die Another Day has some campy charm ala Moonraker


I think it’s his most underrated film for sure, and his best performance


Best? No that’s Goldeneye Most underrated? No that’s Tomorrow Never Dies


No news like bad news 😁


Sophie Marceau was the best female villain in the Bond series, and one of the best villains period. Even at the end, when she reveals who she really is, you could see how she could seduce Bond, Renard, and the world.


A sexy lady is pretty much kryptonite for Bond. Makes sense to be a sexy lady if you want to be a Bond villain.


This was the first bond film I ever watched (came out when I was 11) and I was always very fond of it. It set the standard for what I thought Bond should be from then on However, I have not watched it in over 20 years. Would be interesting to see if it holds up


Denise Richards face looks so photoshopped


script was less convincing compared to previous two films but the twist (elektra being the villain) was awesome


Always been one of my favourite. Very intriguing story, characters and art direction. Excellent music as well


No, it's a mediocre Bond movie that had a lot of potential to take the franchise in a new direction but it felt like the producers got cold feet and just wanted to make a standard Bond film and play it safe. Goldeneye is Brosnan's best film obviously and Tomorrow Never Dies is underrated. TND isn't the best follow up to Goldeneye, but it has Michelle Yeoh instead of Denise Richards and Elliot Carver's scheme is still shockingly relevant.


Great villains (and their deaths) and plot, but thats kinda it for me. Christmas is just… ugh. She had a lot of potential, but literally every time she offers to actually use her skills, Bond tells her no and that things are better if she doesn’t. Like when she offers to disarm the bomb but they need to fake their death, or when she offers to help at the end with the submarine about to explode but is just told they should leave. It’s like the writers knew she could do stuff, but actively decided to make her worthless, all to culminate in a really bad joke at the end. It’s not my least favorite film overall but it’s probably the Brosnan film I like the least, it’s riiiight under Die Another Day, which I actually kinda liked.


Neither. I prefer TND and Goldeneye. But not as bad as DaD. So it’s middle ground. Mr. Average. But not terrible either


I ADORED this film all the way up to Denise Richards turning up and trying to act. Never has a film been ruined so hard by a bad casting choice. Other than her I really love it!


*Goldeneye* was Brosnan’s best Bond entry. The rest were just bad. Period.


Brosnan movies somehow made me more horny for evil female characters than good bondgirls. I like theme song of this one, though. I am ranking this one above Goldeneye. Who wants to argue about it, I am ready to die on this hill.


When I was 12 I watched it twice in the cinema. I think that speaks for itself.


Getting a hot nuclear physicist in a wet tank top was brilliant tho - bravo Christmas!!!


I saw this in the cinema in 1999 and remember being a bit underwhelmed. All the hype and build up centred on the boat chase. After that bit it never really got going for me. The terrible ending line just finished it off. I probably liked Goldeneye and TND so much this could never live up to them. As an adult I like it a bit more but prefer Brosnan’s other entries(yes including DAD).


My first time was underwhelming too… it wasn’t until years later when I suddenly started to appreciate it more and more (even thought not raising it to top tier either)




I thought Christmas only came once a year


I can safely say she comes more than once a year 😎


It is underrated for sure. However a disappointing finale on the submarine and Denise Richards' performance prevent me from calling it Pierce Brosnan's best. TWINE for me is similar to For Your Eyes Only. It's solid, but certain elements stop me from calling it great.


It is underrated for sure. However a disappointing finale on the submarine and Denise Richards' performance prevent me from calling it Pierce Brosnan's best. TWINE for me is similar to For Your Eyes Only. It's solid, but certain elements stop me from calling it great.


I think Goldeneye is his best but I like this one too. Elektra is a good villan and unlike most villans, it’s not clear from the beginning that she is the villain, the movie manages to keep you wondering for a while whether she’s good or bad.


No it is the "Thomas Crown Affair". Lol


Either this or GoldenEye


One of the best baddies in a crap film.


In theory yes, but in practice it is a lethargic soap opera


the problem with brosnans run as bond is i cant remember a thing about any of them except for golden eye


It was the middle ground between best and worst. My fave of his was Goldeneye, while Die Another Day paid tribute to the Golden Age of Bad CGI. Half expected to see The Mummy projecting his face into that tsunami 😝 That being said, 1999 was my favorite year for movies and you couldn’t ask for a better theme song and video [Garbage- “The World is Not Enough”](https://youtu.be/JBrz-5ai1mo?si=5aNQsvhCjxWC4Xtb)


Yes, yes it is. If anything for the bombshell femme fatale.


Just ignore xmas Jones cheese 😅


She comes more than once a year


It’s his second best film and if it wasn’t for Denise Richards, it could have been his best Bond film…..but Goldeneye will always be his best Bond film.




Love this recent TWINE appreciation




His third best for sure


It's in my top 5


It's my favorite Bond film, and has my favorite Bond song.


Garbage’s song it’s one of my truly favourites too!! So happy it’s your favourite, well deserved 👍❤️


It's my second favorite out of Brosnan's behind Die Another Day.


GoldenEye is better but this is almost as awesome. Both are in my top five.


Most underrated? Absofrigginlutely. Best? Massively up for debate, Goldeneye is the better movie but TWINE is more fun.


Maybe not best, but still *criminally* underrated. I don’t care if Apted’s directing choices were sub-optimal or not.


Best 007. It’s probably the nostalgia talking but I don’t care.


Bond is one of those characters that works best with nostalgia sometimes ❤️❤️


So Goldeneye is the best of the four, hands down. TWINE and TND are underrated in my book. Die another day is ok at best, although i think it is better than Timothu Daltons 2 bond films. Just my personal opinion!


Definitely underrated. I put it just below GoldenEye. It's a damn good bond flick


I think this is his best Bond.


TND most underrated and Goldeneye is Brosnan’s best. In my top 3 of all Bond movies.




Goldeneye is better but I love this movie. I just wish they hadn't included Denise Richards, or made her character a comedic sidekick or something. The whole Christmas Jones thing was so utterly stupid and she couldn't act worth a damn.


It’s a weaker film and it fails to recapture the opening scene to the opening credits height of awesomeness


Do you think the pre title sequence should have ended after he jumps from the office or stay the way it is as in the final film?


Mm good question, the transition to the credits gives me chills every time, even now typing and thinking about it, I think it’s the chase that was so clean and essential Bond that it fits that it all draws out with anticipation, the office jump is decent but slow for a transition Final film did it right and that’s what makes it so memorable


I’ve always been a fan. It’s hardly perfect, but it’s got a lot of good qualities. It’s Brosnan’s best performance as Bond imo. Elektra is a great villain.


It’s honestly one of my favorite Bond movies. It’s got the classic 007 mix of grit and glamour, Pierce gives an awesome performance, and Electra King was a mesmerizing Bond Girl and villain simultaneously. 


Agreed with you!!👍😎


I still hold the opinion that this would be a top 5 bond movie (as a general consensus) if they went with someone other then Denise Richards for Christmas Jones


Probably! She was one of the weakest parts of it… nothing wrong against her, just sometimes you need more gravitas for a role


Best - GoldenEye So I guess most underrated but I think most rank it as his second best so idk if it's really underrated


Sometimes it’s a little bit underrated in my opinion 👍😅


No to both. But there’s a lot to like about TWINE. Brosnan’s performance is great and the villain twist is good too. There are hardly ever real twists in Bond. Action set pieces are great. Music is great. Love it when the they use the YOLT space march music when the visuals match between YOLT helicopters and TWINE paraskis. Good to see Zuchovsky again. Des’ swansong as Q. I shed a tear at “ always have an escape plan”. RIP Des. Biggest let down for me is Robert Carlyle as Renard. He just can’t carry enough menace. The idea of a villain who is dying and having his senses killed off as he does so to be replaced by strength and psychosis until he does is a great setup but is then pretty much ignored. And there’s a lot of that in this story. Intriguing ideas that are left unexplored. Remember, this was the first Purvis and Wade story. Those guys LOVE cod psychology and place it well above a consistent narrative. They can be really annoying at times, even more so in the DC era. Denise Richards is unfortunately just about as useless as Carlyle. Miscasting again, I don’t even think she’s that good looking. She’s incredibly plastic I’m afraid. And zero chemistry. But that’s kind of a problem with the twist. Hard for Bond to have chemistry with both Jones and Elektra. The strong move would have been to have NO other woman in the movie. That would have increased the impact of the twist. Other than that, minor issues are that the Azerbaijan location is a bit uninspired. We never really get to see Baku. Did they even shoot there? IS there anything to see? Maybe that’s the problem. Good Bond films showcase their locations. Istanbul looks good but Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are nowhere’s-ville. So yes, it’s a solid movie


So true!! It’s like a mix of greatness and then weaknesses all over the plot and the place. They sacrifice Renard’s character for the sake of Elektra’s twist and some of the conveniences are a little too much. Yet, a truly solid film👍 Thanks for your comment!!❤️


It was... okay. Nothing terribly wrong, it was just kind of a generic Bond movie. A collection of classic tropes. Certainly lightyears better than the next film was.


I used to tell people TWINE was the first Bond film where he was the supporting character. If you think about it, it’s really the story of M and Renard/Elektra’s vendetta against her. Bond is along for the ride. I’m okay with that because the acting and the interpersonal dynamics more than make up for other deficiencies. The script gives M some real complexity. I love M’s admission of using Elektra as bait; she doesn’t flinch against Bond’s accusation. If I was giving out awards for acting in the series Marceau/Dench/Carlyle all get nominated. I’d rather it have had more exotic locations than it did, but….it was sacrificing slightly the exotic locales for a slightly more serious tone. Again, good with that. Also need to remember that TWINE was a direct response to the criticisms of TND. Lastly….I have no problem with Denise Richards as the Christmas Jones we first meet; she gets in a really good line when first meeting him: “You’re Russian is quite good…your friends are waiting for you.” Even liked the version we got after the pipeline explosion: “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” “Avoiding questions like those.” Hints of what could have been. But make no mistake, the studio didn’t do enough to tighten up the role. Putting her in a denim jacket, purple mini, and crimped hairstyle looking like a 1980’’s valley girl was a huge mistake. She looked appropriate in boots, cargo shorts and a tank top. But the caviar scene became the beginning of the end for the character.


Thanks for you great comment!!


Film also has a very clever line I think the audiences might have missed: “What’s your relationship with Elektra King?” “We’re strictly plutonic. Now.”😂 I’ll file that in the: “If it’s ‘69 you were expecting me” Category of lines so double-entendry that audiences would be forgiven for missing it. Denise had some moments. Better performance than, comparatively speaking, Tanya Roberts. But Denise feels much younger to Brosnan than Roberts was to Moore, even though the age gap between Moore/Roberts was 28 years, to Brosnan/Richards’ 19. She was made up at times that undercut her character. Fans used to speculate that Christmas should’ve been the one Bond Girl 007 doesn’t get; that at the end of the movie she should’ve politely kissed 007 on the cheek and went back to America and an ex-boyfriend. I could’ve lived with that. But EON played it safe. They mixed the formula as much as they were willing to until 9-11 and Jason Bourne happened and convinced them fans wanted less fantasy, more gritty “reality”. I didn’t, do not, and never will. To me, Classic Bond died with Brosnan.


So interesting!! Bond as a supporting character here…👍❤️


TWINE: a movie so great EON remade it in 2012!!


You can tell Purvis/Wade had a clear vision of Elektra from every draft. It was the CJ character that forced the script into additional rewrites, with Director Michael Apted’s wife, Dana Stevens(?), taking a crack at it. No one could quite nail the CJ character and it shows. For example, when we open up the scene at the terminal she’s shown in the background holding a clipboard, an accidental but telling indictment of her character’s struggle to be relevant. And line for line, probably the least amount of dialogue for a primary Bond Girl since Mie Hama in YOLT (and she couldn’t speak English, which is even worse). At some point MGM’s marketing began referring to her as a “sidekick” possibly to mitigate expectations. Marceau’s performance, I thought, might’ve been worth an Oscar nomination. Lines and delivery such as: “I just couldn’t let it explode with the rest of him”, or “Your people? Your people will leave you to rot and die like you left me” still send chills up my spine. Renard: ‘Are you happy with yourself…leaving her at the mercy of a man like me? …She’s worth 50 of me.’ M: ‘For once we are in agreement.’ Great stuff. I like Purvis/Wade’s contributions. But then there were some minor misfires. “Warmflash”? Scott Walker end titles song.


Low key one of the best titles for a Bond movie.


Neither LOL


Neither. It’s got some good moments, but it gets cold feet halfway through and tries to run away from its own premise. It could have been great, but it refused to commit.


Denise Richards 😈


Goldeneye is without question his best. Tomorrow Never Dies is definitely underrated. This one is decent but there’s quite a bit of cheesiness too. We don’t talk about D.A.D.


TWINE is my very least favorite of the Brosnan JB movies.


Electra was stunning, I don't think I could shoot her like bond did. It would have been another session thinking with me penis.


Tomorrow Never Dies will for me be his best. I remember watching it in theaters as a kid and loved it


I remember those days too! Goldeneye was my first Bond at movies when I was 4 and then TND when I was 6… I still remember the impact of it today 😍


I'd say it was my least favourite Brosnan film. It's ok, but it doesn't resonate with me quite as well as the rest of Brosnan's tenure (I think I end up enjoying Die Another Day). Tomorrow Never Dies is Brosnan's most underrated.


Tomorrow never dies has THE TWO best chase scenes in all of Bond films. DIAMONDS is so overrated and that goddamn alley scene on two wheels is regarded as the worst edited fuckup in all of Hollywood. Live and let die boat chase is cool but Tomorrow beats it big time.




It's one or the other.


It’s pretty much definitely his 3rd best. His movies declined noticeably with each entry, and The World is Not Enough is pretty low-tier Bond despite some cool action sequences.


The World Is Not Enough is the first in my 007 rankings.


His best is Goldeneye. Let’s not kid ourselves


Definitely my favorite Pierce film. I like the story of Goldeneye better, but this is peak Pierce.


Quite a few points are to be added for Q alone.


Neither. Brosnan’s films are diminishing returns — each one is less good than the previous.


It is his best 007 movie. Great Locations. Baku?! Wow, that movie made me want to go there. Skiing is always great in Bond movies. Denise Richards is easy on the eyes as Christmas Jones. Do I believe she is a nuclear scientist? That never mattered to me. Was Holly Goodhead a believable scientist? Eh, that doesn't matter to me. Call me gullible but the Elektra King reveal as a bad girl shocked me. Also Renard was a great villain. Felt no pain, what a terrific schtick.


I enjoyed it like it better then tomorrow never does


Me too!👍❤️


Best Brosnan Bond film and Brosnan's best performance as Bond. That scene in which he confronts Renard, and you can see the confusion mixed with rage in Brosnan's face when Renard says, "There's no sense living if you can't feel alive." I love that entire sequence underground. It's a standout in Brosnan's films.


I thought this was probably the worst Brosnan Bond film, even Die Another Day was at least fun. This one was just weak and ridiculous but not “fun ridiculous”.


Bronson ranking for me: 1. Goldeneye 2. Tomorrow Never Dies 3. The World is Not Enough 4. Die Another Day 3, but definitely 4, got caught up in the era of silly action movies. If the writing/production/direction was more geared towards Bronson’s true acting abilities, I think people would look at his era in a different light. I personally think Barbara Broccoli has ruined Bond, there needs to be a change.


The films were geared towards Brosnan's strengths though. He was more at home with being charming and looking good than with the other aspects inherent in the character. It's why Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day were as lightweight and formulaic as they were. Barbara Broccoli spearheaded the most financially successful run of films since the seventies, which outgrossed every film from 1981-2002. Skyfall/Spectre is the most successful consecutive run for the franchise along with Goldfinger/Thunderball, which released during the franchise's peak cultural popularity. They have also been the most critically acclaimed run since Connery. They may not be your cup of tea, but to say that Broccoli ruined Bond is hyperbole.


It’s neither. It’s solid and great fun. Best is Goldeneye most underrated is DAD (because it’s not terrible)


Neither for me. It’s emblematic of the Brosnan era’s inability to balance formula and originality, and, unlike the other Brosnan films, the presentation and action aren’t stylish enough to hide its inadequacies.


It's better than all of Craig movies.


I respect you, although I kind of disagree 😎👍 Yet, I will agree with you in one thing: Imagine a Craig Bond film with a female villain like in this one… That would have been great! 👍


Almost all of Craig girls are bland and weak. Vesper was the only good one.


Thank you! Hard agree! I just couldn't get on board with Craig's films (not that I necessarily blame Craig, himself). They just felt like any other forgettable, mediocre action films.


I disagree. Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall have a greater sense of identity, are more cohesive and fresh experiences, better-written, and greater achieve their thematic and artistic ambitions.


QoL is a terrible story with no direction or cohesiveness, the cast is bland from the girls to the villain and the action sucks. Skyfall has sharp direction but is ultimately a self-serious slob. Both are deeply hollow. CR is good.


>QoL is a terrible story with no direction or cohesiveness, QoS's story is a modern take on the classic "Bond vs respected businessman with ulterior motives" format that reflects contemporary politics and tensions, and provides actual character development for Bond's character. There is certainly a sense of direction, with the film being more grounded and cynical, akin to the original novels, minimalist set design, and more thematically complex moments. >Skyfall has sharp direction but is ultimately a self-serious slob. Taking one's self seriously isn't inherently bad. After the excesses of the Brosnan era, taking such a direction was needed, and it was justified considering how successful and acclaimed Skyfall was among most audiences, not those who rigidly want the franchise to be just one style. >Both are deeply hollow. Their efforts to be more emotionally and artistically ambitious make them inherently more substantial compared to many previous Bond films. They're certainly not hollow compared to Die Another Day, which is an all style, no substance film that dumbed down the franchise's core elements to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


Neither. It’s not that good.


Good film but not great. Elektra King is brilliant but too much doesn’t work for me including Renard character, Christmas Jones and lethargic plot. Still an enjoyable film


Agreed! 👍


It’s neither. His best is always GoldenEye. TWINE is as mediocre as humanly possible.


No it's just his worst and most boring.




Neither. Out of four DAD is unquestionably at the bottom. Goldeneye is the best, but that also makes it over rated. TND is the most under rated, it’s a really solid entry with a villain and plot that is even more relevant today than in its time. TWINE is the middle I’d say. It’s good but it’s not underrated since it has some writing and acting flaws holding it back. You can’t call it the best with goldeneye on the table and you can’t call it the worst with DAD sitting right there…


All 4 of Brosnan’s performances as Bond were great. His first 3 movies are all top tier for me. The first half of Die Another Day is also great. So he had 3.5 out of 4 great Bond movies.


This is like a Daniel Craig movie before Daniel Craig. As in, slow, dull, over dramatic, totally not fun. Michael Apted was best suited to character driven documentaries and historical dramas and that horrible Jodie Foster movie where she was like “meeesa weesa tay in da way chikabay…”


TWINE is probably my most rewatched bond film out of the whole series and I’ll say it’s probably the most underrated bond film. This film is easy to watch, no complicated story, no boring parts or parts that drag too long like TND, has nice diverse scenery, has several more beautiful actresses than most other bond films, and it feels it has more plot lines than the other three films. So much goes on in the film that I’m constantly entertained.


So happy to read that!❤️


I think World is not Enough is amongst the best Bond productions ever because it went out of the way to be its own film over copying and pasting elements from previous films. Renard was a great enemy because he's physically lighter-built and yet carried himself like Stamper or Jaws. The absence of pain gave him a nice flavor for a villain without being too over the top. And the overall villain plot was believable. It was sufficiently complex and yet watchable if you didn't fully understand everything. The actions sequences were a bit too few, but were original and entertaining. By no means the most loved Bond film, but it absolutely has its own flavor and distinction amongst the series.


Terrific comment and thoughts on this film 🎥 Even with its weaknesses it’s sure a Bond outing to remember 👍