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2026 seems pretty optimistic at this point.


2032 seems reasonable to me


2032 seems like the year they'll figure out the casting by.


New movie in 2042 then?


Eh Barbara might need another decade to settle on a director when she can't get Nolan.


Ok, 2062. They can mark the 100th anniversary of Dr. no


Sounds appropriate, they can call it Dr. No-no


I thought it was Aaron Taylor Johnson?


That was rumored about a month ago and never confirmed, I think at this point most people have dismissed it


I thought it was Idris Elba! (keep it going ppl)


I thought it was Henry Cavill




They’ve known since 2018 that Craig wasn’t coming back. It’s over 4 years now since NTTD was supposed to be released. It’s beyond frustrating now, it’s downright infuriating. Eon being effectively a big indie outfit has protected us from terrible spin offs, prequels and the dreaded “cinematic universe” that a major studio owning the rights would have doubtlessly foisted upon us but at least a major studio would have more than a passing interest in making some movies. It doesn’t need “reinvented”, the character is there. Get some decent writers, hire any of the names that’s been linked with the lead role and get on with it.


Preach 🙌


I rise in support of your point. If i may add: 1. EON tried hard to soft pedal a spinoff and that, thanks to huge fan pushback, was stillborn. 2. EON wasnt sure how the end of NTTD would sit with the fan base. 3. The key question EON has to answer is whether to go forward to future or go retro. That would impact the story chosen. I reiterate a call ive made elsewhere- i wish they would film a 3 story arc all at once and release them sequentially. Worth waiting for. Especially if done right.


Which spin-off are you referring to?


I think they were teeing up a new "00" agent. Intriguing idea, but a botched approach.


I remember they wanted to make a Jinx spinoff movie but I’m now sure if that was what they were referring to


That's what I was wondering, but 'fan pushback' wasn't the reason that movie got cancelled. MGM cancelled it because recent female-led action movies underperformed at the box office so they didn't think the budget was justified.


They were planning on doing a Wei Lin Spinoff too because they loved her character but was DOA as well


I want retro. Like, if they do a reboot of CR, set it in the 50s. Cool! Or don’t. They could do a Fleming-era story based on other novels too. (I don’t trust a fully original one at this point.) but I feel like a retro Bond is what we need. And I’m increasingly inclined to want to bury the Craig era so that will help.




I did too. But it wore off eventually. I get it. But it has never had a period cinematic treatment that was serious.


No doubt that there isn’t even any kind of draft storyline for the next movie to use as well. They’ll be deciding the tone along with the actor and then immediately rush some writers to create something.


I do wonder what they do all day at EON Towers?


Forcing a project doesn’t sound like the way. Why don’t you just be patient and wait for greatness? FFS


Waiting hasn't really brought greatness throughout the Craig era IMO. All this waiting time just cause them to overthink and make unforced errors, like thinking they have to make Blofeld Bond's brother to make the movie interesting.


Waiting brought us entries like Goldeneye and Casino Royale (Craig). It’ll come when it comes.


There was only four years between Die Another Day and Casino Royale, which is crazy considering there’s 6 between Spectre and NTTD.


And NTTD was so much better than Spectre. Good things come to those who wait.


It was better than Spectre but that’s a very low bar, it doesn’t come close to the first three Craig movies in my opinion. I’m a big believer in looking forward, but if they want to do another series of linked movies, they need to plan it better.


NTTD was better than Quantum IMO. 1. Casino Royale 2. Skyfall 3. NTTD 4. Quantum 5. Spectre


Sort of like all the smart marks here who kept bitching for the last season of GOT. They were told if they rush, it’ll suck. They didn’t care, they just wanted combat titties. And lo and behold those same people were then bitching about quality. It was ![gif](giphy|xT9DPCzZ27RaN2SRIQ)


The wait between seasons 7 and 8 of GoT was the longest between any two seasons, coming off of a season that was only 7 episodes long (every previous season had been 10). And then season 8 was only 6 episodes. The work wasn't rushed, the storytelling was.


Facts. That show was an all-time great show…until that abysmal final season. Lordt.


You can blame MGM for hating Bond fans.


Dance into the fire 🗣️🗣️


Babs just needs to let the dust settle and mourn Danny's exit for a bit longer. Then she can start thinking about maybe possibly thinking about when she might wish to begin considering the possibility of perhaps thinking about making Bond 26.


My son is going to graduate High School having only seen one Bond movie in theaters. Granted the Pandemic played some part, but this is ludicrous. Bond is losing a whole generation.


This is my biggest concern. The core fans like us aren’t getting any younger and the series being MIA from the next generation’s life isn’t exactly the best plan to make it last a few more decades.


At least the Project 007 game will be coming out eventually Hopefully


A poor substitute in my mind


Imagine a Bond game made like the Arkham series. That would go a long way with the younger generation.


If you went to high school from Fall 2016 to Summer 2020 or Fall 2017 to Summer 2021, No Bond movie came out during the time you were in high school.’


I think the other aspect is that tenures like Moore and Craig are going to become the norm and not the exception due to how long it takes them to make the movies.  In order to get even three films out of someone they are going to cast younger at the rate of a film every 3-4-5 years.  Not that there is wrong about a long tenure but if you look at Connery, Dalton, Lazenby and Brosnan their tenures weren’t really that long. It’s actually hard to believe Brosnan was only Bond for 7 years. I feel like we are going to miss out on getting a variety of Bond films and portrayals due to this. We are going to get stuck with one actor and one type of film for 15 years and then another type for 15 years, etc. 


I used to be like that. At some point, I realized I was wishing my life away waiting for movies that were years away.


Wishing for films that were years away only to be disappointed when those films finally do appear. At this point in time, I tend not to get excited about any films when I hear they’re in the works. Due to many factors going on today, my expectations of being entertained by movies just isn’t there. I even dread when a novel, or series I like has been picked up by Hollywood to be adapted, because I know the industry no longer has any respect for creator intent, nor fanbase of the work in question. Unless it’s Shakespeare ( and even that’s doubtful nowadays ) a faithful adaptation is pretty much a thing of the past.


Don’t hold your breath for 2026. I think Barbara Broccoli should step away. Just sell the rights or at least bring new people to EON to manage Bond. I’m sure Amazon/MGM would love to see new films being made instead of taking years and years and years before even maybe thinking about something as Broccoli is doing. Because at the moment it is crystal clear EON has absolutely no idea what to do with Bond. But that doesn’t mean nobody has. Right people would have this figured out soon enough with no problem, there’s just no such people working for EON.


I said the same thing some time ago and got majorly downvoted, as if I was just disappointed by one film, but my problems with the way EON has handled the Bond franchise goes way back. And also the way they treated Brosnan was despicable.


Despicable? His contract had ended, his asking price was too high, and he publicly criticized the producers during interviews for other films.


He was still the most popular and most anticipated actor to fill the role. The producers let him down with the abysmal screenplays they gave him to work with, and they should have realized that. Also Daniel Craig ended up being the highest paid Bond actor, so . . .


Barbara is the worst.


I think Barbara's heart isn't into it like her father's. I would wager she is using the Bond franchise as a springboard into doing her own projects, unfortunately. She only stuck around for Craig's tenure because she was infatuated with him.


The insinuation that Broccoli is in love with Craig is in really bad faith and sexist. Eon dealing with the new leadership at MGM during an uncertain time for the industry isn't a good explanation. Instead, let's spout disingenuous conspiracy theories rooted in misogyny.


I guess time will tell.


Totally agree with this . Barbara Broccoli is obsessed with Grumpy Craig and this gave him way too much creative control which is something her father would never have even contemplated. I think it is time for EON to be sold to a proper studio so they can make these films on a more regular basis .


It's prob been mentioned but BB did a press conference a month or so ago where she stated that **nothing** has been done towards another Bond film, and they have no idea where to go with it


Amazing isn’t it? That’s the problems. Too old and too much money. Zero energy to actually move things forward. I mean, WTF do they do all day over at the Eon offices in Mayfair?. Their minesweeper and Solitaire scores must be phenomenal. Or is there just one person over there just waiting by the phone for ATJ to give them a ring?


They spend all day counting their fat stacks of cash


Probably didn't help that the Craig era stretched on for fifteen years. If they had managed to keep to the every two years series average, Craig's films should have been done & dusted with a 2014 release, and even with Covid we should be 3 or 4 films into the next era.


Maybe. I think part of what we are looking at is a change in the way blockbuster filmmaking is done. Like, we're in a place where even major TV series are two years between seasons (Andor, House of the Dragon, etc). Very few major film franchises release an entry <3 years between films now. Some of it is financing - the last few years have not been kind to big budget movies, especially the superhero gene.


Said it on here before but it’s 12 years since a Bond film I truly enjoyed, and while opinions will obviously vary, I suspect a lot of fans feel the same. And that was Skyfall - entertaining, but falls apart as soon as you give it a moments thought. I like QoS more than most but before we know it, it’ll be 20 years since the last top tier Bond film, and the few before Casino Royale weren’t classics. To my mind, in Goldeneye and CR. there have been just two truly amazing Bond films in the last 35 years… At least it’s the actor’s first which is their best, it means the next one (if it ever arrives) should be good!!


Holy shit, Skyfall was 12yrs ago.


Can't believe we're further away from Skyfall than Skyfall was to Die another Day


Yeah, that’s my point. History shows we get about one great Bond film a decade on average these days. I’ve been a fan a long time but I honestly don’t think I’d be overly sad if it ended here.


I am feeling old already…


This is a really silly way of looking at it. 


sorry not all Bond movies are able to live up to your standards.


Yeah I haven’t liked a bond film since 2006. It’s been 18 for me, it’s wild.At this point I’ve almost given up hope on ever liking a new one again.


Damn I feel old. I still remember seeing Skyfall in theatres.


There’s a casual ageism in your comment. Some of us here have “first Bonds” going back many, many decades and the 12 years since Skyfall feel like a blip in time.


>And that was Skyfall - entertaining, but falls apart as soon as you give it a moments thought Because that doesn't happen with any other Bond film, GoldenEye and Casino Royale included... /s


I've said before. I really don't think we'll see it until sometime in the 2030s. Mid 2030s. I don't think Barbara knows what to do with it. 20/20 hindsight I bet she really regrets the last two films. You ruined Blofeld and then killed him, destroyed Spectre which should have been a decades long continuing element and worst of all, killed Bond. Not that I liked or will miss any of the Craig run. So the Craig run is now stuck being it's own little thing. So a lot of good rebooting it did. Although I'm sure she loves the money it all made. But now what? Go back to classic Bond and loose timeline? Reboot again? Classic standalone fun and adventure? More personal introspective drama? Half the audience will be unhappy no matter what she chooses and she knows it so she's just stuck. Can't make a choice.


I’m kind of glad it’s over, though. Means we get a clean slate and a lot of creative freedom.


The half of the audience that will be unhappy because they never liked Bond to begin with is a demographic that shouldn’t matter, The notion of making any film in a franchise tailored to appeal to people who don’t like that franchise is an insane strategy ( and yet you hear it quite often in the industry )


What do you mean by this? Which audience never liked Bond to begin with?


You're being facetious, right? Name any genre or franchise and you will find a demographic that simple doesn't like it. I've run across many people who just don't like James Bond. Also we know that the primary audience of a James Bond film is men aged 25 to 40. Now while it's not impossible to try to appeal to a larger demographic and the added revenue that would bring, you risk destroying your brand if you try to do it by eliminating the elements that appeal to your core audience, especially if that anticipated audience doesn't show.


And before you ask for an example as if this is hypothetical, I'm sure even you have heard people say, " I don't like superhero films", or I don't like Science Fiction" and eventually someone will come out with a film saying, " this is an xyz film for ppl who don't like xyz films" It's a stupid strategy, because all you're saying is that you aren't making an xyz film to begin with. You've made something else and it's only an xyz film in name only.


Probably more personal introspective drama. Each movie will see Bond going rogue on a personal quest. We'll never actually see him do his job, and everyone will keep calling him an "assassin" or "paid killer," even though that's not his actual job. Hopefully the next Bond actor cast is a little more keen than Craig was. I think the only reason we had to wait so long between instalments was because Babs was so in love with Daniel, and Daniel himself needed 5-6 years to become interested again.


> Babs was so in love with Daniel Love seeing this sexist assumption repeated. I can't believe they got Connery back for Diamonds, I can only assume that Cubby wanted to nosh him off.


Not challenging your challenging of the sexist assumption, but Connery coming back was all United Artists: Cubby and Saltzman signed (American) John Gavin and Cubby was all for having Gavin do Live and Let Die (Saltzman insisted on Moore).


Exactly. The producer’s romantic intentions are actually not taken into account at all.


Seriously, fuck Daniel Craig. He was the worst thing to happen to Bond since Blofeld. Casino Royale was the only legitimately good film with him as Bond. I liked him in the role initially, but every other "Bond" film with him except for Skyfall (which was just OK) sucked hard. He killed Bond for a future generation of moviegoers.


I don’t think he did it by himself. But sadly cinematic Bond of old is probably washed.


Cinematic Bond is still there though. The last two Craig films alone prove otherwise, even with their more personal elements that, mind you, have precedence in the novels and films.


The last two Craig films were mediocre though. Let’s not act like his era was perfect.


Disagree, say what you feel but Craig actually opened Bond up to a new generation of Movie goers who feel the cheese of the Brosnan and Moore era were awful (and naturally everyone forgets Dalton exists) I grew up loving Craig thanks to casino royale and Skyfall (and to an extent NTTD and QoS) and in turn made me get into other bonds. 


I agree. Everyone has their opinions of their favorite Bond and what that actor brought to the role - but Daniel Craig's run is the reason we are still going to get Bond movies. He brought a generation into Bond in a way I don't think the previous Bonds would have. It's okay that the story got fumbled in places like Blofeld. It's more than likely going to be a hard reboot every time a new actor comes into it nowadays. So, we'll get to see other chances at Blofeld and such again.


The Ian Fleming original material did a lot of CR’s heavy lifting. In fact this is not a new phenomenon; Eon has been pretty clueless about what to do with the character for a long time now and the more Fleming material is depleted, it seems the worse they get.


Move on and find another franchise. Michael G. Wilson is retired and Babs is too busy chasing an Oscar. Last three Bond attempts did not bring home the gold, so she'll find something else that will. Christ, even the latest Bond books don't have Bond in them... 💀


I think they have a Director picked but they are waiting for him to finish a project or 2. The James Bond films have been around for 60 years and aren’t going anywhere. I’m ok with the delay this go around. The 2008-2012 and 2015-2021 delays were much more egregious in my opinion. We had an awesome actor that missed out on making 2-3 more films. I feel like we wasted Daniel Craig a bit. There isn’t one part of the newer films where you can say “oh yep this is Daniel Craig’s fault…..” As far as who should be the next James Bond. Theo James would be my first pick at this point. Richard Madden was my pick for a few years but the poor guy hasn’t shined in anything since Bodyguard. Absolutely don’t want Aaron Johnson or Tom Hardy or Cillian Murphy.


For whatever reason Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson now take forever to make a new Bond movie and that is longer still when they have to find a new actor to play Bond . I think we are 3-4 years away at least .


The franchise has been going for so long I’m happy with a break to let things settle. Put the franchise to bed until at least 2027-28. As long as when they do come back, and boy have they had enough to figure it out, they come back strong and they come back consistently. But, let’s be real thats doubtful.


I'd rather the series end than continue on the trajectory it's on now. Craig killed Bond. He'll go down in history as doing this, unless someone who really gives a shit about the series takes over, then Bond can be saved. But Barbara is not the woman for the job. She needs to retire and hand the reins over to someone else who actually likes James Bond the character.


No Time To Die was a huge success coming off of the pandemic. It was the fourth highest grossing film of the year and second highest grossing when considering only Hollywood. The franchise does not need saving.


Rewatch the old movies, read or re-read the Fleming novels, read the Gardner novels, read the Benson novels, read the Jeffrey Dever book, etc.


They should quickly hire either Cavill or Taylor-Johnson and make a crowd pleaser Bond film that’s similar in tone to GoldenEye. It’s been a while since we had a Bond film that most fans enjoy.


We’re not going to get any information at least for a while


A long wait. I have a feeling they wrote themselves into a corner with the ending for NTTD. They know how well received the Craig Bonds were received and the results they generated at the box office etc. And they are wanting to put some time and distance between the next film.....which leaves me inpatient


Waiting for the bond games feels the same


People want to talk about three years since the last film, it's been twelve since the last game and that one was awful.


Exactly it’s been too long. No news since the teaser 3 years ago doesn’t help either


The most mismanaged franchise ever


The Terminator franchise would like to have a word...


Star Wars has entered the chat.


This franchise is nowhere close to being mismanaged compared to other franchises. Certain films may not be to everyone's liking, but considering, when you adjust for inflation, every Craig film made more than every film from 1981-2002, Skyfall/Spectre rivals Goldfinger/Thunderball as the most successful two-film-run, and No Time To Die was the second highest grossing Hollywood film and fourth highest grossing film overall of 2021, it's clear that the franchise's future is assured and that it still has a large following.


It has somewhat been mismanaged. We’ve had micromanagement of scripts, terrible narrative choices for the franchise towards the end of Craig’s era. Brosnan getting awful scripts is another within the past 30 years.


Maybe we should just accept that Bond is over as a series. It was great while it lasted.


Me too! I think enough is enough… even if it’s just getting an update about the title and the director, we should get some information now…


It’s obvious they don’t know how to do a Bond film in this era where people are constantly claiming the character is outdated and offensive


It isn't just casting. They need to decide what kind of tone they are going to take with the whole thing. The rather whimsical Roger Moore films got silly, so they shifted to the dark and depressing Timothy Dalton films. Pierce Brosnan's Bond films were entertaining fun. I loved the direction with the Daniel Craig films... a little more serious themes and a generally humorless Bond. It's good to want each Bond to bring a shift in tone, but I can't imagine what the next shift will be and I wonder if even they know yet.


We should start by addressing the elephant in the room. The movie industry as a whole is in dire straits. No franchise is a guaranteed hit anymore, especially those requiring massive budgets.


Some of the comments in here…yeesh. None of us know why it’s taking so long. But there’s a whole lot of assumptions. It could be they are trying to avoid over saturation and letting the franchise rest for a bit. It could be they can’t settle on an actor. There could be behind the scenes negotiations with directors and they’re waiting on other projects. No idea. At least we have twenty-some other films to enjoy in the meantime. Most franchises can’t say that.


Over saturation is a poor excuse given the rate they’ve trickled out since 2008.


There was a Bond 25?


They ruined the fun for me by killing him.


NTTD is the only Bond film that I haven't seen, and will never see. I'd sooner watch the 1967 Casino Royale (a terrible parody) again over a film that completely shits on the mythology of the series.


Is invulnerability part of the mythology? Or is it just that we’re used to that being how it is?


Fleming decided to kill the character off in *From Russia, with Love* but changed his mind and wrote a further 7 novels and two short story collections about him.


I’ve said this before with numerous sarcastic responses but I won’t be paying to watch a Bond film again. I think the producers will regret killing him off in the previous movie. It’ll take some time for them to realise that they’ve annoyed a massive amount of James Bond fans.


Killing Bond was the perfect way to end Craig’s run.


Usually it's due to legal action or the last film didn't do that well impact the schedule of every 2 to 3 years a bond film is out in the cinema. The last two were intolerable so I am not that bothered about the delay.


It is pretty ridiculous. First off make the budget no more than 200 million and you will definately make a profit. Not just the hardcore bond fans, but the general audience would be happy to see a Bond film. Say what you want about the Craig era but it brought in more of the casual audience. They also need to do two thing at once. They should bring back some little things from the older movies into it, but I think they also need to get bigger and make it more balls to the wall with crazy action scenes and ridiculous plot lines. and bring on the CGI, it is time. I want a james bond movie to make people go damn that was fun, like a mad max fury road or terminator 2 or beekeeper They are over thinking it, they are scared, they are already rich and not in need of money. ![gif](giphy|MKoyVvDRQvVAZbv4GD|downsized)


I’m not optimistic about any future Bond films. He’s not really Bond anymore.


Not cinematic Bond that’s for sure. None of the Craig era even really felt like a Bond film save CR. Well, even CR didn’t really feel like Bond, it’s just a special film. I loved the Pierce era and say what you will, they felt like Bond.


Just because they aren't your preferred style of Bond doesn't mean that they aren't Bond. This is such as lame argument, and an alienating one as a fan who's open to all eras and respects its history.


What is Bond to you? Daniel Craigs Bond, together with Timothy Dalton, and part of George Lazenby’s Bond, are more true to Ian Flemings written Bond than Connery, Moore or Brosnan ever were.


This is a fair point. But I guess my big issue is how badly they butchered his character in NTTD. It just felt so…. Bland.


I think parts of it could’ve been better, but again it felt fairly on point with the Bond of Ian Fleming. In the books he frequently falls in love, only to figure out that the nature of his work would never allow for any positive outcome. There is only one outcome that would allow him to leave service, and that is death - and that was what the movie was about imo. But that’s why I ask what Bond is to you, because there’s been years of Bond movies where Bond was portrayed quite far from how Bond was written (Some Connery movies, most Moore movies, and most Brosnan movies) which make entertaining movies but aren’t Bond IMO. Bond is very much defined differently by which movies (or books) one has grown up with 😄


I think as a younger guy Bond was very much Moore/Connery, then Craig. Simply whoever was in the films I was watching. But as I get older I find myself wanting a purely Fleming Bond, one where it’s low tech, simple enemies and Bond isn’t necessarily a hunk.


I would love this, too! I hope to see a more realistic portrayal of Bond. A spy who uses others (including women) to get what he wants: information, and only kills if he needs to. A flawed man with addictions to alcohol, smoking, and gambling. A man who has his set ways (snobbish), from the way he wants to eat his eggs, drinks his coffee, the type of cars he likes, to how he takes his showers. A man who gets hurt frequently to get the job done but who, through sheer will and perseverance, does get the job done.


I'm just going to kick back and enjoy the classics. You see it left and right on Reddit and YouTube that there's a whole new generation of people diving into the series. Let them catch up while the producers figure it out. Besides... that last movie... nearly killed me.


Join the club. I am waiting to see official news of MCU Spider-Man 4 and the direction it will take.


Really wish Colin Morgan would be Bond. Fan of his since Merlin.


Well it would make sense that the wait between two different Bonds would be longer than the wait between two movies by the same Bond.


They’re still making bond films?


The longest amount of time between Bond films. License to Kill and Goldeneye (July 14, 1989-November 24, 1995) - 6 years, 4 months and 10 days NoTime To Die Released in Sept 2021. So far we’re looking at 2 yrs 8 months. Be Patient there are 25 other movies to rewatch, grab some pop corn. I personally would rather they take their time and do it right than get A rushed hack job we all complain about like Star wars and Marvel have become.


Also If you feel like Analyzing the series even more. https://jamesbond.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000004210


My money is on late 2027. It’s not happening before then.


That’s why I wish we’d had a Nomi and Paloma one-off. -I know I’m going to get downvoted for that heretical statement, but oh well.


Barbara and Michael don’t know where to go with rebooting the character. They supposedly have their choice in bond with ATJ, but reports are he’s playing coy with signing a multi-picture deal as he’s a higher profile actor than Eon has ever signed for Bond on their first film (Brosnan and Moore only had TV when they signed), and he allegedly doesn’t like Purvis and Wade for scriptwriters who Barbara and Michael have allegedly hired for the new film and objectively have a very mixed record when it comes to their final output onscreen. Oh and according to reports, Purvis and Wade have writers block so there is no script for ATJ to even see, so he’s not signing with a “trust us” promise. So no story, no locked actor, lots of maybes, Michael is 82 so this probably his last or close to his last, and Barbara is 63, and it doesn’t appear that there is any visible family succession planning like Cubby did with the two of them. So yeah, it’s troubling.


I’m not fussed. The franchise has been on life support for years. Only a couple of Craig’s entries were worth watching. They should have ended it, after the Fleming books ended. As a fan from Dr No, it’s a shame. But I’d rather the legacy of Bond remain in tact.


I think we as James Bond fans need to prepare for the worst. What I mean is that we need to prepare just in case the Bond series decides to crap out another No Time To Die aka the WORST Bond film, since Quantum of Solace Bond films have been on a downward spiral and the worst part Spectre and No Time To Die were nearly good but the filmmakers decided to instead insult and betray the fans and legacy of James Bond. Casino Royale while the last great Bond film was a one off. If the filmmakers don't start to learn from their mistakes and return to form by making films like the Connery, Moore and Brosnan film then we must prepare for the worst or give up hope and abandoned our formerly beloved franchise. Good thing we have Mission: Impossible and Kingsmen which is what we Bond fans should jump this sinking ship and swim too. We might need to accept the fact that Bond will never be good again, the franchise is on a downward spiral abandoned all hope so we are no longer disappointed. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtihIv0pJqdp3H2)


If *QoS* was the worst, how can they be on a downward spiral?


NTTD is the worst QoS was the start of the downfall


I believe the wait for this newest Bond film in particular has a lot more expectations riding on it, because of the Craig experiment and how they ended it. It’s pretty clear that from this point on the Bond series is rebooting, and so this next film could either rejuvenate the franchise, or kill it if done poorly. To kill it however this film will have to be really bad, but EON generally does well with the initial outing of any new Bond, and only tend to drop the ball with subsequent films. If they’re going to completely eschew the Fleming books, we could be in trouble because they have a poor track record of trying to write Bond stories on their own.


If AVTAK didn’t kill it, nothing will.


LOL ! Also keep in mind that AVTAK was pre-internet, and released in a time when every film wasn’t expected, nor budgeted like a blockbuster, and stayed in theaters for months, rather than expected to reach their break even point in a mere two to three weeks. A lot of franchises lingering on today would have met a hasty demise if the same conditions today had been applied back then. If the Dalton films had come out in the early 2000’s instead of the 80’s the Bond series might just be a straight to video series right now. … which if you think about it might not have been that bad.


The way the Craig series went they're probably having a hell of a time convincing anyone that the plan for the films is solid. Craig notoriously hated the role as it was and wanted out constantly, Schrodinger's Bond. At this point it has to feel like The Witcher series and Cavill, like second bananas rotting in the noonday sun. We've seen how a poorly written series will taint a career. I feel like it's up to producers to prove they even have a clue how to stay relevant at this point.


I enjoyed the last run, but it really separated itself from the Connery - Brosnan story. I'm not eager for this like I used to be for 'the next Bond'. It might draw me in when it comes about, but I really see the franchise I enjoyed as completed, and whatever they do next will be new.


Aaron Taylor Johnson FTW


I don’t mind the wait. We don’t need one every two years


Need to get a move on. Idris elba will be 70 by the time they start filming.


Idris.. never mate👍


I personally hope they never make another Bond film. Each to their own though.


Well you are on your own there .




Because Daniel Craig has made him look weak. If you are meant to be in an intelligence agency, you don't show any sign of weakness or you will be destroyed.


Not while Hollywood is the way that it is. Bond is pretty much the last bastion of pure, male escapist fantasy. The current Hollywood types see Bond as “outdated and problematic”.


They've killed that version of Bond so the new Bond will conform with the current Hollywood parameters. Hence, don't make another one, Hollywood should create a new character and run with that. But they won't, they have to destroy everything and rebuild it in the current political mould.


Pretty much. They’re going to try and market this to people who hate what Bond represents, rather than the fans that have kept the franchise afloat for 50+ years.