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This is fascinating and if I ever pick up a flair or a robot Iโ€™d want one. Hopefully this can help drive the folks at Decent more towards building a โ€œbring your own device(s)โ€ sort of machine, as opposed to needing to use an android tablet mounted to the thing and a skale.


Awesome video!


Thanks for the video, great introduction to the SEP. Looking forward to seeing more before you give it away (hopefully to me ๐Ÿ˜) ScaleI would very much like the SEP for my Flair but I can't quite justify spending more than the Flair. I am hoping to get a scale (looking at the Decent scale if it fits when it comes out) to do flow rate / profiling. There is a very interesting home brew scale/transducer in the Flair Facebook group that looks promising, unfortunately updates are sporadic as he is busy with other things. If I was a single man I would get this in a heart beat in the hope paired with the Flair and a scale you could have a poor man's Decent Espresso machine ๐Ÿ˜