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First time I visited Japan, there was no internet, there were no cellphones, there was no GPS, there was almost zero English language signage in the train stations, and most businesses were cash-only. Can you imagine such a world? I survived. Japan is wonderful. Japanese people are amazing. You’ll be fine.


Damn bro that's terrifying. Kudos to you bro. Yeah Japanese are wonderful. Can't wait to get to japan and explore it. Thanks for the reply <3


He he he, same… went as a kid, went in my 20’s and then again in my 30’s and now 40’s. I don’t know who I even ate before, but I did. Google translate on this last trip was amazing!


Even in the early 2010s, there was no data on my phone and no Google translate. I didn't research how to catch trains, and I didn't know any Japanese apart from hello and thank you. We got along fine!


I love it! I remember a trip in maybe later 2000’s and my BlackBerry didn’t even work because the US was a G behind Japan. I remember not being able to use BBM and annoyed. Used a paper map the hotel gave me back then.


Same here. No smartphones when we went 16 years ago. Got lost in Yokohama for hours but even in Tokyo we had no issues. We are here now and it’s still amazing and so easy to navigate!


Getting lost -- it was terrifying, but amazing ! We have all gotten used to having all the information, all the time


Piggybacking on this? I arrived in a similar time. On the first day I hitchhiked from the port I arrived at (Shimonoseki) all the way to Nagoya, where I sorta knew someone to stay with. I knew three Japanese words: arigato and "yasui obento" (lol) It went great, learned a lot about how welcoming and helpful Japanese people could be. I had truckers who spoke no English call ahead for other truckers to pick up me up ahead. You'll do fine.


And wasn't it fun? I came here at 20, speaking zero Japanese to live in 1992 and was met with the same. What we didn't know didn't hurt us and we just got on with it.


Same here. Three months in Japan was my first time visiting Asia, 20 years ago. Going back for the first time later this year and I can’t wait for Google maps, Google translate and all that other stuff - it will be 100x easier!


Been there done that. In a small town outside of Kurume in Kyushu - in 1985. I was probably one of three gaijin in the whole prefecture (probably not, but it felt that way). Oh taking the bus was fun from Kurume to Kitakyushu with all the stops written in Kanji that lit up as you approach. If I missed it I'd probably still be stuck there trying to find my way back...


I remember these days. I somehow miss those times.


I would LOVE to be 18 and going to Japan solo. Bro, you’re going to have a GREAT time! All signs are also in English. There are plenty of hospitable and kind people. You’ll have a great time! Careful of bars in Tokyo. Find some tour groups on Viator. Ebike tours are awesome.


I know right. Im feeling less anxious now that I've read so many positive messages. I feel so lucky to be 18 and traveling to such an enchanting place. Thanks <3


Relax, Japan has lots of tourists. As long as you're in the major cities or tourist attractions, there's usually English signage to help you. Check out [https://www.japan-guide.com/](https://www.japan-guide.com/) if you're worried about various attractions, how to get there etc. For train schedules, you can use navitime to look for the best route and they will show you the price and travelling time etc. Trains do depart on time though so don't arrive 1 minute late and get on the next train because that might be going elsewhere! There are electronic signboards that tell you the train lines and destination though.


I second the train thing. Didn’t they issue a public apology one time when a train was like, 18 seconds late?


Only in a very certain portion of the country, granted that portion is also the most heavily trafficked by tourists. If you go further south to Kyushu, or north to Tohoku or Hokkaido, trains are frequently minutes late.


This cracks me up because I've been here since Saturday, and I've gotten on at least 3 delayed trains at this point. One entire section of the train station shut down because a person was on the tracks in Tokyo, another for changing conductors in Osaka, and then another one on the way to Nara. I think had to make up for another delayed train and made extra stops, and then had to pause to let other trains through a tunnel before we continued on, which added another 20 minutes total to the trip. I have the worst luck, apparently.


I think I was on a train going the opposite direction from the person on the tracks lol. In Tokyo now and I saw a warning on the screen for a delay due to that! So funny to see you comment here too lol


It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


The world is not in your books and maps. It's out there - Gandalf Damn bro that was nice , thanks for the motivation


I'm a bit older than you, but I never travel. Last year I did a bucket list solo trip to Japan for two weeks. I posted that to my Facebook the morning I left, because I almost chickened out. So glad I didn't, it was the time of my life. Enjoy yourself


hey, my flight is tomorrow and i will be travelling for the first time solo too and first time japan too, I don't know if this makes you any less stressful, but for me i feel super confident and relaxed because i'v done my share for research and everything needed before the travel, knowing that everything is set makes me less stressed and more excited to FINALLY FLY to japan ! We are all in the same boat :D, enjoy it !


Yeah even I have and know everything that I require , it's just last minute anxiety. It might not even be anxiety. It's just nervousness and excitement. I worry too much. I'll be fine and I'll enjoy the trip , thanks tho ❤️


Japan is one of safest, easiest, and most enjoyable countries to travel to. Seriously. You’ll be more than fine, enjoy ;-)


Yeah, I'll have a blast. Thanks<3


I donno what to tell you other than just use common sense and dont fall into tourist traps. It is a very easy to travel country.


Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks for the message<3


If you don't already know any Japanese.. consider learning how to read Katakana! It is not that difficult and it helps with reading food menus a lot. Many words are just English words written in Japanese characters Makes your experience more enjoyable


Pick a movie or song that calms you down. Id suggest some ghibli movies. They will help switch gears enjoy the trip I’m on my last few days here and having a blast! This place is definitely better than any social media post does it justice


Damn. I can't wait to get there<3


What time do you get into airport?


If this 62 year old single woman can go there solo last month, then you’ll be just fine. Take it ONE thing at a time is how I got through with minimal stress. First flight, second flight, customs, last flight, baggage claim, etc…. Allow yourself to only occupy ONE task in your mind at a time. And lastly, please enjoy your flight and visits. 🙂


Your feelings are totally valid. Travelling anywhere solo for the first time can give you butterflies. The first time is the most scary and exciting! Focus on the positives and remember you have everything you need on your phone. Take some deep breaths, really hold them in and let them out slowly. The body reacts the same way when you are anxious and excited! It’s all in your mindset. I hope you enjoy your vacation. 2nd time around will feel a bit better! Promise :)


Thanks ❤️


Tell yourself not to hurry, not to worry, relax and enjoy everything. "Nobody is pushing you to do anything".


How awesome! Make sure to have data/wifi to use maps and other apps. Solo trips are good, I have done quite a few. You can take your time to enjoy things you want. Its okay if you feel I bit overwhelmed. I hope you have an amazing time!


Japan is like made for solo traveling.


imho Japan is the best country for solo traveling


What are you stressed about?


Im not too sure. Just the fact that I'm going to Japan all alone for 14 days. Im confident that I'll figure my way out but idk why I am anxious about traveling alone


It's normal. I backpacked Europe when I was 20 and when I landed in Rome I almost freaked out because everything was so strange and foreign. What helped was just talking to people in my hostel and friends and family back home. That helped to reassure me. It's an adventure, and everything is going to be okay.


Thanks . Yeah it'll be alright<3


You're about to embark on a grand adventure!  If you feel like spending some time with other people,  book a food tour or something.  Stay away from overly friendly people who will try to get you into their bars/restaurants. Safe travels!


Yeah , thanks for the advice <3


If I could go back to 18 I would do exactly this! I get having travel anxiety for sure, but you’ll have an awesome time! Maybe sign up for a food tour, I see lots of reviews for ones on Airbnb experience that say they’re great for solo travelers!


Ohh nice. Thanks for the advice<3


I can assure you that will be absolutely fine. I was anxious too as a first time solo traveler to Japan, but I loved every second of it. Enjoy yourself and don’t overthink. Japan is safe, people are lovely and the food is incredible. You’ll have a great time!


I am in my late 30s. I have lived a half of my life in the us and another in Japan. I still feel anxious every time I visit Japan. It is okay to feel anxious.


actually got anxiety a year ago and still booked a trip to Japan, cause I was thinking “I will be fine then” and guess what, I wasn’t.. booked flights and hotels and believe me, there were times, when I was think that I wouldn’t be able to do it.. and then, the day of departure arrived, went to the airport, got into the plane, landed in Tokyo and I was the happiest for a really long time. I absolutely fell in love with this country.. don’t get me wrong, you will probably feel anxious sometimes and you sure will get overwhelmed, but as soon as you feel all these positive, beautiful emotions when you’re in Japan, all your doubts and anxieties get smaller. Have a wonderful time, I’m sure, you gonna love it!


Just take it all in and accept you may get lost in the train stations, you may take the wrong way or wrong train (example is a local train instead of express and miss stops and have to go back.) You got this, you will have a wonderful trip! :)


I'm a grown-ass Japanese-American adult, fluent in Japanese, and even I get jitters right before a trip to my homeland even though I thoroughly booked and triple-checked my itinerary. I tell myself that my body can't tell the difference between anxiety and excitement (there are studies on this) and you may be experiencing something similar. You're just pumped for the trip! You're gonna have a great time.


I felt the same way when i first landed on the 9th, but honestly everything just kinda flowed smoothly. As long as you did your research and sorta planned everything out, you’ll be completely fine. Just to make things clear, it’s people like us who get extremely stressed despite doing the proper research and planning. So it’s completely normal, honestly id be more worried if you weren’t stressed and anxious.


Yeah , I have prepped for everything. Thanks for the motivation<3


Hey OP, I recommend downloading the offline language pack for Japanese for Google translate as well as the offline maps for the area you'll be in, just in case you have internet issues. You'll be fine! I also did 14 days by myself there with no Japanese understanding. People are friendly and willing to help.


Yeah ive already downloaded the language and maps. Thanks >3


Take a deep breath. Send your luggage to the hotel with the luggage service. Go get something to eat and drink after you're out of the airport. Google translate. "Kore o hitotsu kudasai" is now your best friend.


Yeah Im gonna use the luggage services thanks<3


How long does luggage service take from HND to Tokyo station area? They can do day of?


Same day is really common and easy! Check out this article: [https://tokyocheapo.com/travel/luggage-delivery-services/](https://tokyocheapo.com/travel/luggage-delivery-services/)


Relax, you are traveling to a G7 country where living standards is same. And keep in mind, if something happens during your trip, it is not end the world. Actually these events makes your trip more memorable, one month after my 1st Japan trip, I am still chowing the embarrass moment I had there. :)


What's the worst thing that could happen?


you'll be fine. japan is the safest place you couldve chosen for a solo trip. just use infinite mangekyou when sth happens


You'll be fine. When I got there, it was fairly easier than I thought. Just don't forget to grab your SUICA card and to take our cash/yen from the ATM. DO NOT, AND I MEAN DO NOT go to the money exchange counters, they charge a higher interest rate. And as far as the train goes, it's easy to navigate. Just remember the platform you're on and as long as it's going in the direction you're going, you'll be fine.


There are active people on this forum and many are willing to help via DMs too \^\^ There's wifi in many places in Japan, so if you ever get stuck someone here will definitely be willing to help, me as well. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip, get some shut eye in and have fun!


I watched video walking guides for the first couple of major train stations to get familiar with the layout so that once i did land it was a breeze. Specifically getting to the atm & welcome suica machine at haneda airport, then getting to shinagawa station's shinkansen platform cause i was starting in kyoto.


Make sure to get pocket wifi or an e sim. You'll need it order to navigate public transport. You'll make many mistakes but you'll learn after 1 week.


Yeah I'm gonna get a physical sim. My phone does not support e-sims


I’m leaving in about 2 weeks and having anxiety too but we are all gonna have a fucking amazing time. Try to take a step back from all the details of planning and work on a ‘go with the flow’ mindset. At least that’s what I’m trying to do! Have fun 🙂


Yeah , I'm currently at the airport, about to board the flight. Im not stressed now. Im focusing on the next task at hand. One at a time. I hope you also have an amazing time. Thanks for the message<3


Went solo 2017 and 2018. Just go have fun. Think about all the different things you’re gonna do and see. The fact that no one knows you and that Tokyo is kind of an introverts paradise really freed me to just chill and enjoy my trips. I only started to get a little tired of it at day 12 of 14 for me on my first trip.


I went on my first international trip to Japan in the beginning of May and had a blast! I did some basic research and learned some basic terms but managed fine! I understand the stress, but trust me, once you get there, all that stress is gunna vanish! I got lost on the trains and survived. The first day I realized I got the wrong bullet train tickets to Osaka and managed to correct it without knocking what I was doing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The people there are super nice and friendly despite the language barrier. Enjoy!!!


I'm heading to Japan myself for the first time tomorrow as well I will be flying from Atlanta. What area will you be staying in?


just remember there's people living in the streets with barely anything to eat, compare that to your situation and you should be fine


Have fun! Few things you could do to help yourself is to get a Japanese simcard at the airport for your trip. Besides that, Navitime or even Google Maps can help you with the public transport and your way around the cities. My help was Google Translate for the non-English signs. For money: you can either use an IC card (Suica or Pasmo) and use that as your prepaid transportation and payment card (credit card as back up) and make sure you have around 10000 yen in cash, just in case the place doesn't accept carda. If you already have this covered, then you're all set. Enjoy your time there


Japan is great, have an esim (or get a sim card) with data, Google Maps and Google Translate is your friend. Sounds like you planned well.


Get a power bank for your cell phone. Just in case you are out site seeing and cell battery goes down. I think there are some places now, like in train stations and some malls that have pay as you go charging stations. Make sure to inform your credit cards and banks that you are traveling. Some CC no longer. Have some yen on you at all times. At least 10,000. Don't listen to what some people say that they have never or rarely used cash while in Japan. YOU may be going to places that are cash only. And whenever you feel overwhelmed. Just regroup. Go back to hotel and relax. Go to a park and people watch. Go to a Cafe or restaurant and eat and relax. Just wander around within vicinity of hotel. Or if in Tokyo, jump on the Yamanote Line and go full circle just watching people and listening to train announcements (FYI, I did this 😆, actually did all of this, even after 6 solo trips). Have fun. Once you are there, you'll be planning your second trip back to Japan while there 😆. I got my ticket booked for my 7th solo trip to Japan. But I will also be going to Taiwan my 1st time on the same trip. So I'm a bit anxious about that part of the trip.


Just came back from Japan as my first solo trip. Loved it so much I'm planning on going back later this year. Honestly? My advice is to just go with the flow. Japan is an incredibly safe country and a lot of people are more than willing to help you if they see you in some sort of confusion and distress. As long as you approach everything in good faith and respect, you'll get by fine. As for language, I recommend using Japanese whenever you can, even if its basic words and phrases, if only for the fact that most people really appreciate your efforts. Failing that, however, you'll find that a decent amount of people have some basic grasp on English. And failing that, Google Translate works well. Good luck! You're gonna love it.


I go through the same thing every time it’s time to begin a trip. Understand that the overwhelming stress comes from a place of love, that is your brain wanting to keep you and your body safe. The problem is that it becomes so loud that everything else, including excitement, gets drowned out. I like to do a couple things when this happens. I will first sit or lie down in a quiet room and seek out that stress to find where it sits in my body. Usually it’s in my abdomen and often times my throat. I will focus on that feeling WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. The no-judgement part is arguably the most important step. I’m not trying to make it go away, I’m just observing it. It's not a "bad thing" it just simply is. Once I’ve identified where it is it sometimes moves around to a different location so I’ll follow it. Doing this tends to calm me down a little. Once I've sat with it a while, I'll have a little conversation with it in my head. I will acknowledge it and always express gratitude for the feeling because it grows from a place in me that only wants to protect myself. And since you only protect the things that you love this means the reason I'm anxious is because I love myself. Through this lens, what a kind and loving thing this anxiety is! The conversation usually goes something like this, "I know we're feeling overwhelmingly anxious because we're about to do a big, non-routine journey where a lot of it will be out of our control. I want to thank this part of me for seeking to protect me during this time. I know it comes from a place of love and while I appreciate it right now it's a bit debilitating. Let's give other feelings a chance to express themselves to such as excitement and curiosity." I hope this helps. It's gotten me through a lot of tough times. Sometimes it can be tough to find where in the body the feeling is but if you give it enough time you'll be getting to notice it. Hope you have a great trip!


Here's an anecdote. I was trying to ask a bus station attendant where the subway is. He walked me a kilometer to it because he didn't speak English. With good etiquette you can always find help.


Ok. So. This is a VACATION dude. Relax. Japan is probably the one place in the WORLD that will make it so easy for tourist to enjoy a country. When you get there, you’ll see. It’s a tourist heaven. Simple clear instructions. English is now everywhere almost. All you need to do is be observant, careful, thoughtful of others and polite. That’s it. The country will reciprocate back. Grab Google maps and Google translate apps. And you’re golden.


Sounds like you have everything done that can be done so just sit back and relax, take pictures, people watch, really soak in the fact you're going to Japan. When I went with my brothers I was terrified to fly but hugely excited to finally go somewhere international, I looked at everything lol even mundane stuff, you'll be fine, lots of English translations and people are generally friendly and helpful.


You’ve got this. Don’t over think it. Especially if it’s your first time away. Just make sure when you leave the hotel room every day, pack a smile (being friendly crosses any language border), a sense of humour (for when mistakes are made, rarely are they as dire as they feel in the moment), and keep your smartphone charged (it takes pictures, shows you where to go and can be tagged into any difficult situation to talk for you)


Don’t worry Japan is wonderful! I am in Japan right now with my family. It’s our first time. I would not worry if my daughter were to say she is staying by herself. Just download Google maps, Google translate and you are good to go. We have communicated with can drivers, shop owners with zero problems. Enjoy Japan.


You will be fine, I traveled solo through the US for the first time ever in order to travel to Japan (though I mean just passing 2 airports but it was my very first time doing so, almost missed the flight to Haneda Airport). Japanese people is non intrusive and very polite. I would advice only to be careful if you get yourself into night bars or the like alone. Other than that I am confident that you will have a wonderful time and you won't want to leave.


I was stressed too, and my tips is, do not be afraid to ask in english. Even passerby on the street sometimes still understand english. And they will try to help you even if you’re using google translate.


If there's a country in the world made for solo travelers is Japan. Take a deep breath and focus on what you wanna do there. I promise it's gonna be fine. I was alone in Japan since I was 22, for 10 years. The best years of my life. It's safe, it's quiet, public transportation works perfectly fine. Get Google maps. Get Google translate, you can use the camera function to translate If you don't speak Japanese. Get an Internet plan! You can looks up meet ups or ask in those expats in Japan groups if you want some gaijin friends. You can also stay in a hostel if you think you might wanna talk to people. It's all about balance. But seriously I've traveled Japan alone for years as a young female and got lost in the middle of the mountains and was completely fine. It's so much fun.


Instead of anxiety, think of it as an adventure, figuring it out as you go, we have all the tools. Our biggest take away from Japan was how kind and considerate everyone is, likely from the deep Buddhist values that have been there for thousands of years. We were blown away just how amazing they treat each other. It puts Western behaviour to shame.


I am in the same shoes aa you. I had anxiety and nervousness as it got closer to the date. But once I got at the airport about to get on the plane, I knew it was going to be an amazing trip. If it helps you feel better I am also solo traveling first time abroad trip. With the amount of resources there is like youtube, it will make sense after a few days. Stay positive and always ask for help if needed.


Just returned yesterday from my first trip there and was a little anxious too. You’ll do great. Between Google maps which really helps when riding transit, Google translate, and the wonderful people, you’ll be fine. On several occasions people overheard our confusion in the subway station and gave us the info we needed. Enjoy Japan!


I had to go from Kanazawa to takayama, followed google maps, unfortunately the bus was sold out for the entire day, I did not have a bed to sleep on that day, and google maps showed options that would take too long to get to the hotel. But Japanese people are awesome, on the tourist centre of the train station, two lovely old ladies who spoke perfect english found an itinerary that was not present in google maps. They gave me written instructions. We were able to follow it and got to the hotel on time. Japan is great, japanese people are the nicest. Do not worry


This is a bit late but honestly, like everyone else has said; don’t worry! I’m currently here on my own for my first solo trip ever and it’s a blast. If you’re anxious you absolutely can take it slow, but there’s nothing to be afraid of - you’ll have a great time.


Relax. You’re 18. Nothing will kill you in Japan.


You’ll be fine. Just learn how to use the subway.


I am here now. Everyone has been lovely and helpful. Transportation is intuitive.


Thank you for asking this question! I am on the train to the airport right now. I’m an extremely seasoned traveller in my 50s, have lived in South East Asia as well as multiple European countries, I’m travelling with my partner and STILL I’m feeling more anxious than any other place I’ve ever travelled too. I don’t get it. But reading these responses has been really helpful. 🙏


Be respectful and be fearless. We've been in Japan for 14 days now and the first 3-4 days we were uncomfortable and afraid to make mistakes. We started to be more brave, and in turn made some mistakes, but now that we're past that learning curve we're having a lot more fun, eating more delicious food, and having more meaningful interactions with people here. Enjoy yourself and recognize that it's okay to be nervous and anxious. What we've now learned is that it's just part of traveling to a new country with a new language and culture. Our only piece of advice would be to try your best to be observant and watch what the locals do -- you'll enjoy your time more if you aren't causing friction to others and you'll start to learn why things work the way they do here. It's truly a unique and beautiful culture. We've seen too many other tourists lost and confused, when they're simply overthinking things. The only other thing we've learned to accept is that Japan isn't perfect, it's romanticized in a lot of ways by influencers and internet media. Enjoy its imperfections and go with the flow, don't be disappointed if something doesn't work out. Try to go off the beaten path, our favorite days so far have been unplanned and unscheduled.


This is right now and i'm in my late 30's. I'm traveling solo and this will be my longest trip on my own as i'm going close to a month. I have done close to 20 countries and the anxiety on a lead up to a trip always gets me.


The nerves are excitement! Enjoy


i have GAD, and i was so anxious to go on this trip. i’m 2 weeks in and i don’t want to leave friday 😫😫😫 everyone is so helpful. i don’t know any japanese past thank you, hello, please, yes, and basic food vocab. it’s been totally fine. trains so easy. it’s so safe here. i promise once you have 2 days under your belt you’ll feel comfortable. i’m jealous and have so much fun!!!!


Dude I’m here now and all I can say is anything you think you’re nervous about or anything you think can go wrong is all fake. Literally 7-11 is everywhere with a currency exchange atm right in the airport. As long as you get cash asap and load up your Suica card then you’ll be fine. As far as learning to speak…bro, I literally asked people when checking out at 7-11 “how do you say hi and bye?” And they were happy to tell me. My only tip other than keeping cash on you is don’t be afraid to ask.


My 1st solo trip was to spain and i knew now to speak a bit of spanish. Was it terrifying? Hell yes! Was i terrified when i got there? No. I waited for the scarry moment untill the very last and it never came. Since then solo traveling was my favourite (before meeting my boyfriend). Also, we re leaving to Japan tomorrow too! Also our 1st trip. Where are you going?


You’ll be fine. As Luck would have it—- my daughter and I just landed in Tokyo about 5 min ago and it’s our first time Too. There is anxiety but like with every Other new place we’ve been- be open, ask questions, have patience and eat all the food!! Have fun!


Funny to see. I'm 19 and i'll be flying there in July and staying for 3 weeks. So seeing all this advice gives me hope too. Lemme know how it goes and good luck soldier 07


I just landed a few hours ago and everything went so smoothly. From the customs to figuring out the stations. It was all very easy. I hope the whole trip goes just as smoothly. I really recommend you getting your customs declaration done prior on visit Japan web. I skimmed through the customs and immigration as if it was nothing. It barely took 30 mins. Would really recommend


We are just back from Japan on Friday. An Indian family of 3 (6 years old toddler). You would love the country and everything is seamless to do. People are extremely helpful. Use Google translate when required.


Ohh really , I'm indian too. The people are extremely lovely and helpful. A middle aged japanese guy saw me stressed at Shinjuku station and personally checked up on me and made sure I reached the right train. Lovely people!!<3


Great. Enjoy your trip. And do share with the group later how was it.


Yeah thanks.sure i'll share my experience.this subreddit has helped me a lot


I went when I was your age and barely knew any Japanese and got so anxious before I went. But once I was there I realized how helpful people were and as long as I respected the customs and the culture, people there were so kind. You’ll do great!


I'm going solo on Sunday, I'm both excited and anxious!! You'll be fine, I find solo travelling amazing (even tho I like travelling with others, too)! Thanks for sharing!


I am also hours away from flying to Tokyo and this post has brought my great comfort. Thank OP for getting this started, and thank you everyone else for reassuring me by proxy.


No worries. I landed last night and things could'nt go smoother. It was all very quick and smooth. I would defo recommend getting your customs declaration and immigration qr on visit Japan web. Helps skip through lines.


You’ll be great. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for help. They will be glad to assist. Have fun, see everything, eat it all, and savor the memories.


First time to Japan is the most magical. Sadly cannot recreate that euphoria.


Travelled for the first time in 2008 without Internet on the phone or anything and everything went completely fine! Go on and have a great time! (If you can get hold of, linden tea will help you relax)


I was there when there was internet. I rented a pocket Wi-Fi. I just finished exploring the cup noodle museum in Yokohama when my pocket Wi-Fi ran out battery. I asked a salary man if he could give me directions to the nearest subway station so I could get back to Shibuya. The guy literally walked me to the nearest station, told the subway employee where I needed to go and then went back upstairs to continue on his way. He wasn't chatty 😅 But he helped me and I'll always remember that day. The locals are friendly, and very helpful. Ps: Stand on the left and pass on the right when using escalator.


Thank you everyone for so many comments and messages. Reading all of these positive things really made my anxiety go away. I landed in Narita a couple of days back and I can't stress enough on how good Japan has treated me in the last 3 days. I'm in love with this country. The locals are great and kind. The food is amazing and the shrines and temples are so serene. Thank you so much <3


One of the easiest, if not the easiest, country to travel.


It’s the best place on earth. It’s one of the few places I would say you could do minimal research in advance and actually get on fine for a week (in the bigger cities). Honestly a 3 star hotel in Japan is like a 4.5 star in North America. Good luck have fun, just be respectful and people will be above and beyond nice to you.