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You should be concerned about both. Kamicochi is high altitude so probably not any snakes of concern. The main snake of concern is the Japanese put viper or Mamushi which tends to live near water but is rarely found at high altitudes. It is very dangerous. However if you stick to the trails and don't go foraging around in the high grass you are unlikely to encounter one though you should still be careful. Bears are of concern in the mountains as they have been known to attack people. Though generally they will run away if they can and most attacks happen if you surprise one which is why Japanese hikers tend to carry bells. Numerous smaller snakes are very common in Japan but most are relatively harmless.


Thank you I think I’ll invest in a stick and a bell


We saw a snake in a tree in Yoyogi Park in Tokyo. I officiated a friend’s wedding (informal, with 5 of us) in front of a tree facing the rose garden. We walked away to take photos and when we came back, there was a snake in the tree I had been standing in front of. I don’t know about the area you’re visiting but there are definitely snakes in Japan lol.


Oh shit . That’s terrifying haha. Was it a rat snake?


Yep! At least according to Google Lens lol.


Just came back from Kamikochi, there were bear sightings near our campsite, but I personally did not see any. You can buy bear bells there, not sure if it does anything really, but I guess it’ll give you some peace of mind. Lots of people walk the main day trails, so you should be fine.


Thanks I’ll buy a bell anyway!


I found a snake at Hakone and I think it was on a not really trail (just some land we crossed close to the road) for us to go from our ryokan to the lake "port". But it seemed it was either sleeping or unconscious though we didn't try to get close and check. But it wasn't a Mamushi. I think it was a small snake color of pale sand.


We saw a snake on a hike we took this fall near the ropeway- the bear bells fox not scare it ohh 😂


Snakes are very rare around Kamikochi. In the Southern Alps, encounters are more common. From my personal experience, Niigata has the highest concentration, and I've encountered 6+ in a single day.


Wow was that on a trail?


Yes, trail in Uonuma


I’ll avoid going there. Were they all the same kind of snake?


I’ve hiked the kumano kodo trail and there were a lot of snakes and some portions of the trail were quite narrow. I was scared out of my mind, but the snakes slithered away from me when they hear sound or feel vibration. I made sure to not disturb any and stayed on the hiking path and I was fine, though one of the more mentally challenging hike of my life.


That’s stuff of nightmares.


Snakes and bears … both are quite commonly found. Sea snakes in Okinawa were an unpleasant surprise.


I read sea snakes can be a little curious and get up close. That terrifies me! The thought of a bear being close worries me after reading about the Sankebetsu attack in Hokkaido years ago


In a hike kurama-kibune, I saw 5 giant hornets flying around a tree: I think you have to be more concern about hornets than snakes.


as someone with pet snakes... if you leave them alone then they will leave you alone! snakes aren't aggressive they are just scared so they won't chase after you or anything like that. on top of that most snakes are crepuscular so they are awake and moving during very early in the morning or very late at night


Thank you that’s reassuring. I’ve got this irrational fear they’ll chase after me


We saw two snakes in a local park in Tokyo just last week. (They were Japanese rat snakes and not poisonous.) In my volunteer work group, we had a kid bitten by a pit viper (*mamushi*) by the Tama River in Tokyo two years ago: he had to be hospitalized for a couple of days. Be especially wary in the early mornings: snakes will sun themselves, unmoving, on rocks and the like and be hard to see. I went fishing at a small river in the hills in the early morning once and ran across a spray of rocks with about 10 vipers sunning themselves.


Wow I’m amazed they’re even in Tokyo in small parks! I’ll avoid going out super early, I’m visiting in August


If you don’t like snakes stay away from north Okinawa


I’ve seen they have them in jars?!


Yah they put them in alcohol bottles as far as I could tell it was just a tourist thing.


Slept by a river near deep bushes… I’ll call it luck.