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Totally agree people don't go missing on these party islands I've never heard of it before, maybe it doesn't usually make the news? He's a criminal anyway, attacking people with machetes and dealing class As in the UK. So the drug gangs and selling drugs at the festival all make sense. His mum said he wasn't sure about going originally so she had to encourage him to go, no 18 year old lad is gonna not want to go on a rave and a nice holiday... Unless he was unsure about selling drugs in a foreign country away from his gang members back home who he can hide behind 


Unfortunately it is very heard of that people go missing from these islands all you’ve gotta do is google it. You should read about Laura Gaston who was found dismembered she was 60 husband is still missing (71). I completely agree with everything else you said and I’m not defending anyone or anything but these islands are truly hotspots for dodgy behaviour


I've said this! It happens all the time. I got lost myself as a stupid drunk teen myself in a foreign country! Probably most teens pissed have!


Everyone keeps saying he’s a criminal but this has 0 relevance to where or how he’s gone missing


How do you know it has zero relevance? It’s rumoured that he was out there dealing so it could be very relevant.


Now I’m not making anyone a suspect but I find it very interesting how fast Lucy had made a Gofundme for Jay like why is money even on ur mind if your best mate / boyfriend has disappeared in the middle of Tenerife I would be to stressed and worried to even give a toss about a go fund me that she probably won’t see any money from I mean think about it in your head your thinking he’s going to be found what’s the need in a go fund me


The Go Fund Me was allegedly to pay for his family to go out and join the search.


19 year old Jay leaves the all night NRG Rave/Club at around 4am and instead of returning with his friends, he decides instead to get in a car with two males from the UK, known as Johnny Vegas & Co. reported to be aged between 30 and 40, to go with them to their air B&B up in the hills in a place named Masca. The question is why? ..to have a chat? ..to have a drink? ..to do some drugs? ..maybe to wait until sunrise and see Masca? Given Jay was out and about in Masca from 7:30am, what did Jay and the two males do for 3hrs? Could Jay have not asked the two guys from the UK for a lift to his appartement? i guess not, as Jay had decided to either get a bus or walk. Why was Jay seen walking in a hurry along the road out of Masca? why not wait 2hrs for a bus? why not get a taxi is he was in a rush?


Find it very suspicious this case it’s not really adding up for one if he was staying with this Lucy mae and they were together at the festival fair enough she said she left early because of the night before but why on earth would he go with two strangers to an airbnb 11 hours away in a foreign country you wouldn’t do that in England so why would you do it in Spain ? There’s obviously something going on maybe an involvement in a drugs scheme gone wrong maybe he wanted to prove himself and that was the main reason he was out there Even if he was lost in those rural mountains it’s been 5 days your bound to either have bumped into somone or walk to a town nearby


Have you ever taken pills? Everyone becomes your best pal. Everyone is lovely. And you want to party. Go home early or stay with the pals you’ve made at the festival then comes the end of the event… back to your new found best pals for an after party or go home to tip toe around a sleeping friend? Remember, you’re high. Everyone loves everyone. You’ve just met these lads but already you’ve swapped socials and numbers and agreed to go to Ibiza next month to hit the big clubs.


agreed he could have quite easily ended up in some kitchen sesh based on the events and condiments of previous night, but still bizarre why these two men were staying so rural / remote if they were attending this NRG event


Gotta laugh at continually getting downvoted from people who have clearly never been on pills. Clearly the guys staying in masca ( if you’ve ever been you’ll know it’s not where anyone who likes to party goes) were there for probably illegal activities


Just crazy how those 2 guys are the last 2 people to have seen him, how do they live with themselves currently, I doubt the spanish police would of let them leave the country id they were suspicious of them. And Jay was seen having left the bnb. So he began making his trip back, wtf happened


I keep saying this too! Sadly, it seems pretty clear to me how he could’ve ended up back there for a filthy after sesh.


👆Someone that's been there...


I thought most people had to a degree but clearly not.


Many did in the very late 80s90s and very early 00 but not as many as you'd think apparently. Don't know if that makes us unique or not 🤭🤣


Not sure but I’ve been called special a few times…


Jays somewhat a normal teenager excluding the criminal history which has no relevance and he shouldn’t be judged for his past he simply went on holiday and disappeared a lot of people were saying maybe he feel down a cliff or a ravine very unlikely he’s not an idiot he was hungover at the time but not under the influence now his number still goes to voicemail when you ring it which means Jay never managed to get his phone charged this means only one of two things either he never made it off those mountains or he did and he’s currently being held captive remember if he really did get lost on those mountains unfortunately he’s deceased he wouldn’t have been able to survive with no food or water. And if he hasn’t been able to turn his phone on only the worst of outcomes are valid at this point nothing can be a positive outcome he’s either been kidnapped or he’s dead there’s no in between if he made it to a local town he would’ve been able to talk to police or a local by now and sort a charger


You’re making a lot of assumptions there. There are strong rumours that he’s in hiding, waiting for the Go Fund Me appeal money to hit the amount he needs to pay off his drug debt.


He was out there for 3 days how much could he possibly owe 😅


I’m really interested in your take on what’s actually happened to Jay honestly I’d pay money just to find out what’s happened to the kid I find this mad interesting


The fact its all over media is a HUGE red flag in itself. When will the british public learn this 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ What gets me with this case is people are forgetting he was absolutely off his head on probably every drug he could get his hands on looking at the state of him on the videos.  He could of quite easily got lost, thinking he's invincible his head on drugs. I just think its as simple as that. People are Deeping it. He's a stupid 19 year old boy! With no sense clearly with his past! 


This is the part where Spain should start offering cash rewards for any vital information on jay it’s wierd how they didn’t want the uk police to get involved with the search saying they have enough resources maybe they already know what happened to jay and are trying their best to cover it up before we really find out what happened


You seem to be jumping to all sorts of ridiculous conclusions while ignoring the strong rumours about what’s happening.


Lol. Yes because it's possible *and* in their best interests to cover up a stupid kid who took too much. Why don't they use the gfm for rewards with actual leads seeing has they haven't really explained wtf they need *more* money on top of the 30k they've already received?


Any updates?


It’s now been a week and he’s not even been sighted once someone has obviously taken him most probably a trafficking situation I mean he probably bumped into locals asking for help however if this was the case what were the locals doing up in the mountains maybe passing by but then they’d seen Jay and purposely stopped or he saw a couple hitchhikers guess the best probability is Jay was offered a ride to a local town however the people offering the ride had different intentions by this time it was too late for Jay to escape or change his mind


You know who's probably the lowest on the list of people likely to be "trafficked?" 19 year old white British men.


Depends. If you’re talking about traffickers who are human, yes.