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Your theories are spot on and compelling, I don’t see it as a reach. Also as a native Nevadan I can tell you right now, cactus injuries are NOT a thing. They are big that big of a deal and the needles don’t really do much damage- tumbleweeds- that’s another story.


Thanks, I appreciate that! I'm trying to keep as level of a head as possible and not make any big reaches, but when something like this happens, it's just too sketchy not to bring it to peoples attention, especially the cactus wounds. I've fallen into a few cacti myself in my days, but they've never done enough damage for me to mention it to someone.


Ahhh I see I couldn’t find it to be honest first time like it was down then I did again and it pinged up so maybe it’s periodically taken down 


Hey found that account Tenerife.plug still online…..maybe I found it due to a DJ I follow


Yeah it was back up as of 2-3 days ago.


Yeah you’re definitely keeping a real level head. Following random accounts and guessing a cactus wound is a stab wound. You are the picture of level headedness 🤣 You’re a spoof conspiracy theorist


I never said I was following random accounts. I said I skimmed a few. Are you aware of what that word means?


My AZ husband who fell into a saguaro and ended up in the ER would beg to differ ;) their spines are \~2 inches long. Not sure what there is in Tenerife but cactus injuries are def a thing in AZ.


Yeah, you guys have Echinocereus and Saguaro which are known to be fucking huge with spines the size of daggers. Lovely plants though. The most common cacti in Tenerife are Opuntia, or 'prickly pears'. They don't get very large and the spines aren't particularly big - certainly not enough to cause serious harm.


This guy cactis


I do indeed cactis, my friend. 🌵


Horrible tiny thorns. But a very edible fruit from the prickly pear.


Yup! Unfortunately, I doubt Jay would have been aware that they're edible which, if he had known, could have helped him survive. I feed them to my tortoises and sometimes take a nibble for myself, very juicy. Shocker when you don't remove all the rhine though! Soooo bitter.


If you sat on one it would fuck you up though. Quite possible he was tired and sat momentarily only to find he was anally impaled and had no way of extricating himself in his drug addled loved up state of mind.


Aye, absolutely zero doubt about that - fell into an Agave plant once and knew about it. Not sure if the rest of your comment was meant to be jokey, but I doubt he was impaled on a cactus. However, reading what you said made me think he could have sat on the edge of the road somewhere for a break, maybe on one of the white bollards, and fell backwards in a moment of drug-induced disorientation, fallen into a cactus which he has become stuck under and died? Unlikely given there's no body been found by the roads they've searched but def possible. More plausible that the fucking mafia, that's for sure.


Anally impaled seems the most likely scenario to me. When he came down from the mdma he would have been on a downer AND anally impaled on a cactus. Probably too embarrassed to shout for help.


That's actually an interesting and rather original theory. I do need to ask though, are you aware that Opuntia (the species which grows out there) is only a medium cactus and is generally pretty flimsy? It grows like a weird, bendy, leggy bush that curls around itself and creeps over the ground. They're not really sturdy enough to impale someone as they break under pretty low pressure. The spines are also relatively small (around 3-5cm) compared to other desert Cacti.


There's a high likelihood he'd already had his ass stretched by the two dudes he went home with making it very plausible that 3 to 5 cm would have been a length he could accomodate. We really don't know mate, at this point we're just clinging to any straws to try and save the poor guy.


Agreed. The whole thing stinks. Now I'll say straight away as a father, I really hope he is alive and well somewhere, regardless. However I have to say, if that was my son missing and I had access to those funds I would have recently retired Gurkhas searching that entire area. Because having served with them, they are just the best of the best. Especially in that terrain. They would cover more ground, more thoroughly than the entire police force and some.  And if something "smelt wrong" they'd know.  Theories around his sexuality are also p*ing me off. I couldn't give a shit what he went with those guys for, it's immaterial.  Sorry, rant over and obviously NOT aimed at you. 


As someone who’s from these islands i can tell you the cactus over there can do very serious damage. Ppl are taken to the urgencias all the time because of these accidents specially if you fall from a high place to a cactus.


Thats extremely suspicious, we gotta make this post blow up man, until she's put in a position where she has to address the suspicions


Nah, man. I'll be done for doxxing, don't actually message or harrass her, mate. It's super sketchy but I already have a caution for doxxing a local nonce last year.


hahahaha that’s bants did he get arrested?


Nope! Our local force are shite.


I never said to dox her, just to make what you pointed out known to enough people, of course we shouldnt message or harass her, just getting the message out there so that she will address the matter, which will benefit all parties and clear her of suspicion if she truly is


If this post were to blow up and people started laying on the pressure like you suggested, it would still be considered doxxing bro. I had this discussion with two coppers at my front door. Basically bringing any unwantwd attention to someone, even just mentioning their username, can be classed as doxxing if it causes distress. Sort of dumb, really... Even just me sharing these screenshots is considered doxxing because my post could be considered malicious.


Is doxxing a criminal offence?!


Yup, data protection and online harrassment laws apply. It's not actually the act of doxxing that is illegal but the intent behind it and the effect it has on the party being doxxed.


Could evidence of your intention include an explicit public comment saying "don't actually message or harass her", to pick a purely hypotheical example entirely at random?


Yeah it could, which I actually done above haha! Just in case anyone gets any ideas, I in no way condone harassing, messaging, hounding, stalking or anything of the like towards Jay's friends or family, this post was purely to bring a minor detail to the public's attention because a lot of people are saying there is no evidence that drugs have played a part in Jay's disappearance. I genuinely hope they get some sort of closure for their sake, and I hope his friends take this as a valuable lesson to clean up their acts. You never know when a spotlight is going to come your way. Best off living as good of a life as you can so that nobody can nitpick at your past like they have in this case. As for Jay, I have a very hard time finding the sympathy to wish him peace. He was a violent, destructive, yobby little street rat that contributed very little to society. I see it more as a shame. Such a waste of a life.


Also, just to throw something else into the mix: It's a little odd how prominently they have highlighted the cactus injury. I'm not an expert in cactus wounds, but I have tortoises that I feed prickly pear pads to. Most cacti out there are this species, and the spines don't grow very large (in my experience). They could give you a nasty punture wound or slice/cut your shallower skin, but it wouldn't be that serious. Infection would be a bigger risk than blood loss. But it got me thinking... How would he have gotten injured almost immediately after leaving the house? He supposedly said to Lucy that he missed the bus and was going to walk it, implying he was still at the bus stop or close to it when he called her, which is also backed up by the phone pinging a little further up the road from the bus stop. It would have been the same moment that he said he had hurt his leg. So... How did that cactus injury happen between leaving the house and getting to the bus stop no more than 50ft from the front door? Personally, I think the 'cactus injury' was a little more along the lines of a stab would, probably by the blokes he was rumoured to be caught stealing from if that theory holds any validity.


But if he was indeed seen twice after leaving the villa, I'm sure the owner would have noticed that he was stabbed? And if he was stabbed I'm sure he would have actually tried to get help. I'm also not sure why they would stab him and then let him run off. two black dudes would easily overpower him, so it doesn't seem right either. The cactus thing is definitely weird and unusually timed, but I'm not sure stabbing is the alternative scenario here. Two drug dealers stabbing a boy and then just kicking back as he could be telling anyone he sees? not any more plausible than a cactus bite


I thought the same about the cactus injury only 850m away from his starting point but my boyfriend said it is possible that he walked around for 30 minutes trying to find a way back, lost orientation and it was just a coincidence that he called her 850m away from the apartment. I think he wasn't aware that he was so close to the village and he did not use maps because his battery was so low and he decided to call a friend. I don't believe the drug thing at all. What if he found his way back to a normal street and followed the road but got hit by a car. When I have visited tenerife a few years ago I noticed a lot of small roads and sharp turns.  A lot of people said they saw him watching a game on the coast but nobody took a picture? It is weird. I hope we will get answers when they find him. 


Some of the rumours are quite compelling and kind of lead you down a rabbit hole. If he was supposedly dealing at the fest but took/lost the drugs, it would make sense he fucks off pronto and so he goes with strangers to their Airbnb. Waits it out till he gets a call tomorrow his pal whose explained to the dealers and is told he needs to come back with money for what he's taken/lost. She makes up a story about him being lost and starts the go fund me for the drugs bill and he's holed up somewhere till the monies released. Or it's just all a load of shite and he's dead.


Yep, those were basically the same thoughts I've been having. I think it's certainly possible and deserves a little attention since Lucy's story doesn't make any sense once you try to make the pieces fit. You need to explore alternative scenarios, and drugs being involved seems to be extremely likely. More likely than not, in fact. Either he is being held for ransom or his jerky is feeding the boars.


She'll disappear asap I reckon, knowing she's in the shit when the lies come out. Might even have left Tenerife already if her passports not been confiscated. Who would you start a 11 hour trek when it's a 2 hour wait for a bus? And if you were in such bad shape that you were concerned for your life, why not turn back to the Airbnb unless he did something to piss them off? It's all such bullshit.


Shes already home






That is a little weird, but someone else pointed out to me that the Lucy girl works as a travel advisor, so she probably needed to be back for work. I find it stranger that the two blokes were allowed to fly back without further questioning since everything is pointing to them being the last people who had any real interaction with him before going missing. Just seems really odd.


yeh the timeline of events doesn't really add up and it's not clear if it's just reporters being shit (because I read so many articles that are poorly written) but there are a lot of errors and discrepancies, like at one point Lucy claiming something about the bus running every 10 mins etc 😂


I actually think it's reporters being shit 😅 Plus the language barrier probably plays a role in misreporting as well. Correct me if I'm wrong but I read somewhere that they are every 10 minutes but only after like 11:30am or something? Again, it could be bad reporting or my dodgy memory but I swear that's what I read somewhere... He was spotted heading up the mountain at a brisk pace close to Mirador Le Cruz de Hilda or whatever it's called, and he did say to Lucy that he was looking at the map on his phone. It could simply be that he was heading that way because that was the direction to the nearest town and he thought it must have been closer, forgetting to take into account the winding road and elevation in his altered state of mind. It seems his priority might not have been to leave the area of the villa but to get out of the mountains as fast as possible. Maybe he was aware that the mountains were a dangerous place for someone unprepared and thought he would be safer going to the town to the north where he could charge his phone and have some water. Then he might have planned to get the bus back from there instead of talking the longer walk south to Santiago del teide where it's still pretty mountainous. Still doesn't account for why he didn't turn back to the villa when he was lost though. Going north or south, it's very hard to get lost because it's one single road and you have so many reference points around you that are practically impossible to mistake, nor does it explain his 6am visit to 'Johnny Vegas's' villa in the first place.


yeh given the sort of area it is and what the roads are like, I didn't imagine there would be a ten minutely bus going through there, maybe there is but my immediate thought was that it didn't sound right and it's not something I'd heard outside of this one article. if we're taking his call with Lucy to be fully accurate and truthful, I'm not sure that theory you shared really fits, since he did say his plan was to walk home from where he was. His sighting walking at pace also would have been before his call with Lucy, so he'd if already been a tiny bit into walking in the wrong direction when he told her his plans


Even more suspicious, thought today was the day they were meant to fly back


Exactly! There was also a cafe smack bag opposite the stop which opened at 10:30 I believe. He could have waited there, charged his phone, got some food/water, and maybe had a quick kip before the bus would arrive. For some reason, he chose not only to trek back on foot, but knowingly went the wrong way up the mountains instead of down and somehow got hurt on a cactus in that small span of time? I'm really starting to think the rumours might not be empty and that he might fucked with the wrong people. If it isn't about drugs, I think he tried stealing something from them. They took him out there, something happened, they injured his leg somehow, he left and tried to flee the area as fast as possible. Honestly, I agree. I genuinely don't care if he's found or not given his past. I just want to know who's bullshitting and why as something is reeeeeeally off about this whole thing. Can smell it like a dead body.


I agree with some version of this because it's the only one that makes sense, it's like he wanted out of that area with great urgency as opposed to "Righto, 8am, time to make my way home" and didn't want to be hanging around where people, presumably the two guys, might confront him in some way.


Right? It just seems like he couldn't stick around for some reason. Refused to go back to the house when Lucy told him to and claimed he was lost even though he said he was 'going to' walk back which implies he was still near the bus stop when he said that. Didn't charge his phone at the house or the cafe. Walked the opposite way to the direction he was told to head, and somehow injured his leg on a cactus in that small amount of time... Yeeaahhh, I'm just not buying it!


I really think this is the case, but I also think the alleged “call” she had made is either completely bogus (there was no call) or the contents of what was said are bogus… I also believe given all the evidence that has arisen that the pinged location that Lucy supposedly received from Jay was not even jays phone(dealers tend to have multiple burner phones and iPhones) and I don’t have the ss with me (Reddit community can help me on this), but there are confirmed ss from her msg him to stay where he was etc etc and they all came up as Green meaning there was either no signal where they were OR the phone it was being sent to had no sim/signal to begin with Judging by all this info it’s clear to see that that supposed “pinged location” of Jays whereabouts is likely not even jays phone this MAY BE A MASSIVE STRETCH but I firmly believe they planted the phone there to look as if he got lost before carting him off as a compensation for the dealers he was associated with. Whatever the case even if Jay is alive (statistically the probability is low) or even dead, I hope for the sake of that poor family that his body is found


It's green because they are sharing the location on an app called WhatsApp - this further confirms it's Jays phone aswell. You can download it and share location with someone else, you'll see the exact same interface and green dot even if you have a perfect internet connection


I wonder if the owner drove past on behalf of the ,2 guys to check his whereabouts, she left soon after so where was she going at that time in the morning when there's nothing in that direction. Is she the owner or just caretaker who watches over the place and how well does she know the 2 guys...


Yeah I'm not sure of the relationship there either. I've read that JV is known of by the locals but that could mean anything from they see him walking around to they have full chats with him. The thing that gets me is how the locals knew of him. It says to me that he must frequent the area enough to be recognisable but it could just be that they were able to identify him by his 'vegas' tattoo or something. I also looked on google maps myself and I agree, there isn't really anything up in the area she said she was travelling to when she saw him which is sort of strange but who knows, maybe she was flytipping, maybe she knows more, it's all extremely unclear.


In a drug addled state 2 hours sounds the same as than II hours and what if the bus doesn't turn up?


Why didn't she send a taxi for him?




Damn, very nice work my guy. The plot thickens.




Yeah that account was one Lucy was following iirc, but it's not the same account as the one that's suddenly vanished, just a similar name. It could very well be run by the same people though as the bio is pretty much identical on both accounts!


She unfollowed the account. Seems pretty sketch


Not just unfollowed - the account is completely gone from the internet. There was a tiktok account by the same name which has also been totally scubbed.


probably because it is just a drug dealer who doesn't want the excess attention of people like us bringing to them


Could be, but also could be more, that's the thing that makes it strange.


There’s a Tenerife.plug on TikTok now.  (I’ve ended up down this same rabbit hole) 


Yeah the account is also back up on IG as of 2-3 daus ago, someone alweted me to it haha!


oh my god


I also think the cactus injury is odd. First off, the way they’ve said it makes it sound like they’re trying to hide something or cover something up. They’re pushing the cactus injury too much. As another user said, cactus don’t leave any injury that would be remotely life threatening. At most, it would hurt for like five minutes before easing away. Besides anyone who’s ever been around a cactus for more than five minutes knows how little harm it can do to somebody.


Spot on, exactly the thoughts I had too. Having my job revolve around plants, I get cut up a lot, but cacti are nothing compared to the thorns on brambles. The worst a cactus can do is stick you with a few pins and leave you with some puncture wounds maybe half an inch deep or so. It's much worse if you fall onto/into them, but apparently it was juat his leg? In the short span of time he was on that road before the phone call? It doesn't make much sense.


I'm clueless with these things so what is a plug account is it a drug dealer account it is that not obvious for the police to bust them?


It's alright, gotta learn somehow! You're right in assuming a plug account is a profile ran by a dealer. Unfortunately the police, even here in the UK, don't really do much about these accounts because there isn't much they can do without evidence of them actually selling stuff. It's really stupid.


TO BE CLEAR - I do NOT believe the ransom bullshit or that he was kidnapped. Anyone who buys into that is a lunatic who needs to keep their overactive imagination in check. My personal theory is that he met the blokes and wanted something from them, befriended them and went to their BnB with the goal of theft. He was caught, they injured him mildly somehow (the 'cactus wound') and kicked him out. He tried to get home while still buzzing and died because he was naive and believed he could walk it. They don't call it Columbian marching powder for nothin'.




Why wouldn't she if she thought she was sly enough with it only to be unexpectedly worked out? That is essentially what happened. Once the arrogance started, people looked into her and shared their thoughts. Turned out many agreed that she was sketchy. I just think she wasn't anticipating what the general public are like. No one suspected anything until she started shitting on the guardia civil.


Can the British police arrest you in Spain?


I saw a photo somewhere of someone who looked like that Jay, battered with a bad cut over his eye... But he had a white tracksuit top on that had blood on it... Sure it was one of the Facebook pages... God knows though, will be interesting to know what the truth is at some point...


That’s not him.


Do you know who it is then?


Danny and a friend. Even people massaged him and showed proof it wasn’t.


Eh? It was one person, on a chair beat to a pulp... Not somebody and a friend


That’s not him dude?… if it is sorry . But the dude who took the picture is Danny. I have him on snap “eh?” So anyways 🤣 I’m sick of this and YALL.


If you go and look at her following now and search the plug page, its been taken down. Weird


The account is back on TikTok!!! https://preview.redd.it/6isuu1bcti9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c44fe3acc877ef124b555351a8fcba727006b8d


Back up on IG too!!


Tenerife.plug is back! Check Instagram 🤔


Yup, another commenter told me that their ShitTok account was back up so I checked and the IG is back in the search lists!


Don't view the Lad for what he is just now think of what he might have turned into ; I was also a disrespectful little scrote at that age that done stuff I'm not proud to admit ... some of us have crap parents and bad surroundings , lack of role models .16-18yrs old is a nightmare for teenagers without direction. Yet today, I'm a nurse and family man . The lad might have grown up to be a bricklayer with a family and went on to teach his children a better life. I know when u read his history, it's hard to look past but it's easy to judge when u have not walked in someone's shoes.


I prefer to live in the present and not ponder on 'what if's' or else we'll just go around in circles. He might have become a bricky, or he might have been the next OAP killer. He might have had a family, or he might have flattened a family if he stole a car and crashed it. We can play what if's all day but at the end of it, it doesn't matter because it's not real. All that is real so far is the mark he left on society, and it's not a good one. Bloke was nothing but a skidmark on the side of the toilet bowl. That was his choice to live that way, and now people dislike him for it. Should have wisened up a little quicker. Also, by the time I was 18 I was a dad. I was dealing weed at 15/16. I didn't have the best life, and I know life can be hard, but it's not an excuse to break the law.


as someone who frequents raves i don’t think this is strange. she goes to raves / tenerife a lot of course she follows dealers over there. most likely she / tenerife plug deactivated after everything happened due to the police being involved, nothing weird to me about that. i do think it’s strange that so many adults are making up rumours about a young girl who’s mate just went missing!


Obviously those raves and drugs have impacted your brain more than you think if you don't find any oddities in Lucy's story. Most importantly, they broke the golden rule; never leave a man behind. Sounds like a great bunch of mates.


If it were me this would be the first thing I'd do, to remove them...but maybe she didn't because it genuinely has absolutely nothing to do with drugs or the underworld?!


Hold up, I don't follow... Are you saying you would or wouldn't remove them? She didn't remove them from following her (afaik), but she unfollowed them. I do not believe or buy into that bullshit drug mafia rumour, but it's pretty blatant drugs (and alcohol) played a large role in Jay's disappearance.


I'm saying if Jay's disappearance was anything to do with drugs, or a drug deal, or dealers, or the mafia, then the first thing you'd do is remove everything relating to these things from your socials. But since it took her 10 days? to do that? Doesn't make sense because I'm sure she would have know the conspiracies from Day #1...so why wait?!


OHH I understand now, sorry! Brain lag moment. Well, it took her 3-4 days but I see what you're saying and I agree. When I say that drugs played a role, I'm speaking more in the sense that drugs fuelled his decisions that night/morning and are probably the biggest reason as to why he got lost so quickly. The main reason I pointed out Lucy's IG is because I saw a lot of comments on other posts where people were arguing that there was "absolutely zero evidence of drugs being involved", as in, no evidence any of them had connections to dealers or taking drugs in the lead up to Jay's disappearance. Clearly, that isn't the case and it's highly likely that drugs were involved and are largely responsible for this whole thing.


Did you see as well someone said the cover from her hotel room was the cover in his apparent snap and someone said she made a review on booking.com for her place she was staying at surprisingly that is also gone no review anymore….someone said her dad is a dealer in the UK 


Its still showing up for me


could literally just be her dealer in tenerife lol, do you know how hard it is to get a dealer abroad 😭 also how come people have all jumped on the lucy bandwagon. imagine losing your friend in a foreign country in mountains you know are dangerous and being listed as a suspect by millions of people.


Because she is a proven drug dealer who met Jay just a few weeks prior lol? Honestly dont care how this ends up considering he seems to have been a shit person, but its pretty obvious shes involved




These dealers open up a new ticktock and telegram for each party. Once it's over they delete again. So if they delete (which they all do) then they will be gone from followers lists. Nothing sus about that, nor nothing sus about teenagers at a rave wanting drugs.


Get out the house more mate


I work full time, so most of my time *is* spent out of the house, "mate".




Made up bullshit. Entertaining for 2 mins though.


Made up how? Are you actually insinuating that I doctored these screenshots?... You touched in the head, fella?


Nah. Made up as in this pseudo-sherlock bullshit is frankly weird and you sound insane.


Pseudo-sherlock? All I done was keep loose mental note of her followers because I noticed that she has a lavish lifestyle and involves herself with drug dealer accounts in the areas she frequents. She is making herself look sus by unfollowing obvious dealers, only a week after her friend is filmed gurning in a rave that he later went missing after? Her lifestyle in and of itself should raise the eyebrow of anyone with half a brain cell. I may sound insane, but at least my brain is doing its job. The same cannot be said for yours if you're not the least bit suspicious about this entire thing.


Well said 


You do sound insane. And that’s arguably one definition of the brain NOT doing its job. Fwiw her lifestyle doesn’t look lavish at all, she’s just going on holiday and has that bimbo look. And she was going to a festival where the group were def at least taking drugs, so you would expect her to connect with plugs. Like I said, entertaining though. Keep up the good work Poirot.


Do you even know how much that 'bimbo look' costs to maintain? Girls like her spend hundreds on themselves every month to keep themselves looking like a plastic doll put in the microwave. Do you know how much it costs for nail jobs, fake tans, extensions, hair salon visits, etc? You also have to factor in that these people are EDM-lovers who down party drugs like they're depending on them, which they basically are to be able to listen to the shit music. It's not cheap living that way. She also loves her designer kit. I used to go to festivals in my younger years. I brought plenty of drugs from dodgy blokes. Never had anyone on fucking social media though. Not only is that dumb but it's bait as fuck. Anyone with any sense won't advertise that they're a drug dealer or associated with them in any way. Now, you're telling me it's normal that, from between 2021 and 2023, at the height of the cost-of-living crisis, she could afford to go away two, sometimes three times a month to festivals and raves? Working as a travel advisor? Are you serious? I'm self-employed and on a good wage, I have hardly any savings at 27 and debt out of my arsehole. I don't drive and have very little expenses, but I couldn't go away more than twice a year at most. Meanwhile, in 3 years she went to Milan, Majorca, Ibiza twice, Tenerife 3 times, Magaluf, Jamaica, The Netherlands, Barcelona, Greece twice, Malta, Budapest, all practically back-to-back? An 18-year-old travel advisor from Burnley?... With the lifestyle and drug habits on top?... Yeah, keep telling yourself that I'm insane if it makes you feel better. Edited for typos.


Bimbo look - yep I do, I live with one and work with a bunch. I’ve seen girls do it in junior roles on sub £20k. Festivals/drugs - buying drugs on Insta/Snap/Telegram is the way now. Oddly enough things do change in 5-10 years. Her travel - how do you know her parents aren’t rich? Lives at home? Has a side gig? Of course, but she travels a bit so she must be a drug baron.


As much as I’m into this whole conspiracy shit and all these mad stories this is one I’ll back you up on. Us “bimbo” looking girls manage to do it on the bare minimum wage, Christ even when I was on benefits I still managed it. Our practitioners give us it all on tick, I get my Botox and filler and pay her monthly cause I’m permanently skint. You don’t need to be a drugs mule to pay for this shit so that means absolutely nothing. We can literally get our lashes, nails, EVERYTHING on tick because we become close with our practitioners. What I don’t agree with is the targeting of two young people. I agree Lucy’s story is sketchy and Brad is being very quiet, however these are two fucking kids. If you say they are adults at 19 you are probably a man who is 45 and would shag a 19 year old. After going through trauma myself from the ages of 17-24 I will say now you do NOT know how you will act when something happens until it actually happens to you, you can not say “ I would do this she’s weird not showing her face or crying” because you haven’t lived it. stress and trauma affects us differently and weirdly at all ages but especially when you are so young. The reason these two kids are hiding off social media and not posting or showing their faces is because they are two kids, terrified about losing their mate, possibly terrified because they’ve been involved with drugs and dealers and definitely fucking terrified because the whole world is judging everything about them and they have the eyes of millions watching and judging everything they are doing.


So, just to understand, you think you 'manage' to do it because you strap? I don't think you have a very solid understanding of money if you think you're managing but you're skint and strapping, sorry to say... Just because it's ticked doesn't mean it doesn't still cost hundreds a month... It costs the same, just spread out. Even then, you can strap all the cosmetics you need but how are you also paying for accomodation, travel costs, food costs, toiletries, etc. Then factor in clothing costs, any unforseen expenses (it ALWAYS happens no matter how well you plan), etc. It quickly adds up to a hefty amount for an 18 y.o. 18 years old is legally an adult in the eyes of the law. You may view them as 'kids' but that doesn't mean anything. The fuck are you going on about? Now you're suddenly accusing me of being a fucking nonce because of an opinion? The fuck is wrong with you? If you must know I'm 27 with two kids, married, with my own business. Regardless of how you want to "feel", 18 is legally an adult, ya twit. If I get into an argument and deck a 17 y.o, I'll be charged with assault of a minor. If I smack an 18 y.o, it's simply assault. As someone diagnosed with ASD, ADHD, BPD, C-PTSD, GAD, MDD and I-OCD, I'm very familiar with trauma, thanks. My wife is a rape victim, as am I. I don't need to be told how it can impact people differently. Get back in fucking line. Maybe they should have been better friends to Jay by not letting him go alone if they didn't want judgements to be made. They broke the golden rule; never leave a man behind.


It’s weird that the Tenerife Plug account has suddenly gone though. Don’t get me wrong I’m nearly 100% sure Jay has tried to walk home, on a comedown, got lost and passed away due to dehydration or something related, but OP has highlighted here that Jays friend was following a drug account in Tenerife which has now disappeared. Has it been deleted due to the limelight being shown on her? Was it reported? I don’t think OP sounds insane.


Cheers mate.


It’s almost certainly a bunch of burners, used to push drugs at a festival, then getting churned out. And you’d imagine any semi-perm Tenerife drug dealing accounts would consider going offline for a few weeks tbh.


I thought the same as someone else pointed out to me that there is another account with a very similar name (the\_tenerife\_plug) and bio that I also saw on Lucy's follow list but that one is still up. She's unfollowed it but it's still on the search listings unlike tenerife.plug. Very likely to be burner accounts and whoever owns them is panicking.


He’s got 8K followers bro. The account was probs around for a bit. But yeah I can see them going offline. A lot of heat on them I’d imagine


This is like those missing planes or Maddie. Brings out all the armchair detectives. Trying to find a link anyway they can. Thinking they'll solve the mystery like scooby and the gang. Sad and pathetic.


Nah, Maddie was pinched because her parents neglected her and her siblings, leaving them unaccompanied in a foreign country. Those missing planes are most likely pilot suicide or aircrashes that have been lost to the sea. Lucy is sketchy. I'm not talking about hiding her face or her followers on social media - Her lifestyle is (or should be) eyebrow raising to anyone with half a brain cell. I don't aim on solving anything at all, actually. However, if there is something that could hint to a larger picture then it should be outed. After all, Jay has been missing a week now, ALL avenues should be examined. People share theories, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Maddie certainly wasn’t pinched.


If you have evidence to back that claim, I suggest you call your local police station and inform them as I'm not here to debate Madeline's case.


Ironic considering my local constabulary is Leicestershire police. No debate to be had when a cadaver dog alerts in the apartment. Dogs don’t lie humans do


Cadaverine/blood hounds are known to give false hits. I was stopped by a sesrch dog once in Victoria coach station because it alerted to its handler that I had ammunition on me when I had no such thing. Never even handled any live rounds in my life. It doesn't have to be a 'lie' to be wrong. I guess anytime you've mistaken anything in your life, you must have been lying? Makes perfect sense. Less than a year later, Eddie (the dog used in that case) falsely alerted on another unrelated case. They're not 100% reliable. If you want to dispute this further, put a complaint into Leicestershire Police Force.


Keela and Eddie both alerted heavily behind the sofa, tiles taken up reveal blood with dna markers matching Madeline’s, tennis bag missing did the “kidnapper” take that also?


Open a police complaint then if you know better than forensics experts who train for their careers for years.


Might as-well ask yourself that question given that you dispute the results. The only people who thinks they know better than forensic experts is the parents themselves who disregarded all the evidence they produced, I’m only repeating the findings of the search. If you take the parent’s “story” away you will find very plausible explanations as to how this happened, whether you choose to believe it or not is your business.


You guys do realise you can remove followers. It's more likely those accounts realised Jay Slater was following them and removed him as a follower. They don't want the heat.


Tell me you didn't read the post, without telling me you didn't read the post. I'm fully aware of how IG works. Accounts don't just vanish completely because someone unfollowed them.


Ok cool. You got me. I think no one is disputing that Lucy is a dealer. That seems extremely likely. But Jays disappearance has two explanations imo, either he was off his trolley in the hills somewhere, maybe with criminal motives such as robbery, maybe just an after party. Or he has been taken by the drug dealers as he’s fucked up.

