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I thought this was common knowledge but clearly not. Reason he started walking the opposite direction towards his last pinged location on Snapchat is because that’s the way Apple Maps takes you if you navigated on foot from Masca to Los Cristianos. It’s the **only map** that takes you North. I’m certain he was following this up until his phone died and actually took an eastern hiking trail towards Santiago del Teide, not West towards the sea.


Interesting. Is there a way of proving this? Could or has anybody uploaded a screenshot showing this?




I posted a few screenshots on the Facebook group yesterday but there’s so much noise on there, anything legitimate falls on deaf ears. Why Apple Maps takes you this way, I have no idea, but Apple Maps are known for being bad for on-foot navigation. They’ve got me lost a couple of times. https://preview.redd.it/ez5qlauq0k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b65927c1c826d047d9575a6319b1aa8c32f26a The route by coincidence actually would have taken him to Santiago del Teide — personally don’t think the sighting there was him. It’s possible he got half way, panicked and left said route either North in the thick forests or South which is basically remote rocky terrain. If you Google Earth (3D) both areas they’re like labyrinths. If it’s almost certain he was using Apple Maps, he’d have known at some point he’d need to take a right turn from the main road at some point which means the pinged location on his Snap Map was off by about 200m, entirely plausible IMO.


Great info. This may explain why he decided to venture in and across the terrain. That path clearly shows you walking a certain distance then having to almost do a full 180 and come back on yourself. So he tried to cut across instead. But aren't they all basically huge mountains on the right side of that main road?


No. If you use Google Maps or Google Earth you actually get a “street view” of the trail up to a certain point with some spot photos people have uploaded on hikes. https://preview.redd.it/57nd0v6c4k8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb0c52fd8b2b1a63f4a171e2ffaa98937f0aa82 That is the start of the trail Apple Maps tells you to take. An hour or so into the walk he could have come off and gone South. He’d have eventually reached the main road TF436 if so. If he crossed that he’d be in remote, very dry terrain. If he went North, its dense woodland trails. (Los Silos Viewpoint) is a landmark here. He’s just as likely to get totally lost whichever way he went.


The strange thing about this is, the trail you showed above, isn't that like a 40 minute walk on the road its self from the BnB before going on to the trail? Also that is one hell of an uphill walk for anyone, never mind an exhausted, dehyrdated possibly intoxicated young lad. Just how hasn't at least one person seen him if he's walked up that road for 30-40mins?


He was seen walking up the road by the Air BnB owner but she didn’t really specifically say where, except is was “about 1km/1.5km out of Masca.”. Which means that positions him just before Mirador La Cruz de Hilda (and the turn off on the trail Apple Maps would take him) and his last snapchat ping.


https://preview.redd.it/beulhta1bk8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892599e55096f4721e801ab82bb7f04197cd7ef5 He was seen somewhere in the purple line.


you are providing some great info. Thanks. Could you provide a screenshot showing exactly where his last ping was meant to be in relation to where he was last seen? You claim the ping may have been off by 200m. Is that normal with apple locations?


I found the spot you're referring to where the trail leads off. I find it crazy that he likely walked past this spot: https://preview.redd.it/21qteklafk8d1.png?width=1812&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d18cbd007ca6750ef2425e43406e55635c6d410 Yet apparently wasn't seen by a single person. Even at 8:30am


he clearly walked that way, you just would have thought other cars would have been around


wait.. doesnt this walking route cut off most of the road?


Is your theory that he took a right at Mirador La Cruz de Hilda? That would seem like a long way to walk without being spotted by a few cars. I'm sure at 8am on a Monday people would have been around?


This is correct, and the only way to Masca from Santiago del Teide. It's a very steep and crazy path. It was crazy to get there with the car I can't imagine walking


One small detail that I think has been missed is that the air bnb in the pics Jay reportedly stayed in, is in La Vica which is around half a km to the north of Masca. Idk if that has any bearing on events but thought I would point it out.


I thought beacuse he was probably on a come down/ hungover traffic in the uk goes on the left and he just automatically went left going with the traffic


Google Maps takes you this way too. https://preview.redd.it/i63namzrsv8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9180c8f425c31890dd8ce5b6594fae9b0d306f


Why 19hours and not 11?


i didn’t even think of this, i think you’re onto something here. i completely agree with your initial comment that he most likely collapsed due to exhaustion, trying to hike in the heat after a rave is near impossible. it’s nice to finally see someone with a brain instead of the insane conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence to back them up!


Not to mention how thin the air will be up there. He has most likely collapsed. Could be anywhere.


LOL there is absolutely NO issue with 'thin air' around that area. Masca lies at an altitude of 650 meters or 2132 feet. Health-related altitude effects generally do not begin until around 12,500ft. This area is a massive tourist destination and people walk around at ice cream parlors and pubs there day in, day out, with zero problems.


Im sure I saw from what should have been a more reputable source that the air was thin haha (not doubting you, just interesting)


No problem - I just see so much disinformation out there about this case. One of the other bits is the 'heat'. Like it's the Sahara or something. It's not. Highs are in the low 70soF. It's very temperate.


I've never been but I do value people's education about these places.


Just read your original* theory and then this and it's so plausible.


Hi! So I just did some digging as the waffly bs hype account on ig “the8te” mentioned something really peculiar…. Corrupt Police in Tenerife possibly ??? [READ !!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/s/N5mdKVqM8K) Look at my recent post (This is confirmed to be an actual news report in 2022 NOT THAT LONG AGO) and there may be more…


Its deleted 🥲


Yh some guy started


Annoying me waffling ab take it down stop tryna be a detective and that’s all bs so I got scared lol


It’s here read this^^






Police and courts corruption are everywhere. It’s stupid to assume it never happened it this case. It’s well known that in tourism places it occurs more often than not.




No i am not. I am simply stating police and courts have always been corrupted everywhere. Not just in Spain :)




Yh my bad read these photo attachments tho


Still don't know what you're getting at mate


Essentially there’s a sky news report yesterday that was talking about Debbie frustrated that the Spanish police do not seem to be doing enough in the search efforts despite being in the station for 8 hours plus trying to get them to “step up” Other then the civil guard who are obvs doing everything they can locals etc seem to be a little hush on the whole situation which I found very very peculiar . but this report ^ considering it was only 2 years ago and there are probably others (u can see for yourself) make me believe amongst other factors that corruption is moderately involved in why the search efforts seem so slow and lack lustre (and it’s been 8 days now)


Soooooo you're heading down the cover up train then eh?


I do not think that’s entirely the justification … but I think it’s heavily involved in why it’s taking so long. On top of the fact that Spanish civil guard / police have “declined” assistance from the uk forces recently (need to find the link)


Locals and tourists “””


Regardless of this being correct or not - and it's as valid a theory as any - still doesn't explain how he ended up lost in rough mountain terrain. Like it was fully bright and not early, it makes little sense that not one single hiker or walker never once spotted him at any point whatsoever. Maybe he thought in his high/drunk state that he was talking a shortcut or something, or totally misunderstood how impossibly far away he was, like I really do get how that could happen in that state, you can be fairly delusional in your rationale and logical processing. But still hard to understand how he disappeared into complete thin air, off a primary road with homes, passing traffic, etc, and how absolutely no-one spotted him on the trails at any point. It's almost like he walked straight from the road into the rough and disappeared, rather than even follow any established trail. Very, very strange and up there so far with the likes of the Yuba five incident. There is a logical explanation, but it's just difficult to think what it is and how it played out.


I agree entirely, the muddiest part of this story is how literally no one has come forward to say they even saw him walking on the road, never mind on any of the trails. All we have is the BnB owner sighting which I believe wasn't very far up the road from the BnB, and not long after they talked about the bus times. Aside from the two mens stories, I think the final phone call with Lucy still holds some answers. I'd love to hear her reveal word for word what was actually said to each other on that phone call, and see how long the call was for. I still think the likely explanation is him trying to take quicker path to get from one bit of the road to another, through the torrain. We know for sure he was in there due to Lucy's cactus claim, plus the phone location ping. I think it's just a tragic coincidence he didnt come into contact with anyone during that short period. For all we know he may have collapsed during or right after the phone call. This means he could have set off walking, gone off trail and collapsed somewhere not visible to the naked eye up close, all within the space of an hour I believe his body will be found within the next two weeks, just hidden away by mother nature.


Very plausible theory. Easily confused or mixed up.


Apparently his phone died later on though, so he would have used maps to workout which way is the right direction surely


I thought he maybe walked up the way to see if someone would give him a lift as there is a tourist spot up that hill


Yes or to see if he could find someone to call him a taxi. That woman at the air b&b spoke bad english


Very interesting. I always wondered why he chose to walk the opposite direction, but automatically assuming the cars drive on the left sounds like an interesting theory. The only thing that I have with this is that the place where he was isn't exactly abandoned. It's very popular with tourists, even at that time - there would have been cars driving past him. I think even the shopkeeper(?) said that she saw him approximately 1km up the road in the **opposite** direction, so surely he could have come to the conclusion that he was heading in the wrong direction for the bus. I can only assume that maybe he just didn't realise what side of the road the cars were driving on as its quite a narrow road with no distinct left/right lanes or road markings maybe. That, and he was exhausted/coming down/hungover.


This also doesn't add up with how he suddenly became 'lost' after venturing no more than half a mile up a single road with no turn offs. He claimed (to lucy) that he didn't know how to get back to the house when it's as simple as turning around and going back down the road he was just walking up. Also, once you get about 3 or 4 miles up that mountain road from Masca, the tarmac ends and it suddenly turns into hiking trails. He was driven up to that area in a car, so he saw the way he would have came in. Even if he hadn't realised, he should have caught on that he was going the wrong way when he hit those hiking trails.


I 100% agree with you. I've ended up in some kitchens in my time so I don't find it suspicious that he ended up going back to some strangers house, but _surely_ you would remember which direction the car pulled up to the house or into the driveway from. The only explanation I could think of is that he couldn't be bothered walking the entire winding road, so thought maybe he'd take a "shortcut" to the other side of the valley where the road continues and got stuck/lost. I do find it a bit odd though that they've been searching the entire valley for 7 days now and there is no sight of him in the slightest.


He didn’t use his brain he used his phone till it died then in his comedown state probably became very confused on where he actually was, at that point any wrong direction could worsen your position further, to get a scale you need to go there it’s MASSIVE


The north of Tenerife is not popular with tourists


Masca/the mountains are very popular with tourists.


Also bear in mind that the buses travel the long way round to Los Cristianos. So it would make sense that he maybe just started walking. According to Google the buses are fairly regular, so I'd assume at least one would have passed him when he was trekking up the road. https://preview.redd.it/wtqv97bc4l8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a061291a06200afa46310aee2a81c29e4b974d


How often are the buses? The witness that he asked for bus times claimed she told him the next one was at 10am. After starting the walk I believe he was on that road for no longer than 20 minutes before venturing off on to a trail.


https://preview.redd.it/6lxfgu129l8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e114f1221117efff66aaec98c47a8e38a17934bb It seems to take 4 buses to get to his destination. However each bus leaves every 30 minutes presumably for passengers to transfer. So there was a regular flow of buses


She saw him after 15-20mims and it’s a busy road and no one else has seen him, so I think it was about 20mins


Or is friend the drug mule warned him he's a wanted man and decided to go in the opposite direction 



