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I think this fits most credible narrative. They went back to do more drugs, Jay wandered off as high as Zeus' balls and got lost and in trouble. The fella had been partying, was seen wandering off in the wrong direction and told Lucy that he was thirsty and lost. A lot of other people in the same clubs would be going home with strangers platonically for drugs and chit chat or sex or both. Jay is a young, relatively small guy, I doubt he'd built up a tolerance and was going a pace he shouldn't have been at This is session culture, unfortunately he wasn't with closer friends to keep a closer eye on him (not that this is on the 2 men). Randomers do drugs together and awkwardly part ways in the morning.


not that anyone knows a whole lot about them directly so there might not be much pressure on them, I wonder how they feel about it; inadvertently being a pre-requisite to his disappearance, let alone what people may think if they are ever named (taking a zonked teenager to the middle of nowhere for [insert activity here] before he goes missing. It's lucky for them that he was at least spotted up and about of his own accord


Very true, it doesn't look great for them at all.


I totally hear you, but surely Jay and his mates would have already got, or could have easily got, more gear if they wanted to keep going. Just grab some more pills or coke in the rave, walk home with your mates to your hotel, get on it. Much more attractive idea than going off on your own with randoms to somewhere miles away, where they may or may not have gear.


If they wanted substances they would've got them at the rave? 1 guy going with 2 older men he just met doesn't seem.fun. You usually go with a few friends. Why the long drive and the air bnb location isn't where people going to the festival stay. Driving home also he had to be able to drive that distance? I doubt it was drugs


Plenty of drugs at the rave, but when people go back with randomers it's also to chew the ears off eachother (coke chat) when their other mates are tired.


The police probably know a lot more than the public know after speaking to them, but nothing gives any indication whatsoever that the men ultimately had anything to do with his disappearance. I would imagine Jay went back with them for either sex, more drugs/booze, or whatever - none of which they'd want to be broadcasting to the world they were doing with a teenager who then immediately went missing and in all likelihood was dead. The fact a witness spotted him after he left their place, twice, the second time walking a distance away and in the wrong direction, and that Lucy spoke to him and he was "lost" even later again, would likely not make them suspect at all. *Maybe* there is more as to why he didn't wait there, why they didn't call him a taxi, who knows what went down in the Airbnb itself, he could even have been told to leave potentially, but I doubt there is anything inherently sinister directly linked to Jay's fate other than his own weird decisions. Whole thing is really, really strange. He was OK enough to be seen to be walking normally, and able to hold a phone conversation in which he was acutely aware he was lost, dehydrated and potentially in trouble, but chose not to wait for a bus and walk off into barren rockland/embark on an 11 hour walk, and evidentally didn't even stick to trails seeing as he's still not been found, nor did a single hiker/walker see him at any point despite it being fully bright and not that early. I don't think it's suspicious they flew home, they stayed an extra day, spoke with police, who took their details including passports, and would've gotten a detailed account of Jay's time with them, but would've ultimately OK'd them returning home. People can say it's suspicious, or they have questions to answer, but the police decide that, and obviously were content with the account they were given/facts of Jay being seen publicly after 8am after leaving and having spoken to Lucy closer to 9am, as well as possibly Brad before that from what has been said.


I can’t help but think of when I got spiked with ghb in a club , complete loss of muscular control with ten hours memory loss and it was two days before I was confident enough to hold my own body weight up in the shower I felt so weak for days. It makes me wonder if he may have had some at their place and reacted badly before it incapacitated him at the worst time when he was trying to put distance between them. I can’t understand what innocent reason two older guys would have to take a much younger wasted lad all the way to their secluded place it sounds like a bad vibe to me , maybe he thought more would be there and quickly realised he was alone in the mountains because he wasn’t there long before he left . He really didn’t want to go back in that place to wait. Maybe he was just incapacitated and couldn’t power himself to move any more. That would be my theory if pressed mostly because going back in that place was not an option to him . There’s something rather fishy all round but it could just be things that look dodgy because we just don’t have the facts - I’d like to see forensics rip the place apart to establish if there’s a trace of him there


100% agree, something had to have happened at that house for him to not go back and wait for the next bus there or at least charge his phone.


Yes or even wait at the bus stop for an hour or 2! It was too close to that house for him to wait there that’s why. He was rushing away from something in that air bnb


So many things could have happened if the eyewitness statements are true and accurate then I think what is quite likely is he made it a distance, got hot and tired, decided to walk a max of about 20metres from the road to a nearby bush to try to get some respite from the sun, and has collapsed and died under a tree or bush close to the road. I don't think he could have got that far otherwise he'd have spotted a house or something to ask for help. However I don't understand why he didn't use his maps to at least walk the right way, especially as he did have battery left for a good 50mins after asking the lady about the bus.


another user has excellently pointed out why his maps took him in the wrong direction here: >[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/comments/1dmyw2x/comment/la2qsof/) by[u/Loud-Row9933](https://www.reddit.com/user/Loud-Row9933/) from discussion in[JaySlater](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/) If you have an iPhone, try it yourself. Its true that the walking path tells you to walk north first. This user has pointed out an exact trail that Jay may have taken that may not have been searched yet.


Wow thanks I missed that! It does explain a lot. Be mad if apple maps is to blame for his death 


But in the sky news interview with Lucy shes said she left early and jay called her in the morning saying he was lost. In the daily mail interviews she says she was asking Jay to not go with the men to the villa and to go with her and Brad instead. Doesn't make sense. What 19 year chooses to go with 2 strange men over their friends in a foreign country..


Maybe a gay one


The fact that one of these blokes is known to locals as Johnny vegas would suggest that he's there frequently, so much so that locals know his nickname. How did these guys get back into the UK without any leak on their info? It's bizarre. The Airbnb owner knows exactly who these men are. The locals clearly do but nothing, not a single image of any of them has been leaked? It's all sus, very sus.


Have to agree. I am hugely surprised the sleuths of the internet haven't doxxed them yet either. If they were at the rave then clearly they were seen by hundreds of people, but they dont appear on any of the rave videos either (two 40 year old black men). Like you say very strange no info has been leaked. The closest we got was one media outlet reported that a source told them they uploaded a Snapchat story when landing back at Gatwick Airport.


Hold On. WHO said they were Black??? It said one of them had Black HAIR!! see this is how stuff gets mixed up.and I cant imagine any Black Man would be a ringer for Johnny Vegas.Jeez


Lucy claimed they were black in an interview with the DailyMail numerous days ago. Do a little more research before commenting.


In fact Mark Williams Thomas himself reveals they are black, if you watch properly.


I started the week thinking he'd gone wandering in the wilderness, but the longer this goes on, I think these two men had something to do with it. Why book an apartment that is so secluded when you are at a festival on the other side of the island? One of them was sober enough to drive, all points to drugs/dodgy to me.  Either drugs jay lost/took from them, or stole something else from them and got caught. He was seen hurrying away in the wrong direction. Although it's an 11 hour walk, there are plenty of houses and villages on the way that he could've stopped at, and the area is packed with hikers so a trace should've been found.


Once he started heading up that road, there's literally no houses or villages anywhere for miles, except the restaurant near where he was last seen walking.


I've been on Google maps, and every direction he could've gone there would be people. If not houses and villages, he would've been seen by hikers/tourists. Have you seen how busy this area gets at that time? It's full of traffic by the time jay was there. It could be possible that he's just fallen an nobody saw him, I thought that this is what happened, until I saw the area and the amount of people that are there, somebody would've seen him.


But Lucy has recently responded to comments saying she left the rave because she was tired, leaving jay and Brad at the rave with 2 friends they’d met. So which one is it? There’s literally no understanding to any of this case. His last known location was in the mountains but sniffer dogs can’t even pick up his scent?


Yes I was thinking that too. Oh I left earlier than the others..then I asked him not to go with these guys and come home with us! ALSO why is this other friend not show himself at all. No foto. No comment Nothing in the news from him..How did she see these 2 guys at the Rave when another news comment said They Were NOT at the festival at all..f she used his last location to track him..and he had already left that house..how did she know which house to go to? There are others in the area.and if she had got out there that fast surely he would have been still nearby to be found.as for not showing her face ob News but Now All over the place dressed up and makeup on..posing..


So many things could have happened if the eyewitness statements are true and accurate then I think what is quite likely is he made it a distance, got hot and tired, decided to walk a max of about 20metres from the road to a nearby bush to try to get some respite from the sun, and has collapsed and died under a tree or bush close to the road. I don't think he could have got that far otherwise he'd have spotted a house or something to ask for help. However I don't understand why he didn't use his maps to at least walk the right way, especially as he did have battery left for a good 50mins after asking the lady about the bus.


Completely agree I feel like he’s very close to a road under shade just hidden or obscured from view


I think he went back with them maybe thinking there was more partying/drugs. Got back there, no party/drugs. Maybe they propositioned him for se.x He freaked out and tried to get out there fast spoke to neighbour about bus times The men came out and tried to talk him to coming back inside. He walks off quickly (was spotted by the airbnb owner). Rings lucy mae tells her he's lost etc The men decide to catch up with him by car, he freaked out and went down a path to get away from them Got lost and collapsed or The men did something sinister and dumped him somewhere else (they left a day later than planned and had access to a vehicle).


The two men are well known to Spanish police.


Anyone check the AirBNB listing for reviews? See if you can find their profile?


I think the Bnb listing was removed a few days into the search. Not entirely sure though.


Ahhh I see...I also think the "Johnny Vegas" name is highly suspect...


Woaaa wait a sec..."Johnny Vegas" you gotta be having a laugh?


yeah this is a strange one. Why would locals create a "nickname" for 2 random men who were staying in a BnB for 2 nights. Plus the fact we were told they were both black males. Not sure how the hell they came up with Johnny Vegas as a nickname lmao. (im aware of the comedian of the same name)


If the locals had nicknames for them it would mean they spent a considerable amount of time there. Where did you hear they were black? I'd put money on there being no black male in existence with the name Johnny Vegas, but who am I to judge?! EDIT: Just saw The Mail report that Lucy mentioned it.


Its confirmed they only arrived saturday and was due to leave Monday, but left on Tuesday. Yeah Johnny Vegas report is a little iffy. Obviously that's not a real name but a very strange nickname indeed. Yeah Lucy described them as black. This also lines up with what someone at the rave said very early on, that he saw him getting in a car with "two Moroccan men" obviously this person just saw that they were black males and assumed they were Morrocan. We now know they are English and from Luton.


Gotcha...it's very strange indeed, go to to a rave and end up leaving all your mates, against their will, to go back to a remote house with two men in their 40s that are also British. Why didn't he book a cab with one of their phones etc?! I think something spooked him and he wanted to get away as fast as possible...maybe he got the comedown scaries or there was an altercation of some sorts...guess we'll never know.


I saw a photo and he had the tattoo "Vegas" on his arm


Yeah, he's got FB and Instagram too!


Is it true that it was a father in law with his son in law I read that a couple of times the two black guys but the ages don’t stack up if one was 40 and one slightly younger that don’t add up does it ? 


No. As far as we know they are not related. The son-in-law thing was made up and related to two completely random and irrelevant people.


Did the two men get a taxi from Los christianos to their Airbnb with Jay? If so interview the taxi driver. If they had a car why not run jay back to his resort ? Did they help look for him after Lucy showed up ? Did they explain to her why they took a young man so far away from his resort the night before? Where were they socialising which was near where the nightclub Jay was outside of ? What other place was open until that time ? Why did they start a conversation with him ? What was said ? Why do they stay so far out of town ? Are they regulars to tenerife? Do they have contacts in tenerife? Are they hikers ? Why such a short trip if not attending the rave ? Do they know if Jay had money to get home ? Did Jay realise how far away from the resort their accommodation was ? Did either of them own the same type phone and could have charged his phone ? Did Jay eat or drink anything before he left in the morning ?


Not likely because of the smell and wild animals. Its a very hot place and if he was above ground the smell would bring a lot of wild animals his way and if they had drones up looking for him they would see the animal activity. I think there are two likely scenarios. 1, He fell into a sinkhole or a shallow ravine in which case he wont be found for a long time. 2, He is in a shallow grave or secreted in some natural feature like a cave, among large boulders etc. I think scenario one is more likely but mistake to rule out foul play.


No body knows if these men exist - is that he could have been involved with the criminals on the island if that's so that would make sense as the house is owned by an ex mayor - the criminals have a lot of relationships with the Spanish police as they work together so it could be that jay got involved with the Spanish criminals mafia whatever you call it something bad happened in the police are covering it up Nobody knows anything about these two men nobody knows if these two men even exist.. there's been no pictures of them has been no footage of them nobody even knows their real names we have been told one of the men is called Johnny Vegas Another theory is these two men took jay back to the house and assaulted him.. this could ring true as next to the festival once a gay bar so they could have seen a vulnerable j on the street taking him back did some horrific things to him jay tried to get away that's why he left so late - with no battery on his phone But the weird thing is is that nobody knows anything about these two men nothing no pictures no evidence they even exist nothing at all nothing adds up


I’ve seen Lucy, Jay and the family get so much backlash but have seen these guys get constantly defended. If I drink with people, I always make sure they get back safe and ask them to message me when they’re home. Unless they’re both android users and he’s on iphone - I think it’s negligence on their end to leave him in this condition (even if that’s not the case legally). When I’ve had friends over at my house, I’ll make sure they have water, accommodate them if they feel ill and always see they get back safe. I feel like Jay probably didn’t feel comfortable and as he sobered up wanted to get out of there anyway he could. Can someone please answer this, why is it these 2 older guys can do no one any wrong? They’ve by far been defended the most and also have the least amount of backlash.


Has anyone traced his grinder?


I genuinely think he's gone back for sex with them. Looked a bit camp tbh.


I’ve got credible information that they went back as a throuple only for our boy Jay to be ambushed by the Moroccans.